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This is WIANEWS for week commencing May 17 2009


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This is WIANEWS for week commencing May 17 2009

May 18 WW World Telecom Day

WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI

Aussie research takes on IT giants and wins

Quay West Resort Noosa Century Bike Ride

CEPT Appointment for RSGB President

New Trans-Tasman CW & Digital Contest

Echoes of Apollo - Honeysuckle Creek

Hams communicating to the sound of squealing tyres

All up and coming in this edition of
WIANEWS for week commencing May 17


WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI

Last week I told you a little about our Annual General Meeting and Open
Forum weekend, held at the Gippsland Campus of Monash University at
Churchill on 2nd May.

It was built around the highly successful Eastern Zone Amateur Radio Club
annual conference, Gipps Tech, as GippsTech Special edition. I should tell
you that the real Gipps Tech this year will be held on the weekend of 11 and
12 July, so think seriously of going.

The presentations over the weekend were fascinating, and extremely well
presented. Thank you everyone who contributed, and particularly Peter
Freeman, VK3KAI.

One item during the Open Forum was the announcement that particular emphasis
would be placed on emergency communications during the forthcoming year,
with three directors led by Phil Wait as Coordinator with WIA RTO Fred
Swainston to formulate and accredit amateurs gaining nationally recognised
competencies relevant to the provision of emergency services.

Let me tell you of two awards that were presented during the Open Forum.

Tony Hutchison VK5ZAI is the WIA ARISS Coordinator and ARISS Coordinator for
the Asia Pacific Region.

Tony says that ARISS, Amateur Radio on International Space Station is a
positive way of introducing our hobby of amateur radio to students, and
others throughout the world by demonstrating how it's used to communicate
with the crews on the International Space Station.

The value of Tony's contribution to amateur radio and the WIA was recognised
by the presentation of the Chris Jones Award at the Open Forum following the
WIA's Annual General Meeting at the Gippsland Campus of Monash University,
Churchill on 2nd May 2009.

The award is a handsome glass plaque with the following inscription:
"The Chris Jones Award honours the memory of a man who was dedicated
to the advancement of amateur radio and whose unfailing commitment
and vision led to a new Wireless Institute of Australia and whose
unfailing courtesy and genuine friendliness is fondly remembered by
all who knew him."

Tony accepted the award, thanking all those who had supported ARISS.

The other award I will mention today was the rarely presented G A Taylor
medal. This award was first suggested back in 1981, finally being struck
in Perth in 1988. The medal is awarded in recognition of exceptional
service to The Wireless Institute of Australia.

Major George Augustus Taylor was the founding Chairman of the Wireless
Institute of New South Wales in 1910, out of which grew today's Wireless
Institute of Australia.

I presented that award to Peter Freeman VK3KAI. While Peter has contributed
to amateur radio in many ways, in particular with the annual GippsTech
conference conducted by the Eastern Zone Amateur Radio Club, it is ongoing
contribution as Editor of Amateur Radio and Chairman of the Publications
Committee that we honoured.

I particularly acknowledge ongoing pressure of deadlines imposed on those
producing the magazine.

In accepting the medal Peter expressed his surprise and gratitude, paying
tribute to all of the Publication Committee members who worked for the
success of the magazine.

The weekend was judged a great success by all who participated in it, and I
would like to thank all those who contributed, most particularly to
Robert Broomhead, and Peter Freeman.

Aussie research takes on IT giants and wins

Modern wireless technology has many applications adding to the utility of
lap-top computers and a wide range of other devices.

The Australian government's research arm, the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) took 14 major companies to court
claiming infringement of its US patent on wireless local area network

The fight was over the CSIRO standard 802.11 used in most wireless devices.

While the exact settlement details remain confidential, in dollar terms it
will be substantial. Those to pay include Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Dell,
Microsoft, Toshiba, Nintendo, Belkin and Netgear.

The CSIRO conceived the idea of the wireless technology in the early 1990s
and took out a patent in 1996.

The first wireless cards based on the CSIRO's system appeared in 2002.
Attempts during the next three years to negotiate licences with the companies
using it failed - they would not pay royalties.

So the CSIRO took legal action and a US judge has finalised a settlement in
favour of CSIRO. It also sends a clear message that the CSIRO will fight to
protect all of the rights flowing from its research undertaken on behalf of
the Australian taxpayers.

I'm Jim Linton VK3PC and you're listening to VK1WIA.

Around Australia

vk1 local news email and ask for subscription.

