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Special temporary call signs for Royal Wedding


WIA AGM Darwin Book Now!




Motorola warns customers, beware! fake Motorola products!

These 'fakes' are being offered in Nigeria and not only consumer products
such as household items, mobile phones and automobile spare parts, but
professional telecommunication devices, such as two-way radios are becoming
affected too.

Mobile Equipment manufacturers, Motorola, has alarmed its customers that
several counterfeit Motorola products have recently hit the Nigerian market,
all of which lack the quality and ruggedness of the original, leaving users
unable to rely on their functionality.

Wireless technology is revolutionizing the ways first responders and others
who work under difficult circumstances in Nigeria conduct their jobs,
empowering them with the best information when and where it matters most
to best serve and protect their communities and Motorola says that its
mission-critical solutions range from two way radio communications products
and systems to an array of mobile computing devices.

(press reports)

President Michael Owen VK3KI
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Secretary Sarah Thompson VK3AUD
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

Today they give up, to put something back

As we go to air in the morning on Sunday the 17th of April, some 30 clubs
and groups around Australia are on air for the Tune-In to the world, Amateur
Radio get people talking ? WIA National Field Day.

Among the latest to join is the newly formed Central Queensland Amateur Radio
Association at both the Bunnings Warehouse car park in North Rockhampton
and the Mount Morgan Range.

Not bad having just been formed and with more than 20 enthusiastic members.
Another entry has just been received from the Orange and District Amateur
Radio Club with its special event callsign VI50AOA.

In all 30-odd clubs and groups are lined up for the Tune-In to the world,
Amateur Radio get people talking ? public relations event.

Check out all of the entries on-line on the WIA website
They are set up at mainly public places with a range of equipment to showcase
what amateur radio has to offer them.

Each has been given a display and hand-out sheet detailing the paths taken
by a number of newcomers to our hobby. The information entitled ?My Story?
makes interesting reading.

Remember the day - Sunday the 17th of April ?the WIA National Field Day.


Gday this is Spud on behalf of the Wireless Institute of Australia and the
Darwin Amateur Radio Club.

The annual WIA conference is being held in Darwin over the weekend of 27, 28
and 29th of May.

Come and join us for a great weekend of fun and friendship with fellow

The weekend should go like this,

Friday night gather at the Darwin Trailer Boat Club for a sumptuous dinner by
the sea as the sun, sets over the fleet at anchor in the harbour. Always

Saturday we get down to business in the morning with the WIA Annual general
meeting and then the forums presentation.

Saturday afternoon sees a series of presentations based around technology for
the bush.

How 24 hour electricity is provided in the homelands with solar and in larger
communities with hybrid solutions. How it is evaluated and negotiated.

2 very special presentations by amateurs involved in Bushlight and Powercorp.

Then Spud talking about life in the top end with a few curlies thrown in.
You will have to be here for that one.

Saturday night in the treetops restaurant for the big conference dinner and
entertainment by john VK8JM, he is good too.

Sunday we want to take you for a little trip in a comfortable coach down
through beautiful Batchelor to Litchfield National Park for the day. We will
take a look at what the Top End has to offer, beautiful swimming holes,
magnetic anthills, bushwalks and a great barbecue lunch cooked by the team
from The DARC side.

Sunday night at Mindil markets will round of a fantastic weekend for everyone,
you pick your cuisine from one or more of the many different food stalls and
then sit at the tables and chairs or on the beach and watch the sunset over
the harbour and take a look around the many craft stalls at the markets. A
great way to end the weekend.

Register now on the wia website at , look at the airlines
website's and choose a flight and book it now they are filling fast. We have
secured a great deal on accommodation at Mirrambeena, the conference venue as
well. All the details are on the website. So do it now, register and book and
come and see Darwin in the dry. Its not that far away from the southern parts
and just a nice temperature too.

I urge you to please go to the WIA website now and register for this fantastic
weekend. Accommodation can be booked at the special rates negotiated by the
WIA by calling the Travelodge Mirambeena on 08 8946 0111 and speaking to
Aleishia Good or Belinda Anthony, quoting the reference "WIA Conference"

This is spud vk8zwm on behalf of the WIA and DARC saying see you here in
beautiful Darwin in May.


This is Ewan VK4ERM, with greetings from the WIA to radio amateurs and your
listening visitors, with some thoughts for your consideration.

If you are Radio Amateur listening to this broadcast on Sunday morning you may
be involved in the activities of WIA National Field Day either at a community
field station or giving direct support to the activity by communicating with
field stations from your home or mobile station. In doing so we are
demonstrating the educational, recreational and social values of Amateur Radio
activities to individuals and the wider community.

If you are a visitor to a field station then this is your chance to ask as many
questions as you want to and I encourage you to do so.

