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WIANEWS FOR WEEK COMMENCING APRIL 3 2011. Produced this week by Amateur Radio
NSW, providing Amateur Radio News for over 50 years, and serving Amateur Radio
since 1910.

Mathew VK2YAP


Terry VK2UX, President of Amateur Radio New South Wales.


Johnm VK2JPM

Richard VK2SKY

More registrations needed in PR day for AR





Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club (CRARC) say that the ACMA VK Licence Fee
will go up to $66.00 on Monday 4th April 2011. The licence variation fee
remains at $41.00.

President Michael Owen VK3KI
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Secretary Sarah Thompson VK3AUD
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

More registrations needed in PR day for AR

With around a dozen clubs or groups indicating they will front up waving
the flag in celebration of World Amateur Radio Day, even greater
participation is required to make it a day of national public relations
for our hobby.

Despite clubs successfully urging that early April be chosen, a period
free from contests and generally warmer weather, far less that of those
expected to have signed up so far.

Unlike anything else on the calendar, World Amateur Radio Day is ideal for
putting our hobby right in the faces of the general public, who either has
not heard of us, or has the totally wrong image.

We have to fight so many other recreational interests to continue with the
claims of being one of the fastest growing hobbies in Australia.

Tune in to the World - Amateur Radio Gets People Talking, is an
opportunity to take our hobby out to the public and show them what it
really has to offer.

It needs a different kind of person to head it up, one who relates easily
with the public of all ages and gender. Someone who knows the hobby, and
can talk about it without jargon.

Simple rules are available on the WIA website

All it needs a publicly accessible venue under a suitable agreement plus
public liability insurance, station equipment, signage and people who are
very presentable and knowledgeable.

Re-useable posters, display boards and uniforms are also available, but be

Remember - World Amateur Radio Day on the 17th of April, get involved, it
only needs three or more to form a public station.



The WIA and the Darwin Amateur Radio club want to invite you to Darwin,
Australia's Northern Tropical capital for the WIA Annual Conference being
held over the weekend of 27, 28, 29th of May at Mirrambeena Resort .

A welcome dinner by the sea at the Beautiful Darwin Trailer Boat Club on
Friday night.

Saturday morning for the Annual General Meeting and forums.

Saturday afternoon will see presentations based around Technology for the
bush and life in the top end.

The conference dinner on Saturday night at the lovely Treetops restaurant
finishes off the Saturday events.

For Partners we have set up a tour of some special places in Darwin led by
the team from The DARC side.

On Sunday we are going to Litchfield National Park. Bring your togs and swim
or just cool off in the pristine water falls and rock holes. Take a look at
the magnetic anthill phenomenon, and join in a barbecue lunch at the very
pretty Wangi falls.

Sunday evening why not join DARC for tea at the famous Mindil Markets and
watch a beautiful sunset over Fannie bay whilst eating your choice of
specialty food from one of the many different food stalls.

So why not register on the wia website now and come to Darwin for a great
weekend of fun and fellowship with fellow Amateurs.
Register now on book your tickets and we will see you here on
the 27th of may 2011.

This is Spud on behalf of the Wia and the Darwin amateur radio club.


web service:-
VKG Roundup

Urunga Radio Convention 2010

Urunga Radio Convention is on again this Easter weekend, Saturday 23 and Sunday
24 April at the 'Senior Citizens Hall', Bowra Street, Urunga.

The longest running Fox Hunt Field Day in Australia. Two days of 'Fox Hunting',
quizzes, raffles, and pre loved gear and displays.

Inquiries welcome.

C.H.A.D.A.R.C. will cater for lunches again this year. Free tea and coffee will
be available for those registering. Numbers are required for the optional meal
on Saturday night at the Bowling Club - please notify the Committee.

The old cups from the early days are on display at the convention, and other
times at the 'Ocean View Hotel', where some of the early conventions were held.
An adjoining lounge is available for those that want to get away from the

'Urunga' is a quiet village ideally suited to 'Fox hunting'. It is a very
relaxing environment on the Kalang River, and has old style charm, which is
ideal for families.

