Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
email nationalnews@wia.org.au
http://www.wia.org.au (click news in member area) Submit your audio news
Please.. If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links & url's.
WIANEWS for week commencing July 26 2009
All up and coming in this edition of
WIANEWS for week commencing July 26
On Sunday 19th July the Sunraysia Radio Group Incorporated held it's AGM
in the Pioneer room at the Working Mans Club, Mildura. The meeting was
well attended by members of the Sunraysia Radio Group and visitors from
the Swan Hill Radio Club.
A highlight was conferring of life membership on Noel Ferguson VK3FI
for his significant contribution to of the club over a number of years.
Noel first become secretary of the club around 1995, bringing ideas and
strategies that led to significant growth to the club. Noel was one of the
first to volunteer as a WIA Assessor under the new examination system and,
after purchasing a data projector, began running Foundation courses from his
shack, bringing many new people into the hobby and into the club.
VK3FI also handles the National News Service via SUNRAYSIA VK3RMA on 146.800
Sundays at 9:30am and currently they have 190 callbacks since May!
Grants worth up to $50,000 are now available from Telstra for community groups
to teach seniors the benefits of using computers.
Eligible community organisations can apply for Telstra Connected Seniors
grants at www.telstraseniors.com.au until 27 August, 2009. Grant amounts range
up to $5,000 for local organisations and up to $50,000 for state and territory
David Moffatt, Group Managing Director of Telstra Consumer is encouraging
community organisations to apply now for a grant, saying the workshops are a
great way to help seniors learn how to pursue new activities online, as well
as a way for community groups to reinvigorate their membership
Next Sunday, the 2nd of August is Australia's National Tree Day.
Why is this significant?
Listeners may recall from back in April, when "MERGE" held their Catastrophic
Disaster Simulation and Innovation Day, that Van, VK4VAN, and Ray, VK4TPT,
successfully loaded up a living tree as a 40 metre antenna.
"MERGE" will be operating from Maryborough Queensland about 12:00 AEST next
Sunday on or around 3615 KHz, 7060 KHz or 14.190 MHz or scanning around the
bands looking for signals FROM THEIR LOADED TREE TRUNK!!
web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm
VKG Roundup http://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news
July's ARNSW Trash and Treasure is being held this morning [26 th] at VK2WI
Dural and later this afternoon sees the Home Brew and Experimenters Group
having their function, a lecture on power supply safety.
web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/
VKC Roundup http://www.police
The Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group VK3YVG , White Elephant Sale will be
held on Sunday 2nd August. A limited number of tables are still available.
Please contact Gavin VK3GH or Steve VK3TSR on 0418 103 487 for bookings"
The venue is the Healesville Memorial Hall, Maroondah Hwy, Healesville.
Doors open at 10am, Five dollars entry, Free tea & coffee, Light refreshments
Call in on the recently upgrade VK3RYV repeater on 146.725 MHz.
Make a day of it and visit the beautiful Yarra Valley.
web service local news:- www.wiaq.com/qnews/upload/qnewsbcast.htm
local news email qnews-vk-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
VKR Roundup http://www.police.qld.gov.au/News+and+Alerts/Media+Releases/
The IEEE Northern Australia Section, IEEE Northern Australia Communication
Chapter and the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences at James Cook
University invite you to attend a technical seminar, Friday 14th August from
2pm to 3pm Electrical Engineering Building James Cook University Douglas
Practical Aspects of Applying Communication Signals to Power Lines by
Cornelis Jan (Keith) Kikkert, Associate Professor, James Cook University
The seminar will highlight recent research into the application of slow speed
signalling and telemetry on Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) in remote rural
Friday 14th August Electrical Engineering Building James Cook University
Douglas Campus.
local area news :- http://reast.asn.au/news.php
vk7 local news, email vk7regionalnews-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania, REAST, next
month, August, well their Presentation Night is "Up Close and Personal
with the International Space Station".
Yes REAST's August presentation will be a session of excellent video
presentations centred on the International Space Station.
There will also be a short video on the ISS contact with Barbara Morgan and
her home school in Idaho USA through the Amateur Radio on the ISS program.
