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The November edition of Amateur Radio magazine


Count down continues for The Spratlys DXpedition


New offshore radio book: 'Death of a Pirate'





Sable Island DXpedition back on again

Randy, N0TG, reports:

"Sable is back on the calendar. The rescheduled dates are December 6-13th,
2010. Fortunately, several critical details were resolved sooner than

For more details, visit:

WIA Centenary

WIA Centenary Award - update

Claims for this popular operating award are still arriving, but if you're
thinking of make a claim it must be done before the 30th of January 2011.

This limited issue amateur radio operating award is part of the
celebration of the Centenary of Organised Amateur Radio in Australia.

Each claim is verified as meeting the award rules which appear on the WIA

A further 24 awards have been issued in the past week taking the total
number so far to 336.

President Michael Owen VK3KI
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Secretary Geoff Atkinson VK3AFA
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

News from Central Queensland

Lunch with the WIA President

As this WIA National News goes to air this morning, Sunday November 14, hams
in the Rockhampton region are listening to the special news transmission being
made by the RADAR Clubs station VK4CHV live from the Rockhampton Heritage
Village at Parkhurst.

The comprehensive static and live display (hopefully not to much static!
hihi)of historical radio equipment and modern day apparatus is being
inspected by WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI and WIA Board Member
Ewan McLeod VK4ERM prior to the WIA QAC Lunch with the President, this
year sponsored by the RADAR Club and being held at the Rockhampton Leagues
Club during the afternoon.

Many local hams along with representatives from radio clubs right across
VK4 will hear first hand about activities and plans the WIA are involved with
and give valuable feedback to Michael and Ewan to assist in the future
direction of the Institute and how it can best serve its members.

Make sure to keep the local call-back operators busy after the news
transmission !

CSIRO have unveiled a new wireless technology designed to bring broadband
to people living beyond the optical fibre network. If implemented, people
living in the bush can connect to high-speed internet just by using a new
set-top box.

Called Ngara, the organisation aims to re-use old analogue TV channels that
will be fully switched off in 2013 to enable multiple users to upload
information at the same time, without reducing their individual systems'
data transfer rate of 12 Mbps.

According to the organisation, this radio spectrum is a finite and highly
valuable, natural resource.

CSIRO's spectral efficiency is three times that of the closest comparable
technology and the data rate is more than 10 times the industry's recently
declared minimum standard. Its 12 Mbps, six-user system works in the space
of one television channel, which is seven megahertz (MHz) wide.

It is also currently completing the research and testing of the downlink
part of the system, which will also run at 12 Mbps per user.

This means any rural property or business that can currently receive TV
signals could in future connect to high-speed internet just by using a
new set-top box.


McDonald's Australia is launching contactless credit card technology in its
stores that will allow customers to pay without swiping, signing or using a

The technology, to be rolled out later this month, follows a number of other
merchants moving into the contactless payment space, including convenient
store chain 7-Eleven.

"With Visa payWave, customers see speedier transactions and they can pick up
their food with just a wave of their card," McDonald's chief information
officer Henry Shiner said in a statement.

A number of banks and financial institutions are already beginning to
distribute contactless-payment cards, which operate via radio frequencies.
Both the banks and merchants are emphasising the use of up-to-date security



MACQUARIE ISLAND, VK0. Kevin, VK4KEV is QRV as VK0KEV for about
eighteen months while on work assignment. Activity is on 40 and 20 meters
using SSB and digital modes in his spare time. QSL to home call.

Kevin is the most southerly member of the Maryborough Electronicsa Radio Group
and has been seen/heard logging in to VK4TPT-L on 145.350 MHz.

Day time: 21.365 MHz. USB.

Overnight: (1830 - 0530 EST) 7.077 MHz. or 7.093 MHz.

You may also hear him on 7.130 MHz. from 1930 hrs, EST on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday.


web service:-
VKG Roundup

Material for the next ARNSW TIME CAPSULE is now being collected.

It is intended to be for the next 25 year period and opened in 25 years
time - in 2035.

Everyone is invited to contribute some small item a good example is your QSL

These can be delivered to Dural or posted to P. O. Box 6044 Dural Delivery
Centre NSW 2158. Mark it "Time Capsule".

