Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
email nationalnews@wia.org.au
http://www.wia.org.au (click news in member area) Submit your audio news
Please.. If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links & url's.
commendable on air effort by the Lockyer Valley Amateur Radio Club
Queensland Club President's lunch
Special Event Station ON4WAR
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has requested that
the WIA temporarily suspend the issue of Certificates of Proficiency. This
is due to some issues which have arisen regarding the instrument delegating
this power to the WIA.
To address this it is anticipated the ACMA will remake the delegation at its
next Board Meeting on the 9th September 2010. The WIA would then expect to
recommence issuing certificates of proficiency.
Additionally, processing of a small number of applications for licences
following recent examinations will also be delayed, as the licences cannot
be issued by ACMA until certificates of proficiency have been issued.
If you are waiting for a certificate of proficiency or a new licence, please
be patient as it is hoped the any backlog will be dealt with very promptly
after 9 September.
Michael Owen
WIA President
WIA Centenary Update
A commendable on air effort by the Lockyer Valley Amateur Radio Club
During its three-day slot with the VK100WIA callsign the club contacted some
25 countries including two special event stations 8J1A at the Japan Ham Fair
in Tokyo and VR100S (victor-romeo-one-hundred-sierra) the centenary station
for the Hong Kong Scouts.
The Lockyer Valley Amateur Radio Club set out to work DX and scored 337
contacts using SSB, CW, PSK31, EchoLink and ROS, with about 80 per cent of
its log being with DX stations.
It picked up a number of stations during the International Lighthouse and
Lightship Weekend too, much to the delight of those operating at lighthouses
around Australia and overseas
Speaking of the ILLW, this year was from all accounts a fantastic two days.
There was a record 447 registrations, four more than last year. On the
country tally Germany came out on top with 60 registrations, five up on 2009.
Australia was the improver with 57, eight more than its record set last Year.
Often heard during QSOs with lighthouse stations were comments from others
seriously thinking about being involved in the future.
Such is the enthusiasm demonstrated for the fun event that already 30
registrations have been made for next year online at the website ILLW.NET
Also in the feedback section are various reports from last weekend, for
example Rizal 9M2RDX of West Malaysia detailing how he was part of a team
of seven radio amateurs at the Gelang Lighthouse.
Gert PA2LO who went portable with three friends to the Netherland's
Vischpoort lighthouse and enjoyed every minute of it, making many DX contacts.
It was more than a great weekend from the perspective of the Amateur Radio
Victoria team VK3WI at the Williamstown Lighthouse and Timeball Tower in
the inner west of Melbourne.
Up to 40 other lighthouses were logged, mostly VK but also in ZL and G-land.
The 20m band opened up both days with DX worked from Europe, Africa, North
America and Martique, plus back-to-back QSOs with a R1 station in Russian
Antarctica and then Canada.
Want to know more? Then check out the website ILLW.NET or the
International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend Facebook page.
President Michael Owen VK3KI president@wia.org.au
Vice President Ewan McLeod VK4ERM vk4erm@wia.org.au
Secretary Geoff Atkinson VK3AFA secretary@wia.org.au
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ vk3pz@wia.org.au
WIA National Field Day - Saturday 23 October 2010
Plan your participation in this great public relations event to help promote
amateur radio to the public and have fun.
The event's catch-phase... Tune Into the World ? Amateur Radio Gets People
... is now depicted in a logo that is a simple yet highly effective branding
tool for all types of promotional media.
The logo has a stylised globe emphasising the Australian continent. Four
stick figures representing a middle-aged man, a young woman and a young man,
and mature aged woman, each talking into a different style of microphone.
The logo has been mocked up on clothing and it looks great.
While on a vertical banner or A-frame display, with additional marketing
words encouraging people to give amateur radio a try, the logo put a
professional touch to it all.
The logo will appear on a media release letterhead template and other material
for use by participating clubs.
Details of the event, that provides a focus to attract new members and new
radio amateurs, can be found on the WIA website and will appear in the
September edition of Amateur Radio magazine.
Registrations are now open for all radio clubs, or three or more radio amateurs,
who intend to operate an amateur radio club in a public place on Saturday
23 October.
To register go to the WIA website and check out the online registration form
via the WIA Centenary of Contest sections.
web service local audio news:- www.wiaq.com/ftp/vk4_qnews_64.mp3
local news email qnews-vk-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
VKR Roundup http://www.police.qld.gov.au/News+and+Alerts/Media+Releases/
Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been checking
the diary.
