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This is WIANEWS for week commencing May 24 2009

S/V ELUSIVE crew all safe and well
Amateur Radio to the Rescue.

WIA appoints new Treasurer

10-4 Good Buddy
Expanded UHF Citizens Band proposed

ET refuses to call home

International Lightship & Lighthouse Weekend update

Watch what you do, your new car is watching

All up and coming in this edition of WIANEWS for week commencing May 24

S/V ELUSIVE crew all safe and well

Amateur Radio to the Rescue.

S/V Elusive on Saturday, May 16 at 13.05 local, while 3 days out of NZ sailing to Fiji, started taking on water fast, reason unknown.

Nearby was the S/V Scarlet O'Hara, who went to help.

All three persons on board the Elusive were taken off and are reportedly safe and well.

Sadly within 1 hour the vessel sank. At the time there were 3 vessels going to assist, and over 6 ham radio operators coordinated the emergency along with the NZ and Australian Maritime Rescue Authorities.

Central Coast amateur Paul VK2HMV, part of the PACSEA Net helped coordinate the rescue.


2010 - A Time To Celebrate

On the 11 March 1910 a group of wireless telegraphy enthusiasts met at the Hotel Australia in Sydney to discuss the formation of a "club" to represent them. This "club" initially took on the name The Institute of Wireless
Telegraphy of Australia.

One hundred years on, the club still form the focal-point for enthusiasts to meet fellow amateurs and obtain technical and social connexions.

So the Wireless Institute of Australia is encouraging clubs to be part of the celebrations next year - 100 years of organised private (or amateur) radio communications.

The WIA are suggesting that clubs attempt to take some form of public profile during the year. Organise an exhibition in your town, perhaps at the local library, secondary college or shopping centre, where the history of your club could be featured. Perhaps your club has involvement with the emergency services in your area and a joint public display could be beneficial to both organisations. Not only will this help to spread the word about the oldest radio society but also importantly, gain publicity for your club in your town.

If your club would like to propose some activity, send a description to subject header "WIA Centenary".


Ted Thrift VK2ARA
WIA Clubs Co-ordinator
(02) 4272 9521

WIA appoints Treasurer

The Board has appointed John Longayroux VK3PZ WIA Treasurer with effect from 12 May 2009. John has held a licence for over 35 years, recently retiring after 32 years with the Australian Taxation Office.

He has been recently been involved in assisting the Melbourne club, the Eastern and Mountain District Radio Club.

WIA Club Grant Scheme award for Melbourne ATV repeater

An ambitious project to digitise the VK3RTV amateur television repeater that was established in 1977 to service Melbourne and Geelong, will soon see it on air using the DVB-T standard.

This is the 'terrestrial' version of the digital broadcasting standard and can be received on commonly used household Set Top Boxes and digital television sets.

Funded by Amateur Radio Victoria which has spent $3,300 on the project so far, it received a welcome and timely funding boost this week from the WIA Club's Grants Scheme.

WIA President, Michael Owen VK3KI presented a $1,000 cheque to Peter VK3BFG during the Amateur Radio Victoria Annual General Meeting.

Expanded UHF Citizens Band proposed

The Australian Communications and Media Authority is raising the possibility that the current 40 channel UHF band could, with some changes, accommodate up to 60 channels.

The band began in the late 1970s with the Australian Government's plan that it would be the only CB band in Australia and everyone would switch from 27MHz (AM/SSB) to UHF (FM). That did not happen.

The ACMA acknowledges that the Class Licence CB band 476.4125 to 477.4125MHz is well used by not only hobby communicators but also private, commercial and government users.

An expansion needs a reduction in the simplex channel bandwidth from 25kHz to 12.5kHz and a lifting slightly of the band's upper frequency limit.

However 25kHz channels would be retained for the existing eight repeater pairs the 5/35 emergency pair and the 22 and 23 telemetry/telecommand channels.

The proposals require new transceivers programmed to automatically switch between 12.5kHz and 25kHz as required.

The ACMA recognises that interference is likely between the current and new transceivers, but under the Class Licence no protection is available from interference.

The proposals are part of the ACMA's review of the so-called 400MHz band used by land mobile, defence, government and others users.

The ACMA welcomes written submissions on the proposal by Friday, 29 May.

Written submissions close on Friday 29 May - email to or by mail:
Andrew Stewart, Government Planning Section,
ACMA, PO Box 78 Belconnen ACT 2616.

