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WIANEWS for week commencing Aug 09 2009


gathering of community broadcasting technologists


aug 15 and 16 is wia remembrance day contest

All up and coming in this edition of
WIANEWS for week commencing Aug 09


Timely Reminder

A reminder to ensure you pay your license renewal on or before time.

Here is Gordon VK4VP:-

"ACMA provide a 60 day grace period before the callsign is listed
on the web for other amateurs to acquire.

Generally they will send out a letter advising that your license
has expired as a reminder to renew it. You may have waited a long
time to get a particular callsign and it can be gone all too

Put a note on the calendar or in your computer to remind you of the
date for renewal and if you hear nothing by that time a check of
the website or a phone call to ACMA may prevent losing that
cherished callsign."

(Gordon VK4VP)


The first formal gathering of Community Broadcasting technologists
held in Australia.

Technorama 2009

VK3FFFM joins us:-

"Skilling and technology support is a major challenge for community

Technorama 2009 is the first step, being held from
Friday 4th September -Sunday 6th September in Melbourne.

Where do I find more information?

Download program and registration from
click on Technorama tab at the left

Use the CBAA discussion Technorama forums for latest information or
to ask questions.

All station technologists, engineers, managers, sector suppliers of
tech services and equipment.

Anyone that contributes to technology decisions, or techs wishing
to get involved Australia wide, are invited to attend.

Get in Early with your registration."

Launch your own personal DIY satellite

Planet Earth has entered the age of the Personal Satellite with the
introduction of Interorbital's TubeSat Personal Satellite.

This Kit is the low-cost alternative to the CubeSat.

And, best of all, the $8000 price of the TubeSat kit actually
includes the price of a launch into Low-Earth-Orbit!
Launches are expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2010.

Total Price of the TubeSat Kit including a Launch to Orbit is only

You can read more on the Space Fellowship website


Big hike to reach remote lighthouse

The International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend on the 15th and
16th of August could turn out to be a record year with 355
lighthouses registered so far.

Still in the lead on the country tally is Australia on 46,
Germany 42, England and the USA around 35 each, and equal pegging
on 21 are Argentina, Holland and Sweden.

Most Australian lighthouses easily accessible. An exception is the
most southerly lighthouse on the mainland which is at Wilsons
Promontory Victoria.

Adam Shrimpton VK3PHY is set for the 18-kilometre walk to reach the
lighthouse carrying a Yaesu FT817 transceiver, dipole, a
quarter- wave 20m vertical, 9-metre squid pole, batteries and
charger, plus food and warm clothes.

He was involved in the Lady Bay Warrnambool Lighthouse last year
and says this inspired him to do something out-of-the-ordinary this

There are still lighthouses available to put on air. Check out the
official website for the full list and online
registration. How many lighthouses will you contact?

(Barry Robinson VK3PV

Hello everybody, I'm Bryan VK3HXR with a couple of words about
the WIA National News Podcast.

That's right _podcast_.

A podcast is simply an audio file distributed somewhat automatically via RSS.
And 'RSS' is a system where programs query a small summary file on websites
rather than you, the user, loading the whole website every time you want to
check if there's anything new.

Think of it as "email for audio". The software checks every so often in the
background and when there's a new episode it downloads it and notifies you
it's ready to play.

So, why is this so good? Well, just about every web browser, email client and
music playing software knows how to download podcasts and if you subscribe to
the WIA News Podcast you'll get the _freshest_ news bulletin as soon as it's

So if you want to listen to the freshest Amateur Radio news on your MP3 player
while you're mowing the lawn, burn it to a CD and listen to it on your way
into work or in the background between DX contacts in the wee hours of the
morning, the WIA News Podcast is yours, any time you want it.

Now the mp3 file _has_ been available for a while and has always been used by
the HF, repeater and IRLP broadcasters. If you're involved with putting the
news to air, you'll love the new system, especially if you're writing
automation scripts.

Every episode is now uniquely named with the date in the title and there are
commandline podcatchers (like 'hpodder') to make your life easier. No more
wondering if the downloaded wianews.mp3 file is the most current one - you'll
know it is.

