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CQ Jamboree this is VK6SCS calling CQ Jamboree.

CQ Jamboree This is VK6SAA Scout Headquarters calling CQ Jamboree.

CQ Jamboree indeed.

Welcome to the JOTA edition of the WIA news, recorded at the Peter Hughes
Scout Communication Centre by Scouts from Waylen Bay Sea Scouts in Perth.

I'm Bob, VK6POP, JOTA-JOTI coordinator for Scouts Australia.

Let me introduce today's studio team.

Hi I'm Andrew VK6FAIL.

Hi I'm Flynn VK6FFFF.

Hi I'm Barb, VK6FPAX.



Antenna dangers shown through online tool

Swinburne University, together with EM Software and Systems, has developed an
online tool that will allow users to calculate exclusion zones around antennas
where radiation levels exceed safety standard limits.

Commissioned by the Australian Communications and Media Authority, the
exclusion zone calculator will allow people to conduct safety assessments
of transmitting antennas, such as those found on boats, four wheel drives and
in radio communication networks.

To calculate the zone, all users need to do is enter the antenna type,
transmitter power, antenna gain and frequency band into the online tool, and
it will automatically calculate the safe distance around the antenna.

This project will provide the public with access to an online tool that is
easy to operate and gives clear and easy to understand outputs.

There are thousands of commercial transmitting antennas throughout Australia
that emit RF electromagnetic radiation. Safe levels of human exposure to
radiation are determined by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear
Safety Agency.

The online tool can be accessed at the Australian Communications and Media
Authority website

Direct link:

(Via Southgate)


Optus announced this week that Australia's newest state-of-the-art satellite,
Optus D3, is fully operational after successfully completing extensive
in-orbit testing ahead of schedule.

Trevor Taege VK4BAT told WIA National News that following the successful
launch August from French Guiana, Optus has now completed a number of
crucial tests at its geo-stationary 156E location.

D3 will complement Optus' existing four satellites providing services across
Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica.

The Telco says D3 would provide new business opportunities for them and allow
their customers to provide new and advanced digital Services including
Foxtel who plan on rolling out 30 additional pay TV Channels along with
significantly more Interactive and on demand features

Optus' satellite fleet reaches all corners of the country delivering
subscription television, free-to-air TV, voice, internet and radio services.

vk1 local news email and ask for subscription.
General Meeting:

C.R.A.R.C. "Moving Premises" Auction!

All items listed are "AS IS - WHERE IS".

Inspect on the night of auction Wednesday 28th October.

Successful bidders must pay on the evening of the auction.

Club President's decision is final on all matters !

web service local news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

The Bunya Mts & Dist AmCom are hosting a HAM AND WINE FEST 2010 on January
30th next year at Maclagan, which is just west of the Great Dividing Range.

Get along and join in the fun of a HamFest towards the west.

All the proceeds from this event will be used for a badly needed upgrade to
the club's repeater installation up on Mt Kiangarow at the northern end of
the Bunya Mountains.

For more information
Contact Neil VK4NF
or Rick VK4NRL

local area news :-
vk7 local news, email

Sorell Men's Shed - Tasmania Day - Science Celebration - 8th November.

Some activities include:

Science demonstrations. By Men and Boys by VK7MO, 7TW and 7MJ to name a few.

Men's shed open day

Working displays

Wood working, metal cold bending and welding demonstrations.

The VK7SMS station will be on the air.

Check out the website on the email and internet editions of this broadcast
for more details as they come to hand.

(Ken VK7DY, SMS Coordinator)


The Australian Communications and Media Authority is releasing spectrum in the
3575-3700 MHz band (the 3.6 GHz band) to support the deployment of wireless
access services in regional and remote areas of Australia.

The full media release can be found at


Tom Potter VK3UBS from AR Mag tells us Foundation Licensees now have their own
Foundation Corner in Amateur Radio magazine.

Ross Pittard VK3CE has created this feature and on page 10 he takes
you through the construction of a simple but useful half-wave dipole antenna.

This is hands-on stuff of interest to many, not only FLs.

A Friday session set up at short notice on the 9th October saw Ark's
Academy candidates Stephen and Jim pass assessments for Standard Theory
and Regulations and Foundation License, both candidates were delighted
with their results and will be on the air with new callsigns in the next
few days" Both Candidates are members of Melbourne's E.M.D.R.C. and will be
able to bask in their achievements at the next club meeting., So welcome
Jim to Amateur Radio and well done Stephen on your Upgrade from the
Ark's Academy team"

(John Fisher VK3DQ / VK3ARK)


D-Star has been used for a transatlantic hook-up between students in two
schools separated by about 8000 miles. This as pupils at St. Marys
Catholic School in Kent in the United Kingdom got the chance to speak with
their counterparts at St, Marys Catholic School in Temple, Texas via a
D-Star based ham radio link-up.

