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Intro - Graham Kemp WIA News studios Brisbane

Thanks Graham, well under the circumstances it's probably the very least that we can do to help by taking a bit of the load off your

studios. And I must say it's great to hear of the level cooperation that exists between the news networks and various stations with

studio facilities and such as yours making facilities available to others to help get the news out.

Well it has been one horrendous week for many folk in VK4. Giving some thought to what to include in this broadcast, it seemed

appropriate to perhaps contact a few amateurs in or near the affected areas to get a few reports first hand. The devestation of the

floods has been simply enormous and a massive cleanup effort is now underway.

I'd like to introduce Graham Martin VK4RD, Graham comes from BILOELA in central Queensland
(questions to Graham)

Good morning Graham ..
Now Graham how have you been effected by the floods ?
And what damage have seen as you have been driving around ?
And the flood waters are they now subsiding ?
So has that road become inaccessible?
That's pretty significant, well thanks Graham for your quick report from Biloela

Now Gavin Reibelt VK4ZZ has been taking some time out to tour around Australia but things have kind of ground to a halt for a bit,
(questions to Gavin)

Good morning Gavin
Gavin now we understand you are currently mobile or rather mobile stationary, what part of VK4 do you come from and where are you now

Well thanks for that quick overview regarding the bottom bit of VK4, and I hope things improve for you as well take care Gavin..

Now moving up north of Brisbane I caught up with Gordon Taylor VK4VP..
(questions to Gordon)

Good morning Gordan ..
How are you ?
Gordon what part of VK4 are you from ?
And how have the floods affected your area ?
That's pretty fortunate, has there been any call to help with communications during the last week ?
Well that's pretty understandable, well thanks Gordon for your quick report from the Sunshine Coast.

And going even further north I caught up with Jack Chomley VK4JRC
(questions to Jack)

Good morning Jack
How are you fairing ?
Now what part of VK4 are you from Jack ?
And how have the floods affected you ?
And how are the food supplies holding up ?
And the devastation because of the floods in your area ?
And personally have you experienced any damage ?
And amateur radio has that played a part for you over the last week or two ?
If you could pass on regards to your club members and those in your community from the Wireless institute of Australia that would be

appreciated and thanks Jack for chatting with me..
And yes .. it has been pretty wet down here in VK3 as well but not quite as severe as VK4

Now we move back down south to Brisbane where I have Peter Schrader VK4EA on the line ..
(questions to Jack)

Good morning Peter..
And your home QTH Peter ?
And I hear you have been assisting with the flood relief ?
So are you at the relief centre at the moment ?
Can you describe for our listeners the flood damage in the area ?
That's great amateur radio operators using their experience and skills to help man the radio network, I guess that would be not only

VHF /UHF but possibly HF as well ?
Well that's great and good to hear that our new band works well, well thanks Peter for catching up with us on WIA National news.

Thanks again guys for taking my calls to you and giving us some first hand accounts of what is one of Australia's worst natural


It really is quite hard to know what to say or how to respond at a time like this, we are joined by our WIA president Michael Owen.

This is Michael Owen VK3KI

On this day I have a simple message.

All of us in Australia have been aware of the unfolding tragedy of the floods in Queensland, and for me that awareness has been very

personal, particularly for all those people in Rockhampton, as well as Ipswich.

For myself, for the WIA, for the national news service and all amateurs please know that our thoughts are with you at this time.


web service:-
VKG Roundup

The first ARNSW - T & T event for the year will be on Sunday the 30th of
January at the VK2WI site.

Some of the major items available for sale can be viewed on the ARNSW web site.

You might like to note the other T & T dates for the remainder of the year.

March 27; May 29; July 31; September 25; November 27.

(Tim VK2ZTM)

The next meeting of the Radio Homebrew and Experimenters Group will be after
the Trash and Treasure at Dural on Sunday 30 of January.

The presentation will be about designing and building HF Transmitters and

A number of members of the homebrew group will present aspects of building HF
equipment and ideas will be canvassed for a group project.

As usual, the meeting will start with the usual show and tell segment where
members of the group or even just visitors can get up show others what they
have been doing.

So for those interested in building their own equipment, experimenting with
radios or just looking for a new aspect of amateur radio, get along to Dural
on Sunday the 30th.

The homebrew group also looks forward to seeing you at the Central Coast Field
Day in Wyong in February.

(Peter VK2EMU Coordinator ARNSW Radio Homebrew and Experimenters Group).

web service:-
VKC Roundup http://www.police

Jan 16 vk3 Western & Northern Suburbs Amateur Radio Club Family Day
Bundoora Park on now!