More on the proposal can be found at:

Jim Linton VK3PC audio )


web service:-
VKG Roundup

Westlakes ARC have acquired a number of Hi-Band 2 way radios 6 channel crystal locked, marked as TW-35W. The Spec book describes the coverage as 146 to 147 MHz with a band width of 3MHz.

The club is seeking a circuit diagram for the radio mentioned or a similar unit. The hope is to convert these rigs to operate within the 2 metre band using a PLL circuit.

Contact Les Smith 02 49 735251 or VK2FJL 02 43 933276.

web service:-
VKC Roundup http://www.police

Gippsland Gate Radio and Electronics Club's Annual Hamfest is 18 July. Cranbourne Public Hall.

Anyone wanting a table should contact the club immediately. or email to

Immediately after this Sunday morning broadcast call-back on the wide area Mt Macedon 2-metre repeater VK3RMM, Amateur Radio Victoria holds is F-Troop Net for beginners and everyone.

The net began three years ago this weekend, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Over that time many Foundation Licensees have used the net to make their very first contact.

Friendly net controllers are experienced radio amateurs, educators and assessors.

Everyone is welcome to join in. Last Sunday a regular Luke Steele VK3HJ said he was after some cheap scrap wire to run out as radials for an antenna.

Several suggestions were made. The best was the enabled copper wire from the yokes of old TV sets - and heaps of them are being trashed these days as people update to LCD and Plasma screens or move to digital TV.

F-Troop net, after the today's broadcast on the VK3RMM repeater.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

web service local news:- local news email VKR Roundup

sunny coast's October Camp Catch-up

The October camp catch-up this year will be held at Maidenwell Observatory on 31st October and 1st November. There will be a spit roast at the pub and a guided tour through the observatory. At last report Camping will be on the local cricket oval. Maidenwell is located in the Brisbane valley west of Yarraman on the Kingaroy Cooyar road. If you have never heard of it, well it's a good excuse to find out a bit more.

More info from Noel VK4NL


Good morning

I am Charles vk5hd. The south east radio group is having the annual convention on the long weekend in June. The convention is housed at the Margret street scout halljust behind the mount Gambier police station. As well as the buy swap and sell we have the Australian fox hunting championships, excellent door prizes drawn on the hour and commercial displays. So why not come along bring that project you have been working on in the shack and enter the home brew contest you just don't know your luck. With great food available and the heaters set to high what else would we amateurs do on a long weekend? For more information just Google SERG and check out the web site. So I hope to see you there on the 6th and 7th of June. This is Charles vk5hd on behalf of the south east radio group.

local area news :- k7 local news, email


Sorell Men's Shed Event "Community Project"

A Great Southern winter Ham fest will be held at the Sorell Men's Shed, Station Lane, Sorell.25 klms SE of Hobart.

It will be on the first weekend in June which will be June 6th and 7th and will be a 2 day event.

Saturday starting at 9am there will be workshops including,

Antenna Construction, winding baluns, Make a wire dipole and tune it. Calculate and build a 2m yagi. Field strength radiation pattern measuring. of your 2m or 70 cm Antennas Learn how to Align a Satellite dish and tune in Fee to air TV. also Nasal live feeds on the big dish.

Optical communications workshop with Mike Groth VK7MJ....see it working and make a contact via 475 THz.( no Licence required.)

These are just some of the activities planed, bookings are now being taken for the special work shop activities.

Sat Night

Men's Shed station - VK7SMS will be conducting an on air award from 6pm till 12pm on HF,VHF and UHF. a 1 contact will qualify for the worked the Sorell Men's Shed Award.

Sunday will be a show and tell day with trade and pre-loved tables,

Home brew competition and awards for first, second and third.

There will be a BBQ lunch and a few raffle's .

All proceeds to going to the Men's Shed.

There will be camping and toilet facilities on site for those who want to bring there campers down for the weekend.

More info as time draws near so, start making your plans to be in the South for this great event.

If you are interest in being involved and/or helping out email or contact Ken VK7DY for more details or express your interest

(Ken, VK7DY, SMS Coordinator)


This from Geoff VK4ZPP

Communications, well that seems to go with amateur radio, doesn't it?
But what is meant by communications when it comes to our clubs and organisations?

Is it the weekly net or the monthly newsletter to members, "Amateur Radio" magazine and the weekly broadcast? Well, no doubt it includes all of these and more.

The audio streaming and text versions of WIA and state news broadcasts help keep people abreast of what is happening.... or do they? All these sources of information are only as good as the contributed material. If our club web site is not up to date and some-one forgets to send the news or we just don't bother, surely we can't complain that nobody knew our group was still on the map.