This is a great opportunity to demonstrate how Amateur Radio has not only stayed
with advances in communications technology but, in many cases, leads the way in
developing new and efficient techniques. We can demonstrate the opportunities
that exist for those leaning toward an interest or career in communications and

Our hobby, that we are demonstrating to-day, has a rich and unique heritage with
continuing rapid evolution, often unknown to our visitors to-day, who we can be
assured, will leave with a greater understanding of Amateur Radio thanks to your

But, what now? Now the seeds of interest have planted and well received in the
minds of your visitors, visitors who will range from the mildly curious to the
keenly interested, what are your club and individual plans for germinating those

Too often we conclude the day, pat ourselves on the back for a job well done,
and forget the sown seeds need watering and nurture before breaking through the
earth. I have been guilty of this and I suspect many others feel the same way of
opportunity lost by not planning and sticking to a plan and schedule of friendly
follow-up. I am sure those of you who are visitors to Amateur Radio for the
first time would be very disappointed and disillusioned in our hobby of Amateur
Radio were your interest to be ignored or forgotten in the future post to-day's

If we encourage anyone to further their interest and study in Amateur Radio at
the onset through activities such as to-day, hopefully leading to their
enthusiastic achievement of a licence, isn't it our duty or obligation as a
radio amateur to be with them on the path? In doing so isn't your club and you
becoming closer and better understood and accepted by your community at all
levels? There are many examples where this has happened successfully but equally
there are as many or more where the meshing has not been undertaken to the best
interests and advantages for club and community.

As Radio Amateurs and visitors, enjoy your participation in the WIA National
Field Day as you 'Tune-In To The World' and please take every opportunity to
bring your club closer to your community and your community closer to your club.

This is Ewan VK4ERM for the WIA Board.


Know your holiday address and beach access code

The Queensland Ambulance Service is urging holiday-makers to know their
holiday address and take the time to familiarise themselves in new

QAS Assistant Commissioner for Brisbane Region Leo McNamara said it was
important for people to know their exact holiday address and beach access code
in case of an emergency.

Knowing your exact holiday address can cut minutes off emergency response
times, which can mean the difference between life and death. Many apartments
and units have similar names that is why it's important to have the address
information on hand, ready to relay quickly and accurately."

In an emergency on a beach, it's just as important for people to be able to
correctly relay location information without delay.

web service:-
VKG Roundup

Final reminder for the Urunga Radio Convention over Easter 23 24 April in the
Senior Citizens Hall Bowra St Urunga NSW.

There is a comfortable lounge room with all amenities attached.
Free tea and coffee available all day to registered visitors.

Bring your family
You are invited to bring trade displays and goods for sale
at the trading tables, no commission if registered.

There are competitions, quizzes and lucky door prizes.
Everyone can take part, Technical quiz may require amateur skills.

The Urunga Radio Convention is one of the leaders in the art of "Fox-hunting".
If you want to challenge our new foxes, then Easter is the time to do it.

The Convention is also a great social event where you can meet fellow amateurs
and friends and if you are looking for equipment or parts there is a good chance
you can find it at the trading tables.

Urunga is part of the Coffs Coast Holiday area.

More details from Urunga Convention Committee.
Len Christensen, VK2BLZ, 0266551959
Ken Golden VK2DGT, email: ph: 0266523177

web service local audio news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup


Darling Downs Radio Club will be running a field day at the Highfields
Pioneer Village as part of their 2011 Easter Vintage Festival 23rd-25th April.

Operating on HF and VHF, UHF with accessible repeaters.
Phone and CW

More details see Jeffrey Ryan VK4VJR

IRLP Node 6246
President John Hinde VK4JWH

Listening to us on 146.9FM Gladstone?

Well don't forget after the news today head on out to the newly developed
Gladstone Airport. Not only planes on display but free shuttle busses will
take you on tours of the entire runway system and check out the continuing
widening of the runway project.

It happens from 11.30am to 1pm.


Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society, The Clubhouse is open every Saturday
from 1pm for Members and guests and would love to see you there.

On Saturday 30th from 10am there will be a Boot Sale and BBQ.
Everyone is welcome to come along and maybe get rid of some unwanted
equipment or on the other hand pick up something you have wanted for a while.

Remember Saturday 30th April from 10am Gcars Club-rooms 85 Harper Street


Goldborough Valley first in Far North to switch to digital TV

Digital-only television will be switched on on May 12.

The upgrade to the local transmitter will give better coverage and more

To install the new equipment the analogue TV signal in the area would be
switched off and then only digital services would be available.

The switch would be on May 12 making this the Far North's digital guinea pig.

Goldbourough Valley, via Gordonvale, is hidden between high mountains south
of Cairns. Cairns herself along with the rest of the Far North will change
over to digital at year's end.

