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Documents show aviation fears over power line networks

WIA Centenary Update

Tune-in to the world - Amateur radio gets people talking

Central Highlands AGM stop press date change

Hams play role in welfare and recovery efforts after Pakistan's floods



WIA Centenary Update


A total of 90 award claims have been checked and verified, and award
certificates issued.

Japan and New Zealand each have two awards with other DX stations qualified
being in Finland, Russia and the USA.

Each Australian state, the Northern Territory and the ACT are represented
in proportion to their numbers of radio amateurs.

Clearly many more will have already qualified for this limited time operating
award and are yet to make their claim.

Another from the WIA Centenary Media File:

An article in the Macedon Ranges Leader Newspaper in Victoria gives the local
club a great publicity boost.

The story, like so many that are appearing across the nation, is about the
celebration of the centenary of organised amateur radio in Australia.

The Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club is the newest such club in Victoria.

Pictured and quoted in the article is the club secretary Graeme McDiarmid
VK3NE who has held a licence for more than 30 years.

He says he continues to find it an interesting hobby and is often on air
for about 90 minutes each day.

The club hopes that the publicity and its use of the special callsign VK100WIA
will generate new local radio amateurs and members.

VK4's Locker Valley club news item a big website hitter

The Gatton Star newspaper ran an article on the 4th of August headlined
'100 years of amateur radio' and on its website and for the past three
week's it has been the third most read news item.

The Lockyer Valley Radio and Electronics Club Treasurer and promotions
guy, Alan Shannon VK4SN also reports that Brisbane's Channel 7 is also
continuing to promote the club and its participation in the WIA centenary

This is being done over a four week period in the TV station's community
notice board each morning

This weekend Lockyer Valley Radio Electronics Club in Queensland continues
to do great things with the special callsign, and its associated public display
at the Laidley Youth Centre, William Street, Laidley.

The online log already records the contacts being made for VK100WIA by this
club which is rostered until Monday.

On earlier broadcasts mention has been made of the local media publicity
achieved by the Lockyer Valley Radio Electronics Club and we hope to have
a wrap-up report on its activities in the future.

In fact all clubs rostered for VK100WIA are encouraged to file their activity
reports to the WIA Centenary Committee via email

Now looking ahead to Tuesday through to Thursday this week it will be the
Mid South Coast Amateur Radio Club planning a DX operation on SSB and CW
on the 80m 4om and 20m bands.

This relatively small club does not have clubrooms, never the less it's getting
right behind VK100WIA with a roster of enthusiastic club members.

The special callsign then moves across to South Australia and the North East
Radio Club for Friday the 27th through to Sunday the 29th of August.

VK100WIA will be operating at Ardtornish School in St Agnes on HF - 80m,
40m, 20m bands ? plus 2-metres FM and D-STAR.

The online log of the special callsign clearly shows that D-STAR has been
chosen by a number of clubs and it's certainly playing a role in giving
overseas radio amateurs an opportunity to snare a VK100WIA contact.

The North East Radio Club is inviting visitors to its activity at the
Ardtornish School and will be heavily promoting the Foundation Licence
training that is available.

Then into next week, the Redcliffe And District Radio Club will operate HF,
2m and 70cm from its club rooms in Klingner Road, Redcliffe ? Monday the 30th
of August through to Wednesday the first of September.

Club President Trevor Quick VK5ATQ says visitors are most welcome come to
and see a display of amateur radio equipment and learn more about the hobby.

President Michael Owen VK3KI
Vice President Ewan McLeod VK4ERM
Secretary Geoff Atkinson VK3AFA
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

Tune-in to the world - Amateur radio gets people talking

The WIA National Field Day - Saturday the 23rd of October

As part of its program of Centenary Celebrations, the WIA is asking that
clubs, groups and individual radio amateurs to get on air for this inaugural
promotional event taking amateur radio to the public with the aim of
attracting new members and new radio amateurs.

There will be two categories:

A Public Station is a station run by three or more radio amateurs operating
on a single callsign from a public place, or clubrooms open to the public
for the duration of the event.

A Private Station is a station, which is an individual operating portable,
mobile or from a private residence.

Highly important is that Public Stations actually engage members of the
public rather than just having them look on, and then walk away as often
happens with displays of all types.