Close by is Coffs Harbour and Bellingen, or perhaps a drive on 'Waterfall Way'
to Dorrigo and the National Park Skywalk, picnic areas and lookouts.

Visit the golf or bowling clubs, or walk to the ocean on the meandering
footbridge for a spot of 'surf fishing'.

Check the 'Urunga Radio Convention'

Ken Golden VK2DGT for URC -

While in VK2, here's the latest from Amateur Radio NSW....

"Hello Listeners, I'm Terry VK2UX, President of Amateur Radio New South Wales.

The Annual General Meeting of Amateur Radio New South Wales will be held in the
Centenary Builiding at our offical station, VK2WI Dural. Its on Saturday 16th
April, starting at ten am.

Our special guest will be Michael Owen, VK3KI, President of the National WIA.

I invite all members to come along, meet your new Councillors, and just have a
catch up and some lunch in the pleasant surrounds of VK2WI.

Then on Sunday 17th, we are opening up the VK2WI site to the public, as part of
the WIA National Field Day.

But before all that - next weekend, the 9th and 10th of april, we will be
conducting the second part of the WIA Emergency Communications Training course.
Its also being held at VK2WI in the Centenary Building.

That's all from me; 73 and I look forward to seeing you at the AGM.


THE Royal Australian Air Force celebrated its 90th birthday this week
and some 60 antique and historic aircraft from across Australia
descended on the Ballarat Airport for the birthday.

Why Ballarat?

RAAF director of regional events, Air Commodore Rod Luke, said
Ballarat Airport was previously the Wireless Air Gunners School
and also School of Radio, until its operations were shifted to
Laverton in 1961.

web service local audio news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

TARC Does the WIA National Field Day

The WIA National Field Day will be happening on Sunday April 17th and
theTARCinc will be setting up displays of different aspects of Amateur Radio
on the northern side of the Sturt Street headland on The Strand from around

Hams are STILL needed to help with this activity to publicise the worthwhile
hobby of Amateur Radio to the wider community so if you are in the region
get along to wave the flag and have some fun as well !

VK4 SILENT KEYS @ 2010 - 2011 QAC YEAR

VK4MWT Tom Bowden November 14 2010 Advised by Gavin VK4ZZ
VK4SS Alan Shawsmith November 23 2010 Advised by Stephen VK4JSS
VK4CK Colin King December 30 2010 Advised by Gary VK4AR
VK4AMO Mike O'Callaghan January 02 2011 advised by Dale VK4DMC
VK4HER Dawn Sebbens January 09 2011 advised by Margaret VK4AOE
VK4YNL Egon Frangenheim January 19 2011 advised by Gordon VK4VP
VK4DI Len Effeney February 01 2011 advised by Clive VK4ACC
VK4CAU Frank Sleep March 24 2011 advised by Gavin VK4ZZ

Frank Sleep VK4CAU has gone Silent Key.

Frank passed away in Maryborough QLD on Thursday March 24th following a
massive heart attack. He was only 66 years old and has gone well before
his time.

Frank was renown throughout the land as a Master Cook, was in demand
with droving and shearing teams as the Cookie they wanted.

Frank honed his cooking skills on the land and with time served in
the Australian Army Catering Corps, including a stint with
85 Transport Platoon RAASC in Vietnam during the early Seventies.

To quote Nick Quigley VK4CNQ OAM,
He was the best cook of corned meat that I know of.

While he was in Rockhampton he was the cook at the now closed ANZAC Club -

When not doing quality cooking for the masses, Frank had a bit of an interest
in radio and technology.

Frank was one of the founding members of the HF Radio Club Inc.
and was one of the technical stalwarts behind the success of the
Selective Call project. Frank was also a beta-tester for the new range
of Barrett HF radio equipment now hitting the market.

Frank was also a pioneer of APRS and Packet Radio in Australia, teaming
up with the likes of Ron Graham VK4BRG and Wally Watkins VK4DO to
explore the technical and operational sides of these modes.

Frank was always available to help anyone out with a technical problem,
helping them to find the answers in a kind and supporting way.

He also supported many WICEN and Communications Support events run by various
Amateur Radio Clubs and was a participant in the WIA Counter Disaster
Operations Training course held in North Queensland during May 2010.