It seems that with the RD , International Lighthouse and the ALARA contest,
this weekend, the amateur radio calendar is entering the busy period running
up to the summer months and the interest of different propagation modes
during the Aussie Christmas holiday period.
In this area, our club has done some fund raising outside the hardware store.
There are some community projects to support with provision of radios and
operators as well as the hope of making visits to a couple of the upcoming
"hamfests" and these apart from the usual club meetings.
Of course, the big event will be hosting the VK100WIA station - it's not every
day you get to participate in a centenary celebration let alone run a station
with a collectible call sign. As well, the club is hoping to make a showing
in the first National Field Day.
So I don't know how the rest of you are going but in this part of the world,
there is going to be a regular feast of amateur radio for the next few months.
I'm Geoff, VK4ZPP and that's what I think and how's your diary looking?
Greetings from Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio Club, The RADAR Club,
this is Les VK4VIL reporting.
The Radar Club had another interesting week.
Firstly, delivery has been taken of a new, 5 element, 3 band Yagi and rotator to
be installed at our Rockhampton Heritage Village site. The antenna will sit on a
30m extendable tower, with the only restriction being Council regulations. This
should be a real buzz for members with set-up restrictions due to small allotments
at their private QTH.
Now to the International Lighthouse weekend. What a tremendous concept! Seven
members of the club had a great weekend, with the non-contest format allowing a
relaxed atmosphere at Cape Capricorn Lighthouse. Although only 30 Australian and
8 overseas lighthouse contacts were made, those attending could be excused for
the average result due to constant attacks from wildlife, including mackerel,
flathead, whiting and mud crabs . These were dispatched, cooked and diluted with
a responsible amount liquid refreshments. All of this in wonderful seaside
It was certainly worth the 7 hour boat trip to the lighthouse.
A good number of the couple of hundred contacts not situated at lighthouses also
added another dimension to the weekend, actively pursuing their own list of
lighthouse contacts.
Those attending have already booked for next year.
I'm Les, VK4VIL on behalf of the Rockhampton and District Radio Club.
TARC Does the Theatre Restaurant
TARCadians and friends will once again be thoroughly entertained when they
head along to this years Townsville Choral Society Theatre Restaurant
where once again host Rod Wilson and a stellar supporting cast regale
the audience with Music - Comedy - Songs - Sketches and stunts designed to
keep the name of Thuringowa alive and well.
This year TARC is attending the Friday evening November 5th session.
Roll up around 6-30pm to get a parking spot. Doors open 7pm with everyone
to be seated by 7-15pm.
A fantastic show, great food and excellent company and it only costs
$40 per head.
See the Master of Time and Space - Iain VK4IGM to book and pay for your seats.
Act Now - as the event is very popular and places will go in a flash !
The Queensland Club President's lunch will be held again this year.
The host club for the lunch will be the Rockhampton & District Amateur Radio Club.
The venue will be the Rockhampton Leagues Club, George Street, Rockhampton.
The doors will open at 12:00 on Sunday 14th November, to start lunch at 12:30.
Prior to the lunch, Michael Owen will visit the radio museum at the Rockhampton
Heritage Village, starting at 08:30am, and will participate in the news callback
on the 2 metre repeater at 9:45am.
Following lunch, presentations on WIA, and amateur radio issues, will be made by
WIA President Michael Owen. There may be additional speakers, to be advised.
The WIA will sponsor the cost of the room, and the cost of lunch will be $24-, to
be paid on the day by each attendee. This will include a served meal of beef,
chicken, or fish, followed by a desert. Special dietary requirements can be
arranged if required.
The intention of the lunch is to have as many Queensland clubs represented as
The RADAR Club will be able to assist with transport from airports and railway
stations if required.
Please advise if you wish to attend. Please advise the lunch organiser
RADAR Club Secretary Clive Sait vk4acc@wia.org.au
Don Wilschefski VK4BY
WIA Queensland Advisory Committee Chairman
The WIA extends its congratulations to Pierce Healy VK2APQ on the celebration
of his 99th birthday on 13 August 2010. Pierce gained his Amateur licence at
the beginning of World War 2 but could not get on air at that time. In the 1950's
he was a member of NSW Division Council and later President.
Whilst President, Pierce prepared and read the VK2WI morning bulletin. He served
many years as VK2 Federal Councillor. Pierce was particularly well known for his
Amateur radio notes that were published in Radio and Hobbies, the predecessor of
Electronics Australia.