That means Public Stations need plenty of planning to work out who is best
within a club to 'greet' visitors to the stations, talk to them in plain
language (avoid jargon), hand out the WIA's Calling CQ brochure, and where
possible get their contact details for later follow up.

And of course encourage them to give amateur radio a try by taking part in
a radio contact.

The WIA has display posters available and calling CQ brochures should clubs
require additional stocks, it is recommended to request stock well in advance.

Will you or your radio club be involved? Check out
for more information including the rules of the WIA National Field Day
all happening on Saturday the 23rd of October.

Amateur Radio Gets People Talking / (this is the catchphrase for
the National Field day .. we are using the catch phrase used at the main
highlight (heading) for publicity for this event and the words national field
as the sub heading. Unfortunately National field day has little meaning to
the public and tends to send the wrong message to we amateurs, it
is not a field day where you and set up in the field, rather it is a
public day where you set up in public somewhere, a bunnings car park eg)

Prepare now for your participation now. See the complete
rules, check-lists and other information on the web page,
simply click the following Link

Details will also be published in the September edition of
Amateur Radio magazine.


Peter 4OD our RD manager is trying to find out the significance of the RD
Starting at 08:00 utc as the Official document was signed at 09:00 to 09:23,
He suspects that would have been Japanese war time?
Any help to

Also if you DID take part in the RD send your log in today.. to either vk4od


web service local audio news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP and I've been thinking
about running our radio clubs.

Over the years the format of club meetings has had a certain consistency
based on traditions of debate and management as detailed in a recognised
handbook. These days more of our clubs have taken advantage of the provisions
of the incorporated associations acts, around the country. One feature of
club management is that, if the Model Rules have been adopted, the management
committee or executive have a more formal responsibility for running the
day to day activities.

Perhaps this is a good feature but it does place much responsibility on the
secretary, who is also the public officer, to ensure compliance with the
constitution, Act and Regulations. If you are like most of us, the thought
of lengthy formal meetings is a turn off. In the dark days, before colour
was added to TV pictures, most of us were familiar enough with the rules of
meeting procedure. Now most of us prefer not to know.

Back then it was important to argue the point and not, like parliament today,
attack the person. I think we need to remember to deal with process not
personality. After all, we want our clubs to grow not wither..... and that
the radio amateur is considerate.....

I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP and that's what I think.....what about you?


Calling All Hams ! Calling All Hams !

Be on the lookout for a stolen ICOM 706MK2G all mode HF/6m/2m/70cm transceiver
belonging to Lorne VK4TLB Serial Number 1501240

Last seen Wednesday Evening August 11th in vehicle at Home QTH VK4TLB
Aitkenvale, Townsville QLD.

Theft might have been opportunistic and culprits might not know the value of
what they have taken.

Report any sightings to Lorne VK4TLB on email

Central Highlands AGM stop press date change

The date for the famous and popular Central Highlands Amateur Radio
Club AGM at Camp Fairbairn near Emerald has been CHANGED !
Due to unforeseen circumstances, planetary alignments, solar eruptions,
magma displacements and plasma flaring the AGM will now be held
from 4pm Friday 24th to Midday Sunday 26th September 2010

G'day all, this Dale VK4DMC with news from the Tablelands Radio and
Electronics Club (TREC) in Far North Queensland.

As the news goes to air this week TREC members are at the Archer Point
Lighthouse approximately 150 kilometres north of Cairns in Far North
Queensland for the International Lighthouse/Lightship weekend event.
We are operating with the club call-sign VK4WAT and are getting many
contacts with other lighthouse stations all around VK and overseas.
It is a very exposed and windy location but the antennas are standing
up well.

Have a listen around 14.188 or 7.088 and if you hear VK4WAT say G'day.

Last weekend saw TREC members and friends at the VP Day memorial which was
held at Rocky Creek near Atherton. It was a great day with many displays of
wartime memorabilia including WW2 military radio equipment.

This has been Dale VK4DMC.


