Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
email nationalnews@wia.org.au
http://www.wia.org.au (click news in member area) Submit your audio news
TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA
Please.. If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links & url's.
Dormant frequency allocation eyed.
Southeast Queensland Microwave Day today.
3 hams killed by pirates.
Another look at Amateur Radio magazine
Amateur Television history made.
Amateur Television history made.
On Wednesday evening, 23 February 2011, Digital Amateur Television signals from
Victoria were received in the northwest of VK7 by Winston VK7EM.
After noting the band conditions improving with a lift in the 70cm beacon
strength and the appearance of Community TV Channel 31, Winston monitored
VK3RTV, the Melbourne Digital ATV repeater.
At around 5.30pm colour bars appeared.
Then with liaison with Peter VK3BFG on 147.4 MHz simplex, who had made sure the
repeater was activated, live pictures were organized, with Peter proudly
showing off his equipment with a very professional 'on camera' appearance.
Word spread and other stations Neil VK3BCU, John VK3DQ, and Jack VK3WWW
joined in.
At one stage there were two independent pictures arriving, John 3DQ on one
channel, VK3RTV1 and Peter 3BFG on VK3RTV2, and both in contact with each
8.00PM signals on VK3RTV began to fade. It was then that a separate receiver
monitoring 1250Mhz suddenly came to life with a perfect colour bar signal.
A call on 2 metres established that it was Rob, VK3TRX who chatted and then
held up a 10 gig. antenna he will use in an upcoming ATV field day.
These pictures on 23 centimetres analogue FM, became quite noise free.
The equipment used by Winston consisted of home-brew yagis on each band to a
K7MEM design, masthead mounted pre-amplifiers designed by VK5EME, fed into a
Teac SDB451 Digital Set Top Box on 70 centimetres, while for 23 centimetres a
Drake ESR 700 satellite receiver.
Read more on WIA Front Page News, wia.org.au
Dormant allocation eyed.
iTnews.com.au have a story worth a read on how Telstra has called on the ACMA
to reclaim 1452 TO 1492 MHz, reserved for digital radio, advocating its return
for use by point-to-point microwave services.
It was in an important spectral band for Telstra, which used the 1.5 GHz band
to deploy microwave systems for telephony services to meet its universal
service obligations in remote and low-density areas.
Telstra was of the view that the continued reservation of the DAB spectrum
should be reviewed against the ACMA's spectrum management principles. World DAB
reports about 212,000 digital radio receivers had been sold in Australia. Most
services were deployed in VHF Band III spectrum, not 1.5 GHz.
Go to iTnews.com.au for the full story.
President Michael Owen VK3KI president@wia.org.au
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD vk2asd@wia.org.au
Secretary Geoff Atkinson VK3AFA secretary@wia.org.au
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ vk3pz@wia.org.au
The WIA has announced the resignation of Geoff Atkinson VK3TL as WIA Secretary
and the appointment of Sarah Thompson VK3AUD as the new Secretary.
Geoff has been secretary since February 2008.
Geoff has played a very important role as secretary, in particular in relation
to finding our current building, negotiating the lease and ultimately its
WIA President Michael Owen said that he very much regretted the resignation of
VK3TL who has been forced to resign as WIA Secretary because he believes that
his health no longer allows him the time to do the job to the level he believes
is necessary.
"Geoff will still look after the inwards QSL's.
Sarah Thompson VK3AUD, recently retired from Telstra, at a senior technical
position at the IP Networks, Global Operations Centre at Clayton
she has also spent a year with the Antarctic Division as a Radio Officer at
Macquarie Island.
Oh and I see on her CV vk3aud Sara holds a Black Belt in Taekwondo!
Members will be able to meet Sarah at the WIA Annual Conference in Darwin.
Read more on WIA Front Page News, wia.org.au
WIA Extends Emergency Communications Training
The WIA's training scheme for Emergency Communications Operators is proving
to be a great success. 58 radio amateurs have now completed the training and
almost 100 additional radio amateurs are registered for upcoming training sessions.
Building on this success, the WIA is now extending the Emcomms training scheme to
all Australian radio amateurs, both members and non-members of the WIA, and to
all WIA affiliated clubs. We believe this training scheme is important for
amateur radio in Australia, and that we must treat all groups on an equal basis.
However, as all WIA members have all contributed to the development of
this training system, with more than $7,000 from members funds already spent
on the project, it's only right that non-members should pay an amount which
fully covers the cost of their training. The charge for the Emcomms training
for WIA members is $30 inc. GST, and the charge for people who are not WIA members
is $65 inc. GST. That way, member's fees will not be used for the benefit of
non-members. We believe that is only fair.
