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President Michael Owen VK3KI
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Secretary Sarah Thompson VK3AUD
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

Rosebud Secondary College, Victoria has just completed exchanging a series
of 18 questions with the International Space Station via amateur radio.

Among the questions, the students asked why a career as an astronaut was
chosen, the training required, the difference in the appearance of the
stars, and whether greenhouse gasses are visible.

"The ISS contact (on Monday 4th April at 09:04 UTC) was an outstanding
success," said Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club Secretary, John Ross

The students with their rehearsed questions probed the thoughts of
astronaut Katy Coleman before an audience at the Arts Centre, which was almost
full with students, parents and friends who were in praise of the event.

John VK3BJR said, "The evening's activities were videotaped by media
studies students at the College along with Jack Braham VK3WWW. Audio of
the contact was transmitted live via SPARC's 2-metre Mt Martha repeater
VK3RSP and the full audio of the evening has also been recorded."

He said the club is indebted to the Australian ARISS Co-ordinator, Tony
Hutchison VK5ZAI for his assistance with the contact and to W6SRJ for
making contact with the ISS.

John VK3BJR said, "The night was capably chaired by SPARC treasurer John
Vardanega VK3BCR, who not only handled the microphone for the contact, but
also answered many questions about the ISS while the large screen in the
auditorium was displaying the space station's orbit."

The nine-minute ARISS contact with the Rosebud Secondary College, will be
followed by a similar contact this Monday by the John XXIII College, Perth
Western Australia.

All is ready for a great public relations event

The WIA National Field Day has more than 20 clubs and groups registered
including each state plus the Northern Territory where the Darwin Amateur
Radio Club is to be at the Rapid Creek Markets.

In VK2 they will set up at Port Macquarie, Dubbo and Dural, VK3 is
registered at Yarra Glen, Lilydale, Syndal, Williamstown and Queenscliff,
for VK4 they come from Manly, Mt Morgan Range, Maryborough, North Ward,
Ipswich and Kippa-Ring.

VK5 has representatives at Gladstone Square in Port Augusta, Mile End and
Murray Bridge, VK6 will be at Kalamunda and Kalgoorlie, while VK7 has
chosen Penguin and Hobart.

Each group has registered on-line for the event that marks World Amateur
Radio Day, celebrated throughout the nation on Sunday the 17th of April.
It's not too late for any group of three or more to secure a public spot
and register.

Have a look at for some guidance and see what, and where,
others intend to set up operating stations available to the public.
Each have been sent a draft media release and the WIA wishes them all success.

Do check the rules. It's time to put up those WIA banners that have proven
themselves as drawcards to portable displays of amateur radio equipment
and experts.

For those who will be at home or out mobile, there's the opportunity for
you to be the friendly voice at the end of the first QSO of a newcomer
looking at what amateur radio has on offer.

Among them are potential recruits to amateur radio - that is what it's all
about. Remember the National Field Day, the 17th of April, next Sunday,
Tune-In to World - Amateur Radio gets people talking.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Spam .. Don't we all just love it !

Everyday .. people out there sending out unsolicited mail trying to trick
people into clicking one link or another and to provide their personal

As we have said before here on WIA National News, if you ever
receive an email claiming to be from the WIA asking for your personal
details, it WILL most definitely be Spam. In ALL cases, the WIA office
will contact you directly (not by email) should they be wish to clarify
anything to do with your membership or your personal details.

WIA Board - news

Hello I'm Bob VK6POP, WIA Director with some news from the Board.

The WIA Board met in Melbourne last weekend at the WIA premises in Bayswater.
On the Saturday afternoon, we welcomed visitors and guests who came to witness
the naming of our headquarters as "Andersson House".

The Board decided on the name to honour Henry Andersson's generous bequest to
the WIA, which enabled the building to be purchased. The naming ceremony was
transmitted on Amateur TV via the local ATV repeater.

