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Norwegian film crew from a TV show known as "The Golden Goal

UK family has five radio amateurs.


ZL's Official News Broadcast has racked up a 25 year milestone.



President Michael Owen VK3KI
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Secretary Geoff Atkinson VK3AFA
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

The Asia Pacific Telecommunity, the APT, which is the regional
telecommunication organisation that covers the ITU's Region 3, has
commenced meeting in Hong Kong of administrations in the Region.

This is one of a series of meetings intended to develop common positions
among Region 3 administrations to the agenda items for the World
Radiocommunication Conference to be held in Geneva in the early part of 2012,
WRC-2012. Of particular interest to the amateur community is WRC-2012
Agenda Item 1.23, which seeks an allocation of about 15 kHz in parts of the
band 415-525.6 kHz to the amateur service on a secondary basis.

The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), IARU Region 3 has
representatives as Observers at these preparatory meetings, called the
APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC 2012 (APG-2012) meetings.

A member of the Australian delegation, providing a specialist amateur
contribution is Dale Hughes VK1DSH, nominated and paid for by the WIA.

Dale has already submitted his first report to the WIA Board, reporting on
the meetings that commenced on Monday, 13 December and will continue until
today, some six days.

While this meeting is not expected to adopt final positions, it is an
important step in the process leading to the WRC. A further meeting next year
is expected to adopt final Regional common positions.

The Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy,
Senator Stephen Conroy has released draft Terms of Reference for a
comprehensive review of Australia's communications and media regulation.

Senator Conroy said technological innovations were rapidly leading to a
converged media age and it was time to review current media and communications

"You can watch programs on your television, computer, or mobile phone - this
is just one example of how devices and platforms are converging to deliver
people what they want, whenever and wherever they want to watch it,"
Senator Conroy said.

"Regulations designed to promote community standards, ensure a diversity of
views, encourage competition and protect original Australian content are all
important measures underpinning the effective operation of Australia's media
and communications sector," he said.

The Government recognises that regulatory measures designed in the 1980s
may not be the most appropriate for the 21st Century.

Senator Conroy said "Our intention is that the Review will look at all
content delivery platforms including broadcast, mobile and fixed
telecommunications and the internet.

Public consultation on the Terms of Reference will continue until
28 January 2011.

The draft Terms of Reference and a short background paper can be viewed and
commented upon at

Mal Brooks VK3FDSL our WIA Manager HAS ASKED " Have you received your
December AR magazine? Has it arrived in your area?

We have become aware of some difficulties with the Mailing House this month.
Multiple delivery labels have been included in some AR magazine packages,
resulting in some members not receiving the December AR.

If you, or anyone you know, have received multiple address labels in your AR
delivery, or not received your December AR magazine at all, please advise the of your details, so that arrangements can be made
to mail replacement magazines before the Christmas shut-down.

The Mailing House is investigating the error."

On last weeks broadcast WIA ARDF co-ordinator Jack Bramham VK3WWW filed a report
about a Norwegian film crew from a TV show known as "The Golden Goal" The show
had contacted Jack with plans to travel half way round the world to film a
segment in Melbourne on foxhunting, well it happened !

They arrived had a wow of a time and copped some great footage, Melbourne news
reporter Rob Broomhead VK3DN caught up with Greg VK3FOX and the guys
from the Golden Goal"

(audio at click broadcast)


All roads lead to the Centre Victoria RadioFest at the Kyneton Racecourse,
an hour from Melbourne, Ballarat and Bendigo on Sunday the 13th of

The major commercial traders will be there in the bustling Traders Hall.
Look for their specials!

And pick up a bargain or two in the second-hand market areas - components,
bits and pieces, connectors, cable, sealed lead acid batteries or

Want to make a sales table or car-boot space booking? Then be quick and
obtain an application form from the RadioFest webpage via the home page of
the Amateur Radio Victoria website.