CRARC Tuesday night Technical Night and Monday Night Committee meetings

For the coming meetings CRARC haves:

May 25th Dean VK1DW - "SDR the fun way and a brief introduction to doing

June 22nd Mark Roberts -Franchise Owner of Battery World talking about
"Correct battery disposal procedures".

Keep an eye on CRARC web site for further details and updates.

web service:-
VKG Roundup

The Oxley Region Amateur Radio Clubs 34th annual field day is being held
Sunday June 7th at the Sea Scouts Hall in Buller Street Port Macquarie.

Traditionally it was a 2 day field day, but they have found it necessary to
reduce it to an one day event.

But for the avid fox hunter, they will be holding some events on the
Saturday afternoon, the venue will be the Sea Scouts hall.

Saturday 6 June 2009
1:00 pm 2 metre mobile
2:00 pm 80 metre pedestrian
3:00 pm 2 metre talk in
5:30 to 6 pm Port Macquarie Scramble any power, any band, any mode any
location. Highest number of contacts in 30 mins.
6:30 pm Social tea at the Port City Bowling Club, Owen Street Port Macquarie.
Smorgasbord at reasonable prices and own expense, or make own
arrangements for evening meal.

Sunday 7 June 2009
9:00 am doors open for sales
10:00 am 80 metre event mobile
11:00 am 40 metre pedestrian transistor radio only
11:30 am BBQ lunch $5 available includes can of soft drink
1:30 pm 2 metre mobile
2:30 pm 2 metre pedestrian
3:30 pm Presentations

Please note that table sales will only be on Sunday 7 June.

(John McLean VK2KC ORARC Prom Officer.)

Westlake's Amateur Radio Club held it's AGM Saturday 9th May with an
exceptional attendance. It was standing room only in the Library.

Following the unanimous acceptance of both special resolutions, the election
of Management Committee was conducted.

The successful applicants are as follows.

President Frank VK2FJL
Vice President Steve VK2XWL
Secretary/Treasurer Greg VK2CW

Working Committee:
Allan VK2JED
Dave VK2RD
Michael VK2ZEN
Keith VK2PKT
Colin VK2YP
Barry VK2BZ
Barrie VK2CXA

Congratulations to all.

web service local news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

Quay West Resort Noosa Century Bike Ride

A bike ride from Brisbane to Noosa is being held on Sunday 14th of June.
Manned checkpoints will operate over the length of the course relaying safety
and progress information. Operators from Redcliffe, Caboolture and Sunshine
Coast Amateur Radio Clubs will be required. Contact Noel VK4NL or
Warwick VK4NW if you would like to participate. You will need a 70cm radio.

Education & Youth
Julian Sortland VK2YJS has advised the Hornsby & Districts ARC will be
conducting Examinations for all levels May 23rd. at 9am.

Examinations held in Waitara on the upper north shore of Sydney.

While no classes are offered at this event, they are being planned for future
dates. Please contact Tony LaMacchia on 02 9487 3383 or use the form at:


A reminder that vaccancies for the next Foundation Course held in Perth are
filling up fast - the course is scheduled to run 23rd and 24th of May with an
Open Exam on the following Saturday 30th May - If you are keen to attend the
course and or sit an exam of any type please contact Ham college now at or you can phone Kylea on 0412 704 226 to register.

The N/West ATV Group conducted a Foundation Lic. Assessment on Saturday 2nd.
May. Congratulations to James (Hamish) Curran who passed his Theory,
Regulations and Practical with flying colours.

Hamish (now retired) is a past engineer with merchant shipping in the British

He is of Scottish decent and now lives in Devonport, mainly interested in HF
but is keen to become involved with VHF and UHF.

Hamish expects to receive his call and licence shortly, so please keep an
ear out for Hamish on the HF bands with his requested call of VK7FHCL.

People interested in general information about The North West Tasmania
Amateur Television Group, are invited to visit the Club's WIA web Page under
VK7 Clubs.

(Tony VK7AX, President and News Officer NWT-ATV Gp)

REAST Education and Training

There will be on Tuesday 16th June an examination session for the Advanced
and Standard licenses at 7:30 pm in the Queens Domain Clubrooms.

There will also be a foundation training and practical assessment session on
Saturday June 20th starting at 9 am.

Anyone interested in participating in a Standard training course for about
10 weeks starting around the end of June please let Reg VK7KK know.

Reg VK7KK can be contacted on mobile: 0417 391 607
or email:

(Reg, VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)

International News
With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

CEPT Appointment for RSGB President

The RSGB President, Colin Thomas, G3PSM is to lead key discussions at
the 2011 World Radio Conference.

