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VK4SS Silent Key


Humans may become 'wireless towers' in the future

Want to go "halves'" in a Pirate Radio Venture?



President Michael Owen VK3KI
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Secretary Geoff Atkinson VK3AFA
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

ITU-R SG5 Meetings in Geneva

Dale Hughes VK1DSH attended the Study Group 5 of the International
Telecommunications Union meeting in Geneva last month, representing
YOU as a member of the Wireless Institute of Australia as part of an
eight person Australian delegation.

Among the agenda items covered at the meeting was WRC 12 Agenda Item 1.23
"Allocation of about 15 kHz in parts of the band 415-525.6 kHz to the
amateur service on a secondary basis".

Preliminary indications are that an amateur frequency allocation is unlikely
to be made in the range of 490-510 kHz and that another range of frequencies
in the range of 415-490 kHz may be sought.

During the meetings a number of other issues that may affect amateur radio
operations were monitored:

1. "Power Line Telecommunications". This topic is related to the
"Broadband over Power Lines" problem that amateurs have faced.

2. "Oceanographic Radar" another potential problem as it uses parts of the
High Frequency spectrum to observe ocean conditions, ships etc.


Some months ago I was checking my email and I received a forwarded
message from one of the ARDF Group members regarding Foxhunting in VK2.
This message was from a Norwegian Television show called "The Golden Goal"
which is part of the Rubicon TV Network out of Oslo.

I explained to the enquirer that most of the regular ARDF and Foxhunting
activities are in Melbourne and Victoria but they still asked if I could
find an event to attend in VK2. I then sent an email off to a a club in
VK2 that I know in the past have been active in regular foxhunting.
After a couple of weeks the Norwegian contact asked how the hunt was
going , I explained that there was no reply from VK2 and suggested again
that VK3 was where the most activity is.

They must have gone off and had a think about it and came back with the
comment "we are now coming to Melbourne can you arrange an event for us
to attend" I gave them some options and they suggested that the foxhunt
on December the 10th suited them perfectly. I then explained that an
ARDF event would be far better than a vehicle based foxhunt and they
thanked me for my suggestion but their decision was made.

Worried that this may be a bit of a prank I had Bruce VK3TJN who was
attending the World ARDF Championships in Croatia speak to one of the
Norwegian team members who confirmed that "The Golden Goal" is a high
rating sports show and they like to show unusual sports or things that
happen associated with sport. I expect the Norwegian sporting enthusiast
enjoys watching all kinds of sports.

In Melbourne over the last 20 years we have had several occasions where
television crews have attended our local foxhunt so this is not a new
thing for us. "The Golden Goal" are sending 2 Presenters, 2 Cameramen a
Producer and a Director quite an expensive exercise for out local

Their intention for the event will be to have the 2 presenters and
cameramen join 2 of the teams and compete against each other. We are
not the only sports they are attending, I do know that they will attend
a pre-season training session at the Melbourne AFL Football Club and the
day before arriving in Melbourne they will be in VK4.

VK3WWW Jack.

Top End WIA Annual Conference

A number of WIA members have asked that we publish as soon as we could the
details of the next WIA Annual Conference, that weekend in May when we
combine the AGM and Open Forum with other activities.

On the 15th September we announced that Darwin as the venue for 2011 and that
the weekend would be Friday 27, Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 May.

I said then that the Board was much influenced by the fact that the venue was
proposed by the Darwin Amateur Radio Club, well known for its success in
hosting the SeaNet conference.

Now more than adequate details will be in the December AR and there is already
information including an online registration and booking form on

There is a link on the WIA home page to the Darwin pages.

We have done a very good deal with the Travelodge Mirambeena Resort in Darwin,
for accommodation and for the meetings and dinner on the Saturday. Details
are on the website, including details of who to speak at the Mirambeena to
make a booking.

So far as travel to Darwin is concerned, Jetstar is well worth investigating.
You can book on line now, and when I looked recently, it was less than $400
return from Melbourne.

I am sure that this will be a fantastic weekend, with the Darwin Amateur Radio
club as the host club, led by the wonderful Spud Murphy VK8ZWM a quiet,
shy guy, and with some pretty exciting visits.

Please register on the WIA website and book travel and accommodation just as
soon as you can. That will certainly help us!

We will acknowledge your registration by sending you a copy of the Essential
Top End Holiday Guide, so you can work out what else you will do in the
Top End.

And I can promise you a memorable weekend.