Pierce is a Life Member of the WIA and ARNSW.
He is still a regular voice on VK2WI Sunday callbacks. We extend our best wishes
to Pierce on this momentous occasion and wish him well as he enters his centenary
And a word of congratulations to Charlie Hellman, W2RP, on having hit the grand
old age of 100.
W2RP got his first license in 1925 at age 15.
In honour of reaching this milestone of life, his family threw a nice
party for him and the QCWA sent him a beautiful plaque for this honour.
Hot on the heels of this "Good News" comes word of an Aussie SK, sadly I have to
announce that Col VK1AU passed away on 22nd August aged 90. One of the real
gentleman of the air...
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.
Pakistan flood disaster update
The Pakistan Amateur Radio Society (PARS) reports that emergency communications
support for ham radio amateurs have been extended in the past week to three
more villages.
PARS emergency communications organiser Asad Marwat AP2AUM said food and
non-food items have been provided to around 1,000 families in the Charsadda
and Nowshera areas.
He said that a medical camp was also established which treated almost 700
patients mainly suffering from Skin and Gastro diseases.
The United Nations estimates 20 million have been affected across Pakistan
by the flood disaster and 1600 lives lost.
Asad AP2AUM said that the area is not covered under the 2-metre repeater
footprint so communications have been restriction to simplex operation within
the group.
He said that about 30 hams are providing help to those who have fled the
flooded areas.
Additionally hand-held radios and cross band repeaters and antennas have
been offered from Turkey. Once they arrive, said Asad AP2AUM, the relief
operation can be successfully expanded into Inner Punjab Province.
PARS continues working in collaboration with Islamabad Jeep Club members
with their 4WD sport utility vehicles delivering essential relief supplies,
with medical help being provided by the Pakistan Academy of Family Physicians.
(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman, IARU R3 Disaster Communications Committee)
Prasad, VU2PTT reports, and I quote:
"We have news from our Ministry of Communications that the 6 meter band has
finally been allocated for Amateur Radio use.
"50-54 MHz using 25 watts".
"The licensing structure has now been rationalized with only two classes of
license - Restricted & General - and licenses can now be acquired either for
20 years or for the lifetime of the holder.
"The other interesting development is that 400 watts DC input power has been
allowed on all HF bands for the General class licence. Earlier the limit was
150 watts input with 400 watts being allowed in very small sub-bands for the
old Advanced class licence holders.
The full details of the new allocations and license structure is available
The Montenegrin Amateur Radio Pool (MARP), formed in October 2008, has been
accepted as the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member society.
65 votes were returned to the IARU International Secretariat with 63 votes in
favour of admission and 2 abstentions.
The Republic of Montenegro (4O) declared its independence on June 3, 2006
following a national referendum and was admitted as the 192nd member of the
United Nations on June 28, 2006.
IARU Region 1
Wiki - Montenegro
Adoption of broadband by citizens of the United States has slowed
dramatically this year, and a majority believes that making high-speed
Internet access affordable should not be a major government priority.
This, according to a study by the Pew Research Centre's Internet &
American Life Project.
The research found that two-thirds of Americans currently use broadband
at home, a number that's statistically the same as a similar Pew study
conducted the same time in 2009. The research firm last year found 63%
of Americans were broadband adopters.
The study also found that the majority of Americans did not believe
high-speed Internet access to everyone in the United States should be a
top priority for the federal government. Fully 53% of Americans said
affordable broadband access should not be attempted by government or
was simply not too important of a priority. )
An story from ARNewsline now on the hunt for the alleged murderers of a
Utah ham and his wife. Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, is in the AR newsroom
with the latest:
Authorities across the nation continue to search for escaped Arizona
prison inmate John McCluskey and accomplice Casslyn Welch. The two,
along with captured fugitive Tracy Province are believed responsible
for the murders of Gary Haas, N5VGH, and his wife Linda at a remote
campsite not far from Santa Rosa, New Mexico more than two weeks ago.
The charred remains of the elderly couple were found in their burned
out camper by a rancher living in the area.
Police say that they have forensic evidence that direct links John
McCluskey to the murder scene.
According to a report from the ARRL, the Haas were married 35 years.
They were high school sweethearts who married while Linda was still in
college and Gary was in the US Air Force. Both followed career paths
that led them to work at the General Motors plant in Oklahoma City,
leaving when it closed in 2006.