The full story and video can be found on the WIA website

Among several important issues discussed and resolved at the Board meeting
was membership fees. While it was found necessary to increase some classes of
fees for the first time since formation of the National WIA, the Board felt it
appropriate to introduce a membership fee concession for full time students
under the age of 25 years. This concession acknowledges that Amateur Radio as
a hobby must look to the future, and the concession was adopted as one way of
encouraging young people to fully participate in Amateur Radio life.

The new student concession membership fee is $35.

My particular interest lies in the area of attracting young people to the
hobby and then encouraging and supporting them to continue. I encourage all
clubs and individuals to examine how they may attract, encourage and support
young people to enter this great hobby.

The Board, in order to enhance communication with the members, have decided
to make regular contributions to the weekly National News. You can expect
to hear from all of the Directors, in turn, week by week, giving you news,
comments and updates on what's happening. I drew the short straw to prepare
something for this week. The directors are looking forward to communicating
with you each week.


This is Sarah Thompson VK3AUD, Secretary of the WIA.

As you know, the WIA Annual Conference is being held over the weekend of
27 to 29th of May at the Mirambeena Resort in Darwin.

Activities commence with a welcome dinner by the sea at the beautiful Darwin
Trailer Boat Club on Friday night.

Saturday morning is for the Annual General Meeting and Open Forum. Although
there is no charge to attend just the AGM and Open Forum, it would help us
with room configuration and catering if you would register nonetheless.

Saturday afternoon will see presentations based around the theme "Technology
for the Bush" and life in the top end. For Partners, we have set up a tour of
some special places in Darwin led by the team from the Darwin Amateur Radio Club.

The conference dinner on Saturday night at the lovely Tree Tops restaurant
finishes off the Saturday events.

On Sunday we are going to Litchfield National Park. Bring your togs and swim or
just cool off in the pristine water falls and rock holes. Take a look at the
magnetic anthill phenomenon, and join in a barbecue lunch at the very pretty
Wangi falls.

Sunday evening event is hosted by the DARC at the famous Mindil Markets, where
we will watch a beautiful sunset over Fannie bay whilst eating our choice of
specialty food from one of the many different food stalls.

I urge you to please go to the WIA website now and register for this fantastic
weekend. Accommodation can be booked at the special rates negotiated by the WIA
by calling the Travelodge Mirambeena on 08 8946 0111 and speaking to Aleishia
Good or Belinda Anthony, quoting the reference "WIA Conference"


web service:-
VKG Roundup

Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club station VK2BOR will participate in the
WIA National Field Day on Sunday the 17th of April. The station will
operate HF and VHF from the Town Green at Port Macquarie

The Annual General Meeting for the Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of
Australia will be held on Wednesday 27th April, 7:30 PM at St. George
Sailing Club, 2 Riverside Drive, Sans Souci NSW

(Catherine Stokes Secretary)

Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia

web service local audio news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

VK4 SILENT KEYS @ 2010 - 2011 QAC YEAR

VK4MWT Tom Bowden November 14 2010 Advised by Gavin VK4ZZ
VK4SS Alan Shawsmith November 23 2010 Advised by Stephen VK4JSS
VK4CK Colin King December 30 2010 Advised by Gary VK4AR
VK4AMO Mike O'Callaghan January 02 2011 advised by Dale VK4DMC
VK4HER Dawn Sebbens January 09 2011 advised by Margaret VK4AOE
VK4YNL Egon Frangenheim January 19 2011 advised by Gordon VK4VP
VK4DI Len Effeney February 01 2011 advised by Clive VK4ACC
VK4CAU Frank Sleep March 24 2011 advised by Gavin VK4ZZ
VK4AB Wayne Bryce April 04 2001 advised by Allan VK4FARB

Silent Key - VK4AB Wayne Bryce

One of the founding members of the Ipswich and District Radio Club went Silent
Key Monday April 4, 2011.

VK4AB Wayne Bryce was born in 1944 at St Andrews Hospital Ipswich.

As a young boy Wayne had a keen interest in amateur radio. This interest was
something he shared with his uncle Ramsay Bryce. Wayne held several call signs
including VK4ZBN and when he obtained his Morse code license he changed to

On the passing of his Uncle Ramsay, Wayne applied and obtained is uncle's call
sign VK4AB. Wayne was a life member of the Ipswich & District Radio Club.
During almost 50 years Wayne held many positions including President through
to elder statesman.