Other attractions are the exclusive presentation on the DX0DX DXpedition to
The Spratlys, mini-lectures, radio displays and lots, lots more.

Make it something you don't miss! The Centre Victoria RadioFest at the
Kyneton Racecourse on Sunday the 13th of February.

I'm Bruce Lees and you're listening to VK1WIA.

web service local audio news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking
that this is the time of year for summer preparedness.

Sunspot numbers and cloudy skies notwithstanding this is still the traditional
cyclone season and all we people who poke things into the sky should be using
the dry days to maintain our skyhooks. In areas of high humidity, the
cleaning and drying of equipment normally kept indoors can be crucial to
continued operations. Whether we start at the earth stake through the shack
to the antennnas, this upkeep will keep your amateur station in the best
condition .

One thing that many in the temperate and sub-tropical parts of the state
usually give a wink and a nod to is the security of mast foundations,
including guy anchors. With the la nina weather pattern, there is more chance
of looseness and even concrete floating in a waterlogged hole. We have been
used to soil shrinkage in the dry but we have to allow for the absorbency of
the soil in the wet times.

A good thing over the last 12 months has been the drop in price of led
lighting. This means that we don't have to have as many dry cells stored away
as the current draw is so much less.

Another item to remember is to rotate petrol stored for back up systems such
as generators. Remember that ULP does not keep well and so I use this fuel in
the car where it is diluted with fresh petrol and refill the storage

Keep safe this summer and enjoy the summer period.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?


Redcliffe and District Radio Club

I'm Ray, VK4CF with news from Redcliffe Amateur Radio club.

About 40 members and 2 visitors were at the club meeting night last Monday
evening. At the meeting it was announced that the next technical talk will
be on 17 January 2011 and will be presented by Peter, VK4XJP and the topic
will be Test instruments in radio repairs.

There was also a call for other members to put their name forward for future
technical talks to share their knowledge with other members. Please contact
Peter, VK4TAA is you have a topic suitable for the technical talks.

Alan VK4KZ, also presented his roundup of all courses conducted this year
with some 7 new foundation licences and 2 new full calls being added.
Profound thanks were offered to Ken VK4FKEN, Roger VK4ZLQ and Charlie VK4YZ
for their support throughout the year and much thanks to the club's assessors,
Chris, VK4ANI, Peter, VK4EA, Laurie VK4BLE and myself Ray, VK4CF.
The Advanced course is now available on a CD for those wishing to study
privately, for $10 payable to the Club, plus $3 if posted. Contact Peter
VK4TAA if you need this fantastic CD. Next year we are offering places for
courses in all licence grades. So plan early for your new licence or even
an upgrade for next year with the Redcliffe club.

Early next year, the first working bee will be to replace the guttering
around the roof of the club house as it has finally succumbed to the unusual
amount of rain fall over the last few months. Further details will be
available early 2001.

The club also decided to purchase 2 Systron & Donner Service Monitors.
This equipment will be used by club members (under supervision) in the test,
align & repair of their own equipment.

John Moyle field day 2011 will again be held at Murrenbong. Planning has
already started. Anyone wishing manage a particular band stations or have
access to 12v amplifiers should talk to Peter VK4EA. Roger VK4ZLQ spoke
about a book he was reading on coax stubbs & the issues of working multiple
stations concurrently within 100m of each other. The outcome can be damage
to radios receivers due to overload of harmonics. The club decided to build
coax stubbs for all the bands we will be operating on at the John Moyle.

Peter, VK4NBL, advised the meeting of The Australian National Satellite Net
is on this coming Tuesday, at 1930 hrs. You can join the net via Echolink
by connecting to either the *Amsat* or *VK3JED* conferences. Past experience
has shown that the VK3JED server offers clearer audio. The net is also
available via IRLP reflector numbers 9558. The net will also be available
via RF on VK4RRC, the Redcliffe repeater 146.925 -ve offset, IRLP node 6404
Echolink 44666

Well that is the news for this week, and the compliments of the season from
our Redcliffe club members to all of you. The club will be operating
throughout the Christmas and New Year.

