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Inside Amateur Radio magazine for March



Jeff Johnson VK4XJJ, with the Gympie Radio Club supporting, set to walk
across Australia from Cape Byron to Steep Point operating his FT817.

JEFFS WALK2 (for NETS) steps off 24th April and is expected to last 162 days.

The crossing is approximately 5,000 kms.

Geoff will transmit on 7045Khz each evening at 1730 AEST.

20m and 80m will also be used on some sections. and

Rail crossing safety with the help of RF!

New technology by La Trobe University, to have cars and trains `talking' to
each other, could save an average of 37 lives every year and an estimated
100 million dollars, by eliminating rail crossing collisions, especially in
rural and regional Australia.

A $4 million project by the University's Centre for Technology Infusion, in
partnership with the Australian Automotive Co-operative Research Centre, the
Victorian Department of Transport and Queensland University of Technology,
intends to have the technology up and running in three years.

It involves dedicated mobile-phone-style wireless networks running in the
5.9 GHz band.

(Sourced from the from the Radio Comms E-Zine)

COAST Guard Noosa is facing a potential communications setback with one of the
most vital cogs in the system in short supply.

The call has gone out for trainee volunteer radio operators as the flotilla is
under continued pressure to maintain the 24/7 safety net for boaties.

Radio operators play a vital role as the first line of defence for boaties in
trouble, ready to instantly activate rescue crews when distress calls are
received but it would seem none are available in the area!

New recruits are provided with extensive and professional training beginning
immediately they join, and which is recognised Australia-wide.

Anyone interested in becoming a radio operator can register with Coast Guard

07 5474 3695.


A spokesperson for the Australian government's Digital Switchover Taskforce has
confirmed that television transmission infrastructure in Queensland was not
significantly affected by Cyclone Yasi and recent flooding in the area.

The region is expected to be switched over entirely to digital TV from the
long-running analogue TV service some time in the second half of 2011.

A spokesperson from the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital
Economy told PC World Australia that while a concrete date for the official
switchover from analogue to digital television in Queensland had not been set,
the projected window of the second half of 2011 would likely still be met.

"The most recent advice from both commercial and national broadcasters confirms
that transmission infrastructure has not been severely impacted by the extreme
weather events in Queensland. Transmitter sites, usually situated on higher
ground, have escaped serious flood damage. Transmitter sites in the path of
Cyclone Yasi did suffer power cuts but these, by and large, have been managed
with the use of portable power generators."

More than 70 per cent of Australians have embraced digital TV and a further
21 per cent plan to get on board this year.

A majority of householders now own devices such as a digital set-top box, a
TV with a built-in internet connection, or a PVR, interestingly in a Roy Morgan
research for the Herald Sun retirees are least likely to own a "time shifting"
TV device such as a Personal Video Recorder (PVR), which allows viewers to
record, pause and rewind live TV.

Read the full articles on

President Michael Owen VK3KI
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Secretary Geoff Atkinson VK3AFA
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

Result of Nominations for Director

Nominations for election as a director of the WIA were called for by notice
published in the December 2010 issue of the WIA magazine Amateur Radio.

The four retiring directors Michael Owen VLK3KI, Peter Young VK3MV,
Ewan McLeod VK4ERM and Philip Adams VK3JNI offered themselves for re-election.

The WIA Returning Officer, Chris Chapman VK3QB, has advised the Board that no
other nominations were received and in accordance with the Election Regulations,
he had declared the retiring directors elected unopposed as Directors of the

Each will hold office until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting in 2013

Around 4 or 5 weeks back WIA National News put out a call to all of the
"Advisory Committees" via the office/secretary and the email addresses shown
in AR Magazine asking that they might tell you just "who we is!..hihi".

We did get a written response from Tassie and as those who are in VK4 heard
last week an audio report from the new QAC Chairman.

"I'm Mike Charteris VK4QS, the new chairman of the Queensland Advisory Committee
for the Wireless Institute of Australia.

My fellow QAC members include Mr Don Wilschefski VK4BY from Rockhampton,
Mr Ken Fuller VK4KF from Brisbane, and Dr Kevin Johnson VK4UH also of Brisbane.
We look forward to serving you as best we can over the next three years and
and can be contacted by way of email as per the WIA website, or as previously
broadcast on QNews."