Wayne had several jobs including at RT Edwards in Ipswich as a TV repair man,
but his real passion was 2-way radio. He started at Fred Hoe & Sons at Evans Rd
Salisbury and was their service manager.

In the early 1980s he opened W & J Communications from their home office at
1 Shelley Street Brassall.

Since retirement Wayne became an avid restorer of valve radios.

We all have our own fond memories of him and he will be sadly missed by all.

Wayne's Funeral will be held on Monday 11th April, 2011 at 10.00am in
St Stephens Church Cnr Limestone Street and Gordon Street, Ipswich.

Should you wish to attend, Wayne's Family have requested in lieu of Flowers
we respectfully request donations to be made to the Ipswich and District
Amateur Radio Club as they feel this would respect Wayne's impact on the
contributions he made to the club for over 50 years.

After the service a Wake will be held at Brothers Leagues Club to Celebrate
Wayne's Life.

Wayne is survived by his wife Jeanette, his Father Ian and brother Dale and
family along with children and partners Robert & Julie Bryce,
Sandra & Jason West and Keith Bryce and Tara Liverton.

Wayne was a loving grandfather to Laura and step grandfather to Sarah and


Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

As WIA President Michael Owen, VK3KI, has reported, the Foundation Licence
has stopped the previous trend of amateur numbers dropping. Times have moved
on and our once favourite shops have rationalised their inventories to reflect
purchasing trends.

In a population of 22 millions, a licensed amateur community of about 15,000
means we are spread very thinly when retailers come to swap our dollars for
their products. Some retail spokespersons have been decrying the use of
"on line" buying. Well for me being able to buy items that are no longer
available from local outlets let's me pursue some of my radio interests which
would otherwise be denied.

I know from researching purchases that there can be equivalent items for sale
locally but often at twice the price I can buy them in from overseas. I also
know that the cost of freight from U.S.A. can be a large component of the
total cost. With our dollar above or matching the greenback, it looks
tempting to purchase from USA book stores. Add in the postage and packing and
then check with WIA Bookshop and you are more inclined to buy locally.

We are fortunate that as some of the store front retailers drop hobby products
we have more enthusiasts building successful on-line businesses in VK. With
on-line payment and ordering we are perhaps better served now than in past
times. We just need internet access to still buy Australian.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?


The Central Queensland Amateur Radio Association Inc. would like to officially
introduce a new radio association in Central Queensland. The CQARA held its
inaugural meeting on the 10th of March with 9 members, and has grown rapidly
in a short amount of time to over 22 active members all keen to participate
and promote our beloved hobby.

Our association is dedicated to promoting Amateur Radio within the community
and fostering the spirit of Amateur Radio within its members. Education and
enjoyment are the cornerstones of our association. We also have a strong
commitment to increase the general interest and fun of amateur radio within
the association and the community. We will be actively participating in
public events to increase public awareness of Amateur Radio.

The CQARA meet every second Sunday of the month at the Frenchville Sports
Club in Rockhampton at 6pm for a social meal and then a meeting at 7pm that
includes a regular show and tell.

The up and coming Field Day will be our first public event with two sites
being run simultaneously. One at the top of the Mount Morgan Range
co-ordinated by David Christmas VK4DJC and Maree Churchill our secretary, and
a second site will be located at the Bunning's car park in Rockhampton
co-ordinated by our president Andrea Williams VK4FROG.

I'm Adam, VK4MTJ on behalf of the Central Queensland Amateur Radio Association

For more info, call Secretary Kathy Johns 040-939-8853
Channel 14 UHF CB call "CQ MERG"

Kathleen Johns vk4kj ( has advised the WIA that the
Maryborough Electronics and Radio Group will conduct a "Wide Bay Hamfest"
July 16.

This at West Scout Hall, Ariadne St, Maryborough on the corner with Frank St.

General entry at 0830.

