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WIA Centenary Award UPDATE

Amateur Radio special event - BV100, Taiwan


Amateur Radio bands to be used for London 2012 Games


Amateur Radio band intruder, Uganda on 7195 kHz



WIA Centenary Award - update

So far 269 claims for this limited time operating award have been received
and verified with certificates now issued.

The 200th award went to Monica Crockett VK3FMON of Axedale. It is good to
see the enthusiasm of Foundation Licensees with some 30 having already
qualified for and claimed the award.

The VK2AWA Contest Group is the very latest radio club on the award list.

Some 15 DX stations from Finland, India, Hawaii, Japan, New Zealand,
Russia and the USA are also recipients of the award.

For details about the WIA Centenary Award visit WIA website


Reappointed as the Chair of the ACMA is Chris Chapman and a new Deputy Chair
has been appointed, Mr Richard Bean.


Sydney-based developers of Google Maps have been recognised for their
contribution to the industry.

Lars and Jens Rasmussen who are Brothers were named NSW's Entrepreneurs of the
Year in the information and communications technology field.

The annual Pearcey Foundation award was announced at NSW Parliament on Tuesday,
with their achievement being hailed as a coup for Australia, positioning it
as a global leader in online services.

Google Maps is now used by around one-third of all Google visitors.

The Pearcey Foundation was established in 1998 to raise the profile of the
Australian ICT industry and profession.

web service local audio news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

From time to time people raise their concerns over their perceptions of
what the radio club or WIA has or has not done. This is a fair point of
discussion amongst amateurs and all organisations try to foster active
involvement in growing.

If we see that our metering is indicating a problem with our antenna, do we act
to solve the problem or ignore it and just complain and complain and complain?

Some of these well meaning amateurs seem to take the latter path and never join
their local affiliated club or pay the subscription and become an Institute
member. Without doing something positive to get the message across, they are
just baying at the moon.

From our clubs, input can go to the state Advisory Committee or direct to the
Institute. As a member, we get Amateur Radio magazine delivered and anyone can
listen to WIA News.

If you believe what you say, please get it into the system to benefit all
VK amateurs.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?



Saturday the 2nd of september BRARC members VK4HPW, VK4FGGS, VK4HDE & his
trainee junior, VK4HL, VK4VS and me VK2PT initiated our first training day for
members and interested hobbiests with the installation of the new Stanthorpe 2
meter repeater approxiemately 10KM West of Stanthorpe.

With rain threatening from the East, we broke into two teams, one to install the
masting and antennas, the second to tune the antennas and install the repeater

This is BRARCs first dual antenna repeater and lifting the masting along with
antennas and hard line coax was quite a struggle, with only 40 feet of masting
put up. When the weather is better, we plan to lift the final 10 feet. That
might not sound like much but in the mountains here, 10 feet can make a huge

With weather setting in later in the afternoon, we postponed the day til next
day, were a small group got together finalised the cabling and turned on the
repeater, linking into the BRARC repeater network on its UHF backbone.

Coverage was found to be excellant, with covering into Stanthorpe town better
than expected. Being with two antennas and no cavity filters, we did experience
some desensing but the was better than expected.

It was time to turn to the Amateurs Bible, not the new one, as it was not in
there what we were looking for, but the old ARRL handbook and there it was, the
why and how to build a cavity filter. The club recently donated several defunct
72Mhz cavity filters, VK4HDE, VK4VS and VK4HL have taken on the task cut this
down for 147Mhz operation and turn out a high Q notch filter. This task is still

So when next down in the Southern Queensland and Northern NSW, drop by and say
gedday. Our repeater network is on IRLP node 6683, EchoLink 414994, and you can
hear us on 2 meters in Warwick on 147.275, in Stanthorpe on 147.125 and in
Tenterfield on 147.375, thats +600 with no CTCSS tone applying.

New members are most welcome and those joining receive a BRARC Club Cap straight
away. You can find us also on the web at BRARC.ORG.AU

For those interested, our next club meeting is on the 13th of November at 1PM qld
time in the RSL club in Stanthorpe. Thats the 13th of November at 1pm at the RSL
club in Stanthorpe.