Keeping our members and all members of the ham radio fraternity up to date and with a sense of involvement is important and the enthusiasm we share is the best advertisement for the hobby we have.

In this month's AR, Michael Owen, VK3KI, advises that the Institute is actively seeking input from clubs, in particular, in being able to support the growth of our hobby, especially at the club level.

Our Institute is calling CQ

BUT, have we got the rig turned on?


There will be on Tuesday 16th June an examination session for the Advanced and Standard licenses at 7:30 pm in the Queens Domain Clubrooms Hobart.

There will also be a foundation training and practical assessment session on Saturday June 20th starting at 9 am.

Anyone interested in participating in a Standard training course for about 10 weeks starting around the end of June please let Reg VK7KK know.

Reg VK7KK can be contacted on mobile: 0417 391 607 or email:

(Reg, VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor


The SARL is working with the Sci Bono Science Discovery Centre and the Gauteng Provincial Department of Education to take amateur radio into technology high schools and by overlapping the Class B syllabus with
the Grade 10 and 11 Electrical Technology curriculum. The project will involve 82 schools and 88 teachers in the province.

The plan is to train teachers to qualify as radio amateurs by the end of the year and to introduce the revised Electrical Curriculum to Grade 10 learners from 2010.

The SARL Council at its recent strategy meeting agreed with the concept in principle and appointed a subcommittee to study the proposals and implications.

The first step is to prepare a memorandum of understanding which is expected to be discussed at the next SARL Council meeting in early June.


The Youth Sprint on 16 June 2009 is aimed at getting the youth of South Africa talking to each other, but the SARL have asked the hams of ZL to make it happen by getting on the air.

The point structure is 5 points for contacts between two operators under 25 years, 2 points if one of the operators is 26 and older and one point if both operators are 26 years or older.

To facilitate the promotion of amateur radio to the youth and to encourage hands-on activity, the SARL President, Rassie Erasmus, ZS1YT, said that all stations who are hosting unlicensed young people under 25 years of age during the Sprint will automatically be regarded as "educational stations."

THE ARIZONA DAILY STAR points out to it's readers that "There isn't a lot of extra money for education these days, but now for the 2nd time, a Pueblo High Magnet School's math teacher Miguel Enriquez has received a $1,000 grant.

Miguel said he's using technology to reach students because it makes the work relevant. When students want to use the ham radio to talk to someone in Puerto Rico, for example, they have to calculate how much power it will take. They have to calculate differences in time zones. They might convert kilometres into miles or consider the height of antennas.

"All of a sudden, math means something to them. You can see it in their eyes," Enriquez said.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

Emcomm recognition for radio hams

The state agency for emergency manager in Puerto Rico the Agencia Estatal de Manejo de Emergencias y Administracion de Desastres (AEMEAD) is to develop a memorandum of understanding with the nation's ham radio operators.

AEMEAD Executive Director, Heriberto Sauri made the announcement after releasing a proclamation by The Honourable Luis Fortuno, Governor of Puerto Rico.

The proclamation not only recognised the value of the amateur radio service but declared 12 May as the Dia del Radoaficionado (Amateur Radio Operator Day).

It cited the role of radio amateurs helping others during every kind of emergency situation.

(Angel Santana-Diaz WP3GW & Amateur Radio Victoria)

Poor Sunspot Activity

Scientists predict that Solar Cycle 24 will peak in May 2013 with 90 sunspots per day on average. At the annual Space Weather Workshop held in Boulder, Colorado last month, an international panel of experts led by NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Centre predicted that Solar Cycle 24 would peak in May 2013 with 90 sunspots per day on average.

If the prediction proves true, Solar Cycle 24 will be the weakest cycle since Solar Cycle 16 which peaked with 78 daily sunspots in 1928, and ninth weakest since the 1750s, when numbered cycles began.

70MHz for Slovak Stations

Since May 1st, Slovak stations have access to 70 MHz, in the segment 70,250 - 70,350 MHz Max. 10 W ERP Each Slovak station must apply for special permission for 70 MHz.


Derek Hay, VE4HAY, has been appointed as Radio Amateurs of Canada's Midwest Region Director.

Derek has been a long time supporter of this WIA news service and the old National QNEWS.

RAC President Bob Cooke, VE3BDB, says Hay brings a wealth of experience to the directors seat. He will serve in the position until a formal election can be conducted in the region.


ET refuses to call home

Nothing heard after half a century

The search continues for signals coming from extra terrestrial (ET) civilisations, but scientists do not hold much hope of tuning into intelligence from space soon, if ever.