Exhibitor space in the hall or for "car boot sale" as desired.

Wide Bay Hamfest will be catered for by the local scouting groups

IRLP NODE 6973 ;
Secretary Clive 4928 1173

Clairview Gathering Weekend

The Clairview Gathering is a yearly event where Radio Amateurs meet
at a spot on the coast between Rockhampton and Mackay to relax, talk
radio, re-establish acquaintances and participate in the world renown
Saturday Night Mega-Auction.

It is one of the main revenue raisers for the Rockhampton and District Amateur
Radio Club Inc and Mackay Amateur Radio Club.

It happens in 2011 during the Long Weekend on the 30th April and 1st of May.

The Clairview Gathering is so popular that on-site accommodation is
booked out years in advance, so if you want to go you will have to
either camp, caravan or motor-home over the weekend.

For further details contact Clive Sait VK4ACC

mobile 04 2963 2815.

To book your camping spot contact the Clairview Beach Holiday Park
on 07 495 60 190.


G'day again from Far North Queensland where it is still very wet and tropical,
this is Dale VK4DMC for the Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club, TREC,
in Far North Queensland.

Three candidates were assessed this week at the TREC clubrooms for their
foundation level certificate of proficiency. They were all successful and we
look forward to hearing three new call-signs on air shortly.

One of the candidates, Peter George, passed the assessment with flying
colours. Peter was a signaller with the Army during WW2. He enlisted
(aged 17yrs) in May 1940 with 7th Aust Divisional Signals. He was attached
to 2/5th Field Regiment (25 pounder artillery)for 4 years in India, Palestine,
Western Desert, Syria, New Guinea and Milne Bay Papua.

Peter was then seconded as wireless operator to RAAF unit No 4 Mobile
Meteorological Flight for last nine months of WW2 which included the
landing at Balikpapan. After discharge he joined the Northern Territory
Police Force in 1946

Peter re-enlisted in the Regular Army in the 1950's and received a
commission soon after. He served in Korea for two tours. After 55yrs
in civvy street and at eighty eight years young and in perfect health
Peter has decided to recall his CW skills and become a "Ham".

Not content with foundation level Peter has started studying for his
standard level certificate.

That's your lot for this week.

Visit the TREC website at for club information and you can
also download the latest monthly club news in TREC-NEWS.

This has been Dale VK4DMC and you are listening to the WIA news.

Travel Well!


Whyalla Amateur Radio Club "on display".

The club is joining in this year's WIA celebration of World Amateur Radio Day
with its participation in the wia National Field Day Sunday the 17th.

Operating from Gladstone Square in Port Augusta and hopes to have working
displays of a variety of modes including PSK and satellite communications.

All amateurs in the area are welcome to join them in Port Augusta but if you
can't be there please look out for the VK5BWR callsign on the HF bands and
through the local 2 metre repeaters.

As Alex for the Whyalla Amateur Radio Club says " We're helping to get people


For anyone interested in D-Star and are travelling to the Barossa Valley this
Easter, Nik VK3BA advises that he will set up a D-Star Simplex HotSpot in

The operating frequency will be 438.925MHz in the 70cm band and anyone with a
D-Star capable radio are most welcome to use it. Nik hopes that the D-Star
HotSpot will be operational from late afternoon of Thursday the 21st of April
through to early morning of Wednesday the 27th of April.

Please contact Nik via his email address of if you require
any further details.


This is spud vk8zwm on behalf of the Darwin amateur radio club.

At the club meeting on Wednesday night last we discussed the auction coming up
on Saturday night the 16th of April, that's next Saturday night.

Get your preloved gear down to the clubrooms by Thursday lunchtime to allow
time to set it up and list it.

No glass screens please.

We will start off the evening with a barbecue tea at 6pm auction at 7pm.

Please advise Spud if you will be there for catering purposes as soon as

The next day will be the national field day and VK8DA will be there.
Rapid creek markets, rapid creek shopping centre Trower road is the place.

Be there at 8am to help setup and stay and be a part of spreading the word
about amateur radio to the community.