Those of you who knew Frank and want to send him off in the best way possible
are invited to attend Franks funeral at the Rockhampton Crematorium,
this coming Monday April 4th, commencing at 1-30pm.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to XYL Hazel and family at this time of grief.

We are all still coming to terms with his passing.

Vale Frank Sleep VK4CAU -

we have lost a good bloke.

( Gavin VK4ZZ )

Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP and I've been thinking.

For us the amateur radio fraternity, the ease of passing messages perhaps is
regarded as too easy. We have all these means of getting the message through
from CW, voice, video and digital text and so on. Of course, this is a great
selling point of our hobby when explaining about amateur radio to other
interest groups or individually.

There is a caution given when one of our number volunteers for a task. This may
be editing the club newsletter, doing maintenance on club equipment or giving
a presentation. That caution is don't expect to get much feedback from your own

This seems to be part of the counter-productive attitude that pervades many
areas today. On the internet, it seems easier, for some to flame than to
congratulate. Letter writing has largely disappeared in favour of email.

For the team building and personal development advisors, the "hug" is a greater
motivator than the kick in the rear. I received some personal feedback recently
which was warmly received. Feedback should be personal but it doesn't have
to be face to face.

Let's keep our hobby strong and "hug" an amateur for a job
well done. You might even get a warm glow yourself.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?

(audio uploaded)


or, by E-mail to

Bring your car, bring your trailer. Weather permitting, I'll bring my bike.

This is Stuart VK4MSL, announcing the Brisbane Amateur Radio Club's
BARCfest, to be held Saturday 7th May at the Mt. Gravatt Show grounds,
1600 Logan Road, Upper Mt. Gravatt. Doors open 9:30AM and admission is $7.00.

For people wishing to sell at BARCfest, there is still time to book a
table. Contact Les VK4SO on 3343 7247, email, or see
the website:

Redcliffe and District Radio Club

Hi this Is David vk4pdr for the Redcliffe and districts amateur radio club.

Wednesday's at 7.30 pm local time we hold a trivia night on our 70 cm repeater
438.325 and don't forget the 91.5 kHz tone for access.

It is a fun night for those that join in and the prize for winning is that
you get to be next weeks trivia master!

so all of you amateurs out there with inquiring minds and wishing to join in
on a fun night for a hour or so come and join us.

IRLP NODE 6973 ;
Secretary Clive 4928 1173

Greetings from Rockhampton and District amateur Radio Club, the RADAR Club.

This is Les VK4VIL.

The RADAR Club has held its Annual General Meeting at the city's SES building,
with a good rollup of approximately 50 financial members and a new executive
elected for 2011.

Long time member and Past President from 2009, Mike VK4LMB was elected to the
top position. For the time being, Mike will also be the voice and station
operator for RADAR on Sunday call-back.

Another well known operator, John, VK4AJS becomes Vice President and has
commenced as Assets Officer, Gary VK4GZA has probably the most unrewarding
job in many aspects, according to a lot of people, that of Treasurer but will
no doubt do a great job.

VK4JYM Jim moves from interim Secretary to the appointment of Secretary and
looks forward to a strong year.

The RADAR club continues to build its calendar on the 2011 annual events with
the annual Clairview get together, comms for the Central Queensland Rally
Championships and the International Lighthouse Weekend at Cape Capricorn
already on paper.

I'm Les VK4VIL, assisting Media Liaison Officer Clive VK4ACC, on behalf of
the Rockhampton and District Radio Club

local area news :-
vk7 local news, email

Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania Inc.

April Presentation - Antarctic Telecommunications

The REAST presentation for April will be on next Wednesday 6th at 7:30pm
and will be on Antarctic Telecommunications given by Peter Yates and
Ian McLean who run telecommunications for the Australian Antarctic Division.

AAD Headquarters in Kingston is venue MAKE A MENTAL NOTE ON PAPER NOW!