Large radio telescopes are listening to distant bodies in the heavens or transmitting signals out into space trying to communicate with aliens. Powerful lasers are being used to try and communicate as well.

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) began in 1959. Rather than being a constant 24/7 activity the search has been ad hoc, involving about 100 different SETI projects. Not all possible frequencies have been monitored. Not knowing if the signals used by aliens would be analogue or digital also posed a problem.

Unlike the science fiction movie 'Contact' where a signal from space was decoded as a blueprint for a transportation device, in reality, ET can't "phone home."



May 23 Trans-Tasman CW DIGITAL CONTEST



AUG 15 - 16 WIA Remembrance Day Contest
AUG 15 - 16 ILLW

Running till Dec 31 2009 is the 4th CQ DX Marathon


March 21-22 John Moyle Field Day

International Lightship & Lighthouse Weekend update

Now in its 11th year this annual activation event run by the Ayr Radio Group of Scotland GM0AYR remains as popular as ever.

A total of 135 registrations have been received from 18 countries but many more are expected before the event weekend the 15th and 16th of August.

There was a record 406 registrations last year with the top countries being Australia and Germany.

These two countries remain in the lead on the progress tally for 2009 with VK on 24 just behind DL with 27 lighthouses - who will have the most registrations this year?

No lighthouses have been registered so far for VK8, with the last time the Northern Territory had one on air was way back in 2002. What about it Spud and the Gang?

For more information including guidelines, an online entry form and a list of entrants, visit the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend website

(Jim Linton VK3PC audio)

hf nets ON the net,

GB 40 WAB 40th anniversary of the WAB Till Dec 31

HG 160 FNY Commemorates 1848 attack on Hungary that prompted their independence. until July 31

International Museums Weekend(s) 20 and 21 plus 27 and June 28

OZ 1658 ROS 350th anniversary of the Treaty of Roskilde Till Dec 31

VARIOUS SM STATIONS USING 1658 (Treaty of Roskilde) Till Dec 31

CANADA, VE. In celebration of the 50 years since the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway, Canadian amateurs can use special Callsign prefixes XL, XM, XN, and XO until May 31

VP 9 400 /home call 400th Anniversary of Bermuda Till Dec 31

International Museum Weekend

The Geelong Amateur Radio Club and Amateur Radio Victoria will be taking part in the International Museum Weekend of the 20th and 21st of June.

GARC President Dallas Jones VK3DJ is encouraging other clubs and individuals to set up stations and operate from museums on that weekend too.

GARC has been operating from the Geelong Regional Museum for a few years and now expands its operation to also include the Queenscliffe Maritime Museum.

Amateur Radio Victoria Event Coordinator Terry Murphy VK3UP advises that the state-wide organisation will operate from the HMAS Castlemaine at Gem Pier Williamstown on the Sunday.

The Geelong, Queenscliffe and Williamstown museums have very much welcomed amateur radio. There should be no shortage of museums that would be available on the weekend.

More details will be heard on VK1WIA closer to the event and the International Museum Weekend website details can be found in the text edition of this broadcast.



Change of Address For the ZL3-Prefix QSL Sub-Bureau

Following the resignation of ZL3CED, Ken Holdom, ZL4HU has been appointed to fill this vacancy.

Ken's address is as follows:

Mr K. A. Holdom ZL4HU
P.O. Box 7
CLYDE 9341

On the 25th of July 1909 Louis Bleriot became the first person to fly a powered aircraft across the English Channel from Calais to Dover.

To mark this historic event the Dover Amateur Radio Club will be operating on all bands with the special event call GB100LB on the 25th and 26th of July. We are hoping to make as many contacts as we can with French radio amateurs in particular while also hopefully generating lots of global contacts.

There will be lots of other activities off the White Cliffs of Dover including, a display by the Red Arrows, a swarm of microlites crossing the Channel and an air race. Three Bleriot replicas will also cross and land on the Duke of Yorks playing fields near to Dover Castle.

More information can be found on the web at

73 Peter G0KOK, 8P9CC via vk1da

Bulgarian Special Event Station

Look for special event station LZ50BNT to be active through the end of the year (between May 1st-December 31st).

Activity is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Bulgarian National Television the national public television service of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Operations will be on all bands and modes.

A special event QSL card (double format) will be sent to all stations who send their QSL card to QSL Manager LZ1HA, direct or by the Bureau.