Don Wilschefski VK4BY
Northern Region QAC

Ken Fuller,VK4KF
QAC Brisbane Area Etc
PH: 07) 3393 6423

Mr. Kevin Johnson VK4UH
QAC Brisbane Area Etc


web service:-
VKG Roundup


The Tamworth Radio Club sponsored the successful launch of 4 large party
balloons from the Tamworth Oxley Scout Hall with a bunch of scouts eagerly
involved. The large party balloons are by comparison small compared to the
balloon being used for LOKI-1.

2 of the balloons were tied together to carry a payload consisting of a small
10mW transmitter weighing just 5.2g with battery. With some trickery
temperature data was superimposed on the transmitted signal.

The other 2 balloons were released separately with several metres of light
weight toilet paper streaming below.

The scouts learned how to move the balloons about with the breeze that was
blowing to stop the streamers and balloon getting tangled in the trees,
flag pole and scout hall.

The miniature electronics package was assembled by Ash, VK2XSO.

Preliminary plans are being made for that launch of LOKI-1 March 5th.

More information can be found at

(Cris VK2BOZ Publicity officer & John VK2YGV Project Director)


AGM results are in and show as President, Ross Dowse VK2ARD,
Vice President Rob Gallagher VK2ELH with Secretary David Robinson VK2HFK.

Training course at Dural.

Commencing on Monday the 7th of March a training course for
Standard and Advanced grades of exam assessments will
commence at VK2WI Dural. The course will be conducted by Terry

It will operate each Monday evening - other than on
public holidays - for several weeks. Listeners may know of friends
who would like to undertake such a course. We ask that you pass
on the details and ask them to register their interest by a phone
call to the office telephone and leave a message with contact
details. The number is 02 9651 1490.

There are also details about the course on the ARNSW website,
look under training and exams.

(Advised by Tim VK2ZTM)

web service:-
VKC Roundup http://www.police

The Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club, 16 July will conduct their annual
Hamfest at the Cranbourne Community Hall, corner of Clarendon and High Streets,

High Street is part of the South Gippsland Highway. Melway 133 K4.

Forty tables of goods will be presented at this large venue, but stall holders
should book early as demand is always high. Reservations for stall holders may
be made by contacting Steve Harding VK3EGD on 0408 878934 or by emailing

More information can be found at

Tables will be available for $20 each. Doors open at 8:30 AM for stall holders
and at 10:00 AM for the general public. Your admittance fee of $6 as a buyer
will go towards the continued upgrading of facilities at our Club Shack &
meeting room in Cranbourne.

Take away food, tea and coffee will be available. The entry fee includes a
ticket in the Door Prize which will be drawn around 1:30 PM for all who register
upon entry. Great prizes to be won as usual.

Additional tickets can be purchased on the day.

web service local audio news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

When we show our hobby to the public it is important to stand in the other
persons' shoes. What we are doing is showing what are the attractions, the
many and varied aspects of amateur radio. Maybe the smart phone apps will
excite today's technology savvy person whilst the antique will tickle the
nostalgia nerve of another.

With the theme for the international Amateur Radio Day and Australia's National
Field Day defining the moment, it is important to consider how we present our
interest. The media will be looking for aspects that will grab the attention of
readers, listeners and viewers and the people who come to look will want to
experience something that is relevant to them. When the ages of the prospective
enthusiasts spread from school age to post retirement and the knowledge and
life experience's are so varied, this presents a challenge in designing a
display that works.

Equipment and displays can cover from the crystal set to digital, around the
world and into space, and the people manning the display should be accepting
of the range of interests within the hobby. We want to share our great hobby
not preach our own special interests.

In planning our club's activities for the coming National Field Day, let us
build on the great beginning of the centenary year. Let's show our local
community that amateur radio is the original social network and it's still
growing strong.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?


Trevor Taege, VK4BAT

I'm Trevor Taege, VK4BAT with news from the Gympie Communications & Electronics

Weather has again prevented the planned 2 metre repeater mods and adjustments
but the crew hopes to get up to the Mountain as soon as time and conditions

The Gympie Communications and Electronics Group have finally found a new

Details are still being finalised but the Club has been offered a dedicated,
secure room at the new Gympie Men's Shed.