In May, the Nine Network, SBS and WIN sought ACMA authorisation for temporary
trials of 3D TV in Brisbane, Newcastle, Sydney, Wollongong, Melbourne,
Adelaide and Perth. The ACMA authorised trials for only a limited, two-month
period this allowed the authorisation of transmission in 3D of the State of
Origin series and the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
The ACMA is now considering applications for further short-term free-to-air
trials and more generally expects to release a paper in the next few
months on the future of 3D trials.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.


Lebanese army intelligence has reportedly arrested a German
engineer and amateur radio operator in eastern Lebanon on suspicion of
spying for Israel. This, according to several on-line media reports.

The Nahar Daily said that the army raided the "Liban Light"
cheese factory in the town of Talya and arrested an individual.

He was identified in several reports as the engineer in charge
of maintenance of the factory's machines. The reports says that the army
is questioning the 58 year old over his use of radio transmitters.

According to several other postings the actual identity of
the person reportedly detained may be DL6SN.

Hams play role in welfare and recovery efforts after Pakistan's floods

The medical and food support being provided to the many people affected by
the flood disaster in Pakistan affecting six million people is being assisted
by the combined efforts of radio amateurs, a group of four wheel drive
enthusiasts and the Pakistan Academy of Family Physicians (PAFP).

Around a quarter of the country has been affected by the floods over the
last three weeks that were triggered by intense summer monsoon rainfall
swelling the Indus River into Pakistan's worst ever flood.

The United Nations estimates 20 million have been affected in
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh provinces and 1600 lives lost.

One of those involved with the Pakistan Amateur Radio Society (PARS) emergency
communications effort, Asad Marwat AP2AUM reports that more than 20 hams
are keeping lines of communications open and the plan is to increase this
to 30 in a week's time.

With both landlines and mobile phone services failed in the flood affected
areas, he said that most of the radio traffic is through a 2-metre band
repeater which is now linked to two homebrewed 2m/70cm cross-band repeaters
or translators extending coverage to a radius of almost 300 miles.

A few stations are monitoring 7.040MHz but due to poor propagation is
currently of little use, but should be kept clear for disaster use.

Asad AP2AUM advises that PARS has teamed up with the Islamabad Jeep Club
which is a group with members who own and drive 4WD sport utility vehicles

Their expertise in driving on most difficult terrains is proving to be of
great assistance to deliver essential relief supplies and medical help
immediately after the flood.

They are also working in collaboration with the Pakistan Academy of Family

PARS President, Nasir Khan AP2NK expresses its thanks for the offers of
support that have been received from the amateur radio community.

Pakistan's national radio society is seeking to finalise arrangements
including those from neighbouring countries to contribute to and help
sustain the emergency communications that will be required for a
considerable time to come.



Oct 23 WIA WIA National Field Day

Oct 2- 3 WIA Oceania DX Contest Phone
Tony Burt

Oct 9-10 WIA Oceania DX Contest CW
Tony Burt

NOV 20-21 WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day
John Martin VK3KM

Aug 21-22 International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend.
did you register on website ?

Record year for lighthouse weekend

Australia has achieved a record 58 registrations for the International
Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend - which is currently underway.

The enthusiasm by VK radio amateurs has steadily grown from the beginnings
in 1998 when there was only four Australian registrations.

In the early years the parks authorities in New South Wales were very
sceptical about having radio amateurs set-up at lighthouses. These days, in
most cases, doing all they all they can to make sure the weekend is a success.

Also at the beginning lots of people in initially doubted that the event
would get support during the southern hemisphere winter - but it has
indeed become very popular.

The uptake of this fun but not contest activity has also been strong in
other countries too. In second place on this year's country tally is
Germany with 57, the USA 53 and the United Kingdom 39.

As this broadcast was being compiled there were 430 registrations from 46
countries, and there was a chance of breaking the record of 443 set last year.

Throughout the remainder of today have a listen around the bands,
particularly the 40-metre band and see how many lighthouses you can work.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Waitakere Sprints 2010.

This year's Waitakere Sprints are now over and I thank
all who participated. Forward your logs to
For more on logs and rules see our site.

Numbers were a little down on previous years but I did

have more than 70 emails returned undelivered.

If you did not receive advice please send an email to with 'Sprints' in the subject line so
your address can be correctly added to the list.

Next year I will send notice out a couple of months
earlier so we can get the info into club newsletters.