Until next time its 73 from Ray, VK4CF.

Maleny VK4RSC 146.850 and 438.075 VK4RSN 53.7
Noosa Heads VK4RSL 146.825 and 438.175

SCARC Christmas BBQ

The last general meeting for the year was held on Tuesday 7th of December and
as usual featured the Christmas BBQ. The meeting started early at 6pm and by
6:30 pm all the business had been dispensed with and members were all keen to
get outside and enjoy the food and shooting the breeze. Even a mid BBQ
downpour did not stop chef Mikey VK4YFL from cooking duties.

VHF/UHF Summer Field Day

The club participated in this event and amassed an unofficial total of
33,105 points. Operators were Contest Manager Leicester VK4ALH, John VK4JMC,
Wayne VK4WS and Ces VK4FMOZ. It was not possible to get the big yellow
communications van up to the location at Howells knob, however Bill VK4XZ
arranged for the Maleny SES communications van to be in situ for the event.

Echo/IRLP Node

Thanks to Richard VK4RY the club now has an ECHO/IRLP node on the 438.075
repeater at Wilkes Knob Maleny. Previously this was just IRLP Node 6564 but
now has Echolink as node 552566 and is shown as VK4RY-R.

The club executive committee would like to wish all members, non members
amateurs and non amateurs alike a safe and enjoyable christmas.

Thats it from me and that's it from Gordon VK4VP, Merry Christmas.

The Queensland Digital Group (QDG) is a social group with some 44 members
including two in France. Digipeat, the club news letter, is sent out via
email and web page once a month with additional information to members via
email only.

The web site is maintained for the benefit of the QDG,
other local clubs, and would wide Amateur Radio.

(Alan Wills VK4NA / VK4YAR)


WICEN Queensland holds a net every Sunday on 7075kHz from 8-30am (2230UTC)

The net calls in regular stations and then invites new stations to call in.
If conditions are poor on 7MHz, net control might move to around 3600kHz
depending on how pliable the net operators are.

Mix it with other WICEN ops and call in on the net !!

3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz


A couple rescued by emergency services has been fined almost $1,000 by police
for not having the correct emergency equipment on their yacht.

A 62 year-old woman and a 71 year-old man made it back safely to Port Pirie
after their boat was battered by storms last week.

The unregistered yacht's navigation devices were damaged while sailing in the
Spencer Gulf and the couple were not carrying any flares.

However they managed to contact police using an outdated distress radio beacon.

Police say the fines serve as a warning to other boat owners to have the
correct equipment on board.

The SA Transport Department has been informed and may take further action
against the skipper.


UK family has five radio amateurs

The Daily Post reports that five members of the same family in Tywyn are now
licensed Radio Amateurs.

The newspaper says that the latest member of the family to get an Amateur
Radio callsign is 11 year old Ricky Duckhouse. His father Kevin, mum Alison
and brother and sister Josh and Sonyarisa have all got licenses.

The article points out that Foundation holder Ricky can now hold two-way
conversations with radio amateurs transmitting from around the world and
his license also permits him to talk to astronauts on board the International
Space Station.

RSGB General Manager Peter Kirby G0TWW is quoted as saying "This is the start
of a great adventure for Ricky and one which will hopefully continue for many
years to come".

"It's extremely rare for five members of one family to gain an Amateur Radio
licence and the Duckhouse family have certainly made their mark on the
Amateur Radio bands and put Tywyn on the map," he added.

Read the Daily Post story - Tywyn radio boy talks to astronauts


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

New amateur radio bands for Spain

The Spanish Amateur Radio Society URE has succeeded in gaining access to some
new bands for Spanish radio amateurs.

Spanish Amateurs now have access to:
2320 - 2322MHz
5760 - 5762MHz
10368 - 10370MHz

Amateur use of these bands has been authorised for a year, however, those
intending to use 2320-2322 must first inform the telecommunications regulator.