All projected on the big screen, August 5th at 8pm in the Queen's Domain
(Justin, VK7TW)
A DXpedition to Norfolk island is running until 29, callsign VK9NI and
includes an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest this weekend July 25-26th.
Now although not what one could ever call an exotic or most wanted
location it could be worth a point or two so listen up!
160-6 meters, 4-5 stations all signing VK9NI
QSL care of VK3HR.
It pays to look at trends from overseas, at times, to better assess how our
hobby stacks up in a broader sense. It goes back many years when the US
Supreme Court held that the radio spectrum is a public resource such as
rain water and the air we breath. From that time Amateur licences have
effectively free apart from a small surcharge for administrative costs, in
the USA.
More recently, the United Kingdom, after initial reluctance from the RSGB,
has brought in "lifetime licensing" for the amateur service. And what about
our friends across the Tasman? They too have followed the trend to simplified
and long term licences. One outcome of the 2002 Discussion Paper process is
that we now have a "class" licence for short term amateur visitors to Aus.
With the devolution process of Amateur assessments to the WIA, it was
necessary to apply a cost recovery model which has caused an effective
substantial increase in the price of the coveted ticket.
The news that a licence variation charge of $41 will apply for access to the
new long wave segment follows the practice going back to the old PMG days
when a permit to transmit ATV had a charge applied. But what sits in my mind
is how this is a cost effective application of resources.
In many overseas jurisdictions, the amateur radio community is regarded as a
resource of skilled personnel that can be called upon in times of emergency
and community need. With the WIA moving to introduce a certified Emcomm
training program, there is already tacit recognition that we Aussie hams fit
that niche too. Perhaps it is something to ponder that we could reduce
administrative costs by lifetime licensing and combine this with approaches
to our legislators as to the worth of the hobby as a community asset. Who
wouldn't like to save money and this might be a win-win outcome.
Over the weekend of the 18/19th July Canberra Region held a foundation Licence
course, five candidates and five passes for the assessments, so you can
expect 5 new call signs to appear from the ACT in the very near future.
Congratulations to Michael McGarity, Matthew Hadfield, Andrew Muller,
Farren Rebbeck and Sean Johnson.
Also congratulations to Wayne VK1FNRW for his upgrade to a standard licence.
Education officer Alan VK1WX has thanked his assessment team of Bob VK1MRH,
Glen VK1NUT and Gil VK1GH for their assistance.
Westlakes is at present taking names for any person wishing to sit for their
Foundation licence. Interested parties should contact Keith VK2PKT or any
committee member, club phone is 4958 1588
Westlakes Amateur Radio Club is located in York Street, Teralba and is open for
business on Saturday from 12:00 midday and Tuesday evenings from 6:00pm.
Call in and say Hello. Tea and Coffee are always on!
To find out more about Westlakes Amateur Radio Club, or Amateur Radio in
general, leave a message on their 24 hour voice mail box, 4958 1588.
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.
Legendary CBS newsman Walter Cronkite, KB2GSD, who held the title of
"Most Trusted Man in America," passed away Friday, July 17 after a long
He was 92.
The avuncular Cronkite anchored CBS Evening News for 19 years until 1981
when he retired. During that time, he reported on such subjects as the
Kennedy assassinations, the Civil Rights movement, the Apollo XI lunar landing
Vietnam and the Vietnam-era protests, the Arab-Israeli Six Day War, Watergate
and the Begin-Sadat peace accords.
Walter, an ARRL member, narrated the 6 minute video Amateur Radio Today.
Produced by the ARRL in 2003, the video tells Amateur Radio's public service
story to non-hams, focusing on ham radio's part in helping various agencies
respond to wildfires in the Western US during 2002, ham radio in space and
the role Amateur Radio plays in emergency communications.
Walter Cronkite KB2GSD made his mark as a World War II correspondent for
United Press where he covered the D-Day invasion and bombing missions over
In 1962, he was named anchor of CBS Evening News, then 15 minutes in length;
the following year, it became network TV's first 30 minute weeknight newscast.
Cronkite's nightly sign-off -- "And that's the way it is" -- became part of
the popular lexicon, his gravely voice instantly recognizable by millions
of Americans.