All non-members applying for training will be given a 6 month temporary
non-voting membership of the WIA, including 6 mail-outs of AR magazine and
other WIA member services. We have done this for two reasons: firstly, because
we require them to be covered by the WIA insurance scheme they need to be a member
to be calculated in the insurance premium the WIA pays each year, and secondly,
quite frankly we are also using this as an opportunity to identify active amateurs
and promote WIA membership.
For those who have completed their training and have been assessed as competent,
WIA Accreditation is the next step. I will tell you more about WIA accreditation
as a Volunteer Communications Operator in a few weeks. For more information on
the WIA Emergency Communications Training Scheme, and to apply for the training,
visit the WIA website at www.wia.org.au and click on Members Area and then
Emergency Training.
We sincerely hope as many people as possible will take up this opportunity.
This is Phil Wait, VK2ASD, for the WIA
Tune-in to the world Amateur Radio gets people talking
Available to both radio clubs and individuals is the WIA National Field Day
on Sunday 17 April, marking World Amateur Radio Day.
There's a hook ready-made for local publicity. The first social media in
the world was Amateur Radio and it continues that and many other roles today.
Here is there an opportunity of well-presented and knowledgeable radio amateurs
to support their local club or form a trio of individuals.
Put something back into the hobby you enjoy so much. Promote your local classes
and in a meaningful way put Amateur Radio prominently on display.
Have things looking tidy and in order rather than frighten away prospective
radio amateurs.
Check out the rules and why not register immediately online for the public
relations day on 17 April.
Visit wia.org.au
right now for more details.
ACMA concludes review of 3D TV trials and other emerging technologies but
will continue to consider authorising trials of emerging technologies using
the currently unassigned digital television channels until the end of 2011.
The ACMA also decided that any further trials must be of a short duration, and
broadcasters will be required to give the ACMA undertakings on measures that
will assist consumers to understand that trial broadcasts are temporary and
will only be available in a limited number of locations.'
The ACMA considers it important that when purchasing 3D TV receivers, consumers
understand the current generation of 3D receivers might be not be compatible
with future transmission methods.
The ACMA website has been updated, with a new section on 3D TV setting out the
ACMA approach to further trials.
Stu VK4SDD was calling CQ on 14.240 when a very weak station came back,
Mike was sailing somewhere north of the Philippines heading for Japan,
Mike and Stu exchanged the usual in a QSO then Mike asked if Stu could do him a
It seems his sat phone ( ahh modern consumer technology don't we love it) was
not working and could VK4SDD send an email to his family explaining the sat
phone situation and that they were on track and all was well!
This He did and the next day Stu received a nice reply from WD0NMU's family
thanking and praising amateur radio.
I think this is one huge benefit to our hobby we can have fun and occasionally
help someone!!!
(trec news)
Training course at Dural.
Tomorrow, Monday 7th will be the start of the Amateur Radio New South Wales
license training course. It will be held at the Quarry Road site of ARNSW
in the Sydney suburb of Dural - number 6 3 - and will commence at 7 pm.
The course instructor is Terry VK2UX.
It will be held each Monday evening and Terry expects it could last up to
six months - and says it will be a thorough grounding in all aspects of
theory and operating practice for the hobby of Amateur Radio.
Remember -- the course starts tomorrow evening - at Dural - and listeners
- would you advise anyone you know within range of Dural who would like to
undertake the training .....
Fone the office telephone and leave a message with contact details.
The number is 02 9651 1490.
There are also details www.arnsw.org.au
Look under training and exams.
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.
audio intensive listen now on WWW.WIA.ORG.AU
On Tuesday 1 March WIA news spoke with Richard Smart the AREC
Section Leader for Christchurch and the guy responsible for the post
earthquake AREC operations in the field and asked him the following
1. What has AREC's involvement and function been since the earthquake?
2. What is AREC roll and involvement now?
3. What is AREC's future involvement likely to be?
4. What has AREC accomplished?
Four Americans -- including three Amateur Radio operators -- who were
being held hostage on their yacht by pirates off the coast of Oman have
been killed. Scott Adam, K9ESO, and his wife Jean, KF6RVB, along with
Bob Riggle, KE7IIV, and Phyllis Macay were on board the S/V Quest when
pirates boarded their vessel on Friday, February 18.
Officials were in the process of negotiating for the Americans' release
when gunfire was heard. "As (US forces) responded to the gunfire, reaching and
boarding the Quest, the forces discovered all four hostages had been shot by
their captors."
Codec 2 may not be ready for prime time, but its getting close.
Take a listen.
Codec 2 audio Hear it by downloading the MP3 version of this weeks newscast
at www.wia.org.au
That was just a snippet of a long conversation between Bruce Robertson VE9QRP,
in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada holding forth with Paul Saville, ZL3IN,
in Christchurch, New Zealand using Codec2.