So head over to the website and you find the podcast link on the
News Broadcast Page in the News and Events section. And if you're an iTunes
user, you'll find it in the Podcast Directory by searching for
'Wireless Institute'.

'hpodder' commandline podcatcher (linux/posix & OSX)

'Armangil's' commanline podcatcher (windows, linux/posix & OSX)
(requires Ruby)

ACMA asked to jam radio broadcasts

Deliberate jamming has long occurred on the shortwave bands as nations want
to deny their citizens access to foreign broadcasts, the practice is now
being suggested within Australia, for another reason...Jim Linton VK3PC

"Analogue FM radio stations in Victoria's second largest city, Geelong, fear
their listeners will be lured to tune into the new digital transmission
stations in Melbourne.

Grant Broadcasters Pty Ltd which operate two FM stations in Geelong has
called on the ACMA to jam the Melbourne signals.

This because there will be a considerable delay in extending digital radio
to Geelong and other regional areas.

The government owned broadcasters ABC and SBS are opposed to their digital
signals being denied to Geelong.

The ACMA is considering options for the introduction of coverage management
systems to stop the fortuitous digital radio coverage. If jamming did go
ahead it would need to be funded by broadcasters claiming market

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Since that story was filed we have contacted the DAB+ Engineering Committee
for CRA and a spokesman said "ACMA will not contemplate such a scheme".


web service:-
VKG Roundup

The Next meeting and AGM of Illawarra Amateur Radio Society will be held at
Industry World, Off Springhill Road Coniston on Tuesday the 11th of August
2009 at 7.30pm.

At this meeting the present committee will stand down and those that wish to
stand again will do so.

Please consider nominating to become a committee member to assist the club
with the good work needed to keep the club rolling along. Please note the
Nomination forms are available on their website.

Membership forms are also available on the website.

For those that don't have internet access please call Tony VK2TS on
0404 839465 and alternate arrangements can be made.

The membership fees also help keep twelve repeaters and 3 APRS digipeaters on

Westlakes club have arranged to have Jeff Johnson VK4XJJ present a talk on
his trek across Australia Now listed for Saturday August 22nd in the
Westlakes club Library due to a double booking by Jeff for the 29th.

Westlakes ARC in conjunction with Port Stephens ARC have registered and will
be activating Norah Head Lighthouse over the ILLW 15/16th August operating as
VK2ATZ portable.

web service:-
VKC Roundup http://www.police

Now until Aug Ten its the Bogong High Plains Winter Expedition, so listen out
for NERGs VK3GT, VK3SN & VK3HFI across the HF bands and local VHF/UHF
repeaters during their annual cross country expedition

Then Thursday 13 August - NERG Annual General Meeting and elections.

(Mark VK3BYY North East Radio Group, Briar Hill, Australia).


Hello, this is Jade, VK5FXYL on behalf of the EARC. On the 22nd of August at
Mawson Lakes Library we are hosting a meet and greet information demonstration
about Amateur radio. There will be active on-air and technical displays. A
chance to meet members of the club and ask questions about Amateur radio.
Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your neighbours. This is a chance
to learn about a fantastic hobby. Starts at 10 in the morning and finishs at
4pm. We look forward to seeing you there.

local area news :-
vk7 local news, email

The VK7 stations that are currently registered for lighthouse participation

Winston VK7EM who will be operating from Mersey Bluff Lighthouse and is
number AU0040.

Wayne VK7FWAY and Eric VK7FEJE who will be operating from Table Cape Light
is number AU0039.

Bill VK7MX, Duncan VK7FLAK and XYL VK7FYMX will be operating from Low Head
Lighthouse which is number AU0048.

Gavin VK7VTX will be operating on Flinders Island at the Pot Boil Channel
lighthouse which is number AU0062 and IOTA number OC-195, and,

John VK7ZZ will be operating from Cape Bruny Lighthouse which is number AU0005.

Make sure you give these stations a special call if you here them during the
weekend and make sure you get a number from them in the all important RD!


Summerland, Lismore Region are running a Foundation course over the RD
weekend., 15 & 16 August at a cost of $20 plus text book and exam fee.

Advanced Theory course will be 22/23 & 29/30 August. The four day course $50
plus text book and exam fee.