The students at both schools had prepared questions to ask each other. This
included such diverse subjects as sports, television, classroom subjects and
culture. They were also treated to presentations at before the contact to
learn more about what amateur radio is.

Brian, G8ZYZ, and Catherine, M1CVF, handled the duties in the UK using the
services of the GB7FK D-Star repeater in Kent.

Steve, NU5D, and the Temple Amateur Radio took care of the technology in the
Lone Star State.

Reports are that the session went flawlessly and that both sides are
looking forward to the next one.

(AR NEWSLINE Southgate)

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

International Amateur Radio Union Region 3

The IARU Region 3 Directors met in Christchurch, New Zealand, over two and a
half days from 8th to 10th October 2009, immediately before the 14th Regional

The Directors are Chairman Michael VK3KI, Shizuo, JE1MUI, Peter, ZL2AZ,
Gopal, VU2GMN and Joong-Guen Rhee, HL1AQQ, and the Secretary is Jay Oka

The Directors reviewed the matters on the agenda for the Conference, including
their own two papers on the IARU Monitoring System (MS), one prepared in
response to the request of the last Conference in Bangalore.

They also considered the other reports and papers before the Conference
relating to the IARU MS.

The Directors agreed that the MS was a very important aspect of the work of
the IARU, and the material before the Conference raised many questions that
should be addressed.

The Directors decided that they would recommend that the MS should be a major
focus of the Conference, particularly as the Conference was being attended by
representatives of IARU Regions 1 and 2, as well as the IARU officers and
representatives of the International Secretariat.

They decided that they would recommend that the Conference appoints a special
working group be formed to address this matter, working at times when all
delegates could attend.

Artist and filmmaker to work with radio clubs

Artist and Filmmaker Esther Johnson is planning to use three different amateur
radio clubs based in the London area to set up a radio station during an
exhibition of her work on 23rd, 24th and 25th October in London.

The radio stations will accompany Johnson's 16mm film TUNE IN, made
in 2006, which focuses on amateur radio. Johnson will also be
exhibiting photography of radio enthusiasts alongside her film work.

Further information on TUNE IN can be found at


Industry Canada has informed Radio Amateurs of Canada that it has
authorized the Department of National Defence to use a digital system
called Enhanced Position Location Reporting System or EPLRS in the 430 to
450 MHz shared 70 centimetre band. The EPLRS system consists of mobile,
fixed, transportable and airborne stations that use 5 MHz-wide spread
spectrum channels to provide strategic telemetry information for military

This authorization is on a no-protection, non-interference basis, which
means that no new restrictions will be imposed on Canadian amateur
operations in this band as a result. Industry Canada says that there is a
slight chance of minor interference to amateur radio systems. Typically
in the form of a minor audible clicking noise. If Canadian amateurs
encounter such interference, they are requested to report it by e-mail to
Radio Amateurs of Canada at regulatory at rac dot ca. The information
reported should include the geographical location, date, time, frequency
and mode being used by the amateur station, and a description of interference. (RAC)


The Federal Communications Commission is about to open a reassessment
of the V-chip and of family-friendly programming. This to determine
if it is possible to have a single-content ratings system that can
apply to movies, video games, TV and cellular telephones. The study
may also look at ways to ensure that once a TV show or movie is
rated, data is readily available whether the program subsequently
is viewed on TV, cable, a phone or a computer.

Back in 1996 Congress required TV set makers to include the V-Chip
in TVs. This Integrated Circuit technology allows parents and other
televiewers the ability to set their TV receivers to screen out
shows whose ratings didn't meet their personal standards.

Critics argue that the technology needs updating with a system
that can now offer more information, and is less confusing.
This is because motion pictures, TV programs and music each use
different ratings systems and because some TV programs are rated
inconsistently between networks. On the other side the TV networks,
cable industry and the National Association of Broadcasters, argue
that the current V-Chip system works well giving adult
television viewers the ability to lock out material that they do not
want their family members to watch. However, studies have found
that relatively few American families actually use the V-Chip to
control their youngsters viewing habits.


Broadcaster Ted Randall, WB8PUM, host of the shortwave broadcast QSO Radio
Show, is looking for ham radio satellite operators who are interested in
talking about their personal experiences in satellite communication to
contact him. He is specifically in need of someone who can take an entry
level approach to explain satellites to the new and young hams listening to
his weekly broadcasts. If you think you can help, please contact Ted by
e-mail to tedrandall (at) kaij (dot) us. More about the QSO Radio Show is
on-line at


Another astronaut has gotten her ham radio license. Mission specialist
Tracy Caldwell recently passed her amateur radio license exam and has been
issued the callsign KF5DBF.