We will have a remotely controlled HF station there as well as IRLP via
node 6343 and EchoLink via node 288680.

We are trying to get our mobile crane mounted HF beam onsite as well.
3 elements 70ft up in the air. Dipoles on the hook. Good stuff.
Keep your ears listening for vk8da on air.

A big working bee over Easter will see a scrape down of the walls and a
repaint to tidy them up after this record breaking big wet. Around 2.8 meters
of rain so far. Ian vk8ip is in charge. Contact him for information.

And don't forget. The WIA Annual conference is being held over the weekend of
27, 28, 29th of may here in Darwin. Be a part of it, register now and come and
meet us in the better part of this great country.
Go to and click on the annual conference button to register.
Book your flights and have an eyeball contact or dozen, see the top end and
above all enjoy yourselves somewhere a little different.

This has been spud vk8zwm in Darwin
Now its back to the good guys at the national news desk at vk1wia


Gunshot Victim Finds New Voice With Morse Code

A QRZ forum item drew our attention and makes author KB1EGK certainly
"One Of The Good Guys".

"Most of us either love or hate Morse Code, but whatever your thoughts on the
subject, I'm sure you'll find this story touching.

KB1EGK's friend Bryan, has created an application to use Morse Code with an
iPad, be it still in developmental stage.

You can read the rest of the story, and how Gun Shot victim Philip will be
using Morse Code when you visit

Briefly it appears the victim (gunshot wound to the left side of head)
is very aware of his surroundings, basically it is the motor skills that he
lost. He cannot speak and his only usable hand is very awkward BUT he can
hit an iPad screen button if it is large (such as 2 - 3 on a screen.), maybe
one button for a dit and another for a dah.

Once the application is finalised and can decode Philips CW to printed word
he will have "regained" a voice after some for 6 years!

(Andy edited by KB1EGK Yesterday at 04:44 PM

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.


The FCC offered its counterpart in Japan any assistance that it might be able
to render. This, as recovery efforts continued in the wake of the March 11th
earthquake and Tsunami in JA.

The FCC (the US equivalent of our ACMA) soon after a massive earthquake
hit Haiti, took a proactive role. This included providing technical
assistance on emergency communications as well as passing along offers of
help from private industry.

But Japan is a different situation. It's a nation with its own very robust
communications system. On the telecommunications front Japan was very well
prepared for a situations like this.

Still with disasters, authorities are claiming that the household tap water
in Christchurch ZL land is now safe to drink again without boiling.

After the devastating earthquake on 22 February a notice was put out TO BOIL IT.

However, Christchurch residents are still asked to conserve water.

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) choose to put a pattern on the next
Martian Rover, named Curiosity.

They are in a pattern of short squares and longer rectangles on the wheels
almost like dots and dashes in CW.

According to JPL, Curiosity is about the size of a small SUV -- 10 feet
long (not including the arm), 9 feet wide and 7 feet tall -- or about
the height of a basketball player -- and weighs 2000 pounds.

It features a geology lab, rocker-bogie suspension, a rock-vaporizing
laser and lots of cameras. Curiosity will search areas of Mars for past
or present conditions favourable for life and for conditions capable of
preserving a record of life.

It is set to launch between November 25 - December 18, 2011 from
Cape Canaveral, Florida and will arrive on Mars August, 2012.

The prime mission will last one Mars year, or about 23 Earth months

So what does the pattern JPL choose spell out?

It spell's out in Morse code J P L.


The UK's oldest working television receiver is for sale and it's expected to
fetch 5000 at the very least.

The owner, bought it the week after TV transmissions began in November 1936
for 99, 15s. Tragically, the Crystal Palace that housed the TV transmitter
burned down only days later, and the device wasn't in use again until 1946.

The 75-year-old set comes with a 12-inch screen and is contained in a walnut
and mahogany case with the picture reflected on to a mirror that opens from
the top.

It's an incredibly rare variety of TV, as appraiser Laurence Fisher notes:

This is being sold by the late owner's family and is the oldest working TV set
in Britain. These sets were really a side effect of our secret radar research
and they are very similar inside to the radar. Logie Baird and Marconi had
separate companies but used the same people to make the sets, but Marconi
became the most popular maker.