GCEG will be able to share workshop, lounge and other facilities with the
Men's Shed members and provide some training on basic electronics and soldering.

It's hoped that a few of the members from the facility will become sufficiently
interested in Amateur Radio to join the Gympie Group and in time gain their own

So, the next meeting of the Gympie Communications and Electronics Group will be
at the new location of 16 Barter Street, Gympie, on Thursday 3rd of March at

For Gympie Area News, I'm Trevor Taege, VK4BAT.


Hello from Doug Friend, VK4OE of the Brisbane VHF Group.

Plans are proceeding for the already-announced SouthEast Queensland Microwave
Day on the 6th of March.

We want to enable as many folk as possible, amateurs and non-amateurs, to be
able to go and see microwave amateur radio in action.

Why? Well there is a new and great experience waiting for anyone who takes the
time and trouble to start playing with microwave frequencies. And the Brisbane
VHF Group wants to make it easier for anyone to feel the intense satisfaction
there is in getting gear working and operating it on any of the amateur bands
1296 MHz and above.

On Sunday the 6th of March, starting just after completion of callbacks to the
WIA and QNEWS broadcasts, you should find a group of us using several bands on
Mt Gravatt on Brisbane's south side, or to Kevin VK4WA's place (several bands
operational) at Redbank Plains in the West, or further West to John VK4JMC's
place at Laidley on 1296 and 2403 MHz. On the North side of Brisbane, you can
catch up with Roy, VK4ZQ who will be portable with several microwave bands, at a
location to be confirmed next week.

Further North again, Adrian VK4OX will be operational on 2.4 GHz from Maleny,
and Wayne VK4WS will have a number of bands operational from Howell's Knob
also near Maleny.

Operating with low power on 5.7 and 10.3 GHz to the East of Brisbane
(yes, East!) should be Peter VK4EA on the beach at Moreton Island, an unusual
and potentially interesting contact for many to make.

Primary liaison is expected to be via the VHF Group's 'RBN repeater on 147 MHz,
so this repeater will be active on that morning.

Anyone can go to any of these locations to experience the ways of operating,
the challenges and the intense fun of microwave amateur radio.

Here's hoping for a fine day on the 6th of March!

Redcliffe and District Radio Club

Hi this Is David vk4pdr for the Redcliffe and districts amateur radio club

Wednesday's at 730 pm local time we hold a trivia night on our 70 cm repeater
438.325 and don't forget the 91.5 kHz tone for access.

It is a fun night for those that join in and the prize for winning is that you
get to be next weeks trivia master!

so all of you amateurs out there with inquiring minds and wishing to join in on a
fun night for a hour or so come and join us.

This is David vk4pdr for the Redcliffe and districts amateur radio club and
you have been listening to and enjoying qnews on vk4wia


South Coast Amateur Radio Club - Subsidised Members Dinner 20th March

The South Coast Amateur Radio Club Inc. will be holding its 2011 Subsidised
Members Dinner on Sunday 20th March 2011 at Fresh Choice Family Restaraunt in
Sturt South Australia.

Members are required to register numbers, as bookings are essential for this
event. If you are planning on attending, please contact Secretary by email at

It would be great to see as many members and partners as possible in attendance,
to allow members to socially meet outside the Clubrooms environment.
Registration can also be done through the event list function on the SCARC

Look forward to seeing you there. Enjoying the hospitality of fellow members of
the club.

Stef Daniels VK5HSX
South Coast Amateur Radio Club Inc.


Founder of the SA Maritime Mobile Net, Alistair Campbell ZS5MU becomes SK.

The South African Maritime Mobile Net was started by Alistair some 30 years ago
and is ably assisted by his wife Davina ZS5GC and several other coastal Radio
Ham Operators.

The net operates each day of the week, and provides weather reports from around
the SA coast and High Seas, and maintains Ham radio contact with boats off the
coast of South Africa "For Met area VII", ie. Brazil's east coast to Australia's
west coast and up into the Mozambique channel.

Over the years he had help from many other Hams without whom it would have been
extremely difficult, and at times impossible, to run an efficient maritime net.
He also liaised with other Nets particularly the Travellers' Net in VK.