The long awaited BAlloon Carrying Amateur Radio flight will take place on
8 August. BACAR is planned
To be launched in South Africa between 08:00 and 08:15 and with a
multi-payload which should be of interest to radio amateurs and shortwave
listeners around the globe.
commentary of the launch activity to be broadcast on 7 082 kHz and streaming
on EchoLink and on the world wide web.
The payload includes an APRS system operating on 144,800 MHz which will be
switched on 2 minutes before launch and allow APRS stations to follow the
flight of BACAR.
The callsign of the APR beacon is ZS6SAT.
A 40 metre beacon will be operating on 7 022 kHz with telemetry information
every one minute. The information includes the inside and outside temperature
and the pressure in millibars.
Visit www.amsatsa.org.za for more information on the flight.
Telemetry details must be sent to bacar@sarl.org.za on the day of the launch.
Kepler Honoured
Europe's next space freighter will be called Johannes Kepler in honour of the
great 17th Century German scientist, with further, Frank VK2FJL.
"The Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) is currently being assembled in Bremen
ready for its 2010 mission to resupply the International Space Station.
European Space Agency delegates agreed to the name at a meeting on Wednesday.
The first ATV was called Jules Verne after the French science fiction writer
and completed a flawless maiden mission last year.
It delivered more than five tonnes of supplies to the orbiting outpost before
dropping back to Earth in a controlled burn-up over the Pacific Ocean.
Another Kepler spacecraft is about to make the headlines. The US space agency
has also used the name for its planet-hunting telescope due for launch
in August.
Johannes Kepler was the "father of celestial mechanics". His three laws
describe planetary motion and allow scientists to predict how objects will
move through the solar system.
The ATV is one of the most capable spacecraft ever developed in Europe.
After launch, the space truck can work out where it needs to go in space, and
then makes a fully automatic docking once it arrives at its destination.
It was developed as part of Esa's ISS membership agreement, to haul cargo,
propellant, water and oxygen to the space station and also to provide
propulsion capacity at the station.
Such was the performance of Jules Verne that Esa asked the industry to consider
how the vehicle might be upgraded - first to bring cargo items safely back to
Earth, and eventually to be turned into an astronaut transportation system".
JUL 25 Waitakere Sprints Phone
JUL 25 - 26 IOTA Contest
AUG 1 Waitakere Sprints CW
AUG 15 - 16 WIA Remembrance Day Contest
AUG 15 - 16 ILLW
AUG 29 - 30 ALARA CONTEST (29th)
March 21-22 John Moyle Field Day
IOTA Contest preparations well under way
The 2009 IOTA Contest is on this weekend, 25th and 26th July.
This is the big event of the year for island chasers and, for most, a great
chance to improve scores. Already a number of DXpeditions have been heard!
Don't forget that if the stations you work send in their logs you can
claim the contest QSOs for your IOTA Awards without needing to get
their QSL cards. See the 'Activations' tab on the home page at
www.rsgbiota.org for more information on these and other upcoming activities.
Waitakere Sprints
These sprints are also on this weekend and then the next, 25 July and 1 August
There are some small changes but the intent is still the same for
participants... enjoy the 1 hour sprints.
Phone Sprint on 80m Saturday 25th July from 10.00 - 11.00 UTC last night if
you are hearing this for the first time Sunday Morning in VK.
CW Sprint is on 80m Saturday 1st August again from 10.00 - 11.00 UTC
(Saturday nite)
(David ZL1DK)
Entries in the 2009 ILLW, International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend, have
reached 262 with 4 weeks to start time on 15th August, well on schedule to
equal or better last years total of 406 who submitted an entry.
Australia is said to lead the list with 42 entries followed by Germany with
40. Some of the more exotic entries are Egypt, Panama, Gibraltar, Isle of Man,
Sardinia, Iceland and Namibia.
This event is fast becoming one of the most popular international events on
the ham radio calendar. Also involved is the International Association of
Lighthouse Keepers who organise an open day on the Sunday of the event.
Please see their web site at:
The Townsville (TARC) club will be activating the Cape Cleveland Light
(ILLW Number AU0045) If you are in the region Aug 15 and would like to
"barge it" to the light, contact Steve VK4SJW on 4772 37 67.
Come and join in, it's a fun weekend, great for lighthouses and great for
ham radio and remember to ask the VK lights for numbers in the major VK contest
of the year, the RD contest.