This Marconi type-702 TV set even comes with the original invoice.

It'll be sold on April 19 th at Knightsbridge in the UK


A "Suspicious" fire damaged the main transmitter of Little Rock's KUAR
last weekend.

A fire marshal was called in following the late Saturday afternoon fire at
the site. The station's engineer, after being summoned to the transmitter,
found the lock had been replaced and he wasn't able to open it.

It took the fire department to break down the door, and by then the station
says the transmitter was "severely damaged with smoke." Things got even more
disturbing: "Officials also discovered that part of the fence around the
transmitter building had been pulled back and that copper from the tower
was missing."

So here's the possibility of yet another radio station vandalized by copper
thieves, who then set a fire to cover their tracks.

KUAR was able to get back on the air from its backup site,


Reading an online industry paper through the week stumbled across a segment
called "Radio Around the World".

3 stories in BOLD type,

SOMALIA: The director and a news editor for Mogadishu's independent
Shabelle Radio, held for four days by government forces, now released.

PHILIPPINES: The National Police have solid leads in the murder of Manila's
DZME-AM Radio host Marlina Len Sumera, releasing descriptions of three men
identified as the gunman, a lookout and an accomplice. Sumera was shot at
close range on her way to the radio station.

AUSTRALIA: Sydney's 2Day-FM morning co-host Jackie O broke down on the air
after a newspaper editorial criticized her for going back to work so soon
after giving birth and feeding her child whilst crossing a busy intersection.

How on earth the Jackie O story rates with terrorism and death is beyond me!



Scotch on the Rocks?

Whilst sailing in the midst of Westernport bay the VK7DI team decided to
send a special QSL to Lionel VK3NM who was acting as one of their onshore
liaison stations.

It was decided that an empty Johnny Walker bottle should be pressed into
service and a qsl was scribbled on a sheet of paper and placed in the
bottle. The top was sealed and with some ceremony the bottle was cast
over the side to be borne by the waves ...

To our surprise about three days later we hear that not only has the QSL
been recovered but it was recovered by another amateur Albert VK3KLB who
we hope will forward to the QSL to Lionel.

Is this quicker than the QSL Bureau ?

John VK2JJW with the Weird AND Wonderful, another, be it slower scotch
story "surfaced" this week.

A charity that recovered a cache of whisky abandoned in Antarctica more than
100 years ago is set to reap a windfall after a Scottish distillery
painstakingly recreated the historic tipple.

The Mackinlay's scotch belonged to British explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton's
1907-08 Antarctic expedition and was left beneath a hut on the frozen
continent after his attempt to reach the South Pole failed.

The Christchurch-based Antarctic Heritage Trust (AHT) found the whisky in 2006
and shipped a crate containing 11 bottles to New Zealand last year.

The wooden crate, marked "British Antarctic Expedition 1907", was frozen solid
in temperatures of minus 30 degrees Celsius -- but the whisky in the bottles
was still liquid.

After the crate was thawed out, Whyte and Mackay, which owns the Mackinlay's
brand, analysed it and after 4 years has recreated their masterpiece.

At around $160 per bottle the "new scotch" will give a potential windfall
of $400,000 to the Antarctic Heritage Trust at 5% per bottle!

Oh and for those paying attention and noting 11 bottles were found and sent
back to ZL " The crate would originally have held 12 bottles but one was
missing when it was found, raising the possibility that Shackleton or a
colleague helped himself to one to ward off the polar chill."


Apr 23 ZL/VK 2011 VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT 80 metres

Apr 30 WW Marconi Day 2011

Apr 30 ZL/VK 2011 VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT 40 metres

From Denis Johnstone Contest Manager for the John Moyle Memorial Field Day.

"So far I have received about 70 logs and there has been plenty of contesting
completed during the contest.

Of course having taken part in the contest, which in many cases required you
to plan your site, pack and transport, your accommodation, food and equipment.

