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This is WIANEWS for week commencing June 14 2009

WIANEWS for week commencing June 14 2009 sees the WIA Hosting a Sydney
Repeater Builders' Forum. - RSS AND THE WIA. - VK100 AND COUNTING. - 70 YEARS
AND STILL GOING STRONG / VK3KS. - Ireland is issuing its hams lifetime
VK3RTV test success. - All up and coming in this edition of WIANEWS for week
commencing June 14 2009.


Band 135.7 - 137.8 kHz Now Available to Advanced Licensees Who Apply

After an exchange of letters, the ACMA has advised the WIA that any amateur
holding an Advanced licence may now apply to ACMA for a variation of their
licence to allow operation on a secondary basis in the band 135.7 - 137.8 kHz.

Amateur operation in that band is subject to a maximum radiated power of
1 Watt (e.i.r.p.).

Application for a variation of licence to allow use on the new LF band should
be made on ACMA form R057 (downloadable from the ACMA website) to the
Licensing, Allocations and Information Section, National Licensing and
Allocation Branch, PO Box 78, Belconnen, ACT 2616 accompanied by the ACMA fee
of $41.

ACMA amended the Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan in January to allow
amateur operation on this LF band, allocated to the amateur service at the
ITU's WRC in 2007, but has not yet amended the Amateur LCD or the Visiting
Amateurs Class Licence to allow operation due, it says, to a lack of
resources, and does not see itself being able to further progress the matter
before the end of the current year.

The WIA suggested that as each Advanced amateur licence became due for renewal
the necessary additional condition could be included in the licence as it was
renewed, but again ACMA has advised that this would involve additional
resources better applied in other directions.

However, ACMA will include the necessary conditions as a variation to each
Advanced licensee who applies for a variation of his or her licence to allow
operation on this band.

WIA Hosts Sydney Repeater Builders' Forum

Our first item today , it has just come to light that a very important
WIA meeting had been scheduled for last Sunday 7th June, the WIA represented
by Peter Young, VK3MV WIA Director and Peter Mill VK3ZPP, the WIA's Repeater
and Beacon Coordinator, hosted a forum of amateur repeater builders and

The forum was organised by the WIA to formulate options for addressing
identified interference issues between repeaters along the NSW coastal
areas and the need to explore future spectrum options for new digital

Not surprisingly, just like the commercial radiocommunications industry,
amateur spectrum in the 2 meter VHF band and to a lesser degree in the
70cm UHF band is very congested or not available for new technologies.

The forum was kicked off with a presentation from the two Peters on the
issues and how other IARU Regions have tackled similar problems, which
stimulated further discussion of the issues. The outcome lead to some
positive steps forward for the need to explore better use of CTCSS tone
code to protect FM repeaters from unwanted incidental interference, a
tentative way forward to address adjacent FM channel interference issues
from D-Star mobiles and the development of 12.5 kHz plans for repeaters
and simplex channels for wider discussion in the amateur community.

The last meeting to discussion these sorts or issues was in Albury/Wodonga
in the early 1970's where the foundations of today's existing band plans
for repeaters were made. Time and technology moves on.


Also moving on is the WIA News Broadcast with audio and text now available as
an rss feed. There are many RSS reader applications, one of these is infact
Apples iTunes application so if you use iTunes or own an iPod then you will be
able to find the WIA news feed via the iTunes store.

What does all this RSS stuff and subscribing to RSS mean?

Well in very simple terms it means that you or your computer can
automatically download the very latest WIA news MP3 file and text edition and
have it all ready and waiting for you to read, play or broadcast. So you no
longer have to click the download button each week. All you need is some RSS
software on your computer and to subscribe you simply point your chosen RSS
software to the URL or RSS web address which is provided at the top of the WIA
news broadcast web page on the WIA website. And the rest happens automatically


Yes the Centenary year is now less than six months away.

The Chairman of the Centenary Committee, David Wardlaw VK3ADW has given me an
outline of planned events.

There is far too much to cover in one session so I will start with the
official WIA celebrations.