David ZL1DK

Hi I'm Marilyn VK3DMS on behalf of Lesley VK5LOL, Alara's Contest Manager.
We would like to remind everyone that the Alara Contest is on again next
weekend August 28th & 29th.

The rules can be found in the August edition of AR on page 46.

It has always been known as a girly contest and we look forward to hearing
from everyone, YLs and OMs, during the weekend.

IARU Region 3 ARDF Championships head downunder

Planning has begun for this Biennial event to be held in late 2011 in
Australia and hosted by the IARU member society the IARU, the Wireless
Institute of Australia (WIA).

Fond memories remain of the event held in Ballarat Victoria in 2003 which
was a great success attended by 100 ARDF competitors from Australia, China,
Japan, Korea, Kazakhstan and the USA.

The event in 2011 will be held in regional Victoria (VK3) although a location
and venue is yet to be announced.

With the knowledge and experience gained from the 2003 championships held
at Ballarat, and there been a strong following including ARDF competitors
at an international level living in Victoria it is certain to be another

WIA ARDF Coordinator and an International Class Referee Jack Bramham VK3WWW
has taken on responsibility for the organisation and management of the event,
assisted by the resources of the Victorian ARDF Group ( with
the WIA ( providing administrative support.

The event held at Ballarat in 2003 had the assistance of a number of amateur
radio groups not normally involved with ARDF with volunteers needed for a
range of basic but essential tasks.

Organisers have indicated the same approach will be taken when the ARDF
Championships return to Australia in 2011.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

hf nets ON the net,


The 3rd Asia Pacific DX Convention or APDXC will be held at the Osaka
International House in Osaka, Japan, between November 5th and the
7th. Presentations will be conducted in English and will include
discussions on some recent DXpeditions along with technical
discussions. There will also be an opportunity to join a tour to visit the
Icom factory and participate in a technical session led by the Icom High
Frequency radio design team. Program details and updates will be posted on


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

The US Military is on the RF nose in Japan

United States military forces in Japan have caused havoc by transmitting
illegally -- in Japan -- using US-bought baby monitors.

The monitors are on the same frequencies as local mobile telephones and
radio communications, which is against the law. The devices had
disrupted local taxi and lorry companies' communications near bases in
in Okinawa, Tokyo, Kanagawa, and other areas.

It could be called a "cultural thing", except that it is also an
"interference and legal thing".

Interference is not funny if you're on the receiving end. You can
contact the WIA about any issues you have.

For National Radio news, Peter Ellis VK1PE

Churches and Chapels on the Air

Not to be confused with the annual Churches and Chapels on the Air event
Saturday 11 September.

Amateurs and SWL's across Europe are being asked to keep an ear on or about
28.265 FM. This for transmissions believed to be coming from churches with
transmitters capable of delivering a signal strength well over

Reception reports and all other information should be sent to the
IRTS Intruder Watch Coordinator Ger McNamara, EI4GXB. His e-mail address

Documents show aviation fears over power line networks

The Register reports that both the BBC and the Civil Aviation Authority are
concerned that power line networking will damage their services.

Earlier this month the UK regulator Ofcom hosted a meeting on Power Line
Telecommunications (PLT). At that meeting PA Consulting presented its latest
study into the risks associated with the use of power line networking (PLN)

But the minutes show that the study came under attack from the BBC and the CAA,
and that evidence was presented that PA's proposals would lead to greater
interference, not less.

Read the full article by Bill Ray at


A paper showing how vehicle wireless tire pressure monitoring systems may
compromise privacy and pose a security threat has been issued by a team at
South Carolina University in the USA

It is understood that tire pressure systems operate on 315 MHz in the USA & on
433.920 MHz in the 70cm Amateur Radio band in the British Isles and Europe.

The team intercepted signals more than 30 feet from cars using a simple
antenna. They were able to analyse the radio signal and reverse-engineer the
code using common laboratory instruments. With that knowledge, they built a
transmitter that spoofed a sensor's wireless message.

The researchers were able to send false signals from one car and trigger a
"low tire pressure" light in another while driving next to each other at
35 miles per hour. They were also able to trigger the dashboard "check tire
pressure" light while driving next to each other at 65 miles per hour.