( URE )

In Canada the province of New Brunswick has introduced a bill to control
cell phone and "hand-operated electronic device" use while driving and
this legislation will prevent amateurs from using mobile radios while driving.

R.A.C. agrees with the intent of the legislation but has pointed out in a
letter from the President of RAC to the New Brunswick Minister of Public
Safety, Mr. Robert Trevors:

"Radio Amateurs have passed demanding examinations set by the Industry
Canada to earn their authority to operate equipment. Federal radio
regulations specifically permit Radio Amateurs to establish mobile stations.
By tradition, Radio Amateurs are public-spirited citizens, who
regularly volunteer their time, skill, equipment and energy for
everything from pubic events to providing communication in time of
emergency. Radio Amateurs are often at their most useful in emergency
situations when using their equipment installed in their personal

Radio Amateurs in New Brunswick regularly and without fail respond to
your citizen's needs whether it is to help municipalities fighting
flooding along the St. John River, Marathons or police on Halloween
patrol you will find amateur radio operators. Banning mobile Amateur
Radios for day to day use will mean that there are no experienced
Amateur Radio Operators and no mobile radios available when there is a
time of need. Eliminating the use of Federally Certified Radio
Amateurs to use mobile radio equipment will not increase public safety
but decrease it."




An Italian astronomic study group has announced that the
European Space Agency Education Office has offered ten
scholarships. These for students who present papers at the
1st International Academy of Astronautics Conference on
University Satellites Missions and the CubeSat Conference to
be held in Rome from January 24th to the 29th of 2011.
Students selected by the ESA Education Office will also be
reimbursed their conference registration fee and awarded a
maximum stipend of 300 Euros to help cover travel and
accommodation expenses.

More information is on line at


Another case of Long Delayed Echo's of a ham radio signal
being heard by the originating station has been reported and
this time the ham had enough time to capture the sound to a
recording. Amateur Peter Brogl, DK6NP, reports hearing Long
Delayed Echo's on 7 MHz during a geomagnetic storm on
November 27th. This is part of one of the recordings he made:


What you just heard was what DK6NP heard forty-six seconds
after he transmitted his call sign at 7 MHz, he received an
echo of his own transmission. Brogl said that at first he
thought someone was playing on him so he changed frequency,
re-keyed his call and got another echo. This went on for
more than an hour, enough time for Brogl to make several recordings.

Long Delayed Echo's are not a new phenomena. They were
first reported in 1927 by Norwegian civil engineer Jorgen
Hals but happen rarely and are not really understood. Most
researchers believe that unusual propagation conditions
linked to solar storms may be one of many possible
explanations. Others can be seen on Shlionskiy's Long
Delayed Echo page at

Audio recordings made by DJ6NP of the 7MHz Long Delayed Echo's can be heard at


The GB3PF 70 centimetre voice repeater near Blackburn in the
United Kingdom is be closing down. This, after its
operator, North Western Repeater Group, was notified of a
site rental cost increase that would have the club paying
more than 6000 a year for site space. That's over $9300
in U-S dollars and is beyond the means of the small ham
radio group. Until now, the group was paying what was
described as a small nominal site rental fee.


Boat Anchors and the BABE

There are a lot of web sites on the Internet that deal with so called
Boat Anchors - you know - old radio equipment full of tubes.
Well how is this site with a variation on a theme!

BABE or Boat Anchor Beauty Evaluator is a website that contains a formula
that includes terms such as:

Number of knobs on front panel,

Number of knobs not generally used,

Number of tubes,

Number of meters,

Number of devices that actually glow in the dark on their own without
electrical power applied,

Rack space,

Number of radioactive devices....HIHI

and finishes with a Functionality quotient which is an arbitrary value
based on "does everything work?".