South Africa, in fact the World has lost one of it's greatest radio amateurs.
A man that gave many hours, actually more than 30 years to the South African
Maritime Mobile Net, rendering a valuable service and ZS5MU will be sorely
missed for many years to come.

Although his key went silent, he has left behind a legacy that must and will
continue. Condolences to Davina, family and his many friends.

(sourced to SouthGate)

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.


Quick to offer condolences to our friends in the NZART were the RSGB and IRTS.

From the RSGB:-

"Dear Roy,

On waking this morning here in the UK we were all devastated to hear on the
News details of the earthquake in Christchurch.

May I offer on behalf of all UK Radio Amateurs and in particular the President,
Board and members of the Radio Society of Great Britain, our condolences to
those Radio Amateurs who may have lost family and friends, and support to those
Radio Amateurs who may as I write, be involved in the rescue operations.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this most difficult of times.

Best 73
Peter Kirby G0TWW
General Manager
Radio Society of Great Britain".

From the IRTS

"You are in our thoughts today following the earthquake in Christchurch and we
know that your members will be working hard for the community.

If we can be of any assistance please let us know.

Take care and pass our best wishes to all your operators working at the front

Paul EI2CA
Irish Radio Transmitters Society
IARU member society for Ireland".

Radio hams keep Civil Defence in touch

Updated from Radio New Zealand

A small team of amateur radio operators are keeping the lines of communication
open in earthquake-hit areas of Christchurch.

The head of the Amateur Radio Emergency Communications team, Richard Smart,
ZL4FZ says 10 amateurs are using their two emergency broadcast vans to keep
rescue teams and Civil Defence staff in touch.

He says one is at a major welfare centre providing portable communication so
they can talk to Civil Defence and the other vehicle is assisting search and
rescue teams in an area where communication is poor.

ZL4FZ says amateur radio operators from around the country are volunteering
to help out and others are sending updates on the disaster to families of people
in Christchurch who are overseas.

Former NZART Vice President Stuart Watchman ZL2TW was attending a medical
conference and lucky to escape. He told how his hotel swayed and
crumbled, managed to free himself and other only to find devastation
outdoors and the adjoining building leaning threatening to collapse.

Sorta "ground Zero" in the CBD sits, or sat the now shattered CTV Building.

Canterbury Television is an independently owned television station, some 20
staff and is botha a production house, ansd free-to-air broadcaster on UHF
cahnnels 44 and 53.

CTV produced approximately twenty hours of locally based programming every week
and showcased content from Deutsche Welle (DW-TV) from Europe, CCTV-9 Asia,
Voice of America from the U.S. & Al Jazeera from the Middle East.

The earthquake disaster bill of September 4 was put at $8 billion but the
latest quake could be double that amount.

Christchurch and its surrounding areas account for 500,000 people, about
half the population of the South Island of New Zealand.

Jim Meachen ZL2BHF is in the 'shaky isles'.

Arnie Coro, C-Oh-2-K-K, the International Amateur Radio Union Region II
Area C Emergency Coordinator, has issued a notice to hams in the America's.

Coro advises users of the 40 and 20 meter bands to be aware of possible
earthquake emergency communications traffic taking place in and around the
affected areas of New Zealand's South Island, where Christchurch is located.

Coro continues that the propagation on 40 meters more likely to cause
problems to the New Zealanders from unintentional QRM coming from the
Americas in the window that starts about two or three hours before sunrise
and lasts until sunrise on this side of the path. A similar pattern, with
a slight time shift shows up on 20 meters as well.

Also Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee Jim Linton VK3PC,
suggests we check out the NZART website under What and Who is AREC.

From Auckland, New Zealand, on the North island, I'm Jim Meachen,
Zed-L-2-B-H-F, reporting for vk1wia

A.R.E.C. is the public service arm of Amateur Radio in New Zealand.

Many hams get involved in providing communications for Search and Rescue and
Civil Defence at different levels.

The Amateur Radio Emergency Communications organisation (AREC) was formed by
the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART) in 1932 after the
Napier earthquake, to train licensed amateur radio operators in providing
reliable communications over the length of the country for any type of

Full encouragement was given by the then New Zealand Post and Telegraph
Department and they made available special station identifiers for emergency
communications on the amateur radio allocated bands.

