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special callsign logs 15000th contact


fair go! this guy is not a bad apple operator!


amateur radio assessments


nz aftershock forces radio station's evacuation




Special callsign logs its 15,000th contact

It does not seem all that long ago that VK100WIA reached its 10,000th QSO
milestone. It was back in mid-August when the callsign was rostered to the
Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club in Victoria.

Now we bring you news of its 15,000th contact that occurred on the 3rd of
September with the Port Stephens Amateur Radio Club on New South Wales central
coast making contact with Martin Luther VK7GN in Richmond Tasmania, on the
80m band.

Martin, an avid contester and member of the WIA Awards Committee said, 'I'm
delighted to be number 15,000. The large log being created by VK100WIA shows
that amateur radio is alive and well, even after a century.

'It's especially pleasing that the WIA has not only survived for 100years,
but is now even stronger and more effective than ever. The centenary
celebrations have been a great advert for amateur radio.
Congratulations to all involved.'

He explained how he noticed a few weeks ago that he'd logged VK100WIA a few
times, and then set a personal goal to score ten contacts as qualification
for the WIA Centenary Award.

Martin VK7GN said he now has the special callsign on Phone and CW as well
as three bands, and hopes before it closes at the end of October to
get contacts the 160m band too.


The venue of the Maritime Museum in Devonport Tasmania proved to be ideal
to put the special callsign VK100WIA on air with plenty of public exposure
for amateur radio and club members achieved some 700 plus contacts.

When the museum closed at 4pm each day, the activity switched to member's
home QTH's to keep the callsign on air.

On next week's broadcast we will have more details, including a listen to
Club President David Spicer VK7EX being interviewed on ABC local radio.

G'day this is Dale VK4DMC for the Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club, TREC,
in Far North Queensland.

As this news goes to air TREC members are on air from Lake Tinaroo on the
Atherton Tablelands with the VK100WIA special event call-sign. We are set up on
the shores of the lake and are making many contacts both in VK and

Listen out for VK100WIA in the Far North and drop in and say G'day. We are
operating on the HF bands as well as 2 metres FM and SSB.
We are updating the WIA online log on a regular basis.

Check out the online log as a guide to the frequencies in use by the club
at Barrabadeen, Lake Tinaroo in the Atherton Tablelands of Queensland.

On Tuesday the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club begins its three-day slot ?
operating from the Combined Club Rooms, Turner Road Highett, the home of
the Moorabbin & District Radio Club radio museum.

Representatives of the Kingston City Council and the local newspapers have
been invited to attend ? and the station will be open to the public.

To round off the week, Melbourne's Eastern and Mountain District Radio Club
will operate VK100WIA from its club rooms at 13A McCubbin Street, Burwood.

There's also a display of amateur radio at the Whitehorse Civic Centre, and
the EMDRC President Jack Braham VK3WWW is scheduled for an interview on 3WBC,
the community broadcasting station.

The tail-end of September includes the Harvey Bay Radio Club in Queensland,
and the wonderful Super Springtime in Perth, a collaborative effort of seven
groups putting VK100WIA on air for nine days.

World attention is being focused on Perth as seven local groups celebrate
the centenary of organised amateur radio in Australia that began with what
is now the world's oldest continuing national radio society.

Organiser of an activity known as ?Super Springtime?, Heath Walder said,
the celebration will include the demonstration of working amateur radio
stations and displays at the Perth Royal Show and the historical site of
Wireless Hill.

The WA Repeater Group (WARG), WA VHF Group (WAVHFG), Wireless Institute Civil
Emergency Network (WICEN), Hills Amateur Radio Group (HARG), Peel Amateur
Radio Group (PARG) , Scout Communications and Technology Team, and Ham College.

Mr Walder said, ?So important is the centenary of our national society, the
Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA), that virtually all radio clubs and
groups in the Perth area are eager to be involved in what has been dubbed
the ?Super Springtime?..

The displays and operating amateur radio station with its unique callsign
VK100WIA talking to the world, provide an excellent opportunity for the
community to learn about amateur radio and how they can be involved.