Contents of the last Time Capsule - assembled in 1985 - are to be displayed in
the glass showcase on the mezzanine level - at the top of the stairs - in the
Centenary Building at Dural

web service:-
VKC Roundup http://www.police

Short talks on interesting topics wanted - the Centre Victoria RadioFest
No. 4 Organising Committee is keen to hear from anyone who can deliver a
presentation as part of its mini-lecture program.

Anything that can be presented in a concise and interesting manner will be

From DC to daylight and beyond, antennas, techniques, special modes,
home-brew, or DX operating aids, tips and hints.

A mini-lecture may also include a static display or active demonstration.
Among those in the audience will be many who are new to amateur radio and
ready to learn more about what the hobby has to offer them.

Anyone wishing to be part of the mini-lecture program should contact
without delay the organising committee via email to or contact the coordinator Peter Cossins VK3BFG.

Plan ahead now for the Centre Victoria RadioFest No. 4 at the Kyneton
racecourse on Sunday the 13th of February.

I'm Bruce Lees and you're listening to VK1WIA.

web service local audio news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

TARC AGM happening soon - catering numbers needed by this Tuesday

The 2010 Annual General Meeting of theTARCinc happens Sunday November 21st
from 7am at Area 2 - Rossiter Park Aitkenvale.

The AGM will start off with a scrumptious Breakfast with pancakes!

Relay your AGM numbers as soon as possible to Phil VK4HSV, let the Townsville
call-cack operator know straight after today's QNEWS.

OR 040 77 37 97 6

Welcome to QNEWS from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

The two things that most clubs find over time that are the hardest to
maintain are the recruitment of new members and the keeping of current
members. When membership renewal time comes around, there is probably an
unconscious cringe amongst the management committee and a sucking in of
breath waiting to see how the numbers stack up.

When it does happen that there is a number of non-renewals, what does the
club know as to why? It is no use just speculating or justifying past action
or inaction with self serving excuses. It is no use to the other club members
if people stand around wringing their hands and wailing.

There can be as many reasons as there are people involved. So what can we do?

Perhaps what is needed is some one from the membership who can personally
contact the non renewed members. They can be given the brief to greet these
people and explain that the club is sorry that they have not renewed their
subscription. If they indicate they do not intend to rejoin, then ask if they
can frankly say what their reasons are. This will help the club and its
current members be more responsive to member needs. In marketing, it is
stressed that people are receptive and responsive to the use of their name.
For this reason, please, oh please, do not resort to impersonal, anonymous
form letters or emails.

When we are losing a friend from the circle, the best response is to enquire
why and do so directly and personally.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?


IRLP NODE 6973 ;
Secretary Clive 4928 1173

Greetings from the Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio Club, The RADAR
Club. This is Les VK4VIL reporting.

As this edition of QNEWS goes to air, more than 80 people from Gladstone,
Townsville, Mackay, Bundaberg, Gympie, Maryborough and the Central Highlands
are attending with a good rollup from the local club, the Qld Presidents Lunch.

WIA President VK3KI Michael will be accompanied by Federal Director, Ewan
VK4ERM and will be inspecting the RADAR Club's new Museum and radio rooms
prior to the luncheon, commencing at 1pm.

The visit to this site holds some significance.

During last year's luncheon in Brisbane, Michael invited radio club
presidents, without notice, to indicate what their club was doing to
promote amateur radio. Reporting on a visionary initiative by local club
member, Jeff VK4NJB, Rockhampton President Jack VK4JRC was able to indicate
that plans were in place to build a museum and radio shack at the Rockhampton
Heritage Village and that a suitable building space had been allocated.

Twelve months later, following a mountain of work by a number of club members
led by stalwarts Mike VK4LMB and Ray VK4HOT the museum is up and running and
has already hosted numerous visitors and several school classes.

During the luncheon, Michael will cut a specially produced WIA 100
celebration cake and present long service medals to a number of members, the
longest continuous service exceeding 60 years. Rumour has it that the
luncheon is planned to continue late into the afternoon, or further and the
venue booking confirm this.

RADAR Secretary Clive VK4ACC is to be congratulated for organising the event
from start to finish. Well done Clive.

This is Les VK4VIL, on behalf or the Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio


G'day this is Dale VK4DMC for the Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club,
TREC, in Far North Queensland.