We look forward to hearing from you. I'm Paul, VK2PT, the President of the
Border Rangers Amateur Radio Club.


G'day this is Dale VK4DMC for the Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club, TREC,
in Far North Queensland.

The monthly TREC meeting was well attended and some interesting items were
presented by club members at the "Show & Tell" Gary VK4FD, known locally as
"SNOOPY", showed us his latest toys, a really impressive height acquisition
device, the "Big Shot" line launcher for getting those field antennas really
high up into trees. We are still looking for the golf ball used to demonstrate
the device Hi Hi! Gary also showed his new Powerwerx 30amp switching power
supply, a tiny but impressive piece of gear and fitted with Anderson 45 amp
Powerpole connectors.

Planning for the upcoming Spring VHF/UHF field day contest on 20/21 November is
progressing well and TREC members are looking forward to a fun day working on
the higher bands.

TREC is looking for a medium size rotator to fit onto our mobile tower trailer.
If you can help out please contact TREC at

This has been Dale VK4DMC and you are listening to QNEWS.

For more info, call Secretary Kathy Johns 040-939-8853
Channel 14 UHF CB call "CQ MERG"

The team from the Maryborough Electronics and Radio Group, Inc, MERG,
enjoyed a great weekend with the people attending the Aldershot Scout Camp
for JOTA, last weekend.

Between the visit to the camp on Friday and the return of the amateurs on
Saturday morning, the forecast storms managed to keep the scouts sleeping under
canvass well engaged until after midnight. As a result some of the troops
booked to participate did not arrive. However by about 9.00am groups of Joeys
were coming through the radio shack on a rolling roster of activities.

Some of the activities were learning about codes and making invisible ink. This
went well with the short presentation by Ray, VK4TPT on amateur radio and the
use of Morse code.

The scout leaders included Martin, VK4YOI, who joined the crew in the shack on
Saturday evening.

The friendliness of the scouts and the provision of meals to the amateurs made
this a weekend to look forward to each year.

The Opening Address of the Chief Scout as well as WIA news were broadcast
to the camp over the PA system.

At the closing parade of the JOTA 2010 Aldershot Camp, the Area Commissioner
presented Bob VK4FNBL, Ray VK4TPT and Geoff VK4ZPP with certificates of
appreciation. The JOTA cloth badges that the operators received are also great
souvenirs. Numbers of participants expressed their interest in obtaining the
Scout Radio Operator Badge... This requires an amateur radio licence!

For QNEWS, I'm Geoff, VK4ZPP.

TARC WIA Exams Information

Exam sessions in the North Queensland region are held on demand with WIA
Assessors and assessment packs available for all 3 levels of licensing.

Contact theTARCinc WIA Exams Regional Co-ordinator Roger VK4CD on mobile
0417 638366 to have a mutually suitable date and WIA Assessors assigned
to your assessment.


Adrian Snell VK5ZSN from A.R.E.G.told us through the week that Saturday 23rd
yesterday they had another "High Altitude Balloon Borne Repeater" project
on their launch pad to co-incide with the WIA National Field Day.


This time the payload comprised a cross band talk through repeater and an
APRS beacon. At apogee the radio horizon will be in the order of radius 800km
from the balloon position.

Input Freq (you transmit on this) 438.900 MHz with CTCSS 123 Hz

Output Freq (you listen on this) 146.450 MHz with CTCSS 123 Hz.

APRS identification will be VK5ZSN-11.

Progress of the balloon may be tracked via the internet

The balloon may also be tracked using or other APRS server or via RF
APRS network.

Lots of information about how to decode the telemetry packages on the
balloon may be found at

We have asked for a report on this to bring you next Sunday.

local area news :-
vk7 local news, email

Licence Examinations

A class for aspiring Standard Licence candidates has been scheduled to start in
VK7 Friday evening next, 29th October. It will run for 4 weeks and cost is
expected to be $50.

If you are interested contact Reg Emmett VK7KK on 0417 391 607


It is with sadness that we advise the passing of George Thomas Bruce VK2GT.

George passed away peacefully on Sunday morning (17/10/2010) at Carrington
Centennial Care after a short illness.