While it is a very interesting and personally rewarding recreational pursuit,
radio amateurs or ?hams? have provided emergency communications on many
occasions in time of disasters.?

He said the displays will show early radio pioneering, evolution of radio
technology, antenna designs and construction, sending pictures over the radio,
personal global position system tracking via radios, amateur radio satellite
and much more.

There will also be active displays to involve members of the public so they
can experience the wondrous world of radio and electronics.

This will be held over ?Show Week? 25 September to 2 October at the Perth
Royal Show co-located with the Scout stand, as well as the Wireless Hill
historical site.

The displays at both locations will inform the public about the many facets
of amateur radio and providing advice to anyone interesting in learning more
or becoming a radio amateur.

Mr Walder said, ?While the hobby is for all ages and abilities, there is
no better recreational and self-learning activity than amateur radio for
anyone wishing to get into a technical of scientific career.?

The national radio society, the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) was
founded in Sydney in 1910 making it the world's oldest continuing organisation
of its kind.

WIA President, Michael Owen said, ?The historical milestone we are now
celebrating starts at a time of early wireless experimentation, when it was
a new science being explored by ordinary people who are today called
radio amateurs.

Just think about it, there were amateur experimenters building equipment
to send and receive wireless messages in the late 19th century, more than
two decades before radio broadcasting began in Australia.

Mr Owen said the start of organised amateur radio in Australia was a response
to the somewhat harsh and unfair treatment of experimenters by authorities.

They were being asked to pay three guineas ($6.30) for the use of the airwaves.
To fight that impost and gain better recognition of experimenters, the
Institute of Wireless Telegraphy of Australia (now WIA) was established
at a meeting in Sydney on 11 March 1910, he said.

Wireless was also being explored at the time by Marconi and others as a
means of communicating across oceans and with ships. The wireless operator
on the SS Titanic put out the distress SOS call in 1912 and in doing so saved
many lives.?

Mr Owen said during World War I those who had gained experience as amateur
wireless experimenters used, and further developed the technology. The same
thing occurred to a much greater level throughout WWII.

He said ?Many of the developments in radio communications have been pioneered
by radio amateurs.

The activity of amateur radio is enjoyed by individuals in more than 100
countries and has undergone a revival in Australia over the past five years
through the introduction of a new entry level Foundation Licence.

Recognised by the United Nations agency the International Telecommunications
Union, it is a recreation, a means of self-education and radio amateurs can
provide emergency communications.

Mr Owen said, ?In Australia the first known time radio amateurs provided
emergency communications was at a severe tropical cyclone which struck north
of Cairns Queensland on 9 February 1927.

There have been numerous occasions in Australia since then, including the
Black Friday bushfire disaster January 1939, after Tropical Cyclone Tracy
in 1974, the Newcastle Earthquake 1989, after floods, and the Black Saturday
disaster of 2009.?

Many WIA affiliated clubs and their members are engaged in various aspects
of the multi-faceted recreation.

He said part of the centenary celebration the club members are ?talking to
the world? using a commemorative radio callsign VK100WIA.

More detail on that activity and other centenary activities are available
on the WIA website

Media Inquiries:
Heath Walder, Event Organiser, WARG President, VHF Group Vice President,
WICEN Technical Officer

VK100WIA is set for DXCC status

Thanks to the excellent efforts of WIA affiliated clubs rostered to
activate VK100WIA, the special callsign has recently worked its
100th DX entity.

The WIA Centenary Committee's hopes that VK100WIA would itself qualify for
the DX Centenary Club Award, will now be realised.

While so far radio amateurs in 15 DX countries have provided their QSL
cards are confirmation of the contact, more will be received over time.

The enthusiasm being shown by clubs in putting VK100WIA on air and
working, where possible, DX stations is sure to see even more new
countries being recorded in the online logbook.

Contact with the WIA Centenary callsign is eagerly sought by overseas
radio amateurs, and as reported earlier it has caused pile-ups on occasion.

WIA National Field Day
Tune Into the World - Amateur Radio Gets People Talking

The first two clubs have registered for this major inaugural public
relations outreach initiative that will happens across the nation on
Saturday the 23rd of October.

The Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society will be setting up at the Eden
Hills Primary School, while the Victoria's Scout Radio and Electronics
Service Unit has chosen the Kangaroo Ground Memorial Tower in Melbourne's

Both clubs have registered online via the WIA website in the WIA Centenary

We know that others clubs are groups are also planning their participation
in this great public relations event to help promote amateur radio to the
public and have fun.

The event rules can be found on the WIA website and in the September
edition of Amateur Radio magazine.

Registrations are now open for all radio clubs, or three or more radio
amateurs, who intend to operate an amateur radio club in a public place on
Saturday 23 October.

Meantime the final touches are being put on the artwork for both a
vertical banner of A-frame display, plus a range of clothing - all bearing
the distinctive 'Tune Into the World - Amateur Radio Gets People Talking'


Fair go! This guy is not a bad apple operator!

An unusual situation is occurring where a good radio amateur is being harassed
and shunned, simply because he has the same surname of a known former serial
pest on the amateur bands.

The good guy is not related to and has never associated with the bad apple.

It's just downright unfair that the law abiding, and by all accounts good
very active radio amateur, is now experiencing QRM and verbal threats. All
despite him doing nothing wrong.

He's put up with it long enough and just does not deserve this ill-treatment.

This is not what amateur radio is about! Here's a message to those involved.
Give him a break, let him get on and enjoy amateur radio, instead of jumping
to conclusions.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


"It was a dark and stormy Saturday in Melbourne with the weather man
forecasting heavy rain , just the ideal day for a Foundation Course.

So Ark's Academy's team of Lino VK3EI , Lionel VK3NM and John VK3DQ set
to work.

The Result a 100% pass rate so please welcome Matt , Brad and Miki to
the amateur radio fraternity. They all decided to have the next available
callsign issued to them as they are all keen to try to upgrade in the
next course in October "

(John Fisher VK3DQ / VK3ARK)

Amateur Radio Assessments

Persons in the N/West Area of VK7 interested in Training and Assessments
for all classes of Amateur Radio are advised that the N.W.T.A.T.V.Group
can provide all these requirements and in addition provision of
Facilitators via the Radio and Electronics School if candidates so desire.

Potential candidates and interested persons should note that these facilities
can be conducted at a central location within the North West.

For more information regarding these facilities, please contact the Club's
Learning Organizer Tony VK7AX. Contact details can be found on the
Club Web Site or the WIA site under VK7 Clubs.,

(Tony VK7AX, News Officer - NWTATVG)

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

New Zealand radio amateurs were at the ready to respond when a massive
earthquake hit the Christchurch area on Saturday the 4th of September.

Taking up the story is Jim Linton VK3PC.

(Audio text)

The earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Ritcher scale caused widespread damage,
and New Zealand's Amateur Radio Emergency Communications AREC volunteers
were ready to give their support.

This is a story of mother-nature and lady-luck working in hand in hand. The
quake hit at 4.36am while most were asleep in their homes. A few were injured,
none seriously, and no-one was trapped in building rubble.

If would have been a dramatically different situation if it occurred in
daylight with people in the streets certain to have been killed as shopfronts
collapsed in Christchurch's central business district.

Similar strength earthquakes in other countries have resulted in a huge loss
of life, and their affected areas struggled for a long time to recover due
to the nature of their infrastructure and government funding.

In the case of Christchurch, the damage bill is some $4Billion. The ?quake
is New Zealand's most damaging since the one which hit Napier (Hawke's Bay)
in February 1931, that saw radio amateurs extensively provide emergency

However this time they have not been required so far, mainly because
Christchurch was well prepared including rapid response by the power
authorities and telephone companies to quickly restore their services.

(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman, IARU Region 3, Disaster Communications Committee).

NZ aftershock forces radio station's evacuation

Monday afternoon's 4.5 magnitude aftershock has pushed a number of damaged
buildings over the edge in Christchurch, New Zealand.

The 12-story Radio Network-Newstalk ZB building in Worcester Street is one that
officials have ordered be evacuated after the tremor. It had sustained some
damage during last Saturday's initial quake, and the aftershock has made
some of the cracks worse.