Meantime, the US Marshals Service believes that McCluskey and Welch,
are still in western Montana near the Canadian border. Federal agents
tracking the two fugitives are focusing on that area despite reports
that they may have been connected to an armed robbery in Arkansas two
weeks ago. A release from the Marshals Service says that agents have
been unable to confirm that McCluskey and Welch committed the robbery,
and that the last credible sighting of the two was in Billings, Montana
on August 6th.
By way of background, Welch is suspected of helping McCluskey and two
other inmates, Daniel Renwick and Tracy Province, escape from a
privately-run state prison in Kingman, Arizona, on July 30th. Renwick
was captured in Colorado two days after the breakout, and Province was
captured in Wyoming August 10th.
Meantime, Police believe McCluskey and Welch have changed their
appearance recently. McCluskey may have dyed his hair dark and grown
facial hair. Welch is believed to have dyed her hair blonde.
A $35,000 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest
of McCluskey and Welch. They are considered armed and dangerous.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, in the
Newsroom in Los Angeles.
More on this story is on-line
Oct 23 WIA WIA National Field Day
Oct 2- 3 WIA Oceania DX Contest Phone
Tony Burt vk3tz@wia.org.au
Oct 9-10 WIA Oceania DX Contest CW
Tony Burt vk3tz@wia.org.au
NOV 20-21 WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day
John Martin VK3KM tac@wia.org.au
Aug 21-22 International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend.
did you register on website illw.net ?
New Zealand's Doug Gorman Frequency Measuring Contest
This contests runs again on Monday 6th September 2010 at 2100 NZST (0900 UTC).
The revised rules brings the contest up to the modern standard that amateurs
can now reach with home brew equipment.
Gone is the measuring of three frequencies spread across the 80 m amateur
band. For maximum points a total of five frequencies must be measured within
+/-5 kHz of 3895 kHz. There are now three grades of measuring, John McKim Cup
(Simple equipment to 100 Hz readout resolution), Norm Edwards Shield
(equipment better that 10 Hz readout resolution), or Ultra Category
(equipment directly referenced to an atomic standard during the contest)
The ZL Branch award is still available and certificates will be provided to
all entries with an average deviation of 100 Hz or better.
The contest takes care of all measuring methods now available to the amateur.
(Jamie Pye ZL2NN)
Get Your Feet Wet CW Event
The 2010 Get Your Feet Wet CW Event begins 0000 UTC on Friday, 10 September
and goes to 0000 UTC 13 September.
The event is sponsored by FISTS, but any licensed operator can enter.
Operators new to CW, (even if you've had a license a long time) and
experienced brass pounders are all encouraged to participate.
No programmable keyers, code readers, or computer assistance in sending and
receiving code are allowed; just human-powered CW from straight keys,
cooties, iambics and human powered keyers.
For more detailed rules and even down-loadable log sheets, go to
wia.org.au and read the text version of this weeks National News.
Check under the activities heading "Get Your Feet Wet Weekend"
G'day this is Dale VK4DMC for the Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club
Last weekend TREC members activated the Archer Point Lighthouse AU0065 for
the 2010 International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. Archer Point is some
200kms north of Cairns in Far North Queensland on a very exposed headland.
TREC members travelled up from the Atherton area a 600 km round trip. Archer
Point is a very isolated location with no facilities available so we had to
be totally self sufficient. Tents, camping gear, batteries and generators
were the order of the day.
Antennas were erected on the Friday and VK4WAT, the TREC callsign, was on
air at 0001 Zulu on Saturday morning. Whilst erecting a portable mast the
wind was so strong that caused one of the aluminium poles to break allowing
the vertical antenna to crash to the ground with a resounding thud. No damage
to the antenna fortunately. We set up two stations, one from a vehicle right
next to the lighthouse and the other station a little way below the
lighthouse in a slightly less windy location.
Conditions proved to be very good on 20, 40 and 80 metres.
A total of 36 other lighthouse amateur radio stations were contacted around
Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America. Lighthouse stations
in every state of Australia were contacted.
We also worked many other amateur radio stations world-wide including Marion
Island in the southern Indian Ocean, Nevus in the Caribbean New Caledonia
plus many other Australian and International Amateur Radio Stations.
Thanks to all the stations who worked VK4WAT this year and sorry for
mentioning our 28 temperatures especially to the operators at Cape Leeuwin
who shivered in only 3 temps.
We are looking forward to working ILLW again next year.