George was first licensed in 1932 at the age of 17 and held that License until
his death at 96 years, just two weeks short of his 70th wedding anniversary.
He got his License at the same time as his neighbour and life long friend
Ross Weeden, VK2PN (SK) of Tumut.

He was very pleased when son Lloyd got his License in 1981 and his grandson
Lachlan (VK2LGB) also got his license making three generations.

He was a member of the Mid South Coast Amateur Radio Club for many years, until
poor health made it impossible for him to get to the meetings. George was also
very involved with the early years of the WIA transmitting station at Dural and
worked for the Department of Civil Aviation for most of his working life. He
will be sadly missed by all who new him.

(Submitted by his son Lloyd VK2ELB)


October 8, and those who are "wintering over" at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole
Station were experiencing a typical day for their clime, a day in the-70s
(yes, you heard that right -- 70 below 0 degrees Fahrenheit).

But though the day was indeed frigid, six men and two women at
Amundsen-Scott didn't feel the cold as they were too excited (and maybe
just a touch nervous), knowing they were going to be part of the first
Amateur Radio license exam session ever held at the South Pole.


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

Two major natural catastrophes - floods in Pakistan and an earthquake in
New Zealand - again displayed the extraordinary capability of radio amateurs to
provide communications when everything else fails or as an efficient backup to
existing services. In the latest IARU Region 3 news letter details on these 2
activities are highlighted.

Also from the IARU the assistance of radio amateurs in assisting with the
spectacular rescue of miners in Chile is yet another demonstration of the
efficacy of amateur radio in exceptional circumstances.

IARU Region 3 Chairman Michael Owen VK3KI and Secretary Jay Oka JA1TRC attended
the Administrative Council meeting of IARU in El Salvador and also the Region 2
Conference held at the same location. The Administrative Council is where
representatives of all the three regions of IARU meet and decisions taken to
effectively coordinate activities which will help promote amateur radio.

All in this latest communication from the IARU, well worth a read!

Amateur Radio bands to be used for London 2012 Games

Ofcom has published an updated spectrum plan for wireless communications at the
London 2012 Games.

Frequencies in a number of bands allocated on a Secondary basis to the Amateur
Service will be used at Olympic venues, among them are 70cm, 23cm and
13cm bands.

Regarding the 430 MHz band the plan says:

"The 430-440 MHz band is managed by the MOD and is used by Radio Amateurs.
Ofcom notes RAYNET's support for the St John's Ambulance, Red Cross and other
similar users as well as Amateur Special Event Stations for cultural events
linked to the London 2012 Games.

At past Games, Amateur radio bands (especially 430-440 MHz) have been used and
this remains a possibility for the London 2012 Games if demand requires it.

With regard to the Amateur-Satellite Service the document says:

We do not think it will be necessary to use the frequency bands allocated
to the Amateur-Satellite Service, but will retain the option to consider
whether there is a requirement to use them as we develop our venue-specific
spectrum plans.

A final version of the plan will be published early in 2012.


October 8, and those who are "wintering over" at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole
Station were experiencing a typical day for their clime, a day in the-70s
(yes, you heard that right -- 70 below 0 degrees Fahrenheit).

But though the day was indeed frigid, six men and two women at
Amundsen-Scott didn't feel the cold as they were too excited (and maybe
just a touch nervous), knowing they were going to be part of the first
Amateur Radio license exam session ever held at the South Pole.




An amateur radio operator from San Jacinto, California, who had admitted making
a series of transmissions threatening the lives of local police officers and
fire department personnel has learned her fate. Amateur Radio Newsline's
Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, has the details:

On Friday, October 8th twenty-nine year old Irene Levy, KJ6CEY, pleaded guilty
to seven charges involving interference to the Hemet California police and the
Riverside County Fire Department. A judge in the city of Murrieta sentenced her
to three years probation and gave her credit for the time she spent in jail
since her arrest last spring. She was also ordered to undergo psychiatric care.