He has been appointed CEPT Lead Coordinator for the 500kHz proposal,
which is Agenda Item 1.23, at the WRC-11 conference. This appointment
is unusual in that agenda item coordinators are normally selected
from administrations, i.e. Ofcom. This is a great honour for Colin and
the role that the RSGB and the IARU play within the international
telecommunications community.


Congress is taking a look at the valuable role that ham radio plays in
times of natural or man made disasters. This, after U.S Representative
Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas has introduces HR 2160 in the US House of

Better known as the Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Enhancement Act
of 2009, HR 2160 would promote and encourage the valuable public service,
disaster relief, and emergency communications provided on a volunteer basis
by licensees in the Amateur Radio Service. This, by undertaking a study of
the uses of Amateur Radio for emergency and disaster relief communications.

The study would also identify unnecessary or unreasonable impediments to
the deployment of Amateur Radio emergency and disaster relief
communications. It would also make recommendations for relief of any such
unreasonable restrictions so as to expand the uses of Amateur Radio
communications in Homeland Security planning and response.

HR 2160 has been referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. If
enacted into law, the measure would instruct the Secretary of Homeland
Security to undertake its own study and report its findings to Congress
within 180 days. That study would also spell out the capabilities and
specific uses of amateur radio communications in emergencies and disaster
relief situations.


Turning to ham radio space related news, if you heard or contacted the ham
radio station on board the I-S-S using any of its modes, between November
30, 2008 to January 15, 2009 you qualify to receive an ARISS 25th Year
Commemorative Certificate. To get one, please send a QSL with all of the
normal information and note the ARISS mode of operation. Also, whether the
contact with you was receive only or two-way. On the outside of the QSL
envelope, please include the words "25th Anniversary Certificate" and
include a self addressed stamped envelope large enough to accept an 8.5 by
11 inch certificate and includes the proper postage. Please refer to for addresses where to send your QSL and for additional


Last February that the team at Radio Arcala, OH8X, launched an essay
contest. One aimed at getting some fresh ideas from today's youth, and
their elders o boost recruitment into to the ranks of amateur radio.

There were numerous entries and now the multinational jury has picked the
winners with first place going to a 19-year-old from the U-K named Mark
Dumpleton, 2-E-Zero-N-C-G.

Two US hams, John Scott Anderson, KC9OQO, and Brian Wood, W0DZ, finished in
second and third place respectively. Argentinean Diego Salom, LU8DX was
recognized for his submission of the best Spanish language piece.

You can read Dumpleton's article and his interview at It can be found at the screen button marked "Young
People Terms."


From the Weird 'n Wonderful File, hello I'm Jim Linton VK3PC.

The diversity licence plate antenna - yes folks it's all about how to use
the registration plates on your vehicle to radiate your ham radio signal.

There's an interesting article in the May edition of CQ Magazine headlined
'Invisible Mobile Installation' by Scott Williamson VY1SW who wanted to use
2m and 70cm mobile, without drilling a hole or using an on-glass antenna.

The simplest thing about the project is a splitter box made by US
Communications that has three BNC connectors, one for the transceiver and
two others go to the front and rear number plates.

But man 'o man, Scott VY1SW who was keen to have a disguised antenna on his
brand new, red coloured Infiniti G37 Coupe, is pictured removing both the
front and rear bumper bar skins to install the feed line and connections.

It required removing bolts, screws and clips, remembering where they go and
in what order to correctly put it all back together again, plus the removal
of some internal panels for cabling.

When completed, the number plates essentially act as two dipoles, and
connected to the diversity control box, the signal is divided between them
providing optimal transmission.

The box even provides impedance matching and has a phasing element to
achieve diversity reception, so the signals received via the number plates
are additive rather than cancelling.

Operational News

May 23 Trans-Tasman CW DIGITAL CONTEST



AUG 15 - 16 WIA Remembrance Day Contest
AUG 15 - 16 ILLW

Running till Dec 31 2009 is the 4th CQ DX Marathon


March 21-22 John Moyle Field Day

New Trans-Tasman CW & Digital Contest

In the wake of the closure of the former VK/Trans Tasman CW contests comes
news that Rob Glassey ZL2AKM is trialling a new Digital/CW Contest on

The contest will be conducted using rules very similar to those used for
the VK/Trans-Tasman Contest and held on the 23rd of May, from 0800-1300
hours UTC.

The contest logs should contain the best four hours out of the five and
contestants may use digital modes such as CW, RTTY and PSK31.