Radio Network stations will continue to broadcast from back up facilities

50th Dutch Ham Radio Convention

On November 6, 2010, the 50th Ham Radio Convention will take place in The
Netherlands organised by VERON, the Dutch radio society.

There will be a homebrew exhibition and of course the Amateur radio equipment
sales, the VERON Components market (flea market) and stands of various
commissions and working groups will be present.

ZNS 1540 signal restoration likely to take 30 days

The Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas (BCB) has announced that the
initial assessment of damage caused by thieves to their 1540 AM's
transmission facilities suggests restoration of the signal is expected
to take around 30 days.

Police are actively investigating the theft of copper from the Broadcasting
Corporation's South Beach transmitter site that disrupted the national radio
station 1540 AM transmission shortly after 10am on Thursday. The broad daylight
robbery occurred when two men in a truck reportedly pulled up
and advised the security officer on duty that they were there to check the

Immediately upon the departure of the vehicle, the station went off air. It was
discovered that copper bands around the tuning huts had been removed.
The stolen copper links the tuning huts to the transmission tower.
The police were immediately contacted and are investigating.




A sad end to the search for a Glendale, Arizona, ham who went missing in
mid August. Amateur Radio Newsline Mark Abramowicz, NT3V, has the
details on what appears to be another! vicious crime:

Authorities in Maricopa County, Arizona are confirming the body of
30-year-old David Wile, KE7SWL, of Glendale, was found August 24t,
hidden inside a box trailer being pulled by a truck in the Sun City area.

The truck driver, 48-year-old David Edison, has been charged with
concealing a body. He is being held on $20,000 bond.

An autopsy on August 27^th by the Maricopa County medical examiner
confirmed the body was indeed Wile's. A cause and manner of death was
still being investigated. The sheriff's homicide unit is also now
actively pursuing the case. They say more charges could be pending
against Edison.

Investigators say they got a call from a couple following the truck and
trailer on August 24^th and they reported what they described as a foul
smell coming from the vehicle. They gave deputies the description and
license number of the vehicle and it was stopped a short time later
between Peoria and Sun City, authorities say. Investigators say when
deputies opened the trailer, they made the grim discovery of a decaying
body tucked inside a garment.

Edison was interviewed, but is reported to have invoked his right to
counsel and he was charged and committed to the jail. On a blog
posting, a woman identifying herself as David Wile's aunt claimed the
suspect is a roommate and former business partner of her nephew.

Wile was reportedly last seen at his Glendale home on August 14^th . He
was reported missing by his family on August 17^th after he failed to
show up for a ballroom dance competition at a Tempe, Arizona dance studio.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mark Abramowicz, NT3V.

More on this story as investigators make information available.



Some good news on the propagation front. Better days may be on their way.

Researchers at Boston University's Centre for Space Physics have
announced they have what they term as sub-visual evidence that a new
cycle of solar wind activity around Earth is finally starting. This
based on observations of recent appearances of aurora near the North
Pole accompanied by dimmer glows well south of that.

What has fascinated space scientists in recent years is the delayed
onset of such effects this time around. Typically, the Sun has an
activity cycle of about 11 years, with flares, C-M-E's and ejection of
electrically charged particles called the Solar Wind. These cause
changes in the Earth's magnetic field or magnetosphere that produce
luminous auroral emissions in the northern most latitudes high in the
Earth's atmosphere.

Such effects are subdued during so-called solar minimum years such as
the case in 1996 to 1997. They are also very prominent in solar
maximum years as they were in 2001 to 2002.

According to this cycle, called Cycle 24, a new wave of solar activity
had been expected to start last year but the Sun remained dormant.
This had some solar observers predicting that we might be headed for a
historic solar minimum. Now the Boston group says there are finally
signs of the new cycle 24 appearing.

more about it at

(World Science Net)



Oct 23 WIA WIA National Field Day

Oct 2- 3 WIA Oceania DX Contest Phone
Tony Burt

Oct 9-10 WIA Oceania DX Contest CW
Tony Burt

NOV 20-21 WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day
John Martin VK3KM

Aug 21-22 International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend.
did you register on website ?