As previously reported here on Amateur Radio Newsline, last May 3rd police
closed in on KJ6CEY just seconds after she made a final transmission on a
Hemet police frequency using a commercial H-T. Investigators from the Hemet
Police Department as well as Cal Fire said that the unauthorized, random
transmissions were made from Levy's mobile home in San Jacinto. Her radio
transmissions, which included bomb threats, were monitored on frequencies used
by the Hemet police and the Riverside County Fire Department and that they went
beyond nuisance calls.

At that time, Hemet Police Sargent Mark Richards was quoted by The
Press-Enterprise newspaper in Riverside as saying Levy disguised her voice as
a man and made references to the deaths of police and firefighters and made
bomb threats. He said some of the transmissions came during a Cal Fire search
and rescue call, a major traffic accident, and a brush fire.

Richards report stated the transmissions began May 1st and ended in the early
morning hours of May 3rd. He said in the report that direction-finding
equipment helped locate Levy, who in one of her transmissions on May 2
suggested "police would never find her." Richards report said that during the
raid on her trailer, police seized 11 radios, seven scanners, radio frequency
lists, computer equipment and other miscellaneous radio gear. He says in the
report they also seized Levy's Technician class amateur radio license, showing
it had been issued in September 2009.

On her now removed bio page, Irene Levy had claimed to have a General
Mobile Radio Service license, but the call sign attached to it is actually
registered to her husband, Michael Levy KE6ALV. She had also claimed to have
monitored the Keller Peak repeater as well as the Hemet repeaters. Levy also
said in that now gone QRZ bio she was active on Citizens Band radio prior to
getting married and described herself as a CB'er at heart.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, in Los Angeles.

But Irene Levy's problems may be far from over. At this point the FCC has not
yet entered into the matter. If it does and decides to cite KJ6CEY, she could
face a fine, a license suspension or even a hearing to determine if she should
be permitted to continue as an FCC amateur radio licensee.


A Christchurch, New Zealand man who ran a hobby radio station has been fined
$4000 and had his equipment confiscated after boosting his transmitter power
to a level that interfered with an air traffic control frequency.

According to news reports from down-under, Jeffrey Knowles owned low power
non-commercial radio station Sounds FM which has now been shut down. When it
was on the air, it legally broadcast music during the day and streamed
BBC programs at night to the Shirley, Papanui and Parklands suburbs of
Christchurch. And in the past it had earned Knowles a community service award.

Now, the 48 year old Knowles has admitted in Christchurch District Court he
interfered with the air traffic control radio frequency. This, by broadcasting
with excessive power using equipment that had a fault with its overall
frequency stability.
Knowles also admitted to a charge under the New Zealand Radio Communications
Act of transmitting outside the terms of his license. As a result, his
broadcasts caused the closure of an air traffic frequency for 24 hours by
interfering with transmissions between aircraft and the control tower

Under New Zealand law, Knowles station is permitted to run as a low power
FM hobby station. But in making its case, government prosecutors argued he
increased the power to reach up to 45,000 listeners. The New Zealand Radio
Broadcasters' Association reported to the court that they were losing
advertising revenue because of Knowles station taking potential listeners away
from commercial stations.

Defence counsel Clayton Williams said Knowles accepted the equipment was faulty
and did not oppose it being forfeited. He did however dispute the concerns
about the amount of power used.

In rendering his decision, Judge Gary MacAskill said Knowles had been warned
that his broadcasting gear was faulty but had done nothing about it. He then
imposed a fine of $4000 as well as court costs of $130 and a solicitor's fee of
$250. Its unknown if Knowles will appeal.

Also while a version of this story circulating on the Internet blogs identified
Knowles as being a ham radio operator, a check of licenses shows that this
is not the case.


Mack Mc Cormick, WB4MAK, of Atlanta, Georgia, has made
available a web-based 80, 40 and 20 meter SDR based
receiver. We gave it a try from the Newsline office. Its
tuning is very responsive and the first station we came
across on 20 meters turned out to be a guest operator at the
ARRL Headquarters station W1AW in Newington Connecticut.