If you DO intend to get along then please let Warren VK7FEET know by calling
him on R2/R5 or calling him on phone, the number is in the text edition
this week, best read at

0428 927 736

(73, REAST Committee)


The Hornsby and Districts Amateur Radio Club will be running an exam session
on the morning of Saturday 16th April at Waitara in northern Sydney, for all
grades of licence. Please notify the Club by 8th April as this allows time
for the exam papers can be ordered. The best way is via the form at:

The club generally meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month,
however as the 26th is a catch-up holiday for ANZAC Day calling on
Easter Monday, there will be no formal meeting this month.

(Julian Sortland, VK2YJS, Publicity Officer, HADARC)

Training, Education & Assessment

Congratulations to Damien VK7HDS who has upgraded to the Advanced licence and
completed the assessments and requirements.

If you are in VK7 and are interested in undertaking an amateur radio exam
and/or training and this could be for foundation, standard, advanced,
regulations or practical then contact Reg VK7KK on 0417 391 607

or email on

(73, Reg VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

Japan triple disaster the latest

As misery continues since the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident hit
north-eastern Japan on 11 March, the police death toll has reached 11,603
dead and 17,258 missing.

The headquarters station of the Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) in Tokyo,
JA1RL became a disaster communication centre in the days immediately after
the disaster.

International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 3 Secretary, Ken Yamamoto
JA1CJP reports that they transmitted rescue requests including the needs
of refugee centre facilities down to the basics of electricity, water and
gas supplies.

Ken JA1CJP said that hand-held VHF and UHF transceivers are now being
delivered to the local disaster relief centres.

The equipment is being used to establish VHF/UHF networks for refugee centres
and local disaster relief, he said.

HF communications for disaster relief are still being operated occasionally
by some volunteer radio amateurs, but JARL HQ stations were off the air by
Friday, 25 March.

JARL expresses its appreciation to all radio amateurs for their cooperation
to keep 7.030MHz clear for disaster relief communications, said Ken JA1CJP.

While relief efforts continue, concerns are still being expressed about the
crippled Fukushima plant that is the worst nuclear accident in Japan's history.
The crisis has still not been overcome.
Its a worrying time for the plant damaged by the earthquake and tsunami
measuring 8.9 on the Ritcher scale and the worst for that nation in 140-years.

(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman, IARU Region 3, Disaster Communications Committee)


The National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) Time and
Frequency Division is conducting a survey to learn more about its
users, seeking to determine how the agency can make its services more
useful in the future. NIST services include WWV, WWVH and WWVB, which
provide reference time and frequency signals via radio. The NIST also
provides the Internet Time Service -- which provides accurate time
synchronization to computer systems -- and several other services to
offer accurate time information via telephone or web pages. Radio
amateurs are encouraged to complete the survey.

Read more here


Apr 23 ZL/VK 2011 VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT 80 metres

Apr 30 WW Marconi Day 2011

Apr 30 ZL/VK 2011 VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT 40 metres

News from the ANZAC Front

AM and CW on air event on ANZAC Day

Looking for a way to commemorate ANZAC Day on amateur radio ?

Well apart from checking into the Harry Angel Memorial Sprint
there is another, more relaxing way on the day.

Several nets will be run on 40 and 80 metres using AM or CW to commemorate

The Townsville Amateur Radio Club Inc. will again be operating the
Club Station from the Club Rooms which are situated in a World War 2
RAAF Communications Centre.

Participants in the Friendly Afternoon Net on 7115kHz from 0600UTC on
ANZAC Day will be using using Amplitude Modulation, one of the two modes of
modulation used by ANZACS during World War 2, the Korean War, the
Malaysian conflict and insurrection and the early part of the Viet Nam war.

The TC57A TCSWAT team including Bekir TA2RX, Tevfik TA1HZ and a host of others
will be operating portable from one of the hills overlooking ANZAC
Cove during the ANZAC weekend. Operations will include CW and SSB.

Operators will be activating VK4RAN onboard museum ship HMAS
Diamantina in Brisbane.

There are lots of other nets and operators keen to be onboard with AM
or CW for this special way to further remember fallen ANZACS.

If you want to join in or find out more about this fine ANZAC Day
event please contact Mike Patterson VK4MIK, on

From Denis Johnstone Contest Manager for the John Moyle Memorial Field Day.