Hello Listener's , I'm Peter Harding RD Contest Manager.

Well this year's RD Contest is over all we have now is for all the logs to
arrive, so I can process them.

We are about 20% down in logs compared to last year, with only a bit over
a week until the closing date for everyone to get their logs to me
either by or Snail Mail.

Any logs received after the closing date will be returned unopened, as I
need the time to prepare the final results for the December/January
AR Magazine.

Where possible I have sent emails to those that I have email addresses for,
confirming the receipt and confirmation for the points in their logs..

Until next we meet

This is Peter vk4od.

hf nets ON the net,

Heard Island DXpedition plans announced

This an uninhabited sub-Antarctic island is being targeted for a DXpedition
in February 2013.

Heard Island, an Australian territory, is in the top ten of the world's most
wanted DX entities.

DXpedition team leader Chris Dimitrijevic VK3FY, and co-leader Steve
Chamberlain advise that the planning phase is underway for a total of 13
operators to activate the island for two weeks.

Chris VK3FY has already had discussions with the office of the relevant
Australian Government Minister and submitted an application for Ministerial

An appropriate ship for this journey has been sourced and negotiations
have begun with its owners.

(Jim Linton VK3PC, Publicist for the Heard Island 2013 DXpedition)


Robert, VK2BMY ( ex DJ1MI, AX2BMI,VK2BMI, VK4BMI ) has past away.
Robert was, in the sixties, founder of the daily VK-DL net on 14.307 MHz.

Moon bounce from the South China Sea

DXpedition Team Leader, Chris Dimitrijevic VK3FY & DU8/VK3FY has announced
that Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) contacts are planned as part of the DX0DX
activation of The Spratlys.

The DXpedition that will involve some 30 radio amateurs in three teams on
Thitu Island, 6-24 January 2011.

In the latest news, experienced EME contester and DXpeditioner, Colin Brown
GM0RLZ will be active on both 6m and 2m.

He has filled a vacancy on DXpedition Team 2 (6-15 January) and has the
role of coordinating any requests for moon-rise and moon-set contact attempts.

Chris VK3FY said all other plans for the DXpedition are continuing
satisfactorily and with 120 days to go there's a lot of work yet to be done.

Support for DX0DX is growing steadily and thank you to those who
have already given financially or in other ways towards this major undertaking.

Jim Linton VK3PC, Public Affairs DX0DX.

Ham radio station operating from a Boeing 737

SWL Denis F-11217 and radio ham F1USC report QSO made with an amateur radio
operator signing 'Aeronautical Mobile'.

PH9HB/AM regularly flies to northern Europe and is often active on
17 meter band and regularly contacts radio amateurs from his Boeing 737.

The airborne equipment consists of a Collins HFS900D which works on USB and AM,
it can use 400 watts PEP. The antenna is of the shunt-fed slotted type,
situated in the vertical end of the tail section.

Chris, VK3QB, reports that the four members of the YJ0VK team (Chris VK3QB,
Allan VK2CA, Luke VK3HJ and Brenton VK3CBV) returned from Vanuatu September 2,
after 6 days of operation.

A quick summary of operation shows almost 4,000 QSO's, 69 DXCC entities along
with approximately 500 digital QSOs (RTTY and PSK31)

Overall the team had a lot of fun and regard the expedition as a success.


Amateur Radio magazine - a very good read

On last week's broadcast we highlighted some of the interesting material
in the September edition of the WIA journal. Now we have a further look at
its content.

Continuing the Centenary year historical theme there's an article about
Bill Hart VK2XT who has been a radio amateur and member of the WIA since

Amateur Radio New South Wales is in need of photographs of its former
properties - Amateur Radio House 1959 to 1982 at St Leonards, and then at
Harris Park 1982 to 2006.

There's a well illustrated story on the National Radio and Phono Fest to
be held in Canberra on the 18th and 19th of September.