WIA exam fees are currently $35 for under 18 years or $67 for adults.

Contact Duncan
Phone 66281337

Tassies Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club (CCARC)

The CCARC has welcomed new members Peter VK7LCW and Chris VK7KEE .

Members are advised that the next meeting will be a "social meeting" on the
29th of August. It is anticipated that dey will have a guest speaker providing
a session on radio controlled model aeroplanes.

The Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club offers full assessments to its members,
and to any other person who are interested in upgrading their Amateur
Qualifications or sitting any other of the Licence Exams.

Details may be obtained from Keith Winkler VK7KW on telephone 6428 2185 or

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.


Ham radio is growing in China. According to the Chinese Radio Sports
Association which oversees licensing for hobbyists in the world's most
populous country, some 90,000 of the worlds radio amateurs live in are
in that nation and the number has been steadily growing in recent years.
This, despite mobile phones and the Internet becoming commonplace in
nearly all of the country.


The United States Senate Commerce Committee wants Congress to get an
inventory of how the nation's spectrum is being used and managed. To
accomplish this the committee has passed a measure backed by
Communications Subcommittee Chairman to have the Federal Communications
Commission and the National Telecommunications and Information
Administration report to Congress how much spectrum is used in each band
and how. This includes what portions require a license for use and what
portions allow unlicensed use.


FM subcarriers on broadcast stations also called SCA channels could challenge
BPL in the area of power grid monitoring. Jerry Gaul KE7GGV speaking on
Amateur Radio Newsline said:

B-P-L should watch out, here comes S-C-A. e-Radio and Direct Energy
announce that they are partnering with manufacturers of smart grid devices
such as thermostats, in-home displays, load controls and appliances to use
broadcast RF as a way to monitor power consumption needs.

Using FM subcarriers leased from radio stations, e-Radio transmits the
notifications to the home-based receivers across a municipality or
utility service area that results in significantly reduced peak energy
demand. The technology can also intervene on the consumer's behalf,
cycling off appliances for set periods of time during peak periods.


Ever wondered how the French Call Sign system is derived?

according the call sign QSO'd:

F1 is an old call issued for only 144 MHz and up but allowed in the HF bands
since 2003.

F2 (two letter suffix) in an old call sign issued between the 1950 and 1955's

F3 (two letter suffix) is an old call sign issued between the 30's and 40's

F4 is an old FA1 or a regular without CW on 144 until 2003 and on HF after
2003. (A licence without CW allows only automatic CW, not manual)

F5 is a regular full licence of the 1950s (with a two letter suffix), or an
old FB1 (with a three letter suffix) or a regular full licence from 99 to 2003

F6 with a three letter suffix is a regular full licence from between 1968 and

F7 with a two letter suffix, was issued to an NATO member ham in France
between 1949 and 1967

F8 is and old licence from pre WW2 (with a two letter suffix) or an old FB1,
with CW certificate (with a three letter suffix), of a new ham with a full CW
licence issued after 2003.

F0xxx call signs (with three letter suffixes) are novice licences for phone
only on 144, 10 watts.

F2, F3 or F9 are old call signs reissued to full new licensees just after WW2.

An F8Kxx licence is issued to a Radio Club.

Some National Ham Associations have call signs as follows:

F6PTT - the National Postmen's Association.

F8UFT - the Union Franaise des Telegraphistes.

F8AFH - the French national Association for Blind or Disabled Hams,

It is worthwhile knowing that the old F2, F3, F9 licences never had a
3 letter suffix.

For the overseas French territories, it's the same mess.

Need some more information? Write to f5nql@)
Maurice has an interesting and extensive personal profile on


Hello I'm Peter Harding VK4OD the RD Contest Manage.

Next Saturday is the 15th August, and that heralds in this years RD Contest.

I have a VERY special line up of special Guest Speakers, due to the line up
this year, we will present an extended broadcast that will run for 30 Minutes,
and as Prior to the Contest commencing we will present this years Opening
Speech, we such it will commence at 07:30 utc, and NOT at 07:45 as in the

So we would ask that any of the club stations that would normally air the
address, that their Broadcast officers be made aware of the time change.