TREC members entertained a couple of visitors to the Atherton Tablelands
on Thursday, Ray VK4NET and xyl Wendy and Col VK4UCM and xyl Joan VK4FTVL
were spending time exploring the many wonderful sites that our area has to
offer. TREC members shared a delicious meal and pleasant time with them at
Tolga. They reluctantly returned to Townsville on Friday vowing to return.

We are gearing up for the VHF/UHF Spring field day to be held on 20/21
November. TREC members will be on air from Hallorans Hill QH22rr and will be
looking for contacts on 6 Metres, 2 Metres, 70 cm, 23 cm and the 3 cm bands.

This has been Dale VK4DMC and you are listening to QNEWS.

Redcliffe and District Radio Club

I'm Ray, VK4CF and it is good to back with news from Redcliffe Amateur Radio

Next Monday night Mal, VK4UMS will be releasing the details of a proposed
trip for all amateurs to the one and only Dayton Hamfest. Mal went last year
and enjoyed it so much that he has been planning to have a tour group from
the Brisbane area to attend. Would you like to go in 2011. If so come to
the club house next Monday night, to hear all the costing and the side tours
that have been organised.

The club had a fantastic Jota weekend. Despite the heavy rain fall preceding
the event, the club put on a fantastic show for the scouts. Some of the
highlights included some 113 kits were built by the scouts with assistance
of club members and this was the first year for the holding of a scout fox
hunts which were a great success.

Next year planning is under way to include trying to have broadband access so
the EchoLink & IRLP stations can see the scout DX clusters on the web. In all
a fantastic effort by all! A special thanks must go to Glen VK4FZ who
organised this year's event with Andy VK4KY and the rest of the team leaders
who looked after each specific activity.

The club also was involved in the National field day with a station located
at the Redcliffe Jetty. This was well supported by club members and the club
was host to Councillor Ray Frawley from the Moreton Bay Council &
Lillian van Litsenburg, the State Member for Redcliffe who also attended and
gave valuable support to the club. A detailed report has been sent to WIA.

There are plans to try to identify the sources of some Local HF noise in the
Redcliffe area. This activity will be held next year and will try to
identify the sources of man-made noise around the club house area.

And lastly the details of the club's Christmas party are as follows, it will
be on Saturday 4 December at Jamieson Park, Scarborough. The park is on
Reef Point road Scarborough. The event is a BYO food & drinks and tables and
chairs and the club will provide the shelter. There are BBQ & toilets on
site and take-away food is close by if needed. It will have an early start
of 10am. So we can beat the usual Saturday crowds.

And a final final, if you are Interested in Spring UHF / VHF field
competition could you speak to either Peter VK4EA or John VK4YJV.

Until next time 73 from Ray, VK4CF.

local area news :-
vk7 local news, email

Central Highlands Hamfest 4 December at Miena

The Miena Hamfest is only weeks away and preparations are well under way with
a good line up of traders from interstate who have already booked their places
for Miena.

The Ham Fest is set down for the 4th of December commencing at 10.00 am and
will conclude at approximately 2.00 PM entry fee is $5.00 dollars per person
or family and goes towards the cost of running the event and will include
free tea and coffee, soft drinks will also be available for sale food will be
on sale from approximately 11.00am and will include the famous Miena Saveloys
and sauce together with hamburgers and sausages in bread all made from the
finest local ingredients.

If anyone has any thing that they think could add value to the day please do
contact Dave, VK7OB


The Australian Communications and Media Authority is proposing to continue to
prohibit the supply, possession and operation of jamming devices designed to
deliberately interfere with public mobile telecommunication services (PMTS).

PMTS services include 3G networks and equivalent services such as
mobile WiMAX.

'Since the original prohibition was made in March 1999, technological,
economic and social developments have resulted in a proliferation of devices
that consumers use for the purposes of wireless communications.
There is a growing reliance on mobile connectivity for personal and business
transactions. These changes make the case for continuing a ban even more
compelling, and this is reflected in the new, updated prohibition proposal.'

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

Wireless charging for electric vehicles

A New Zealand company has launched wireless technology that allows parked or
moving electric vehicles to charge automatically.