Then to set up your station.

This was followed by up to 24 hours operation, after which you had to pack up
your station and return to your home QTH.

It would be such a shame if you were not to complete the process of completing
your log and getting it to me. You can use electronic or snail mail, and the
full details are on the Contest Page on

Your log is very important to you, but it is also very important to others as
it is with this information I am able to verify the logs of other stations.

So make sure you complete your log and get it to me before the closing date
of April 22nd 2011."


GB2RAF back on the air

It has now been confirmed that permanent special event station GB2RAF
will be back on the air again from yesterday, Saturday 9th April.

Operations will be from the Air Defence Radar Museum, RAF Neatishead,
Norfolk. Due to a Health and Safety fire issue, the Museum had to
close down in September 2010 and consequently the permanent special
event station GB2RAF has been unable to go on the air since then.

GB2RAF will be back on the air every second Saturday of the month
from 10.00 to 16.00, primarily on 80m SSB around 3,710kHz.

For further information contact Terry, G4PSH QTHR or via GB2RAF.
Details of both are correct on

International Lighthouse and Lightship weekend

Following the entry of Crookhaven Heads lighthouse on the south coast of
New South Wales, for the first time last year, intense interest in the
weekend is being shown by various government bodies.

While investigation begins into the rehabilitation of the lighthouse,
including a steering committee set up by the Shoalhaven City Council, it
will be on air thanks to Ian Newton VK2IAN.

He is among 26 Australian lighthouses registered this year, ahead of
Germany on 22, followed by USA on 18 and England with 12. In all 30
countries have listed.

For the first time Lebanon is registered at Manara, Ramkin and Tyr
lighthouses, all under the OD5RW callsign.

It will also be nice to have New Caledonia, Le Fare Amedee, who joins us
signing FK4WBT, on air for the first time since the year 2000.

The fun event dates back to 1994 when the first Scottish Northern
Lighthouses Award Weekend was held and it has continued to grow ever

The International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend is on August the 20th
and 21st this year, and all enquires via its website ILLW.NET

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

A South East Queensland woman has spoken out about the dangers of using
UHF CB radio frequencies after incidents of stalking and numerous death

The problems started about 10 months ago when she went online to use the
UHF channel.

After a few minutes of talking, other users started or followed and threats
to her son and to grand-children followed."

She won a good behaviour and peace order against the main offender in November
last year, but has said it did not seem to have an effect. Logan District
Crime Prevention Unit officer-in-charge Sergeant Debbi Tronc said everyone
had to be vigilant in this age of digital communication.

"People should just be aware that it is public (the radio channel) and public
means that it's open to thousands of people out there who are listening," she

"You wouldn't give out private or personal details to a stranger on the
street, so you should treat EVERY public forum in the same way."

Over in Maple Leaf Land, an Ottawa 15 year old has been accused of not only
operating a "Pirate FM'er" but of threatening to kill mainstream radio
announcers who are said to have critisised his station, music and voice.

The teen testified he launched the radio station on Oct. 31 after buying
transmitting equipment. He said he went off the air in December because he
planned to get a licence, but went back on air on Dec. 24 when an engineer
told him it was "impossible" to get a radio licence in Ottawa.

The teen has pleaded not guilty to violating the Radiocommunication Act as
well as four charges of criminal harassment and three counts of uttering
threats. He is also charged with assaulting a police officer and obstructing


Britain's Jodrell Bank Observatory has been chosen as the headquarters for
a $2 billion effort to build the world's largest radio telescope, astronomers

An agreement to put the headquarters of the Square Kilometre Array at
Jodrell Bank has been signed in Rome by Australia, China, the Netherlands,
New Zealand, South Africa, France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom,
the BBC reported Saturday.

The Square Kilometre Array has been named for the size of its signal
collecting area, but it will not be a radio dish a kilometre across but rather
thousands of smaller ones spread across a wide area.

The location has yet to be determined but the two leading candidates are
Australia and South Africa.