It has become accepted among Amateur Radio operators that these unique "E" calls
have priority over all other users of the widely-spaced amateur radio

A highlighted APRS map shows AREC vehicle trackers (ZK9xxx and PATROLxxx)
plus earthquake locations as well as other trackers.

The Quake helpline is 0800 779 997
If you are in Christchurch, you can contribute information via email or free TXT 5627.

Google have a Person Finder App, it's called the
Christchurch Earthquake, February 2011
It is currently tracking about 10200 records.
All data entered will be available to the public and viewable and usable by
anyone. Google does not review or verify the accuracy of this data.

Christchurch Deputy Mayor Ngaire Button advises parents to limit their
children's exposure to the disaster in the city.

She says parents should not have the news on 24/7 or show children the
devastation around the city.

"There are a lot of things they don't need to know about and is not helpful for
them to know about" the Deputy Mayor has said.


The President of the United States will soon be taking part in a national test
of the of the Emergency Alert System. We have more in this report:

The Federal Communications Commission has taken the necessary action help pave
the way for the first-ever Presidential alert to be aired across the
United States on the Nation's Emergency Alert System. This as the regulatory
agency voted on February 3rd to adopt a Third Report and Order that sets forth
rules that will facilitate the federal government's efforts to conduct a
national E-A-S test by transmitting a Presidential Alert from Washington, D.C.
to television and radio broadcasters, cable systems and satellite service
providers who will then deliver the alert to the American public.

The national test will require EAS participants to be part of the exercise and
to receive and transmit a live code that includes a Presidential alert message
to their respective viewers and listeners. The FCC, FEMA and the Nation Weather
Service, in coordination with E-A-S participants, will work together to launch a
nationwide public education and awareness campaign. This will include press
statements, workshops, regional outreach, and television and radio public
service announcements. All will be targeted to consumers in general, and more
specifically to persons with disabilities and seniors, as well as first
responders and state, local and tribal governments. The outreach will help
ensure that the American public is aware that the national test will be
conducted and the benefits of these kinds of public alerts in a real emergency.

The FCC adds that the national test will also help determine the reliability of
the Emergency Alert System and its effectiveness in notifying the public of
emergencies and potential danger, both nationwide and regionally. (FCC)



South East Amateur Radio Group

The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and the Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club
will ensure that Ireland again has its say in the 2011 International Geopark
Communication weekend on 28 & 29 May, with special stations, likely EI2GEO
again, at the Copper Coast Geopark and, likely GB2MAC again, at the
Marble Arch Caves International Geopark in Fermanagh which straddles the
border into Cavan.

"Geoparks are areas recognised by UNESCO to have exceptional geological heritage.
Across Europe there are 42 in 16 countries that include two on the island of
Ireland. As well as the scientific interest, Geoparks are often major tourism

Last year, visitors included scouts interested in radio and EI2GEO made many
QSOs on various HF bands.

This event, in its fourth year, was initiated by Martin Foster G3VOF and others
with GB6GEO on the English Riviera Geopark.

Hopes for 2011 again are enjoyable amateur radio, involving a lot of
club members in both Irish stations, north and south, and other Geopark stations
in Great Britain and mainland Europe.

Amateur radio is an international educational and scientific culture, so it is
entirely appropriate that we be involved with Geoparks, recognised as they are
by UNESCO - the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation."

For more information contact

Mark Wall, EI7IS, SEARG P.R.O & Webmaster.

Michael Clarke, Mi5MTC, Chairman Lough Erne ARC.



Across the Atlantic on 502kHz

At 21.34 GMT on 13th February, Joe, VO1NA managed a full beacon decode from
Graham, G0NBD on 502kHz using the ROS mode.

It is believed this was the first live data mode decoded over the Atlantic on
this band. The signal to noise ranged from -23 to -27dB, giving a 100% decode
of the test message. The transmission was sent using MF-7 with an estimated
ERP of 1 watt from a 35ft top loaded vertical.