It has produced IPT (Inductive Power Transfer) technology enabling vehicles
fitted with a receiver pad to charge automatically when parked over
transmitter pads buried into the ground.

The press release gave no information on the frequencies the system would be
using or any indication of any radio interference they may cause.

Read the Scoop news story at


An audio recording of the 2003 Audio Engineering Society conference detailing
how radio and television broadcasting was returned to the metro New York City
area following the September 11th 2001 terrorist attack by al-Quida is now on
line at the AES website.

Immediately after the attack, broadcasters, especially TV stations, had to
scramble to get back on the air or return their service to full coverage.
A common solution was to broadcast from the Empire State Building, where many
had been based before moving to the World Trade Centre. Nearly two years
later, the then 115th AES Convention featured a session titled "Rebuilding of
New York Broadcasting." It examined the events from 9/11 through getting
broadcasters back up onto the air and exploring ways to make the broadcast
systems of the city safer and more secure.

You can hear the entire 2 hour and 18 minute Podcast at


Neil Carr, G0JHC, has been awarded the prestigious Royal Order of Transatlantic
Brass Pounders trophy that recognizes outstanding and consistent DX work.

The Royal Order of Transatlantic Brass Pounders trophy was first awarded in
The original Members of the Order were from those who operated transatlantic
tests from 1921 to 1924.

As such, Neil Carr, G0JHC joins a small group of elite U-K operators who have
earned this honour. RSGB President Dave Wilson, M0OBW and HF Awards Manager,
John Dunnington, G3LZQ will visit G0JGC shortly to present the award.




A man allegedly trying to steal copper wire from a vacant building in
A Los Angeles neighbourhood was electrocuted on Saturday, October 23rd.
This after he tried to cut through a power distribution site he apparently
thought was deactivated but was still alive.

The incident took place at an electrical vault on a lot at Firestone
Blvd., at the corner of South Gate Avenue. The lot was the former site of
the Liberty Cable Company but has been unoccupied for more than a year.

According to police reports, the unidentified man was electrocuted and died at
the scene. His female partner tried to pull him away from the vault when it
caught fire and exploded, but the electrical current travelled through her body
and she received severe burns. South Gate police spokesman Lt. Keith Huff said
she was taken to nearby St. Francis Medical Centre for emergency treatment and
then transferred Saturday night to the Grossman Burn Centre.

The couple's two small children were found in a truck about fifteen feet from
the incident but were not injured. They were being held in protective custody
by Children's' Services until other family members can be found and notified.

According to Lt. Huff, the explosion that took place at 4:14 p.m. knocked out
power across the west side of South Gate. Electrical service was largely
restored by the evening.

With the economic slide due to the recession continuing and California having
one of the nations highest unemployment rates, copper wire theft for resale
to the scrap metal market remains a major criminal activity, state wide.


Anders Thorrud, LA8LF, in Drammen, Norway reports over the VHF reflector that
most of his Earth-Moon-Earth station equipment and all instrumentation was
stolen in a recent burglary at his EME site. Also taken was most of his
documentation including his EME logs from 1987 onward and his log from the
last ARRL 23 CM EME contest during which he worked some 20 new stations.
He is requesting that those who worked him as a new initial contact to
please contact him with their QSO information.


Meantime reports that some prized vintage radio equipment was stolen in a
burglary at Germany's famed Kln Radio Museum. Among the pieces taken was a
Otek Darling horn-type speaker dating back to 1926 and a Telefunken Arcolette
receiver from 1927.

Details of the stolen equipment can be found in this Google English in a
PDF file at The museum asks that anyone seeing
this equipment for sale on Ebay or elsewhere should contact them immediately.
You can reach the Kln Radio Museum by e-mail to



NOV 20-21 WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day
John Martin VK3KM

Dec 10 ARRL 2010 ARRL 10 Meter Contest 0000 U-T-C through Sunday evening
December 12th at 2359 U-T-C.

Except at the peak of the sunspot cycle, 10 meters is generally a daytime
band for DX so you likely lose any sleep with this contest this year. More
information is on-line at


CB Radios "Mountain Radio Challenge" is only a couple of weeks away
(27th November), and if you'd like to participate please check the
website or let the tony355 know.

hf nets ON the net,

Count down continues for The Spratlys DXpedition

With only 60 days to go until DX0DX hits the amateur bands the DXpedition
Team Leader, Chris Dimitrijevic VK3FY & DU8/VK3FY has announced it will be
extended to allow participation in the CQ World Wide 160m CW Contest.