Following on from Last week where Lt Chris Megaw on Active Service in
East Timor spoke about the WWII Radio Operator in Timor Here now is
Justin VK7TWwith some more on that story.

"World War II saw the need for skilled radio people to operate and maintain
defence radio equipment. Amateurs filled this need and many helped in the
creation of a communications infrastructure for the Australian Defence Forces.

One such person was Signalman Max Loveless VK7ML SK. He was an amateur before
WWII and became involved as a signals operator with "Sparrowforce" on
Dutch Timor with the AIF.

Members of the 2/2nd Australian Independent Company, fortress signals section
and members of 8th Division Signals, pooled their resources to build a
set capable of raising Darwin.

After many trials and much revision a radio was devised from pieces of other
sets and from parts scrounged among the troops or stolen from the enemy and
on the 20th April 1942, Darwin was made aware that the Australians in Timor
were alive and well. The bulk of the work was undertaken by Signallers
Max Loveless and Keith Richards, assisted by Jack Sargent and John Donovan.

The set was affectionately named "Winnie the War Winner" after
Winston Churchill and after several days of answering some personal questions
Darwin was convinced of the authenticity of the signals, and was able to
arrange for much-needed supplies to be delivered to the isolated troops.

A wonderful story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

I'm Justin VKTW."

Please be sure to post or Email your logs as soon as possible before the
closing date.

In all cases, logs must be received by last mail on Monday 15th September,
2009. Late entries will not be eligible. Electronically sent logs will be
returned with a courtesy note, also Snail Mail will be returned unopened.

See you in the contest.

Let me introduce myself, I am Lesley, VK5HLS, the new ALARA Contest Manager.
I am looking forward to hearing lots of you, YL'S and OM'S on the air during
the last weekend of August Saturday August 29 to Sunday 30th at 0600 UTC
Saturday until 1159 UTC Sunday - that is 0600 utc Saturday August 29th until
1159 utc Sunday August 30th.

The rules of the contest are on the alara website:; in your
August AR and also in your last Alara newsletter. No excuses for not getting
on the air and having a go.

I look forward to speaking with some of you on the radio waves and then being
inundated with logs before the 30th September."

73, Lesley VK5HLS

hf nets ON the net,

GB 40 WAB 40th anniversary of the WAB Till Dec 31

OZ 1658 ROS 350th anniversary of the Treaty of Roskilde Till Dec 31

VARIOUS SM STATIONS USING 1658 (Treaty of Roskilde) Till Dec 31

VI 2 SRC 50 Summerland Clubs 50th Anniversary (VK2) Till Aug 31

VP 9 400 /home call 400th Anniversary of Bermuda Till Dec 31

VR 2009 EAG The 5th East Asian Games Hong Kong Till Dec 31

YL 90 AIR 90yrs of Latvian Air Force Till Dec 31

Spanish Grand Prix - special callsigns.

The Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix will take place in Valencia. Look for
special callsigns to be active until August 23rd:

AM5FUV (Op Juan, EC5BZR),
AO5FUV (Op Pepe, EA5UB),
AN5FUV (Op Vincent, EB5GGB),
EG5FUV (Op Jose, EA5FL)
and EH5FUV (Op Nando, EA5GVZ).

A special award will be issued to those who will make at last 3 QSO's with
3 different stations.

QSL Manager will be Jose, EA5FL direct or bureau.

Further information can be found at

GB111, ENGLAND (Special Event). Viv, G4PLY, will activate special event
station GB111HP on the air during the month of August. This is a tribute
to Harry Patch (GB9WWI) who sadly passed away on Saturday, July 25th,
5 weeks after celebrating his 111th birthday. He was the oldest surviving
combatant living in the UK who fought in World War I. QSL via G4PLY,
direct or by the Bureau.


GB7MBC, one of Europe's busiest DX Clusters, is now on the Twitter
social networking system. Postings provide such things as DX news,
contests news and solar information. To follow GB7MBC on Twitter, just
go to and add it to your list of 'tweets' you follow.

With the growing popularity of ham radio on Twitter its very likely that
lots of other activities like radio club bulletins and the like will be
soon showing up there as tweets as well. Maybe even a synopses of
important National News stories will show up sometime soon.