The first is to mark the date and site of the original meeting of the
Institute of Wireless Telegraphy on 11 March 1910.

This meeting was at the Australia Hotel Sydney. The hotel was pulled down in
1971 and the site is now the MLC centre.

The plan is to have a static display at the centre with celebrations initiated
by a Sydney civic dignitary.

The other major event will be held at the same time as the Annual General
Meeting. Special guests and representatives of the IARU and overseas societies
will be invited. Activities will be spread over the weekend with possibly
something on the Friday. This suggests something in the style of this year's
AGM combined with GippsTech.

I should also mention now that all affiliated clubs are invited to hold
public functions with a "100th birthday of amateur radio" theme. With a bit of
coordination the WIA will attempt to be represented at as many "birthday"
celebrations as possible.

I will have more in another session but meanwhile, WIA members and clubs with
questions or ideas can contact me via email on


Marilyn VK3DMS tells us that last weekend more than 36 amateurs celebrated an
anniversary for a very loved member of the amateur community.

70 years ago on the 6th of June 1939 Mavis VK3KS obtained the callsign VK3KS,
starting a long and still ongoing love of amateur radio.

Mavis first heard about amateur radio in 1936 when her future OM Ivor VK3XB,
the local schoolteacher, boarded with her parents. Of course Ivor soon had his
rig set up and Mavis and her brother Artie began to learn Morse and radio
theory. Eventually Mavis passed her AOCP and received her callsign on June 6th

Her first QSO was with Les VK3XF and her second with Ivor VK3XB, her future
husband. Within 3 months and 110 contacts war intervened and her gear was
stored for the duration.

However she and Ivor were married in 1943, and in 1947 moved to Melbourne,
finally settling in 1951 in what was to become their permanent location -
Byron St. Box Hill.

In 1953 Ivor became the Victorian Outwards QSL Officer and was ably assisted
by Mavis with the card sorting and posting. DX working increased over the
years and Mavis gained first place in the 1958 YL/OM Contest using CW. She had
joined YLRL, the American YL association in 1950 and was usually on air during
their Contests. Over the years, using both SSB and CW, Mavis has won 8 gold
cups, 1 silver cup, 6 plaques, over 100 YLRL certificates and numerous other
awards. She has made many DX friends, some of whom she met in 1974 when she
visited the USA.

She belongs to the Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, American and Japanese
YL associations, and is No 62 Old Timer. In 1966 she was invited to join the
First Class CW Operators Club, one of the very few ladies to be asked.

Mavis was one of the founding members of ALARA in 1975, and was made a
Life Member in 1982. She and Ivor compiled the first edition of ALARA's
history, which was published in 1989.

She served on the ALARA committee from its beginnings until 1991.

Today alas Ivor is no longer with her, but she continues to operate CW from
her retirement unit on a 35 ft. wire over the roof tiles.

Last Saturday a special lunch was held at which Mavis was presented with a
commemorative plaque from ALARA and a certificate from the WIA to mark this
auspicious occasion, Mavis's 70 years as a radio amateur.

Congratulations and best wishes Mavis.


web service:-
VKC Roundup http://www.police

The Sherbrooke Community Radio Club has a tradition in the education field,
jokingly called "Ark's Academy" it is run by a group of active radio amateurs
to support and increase the numbers in amateur radio.

Further details may be found at

web service local news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

The Far North and North Queensland Amateur Radio Gathering happened
during the June Long Weekend with excellent weather!

Those attending had a lot of fun, some great yarns, some great food cooked
on the TARC Blunderbus BBQ including Mackerel fillets fresh from the Coral Sea
provided by sports fishermen who were also staying in the park for the weekend.

The Communications Van was put to good use with a relaxed operation in the
first VK-Shires contest with the very long wire into the VK4FNQ Commemorative
Tree working efficiently.

Saturday Night saw the running of the TREC Trivia Challenge with consummate
skill by Dale VK4DMC. What does the Q-Code QTR? mean ? If you can answer that
then you would have had one of the trivia questions correct.