The countdown continues to the Centre Victoria RadioFest with its family
friendly and interesting program.

The commercial traders have loads of stock to sell at competitive prices,
all in the dedicated Traders Hall.

There will be plenty on offer too at the second-hand market tables and
car-boot space alley.

What sets this event apart from others is that it includes a mini-lecture
program and activities.

The organisers thank the guest presenters:

Jack Bramham VK3WWW talking on the IARU Region 3 Regional Foxhunting
Championships coming to Victoria.

A leading exponent on optical light beam communications Rex Moncur VK7MO
who will illuminate that interesting subject.

And the DX0DX DXpedition team on their return from The Spratlys, won't
they have a story or two tell!

Put it in your diary now. The Centre Victoria RadioFest at the Kyneton
Racecourse on Sunday the 13th of February.

I'm Bruce Lees and you're listening to VK1WIA.

EMDRC White Elephant finalised.

The EMDRC's annual White Elephant Sale will be held at the usual venue, the
Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont, on Sunday, March 13th, 2011.

Don't forget to slot that date into your 2011 Events Calendar.
More details are up on the EMDRC WebSite.

Go to:

Click on "Calendar" and then select March.

March 13th has a link entitled: "Details - WES 2011" which has the contact

web service local audio news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

TARC to do Australia Day

Get out your corked hats and throwing thongs - TARC will be out in the field
for Australia Day (provided the venue does not get too aquatic) at the famous
Loam Island ARDF Grounds and Shelter from 11-30am Wednesday January 26th.

BYO everything and engage in aussie fun and mirth - and even do some radio
things too!

Bring the family, bring the lagerphone, bring the esky but don't bring the
mozzies !


There is a Foundation Training day that will be held on Saturday January 22
for at least six aspiring Foundation Licence holders in Tassie.

If you are interested in attending then please register your interest with
Reg VK7KK on 0417 391 607, or email on

(Reg VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)

Amateur Radio - The first technology-based social network

The WIA is pleased to announce details for the 2011 WIA National Field Day with this years event to be held on Sunday the 17th of

April 2011

Feedback received from many operators participating in the 2010 event requested a change away from the October date. The WIA being

mindful of selecting a date that did not clash with other major VK related contests and activities, considered several ideas put

forward with the suggestion to have the event close to IARU World Amateur Radio Day, April 18th, seeming to provide a news worthy

story. The IARU have announced the theme for the 2011 World Amateur Radio Day to be "Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social


Therefore aligning with the IARU celebration, the WIA has also adopted "Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social network" as

the theme for the 2011 WIA national Field Day.

Rules and guidelines will be announced in early 2011. Clubs are encouraged to highlight the 17th of April on their calendars and to

start considering eye-catching locations during the seasonal holiday period.

Remember this event is a Public Relations activity aimed at maximising public exposure for the hobby of Amateur Radio and for your


New WIA Membership Brochure

Did you know the WIA has a new membership brochure?

Produced for the WIA by Roger Harrison VK2ZRH and Robert Broomhead VK3DN with Illustrations by Ivan Smith, the new DL size brochure

carefully sets out the many valuable benefits of WIA membership in an easy to read, easy to understand format. The brochure is

intended for those who are yet to become a WIA member, or members who are considering renewal. The full colour brochure with it's eye

catching cover is ideal for display and distribution at hamfests, field days etc. Easily obtainable clear plastic DL brochure stands

are perfect for displaying the new membership brochure, whilst it's small size format makes it ideal for keeping a copy in the car

glovebox or door pocket along side the Calling CQ brochure.

Copies of the brochure can be easily obtained from the WIA National office, simply send an email to

Support the organisation supporting your hobby - Encourage someone new to join the WIA today !

WIA Emergency Comms Training - Registrations Filling Quickly

Registrations are filling quickly for the first WIA Emergency Communications Operators courses. With over 20 registrations received

to date since the announcement of the course just over a week ago, this is a reminder that limited places are available at each

course. The courses are being organised and delivered by the WIA's Registered Training Organisation Trainsafe Australia, with each

training program will be held over four days.




Jan 15/16 WIA Summer VHF-UHF Field Day
Includes "Microwave Challenge", with special certificates to
be awarded to the participants on microwave bands.
John Martin VK3KM

Mar 19-20 WIA John Moyle Field Day weekend

Marconi Day 2011

The usual date for International Marconi Day in 2011 would have
fallen on the Easter Weekend, so the organisers have changed the date
to Saturday 30th April.