Kevin vk2ce
Brian Miller ZL1AZE Chair of OCDX Contest Committee dropped the newsroom a
note to say the results of the 2008 Oceania DX Contest and rules for the 2009
contest have been published on the web.
SSB Contest - 3 October 2009 and 4 October 2009 - 0800 - 0800 UTC
CW Contest - 10 October 2009 and 11 October 2009 - 0800 - 0800 UTC
For details please see: http://www.oceaniadxcontest.com
hf nets ON the net, www.timroberts-vk4yeh.id.au/
GB 40 WAB 40th anniversary of the WAB Till Dec 31
HG 160 FNY Commemorates 1848 attack on Hungary
that prompted their independence. until July 31
OZ 1658 ROS 350th anniversary of the Treaty of Roskilde Till Dec 31
VARIOUS SM STATIONS USING 1658 (Treaty of Roskilde) Till Dec 31
VI 2 SRC 50 Summerland Clubs 50th Anniversary (VK2) Till Aug 31
VP 9 400 /home call 400th Anniversary of Bermuda Till Dec 31
VR 2009 EAG The 5th East Asian Games Hong Kong Till Dec 31
Clubs affiliated to the SARL have been invited to apply for use of a special
event station callsign ZS 10 WCS, World Cup Soccer. Clubs will be selected
by ballot.
There are two categories: the months leading up to the event and the periods
during the actual event.
The 2010 World Cup Soccer will run from 11 June till 11 July.
YC0IEM, is active from Bali through July 27th. QSL via IZ8CCW.
Watch what you type
Power sockets can be used to eavesdrop on what people type on a computer.
Putting this story into words, Frank VK2FJL.
"Security researchers found that poor shielding on some keyboard cables means
useful data can be leaked about each character typed.
By analysing the information leaking onto power circuits, the researchers
could see what a target was typing.
It has been demonstrated to work at a distance of up to 15m, but refinement
may mean it could work over much longer distances.
The research focused on the cables used to connect PS/2 keyboards to desktop
PCs. The researchers pointed out that, the six wires inside a PS/2 cable are
typically "close to each other and poorly shielded". This means that
information travelling along the data wire, when a key is pressed, leaks onto
the earth wire in the same cable. The earth wire, via the PC's power unit,
ultimately connects to the plug in the power socket, and from there
information leaks out onto the circuit supplying electricity to a room.
Even better, said the researchers, data travels along PS/2 cables one bit at a
time and uses a clock speed far lower than any other PC component. Both these
qualities make it easy to pick out voltage changes caused by key presses.
A digital oscilloscope was used to gather data about voltage changes on a
power line and filters were used to remove those caused by anything other than
the keyboard".
Congratulations to REAST members for their news presentation last week. As
Justin VK7TW said REAST did the first of the "away" broadcasts just over 12
months ago and around it comes next week to Redcliffe's 2nd!
Not mentioned during REASTS broadcast was where they actually were broadcasting
Barry VK7TBM and Tom VK7FTWS allowed REAST to use the quiet Coast Radio Hobart
studio to do the recording for the National broadcast.
160 in Brisbane.
Checking into Terry VK4AAT's 160 AM broadcast last Sunday was Andy VK4KY.
During the check in he received a phone call. It was John VK4YJV operating
portable from Stanthorpe.
Gary VK4FGAZ and his family have just recently moved there. John along with
Scott VK4FLAE took some earthmoving equipment down to Gary on Friday as he is
building a new house.
They were all listening in and made the comment "broadcast quality",
5/9+ signal report.
Their equipment was an IC7000, 80m dipole, MFJ993 Tuner and 18Ah SLA battery!
Amateur Radio Previews
July 2009
On page 5 there is a timely article on radio frequency interference (usually
called RFI) and your computer. Your sensitive radio receiver can probably
"hear" much of the noise generated by a nearby computer but there are ways to
overcome this problem. Dale Hughes VK1DSH explains how to go about noise
reduction for the most common modes of interference. This follows on nicely
from the article on page 53 of the June issue of Amateur Radio.
There are two articles on loop antennas this month, but they are very
different in design and frequency band. On page 25 Andy Williss VK5LA
describes his "Hentenna" for six metres, and on page 11 you can read
Drew Diamond VK3XU as he explains how build an active loop antenna for
1.8 to 4 MHz.