Caldwell, who is a PH.D, was born in Arcadia, California and enjoys sports,
hiking, and auto maintenance.
She is scheduled to fly with Expedition 23 in April 2010.






the Southern Cross dx net which is a world wide hf net that has been going for
around 50 years. The net runs 7 days a week starting at 1130z on 14.238.50 MHz
and runs for 1 hour some times longer if conditions are good.

Net controller is Jack W1FDY in Virginia. It is a great net for amateurs new
and old that may not have as good a station as others to make contact with
other amateurs all around the world without the hassle of pileups act.

(Marty VK6FDX)

4U1UN, the United Nations Headquarters station in New York City will make a
rare appearance on the air from October 19th to the 25th .

24th of October is United Nations Day.

An all star line-up of top gun DX'ers and contester's will be at the
controls of the famed 4U1UN station.

Names like Marti Laine, OH2BH
Roger Western G3SXW
Kaz Watanabe, JK3GAD
Gene Schumat, UA9AB, from Asiatic Russia, to mention only a few.

In all there will be about two dozen of the best of the best bringing 4U1UN
to life in celebration of 4U1UN Activity Week.

For those not aware, 4U1UN may be geographically located on Manhattan's
East side but as far as ham radio is concerned it is considered a DXCC
entity unto itself.

It became rather rare after 9-11 when new security measures were put in place.

As a result its not often that 4U1UN takes to the airwaves.

In fact it has to be a special event such as this to bring her on.

As to an operating schedule. Its going to be restricted to 12:00 to 04:00
UTC each day.

Amateur Radio Newsline's Reporter Norm Seeley, KI7UP said that logs for 4U1UN
will be uploaded to Logbook to the World after the operation is completed.

All QSL requests go via HB9BOU.

Look for special event station KL5O to be active on the air in
observance of Alaska Day. Activity will take place between 18.00 UTC,
18th October and 06.00 UTC, 19th October. Operations will be on 160
through to 10m, including 30, 17 and 12m. Modes will be CW, SSB and RTTY.


A multi-national team of 18 operators are currently activating Midway Island,
they are expected to continue through October 19th. They are signing K4M
and operate from Sand Island.

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has authorized this amateur radio operation
from this rare U.S. entity for only a 10 day period. This is the first amateur
radio activity from Midway in almost 10 years.

Midway Island ranks number 24 worldwide.

K9NW will be active from Botswana as A25NW between November 23rd and
December 1st. His operation is expected to include His operation is also
expected to include the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via his home callsign

F5PTM will be active from Afghanistan through December as T6YA . Listen
out for him on 40, 30, 20 and 17 meters on CW only. QSL via F5OGL.

JA1FJJ, will be active from Bhutan as A52FJJ through October 20th.
Operations are on 80 through 10 meters using SSB, RTTY and PSK31, 500 watts
into a G5RV antenna.

QSL via his home callsign.


The giant QRZ dot com callsign website has expanded its callsign
database. This, with added fields that take into account the emergence of
electronic confirmations of on the air contacts as well as those hams who
only use cards sent via the mail.

The newly added fields are Mail QSL that indicates whether this person will
QSL by Postal Mail, eQSL says that a ham is using, LOTW indicates
whether this person uses LOTW. Another new field is IOTA which permits the
insertion of an Islands on the Air designator.

AA7BQ, who owns and manages notes that these are all user supplied
items. That means if the item appears in the listing then the record reflects
the member's choice. Otherwise, nothing is shown for these items.

New fields are also transmitted in the QRZ XML Logbook Data stream.

For more info about logbook data, see the XML page.



BBC Radio 4 - Wireless Interference

The BBC Radio 4 show Click On, first broadcast on Monday Oct 5, and now on
the web, featured an item on interference to Wi-Fi Networks from household

Click On describes the item as:

Household appliances such as cordless phones and baby monitors can interfere
with home networks. Adrian Wagstaffe, author of an OFCOM report about
wireless congestion, helps Simon solve his home wireless problems.

Click On Series 5 Episode 1 can be heard at

The Wireless Interference item starts 10 minutes into the show.


Amateur Radio Magazine Previews
October 2009

Amateur Radio for October is already out. Look for the Scout on the cover,
talking to her mates on her hand-held. And that is because the Scouts and
Guides will be holding their annual Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) Friday 16 till
Sunday 18 here in VK.