Jan 1 AMSAT 2011 Straight Key Night (SKN)

Jan 15/16 WIA Summer VHF-UHF Field Day
Includes "Microwave Challenge", with special certificates to
be awarded to the participants on microwave bands.
John Martin VK3KM

Mar 19-20 WIA John Moyle Field Day weekend

Still looking for your 2010 RD Certificate in the mail?

Certificates and covering letters are in the post or have been hand delivered
so if there are any queries re your RD Certificate please do not hesitate to
drop Peter Harding a line,

hf nets ON the net,

Al Wilson, VE1AWW/CY0, is an assigned worker on Sable Island.
His schedule is 3 months ON and 3 Months OFF. Currently, he is on
the island and active as work schedules permits through DECEMBER.
He is beginning to show up on the Clusters....

Marion Island ham radio station suffering severe QRM

Pierre, ZS1HF/ZS8M, is partially QRT for a while until he identifies the
severe electronic interference from the new base. He hopes to operate for
short periods during this time.

He thinks he has identified the fire alarm system and the air handling units
as the main culprits. Once switched on, they cause severe broad band
interference, preventing successful HF operations, even on the commercial

Pierre has relocated his ZS8M operation to the radio room in the old base
for the time being and will be operational from there until he can eliminate
the QRM.

Pierre has also released another newsletter from Marion Island (Special
Christmas edition) where he provides more pictures, along with more details
about the happenings and activities on the island. His newsletter can be
found online.

The RSGB reports VU2PAI has uploaded about 100,000 QSOs to the Logbook of the
World, lotw, dating back to 1995. It is not complete and he still has a lot
of paper logs from his IOTA activations to AS-096 and AS-161.
Please do not send cash or IRCs while sending QSL cards, VU2PAI would prefer
it if you can put two or three DIFFERENT stamps on your envelope when you send
your card. Seems VU2PAI is a keen collector of postage stamps since he was a
Please include a self addressed envelope or an address sticker along with your
QSL card.

Pai can be reached by e-mail

German postal rates

From January 1st 2011 postal rate for an overseas airmail 1st class letter will
DECREASE from currently 1.70 Euro to just 0.75 Euro. Today this is equivalent
to exactly 0.991 USD.
Thus 1 USD will cover perfectly return postage to any country in the world!
Happy direct QSLing,
73 and early seasons greetings

ZS6SIG has relocated to Nairobi, Kenya is now signing 5Z4EE and will be doing
so for the next four years. He will operate 160 through 10 meters.
Please QSL via NV7E.

VP8SCC using various digital modes during December. His operation will be from
the Falkland Islands Sea Cadet Corps unit. The VP8SCC station is managed by
QSL to the Falkland Islands Sea Cadet Corps, c/o PO Box 785, Stanley,
FIQQ 1ZZ, the Falkland Islands.


Solar Mega-filament

A spectacular filament of magnetism is snaking around the sun's south-eastern
limb. From end to end, it stretches more than 700,000 km - a full solar radius
or almost twice the distance from Earth to the Moon.

The massive structure is an easy target for backyard telescopes (monitoring is
encouraged) and it has the potential for an impressive eruption if it happens
to collapse in the hours or days ahead. for pictures and updates.

HTTP:// (A receiver located in NY USA) (Atlanta 80/40/20 Web SDR Receiver)

Radio Prague to end shortwave transmissions as of January 31.

The station's financing for next year has been drastically reduced by the
Foreign Ministry in line with government austerity measures aimed at cutting
the state deficit. The details of the budget are still being discussed.

At present, broadcasting will continue in all six languages via the internet,
satellite and partner stations.


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

Bandar Seri Begawan

Unlicensed amateur radio operators or those with expired licences and bigger
than allocated "frequency airwaves" were under scrutiny yesterday when
several operators were caught in a roadblock yesterday.

The roadblock was a joint operation conducted by the Brunie Authority for
Info Communications Technology (AITI) and Police.

Vehicles with an outside antenna mounted to it were inspected.