ROS mode did a good job of resolving the signals despite deep and rapid QSB
over the 3,500km path. At just over a year old the ROS data mode is relatively
new and uses an adaptation of multiple frequency shift keying and forward error
correction to help make successful contacts under very difficult band

The software for the mode is free




Feb 26-27 ZL Jock White Field Day

Mar 19-20 WIA John Moyle Field Day weekend

Apr 23 ZL/VK 2011 VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT 80 metres ( )

Apr 30 WW Marconi Day 2011 ( )

Apr 30 ZL/VK 2011 VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT 40 metres ( )

Allan Chandler ZL2SKY from the Kiwi Digital Modes Group advises the
2011 VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT (80M Leg) takes place April 23 1000 UTC.
2011 VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT (40M Leg) takes place April 30 1000 UTC.

Open to all licensed amateurs from the VK/ZL Call Districts.

The Points system & format has changed for this years contest.
The updated rules are available at the KDMG website at:

The Summer Field Day seemed to go pretty well however only one entry was
received in from VK6. Maybe they are all getting ready for the WIA's major
annual contest, the RD, which they seem to win hands down every year!

Actually the VK4'ss did really well which was very good going considering
that the contest coincided with the Queensland floods! 4th place in the multi
was taken out by VK4, from the heart of Yasi Country, Atherton, by VK4WAT
in grid QH22

The highest band worked for the Microwave Challenge saw VK2GG nudging out
VK4OE for first place on 47GHz, then on 24GHz VK2GG as 3rd, VK2EI as 2nd and
first place VK4OE, Doug Friend.


Rwanda DXpedition approved for credit

ARRL DXCC Manager Bill Moore, NC1L, reports that the 9X0SP 2010 DXpedition to
Rwanda has been approved for DXCC credit.

If you have cards that were recently rejected for this operation, please send an
e-mail to the ARRL DXCC Desk. Once your record is updated, results will appear
in Logbook of The World accounts or in the live, daily DXCC Standings.


G3RWF is active as 5X1NH from Fort Portal in western Uganda until April 14.
He prefers to operate CW but plans to also be on the digital modes with some
SSB on all bands except 160m.

QSL via his home callsign G3RWF or electronically using Logbook of the World.


VK4RTL 6metre Beacon back on air

With mains power restored to theTARCinc repeater site at Mount Stuart the way
has been clear for the VK4RTL beacons to come back on air.

The 6 metre beacon brought back online during a site visit by Lloyd VK4FP.

A temporary repair to the beacon turnstile antenna during his visits.

VK4RTL 6 metres should be now able to be heard on 50282kHz CW.


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700


The FCC has issued an Official Citation to This based on
allegations that between August 25, 2008 and January 16, 2010 the company
offered for sale a cellular telephone jamming device called the Blocker.

While says that it no longer offers these devices to its
cliental, the FCC states that even the manufacturing or importation of such
units to United States shores is a direct violation of its rules. This is
because jamming devices cannot be certified or authorized because the main
purpose of a jamming device is to block or interfere with radio communications.

In its communication the FCC warns that if after receipt of the
Citation that should the company violate the Communications Act or the FRCS's
Rules that the regulatory agency can impose monetary forfeitures of up to
$16,000 for each such violation or each day of a continuing violation and up to
$112,500 for any single act or failure to act. In addition, violations of the
Communications Act or the Rules can result in seizure of equipment as well as
criminal sanctions, including time behind prison bars.

Deadly Deal was given 30 days following the January 26th date of the Citations
release to respond either through a personal interview at the closest FCC office
or by filing a written statement with the agency.


Deutsche Welle (of lil blue 5inch tape box fame) has experienced jamming of its
signals from the Hotbird 8 satellite. It is believed the DW transmissions are
being "jammed" by foreign signals, though the source of the signals can not
be confirmed.

The disturbances are affecting DW-TV Europe, DW-TV Arabia, as well as very
high frequency (VHF) and shortwave signals in regions including Europe,
the Middle East and parts of Asia. TV live streaming on Deutsche Welle's
multi-language news website is also affected by the disturbances.

Deutsche Welle last experienced jamming in February 2010, which was believed to
have emanated in Iran.

VK Club Bulletins

Inside Amateur Radio magazine for March

By now, you should have noticed the new appearance of the magazine, thanks
to the input from Sergio Fontana VK3SFG.

Overall, the Publications Committee is happy with the new appearance. Of
course, we would welcome any comments from readers.