He says while DX0DX was to go QRT on the 24th January, a couple of individual
and keen members have asked if they could stay on air for that contest when
ends at 2200 UTC Sunday the 30th of January. This will now extend DX0DX
activation to 1st of February, 2011.

This limited extension was agreed in light of strong interest from Top Band
contesters and the 160m band being the highest sought after in the DX0DX
website online survey.

In another development, the pre-assembly, erection and tuning of eight HF
yagi antennas in Fontana California went extremely well with the eight
antennas tuned as per instructions to their allotted bands.

Each was then partly disassembled breaking down into four parts for allow
for quick installation once they reach the island. Masts, rotators, masts
and cabling have all been finalised.

Chris VK3FY & DU8/VK3FY says, well done to the Station & Planning Co-ordinator
David Collingham K3LP for organising and attending the Pre-Assembly Gathering,
and also DXpedition logistics coordinator Charles Spetnagel W6KK for his
understanding in having all the equipment dispatched to his QTH and also
for being part of the Pre-Assembly Gathering.

Special thanks for their hands-on contribution in this important phase of
the exercise goes to DX0DX Team Leader Chris Dimitrijevic VK3FY,
Nik Dimitrijevic VK3FNIK, Arnie Shatz N6HC, Bob Grimmick N6OX, West Coast
Pilot Milt Garb W6QE, Dennis Juniper N7DDU, Byron Hunsaker NF6T and Richard
Briano, who all attended the Pre-Assembly and Container loading gathering in
Fontana, California over the weekend of the 30th and 31st October.

DX0DX will be on air from the 6th of January and now through to the 1st of
February, 2011.

(Jim Linton VK3PC, Public Affairs DX0DX

Buddies in the Caribbean DXpedition group head back to St. Lucia

The 'Buddies in the Caribbean' DXpedition group which specializes in 100 watt
or less low power radios and the Buddipole portable antenna systems is back
again to St Lucia (J6) on Dec 5 13, 2010.

The entire DXpedition is limited to equipment that can fit in an airline

The eight operators are:
Budd/W3FF, Guy/ N7UN, Wey /K8EAB, Bill/W7ZT,
Todd/N4LA, Kent/K4MK, Gary/NX8L and Tom /W4OKW.

During the day, several teams will be battery-only, field portable either from
St Lucia beaches or scenic mountain tops. The group has received a unique
J6BP callsign for the ARRL 10m contest on Dec 11-12th.

QSL via LoTW, eQSL, or mail to the operator's home callsign (SASE required).

International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend 2011

Strong interest is again being demonstrated in this popular annual 48 hour
premier international goodwill event which sees radio amateurs going
portable to put lighthouses on air.

Some 70 registrations from 18 countries have been received for the event
on the 20th and 21st of August, showing their enthusiasm to be part of it
nine months in advance.

Australia has 20 registrations so far, including a cluster in Bass Strait,
a narrow dangerous stretch of water between Tasmania and Mainland
Australia that has over 700 shipwrecks. Lighthouse navigation when
introduced greatly improved shipping safety.

On King Island both lighthouses will be activated this year. Tony
Hambling VK3VTH/7 at the Currie Lighthouse while Laurie Davison VK7ZE has
chosen the Cape Wickham light. And across the Strait at Gabo Island,
Trevor Close VK3ATX has registered and is to be accompanied by a number of

Also in the Bass Strait cluster is the Gippsland Gate Radio and
Electronics Club VK3BJA at Wilson's Promontory Lighthouse, the
southernmost point of the Australian mainland, to Western Victoria is Cape
Otway Light registered by Michael Adams VK3KMA, Point Lonsdale to be
activated by the Geelong Amateur Radio Club VK3ATL, and Table Cape Light
registered by Wayne Hays VK7FWAY.

Among the other countries with multiple registrations are England,
Germany, Holland, Italy, New Zealand, and the United States of America.
To find out more about the 14th International Lighthouse and Lightship
Weekend on the 20th and 21st of August, or to make an online registration,
visit the website

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report -
(Measure twice - Cut once!)