We also heard W1AW contacting W6RO on board the Queen Mary
ocean liner that's docked in Long Beach, California, but due
to band conditions, we only heard the W1AW side of the

The WB4MAK SDR receiver can be a handy tool to check out
radio propagation to the South-Eastern United States by
anyone with a high speed Internet connection. You will find
it on line at

Net is held each Mondays on 3.580 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.
(1000utc during daylight saving)

Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net this Tuesday

One of the friendliest radio nets in the land happens
this Tuesday evening from 7-30pm on the Townsville
VHF Repeater ... the Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net !

The net is open to young and old, YL or OM and is a
golden opportunity for anyone who needs practice
on-air to go onto the net as 2nd operator.

So join in to this Tuesday evenings net and
let's see if the YLs can outnumber the OMs !

Scandinavian Young Ladies Radio Amateurs have a contest to promote YL
activity around the world as well as to encourage amateur radio
communication between women and men. It takes place from 10.00 UTC on
23rd October to 10.00 UTC on 24th October.
The rules can be found on



Radio amateurs many radio clubs in South East London will be operating
special event station GB2RA located at the Royal Artillery Museum, Woolwich
from Saturday 23rd October through to Sunday 31st.

GB2RA will be mainly on the 40m and 2m bands during the Museum opening hours,
10.00 to 17.00.

More info from Lawrie, G4FAA on 07899 855166.




An excellent weekend was enjoyed by those attending last weekend With about
50 scouts / guides / cubs etc moved through the system assisted by about
10 or so leaders.

Many contacts were enjoyed throughout Australia and overseas.

An evening campfire was enjoyed via line with 1st Boulder Scouts.

The team from the Maryborough Electronics and Radio Group, Inc, MERG, enjoyed a
great weekend with the people attending the Aldershot Scout Camp for JOTA,
last weekend.

Some of the activities were learning about codes and making invisible ink. This
went well with the short presentation by Ray, VK4TPT on amateur radio and the
use of Morse code.

The Opening Address of the Chief Scout as well as WIA news were broadcast to
the camp over the PA system.

At the closing parade of the JOTA 2010 Aldershot Camp, numbers of participants
expressed their interest in obtaining their Scout Radio Operator Badge.
This requires an amateur radio licence!

For WIA National News, I'm Geoff, VK4ZPP."

This JOTA there were 1013 separate connects from 335 different stations to the
JOTA-365 conference. These were only some of the VK JOTA stations on Echolink,
but does give a flavour of who was using the system.

VK1BP-L 16-Oct-10 23:34:50

VK2CPC-R 16-Oct-10 1:38:56
VK2FICQ 17-Oct-10 3:38:37
VK2FLBK 16-Oct-10 3:48:23
VK2FMYL 17-Oct-10 3:36:04
VK2FRMC 16-Oct-10 11:36:42
VK2FSRM 17-Oct-10 0:48:09
VK2QZ 16-Oct-10 4:36:18
VK2RF 16-Oct-10 7:30:45
VK2SAQ 16-Oct-10 5:03:48
VK2SNR 16-Oct-10 5:04:36
VK2SOA 16-Oct-10 4:46:21
VK2TRL-L 16-Oct-10 9:06:53

VK3FCWA 17-Oct-10 8:00:23
VK3FOOT 16-Oct-10 9:14:10

VK4AW 17-Oct-10 22:19:49
VK4RKP-R 16-Oct-10 9:35:45
VK4YNT 16-Oct-10 1:24:44

VK5ARC 16-Oct-10 5:00:34
VK5KSA 17-Oct-10 0:32:12

VK6DSL 16-Oct-10 3:48:41

VK7KL 16-Oct-10 2:20:12

VK8DA-R 16-Oct-10 6:48:56


3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Brigade after new recruits

MURPHYS Creek Fire Brigade in VK4 may face cutbacks to their fleet of
three fire trucks if no new recruits are signed soon.

Many will remember the horror of the numerous fires in the area, formerly known
as the Gatton Shire, in 2002 where more than 1000 fire-fighters battled blazes
that lasted nearly two weeks.

Now due to changes in legislation, rural fire brigades such as Murphys Creek
are being forced to recruit more volunteers or lose assets.

Hopefully they will get a lot of young blokes, who are the lifeblood of the
brigade," and they are particularly after support members who can help with
radio communications.