In the WIA comment, WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI discusses the success
of the introduction five years ago of the Foundation Licence, which is by
far the preferred entry point into amateur radio, and it has lowered the
age of licensees.

By all counts he believes the Foundation licence has been successful and
will continue to be so.

In the Spotlight on SWLing by Robin Harwood VK7RH comes news that the BBC
is to axe languages and aims to reduce it audiences by 30 million.

A plethora of interesting articles includes a simple antenna base for
portable vertical antennas presented by Graeme Scott VK2KE, how to aim an
antenna using the internet and the sun by Erich Heinzle VK5HSE, an adaptable
antenna for portable operation from Henrik Stenstrom VK2HHS and Jim Ayling
VK2JA, building an 80 metre SSB kit radio by Lyle Whyatt VK5WL, and
Across the Tasman of 2.4Gz with David Smith VK2HZ.

There are regular columns of ALARA, AMSAT, Contests, DX-News and VHF/UHF
An Expanding World.

Amateur Radio magazine is a WIA membership service and also available at
selected newsagents.

I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV.


2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz

North East Primary School contact a success

Tuesday evening 22 nd, students from the Preston North East Primary School
in Victoria gathered for a very successful and memorable ARISS contact.

Astronaut Catherine Coleman KC5ZTH answered student questions at this record
attendance of over 500 students and parents attending the evening event.

Another unique aspect of this ARISS contact, was that for the very first time
the contact was broadcast live via Amateur Television, out via the VK3RTV
television repeater on Mount Dandenong and simultaneously streamed live to the
internet via the British Amateur Television Group BATV gateway.

Many complimentary reports were received from local and overseas viewers.

We thank astronaut Catherine KC5ZTH, Larry, WD8KUJ, John, AG9D & Kenneth, N5VHO
in the US and Robert VK3DN, Jack, VK3WWW, Mich VK3CH for the transmission on
ATV, Tony VK3ZAI Australian ARISS coordinator and of course Melisa DeFabrio
the students teacher at Preston NE P/S for making the linkup a success for the
students this evening.

ARISS is now approaching 600 schools world wide who have spoken live to the
crews on the ISS since year 2000.

RSC-Energia has informed NASA deployment of ARISSat-1 will during RSC EVA 29
currently NOT scheduled until July 2011.

However the Russian Federal Space Agency reports that ARISSat-1 will be
activated April 12 on 145.950MHz FM to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the
first human space flight.

ARISSat-1 is also known as Kedr, the callsign of Cosmonaut Yury Gagarin on his
historic flight.

The satellite is currently inside the International Space Station (ISS) and
will be connected to an Amateur Radio antenna mounted on the ISS for the
commemorative transmission.

It is still planned to deploy the satellite during a space walk in July.


What's being termed as an innovative new radio telescope array is now under
construction in central New Mexico. One that will eventually harness the power
of more than 13,000 antennas and provide a fresh eye to the sky.

This antenna farm will form what is being called the Long Wavelength Array.
This is a radio telescope designed to survey the sky from horizon to horizon
over a range of frequencies in the High Frequency spectrum from 20 to 80 MHz.

The first station in the Long Wavelength Array, with 256 antennas, is scheduled
to start surveying the sky by this summer. When complete, the entire system
will consist of 53 station locations, with a total of 13,000 antennas
strategically placed in an area nearly 248 miles in diameter.

The overall receiving system is expected to provide sensitive, high-resolution
images of a region of the sky hundreds of times larger than that of a full moon.
Investigators believe that these images could reveal radio signals coming from
planets outside our solar system, and thus would turn out to be a new way to
detect these worlds. In addition to planets, the telescope will hopefully
reveal a host of other cosmic phenomena.

The University of New Mexico is the lead researcher in this project,. NASA's
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California is providing the advanced
digital electronic systems, which represent a major component of the observatory


This Ham Radio specific site, "Ham Radio Nation" is a Social Networking Site,
sorta akin to Facebook and such but specifically for Ham Radio.

It has loads of things to do, along with meeting lots of other hams, like
blogging, forums, an awards program, classified ads, propogation info, an
always current contest calendar, chat rooms, product reviews, and more.