If your a Twitter interested in doing this contact

More information on Twitter is at www dot twitter dot com.


Region III IARUMS Coordinator B.L.Manohar (Arasu) VU2UR

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.


Malicious interference and other firms of on the air abuse are still
plaguing repeaters in London, England. Because of this at least one
system is considering some drastic action with support of government
regulators. Jeramy Boot, G4NJH, says

Repeater users in the London area will be aware that abuse continues to
mar the network with a minority making it unpleasant for those who
simply wish to enjoy the hobby. The East London 2m repeater, GB3EL, has
been suffering from abuse recently and the Keeper has instigated a
curfew between the 6pm and 6am to reduce the instances of abuse.

This action has proven effective in the past and the RSGB Emerging
Technologies Committee and Ofcom support the Keeper's actions. The ETCC
encourages proactive measures by all Keepers to manage their repeaters
in accordance with the terms of their NoVs. Users are especially asked
to consider their own actions and not to react when abuse is heard, as
this is just what abusers are hoping will happen.

The Term NOV used in that report stands for Notice of Variation to a UK
ham license that permits one to put up a repeater. Unlike the United
States where anyone install a temporary repeater to replace one that's
gone dark to fight user abuse, in the UK it's the national society
that holds all of the repeater operators licenses. An individual who
decides to put one up without it being licensed could wind up doing some
serious time in the old gray bar hotel.


Amateur Radio Previews
August 2009

Nip down to your newsagent and get the August issue of Amateur Radio.
It's already out, sharp on the first of the month. Look for the dramatic
photo of a huge 26 metre dish on the front cover. That's 85 feet if you
are still tuned to imperial measure, which is far wider than most residential

EME stands for earth-moon-earth, and there is a dedicated group of amateurs
who bounce their signals off our big natural satellite to communicate around
the globe. Two of these EME buffs are Rex Moncur VK7MO and Justin Giles-Clark
VK7TW, and if you turn to page 22 you can read all about some of their recent
achievements. Yes, they were using that monster dish shown on the front
cover, and only three milli-watts of transmitter power - what a difference
a bit of antenna gain makes!! And there are more big-dish colour photos inside
the back cover.

Just imagine a group of school kids in Switzerland chatting to Doug McArthur
VK3UM in Victoria, but via a transmission path of 750,000 kilometres - yes,
by bouncing the signal off the moon. This was on sideband voice, and Doug
was using his 8.6 metre dish on 23 centi-metres (that's about 1,296 Megahertz)
and around 500 watts of transmitter power. The kids called Doug "the man in
the moon", but he seems not to mind too much. Read his account of this most
successful adventure on page 24, and see "Doug's dish" pictured inside the
back cover. Check the Editorial, too.

Contests are great fun, and there are plenty of them coming up this month and
next. Make sure you are up to speed on the rules by reading pages 42 to 46.
Peter Harding VK4OD has a full coverage for the Remembrance Day Contest
and there is also the ALARA Contest plus the Westlakes Cup. Plus the regular
Contests column, courtesy of Craig Edwards VK8PDX who is now in Alice Springs,
on page 41.

(Tom Potter VK3UBS)

FISTS Club - East Asia
FISTS Club - Australasia
FISTS Club - UK & Europe
FISTS Club - Americas


Fists are proudly announcing their latest new member, VK3KS-Mavis #14110.
Last month FISTS featured the exceptional achievement of Mavis Stafford VK3KS,
CW operator, who recently celebrated completing 70 years as a radio amateur.
The suggestion was made that, in recognition of this outstanding achievement,
FISTS should invite Mavis to be an honorary member of FISTS Down Under.
Delighted they are that she has accepted. Mavis's career is covered in
last month's FISTS Down Under.

Australian Coordinator for TCPIP domains is Indy


Word that the ARRL's W1AW bulletin station will add new digital modes to its
transmitting schedule in mid-August.

This following a survey of listeners who say that they want the digital

On August 17th W1AW will replace its AMTOR and ASCII transmissions with
PSK31 and MFSK16, respectively. RTTY will continue to be the first
digital mode used in the transmission schedule. The frequencies used by
W1AW for all its digital transmissions will remain the same.

