Author : Wireless Institute Of Australia Publisher : Wireless Institute Of Australia ISBN : EAN : 450000
Dimensions (cm) : 29.7(H) x 21.0(W) x 1.2(T) Weight (kg) : 0.51
Stock Status : In Stock (23) Added To Bookshop : 10/
Selected Contents
World War I: An inspired experimenter and leader: Walter Hannam – his part of the jigsaw! The spark gap signal that changed ANZAC history: Telegrapher William Wolseley Falconer, RAN
Between the Wars: Bert Billings XJP, his service through WWI and WWII [The First and Last ANZAC Wireless Operator?] YLs at War HK Love A3BM/VK3KU: WW1 fighter pilot, engineer, magazine editor, explorer, electronics developer, WIA executive
World War II: “Snow” Campbell VK3MR, International DXer, Prisoner Of War Making ‘Winnie the war winner’ Recollections of Air Warning and Coast Watching in New Guinea
The modern Era: Australians at war get a radio station – Radio DJ Vietnam Things Naval
Epilogue The ANZAC 100 activities begin The Centenary of Gallipoli: The opening address for the Centenary celebrations Closure of the ANZAC Centenary Stories from Centenary activation events.
Plus many more articles previously published in Amateur Radio magazine and several new stories.