The next FNNQARG ! will be happening at Cardwell Village Beachcomber Resort
from Friday June 11 to Monday June 14 2010 inclusive.
The resort is now taking bookings on 1800 005633.

local area news :-
vk7 local news, email

Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club (CCARC) - Formerly NWTARIG

NWTARIG has held a special general meeting with a focus to move towards

The end result was that 3 main motions were unanimously passed by all members
present. These were as follows -

1 - The club is now renamed to the "CRADLE COAST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB",
which reflects the wide municipal areas that the club serves.

2 - The members voted to proceed with incorporation. This move offers the club
and members a much improved legal situation in these modern litigious

3 - The members voted to adopt a new set of rules base on the current
Tasmanian model rules. The new rules will now provide a much clearer
framework for the club to go forward into the future.


REAST Education and Training

There will be on Tuesday 16th June an examination session for the Advanced
and Standard licenses at 7:30 pm in the Queens Domain Clubrooms. Please let
Reg VK7KK know if you are interested in attending.

There will also be a foundation training and practical assessment session on
Saturday June 20th starting at 9 am.

Anyone interested in participating in a Standard training course for about
10 weeks starting around the end of June please let Reg know. It could be on
a Tuesday or Friday night. Please indicate if either of these nights is

Reg VK7KK can be contacted on mobile: 0417 391 607 or

(Reg, VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)

NASA Selects Student's Entry as New Mars Rover Name

NASA's Mars Science Laboratory rover, scheduled for launch in 2011, has a
new name thanks to a sixth-grade student from Kansas. Twelve-year-old
Clara Ma from the Sunflower Elementary school in Lenexa submitted the
winning entry, "Curiosity."

A NASA panel selected the name following a nationwide student contest that
attracted more than 9,000 proposals via the Internet and mail. The naming
contest was conducted in partnership with Disney-Pixar's animated film

"Curiosity is an everlasting flame that burns in everyone's mind. It makes
me get out of bed in the morning and wonder what surprises life will throw
at me that day," Ma wrote in her winning essay. "Curiosity is such a
powerful force. Without it, we wouldn't be who we are today. Curiosity is
the passion that drives us through our everyday lives. We have become
explorers and scientists with our need to ask questions and to wonder."

The Mars Science Laboratory project is managed by JPL for NASA's Science
Mission Directorate in Washington.

For more information about the mission and the contest winner, visit:

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.


The wait is over and for 98 candidates of the 125 who entered and passed the
RAE Examination. Congratulations to all successful candidates.
The oldest candidate was E Smook, ZR2ES, from Port Elizabeth who is 74 years,
youngest candidate was R Preston ZU4RP from Vanderbijlpark who is 9 years old.


The Algerian Association of Amateur Radio and the Radio Club of Djelfa are
sponsoring the second International Ham Sahara International Meeting
throughout this month.
The venue is the city of Djelfa.


A week or so back we brought you the tragic news of the death of G7PMZ
and G7VCG in a motor smash on the M61.

Now as the story unfolds we learn that the Daily Mail is reporting how
the brother of former England cricket captain Mike Atherton has been arrested
on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving.

Read the Daily Mail article at


RSGB elects a new President

At the May meeting of the RSGB National Council, the council elected
David Wilson, M0OBW to serve as RSGB President for 2010 and 2011.

David currently holds the Emerging Technologies and RSGB Convention
portfolio on the RSGB Board. He is also very active in the Train the
Trainer programme. A formal announcement of the appointment will
appear in the August 2009 edition of RadCom.


Ireland is issuing its hams lifetime licenses.

Most licensees in Ireland by now have received letters from the regulator
ComReg informing them that the lifetime licenses which will begin to be
issued this month with an effective date of June 1st.

These letters reportedly came as a surprise to all as the documentation
published by ComReg about the lifetime license was in the context of
Experimenter Licenses.

According to the Irish Radio Transmitters Society, a meeting on May 16th
showed that of the nations major ham radio clubs only two were totally
opposed to the idea. The others agreed that on balance the change was at
worst neutral and at best beneficial.