JOTA will involve around half a million Scouts and Guides. It will also
involve many of the adult amateur fraternity, who give hundreds of hours of
support to JOTA every year. One of these is Bob Bristow VK6POP, who we heard
from earlier in this newscast, well VK6POP writes on page 22 to tell
everyone how they can become involved. Foundation Licence holders, too.
And don't miss the promotion picture inside the front cover.

For a while now, we have been aiming to get the magazine to you by the first
of every month, and you will have noticed that we are hitting that target,
plus or minus a day or two, on a regular basis.

Check out page 1 for a special article on the WIA Centenary. President Michael
Owen VK3KI explains the plans for nation-wide celebrations by Radio Clubs next
year. Look for the special Centenary logo - something you will see a lot of
during 2010. And note the unique callsign, VK100WIA. Then turn to page 8 for
more on the Centenary - history, logo design and special merchandise. The
Centenary polo shirt is pictured. WIA has a dedicated Committee working to
make all this happen.

Don't forget the regular columns presented every month by Amateur Radio.
They are all written by experts in their fields and keep you up-to-date on
your special interest.
For example, Contests are covered on page 41, DX News & Views on page 44
and an interesting article on AMSAT (satellites) at page 49.
And there is news from all the Clubs around Australia.

(tOM potter vk3ubs)


Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.

Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160

World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160

World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160

Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227

Calling Frequencies for PSK31

JOTA is here!

Elizabeth Hickey Activity Leader - Radio and Electronics, who is known as
VK1FELF says YOU are invited to come and help introduce the hobby to the next
generation of Hams.

VK1's Camp Cottermouth for the entire duration of JOTA would like to see you!

Open from Saturday 12 noon on October 17th until Sunday 12 noon on the 18th.

HF Radio, EchoLink, geo caching, fox hunting, radio related arts and crafts,
a scavenger hunt and many other activities.

VK4's Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club are providing radio support
for the Gordonvale Scout Group and the Gordonvale Girl Guides for the 52nd.
Jamboree On The Air.

Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) is an annual event in which around 500,000 Scouts
and Guides from all over the world make contact with each other by means of
amateur radio.

T.R.E.C. are "on the airwaves" from the Scouts Den in Gordonvale, corner of
Church and George Streets using VK4WAT on HF and VHF and also on
IRLP node 6163.

Phil VK4HSV has been operating with Alice River Scouts at The Den from
Friday evening and will finish there today around 0300UTC

Kooka VK4FRJG has been operating with Loam Island Scouts at The Station
and will be finishing up sometime today

Ken VK4QZ and Paul VK4DJ have been operating with Ross Guides at
Herveys Range and will be finishing up sometime today

Don VK4MC and helpers have been operating with Flinders District Guides at the
District Guide Centre at Bluewater and will be finishing up sometime today

The North East Radio Club, The Scout Radio Activities Group and Tranmere
Sea Scouts are operating a VK5 JOTA station this weekend catering to
Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers in the Eastern Suburbs of Adelaide.

A number of activities are taking place, transmitters operating on HF,
2M 70cms IRLP, and Echo Link using Tranmere Sea Scouts call sign of VK5TSS

Sked? please send an email to


Let me read this as I got it straight off the web...

I quote..

"Hi everyone... yes I have been putting together ANOTHER JOTA EchoLink server

EchoLink folks don't like new servers these days so to get the conference
approved, as they are discouraging new conferences, it seemed to me that we
need the English one on year round... I'm planning to leave this one on year
round (thus the 365 name), and have also put three QNI times per day on it
for suggested checking in to try to encourage people to cross paths as I see
quite a few checking in but at different times and thus not connecting with
each other.

VE6JAM is our main Scout Call sign

It is listed as JOTA 365 Scouts JOTA (E) and is node number 480809".

AMSAT-NA is supporting JOTA by dedicating AO-51 operation to the

AO-51 QRP repeater is now in JOTA use.

All users are requested to give way to JOTA stations or QSOs with JOTA

The frequencies used for yesterday and today are:-
145.880 FM uplink, and 435.150 FM downlink

AMSAT wishes we Scouts good luck operating via the AO-51 satellite for the

Reports of your JOTA operations should be sent to the AMSAT-BB or directly to

Scouts and Guides are on the sky waves from South Africa looking for YOU!

Whether or not you are helping with such a station please feel free to join
in, especially if you were a scout or a guide when you were a wee bit younger.

As long as you keep the overs short and let the young do most of the talking
you will be doing us a great service.

Hams come demonstrate your favourite mode whether it is SSB, AM, slow scan TV,
Packet or CW. Even if the signals are only heard, it will be very interesting
for most of us.

Morse code sent slowly can be a real "draw card" especially when scouts
realize we can do the same.