Do yourself a favour. Check it out! You can find it:

(Dave WB4IUY)


Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.

Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160

World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160

World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160

Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227

Calling Frequencies for PSK31


The American Radio Relay League and the Boy Scouts of America have officially
tied the knot of cooperation between the two groups. Amateur Radio Newsline's
Michael Grebert said:

"After working together for nearly a century to provide Scouts with the ability
to learn radio communication skills, Boy Scouts of America and the American
Radio Relay League have officially teamed up by signing a memorandum of
understanding. This document designates the ARRL as a key resource for K2BSA
and Radio Merit Badge training at the BSA National Scout Jamboree and
establishes the ARRL as the go-to source for Scouts interested in learning about
and becoming involved in radio communication.

In addition to its National Scout Jamboree involvement, ARRL will continue to
promote participation in the annual Jamboree on the Air event. ARRL will also
serve as contributing editor to the Radio Merit Badge publication, will assist
with the review, creation and modification of requirements as necessary, and
will assist in developing course material, lesson plans, and other resources for
teaching the Radio Merit Badge to Scouts. ARRL also will contribute to the
content of the Electricity, Electronics, and Emergency Preparedness and
Communications merit badge publications.

As its part of this strategic alliance, the Boy Scouts of America will encourage
Scouts and Scouters to become familiar with opportunities for public and
community service. It will also foster learning and personal growth through
involvement in Amateur Radio.

Boy Scouts of America Chief Scout Executive Bob Mazzuca and ARRL President
Kay Craigie , N3KN, launched the partnership by holding a truly unique wireless
communications meeting. Mazzuca joined Craigie virtually during an Internet
video conference and document-signing ceremony. From separate locations, the
pair also took the opportunity to talk about the importance of each organization
to the ongoing development of the other. (arnewsline)


Kurrajong Radio Museum - Wyong Field Day.

So your listening in the Gosford area this weekend?

Don't forget to visit the Kurrajong Radio Museum display at the Wyong Field Day.

This year the display will be all about VK2 amateur Radio History.

Have you ever wondered who the earlier hams were, what their callsigns were or
where they lived? Data will be on show covering the period of 1911 to 1961.

You may even find earlier holders of your callsign!

Limited copies of the data will also be available on CD at the Field Day and
later at the Museum.

Also on show will be a selection of photographs from the Pierce Healy
collection, this time featuring activities at Dural around 1960.

There is a great photo of the 809 tent, but they weren't selling valves!

(mmm 809? Now I know 807 was beer... ahhh those VK2 yuppies! 809's must
have been the Chardonnay tent! hihi...ed)

Perhaps you could help in naming the young lad assisting in erecting a VHF
antenna - He assures me he no longer looks like that.

Please call in and say hello,

(Ian O'Toole VK2ZIO Kurrajong Radio Museum).



Feb 27 vk2 Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Ham Fest at Wyong
Start Time : Gates open 6.30 am

Feb 27 vk3 YARRA VALLEY HAMFEST at Gary Cooper Pavilion 16 Anzac Av
Yarra Glen. Opens 10am-2pm.
( www//

Mar 13 vk3 EMDRC White Elephant Sale Heathmont.

Mar 20 vk7 MEET THE VOICE BBQ "Ross Caravan Park".

Apr 2 - 3 vk4 Bunya Mts & District AmCom and SCARC Somerset Dam Camp Out.
( 0488 687 649 )

Apr 9 vk6 Hills Amateur Radio Group HARGFEST at club rooms Lesmurdie.
(HARGFEST. ie, hamfest run by HARG)

Apr 18 WW "Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social network"
World Amateur Radio Day, April 18 and WIA Field Day.

May 27-29 WIA AGM Weekend in Darwin

Jun 10-12 VK4 Far North and North Queensland Amateur Radio Gathering at
King Reef Resort Kurrimine Beach.

Jul 16 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest
Cranbourne Community Hall 10am ( )

Jul 31 VK2/3 Riverina Field Day 10am at Lavington Scout Group Hall.

Aug 7 VK2 Lismore region - SARCFEST

Sep 23-28 R3 Region 3 ARDF Championship Bendigo VK3

Nov 20 vk5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood at 0930.
Visit for contact details


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

MAY 3-18 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (


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Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.



© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)