"So far I have received about 70 logs and there has been plenty of contesting
completed during the contest.

Of course having taken part in the contest, which in many cases required you
to plan your site, pack and transport, your accommodation, food and equipment.

Then to set up your station.

This was followed by up to 24 hours operation, after which you had to pack up
your station and return to your home QTH.

It would be such a shame if you were not to complete the process of completing
your log and getting it to me. You can use electronic or snail mail, and the
full details are on the Contest Page on

Your log is very important to you, but it is also very important to others as
it is with this information I am able to verify the logs of other stations.

So make sure you complete your log and get it to me before the closing date
of April 22nd 2011."

(above in text editions only)


World Amateur Radio Day
"Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social network."

Members of DXXE, Mexican Contest and DX group, will activate 4A 0 IARU
between April 18-24 to celebrate World Amateur Radio Day on April 18th
and the 86th anniversary of the founding of the IARU.
QSL via N7RO.

(No word still as to a call sign by our WIA.)


John Fisher VK3DQ writes, and I quote

"The VK7DI activation of Deal Island IOTA OC 195 has been rescheduled for
October 2011

After waiting in the marina for six days for a suitable weather forecast
We sailed on Saturday 26th at 5am

At approx 10am we were forced to turn round and seek shelter at Cowes
Philip Island. Seas in Bass Strait were above 6mtrs and were very confused.
We waited at Cowes and checked marine forecasts Which changed from the
expected 1--2 mrs declining to half a mtr to Very Rough conditions and a
gale warning!

We them motor sailed to Watsons Passage in Westernport Bay where we tied
up to a mooring and considered our options whilst waiting for the time
before entering the marina at Yaringa

As a number of our team members were running out of their time allocated
to be away and considering the ongoing weather forecast we decided to
reschedule the trip for October we are disappointed that we did not
make it this time but safety of our team must come first.

We will post some pictures of the "Big Waves" on our QRZ website in due
course, and many thanks to all the stations who contacted us over the six days
whilst we waited."


The September 2011 Timor-Leste DXpedition has now received its callsign - 4W6A
- from ARCOM, the licensing authority in Dili. The team is very grateful to
ARCOM for issuing this special one-letter callsign for use on the DXpedition.

The DXpedition has a website, at, which includes profiles of the
team members, propagation predictions and lots of information about
Timor-Leste and Atauro Island, the location of the DXpedition.

Unfortunately, Franck, VK8FNCY, has had to withdraw from the DXpedition due
to health reasons. His place has been taken by Tim, M0URX, and Ant, MW0JZE.
Oliver, MW0JRX, is now resident in Darwin and has recently received his
Australian callsign, VK8DX. The other team members remain Stuart, VK8NSB;
Steve, 9M6DXX, and John, 9M6XRO. As the team now comprises six operators,
we have increased the number of stations from three to four.

The group is requesting donations from DX clubs and individuals who wish to
help, in order to cover the high cost of generator hire, fuel for the
generators and the boat charter to and from the island. There is a "Donations"
page on the 4W6A website. Payments may be made by credit or debit card
(you do not need to have a PayPal account yourself in order to make a

4W6A will be QRV from Atauro Island (IOTA OC-232), Timor-Leste (East Timor),
from 16 to 26 September 2011. Activity will be on all bands 10 to 160 metres,
using CW, SSB and RTTY. The QSL manager is M0URX, direct (SAE plus 1 IRC / $2),
via the bureau, or LoTW. The entire log will be uploaded to LoTW as soon as
possible after the end of the operation or, if possible, even during the
DXpedition. QSL's may also be requested using the QSL request form on the


Steve, 9M6DXX (4W6A Team Member)

Stuie, VK8NSB (4W6SB)

Philippines / USA special event stations

Remembering the 69th anniversary of the 'Bataan Death March', the amateur
radio special event station 4 D 69 DM will be activated at Mount Samat in
Bataan on Luzon Island on April 9.

The "Death March of Bataan" was a Japanese war crime and took place in the
Philippines in 1942.