Reading on it seems in a two-hour operation, several users were
found to operate open airwaves of between 137 to 174 megahertz in which they
have to 'diode' and need to be blocked by the relevant agencies.

One driver was caught using a vehicle owned by his sibling with amateur radio
equipment and with expired licence where the sibling has to pay $25 for such
annual licence, whilst another driver was caught for having an `open frequency'
and expired road tax.

The operation was part of an awareness campaign to urge operators to obtain
amateur radio licence.

Under section 34 and 35 of the Telecommunications Order 2001, violators can
be fined up to $10,000 and /or three years' imprisonment.


(Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin via


ZL's Official News Broadcast has, for 25 Years been under the control of

Tonight, 19-December-2010, the date for the last Official Broadcast for 2010,
celebrates the twenty-fifth year that the OB has been under the control of
Jim Meachen ZL2BHF.

Jim has prepared all the OBs during this time and has presented most of them.

For tonight's show Jim has compiled, from his archive, some memorial broadcasts
from presenters that are not with us now.

The NOV/DEC Break-In is to have a report on Jim's quarter-century of work
with and devotion to the OB.



Richard VK7RO has recently located from The Mercury Newspaper on 8 September,
1926 titled.....


The first prosecution in Tasmania under the Wireless Telegraph Act relating
to the use of a listening-in set without a licence took place before the
Police Magistrate (Mr. E. W. Turner) in the City Police Court.

John Heine, a youth, of Elizabeth-street, City, was charged with having,
used an instrument for the purpose of receiving messages by wireless
telegraphy without being licensed to do so as required by the Act.

He pleaded guilty.

A Mr. Dobson, who appeared for the Postmaster General's Department, stated
that the penalties provided by the Act for breaches of the telegraph
regulations were very severe indeed. Anybody who, without authority under the
Act, used an instrument for the receipt of messages, was liable to a fine of
500 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or if he elected to
be dealt with summarily, the penalty was 50 or six months imprisonment.

The case was one that could not be passed over lightly. The licence fee was
only 27s. 6d., but the offence was really a fraud on the broadcasting
companies, who got 25s. out of the fee, without which they could not give the
public the service they did. He did not press for a severe penalty or ask for
the confiscation of the instrument, but there were elements which rendered it
a suitable occasion on which to give a warning to the public.

Soon after the events described, Jack Heine obtained his experimental license
and became 7JK. He was an enthusiastic member of the club in Hobart before
moving to Melbourne a few years later.

Ian Paterson, VK2MW, in the latest copy of Old Timer's News mentions
"the late, great John Heine, VK3JF". I wonder if he was the same man?

(73, Ric, VK7RO)



Jan 30 vk2 Mid North Coast Radio Expo 2011 at St Johns Church Hall
McLean Street, Coffs Harbour at 8:30am,

Feb 13 VK3 Centre Victoria RadioFest No.4 Kyneton Racecourse
( )

Feb 27 vk2 Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Field Day at Wyong
Start Time : Gates open 6.30 am

Feb 27 vk3 YARRA VALLEY HAMFEST at Gary Cooper Pavilion 16 Anzac Av
Yarra Glen. Opens 10am-2pm.
( www//

Apr 9 vk6 Hills Amateur Radio Group Swapmeet at club rooms Lesmurdie.

Apr 18 WW "Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social network"
World Amateur Radio Day, April 18, 2011.

May 27-29 WIA AGM Weekend in Darwin

Jun 10-12 vk4 FNNQARG! 2011 Kurrimine Beach

Thinking of attending the Far North and North Queensland
Amateur Radio Gathering at King Reef Resort Kurrimine Beach
during the June Long Weekend?

You'd better get cracking and book your accommodation or you
will end up having to sleep on the beach!

Contact King Reef Resort on 07 4065 61 44 as soon as possible
and book in for Friday Night June 10th, Saturday Night
June 11th, Sunday Night June 12th.


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

MAY 4-7 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (

Please think of the environment before printing this email


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.
© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)