Members of the Voice of Idaho Radio Club have been working near Bogus Basin,
doing work on an amateur radio repeater.

On Saturday, as an electrical storm moved in - lightning struck, injuring one

Tim Rynearson is a member of the club, but didn't go up this weekend.
"Apparently they had a thunderstorm roll through, and sounds like they had a
proximity lightning strike and it apparently affected one of the guys that was
working up there," said Tim. "He was saying it felt like he was hit in the
back of the head with a baseball bat."

Rynearson says he and several members of his club are weather spotters for
the Weather Service and know that in situations like this, safety is

He also said that where his friends were working is exactly the place they
shouldn't have been in. But tonight the weather proved to be deceiving.

Read the full story from KTVB.COM at





AUG 15 - 16 WIA Remembrance Day Contest
AUG 15 - 16 ILLW

Running till Dec 31 2009 is the 4th CQ DX Marathon


March 21-22 John Moyle Field Day

Gavin, VK7VTX in Northern Tasmania, is going to be operating a "museum of the
air" on the weekend of the 20th and 21st. He'll be working from the
Furneaux Historical Research Association Museum at Emita on Flinders Island,
using a Swan 350 with squid pole and G5RV antennas.

Since this is a world-wide event, there should be lots of interest.

Gavin would like to get as many contacts as possible for the event, and any
QSOs that you make will count towards you obtaining IOTA awards (OC195).

QSL cards go VK7VTX, care of Gavin Barnes, Lady Barron Post Office,
Flinders Island 7255.


SU1SK, and several other Egyptian operators will be active as SU8LH.
This as the first Egyptian Lighthouse DXpedition on Ras El-Bar Island from
August 1st to the 9th.


hf nets ON the net,

GB 40 WAB 40th anniversary of the WAB Till Dec 31

HG 160 FNY Commemorates 1848 attack on Hungary
that prompted their independence. until July 31

International Museums Weekend(s) 20 and 21 plus 27 and June 28

OZ 1658 ROS 350th anniversary of the Treaty of Roskilde Till Dec 31

VARIOUS SM STATIONS USING 1658 (Treaty of Roskilde) Till Dec 31

VP 9 400 /home call 400th Anniversary of Bermuda Till Dec 31


Nobody to talk to on the way home from work, Why not log into the Australian
Drive Time Net, You can access this net on the Australian EchoLink Conference
server AUSSIE, on node 95092 or IRLP 9509. The AUSSIE Conference server has
been set up by myself and the links to IRLP by Tony VK3JED. Join in and make
yourself known! This informal net operates Monday to Friday between 4 and 7pm
Sydney Time. The Aussie Conference is also a great place to park your EchoLink
or IRLP node if you want to just listen in to the daily chatter.

Cheers and talk to you there, this is Paul VK2EX


Region III IARUMS Coordinator B.L.Manohar (Arasu) VU2UR

IARU Monitoring System International Coordinator:-
Robert E. Knowles, ZL1BAD.

Len Martinson, ZL1BYA, is Monitoring Service co-ordinator for the NZART.

VK National Coordinator = Karl Hennig VK6XW

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

VK Coordinators for I.A.R.U.M.S.
VK3TZE Jimmy
VK5EV John

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Exclusive amateur only spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

Radio Ethiopia interference on 40m

If you regularly listen into the new 7,100 - 7,200kHz range in the
evening hours, then you may have noticed some interference.

Starting at 16.30 GMT and lasting about one hour, you will find on
7,165kHz, or sometimes on 7,175kHz, a powerful wideband rushing
noise, which is some 15kHz wide. Also very faintly you can hear the
carrier of a program below the jammer. The culprit is Radio Ethiopia.
It is jamming Voice of the Broad Masses from Eritrea on 7,165kHz.

Ethiopia also regularly jams other transmissions in Amharic, for
example Deutsche Welle, on 15 and 11MHz. The jamming uses a
rectangular white noise signal that is some 10 to 16kHz wide. In 2008
Ethiopia commissioned three or four new transmitters, some of which
are regularly used for jamming unwanted programmes.