Details of events will appear on the website in due

hf nets ON the net,
logging programs try:-

A VK3 Dstar Net is held every Thursday Evening on VK3RWN Port C,
frequency 146.9125 MHz.
The net is used to keep Dstar users up to date with current matters
concerning the Dstar Network.
The operators who run the Net are Susan VK3ANZ, Ross VK3HBS and David VK3DLR.

The Tassie Devil Award is available for any amateur who meet these

HF in Australia - 50 Contacts
Oceania and Antarctica - 30 Contacts
North America and Asia - 20 Contacts
Europe and South America - 10 Contacts
Africa - 7 Contacts.

On VHF/UHF you need 20 VK7 stations with at least one contact made in each of
the Southern, Northern and North Western regions. Repeaters may be utilised.

On IRLP - contact with 30 VK7 stations.

2010 DX Sound Bites

Tom, K8CX, has done it again. He has provided DXers with 131 memorable DX
sound clips from 2010.

Visit Tom's famous "Ham Gallery" Web at:

While there also check out some of his other features on his Web page,
such as: 13 years of "Rare DX Sound Clips" of the past as well as some clips
from the 1960's and 1970's, QSL Card Museum, Dayton Photo Galleries and
Tribute to Silent Key Ham Operators.

Tom states, "If anyone has any old HF recordings, I would be interested in
hearing from them."

EI8CC, the former Honorary Secretary of the Irish Radio Transmitting Society
and new Irish ambassador to Lesotho will soon be on the air from that nation
on CW and SSB as 7P8CC.
The final items of his station have been shipped so expect to hear him on the
air from Lesotho in the not to distant future.

ZS6TQ is now active as 9Q0HQ/6 from the Republic of the Congo.
His operation is primerally on weekends and during the week after 1800 UTC.
Listen out for him on 40 through 6 meters using CW, SSB and PSK31.
QSL via K3IRV.

DC9TH is now on the air as 8Q7TH from Baa Atoll in the Maldives.
He's reporetedly been heard on 20 meter SSB.
If you work him, please QSL to his home callsign.

VO1AU will be active stroke 9M6 from, East Malaysia between March 2nd and the
15th. His operation will include the Commonwealth and ARRL DX SSB Contests.
QSL via VO1MX.


Special event station GB 65 ISWL is active throughout 2011 in celebration of
65 years of service to both licensed amateurs and short wave listeners.
The station will be active from various locations.

The excitement of rare DX appearing on the band often creates confusion and
on six metres early January was no exception.

VK0KEV on Macquarie Island and H40FN in the Temotu Islands both appeared on
the same frequency, at the same time and as you would expect utter bedlam
broke out with the end result very few worked either of them.

However, through the reigning chaos Norm VK7AC in Launceston did manage to
work VK0KEV plus one or two VK5's before the signal faded away.

No one secured a contact at all with H40FN who was buried under the confusion.

(sourced to vk2wi news)

THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report -
(Measure twice - Cut once!)

There are probably many owners of good quality analogue mul-timeters of
30,000Ω/V sensitivity or similar. Bob, vk3bwz says many of these multimeters
require a 15V battery for the high ohms range.

Unfortunately the small 15V battery is no longer available.

Physicaly, they look like a short AAA battery. However, a 12V battery
(energizer A23) is similar in diameter and with two hearing aid type batteries
(1.4V) sticky taped to the end of the A23 battery in series gives 15V and
better yet fits perfectly into the battery com-partment of a "TMK" multimeter.

(emdrc news)


2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz


Clint Bradford, K6LCS, of Mira Loma California, has published an updated copy
of the "How to Work Ham Satellites With Your HT" tutorial.
Its posted on-line at


Australian Naval Amateur Radio Society -

John Garvey VK5OJ was/is President of the now defunct Society known as the
ANARS (Australian Naval Amateur Radio Society).

In a recent posting he said " How sad it has been to see the demise of the
A.N.A.R.S. Perhaps one day it will rise again in a better shape with more
enthusiasm for the hobby, many will keep the friendship as I do"

Long time enthusiast and the guy who kept us informed here on the WIA news and
in QNEWS over the years is Kevin VK2CE who said " It is very sad indeed to
see the society cross the bar. I always believed it had the potential to
become quite a significant group in the ham radio world but unfortunately this
was not to be.

Two names come to mind when one thinks of significant contributions to the
Society over the years, Tony Musson vk2cam, and Craig Carlisle, vk4cwc. These
two ran the nets right up until recent times. They were there virtually every
day with very little time off for other commitments. Others also contributed
in their own way and it all helped to keep the group going for 17 years".

Please think of the environment before printing this email


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.



© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)