Creation of a high-performance 'metal-insulator-metal' diode could change
modern electronics.

Researchers at Oregon State University have solved a quest in fundamental
material science that has eluded scientists since the 1960s, and could form
the basis of a new approach to electronics

The discovery, just reported online in the professional journal Advanced
Materials, outlines the creation for the first time of a high-performance
"metal-insulator-metal" diode.

Diodes made previously with other approaches always had poor yield and

Read more at:


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

RSGB to investigate mystery signal

Many UK amateurs who operate on 501-504kHz have reported over the past month
reception of an wideband signal between 498 and 502kHz.

The RSGB is investigating the matter, but it is possible that it is an early
trial of a so called e-Navigation MFSK system that the maritime service is
proposing for this part of the spectrum at WRC-12 preparation meetings.



Recently theACMA received notice of interference to the 7 kilometre CLEM7
tunnel in Brisbane.

The interfering signal only occurred between 9.00-11.00am.

The CLEM7 communicating systems operate immediately above 403 MHz in the land
mobile band.

Field Operations officers discovered that every week the interference changed

Eventually they triangulated the direction towards Moreton Island, which
indicated the interference could be associated with shipping, dredgers,
wave and channel buoys.

Another thought was surveyors could be moving a malfunctioning or spurious
differential global positioning system (DGPS) from location to location.

Eventually one of the team remembered hearing the same type of noise when
working in Fiji and successfully identified the interference as coming from a
weather balloon's radiosonde transmitter, which measures various atmospheric
parameters and transmits them to a fixed receiver.

The Brisbane office of the Bureau of Meteorology quickly confirmed that a
weather balloon is released every morning at 9.00 am with a radiosonde
attached transmitting on 403 MHz. This of course explained why the position of
the interference kept changing. The wind direction would be consistent for a
week, for example, giving the teams great direction readings, and then
suddenly change with a new wind direction.

While the met bureau have a spectrum frequency allocation of 400-403 MHz, the
transmitter was drifting above this range and causing interference to CLEM7's
land mobile radio systems.

(from the ACMAsphere 57 Newsletter,



If you put 100 hams in a room, you would have at least 100 ways to put up a
stealth antenna. As N1GY discovered, neighbourhoods that might be averse to a
stacked array of 6-element 20 meter Yagis usually don't have a problem with

In his article "Constructing a Flagpole Antenna," he tells readers that due
to restrictions in his neighbourhood, he built a flagpole antenna.

With this and 100 W, he is able to work most of the stations he hears on
80-10 meters.


New offshore radio book: 'Death of a Pirate'

The website of the Wall Street Journal has published a review of a new book
by Adrian Johns called Death of a Pirate, focusing on Major Oliver Smedley
who launched the British offshore station Radio Atlanta in 1964, and was
subsequently acquitted of the murder of fellow offshore station owner
Reg Calvert.

Radio Atlanta arguably was home to Britain's most famous (or is that
most infamous) DJ Screaming Lord Sutch

The book was published on 26 October.

The November edition of Amateur Radio magazine

Continuing on from last week's review of its contents, there's a full
well-illustrated report on the Super Spring Time that saw the special
callsign VK100WIA open Perth to the world over 12 days in a collaborative
effort by seven groups, achieving 2,200 contacts.

There are further International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend with reports
from the Geelong Amateur Radio Club at the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse, and
WICEN VK6WIE that activated the Guilderton Lighthouse about 80 kilometres
north of Perth.

In technical articles Charlie Kahwagi VK3NX presents a noise meter suitable
for measuring noise from the sun and the moon , while Jim Tregellas VK5JST
has a detailed project RF voltmeter for transceiver measurements.

Shortwave Listening notes from Robin Harwood VK7RH includes references to
harmful interference from two Over-The-Horizon radar systems, one in China
and the other rumoured to be in Cyprus.

And a report on the Winter VHF/UHF field day experience by Phil Derbyshire
VK2FIL and team that participated in the 24 hour multi-section of the
contest, north of the Central tablelands area of New South Wales.

Amateur Radio magazine, a WIA membership service and also available at
selected newsagents.

I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV and you're listening to VK1WIA.