The W1AW operating schedule complete with times and frequencies can be
found on the ARRLWeb page .



2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz


Earth is entering a stream of dusty debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, the source
of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Although the shower will not peak until
11 and 12 August, the show is already under way.

We are just on the outskirts of the debris stream now. If you go out at night
and watch the sky, you will probably only see a few Perseids per hour.

According to Science at NASA, the Earth passes through the densest part of the
debris stream sometime on 12 August when dozens of meteors can be seen
per hour.

Perseids can appear in any part of the sky, their tails all pointing back to
the shower's radiant in the Perseus constellation.

For radio amateurs, meteor showers provide increased opportunities for meteor
scatter communication. Since 2000, several digital modes implemented by
computer programs have replaced voice and Morse code communications in

The most popular program is "Weak Signal Communication, by K1JT" (WSJT) which
offers specific digital protocols optimised for meteor scatter, ionospheric
scatter, EME at VHF/UHF, as well as HF sky wave propagation. The programme
can decode fraction-of-a-second signals reflected from ionised meteor trails
and steady signals 10 dB below the audible threshold.



Government recognises work of Bletchley Park veterans

The UK Government has decided to recognise the vital contribution
made by members of the Government Code and Cipher School at Bletchley
Park during the Second World War.
Surviving military and civilian veterans who served at Bletchley Park and its
outstations during the Second World War are eligible for a commemorative
badge. The award of the commemorative badge is a fitting recognition of the
vital role played by the Government Code and Cipher School during the war.


Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.

Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160

World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160

World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160

Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227

Calling Frequencies for PSK31

North West Tasmania Amateur Television Group has as one of their goals to
assist with communications and AR Promotion at the forthcoming JOTA/JOTI in
OCT. 2009, initial arrangements and contact has been made with
District Commissioners, Scout Leaders and Groups in the North West to have a
more structured approach to this year's events.

A meeting will be convened within the next few days to begin coordinating what
is hoped to be a successful event this year.

(Tony VK7AX, News Officer NWT-ATV Group)

Join the DownUnder LF Group's Mailing List:

FCC Expands ARRL's 500 kHz Experimental License:

On July 28, the FCC approved a modification that expands the ARRL's 500 kHz
experimental license WD2XSH.

According to Experiment Coordinator Fritz Raab, W1FR, the expansion allows for
more frequencies, more stations and portable operations.

"We can now operate between 495-510 kHz," Raab said.

"We will not be using 500 kHz itself so as to ensure that there is no conflict
with the heritage stations on that frequency.




International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009.

August 9
SARCFEST from 0800K at the Clubrooms, Richmond Hill.

August 22 vk2
Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club's Winterfest 18 Simeon Road, Orchard Hills.

Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio club Sunfest, The Woombye School of Arts
Blackall Street Woombye.

SEP 13 VK5
Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest 9:30am.
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood.

SEP 18-20 VK4
North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention, James Cook University,
Douglas Campus. Surf to theTARCinc website
for event and registration information

SEP 25 - 27 VK4
The Central Highland Amateur Radio Club Annual General Meeting at
Camp Fairbairn near Emerald.

OCT 11 VK3
Shepparton and District Amateur Radio Club's communications and display day
(Hamfest), St Augustine's Hall Orr Street Shepparton.

OCT 12 - 16 ZL
14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 ? 16 October 2009.
Details at
The Region 3 Web Site:

Oct 31 - Nov 1

Qld Sunshine Coast's October Camp Catch-up Maidenwell Observatory
Brisbane valley west of Yarraman.

Westlakes Amateur Radio Club's "Westlakes Field Day".


JAN 24 VK2
Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group's Radio Expo 2010 8.30am St Johns Church
Hall, Mc Lean Street Coffs Harbour.

WIA 100 Centre Victoria RadioFest No. 3.

Wyong Field Day, Wyong Race Course.

Midland Amateur Radio Club's Radio, Electronic & Astronomy Expo.
Venue to be advised.

Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club's 35th Annual Field Day.


JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

MAY 4-7 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (

(Will McGhie VK6UU is WIA National Historian)

Please think of the environment before printing this email


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.

© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)