Technical articles this month include:

* 'A generic PC interface for the amateur experimenter' written by Paul
McMahon VK3DIP

* The latest in the Foundation Corner series is entitled 'The good, the
bad and the ugly: the G5RV antenna' by Geoff Emery VK4ZPP and Ross Pittard

* And Gary Gibson VK8BN explores the question 'Is reflected power lost

Amateur Radio magazine, a WIA membership service and also available at
selected newsagents.

I'm Barry Robinson VKPV and you're listening to VK1WIA.

Australian Coordinator for TCPIP domains is Indy

The ARRL Lab has installed a D-STAR (Digital Smart Technologies for
Amateur Radio) repeater in the Lab at the ARRL Headquarters building.

The purpose of the repeater is to better educate the Lab staff on
D-STAR technology," explained ARRL Test Engineer Bob Allison, WB1GCM.

"In turn, we will have the ability to handle some of our members'
questions on the matter. We also intend to use this new technology when
emergencies occur where D-STAR technology is deployed."


2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz


On 24 July 2010, Sci Bono in co-operation with radio amateurs unsuccessfully
tested the High Altitude Balloon Experiment Payload, also known as HABEX. The
payload was lost through electronic failure and we had to return to the
workbench to fix all the problems.
The new attempt will take place in South Africa 07:00-13:00 C.A.T.
25 September.

Denmark's private venture rocket launch planned for Sunday, September 5 was
postponed following the discovery of a faulty valve.

Copenhagen Suborbitals, which is entirely dependent on sponsors and volunteers,
plan to eventually launch a human into space. The current launch is a initial
test flight which aims to get to a height of 30km.

Copenhagen Suborbitals is using a military test area near Bornholm island
in the Baltic Sea. They have use of the facility until September 17.


Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.

Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160

World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160

World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160

Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227

Calling Frequencies for PSK31

Vuvuzela Morse Code

The Soccer World Cup may be over, but it seems we haven't yet heard the last of
the dreaded vuvuzela.

Just when you thought it was safe to remove your earplugs...

From the National JOTA Organizer in (of course) South-Africa comes the
suggestion to have a game with Morse Code on the vuvuzela.

Dave Gemmell suggests:
a) send each character correctly in morse.
b) how many scouts can receive message correctly?
c) determine the maximum distance that can be achieved.
d) record the distance and tell us about it.


3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

December 11, VK1 WICEN will be supporting the Brindabella
Motor Sports Club's "Rallye des Femme".

Other coming events include:

Trek for Timor on the 18th & 19th of September.

Brookvale Endurance Ride in the ACT on the 19th of September.

Barrington Tops SAREX on the 16th & 17th of October.

The Hawkesbury Canoe Classic on the 23rd & 24th of October.

SUMERLAND - WICEN antenna / transmit test exercise.

Bring your antenna design ideas, show and test them to see how (if) they work.
On site construction will start no earlier than 1030 and finish by 1100.
Use of trees and building is permitted but NO USE of the existing towers.
Mobile whips attached to cars, beams, portable towers etc are all ok.
You just have to be able to bring it on site at 1030 and be ready to
transmit by 1100.

As the news goes to air today some Radio Amateurs in the Townsville
area are playing with radios in the field to the sound of trotting hooves
providing communications support for the TERAHA Horse Endurance
Ride in the Bluewater and Toolakea areas.

The operators provided support yesterday for the introductory
5 kilometre ride as well as the 20 kilometre ride, then played with HF
a bit and tried to contact the TREC VK100WIA station.

The operators also tried out the new VK4ZZ-3 portable internet gateway and
then they were early to bed and up at 2am this morning providing competitor
tracking for the 80 kilometre and 40 kilometre rides and should be finished
and heading home by 2pm this afternoon.

Communications have mainly been on VHF, although some stations
have also seized the opportunity to put up a wire or two at the checkpoint
and play a little HF during the ride.


Oct 9 VK4 Wide Bay Mini Hamfest 9.00a.m.
Scout Hall, Ariadne Street, Maryborough.

Oct 23 WIA WIA National Field Day

NOV 7 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest Rosa St Goodwood


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

MAY 4-7 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (

Please think of the environment before printing this email


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.

© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)