To find out more about positions at the Murphys Creek Station contact
Secretary Margaret Wood on 07 4630 5191.


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

A new customer service from TVNZ

From 1 September 2010, Television New Zealand Ltd has chosen to take on
responsibility for dealing with interference affecting reception of their
analogue television broadcasts.

The Ministry of Economic Development's Radio Spectrum Management branch will
no longer provide an interference location service for those broadcasts, which
will cease as a result of the digital switch-over during 2013.

Radio Uganda on 7195 kHz - latest results - reported by 5Z4NU

After approaches by Bill, 5X1JM, the Uganda Communications Commission has
informed Radio Uganda they are not permitted to use 7195 kHz.

However, the station has continued to use it so far and it may be a little time
before they move out. At least the point has been made and action initiated by
the authorities.

Good news is that Uganda amateurs have been authorised by UCC to use
the band 7100- 7200 kHz.

(Ted 5Z4NU)

PLT Interference to the Fire Service Band

Nige, G7CNF has produced a video showing the effects of a Hi-speed Power Line
Adaptor (PLA) on frequencies used by the UK Fire Service.

Following the discovery of the interference to the 4m amateur band by the
PLT adapters, he checked on the band used by the UK Fire Service. The result is
in this video.

Unlike the other emergency services, the Fire Service in the UK still use
analogue radio on 71 MHz and Portugal listeners use this for signs of
Sporadic E radiowave propagation.
When they hear UK firemen, they know that the 4m amateur band is open.


Police raid silences Mexican community radio station

Southgate News are reporting that a group signing themselves" Reporters Without
Borders" allege police and judicial authorities in Mexico raided Radio
Proletaria, a community radio station, in which arrests were made and the
station was summarily dismantled.

The raid was carried out at night by around 30 armed and masked members of the
police and the Chiapas State Attorney-General's Office (PGJE). Six people are
said to have been arrested, broadcast equipment seized, reducing it to silence.

The RWP nor Southgate gave any indication as to why the raid took place.

THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report -
(Measure twice - Cut once!)

VK2ZYZ Charley's "Bucks night"

OK, that subject line might get you excited but this guy has built a receiver
that really did cost him about $1 worth of parts out of his junk box, it covers
so far 80m to 20m is still working on how far he can stretch it, and it
receives SSB, CW, and AM.

This rig will never be you main rig, it is just a novelty but it is a blast,
if you have a junk box and an hour to kill one night give it a go!

We did ask Charley to come up on this national news, so hopefully next week
we will have a lil more info.


October 2010...

This October is very special.

It has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in 1 month.

This happens only once in 823 years.



Oct 23 WIA WIA National Field Day this weekend!

NOV 20-21 WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day
John Martin VK3KM

30th Alara Contest Results

Held on 29/30 August, 2010

Catherine VK4GH 1498 Top overall, Top Phone, Top VK4 Alara member Pam VK4PTO

Leonie VK2FHRK 1008 Top Foundation Licensee, Top VK2 Alara member

Pat VK3OZ Top VK YL CW Top VK3 Alara member

Nora VK5NYD Top VK5 Alara member

Anne VK7BYL Top VK7 Alara member

Linda G0AJJ Top DX YL, Top G,M,2E YL non-member

hf nets ON the net,

Some VK4 nets available,

Monday Evening - Mackay Club Net - VK4WIM Net Control - 3597kHz from 0930Z

Tuesday Evening - RADAR Net - VK4WIR Net Control - 3613kHz from 0930Z

Wednesday Evening - Gold Coast - VK4WIG Net Control - 3605kHz from 0930Z

Thursday Evening - Hervey Bay - VK4CHB Net Control - 3615kHz from 0730Z

Friday Evening - Central Highlands Club - VK4WCH Net Control - 3618kHz 1000Z

Amateur radio special event - BV100, Taiwan

Amateur radio operators from the Republic of China (Taiwan) Centenary
Foundation will be activating special event station BV100 until
December 31st, 2011.

Activity is to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Republic of China
Operations will be on all bands and modes.