Net is held each Mondays on 3.580 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.
(1000utc during daylight saving)

The sa YL Net has kicked off from Pretoria.

All YLs are invited to their next on the air meeting to be held November 28,
15:00 CAT on the Magalies repeater, 145,750 MHz, with a relay on 7 065 kHz.

The ladies can also join via Echolink, link to ZS6FCS-R.

You can also contact Annette via email to


UK navy's website hacked:

Britain's Royal Navy was forced to lower its website after it was disrupted by
hackers, the Ministry of Defence said just last Monday.

A message on the website read:
"Unfortunately the Royal Navy website is currently undergoing essential
maintenance. Please visit again soon."

It comes just weeks after the government announced a 650 million pound
national cyber security programme.

"We can confirm that there was a compromise of the RN web over the weekend,"
a Royal Navy spokesman said in a statement.

"There has been no malicious damage; but as a precaution, the RN website has
been temporarily suspended. Security teams are investigating."

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

WICEN Victoria votes to remove Amateur Radio Victoria from their
Rules of Association.

At a Special General Meeting convened to consider the issue, the
membership of WICEN Victoria voted unanimously to pursue the removal of
the old Wireless Institute of Australia Victorian Division (now trading
as Amateur Radio Victoria) from their Rules of Association. As the rules
currently stand WIA Vic Div/ARV must agree in writing before any changes
can be made to WICEN's rules.

( Mark A. Dods, VK3XMU,
WICEN (Vic.) Inc. State Secretary.
WICEN (Vic.) Inc. Website: )

vk7'S WICEN South are requesting the pleasure of their friends at the now
traditional end of year lunch to be held on Saturday 11 December at Rosie's
Kitchen, Kettering.

Please indicate your attendance to the WICEN South team.

(Rod VK7TRF)


New 500 kHz permit in Czech Republic

OK2BVG has been given permission to operate between 501 and 504kHz with
maximum power of 20W ERP until 1st September 2011.
11 countries in Region 1 are now authorised in this part of the 500kHz band
and more information can be found on the IARU Region 1 website.

UK Dreamer's Band first transmission (8.760kHz)

Roger G3XBM, has transmitted a QRSS3 beacon signal on 8.760kHz under the
terms of his recently-received licence. He thinks this may be a first in
the UK.

TX was 4W from a TDA2002 audio IC matched into earth electrodes 20m apart.

The beacon message (callsign and QTH locator in QRSS3) was provided by a
K1EL keyer chip and the frequency reference was an HF crystal divided down
by 512 times in a 4060 divider IC.

Clear QRSS3 reception was possible 5.1km away from the transmitter location,
detecting the signal with an 80cm loop fed into an E-field probe (Hi-Z input)
into Spectran software. Marginal reception was just possible at 5.3km.

UK dreaming has started, if only modestly.

G3XBM Videos

G3XBM QRP Website

(73 Roger G3XBM via SouthGate)



Amateurs would be very interested in a story on how a group of Amateur Radio
Operators contributed a huge effort to the winning of the great naval battles
in the Pacific during the second world war.

The same group then went on to kick start the digital computer industry from
techniques developed during the war. John VK3TCT has written a story
detailing some of the developments and how it came about, two men from the
period were responsible for equipment development and took on one of the
worlds great corporations, IBM.

IBM was forced to pay out a huge sum of money to the group and IBM did not
catch these two men for fifty odd years. The article can be found on the
Control Data Australia ex employees' website by just googling EXCDA and
following the link 'What's New'.'

(John (VK3TCT))


NOV 7 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest Rosa St Goodwood

NOV 13 VK4 Gold Coast Hamfest Albert Waterways Hall, Broadbeach
at 8.30am.
information contact

NOV 14 VK4 Presidents Lunch at Rockhampton

DEC 4 VK7 Central Highlands Hamfest at Miena


Jan 30 vk2 Mid North Coast Radio Expo 2011 at St Johns Church Hall
McLean Street, Coffs Harbour at 8:30am,

Feb 13 VK3 Centre Victoria RadioFest No.4 Kyneton Racecourse

Apr 18 WW "Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social network"
World Amateur Radio Day, April 18, 2011.

May 27-29 WIA AGM Weekend in Darwin


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

MAY 4-7 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (

Please think of the environment before printing this email


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.
© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)