Amateur Radio Previews
June 2009

Amateur Radio, your favourite magazine, will hit the news-stands next week.
Don't leave it too long, or they will be all sold out. This is the issue with
a full report on the AGM of the Wireless Institute last month. And it tells
who got all the awards (see page 24 for full details).

One of the hottest topics a few months ago was the complicated call-sign
confabulation. Now that the WIA has refined and bedded down its procedures
for handling the call-sign system on behalf of ACMA, one or two curious
little anomalies have emerged around the renewal rules. Read President
Michael Owen VK3KI on page 3, where he explains these traps for the unwary
and how to avoid them.

He is only 11 years old but he has qualified for a Foundation licence!! We
are talking about Nicholas O'Sullivan VK4FNIC. And yes, the article is on
page 11, too, written by his proud Dad, Shaun O'Sullivan VK4FY and the rest
of the family. The Redcliffe Radio Club had a big hand in all this, but the
real credit belongs to Nicholas, making him the youngest FL in Queensland.
Well done, Nicholas!

The WIA AGM and Open Forum are reported on page 24 by President Michael Owen
VK3KI. There is more on this topic on page 26, focussed on the GippsTech -
Special Edition proceedings, and presented by Peter Freeman VK3KAI. Get a
prcis of all the activities that made it such an outstanding weekend,
written by the man who organized the whole thing. And illustrated by lots of
good pictures.

If you enjoyed the fine AMSAT column by David Giles VK5DG last month, all
about satellite antennas and propagation requirements, turn straight to
page 48 for a continuation of this good stuff. Learn about circular
polarization and what to expect if a left-hand-circular tries to receive
from a right-hand-circular antenna.

Compiled by: Tom Potter VK3UBS

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story)

DATV VK3RTV test success

The digital test transmission from Mt Dandenong east of Melbourne June 7 went
exceedingly well with at least eight stations receiving the VK3RTV repeater
signal noise free.

The tongues are talking, the cash registers a Ker-Ching-Ing with set top box
sales, after the highly successful debut of digital amateur television
transmission from the Melbourne digital amateur television test a huge
success repeater VK3RTV on Mt Dandenong east of Melbourne.

The historic test transmission on Sunday the 7th of June resulted in reports
of high quality pictures received more than 40 kilometres away.

The driving force behind VK3RTV since it began in 1977, Peter Cossins VK3BFG,
showed the new DVB-T digital standard equipment to the viewers.

Congratulations on the test came from amateur television operators and groups
as far away as Europe and North America.

Major funding for the project is from the VK3RTV repeater licensee, Amateur
Radio Victoria, with the WIA Club Grants Scheme providing $1,000 support.

Further work on the project is underway. Another test transmission is being
planned. The date and time will be announced.

A more detailed story can be found on the Amateur Radio Victoria website

I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV and you're listening to VK1WIA.

The test, using German made commercial quality DVT-B standard digital
television boards, began at 11am (AEST or Melbourne time) with colour bars
enabling viewers to tune their set-top boxes.

The arrival of digital amateur television is an outstanding achievement,
occurring at the same time as commercial and government stations in Australia
are just finding their way with the same digital medium.

Commonly used to pick-up the signal was a domestic set-top box (STB) tuned to
446.5 MHz. One viewer saw it using a miniature USB DVB-T receiver connected to
his computer.

The digital signal was reduced to 2-watts and still received by many, but
mostly ran at about 8-watts during the test.


Australian Coordinator for TCPIP domains is Indy

The National D-Star Team tell us that the Shepparton and District Amateur
Radio Club has just completed an interesting month long test,

Testing the viability of setting up D-Star in the Northern Victoria Club,
President Toby Corbett VK3PNF said that the club could really see the benefits
of D-Star, DPRS, linking and being connected to the world wide network.