While the disbanded VK/Trans Tasman CW attracted up to 50 participants
very few submitted logs making the event disappointingly unviable as a

Now the new Digital/CW Contest is trying to fill that gap - it's organised
Rob ZL2AKM. His website which contains the contest details can be found in
the text edition of this broadcast.


(Jim Linton VK3PC)

CQ CQ CQ contest?..

Westlake's CQ repeater contest wound up Friday evening last week. Although a
few stations managed to get into the spirit of the contest from what club
President Frank VK2FJL could determine, the response left a lot to be desired

It will be interesting to see when the logs arrive just how many stations
took part, and not only their own local effort.

Thanks to those who took part including those many stations who responded to
the CQ call.

All logs should be in by 29th May addressed to Contest Manager
C/- Westlakes ARC. PO Box 3001.Teralba. NSW 2284.

( Certificates will be available to the winners plus a participation
certificate for all VK's submitting a log.)

Again, logs should be sent to WARC.
C/- Contest Manager PO Box 3001 Teralba NSW 2284.

Jock White Field Day 2009 Report

This popular NZ contest saw more stations participate in 2009 including a
number of VK stations.

There were no reports of splatter this year, and positive comments in
general about operating standards.

Eighty metre conditions seemed very good this year, in contrast another
pretty average year on forty.

There were 190 operators at 34 field stations, up from last year.

For more details take a look at the web address that can be found on the
email and internet editions of this broadcast.

(From Stuart Watchman ZL2TW via vk7wia news)

Well contest fans its four weeks to the start of the very first VK Shires
contest The are a couple of very big differences with the VK Shires over
other VK contests DX working is encouraged and multipliers are allowed
twice per band..

OK what is a multiplier ? What is a dupe ? What are all these contester
terms these guys are speaking English ??

In most VK contests the final score is merely the sum on the number of
contacts you make in the defined contest period.

If you make 100 contacts your final score is 100

sort of simple to understand.. The VK Shires scoring system is different - for
every different shire you work on phone or cw
on a given band it multiplies by the number of QSOs made to get a final
score.. how does this work ?

..lets assume you are based in Melbourne and are lucky enough to work 100
contacts in Melbourne CBD in the VK Shires
your score would be 100 points if however you worked one of those stations
on CW and 99 on voice your score would be 200 contact would double your score

by being frequency agile and jump from band to band you could easily work 10
0 contacts with 100 multipliers or a score of 10,000.

Another feature of the VK shires is we have deleted any reference that allows
another station to know how well you are going in the contest.

Often I have heard stations stopping operating in a contest when they realise
that the station down the road has an unbeatable lead..

In the VK Shires by ramping up new shires even a station many points in front
could be caught and overtaken by the station who is judicious

in band changes and working of new shires

recently I asked several contesters and DXers how they would approach the fir
st running of the contest.

Bill VK 4FW offered his thoughts on how to run the test..


What an interesting series of questions.

Well for what its worth here are my suggestions for VK ops.

1. Concentrate on working dx on 20 and 40m..... and possibly 15 .......grab t
he VK's as they come along

2. Make sure u get as many VK's in the log as possible on the 80m band........
..what ever dx u actually work will be a bonus and remember
NO DX WINDOW permitted.

3. Remember that SSB and CW are the permitted modes

4. Most importantly...... HAVE FUN.

Why haven't I mentioned other bands........... because anything u get will be
poor at best and if you are going portable u will be busy enough

without worrying about them...... and if ur at home then again I think u will
be busy enough.

Just one more thing........... tell all ur friends worldwide.......... flood
them with info and request that they look for u in the contest.

We are interested in what others think....... or do they not wish to share th
eir winning formula ?.

Back to the WIA news desk

New 'Contesting' website

Pete, N4ZR has announced that the new Contesting Compendium website is now

The objective of this Web page is "to make this into a one-stop source for
information on contesting, and to ensure that all the good stuff that is now
scattered across the Internet doesn't succumb to the ravages of time,
hard drive failures, or other accidents of history."

Pete says he is looking for contributors/authors to contribute material and
to keep the Web page up to date.

Check it out!


hf nets ON the net,

GB 40 WAB 40th anniversary of the WAB Till Dec 31

HG 160 FNY Commemorates 1848 attack on Hungary
that prompted their independence. until July 31

International Museums Weekend(s) 20 and 21 plus 27 and June 28

OZ 1658 ROS 350th anniversary of the Treaty of Roskilde Till Dec 31

VARIOUS SM STATIONS USING 1658 (Treaty of Roskilde) Till Dec 31

CANADA, VE. In celebration of the 50 years since the opening of the
St. Lawrence Seaway, Canadian amateurs can use special callsign
prefixes XL, XM, XN, and XO until May 31

VP 9 400 /home call 400th Anniversary of Bermuda Till Dec 31


A Special Event Station, with call sign ZS 6 SCI, will be active daily from
from Monday 18 to Friday 22 May from the Sci Bono Science Discovery Centre
in Johannesburg.