Another special event station operated from the USA for this event back on
March 27, K5B by the "Mesilla Valley Radio Club" in Las Cruces/New Mexico.

The preferred frequencies will be in SSB on 3893, 7225, 14330 and 21337 kHz
and in PSK on 14070 kHz.

VK Club Bulletins

Update of WIA News Broadcasts and Relays

The WIA National and VK7Regional News are broadcast from the station of VK7AX
at 9.00 AM & 8.00PM Sundays and 11.00 AM Monday on the following:-

6M. Repeater VK7RTV on 53.775 (IRLP 6124)
2M. Repeater VK7RTV on 146.775 (IRLP 6616)
70Cm. ATV on 444.250 Vision / 449.750 Sound in the Ulverstone Area
with the ATV program now available via Video streaming at

Programs are simultaneously fed to the EchoLink Network on VK7AX-L Node 100478
ALLstar Node 27328
& Link Gateway EchoLink VK7AX-R Node 152375

In addition to the WIA News Broadcasts, Amateur Radio Related Broadcasts are
produced and broadcast via the these chanels, frequencies and VOIP services
at 8.00 PM daily with a repeat at 11.00 hours the following day.

73 until next time
Tony VK7AX
President - North West Tas. ATV Group


Another famed radio transmitting site has been decommissioned.

This one is owned by the British Broadcasting Company and is not one
very many on this side of the world know about.

Unless you are a WIA listener/reader living in Europe or are a truly devoted
low frequency DX'er, you likely have never heard of the BBC's transmitter site
at Ordfordness.

It's an operation that sat on 648 KHz with a five tower array beamed to
Europe. And that's what makes the signal from Ordfordness such a great catch
for medium wave D-X listeners.

But all that ended March 27th. That's when the BBC switched off this
transmitter site for good.

But its demise will not go undocumented.

As a historical note, Jonathan Marks, G-8-W-G-N, has released a short
documentary that traces the history of the Ordfordness transmitter site
from its inception. Marks, who was the former producer and host of the
famed Radio Netherlands Media Network program is joined by Ordfordness
radio engineer Andy Matherson who explains the way in which the site operated.

It's a great tour of a historic moment in European medium wave broadcast
radio. You can experience it for yourself on line at

Another sad moment in broadcast history, but one that Jonathan Marks, G8WGN,
has taken the time to preserve.


2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz

Expedition 27 launch - NASA TV coverage

The Russian Federal Space Agency has adjusted the launch date for the next
three residents of the International Space Station to Monday, April 4
(April 5 in Baikonur, Kazakhstan).

The new date enables engineers in Baikonur to complete their checkouts of the
Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft. The launch date was set after a thorough review of
Soyuz systems by Russian space officials and engineers.

Russian cosmonaut and Soyuz Commander Alexander Samokutyaev, NASA Flight
Engineer Ron Garan and Russian Flight Engineer Andrey Borisenko are scheduled
to launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome at 5:18 p.m. CDT on April 4
(4:18 a.m. Baikonur time on April 5).

The launch will occur less than a week before the 50th anniversary of
Yuri Gagarin's historic flight from the same Baikonur launch pad to become
the first human to fly in space.

For NASA Television streaming video, downlink and schedule information, visit:

NASA ordered its comet-hunting Stardust probe to burn its remaining fuel,
setting off a series of events that shut down the spacecraft after a 12-year
career. From launch until final rocket engine burn, Stardust travelled
approximately 3.54 billion miles.

Engineers gave the order from Lockheed Martin's Denver complex, where Stardust
was built.

Stardust performed one last experiment by telling engineers how much fuel
was left. That will tell them how accurate their fuel calculations were and
help with the design of future probes.

Stardust was launched in 1999. It completed its primary mission in 2004 by
flying through a cloud of dust and gas enveloping the Wild 2 comet and
capturing samples. Those were sent to Earth for study via a parachute-equipped

Spacecraft don't carry fuel gauges because they don't work in zero gravity.


Eclipses are back for AO-51, and the length is increasing every day.

According to AO-51 Command Station, Mark Hammond, N8MH, eclipses are now
lasting about 1 to 2 minutes per pass. They are expected to increase in
length pretty fast, gaining a minute every day or two over the coming weeks
and month.