Region III IARUMS Coordinator B.L.Manohar (Arasu) VU2UR

IARU Monitoring System International Coordinator:-

Robert E. Knowles, ZL1BAD.

Len Martinson,ZL1BYA,is Monitoring Service co-ordinator for the NZART.

VK National Coordinator = Karl Hennig VK6XW

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

VK Coordinators for I.A.R.U.M.S.
VK3TZE Jimmy
VK5EV John

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an intruder.

Exclusive amateur only spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

In the UK, Ofcom has been carrying out an exercise to monitor RF spectrum usage across the country.

A fleet of commercial vehicles travelled around all parts of the United Kingdom to monitor and record details of spectrum usage from 10MHz to 5GHz.

Data was collected and collated over a five-month period. The data amounted to 4.2 million individual spectrum measurements.

The report titled "Capture of Spectrum Utilisation Information Using Moving Vehicles" is available on the Ofcom website

Poor wireless reception is symptomatic of a much bigger issue. The BBC's technology correspondent, Rory Cellan-Jones, must be hoping that his neighbours don't decide to have a larger family.

He recently spent ages setting up a high-speed wireless network (wi-fi) at home, documenting the whole tortuous process on the BBC Technology blog, but all his hard work could apparently be ruined by a single baby listener.

The intercoms that let parents listen in to every snuffle, sob and cry, operate in the same frequency band as wireless networks and can generate so much interference that they make the wi-fi unusable.

The television re-broadcasters that many people use to watch satellite TV in the bedroom (without having to install a second set-top box) also use the same frequency, because it is one of the few areas of the radio spectrum that does not require a licence; they too can slow down wi-fi speeds or make it hard for a computer to make a connection with a local network.

(vk2fjl audio)

Pirates are lawless more ways than one

Illegal broadcasting in the United Kingdom continues to attract tough action and strong words from the regulator Ofcom who in its latest Enforcement Report paints a picture of criminality, that goes far beyond being an unauthorised broadcaster.

Ofcom says they "..have increasingly become linked to other forms of criminal behaviour, with some being convicted for offences such as money laundering, drugs supply and firearms offences."

This is far from the mere authority challenging image portrayed in the movie, 'The Ship that Rocked', about a pirate radio ship in 1966 at a time when the government owned BBC was the only broadcaster in the United Kingdom.

Modern day pirate broadcasters reports Ofcom, often use transmitters that are non-compliant with the European regulations and can interfere with other radio systems or disrupt licensed broadcast stations.

Ofcom enforcement teams continue to hunt down and prosecute offenders even through some are setting up their transmitting equipment and operating it remotely via the internet.

The illegal broadcasters have been known to intimidate local residents and make threats to officials who challenge their behaviour.

They gain access to building roof top spaces for transmitting antennas, cause damage or cost the property owners dearly in security measures to thwart their activities.

During 2008 Ofcom seized 489 transmitters, raided 36 studios, prosecuted 28 people and 88 others received formal warnings.

(Jim Linton VK3PC audio )

THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report -
(Measure twice - Cut once!)

Watch what you do, your new car is watching

A NEW generation of intelligent cars is able to tell tales about their owners, potentially costing them money, their jobs and in extreme cases, their freedom.

Most new cars are now fitted with event recorders similar to aircraft black boxes. Data collected could be used to assess how well a car has been driven, how far and, in the event of a crash, what factors contributed to the accident.

These event recorders could be used against you if your vehicle is involved in an accident.

Australia has had only one test case involving data recorders, where police used information downloaded from a Peugeot to establish how fast the car was travelling when it was involved in a fatal accident in 2006.

Crash investigation is just one area where on-board computers are telling tales on drivers. A US website recently published a letter from Nissan warning owners of its GT-R Supercar, that the car's on-board computer can tell when it has been thrashed, neglected or tampered with and this could affect the warranty.

Closer to home, Holden's Commodore can be fitted with a driver-monitoring system that can tell fleet operators whether their drivers have been speeding or using their company car on unauthorised trips.

(VK2FJL audio)



Each week the individual tally is available at


13367 = VK2
8537 = VK4
6633 = VK6
5760 = VK5
5537 = VK7
4400 = VK3
1093 = VK8
554 = VK1



To all our broadcasters thank you! Please check both your weekly tally sheet and WIA web page and notify if correct or what changes need be made.

We will be starting as usual with a "blank sheet" so as only the stations we know of for sure broadcasting are promoted.

According to a survey from American Media Services, Internet-only radio is gaining ground as a way to discover music. None the less, terrestrial broadcast radio is not loosing any audience to it.