Don't forget the regular columns presented every month by Amateur Radio.
They are all written by experts in their fields and keep you up-to-date on
your special interest. In particular, read our new Contests columnist
Craig Edwards VK5HRT on page 41, plus a few final words from retiring
Contests editor Phil Smeaton VK4BAA.
(Tom Potter VK3UBS)
WIA ARDF COORDINATOR VK3WWW Jack vk3www@alphalink.com.au
An on-foot hidden transmitter hunt in Boston has drawn competitors from
around the world.
Amateur Radio Newsline's Joe Moell, K0OV, says it was combined with
the USA's annual national championships and was hosted by Vadim Afonkin
He is one of USA's best at the sport, which is also called radio-orienteering
and ARDF.
With help from the New England Orienteering Club, Vadim set out two
challenging courses in the 7000-acre Blue Hills Reservation south of
Boston, one course on two-meters and the other on 80 meters. These
transmitter hunts drew hams from all over the USA plus eight other
nations. Some of those countries, such as Ukraine and Russia, have
training programs that have developed the world's best radio-orienteer's
over the years, so it's no surprise that the best performances were from
those nations.
For complete results and photos of the championships in Boston, point
your Web browser to homingin.com. That's homingin -- as one word --
WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story)
Videos of the six presentations at the AMSAT 2009 Dayton Hamvention forum
are now on the AMSAT website. The presentations include the Richard
Garriott, W5WKQ, talk on his visit to the International Space Station and a
presentation on the upcoming what was to be Suit-Sat 2 project by Gould
Smith, WA4SXM. To watch these presentations and the others, simply go to
www.amsat .org and click on the AMSAT Video News icon about halfway down
the page in the left column.
FISTS Club - East Asia www.feacw.net
FISTS Club - Australasia www.fistsdownunder.org
FISTS Club - UK & Europe www.fists.co.uk
FISTS Club - Americas www.fists.org
Morse code Mosquito Ring tone
What audio tone frequency do you use to receive Morse code?
Jim Linton tells.
"The most common transceiver default is 800Hz.
If a tone is over 17 kHz then it is called the 'Mosquito tone', 'Teen Buzz'
and other names because only young ears, people under 25 years, can hear such
a high frequency due to hearing deteriorating with age in humans.
Nao Hosada JO3HPM writing in the FISTS EAST ASIA Newsletter reports that a
popular Japanese TV drama has been using the Mosquito tone to send a special
message to a young girl in the show.
Recognising the market potential of the idea, the Morse Mosquito Ring tone for
mobile phones is now available with various messages, all using Japanese
Morse code.
The tone has another application called the Mosquito Alarm. Blasting away at
108 decibels to ward off young people gathering in specific areas and being
unruly, which has raised concern about human rights and calls for governments
to impose guidelines on its use.
Now lets enjoy the sound of another Mosquito, powered by Rolls Royce, that
most listeners to this VK1WIA broadcast will be able to hear?
I'm Jim Linton VK3PC".
Net is held each Mondays on 3.580 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.
(1000utc during daylight saving)
YL International 2012 Australia 4-7 May 2012
Australia invites all YLs and their OMs to join for the 2012 YL International
Meet in Adelaide.
Plans are progressing but there is not a lot definite.
Their current thinking is that the main part of the meet will be in the
Glenelg area which is close to the airport and beach, has a variety of levels
of accommodation to suit all budgets very close together and is only a
20 minute tram ride from the city of Adelaide.
This years ALARA President, Tina, VK5TMC has set up a website which is
definitely "under construction" at this time but Tina will put all details up
there as they are finalised.
The address is: http://ylinternational2012.110mb.com
(alara newsletter 130 via vk2db)
2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz
Get your name (and callsign!) on a microchip on the Mars Science Laboratory
rover heading to Mars in 2011... check out the link provided by Richard
VK2SKY in the text editions.
(73 Richard VK2SKY)
WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- Internet Linking of Repeaters
Work is progressing with the permanent linking of VK7RTV Repeaters at Gawler
and VK4RSS 70CM. repeater in Ocean View, Queensland.