NEC and The University of Melbourne have been awarded a $4 million grant
from the Australian Research Council for research on future broadband wireless

Gordon Gay, general manager of NEC Australia's Mobile Global Development
Group, said: "NEC is already developing devices for 4G, and recognise the need
to look even further afield to shape the standards and technology for 5G and
beyond in response to the global appetite for mobile broadband."

Citing CSIRO's multimillion dollar fees from its WiFi patents, Gay said:
"The intellectual property is becoming more and more critical.
We hope that by going early we will come up with solutions and intellectual
property that we both benefit from."


web service:-
VKG Roundup

Gosford's "Express Advocate" are reporting on how one Kevin Mead and his
partner have spent $100,000 over the past five years on what is probably
the Central Coast's most extravagant Christmas lighting display.

Hundreds of people make a point each year of checking out the display at
2 Plateau Rd, North Gosford, with its synchronised music and moving exhibits
and its thousands of lights and Christmas figures.

Mr Mead says "2005 we began displays with an FM radio transmitter broadcasting
synchronised light and music shows."

web service local audio news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

How great are the forces of nature.

One force that sustains the planet is inertia. This is the force that prevents
a body flying off under the attack of a butterfly's wings or stops the mountains
from walking across the landscape. Yes inertia is a real force to be reckoned
with and maybe we can harness it to keeping our hobby in check.

Just think if people were really enthusiastic, they might stimulate activity.
Just think if people introduced novel ideas, they might walk paths that we
haven't trod.
Just think if people had a sense of adventure, they might even go far enough
to fall off the edge of the known world.
Just think if people became so enthused they might even try and recruit
new members.

We must protect the traditions that have made the Ancient Order of Smoke
Signallers and Mirror Flashers what it is today. Give inertia the respect it

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?



11th of December we have the Gold Coast break-up at 10am in the clubrooms.
A BYO and please bring a plate to share as well. The Christmas break-up
at the Gold Coast will also have all the fun of a FOX-HUNT.

IRLP NODE 6973 ;
Secretary Clive 4928 1173

Greeting from The Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio Club, the RADAR club.
This is Les VK4VIL reporting.

Here's something that may be a first for Queensland and perhaps Australia, a
diamond wedding anniversary for two lovely people, both open licence holders
with a combined licence duration exceeding 90 years.

On 7th December, that's Tuesday, two long standing members of our club and the
WIA celebrate their Diamond Wedding anniversary. Both are proud to advise
they're 84 years young.

Gordon Adams VK4GM and his wife Mary VK4PZ were married at the Holy Trinity
Church in Blackall in 1950, spending several years there before moving down
the road to Jericho where they established a service station. In 1984 they
shifted to the big smoke of Rockhampton, before settling at the Caves on a
block of land in 1996 where they replanted their antenna farm, probably too
conspicuous at their QTH in the developing city.

Gordon obtained his initial licence VK4ZGA in 1963 with Mary taking out a
listener's licence in 1968. Mary laughingly explains that she was not theory
minded as she calls it and took 10 years to gain her licence after Gordon
finally dusted down her books and herself to complete a course. Proudly, Mary
was one of four to be successful from an initial class intake of 54.

They have both been continuous members of the WIA since licencing and Mary
will stack up 30 years of membership with ALARA in March 2011.

I asked Mary about their radio gear. She explained that she doesn't have old
gear, with her pet set an FT101E.

Only about three years behind the diamond couple are John McLean VK4KDN and
his wife Estelle and Brian VK4LH and his wife Merrell VK4HAJ. All regular
participants at club functions.

Congratulations and the best for the future!

I'm Les VK4VIL on behalf of the Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio Club.


The Hills Amateur Radio Group will hold a Swap meet on April 9 at their club
rooms on Sanderson Rd Lesmurdie.
Entry will be $5 and includes a door prize and tables will be free but MUST
be booked.



Are you a Foundation Licensee wanting to upgrade?

Amateur Radio Victoria is holding another of its popular Standard
Licence Bridging Courses to be held in February.

To enrol you need to have the Foundation Licence and make a commitment
to attend on four Wednesday evenings, plus a weekend.

The training delivered by Kevin Luxford VK3DAP is structured to assist
Foundation Licensees increase their theory knowledge to the Standard
level. It also requires some self-study in between classroom nights.

These bridging courses have been popular so early enrolment is

Inquires and enrolments contact Barry Robinson
or phone 0428 516 001.


Alan Shawsmith VK4SS author of Halcyon days has become Silent Key aged
93years and One Day. His Funeral service held last Monday was conducted by
VK4BSH the Reverend George Roberts.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.