Toby said it's a real sunspot buster, Matt M3PPU and Dick G4HHX from
Kent Southern England were there most days supporting the test plus all the
Melbourne D-Star users as it was simulcast linked with WIA National repeater

The repeater VK3RWW gave mobile and base coverage to northern areas like
Tocumwal NSW, Echuca, Rutherglen, across to Wangaratta and Benalla, west to
Bendigo and as far south as Kyneton. The repeater was even heard at
Calder Park, and north of Finley NSW

So What's next ?

The Shepparton and District Amateur Club have keenly voted to purchase a new
70cm repeater D-Star Repeater to set up on Mt Wombat, replacing the analogue
VK3RGV UHF Repeater, providing its members the opportunity to experiment with

(Peter VK3TQ)


2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz


South Africa's SumbandilaSat is on its way to Russia.

The satellite left last week and is expected to arrive on 10 July in Moscow.

It will be shipped to Baikonur on 17 July for integration onto the Soyuz
launch vehicle.

The launch window is between July and August 2009.

29 to 24 MHz satellite transponder proposed

Bob WB4APR, who led the development of a number of successful Amateur Radio
Satellites, has floated a proposal for a satellite with a 29 MHz to 24 MHz
linear transponder.

Bob is also well known for developing the Automatic Packet Reporting System

In an email to the AMSAT Bulletin Board he says:

We are considering an HF transponder for our next long range CUBESAT mission
planning. It can have three modes:

1) APRS 1200 baud for command and control and APRS on 145.825

2) PSK-31 multi-user SSB uplink on 29 MHz and FM down link on 145.825

3) 29 MHz uplink and 24 MHz downlink SSB transponder


Canadian circus chief to visit ISS

The BBC reports that the founder of the circus performance group,
Cirque du Soleil, will visit the International Space Station (ISS) in

The report says:

Guy Laliberte, 49, will travel to the International Space Station on a Russian
Soyuz for a flight estimated to cost at least $25m US.

The Quebec-based billionaire will become the seventh private citizen to visit
the ISS since April 2001.

Read the full BBC news story at



21.360 - 18.160 - 14.300 - 7.060 - 3.760 MHz.
REGION 2 TRY ALSO 3.985 - 7.240 - 7.290

The Sunraysia 500 Off-Road race at Tapio Station, NSW, is on again.
Looking for operators, particularly packet. 25^th and 26^th of July,
Saturday afternoon and Sunday. 2m voice and 70cm packet, if you missed
your camping weekend at Sea Lake this year, here's your opportunity to
make it up.

For more details contact:
Peter Norris

0437 093 475

Horse Riding next weekend

The Townsville Endurance Riders and Arabian Horse Association are having the
Lifestyle Constructions NQ Bluewater 100/40/20/5 Endurance Ride next weekend
20-21 June and have asked theTARCinc members to provide logistic communication
support for the event.

If you are available contact Blue VK4FBLU

(telephone 47754184)



International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009.

July 11 - 12 VK3
GippsTech 2009, the technical conference with a VHF, UHF & microwave focus.

July 18 VK3
Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest 10.00 am
Cranbourne Public Hall

August 2 vk6
Northern Corridor Radio Group's WA Hamfest. Cyril Jackson Rec Centre
Fisher st Ashfield, WA email

SEP 13
Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest 9:30am.
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood.

SEP 25 - 27 VK4

The Central Highland Amateur Radio Club Annual General Meeting at
Camp Fairbairn near Emerald. For further information contact Secretary
Gordon Loveday VK4KAL on telephone 07 49854168

OCT 12 - 16 ZL
14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 ? 16 October 2009.
Details at
The Region 3 Web Site:

Oct 31 - Nov 1

sunny coast's October Camp Catch-up at Maidenwell Observatory Brisbane valley
west of Yarraman. More info from Noel VK4NL


JAN 24 VK2
Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group's Radio Expo 2010 8.30am St Johns Church
Hall, Mc Lean Street Coffs Harbour.


We the WIA news would again ask that all WIA officials who are planning
activities, in fact any WIA related material that somewhere 'down the track'
the members may be interested in or even should know about, please
publicise to the members through the WIA News Service and AR Magazine.

Today as we leave we thank for their input

Please think of the environment before printing this email


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.




© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)