At present, the repeaters are linked `ad hoc' or on demand via IRLP. Another
separate VOIP system is currently being investigated which will ultimately
allow a permanent connection and link between the networks, freeing up the
existing IRLP nodes for local traffic.
The UHF Repeater VK4RSS (owned and operated by NWT-ATV Gp. Club Members,
Adrian VK4RV and xyl Jessica VK4FJAR) is situated approximately 15KM inland
West of us here in Redcliffe.
Its coverage includes areas of the Gold Coast, Greater Brisbane Area,
Northern Cities and Suburbs, through to the Sunshine Coast as far north as
Coolum Beach.
Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.
Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160
World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160
World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160
Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227
Calling Frequencies for PSK31
A DXpedition will operate from Swaziland between 30th July and 11th August
2009. The purpose of this expedition is to provide an amateur radio station
at the International Scout Camp near Manzini with the callsign 3DA0SS and
also a station at Hawane Resort near Mbabane where previous DXpeditions to
Swaziland have operated from. The Hawane station will operate under the
individual callsigns of the expedition team.
Team members are -
Gerry M0VAA 3DA0VA
Malcolm GM3TAL 3DA0MH
There is an established HF antenna farm at the Hawane site and they'll
operate 2 HF stations around the clock depending on propagation and band
openings and on or near to scout frequencies.
Requests for skeds should be sent to GI4FUM@3da0ss.net
QSLs for this DXpedition should be sent via GI4FUM
Further details and photographs are available at http://www.gi4fum.co.uk
21.360 - 18.160 - 14.300 - 7.060 - 3.760 MHz.
REGION 2 TRY ALSO 3.985 - 7.240 - 7.290
A chance to play with radios in the forest
If you are in the Townsville Region during the next few weeks then
Communications Support Co-ordinator Blue VK4FBLU has a few
golden opportunities for you to get out of the shack playing with
radios and being useful at some up and coming community events including
from 5pm Friday 7th August to 11pm Saturday 8th August, the Cardwell Classic
Rally. Call in on the "Mighty RAT repeater" after the news and talk to Blue,
VK4FBLU (or telephone 47754184)
International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009.
July 25 vk4
Gootchie CWA - Wide Bay Mini Hamfest
Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group White Elephant Sale Healesville Memorial Hall.
August 2 vk6
Northern Corridor Radio Group's WA Hamfest. Cyril Jackson Rec Centre
Fisher st Ashfield.
August 8 VK2
Summerland's 50th Anniversary Dinner will be held Saturday evening, 8th August.
Goonellabah Tavern to start 1800K.
August 9
SARCFEST from 0800K at the Clubrooms, Richmond Hill.
August 22 vk2
Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club's Winterfest 18 Simeon Road, Orchard Hills.
Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio club Sunfest, The Woombye School of Arts
Blackall Street Woombye.
SEP 13 VK5
Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest 9:30am.
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood.
SEP 18-20 VK4
North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention, James Cook University,
Douglas Campus. Surf to theTARCinc website http://www.tarc.org.au
for event and registration information
SEP 25 - 27 VK4
The Central Highland Amateur Radio Club Annual General Meeting at
Camp Fairbairn near Emerald.
OCT 11 VK3
Shepparton and District Amateur Radio Club's communications and display day
(Hamfest), St Augustine's Hall Orr Street Shepparton.
OCT 12 - 16 ZL
14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 ? 16 October 2009.
Details at www.christchurch.org.nz/
The Region 3 Web Site: www.jarl.or.jp/iaru-r3/
Oct 31 - Nov 1
Qld Sunshine Coast's October Camp Catch-up Maidenwell Observatory
Brisbane valley west of Yarraman.
Westlakes Amateur Radio Club's "Westlakes Field Day".
JAN 24 VK2
Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group's Radio Expo 2010 8.30am St Johns Church
Hall, Mc Lean Street Coffs Harbour.
WIA 100 Centre Victoria RadioFest No. 3.
Wyong Field Day, Wyong Race Course.
Midland Amateur Radio Club's Radio, Electronic & Astronomy Expo.
Venue to be advised.
Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club's 35th Annual Field Day.
JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012
MAY 4-7 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (vk5tmc@bigpond.com)
Please think of the environment before printing this email
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".
Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...
Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.