Some good news for hams in New Zealand. The government regulatory agency has
completed is review of Internet connect ham radio systems and has concluded
that no changes are required to the current Amateur General User Radio
License conditions to accommodate amateur radio modes such as APRS, IRLP,
D-Link, and the like.

A word of congratulations to 2004 Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year
Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM, this, on her election as ARRL Vice Director
Southeastern Division.

Andrea was declared the winner after garnering 3573 votes and ousting
incumbent Jeff Beals, WA4AW.

At age 21, Andrea is believed to be the youngest person ever elected to this
high a position in the ARRL political structure. She is currently a student
at Georgia Tech studying Aerospace Engineering with hopes of eventually
joining the United States Astronaut Corps.

The motion picture industry in California and a unit called the Modulus UHF
wireless video assist device is in trouble!

Several companies have been issued Citations for the alleged illegal
marketing of the Modulus un-certificated radio frequency device.

The Modulus is a wireless unit designed to transmit composite video-in and
retransmit it to a wireless video monitor and eliminating the need for hard
wire coax cable between the two, a boon for the motion flick industry.

The FCC has issued an Official Citation to Hobby Lobby International, Inc..
This, for marketing unauthorized radio frequency devices in the United States.

The FCC said that it found they had been selling a product known as the JETI
Duplex 2.4 GHz System for radio controlled models. These units, built in the
Czech Republic had not been approved for sale in the United States.

The FCC warned of substantial monetary penalties, seizure of equipment, and
criminal sanctions. It also gave the company the usual 30 days to file a
reply to the citation.



Hull man convicted of radio offences

A Hull resident was sentenced at Hull Crown Court on 22nd November
for causing deliberate interference to amateur radio users in the
Hull region of Humberside between June and November 2009.

The defendant was also convicted of unlawfully using radio equipment
without a licence from Ofcom. He had transmitters installed in his
van and drove around the region to interfere with legitimate users of
the local amateur frequencies. He was sentenced to four months
imprisonment suspended for 18 months, a curfew between 7pm and 7am
for three months via a means of electronic tagging and forfeiture of
his van and radio transmitters to Ofcom.

Commenting on the sentence, Paul Mercer, Head of enforcement at
Ofcom, said: "There are around 900 amateur radio users in and around
the Hull area, who have been deliberately disrupted for more than
four years. Ofcom is very pleased with this result, which will
hopefully give these users some welcome relief, as well as sending a
very strong signal to those that abuse the airwaves. This followed a
dedicated investigation by Ofcom involving six enforcement officers
working day and night to bring the culprit to court."

Mr Sheldon, the Court Recorder, commended Ofcom for the quality of
the evidence that had been collated and the quality of file presented
in court. RSGB General Manager Peter Kirby, G0TWW, said "RSGB
volunteers co-operated closely with Ofcom in gathering evidence for
this case. This conviction shows that deliberate interference will
not be tolerated and can have serious consequences for the

The Radio Amateurs' Emergency Network, the UK's principal
organization of volunteers providing radio communications in
time of need, and the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB),
the UK's national society for Amateur Radio, are pleased to
announce the signing of a formal agreement between the two
organizations providing a framework to progress the closer
working relationship between them.

The Network Chairman, Cathy Clark, said "I am delighted to
sign this agreement, which promises to bring the two
organizations closer together for the benefit of our members
and the service they provide to our many User Services."

RSGB President Dave Wilson, said "I would like to thank all
those who've been working behind the scenes on what was
undoubtedly not an easy task to get us to the position we are today."

The signing of this agreement cements on-going co-operation
between the two organizations. Joint working will continue
to ensure the smooth implementation of the Principles of Co
operation described in the agreement.

I'm Jeremy Boot, G4NJH.

The agreement, which had unanimous acceptance by both the
RSGB Board and the Network's Committee of Management, was
signed on Saturday 20th November 2010 during the RSGB
Spectrum Forum meeting in which all parties consider
frequency planning and usage issues.




A cluster of new ham radio satellites are now on-orbit.
Amateur Radio Newslines Norm Seeley, KI7UP, has the latest on these new birds:

Five new satellites are on-orbit. Four are of interest to
ham radio and one has already been heard. Take a listen:

RAX Audio Here

That was RAX-1 as it was heard on 437.505 MHz as it flew
over Hawaii on Saturday, November 20th at about 06:00 local
time. The bursts of static you hear between the band noise
is the 9600 baud RAX-1 transmitter.

But RAX was not alone when it was launched into space at
01:24 UT on Nov 20th. The other for birds are FASTRAC-1
"Sara Lily" transmitting on 437.345 MHz FM using the AX.25
packet protocol at 1200 bits per second.