In talking to 1,000 Americans by phone at the end of March, OmniTel personnel handling the survey found that 27 percent of those polled say they have listened to Internet-only radio on an Internet site. This includes 47 percent of young adults age 18 to 24 and about 34 percent of those under the age of 50.

But even as new media, such as Internet-only radio, continue to gain in popularity, regular radio is maintaining its audience. In the latest American Media Services survey, 73 percent said they are listening to broadcast radio about as much or more than they did five years ago.



2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz


Frank De Winne, ON1DWN, is set to become the first European Space Agency astronaut to oversee the International Space Station.

De Winne is currently at Russia's cosmonaut training centre outside of Moscow. The launch is expected May 27.

For the first four months, ON1DWN, who is from Belgium, will be a Flight Engineer as a member of the Expedition 20 Crew. With the next crew rotation ON1DWN will take over as Commander of Expedition 21
and will serve in that position until his return to Earth in November.

This will mark the first time that someone other than a Russian or an American has held that post.



21.360 - 18.160 - 14.300 - 7.060 - 3.760 MHz.
REGION 2 TRY ALSO 3.985 - 7.240 - 7.290

Last week it was Racing Cars, this week from North Queensland it is Hams communicating to the sound of galloping horses.

Yes as this news goes to air this morning some Townsville based radio amateurs are out in the field playing with radios and tracking competitors in the Bluewater Horse Endurance Ride.

Most of the operators have been up since 3am, having found their checkpoints in the dark and witnessing a glorious North Queensland sunrise. The operators are all monitoring competitor movements around the course and calling in reports to Ride Base located at the North Queensland Equestrian Centre.

The WIA National News and QNEWS local transmissions, (unlike South East Queensland and Brisbane where it is seldom transmitted these days,) in Townsville, news transmissions are being made from one of the checkpoints back into the Townsville VHF Repeater and we are hoping that lots of stations will call in during the call-backs !

The operators will be on the job until 3pm today, provided all competitors complete the ride in the allotted 10 hours


Special Postal Cancellation for ARDF - Bangalore, INDIA

Last Monday was World Telecom Day and celebrating in India was the Tenth VHF Day Fox Hunt.

A Special Postal Cancellation was approved by the Indian Postal Authorities on the 18th at Bangalore General Post Office.

de Lion Ajoy -VU2JHM
International Director (2 Years),
Lions International Stamp Club - LISC

Join the DownUnder LF Group's Mailing List:

Japanese amateurs get LF allocation

Japanese amateurs have been given access to a 3.1kHz wide segment between 135.7 and 137.8kHz.

Only CW or narrow bandwidth data transmission less than 100Hz may be used in the new band.

In the UK, Ofcom has been carrying out an exercise to monitor RF spectrum usage across the country.

A fleet of commercial vehicles travelled around all parts of the United Kingdom to monitor and record details of spectrum usage from 10MHz to 5GHz.

Data was collected and collated over a five-month period. The data amounted to 4.2 million individual spectrum measurements.

The report titled "Capture of Spectrum Utilisation Information Using
Moving Vehicles" is available on the Ofcom website



June 5 - 8 VK4
FNNQARG at Cardwell Village Beachcomber Resort book on 1800 005633 Contact FNNQARG co-ordinator Gavin VK4ZZ for site booking guidance.

June 6-7
South East Radio Group Convention Margret Street Scout Hall in Mount Gambier behind the Police Station.

June 7
Oxley Region Amateur Radio Clubs 34th annual field day at the Sea Scouts Hall in Buller Street Port Macquarie. Smorgasbord at reasonable prices and own expense, or make own arrangements for evening meal. 9:00 am doors open for sales

July 11 - 12 VK3
GippsTech 2009, the technical conference with a VHF, UHF & microwave focus.

July 18 VK3
Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest 10.00 am Cranbourne Public Hall

August 2 vk6
Northern Corridor Radio Group's WA Hamfest. Cyril Jackson Rec Centre Fisher st Ashfield, WA email

SEP 13
Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest 9:30am. Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood.

OCT 12 - 16 ZL
14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 ? 16 October 2009. Details at
The Region 3 Web Site:

Oct 31 - Nov 1
Sunny coast's October Camp Catch-up at Maidenwell Observatory Brisbane valley west of Yarraman. More info from Noel VK4NL

JAN 24 VK2
Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group's Radio Expo 2010 8.30am St Johns Church Hall, Mc Lean Street Coffs Harbour.

Please think of the environment before printing this email

WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were submitted.
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.
© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)