Net is held each Mondays on 3.570 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.
(1000utc during daylight saving)

In this months ALARA news letter Tina the President gives a special thank you
to Margaret VK4AOE from Dalby who has been on the committee for 30 years and
Treasurer for 11 of those years.

Margaret has kept ALARA going with much of her work done during January when
there isn't even a committee meeting to give her guidance.

She has also been a helpful source of information about procedures which have
kept all at ALARA legal and out of trouble with the powers that be.

Oh and Margaret, VK4AOE has also looked after this WIA News and QNEWS
call-backs from Dalby each week so thanks from us as well Margaret!


2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz

N4S - Special Event:
50 yrs First Man in Space / 30 yrs of STS-1 - April 12:

The Soyuz capsule carrying two Russians and an American successfully docked
with the International Space Station, after a two-day journey, docking
automatically 0909 AEST Thursday.

"Soyuz TMA-21 'Gagarin' docked with the Russian MIM-2 module.

The spaceship named after the first man in space Yuri Gagarin in honour of
his historic flight 50 years ago.

The mission is centrepiece of celebrations for the half century of manned
spaceflight, the crew carried a recording of the famous radio exchanges
between Gagarin in his tiny capsule and chief Soviet rocket designer
Sergei Korolyov on the ground from half a century ago.

Yes it was 50 years since the First Man in Space, Russian pilot Yuri Gagarin,
who April 12, 1961 was the first human being to go into space
on an 108 minute flight, and the first flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia
Sunday morning on April 12th, 1981, known as mission STS-1, opening what is
called the Shuttle era.

The Special Event callsign N4S will be on the air to remember these
two events:

one which changed the course of history, and the other helped expand our
knowledge of the space sciences and in the construction of the International
Space Station (ISS).

The Special Event will be active on the HF bands from 80 to 10 meters on SSB.

A special electronic certificate will be issued for this occasion.

For information go to or write to

(Ganesh VU2TS)


Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.

Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160

World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160

World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160

Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227

Calling Frequencies for PSK31

The World Organization of the Scout Movement is hosting a contest to design
the Logo of this years edition of the Jamboree-On-The-Air.

Scouts around the world are invited to submit their design.

This logo will be the official logo of the event, but will also be used as the
official badge to be worn by Scouts taking part in the 54th
Jamboree-On-The-Air that will be held 15-16 October 2011.



Apr 9 vk6 Hills Amateur Radio Group HARGFEST at club rooms Lesmurdie.
(HARGFEST. i.e., Hamfest run by HARG)

Apr 18 WW "Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social network"
World Amateur Radio Day, April 18 and WIA Field Day.

Apr 23-24 VK2 Urunga Radio Convention Senior Citz Hall Bowra street

Apr 30 - May 1 Clairview Gathering contact Clive VK4ACC of RADAR Club
04 2963 2815.

May 7 VK4 Brisbane Amateur Radio Club's BARCfest, Mt. Gravatt Show
grounds, 1600 Logan Road, Upper Mt. Gravatt 9:30AM

May 27-29 WIA AGM Weekend in Darwin

Jun 10 - 12 VK4 Far North and North Queensland Amateur Radio Gathering at
King Reef Resort Kurrimine Beach.

Jun 11 - 12 VK2 Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club annual Field Day

Jul 16 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest
Cranbourne Community Hall 10am ( )

Jul 16 VK4 Maryborough Electronics and Radio Group "Wide Bay Hamfest"
West Scout Hall, Ariadne St, Maryborough 8:30am.

Jul 31 VK2/3 Riverina Field Day 10am at Lavington Scout Group Hall.

Aug 7 VK2 Lismore region - SARCFEST

Sep 11 VK3 SADARC Comms Day at St Augustine's Hall Shepparton 10am.

Sep 16-18 VK4 NQ Amateur Radio Convention Date Set Townsville

Sep 23-28 R3 Region 3 ARDF Championship Bendigo VK3

Sep 30-Oct 2 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM at Camp Fairbairn
CONTACT Secretary Gordon, (

Nov 20 vk5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood at 0930.
Visit for contact details


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

MAY 3-18 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.



© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)