Complete details on a operating schedule and how to earn a BV100 award is


London 2012 Olympics radio station DQ'd!

Media regulator Ofcom is pulling the plug on a London-only digital station
project which had been planned for "The Games."

It would appear it has been "dis-qualified" due to because of a lack of

Ofcom had said it had expected demand for the new radio service to be
"particularly high" during the Olympics and Paralympics. The regulator said it
has received just 10 responses to its appeal for "preliminary expressions of
interest", a number of which were not suitable and did not meet its
digital-only requirements.


On October 31, 2010, Capital Stage Broadway will present radio's single most
famous broadcast.

The cast will tell the story, exactly as it was told by Orson Welles and his
Mercury Theatre on air over 70 years ago.

The true power of live story-telling made itself known on Halloween Eve in 1938
when a story told over the radio terrified a nation. Adapted for radio by
Howard Koch and starring Orson Welles, War of the Worlds was presented as a
Halloween thriller. But, for those who tuned in late, "normal" programming
appeared to be interrupted with the startling news that there were "explosions
occurring on Planet Mars." Reports followed stating that a huge flaming object
had fallen to earth on a farm near Grover's Mill, New Jersey.

More landings were soon reported and an anxious radio audience came to the
frightening (incorrect) conclusion that Earth was the target of a full scale
invasion by aliens!

Such is the power of Radio!


Oct 23 WIA WIA National Field Day

Oct 24 VK3 Ballarat Hamvention at Ballarat Greyhound Racing Club

NOV 7 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest Rosa St Goodwood

NOV 13 VK4 Gold Coast Hamfest Albert Waterways Hall, Broadbeach 8.30am.
information contact

NOV 14 VK4 Presidents Lunch at Rockhampton

DEC 4 VK7 Central Highlands Hamfest at Miena


Jan 30 vk2 Mid North Coast Radio Expo 2011 at St Johns Church Hall
McLean Street, Coffs Harbour at 8:30am,

Feb 13 VK3 Centre Victoria RadioFest No.4 Kyneton Racecourse

Apr 18 WW "Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social network"
World Amateur Radio Day, April 18, 2011.

May 27-29 WIA AGM Weekend in Darwin


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

MAY 4-7 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (



ASIO Central Office, Canberra have postitions available for IT Communications
Centre Officers

It's no secret that ASIO is here to protect Australia from terrorism and
espionage. Intelligence gathering is their focus. Working within a complex
security environment, you'll soon discover there is something more to this role.

Based within ASIO's Information Division, the Communications Centre team are
responsible for handling and controlling communications traffic within the highly
secure networks. As a member of this team, you'll assist with managing and
maintaining a range of established communication links, and provide secure and
timely transmission of information to ASIO's agency partners, domestically and

Take your skills; improve on them; apply them in ways you never thought possible.

Closing date: Friday, 29 October 2010

Eligibility: Applicants must be Australian citizens.

Working conditions: Employment is under the ASIO Act 1979.
Conditions of service are similar to those applying in the
Australian Public Service. Salary packaging arrangements
are available.

Enquiries: If you have any other enquiries please telephone 02 62574916

The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club

They have been extremely busy over the last few weekends, whether it was the
annual JOTA/JOTI event or preparing for the WIA Centenary Field Day, the club
has been out there promoting Amateur Radio to the General Public.

The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club were heavily involved with local scout and
guide groups across the Central Coast during the recent JOTA/ JOTI event and
assisted scouts and guides talk to the world across the weekend of 16th-17th
October 21, 2010.

Many potential AR operators enjoyed the thrill of communicating with fellow
scouts and guides from many different parts of the country and the world.

Central Coast Amateur Radio Club and JOTA? Truly an International Event!

Central Coast Amateur Radio Club hold regular education and training sessions
from the Foundation licence right up to the Standard and Advanced operators

The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club meets on the first Friday of the month at
the Clubrooms in Dandaloo St Kariong.

The clubrooms are also open every Saturday from approx 10.30am - and everyone
is welcome, so drop in and say hello

Contact the Club for more information on 02 4340 2500 or visit the club's

Please think of the environment before printing this email


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.



© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)