Dale McCarthy VK4DMC.
hf nets ON the net, www.timroberts-vk4yeh.id.au/
Saba 2010 DXpedition
The Saba 2010 team has completed all preparations for the activation of
Saba beginning 10/10/10.
That is the likely date that the Netherlands Antilles will cease to exist and
several new DXCC entities will be created as a result.
One of those new countries should be Saba/St. Eustatius due to their close
proximity. Although, this is not a 100% certainty, it is likely enough to
plan an operation.
Two teams, comprised mostly of members of the Southeastern DX Club (SEDXC)
will operate over a two-week period beginning October 10th and ceasing
operations the morning of October 23rd.
A website (www.saba2010.com) will be updated periodically.
The Vanuatu DXpedition YJ0VK is taking place through September 2, 2010.
They are said to be placing special focus on the WARC bands [10/18/24 MHz],
so pls QRV on the following frequencies:
10.107 10.130
18.077 18.118
24.897 24.935
QSLs via the buro
(sourced to southgate)
Belgian Special Event Station ON4WAR
Amateur Radio operators from the Radio Club of Binche (ON7RY) will activate
the special event station ON4WAR between September 4-5th.
This activity is to commemorate the sacrifice of the Belgian Resistance (WWII)
and especially those of the Refuge B 40 in Belgium.
The timetable of the activities are as follows:
Sept. 4th - Saturday between 9:00 AM and 06:00 PM local time (1100-1800z)
Sept. 5th - Sunday between 08:00 AM and 04:00 PM local time (1000-1600z)
At the top of the hour up to the hour and a half,
CW transmissions with a Whaddon Paraset MK VII on 3.560 MHz, 3.579 MHz,
3.583 MHz and 7.025 MHz.
At the hour and a half up to the next hour,
SSB transmissions on the HF bands.
QSL information via ON7RY, direct or by the Bureau.
For more info about the ON4WAR station and about the history of Refuge B 40,
visit the Web site at:
www.tinyurl.com/BITS-026 (A receiver located in NY USA)
Dear Graham Kemp
Thank you very much for contacting the PURE Lounge content submission service,
we value your Podcast submission.
We have successfully submitted the Podcast "Wireless Institute of Australia
News Podcast" as requested and it should appear on www.thelounge.com and on
PURE Flow radios within the next 48-72 hours.
We look forward to receiving submissions from you in the future.
Best Regards
The Lounge Content database team
Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV
VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe intruders@wia.org.au
Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.
Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an
Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700
The New Zealand Ministry of Economic Development has relaxed the
conditions of use of unlicensed Short Range Devices in a key ham band.
Amateur Radio Newsline's Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF, is in Auckland with the latest:
The new conditions or rules were put in place without any consultation
with our national society the NZART. They permit the use of walkie-
talkies, wireless headphones, wireless audio senders and other such
consumer gear in the input band of most of nations 70 centimetre
amateur repeaters.
The previous rules had permitted the same 433.05 to 434.79 MHz
frequency range but with an output power limited to 25 milliwatts and
restricted the use to Telemetry and Tele-control modes that had far
shorter transmissions. The new devices now given access to 433.05 to
434.79 MHz typically have very annoying, long duration transmissions
causing significant interference to licensed amateur radio operations.
It should be noted that all of the New Zealand National System
repeaters use input frequencies above 434.79 MHz and are not affected
by the change. Those owned and operated by individual Kiwi hams
operating with input channels below 434.79 MHz are the ones suffering
from access by these consumer electronic devices.
From down-under in Auckland, New Zealand, I'm Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF,
reporting for the Amateur Radio Newsline.
As if this were not enough, there is also a new allocation in New
Zealand from 3.640 to 4.040 MHz for Auditory Aids. These hold the
potential to interfere with amateur signals in the amateur 75 and 80
meter bands.
THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report -
(Measure twice - Cut once!)
Toshiba to launch first 3D TV without glasses
Japanese electronics giant Toshiba plans to market the world's first 3D
television that doesn't need special glasses later this year.
Toshiba will unveil three models of the television, which will cost several
thousand dollars, before Christmas.
The company has developed a new system that emits a number of rays of light with
various angles from the screen so that viewers can see stereoscopic images
without glasses.
Operate the ham radio station in Barcelona Cathedral
The Spanish amateur radio team ARMIC ONCE EA3RKR has received special
authorisation to set-up a ham radio station and transmit from inside
Barcelona Cathedral - something unheard of since its construction.
The event will take place on the 18th of September, and the team would like
to invite any radio ham who may be travelling to, or on vacation in
Barcelona on this date, to come and operate the station.