The station will be active on all bands, propagation permitting.

There is a special limited edition QSL card that will be sent out to each
confirmed contact.

Worldwide Special Interest Group News

2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz

Echoes of Apollo - Honeysuckle Creek

The follow message appeared on the VK-VHF mailing list and was posted by one
of the original Apollo 11 Mission Staff based at Honeysuckle creek.

"There is going to be a very big 40th Anniversary of Apollo 11 in Canberra,
in July, celebrating the arrival of the first pictures from the Moon at
Honeysuckle Creek tracking station south of Canberra.

Anyone, even remotely connected with the Apollo 11 mission, including staff
from Honeysuckle Creek tracking station, the PMG Dept Radio Section, the PMG
Dept in general, AWA OB's and others should have a look at the site that can
be found on the email and internet editions of this broadcast and make
contact with any of the organisers mentioned.

Also, the original dish from Honeysuckle Creek, which is now at Tidbinbilla
Deep Space centre, will be decommissioned on 1st August, 2009, 10 days after
the 40th anniversary of its moment of glory in history.

Maybe there will be another dish available for EME experimentsHIHI

Posted with the thought that ..."the truth is out there ... somewhere"

From one of the original Apollo 11 Mission staff.

(Bruce, VK2EM via vk7wianews)

Tiny Satellite to Test Drugs in Space Staff say a small satellite the size of a loaf of bread could help
scientists figure out how drugs work in space.

The nanosatellite, called PharmaSat, weighs 10 pounds and is designed to
study how yeast responds to antifungal drugs while circling the Earth at
17,000 mph.

The Satellite holds a micro-laboratory packed with sensors that can detect
the growth, density and health of yeast cells. Scientists plan to use three
different doses of the antifungal treatment and see how the yeast responds
over the course of 96 hours.


21.360 - 18.160 - 14.300 - 7.060 - 3.760 MHz.
REGION 2 TRY ALSO 3.985 - 7.240 - 7.290

Hams communicating to the sound of squealing tyres

As the news goes to air this Sunday morning May 17 some Townsville based
radio amateurs are hell bent on communicating to the sound
of squealing tyres. Now, before you lash out and ring the
boys in blue to go and book these reckless louts doing the
drift whilst doing DX just consider that these operators might
actually be providing a service to the community.

Like providing time control and track safety communications and
competitor data backup support up on the Mount Stuart Road as part of the
Townsville City Autosports Club King of the Hill Hillclimb Round 2.

The WIA News transmission is also being sent to air from
the Flying Finish control point so, if you are listening in somewhere
in the Townsville Region and you hear autosports sounds come
hurtling out of your radio, fear not - its just background ambient
noise from the portable transmitting site.

The hill climb operators have been onsite since 7-30am and expect
to finish around 4pm this afternoon.

Ham Radio's Social Scene
International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009.

May 18 WW
World Telecom Day

June 5 - 8 VK4
FNNQARG at Cardwell Village Beachcomber Resort book on 1800 005633
Contact FNNQARG co-ordinator Gavin VK4ZZ for site booking guidance.

June 6-7
South East Radio Group Convention
Margret Street Scout Hall in Mount Gambier behind the Police Station.

June 7
Oxley Region Amateur Radio Clubs 34th annual field day at the Sea Scouts Hall
in Buller Street Port Macquarie. Smorgasbord at reasonable prices and own expense, or make own arrangements for evening meal.
9:00 am doors open for sales

July 11 - 12 VK3
GippsTech 2009, the technical conference with a VHF, UHF & microwave focus.

July 18 VK3
Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest 10.00 am
Cranbourne Public Hall

August 2 vk6
Northern Corridor Radio Group's WA Hamfest. Cyril Jackson Rec Centre
Fisher st Ashfield, WA email

SEP 13
Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest 9:30am.
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood.

OCT 12 - 16 ZL
14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 ? 16 October 2009.
Details at
The Region 3 Web Site:


JAN 24 VK2
Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group's Radio Expo 2010 8.30am St Johns Church
Hall, Mc Lean Street Coffs Harbour.

Please think of the environment before printing this email


The Final Final

WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.

© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)