At least one tire pressure system could be damaged through spoofed wireless

Read the full Science Daily article at

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video


Digital Amateur Television is coming to New Zealand, but not necessarily
because the Kiwi ham community wants to make the change.

ZL Hams will soon be forced to go digital if they wish to continue
Amateur Fast Scan Television operations. This after government regulators
announce that all analogue modulated TV transmissions in the VHF and UHF
broadcast bands, which include Channel 39 used by ham
radio, will close down in March 2015, or at some earlier date. At that time
the upper end of the New Zealand UHF television allocation will be cleared
of television, so that the vacated spectrum can be used for next-generation
mobile communications.

One consequence of these decisions is that the existing television
transmissions will need to convert to digital so as to fit into about half
of the present spectrum, requiring that their transmission parameters need
to be more closely defined than at present. For the Amateur Television
service this means that each Radio License for analogue-modulated TV needs
to be replaced by a Spectrum License for analogue-modulated TV. As part of
the process, our government telecommunications regulator has cancelled all
of the existing Radio Licenses for Channel 39 TV Repeaters. Operators of
Channel 39 TV Repeaters need to close them down to avoid receiving an
Infringement Notices from the regulatory agency.

Those wishing to operate their analogue-modulated Channel 39 ATV repeaters
between now and the 2015 Digital TV Switch-Over, will be required to apply
for a Spectrum License. However this Spectrum License for analogue ATV
transmitters will only exist until the Analogue shut down date. Ham Radio
access to New Zealand Channel 39 which runs from 614 to 622 MHz was made by
footnote to the nations telecommunications regulations many years ago when
a chunk of the 432 MHz band was taken from the amateur radio service.

At airtime, its not known how many of the nations Amateur Television
Repeaters will apply for a new Spectrum License to at least temporarily
keep their analogue systems operational and on the air.


2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz


National Public Radio says that one of the first of the do it yourself low
orbit satellite kits from Interorbital Systems has been purchased by
professional astronomer. Alex Antunes says that he will use it to create
natures own music from space.

As reported a few weeks ago here on Amateur Radio Newsline,
California-based Interorbital Systems, is offering a personal satellite kit
for $8000 called TubeSat that includes a ride into space. Now in an N-P-R
interview Antunes says that the sun interacts with the Earth's magnetic
field in the ionosphere and causes all sorts of activity. He says that his
goal is to use his satellite to put something in orbit to convert that
interaction directly to sound data so we can hear it.

The first TubeSats along with an amateur radio CubeSat are currently slated
to launch on an Interorbital Neptune 30 rocket from Tonga at the end of
this year.

You can listen to the NPR interview with astronomer Alex Antunes


AMSAT Vice-President of Operations, Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA,
reports that after a brief outage aboard AO-51 the ham radio satellite had
been restored to service. The 145.92 slash 435.300 repeater was set to run
with the 67 Hz tone required to activate the satellite. Power output was
reported as 740 milliwatts.


3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz


Hams operating mobile in Montgomery, Alabama, have won a rather narrow
partial exclusion to the city's tough new distracted driver law, but only
during emergencies. This after the Montgomery City Council passes an
ordinance making hand-held cell phone use, including texting while driving
a secondary offence.

Once the distracted driving ordinance takes effect in the coming weeks, a
driver would have to violate one of the primary rules of the road, such as
speeding or running a stop sign while using a cell phone before he or she
could be cited for distracted driving.

The ordinance does allow for some exceptions. These include someone using
their cell phone to report a traffic accident or a crime. Emergency
personnel, employees of utility companies and an operator of an amateur
radio are also excluded from the new ordinance, but only as long as their
communications devices are being used during an actual emergency.

What is not clear is whether the new ordinance applies only to cellular and
texting devices or to other two way radio gear as well. In other words,
would charting on your local repeater with a mic in your hand while driving
be considered a distracted driving practice and subject to the new
law? And if it does, how would a police officer be able to determine if
the ham radio was or was not of an emergency nature let alone what
constitutes an emergency in any given instance.


Oct 23 WIA WIA National Field Day

Oct 29 - 31
VK1OOWIA Westlakes ARC during our WIA centenary celebrations.

2010 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest Rosa St Goodwood


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

MAY 4-7 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.

© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)