Interested amateurs should contact EA3RKR
2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz
Yet another new ham radio satellite is on the drawing boards. A team
from the Taiwan Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the
Department of Electrical Engineering at the National Cheng Kung
University has announced a CubeSat development project named Platform
for Attitude Control Experiment or PACEsat for short.
This cubesat will feature three-axis stabilization utilizing a miniature
momentum wheel and magnetic coils. Attitude determination will use a
three-axis magnetometer, a three-axis gyro, and coarse sun sensors.
Temperature sensors will monitor the thermal environment inside the satellite.
The new bird is designed for a 600 km near-circular orbit with a 98
degree inclination. Mission lifetime is planned to be 2 months.
Frequencies discussed in the satellite design documentation include 145
MHz for uplink and downlink communication and 433 MHz CW and AX.25.
Technical details on PACEsat can be found on-line at
tinyurl.com/2evtd7a (ANS)
A cooling system failure on the International Space Station has
impacted ARISS operations. On August 11th, NASA astronauts successfully
completed the second of three to four space walks in an effort to
replace a faulty ammonia pump module on the International Space
Station's truss. One that has forced cutbacks in other word abroad the
orbiting outpost including time that astronaut hams are spending on the air.
Since July 31st the space station has been operating at half its usual
cooling capacity utilizing the one remaining cooling pump. This forces
the astronauts to power down equipment to prevent overheating on the ISS.
As this newscast is prepared, it has already taken almost 16 hours
space walks or E-V-A's for astronauts to remove and replace the failed
cooling pump in an effort to bring the ISS back to full capacity. As a
result, ARISS ham radio operations which include both voice and packet
have been given a low priority until the problem is resolved.
Back at Johnson Space Centre in Houston, Texas, Space Station Program
Manager Michael Suffredini says that a third space walk was planned to
install the replacement and a fourth likely will be needed to put the
defective pump into its storage place. These may have taken place by
the time this newscast goes to air.
Attempts are being made to carry out scheduled ARISS contacts, but with
the understanding that they may be cancelled at the last minute.
Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.
Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160
World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160
World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160
Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227
Calling Frequencies for PSK31
This is Bob, VK6POP, reminding you that there's about six weeks to go for
Jamboree On The Air. Again some 500,000 Scouts and Guides worldwide will
take part in Jamboree On the Air and Jamboree On The Internet.
Every year there is a theme for JOTA-JOTI, and this year the theme for
Jamboree On the Air 2010 is directly related to article 12 of the Convention
of the Rights of the Child: "The Right to be Heard". This year is the 20th
anniversary of the Convention.
As in previous years, Amateurs around the world will be invited to help out
with a JOTA activity, and many will accept the challenge. We live in hope
that Old Sol will grow a few spots in October, giving us some good
propagation. Nevertheless, only a couple of children can speak on the
radio at a time, so an interesting programme, based on the theme and the
Scout/Guide award scheme, and worked around the radio activities, will
ensure an enjoyable weekend for the young folk.
Unlike a contest, JOTA is not competitive, but it has the same excitement
as a contest, because we know the bands will be well used, and whatever
propagation exists will be used for maximum effect.
There is growing interest by Scouts in JOTA and Amateur Radio, so there's no
time like the present to give the hobby a boost by introducing it to young
If you are approached by a Scout or Guide Group to help out with JOTA and/or
JOTI, please consider saying yes. I would also like to point out that most
States have laws relating to working with children, and I advise you to find
out from your Scout or Guide Contacts what the rules are in your State or
Territory. It's better to do this well before the event to allow the process
time to work.
Information about JOTA and JOTI can be found at
Look for the JOTA-JOTI Menu Item. Check this site for updates regularly as
the event comes closer. JOTA-JOTI is on October 15th to 17th.
USA's 2010 National Scout Jamboree -- celebrating the 100th anniversary
of the Boy Scouts of America -- was held July 26-August 4 at Fort AP
Hill in Virginia. According to ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Director
and K2BSA Station Coordinator/Manager Brian Mileshosky, N5ZGT, ham
radio was a big part of the event that attracted more than 43,000
participants from across the nation and around the world.
Oct 23 WIA WIA National Field Day
Oct 29 - 31
VK1OOWIA Westlakes ARC during our WIA centenary celebrations.
2010 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest Rosa St Goodwood
15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.
JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012
MAY 4-7 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (vk5tmc@bigpond.com)
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WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".
Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...
Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.