Remember the scouts and guides are young and we have long memories, so treat
us "gently" hihi.

For more information on JOTA/JOTI refer to

After JOTA we Scouts will still be remembered!

A German team will operate from the Radio Club Station of Tunisian Scouts
using a special callsign 3V3S between November 23rd and December 2nd. The
team will install and use a Spiderbeam and verticals. Once the DXpedition
has concluded the antennas will be donated to the 3V8SS club station. QSL
via DL9USA.

More is on-line at


21.360 - 18.160 - 14.300 - 7.060 - 3.760 MHz.
REGION 2 TRY ALSO 3.985 - 7.240 - 7.290

WICEN Tasmania (South) Inc are having a Celebratory Lunch.

They say that if you can think of three reasons to do something, then it must
be a good idea.

Therefore, WICEN South, Inc. along with its supporters, a.k.a. XYLs and other
friends be they Amateurs or listeners, are going out to lunch.

The reasons?

There is a newborn link into VK7RAD/RHT on the air. His name is VK7RBI and he
lives at Alonnah on Bruny Island. He has fair air and responds to 147.3 MHz,
with a 114.8 Hz tone. His adoptive parents (RHT and RAD) are said to be
"over the ionosphere" at the news.

The venue to celebrate is the RIVERVIEW INN in Lower Sandy Bay,

(Rod, VK7TRF)



International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009.

OCT 25 VK3
Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Annual Hamvention, new location of Ballarat
Greyhound Racing Track, off Rubicon Street.

All the usual traders of new gear will be in attendance as well as the very
popular pre-loved displays.

Food and drinks will be available on the premises

Doors open for trading at 10.00am, and entry fee is still $6.00.

The new location has huge off street parking.

For more information and table bookings contact

Oct 31 - Nov 1

Qld Sunshine Coast's October Camp Catch-up Maidenwell Observatory
Brisbane valley west of Yarraman.

Westlakes Amateur Radio Club's "Westlakes Field Day".

NOV 15 VK4


JAN 24 VK2
Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group's Radio Expo 2010 8.30am St Johns Church
Hall, Mc Lean Street Coffs Harbour.

JAN 30 VK4
Bunya Mts & Dist AmCom host HAM AND WINE FEST 2010 at Maclagan.

WIA 100 Centre Victoria RadioFest No. 3.

Wyong Field Day, Wyong Race Course.




Well it seems from time to time we loose one.

One of those true gentlemen, one of the quite giants of our hobby.
And that is how it was this past week in VK6.

At the age of 92, on Wednesday the 7th. David Couch, VK6WT, Life member of the
National WIA, Member for life of the WA Repeater Group, a Member of the Royal
Signals ARS, and RAOTC member no. 341. Hung-up his Fist and Became Silent Key.

David, born in Fairfield Victoria, on the 30 of April 1917, served his
country during WWII in the Army Signals Corps and was subsequently
stationed in WA, where he remained the rest of his life.

He qualified in 1944 and was licensed in 1946, with the resumption of Amateur
Radio after the War.

David spent most of his time on air on the CW bands and had a very large
collection of Morse key's. Quite some years ago he donated a number of them to
the Wireless Hill Radio & Telegraphy museum.

David was a regular on VHF, for local contacts in the Remembrance Day Contest
every year. And for a long time he had a weekly sched, on VHF with local hams.

For many years, David used to bring his wife Olive when she was alive to the
Perth ALARA lunches and with his keen interest in Photography was often the
unofficial photographer.

Many VK6 Amateurs knew David well, as he was for many years a TAFE Lecturer,
& during the 1970s and 80s became responsible for teaching oh so many of the
past and present hams in VK6. A rollcall far too many or name.

In testimony for his quiet and dedicated service, to our hobby, and the
respect he deserved, a solid half, of all the mourners at his service this
week were Hams.

He also had membership of the ARRL, the RSGB, and the International Morse
Preservation Society or Fist's Club.

Please join with me in a moments' silent reflection for an absent friend,
Vale David Couch born, 30/4/1917 died 7/10/2009.



I hope all Scouts and Guides are enjoying JOTA-JOTI, and that you will want to
come back next year for even more fun. Remember to register your
participation at and to complete an online blog to show the
world what you did for JOTA-JOTI. To the amateur radio community, thanks for
the loan of the airwaves and for your wonderful support of Jamboree On The Air.

From the Peter Hughes Scout Communication Centre in Perth, this is Bob VK6POP.


CQ Jamboree this is VK6SCS calling CQ Jamboree.

CQ Jamboree This is VK6SAA Scout Headquarters calling CQ Jamboree.


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.




© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)