AO-51 is still running under power management in single transmitter mode on
the 435.300 MHz downlink running approximately 1 point 3 watts. The satellite
will be off during eclipses and probably right before and after. You'll
probably still hear the transmitter cycling off and on around eclipse times
but most voice users will appreciate the stronger signals.

AO-51 be in this mode until further notice. (ANS)


AMSAT-China Chief Executive Officer Alan Kung, BA1DU reports that his group
is organizing an expedition to southwest China. This, for EME experiments
and amateur satellite communications.

The expedition team will use the special technology experiments amateur radio
call sign BJ8TA. The group will also be active on the available satellites
during the expedition period.


Greenland IOTA operation

Graham, G4MFX, will be in Greenland for work purposes and plans to operate as
OX/G4MFX when possible, but very limited from the following dates and
locations / IOTAs:

NA-018 - Sisimiut; Now until April 9th
NA-018 - Ilulissat; between April 10-15th
NA-134 - Aasiaat; between April 16-18th

Operations are anticipated to take place from a hotel or in the countryside
from a car.

Operations will be SSB only.


(see Qrz.COM for details).

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

At 10:04 AM PDT on March 21, Rex Weinheimer, KC5AGO, of Stonewall,
Texas -- a member of the Maritime Mobile Service Net (MMSN) -- heard
and responded to a "weak and broken MAYDAY call." The call was from the
sailing vessel Gloria Jean, a 30 foot sailboat that was in the Pacific
Ocean about 120 miles west of Ensenada, Mexico. Weinheimer heard the
distress call on 14.300 MHz, a frequency monitored by the MMSN.

MMSN Net Controller Lee Langford, KG4DZN, told the ARRL that through
the combined efforts of several net stations, the net was able to
ascertain the situation and the position of the stricken vessel. MMSN
operators contacted both the US and Mexican Coast Guards and both
services deployed assets to the scene. The US Coast Guard dispatched an
MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter from San Diego and a C-130 Hercules plane from

According to the USCG, the Gloria Jean had no propulsion, food, water or
safety equipment.

Read more here>.



Apr 2 - 3 vk4 Bunya Mts & District AmCom and SCARC Somerset Dam Camp Out.
( 0488 687 649 )

Apr 9 vk6 Hills Amateur Radio Group HARGFEST at club rooms Lesmurdie.
(HARGFEST. ie, hamfest run by HARG)


Apr 18 WW "Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social network"
World Amateur Radio Day, April 18 and WIA Field Day 17TH.

Apr 23-24 VK2 Urunga Radio Convention Senior Citz Hall Bowra street

Apr 30 - May 1 Clareview Gathering contact Clive VK4ACC of RADAR Club
04 2963 2815.

May 7 VK4 Brisbane Amateur Radio Club's BARCfest, Mt. Gravatt Show
grounds, 1600 Logan Road, Upper Mt. Gravatt 9:30AM

May 27-29 WIA AGM Weekend in Darwin

Jun 10 - 12 VK4 Far North and North Queensland Amateur Radio Gathering at
King Reef Resort Kurrimine Beach.

Jun 11 - 12 VK2 Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club annual Field Day

Jul 16 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest
Cranbourne Community Hall 10am ( )

Jul 16 VK4 Maryborough Electronics and Radio Group "Wide Bay Hamfest"
West Scout Hall, Ariadne St, Maryborough 8:30am.

Jul 31 VK2/3 Riverina Field Day 10am at Lavington Scout Group Hall.

Aug 7 VK2 Lismore region - SARCFEST

Sep 11 VK3 SADARC Comms Day at St Augustine's Hall Shepparton 10am.

Sep 16-18 VK4 NQ Amateur Radio Convention Date Set Townsville

Sep 23-28 R3 Region 3 ARDF Championship Bendigo VK3

Sep 30-Oct 2 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM at Camp Fairbairn
CONTACT Secretary Gordon, (

Nov 20 vk5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood at 0930.
Visit for contact details


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

MAY 3-18 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB and read by ARNSW on behalf of the National WIA.



© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)