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2018 News Releases




Aussies head to ARDF World Championships

Date : 11 / 07 / 2018
Author : Jack VK3WWW

Later this year a team of amateurs from Austalia will experience thorn Bushes, deep ravines along with daily temperatures about 20 degrees celsius. They also need to be prepared for rain and cold.

No, this is not a SOTA report but a description of the terrain facing competitors in the 19th IARU World ARDF Championships.

Competition commences September 2nd and finishes September 8th 2018. It is expected that over 400 people from 25 Amateur Radio Societies around the world will be meeting in Sokcho City Ganwon-Do Province South Korea, this championship event is being hosted by the Korean Amateur Radio League.

Among the competitors will be a team of 5 including VK3OW, VK3FJTE, VK3FDAC, VK3ADY and VK3WWW representing Australia.

There are 4 ARDF events at this world championships. They are, Sprint, Foxor, Classic 80m ARDF and Classic 2m ARDF.

As you could imagine competition at this level is very tough. Even finishishing in the top 10 in the world is a great achievement.

More information about ARDF can be found on the Victorian ARDF Group webpage:
Wishing all the competitors both local and International the very best for the competition.

Cheers from Jack VK3WWW
WIA ARDF Coordinator

Page Last Updated: Wednesday 11 July 2018 at 16:36 hours by Peter Clee


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