Then there is FASTRAC-2 "Emma" is its 2 meter counterpart
downlinking on 145.825 MHz with the same mode and protocol as FASTRAC-1.

Next up is O/OREOS is 437.305 MHz.

Last but by no means least is Nanosail D2 that transmits a
half second beacon beacon every 5 sec on 437.275 MHz.

All of these new birds were sent to orbit on-board a
Minotaur-4 launch vehicle from the Kodiak Launch Complex in
Alaska. All of the the satellites are in a 400 mile high circular orbit.

And less we forget, some of these new ham radio satellites
has its own web page. You will find links to each on in this
weeks printed Amateur Radio Newsline report.

With thanks to Ron Hashiro, AH6RH, for providing the audio of RAX,
I'm Norm Seeley, KI7UP, reporting on these new satellites from Scottsdale



Humans may become 'wireless towers' in the future

Hello I'm Jim Linton VK3PC with another from the Weird 'N Wonderful File.

Now here's a development that will send shivers right down the spines of
those fearful of wireless radiation, make the blood of some reach boiling
point or throw their arms up in the air in pure disbelief.

Researchers at Queen's University Belfast are looking to improve the
reliability of modern wireless systems. They believe that humans could be
turned into wireless towers to create what they call body-to-body networks.

A five year research project is investigating how small sensors carried by
people could communicate with each other to create a ubiquitous wireless
networking paradigm.

This would provide enhanced bandwidth needed when too many people use their
phone in the same cell area, help the service to penetrate weak signal areas
or black holes and counteract drop outs that result from interference.

In a rapidly developing science of body centric communications, new
sensors carried by everyone with a mobile phone would interact with each
other and wireless devices embedded in local surroundings to transmit
data, providing anytime, anywhere mobile network connectivity.

The technology also promises to open up the use of wireless communications in
a wider range of activities including law enforcement and first responder
teams, sports applications through to medical monitoring of patients in their
own homes.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Neutron bomb inventor Sam Cohen, who in 1958 designed the nuclear weapon
intended to kill people but do minimal damage to cities, has died in
Los Angeles at 89 of stomach cancer.

The neutron bomb used tiny particles that could whiz through objects with
little damage but still kill we humans.

Cohen also helped build the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan in WW2.



The first event of December is the ARRL 160m contest, taking place from
Friday last, the 3rd to today Sunday 5th. It is a slightly unusual event in
that the duration is 42 hours.

There are categories for single-op, QRP, low-power, high-power and multi-op.

Dec 10 ARRL 2010 ARRL 10 Meter Contest 0000 U-T-C through Sunday evening
December 12th at 2359 U-T-C.

Jan 15/16 WIA Summer VHF-UHF Field Day
Includes "Microwave Challenge", with special certificates to
be awarded to the participants on microwave bands.
John Martin VK3KM

hf nets ON the net,

A SOTA activation has been taking place 3 to 5 December from the island of
Rhodes. Using the callsign J45V, CW and SSB on as many bands as possible.
The SOTA reference is SV/AG-055.

Dieter, is working as ZD9T from Tristan da Cunha until 8 December.
QSL via his home call DJ2EH.

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Independence of the Democratic
Republic of Congo, a team of mostly Belgians and one Dutch are active as
9Q50ON from the DRC from 3 to 12 December, all bands CW and SSB.
QSL via ON4BR.

KC4USV McMurdo Station Antarctica is back on the air.
14.243 on Sundays around 0000 GMT is the best time as that is the Hams only
day off.

Also listen up for KC4AAA South Pole and KC4AAC Palmer Station.

AA2IP Herb will be active on Amateur Satellites during his 30 day trip around
Antarctica. He left the Falkland Islands on 30 November, will circumnavigate
Antarctica with a possible stop at McMurdo, then on to Hobart, Tasmania 3 Jan.
He is looking at AO-51 and HO-68 with his Hand Held.

8th of December... 5K3B Special Station from Colombia.

A five Colombian radio amateur team, will activate this special call sign in
cw, phone, and digitals modes, in bands from 80m through 6m.

They should 'hit the air' beginning 1400 UTC 8th of December.

phone: 3.790, 7.065, 7.150, 14.195, 21.295, 28.495, 50.105

CW: 3.524, 7.024, 10.104, 14.024, 18.074, 21.024, 24.904, 28.024, 50.105


Now for a further look into the pages of the December edition of Amateur
Radio magazine.

The full details of the WIA annual general meeting to held in Darwin in
May are published. Need to make travel and accommodation arrangements.
Check out the interesting three day program.

The WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI looks back on the wonderful
centenary year celebration and activities.

There's a report on the annual WIA National President's Luncheon, this
time held in Rockhampton where the local radio club has set up an amateur
radio station in a heritage village.

Digital DX Modes column by Rex Moncur this month looks at 10GHz and a
series of contacts he made recently from six grid squares in Northern
Tasmania to Victoria.

What is the best band for optical or light beam communications? Paul
Edwards VK7ZAS provides answers to that question.

Robin Harwood VK7RH in his regular Spotlight on Shortwave Listening
laments the steady exodus of broadcasters from the HF bands.

There are also a few reports from VK3, VK5 and VK6 on the national field
day, tune-in to the world amateur radio gets people talking, public
relations event. See what those clubs did to promote amateur radio.

Contest news and results, grid square table, DX happenings and much more
summer reading can be found in Amateur Radio magazine, a WIA membership
service with copies also available at selected newsagents.

(Barry Robinson VK3PV)


2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz

Italian Radio Ham first to receive O/OREOS

Marco IK1ODO, was the first to report receiving signals on 437.305 MHz AX.25

Approximately 19 minutes after launch, O/OREOS separated from the Minotaur IV
rocket and entered low Earth orbit at an altitude of approximately 400 miles.
About three hours after launch, amateur radio operator, Marco Bruno, in
Torino, received the first signals.

After a spacecraft checkout period, O/OREOS autonomously initiated the first
of two experiments, which will last approximately six months and transmit data
for as long as a year. The second experiment started Friday, Nov. 26.

Read the full Ames Research Centre press release at


Researchers are developing a conceptual motor design for a Mars 'hopping'
vehicle which should lead to a greater understanding of the 'Red Planet'.

The hopper can even collect fuel between hops by compressing gas from the
Martian atmosphere and can fly quickly between sites, powered by a long life
radioisotope power source. It could therefore study hundreds of locations
over a lifetime of several years and continually radio its findings back here
to Earth.

A video illustrating the concept is available on YouTube



Marshall Islands IOTA DXpedition

Tim Tilleman NL8F (V73CF) and Yuri Sushkin N3QQ (V73QQ) are on the Marshall
Islands to activate three IOTAs including a new uninhabited island.

Activity will be between November 30th and December 16th.


December 5-7th - Callsigns on Enewetak Atoll (OC-087) are V73CF and V73QQ.

December 8-11th - Callsign on uninhabited Ujelang Atoll (OC-278, a new IOTA)
is V73RRC.

December 12-16th - on Enewetak Atoll again (OC-087) are V73CF and V73QQ.

All dates are subject to change due to transportation availability and

Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW and SSB.

QSL V73RRC and V73QQ via N7RO.

QSL V73CF via K8NA.

For updates/live GPS tracking, watch:


Want to go "halves'" in a Pirate Radio Venture?

Well UK Aircraft carrier HMS Invincible is for sale by tender.

Laid down in 1973 at Vickers Shipbuilding, Barrow-in-Furness, she was
completed in 1980.

So at just 30 years of age she will be a VERY good buy!

She is currently stable for tow, but you will need one heck of a lot of
tug boats!

Length - 210m, Draught 5.8m, Height 46m, Engines - Removed, Generators and
Pumps - Generally unserviceable or not working.

For this aircraft carrier please contact the supplier on fax 01869 256 070


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Australia has donated a new maritime radio communication system to Indonesia
to help it combat maritime threats and transnational crime.
Minister for Home Affairs, Brendan O'Connor, said the Government was committed
to working with its neighbours to achieve the highest possible level of
maritime security.
Mr O'Connor said the Government had donated $2 million for the Global Maritime
Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), which started work last week.
He said the new network consists of four Indonesian Maritime Regional
Coordination Centres with the first opening in Bali.



DEC 4 VK7 Central Highlands Hamfest at Miena


Jan 30 vk2 Mid North Coast Radio Expo 2011 at St Johns Church Hall
McLean Street, Coffs Harbour at 8:30am,

Feb 13 VK3 Centre Victoria RadioFest No.4 Kyneton Racecourse

Feb 27 vk2 Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Field Day at Wyong
Start Time : Gates open 6.30 am

Apr 9 vk6 Hills Amateur Radio Group Swapmeet at club rooms Lesmurdie.

Apr 18 WW "Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social network"
World Amateur Radio Day, April 18, 2011.

May 27-29 WIA AGM Weekend in Darwin


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

MAY 4-7 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (

Please think of the environment before printing this email


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

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Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
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nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.

© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)