Redcliffe and District Radio Club

I'm Ray, VK4CF with news from Redcliffe & Districts Radio club.

There has been a late change to next week's technical talk at the club.

As Kev, VK4UH, is unavailable, next week's tech talk on Antenna stubbs.
The club used these on the last John Moyle field day with great success
and the interaction usually found with the antennas being closely spaced
was mostly eliminated. So come along next Monday night & hear how the
stubbs are made and tested and what are some of the pitfalls.

This Sunday is the National field day event. The club is located inside
the shopping centre located at Kippa Ring, Redcliffe, just outside KMART.
Club members have a static display set up inside the shopping centre and
club members are working on a link to have at least 2 metre repeater access
during this morning.

Peter VK4EA provided a report of the John Moyle Field day, where the club,
despite the rain made some 1700 contacts made. Whilst the weather stopped
some club members from attending, those who did had a great time. Peter also
reported that the Stubbs worked well and briefly outlined some of the lessons
that will be incorporated into the club's planning for next year.

John VK4WX reported that a great friend of the club, Rob, VK2ZEB 's health
has taken a turn for the worse with him going into respite care in Lismore
Hospital. All club members wish Rob and his wife Elizabeth our best wishes
for a rapid improvement in his health.

Scott, VK4FLAE, advised Watts Bridge airfield will be holding a breakfast
fly-in, on 21st May from 9am - 4pm. Everyone is welcome. Club will also
hold a membership drive at the fly-in and members should let Scott know asap
for food catering. The Festival of Flight has been moved to Caboolture air
field, with a date yet to be confirmed.

John, VK4YJV, has provided a list of topics for the first Monday night of
the month mini-training night. The first of the mini training sessions will
be on How to tie knots & their uses. Learn the differences between a bowline
and a reef knot and how to tie a timber hitch at the club on the first Monday
night of the month.

Roger, VK4ZLQ, reported that 4 new foundation licences were passed last
Sunday. A big welcome to the new callsigns, from all club members.

Ken, VK4FKEN and Wendy, VK4FWEN passed on their thanks for all the club
members that sent messages of sympathy on the passing of Club member
Geary Fawke, Wendy's dad, who passed away peacefully after a long illness
with cancer.

So now it's 73 from Ray, VK4CF and you are listening to QNEWS.

Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery and I've been thinking.

Where I live is the proverbial fly speck on the map. It is a small region
between two regional cities. Of course I have access to the highway and the
railway does pass in hearing distance. Because the copper telephone lines have
been neglected for so long, I have access to satellite internet service.
The 3G networks all provide good signal strength, now.

Recently I have been called to visit the Big Smoke, Brisbane, a little more
than I would like. However, in planning appointments it is very hard to
convince people that we have a journey of 50Km to get to public transport and
then there are only 2 rail services per day in each direction. Aerodromes are
100 to 150Kms away.

Likewise, the use of the internet for streaming audio and video has attracted
more and more broadcasters. The technology is great but effective access is
less so, out in the boonies. What I pay for satellite access is about 8 times
as expensive as advertised ADSL "unlimited" plans. Wireless via 3G is more
expensive still.

What I am driving at is that many of our country colleagues face a more
difficult time, certainly more inconvenient and expensive, accessing services
which city people take for granted. When we know that many country amateurs
volunteer their time and facilities in supporting the hobby, the rest of us
owe them a big "thank you".

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?



For anyone interested in D-Star and are travelling to the Barossa Valley this
Easter, Nik VK3BA advises that he will set up a D-Star Simplex HotSpot in

The operating frequency will be 438.925MHz in the 70cm band and anyone with a
D-Star capable radio are most welcome to use it. Nik hopes that the D-Star
HotSpot will be operational from late afternoon of Thursday the 21st of April
through to early morning of Wednesday the 27th of April.

Please contact Nik via his email address of if you require
any further details.


The WA Government has released a $39.2 million tender looking for a vendor
to improve mobile coverage in regional Western Australia.

Studies and community consultation undertaken by the State Government
indicated a low level of mobile coverage and broadband internet availability
in many regional areas. The government wants a vendor to improve this
situation by installing more towers, which are to be integrated with existing
mobile communications network infrastructure.

"The shortcomings of mobile telephone coverage on the state's major regional
highways need to be improved not only for mobile telephone but also for radio
communications coverage, which is essential for our police and emergency
services, business and recreational purposes," Regional Development and Lands
Minister Brendon Grylls said in a statement earlier this week.

Applicants will be required to outline how they will deliver mobile voice
communications to the greatest possible number of coverage locations, said
Grylls. They need to propose their solutions by 5 May.


local area news :-
vk7 local news, email

The May meeting of the CCARC has been proposed to be held at the Wynyard Aero
Club Rooms and will be an early morning start with a BBQ lunch afterwards.