For those unaware, Codec 2 is an open source alternative to both D-Star and
P25 that's being developed by a group of volunteers all around the world. The
idea behind Codec 2 is to provide a single, free, software-based digital voice
encode and decode system that would not require any proprietary firmware as
is found in most other current digital voice systems. And as you can hear,
even in this Internet-only QSO being held by two hams half a world apart, the
quality is quite extraordinary. Likely on a par with all the systems
available to hams today. Listen as ZL3IN describes his current career to
Codec 2 audio Hear it by downloading the MP3 version of this weeks newscast
at www.wia.org.au
More about Codec 2 is on-line at Codec2.org
The complete QSO between VE9QRP and ZL3IN is at tinyurl.com/codec2video
International Marconi Day
International Marconi Day takes place this year on Saturday 30th April.
Here in Ireland the Howth Martello Radio Group will be participating once
again as an award station using the call-sign EI0MAR.
EI7JC Aian Noone IRTS News has details
"This is not a contest but there are several nice awards available for working
the officially listed stations, each of which has an historic connection with
The event is organised by the Cornish Amateur Radio Club.
For more information please visit the club's website
EI0MAR operates from the Martello Tower overlooking the East Pier in Howth.
The tower now houses a vintage radio museum. In 1905 the British Post Office
carried out wireless telegraphy experiments at the tower in Howth using
Marconi equipment.
Visitors are always welcome at the museum and the group hopes to see many
visitors during the IMG event in April. The HMRG's website is
www.ei0mar.org where a free information booklet in PDF format can be
The North Cork Radio Group are pleased to announce that they will be active
from the Marconi Signal Station at Goleen, Mizen Head, West Cork, where Marconi
sent many of his first test transmissions to America.
Further details will be posted nearer the event, however, please pencil the
day free if you'd like to attend or work the station. The Official call sign
for the event will be EI-0-IMD and it is hoped we will be excepted on the
official International Marconi Day Awards Program.
EI7JC Aidan Noone IRTS News."
VK Club Bulletins http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aarnie/
Another look at Amateur Radio magazine
Themed this month is the WIA Centenary Year in Review. A striking composite
front cover design, inside-back cover display and a review of the 100th
anniversary celebrations.
The comprehensive article captures the essence of the year-long celebration
which included a special callsign and the Centenary Award. A highlight was the
AGM, which included the day at Dick Smith's wonderful country retreat.
The article discusses the planning and execution of the many events that were
part of the celebrations. Well worth a read.
Looking ahead, the Darwin Amateur Radio Club President Spud Murphy VK8ZWM
welcomes everyone to the WIA Annual Conference to be held in May this year.
Get your bookings in now.
In technical articles this month is one entitled 'Delta loops and Quad loops
and inverted vee dipoles' presented by Felix Scerri VK4FUQ, must be read by
those who use this type of antenna or are just thinking about it. Felix VK4FUQ
first got into Delta Loops some 20-years ago so has plenty of experience and
knowledge too share.
Also on the technical side is included Building an 80 metre SSB kit radio by
Lyle Wyatt VK5WL and the ubiquitous SDR - A different sort of radio explained
from Hans Smit VK5YX.
Amateur Radio magazine, a WIA membership service, and also available at
selected newsagents.
I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV and you're listening to VK1WIA.
Today in VK4 is the already-announced SouthEast Queensland Microwave Day,
(6th of March)
Doug Friend, VK4OE PRESIDENT of the Brisbane VHF Group says they want to
enable as many folk as possible, amateurs and non-amateurs, to be
able to go and see microwave amateur radio in action.
"Starting just after completion of callbacks to the WIA and QNEWS broadcasts,
you should find a group of us using several bands on Mt Gravatt on Brisbane's
south side, or to Kevin VK4WA's place (several bands operational) at Redbank
Plains in the West, or further West to John VK4JMC's place at Laidley on 1296
and 2403 MHz. On the North side of Brisbane, you can
catch up with Roy, VK4ZQ who will be portable with several microwave bands.
Further North again, Adrian VK4OX will be operational on 2.4 GHz from Maleny,
and Wayne VK4WS will have a number of bands operational from Howell's Knob
also near Maleny.
Operating with low power on 5.7 and 10.3 GHz to the East of Brisbane
(yes, East!) should be Peter VK4EA on the beach at Moreton Island, an unusual
and potentially interesting contact for many to make.
Primary liaison is expected to be via the VHF Group's 'RBN repeater on 147 MHz,
so this repeater will be active on that morning.
Anyone can go to any of these locations to experience the ways of operating,
the challenges and the intense fun of microwave amateur radio."
So again for all the latest, check in on 147.000 in Brisbane after the news!
Please think of the environment before printing this email
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".
Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...
Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.