There will also be a tour of the hangars, and weather permitting, joy flights
organised. This has not yet been confirmed as to time and date, and more details
will be announced closer to the event.

Regards from
(David, VK7DC, Secretary, CCARC)

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.


Paul Baran, W3KAS

An engineer who helped create the technical underpinnings for the ARPANET,
the government-sponsored precursor to today's Internet died March 27 at his
home in California.

He was 84.

Paul Baran was one of the three inventors of packet-switched networks.

In the early 1960s, Paul was working on a "survivable" communications system
when he thought up one of its core concepts: Breaking up a single message into
smaller pieces, having them travel different, unpredictable paths to their
destination and only then putting them back together.

It's called packet switching and it's how everything still gets to your e-mail

6 Metres Due says F1due

F1DUE, the president of the French amateur radio union REF, writes about his
efforts to open the 6m band for French radio amateurs.

Already last year the REF asked the French frequency regulation authority
(ARCEP) to deal with the case of the 6m band which was suspended 2 years ago.

The ARCEP informed the REF that they consider to assign the frequency range
50-52 MHz for amateur radio. Thus ARCEP placed this proposal on the agenda of
the Frequency Planning Commission (CPF) which was held in March.

Nobody yet knows when the change of the bandplan is finalized and comes into

Sotheby's have auctioned off the Vostok 3KA-2, a Soviet Union-era space
capsule which carried a dog and mannequin and orbited the Earth for 18 days
before USSR cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man to enter space.

This was the only Vostok capsule outside Russia.

There are marks on the capsule where it burned as it re-entered the
atmosphere, and a spot where engineers cut into the heat shield to examine
how well it withstood the flaming re-entry.

Russian's described the ship's condition after its re-entry as a "wounded
animal, panting its last breath."

"It was so hot still from burning through the atmosphere it was melting the
snow around it."




Some good news for hams awaiting the return of decent propagation.

Spaceweather have reported that a large number of emerging sunspots has kicked
off what it termed as days-long radio storm on the sun. According to the
on-line newsletter, VHF receivers on Earth were picking up loud bursts that
sound like waves crashing on a beach. Spaceweather says that this ongoing
event continues a recent trend of increasing activity as Solar Cycle 24 heats

Then over the weekend of April 2nd and 3rd a solar wind stream hit Earth's
magnetic field and sent a wave of deep sky auroras over northern tier of the
United States. According to Spaceweather dot com, the Northern Lights were
pale-white to the naked eye, but digital cameras revealed spectacular colours
and luminous shapes above Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, and elsewhere.

Meantime, on the ground some hams on 6 meters and above heard or made contact
with distant stations not usually heard on these bands. You can easily tell a
contact made via aurora propagation by its raspy C-W note or gargled voice

For images and audio go to


The FCC has issued a Notice of Unauthorized Operation and Interference to
EDN Aviation of Van Nuys, California. This, for allegedly operating a
cell phone jamming device on its premises.

According to the FCC, back on January 10th agents from the Enforcement Bureau's
Los Angeles Office visited the business location. At that time they detected
radio signals in the 1.8 to 2.0 GHz range emanating from a radio transmitter.
The Los Angeles agents determined that the business was operating a radio
transmitting device designed to jam or intentionally interfere with licensed
radio communications in the cellular and personal communications service.

According to the FCC, its agents did attempt to inspect the device. Subsequent
to that attempted inspection, operation of the device ceased.

Now in its March 18th Notice, the FCC tells EDN Aviation that unauthorized
operation of the transmitting device must not resume. It also warns EDN that
the operation of the device may constitute a violation of Sections 333,302(b),
and 301 of the Communications Act. Such operation may subject the company to
substantial monetary forfeitures, seizure of the offending radio equipment,
and criminal sanctions.

EDN was given the customary 10 days to respond to the FCC with any information
that it believed relevant to the warning notice. That time period has now
passed. No word yet from the FCC if EDN responded or what the company may have


Los Angeles, California Police say that they have tracked down three people
whom they allege to have stolen nine computers from the Open Charter Magnet
School in the Westchester area. This thanks to a new form of security software
installed on the machines.

According to police, the computers were stolen between March 9 and 10 at the
campus on 77th Street in the city of Westchester. The suspects were unaware
that the computers were equipped with the security software. As soon as one
of the machines was turned on and connected to the Internet, it monitored and
recorded the location via GPS. It also took photographs of the user and then
sent this information off to authorities.

Detectives from the Los Angeles Police Department tracked down one of the
suspects on March 12th. A further investigation led them to two others.
So far, four of the stolen computers have been recovered.


NASA is offering the public a chance to vote for your favourite tunes
to be played as the wake up song during the STS-134 mission, which is
currently scheduled to launch on April 19th. Voting will be open until
mission launch day. You can listen to the songs nominated and cast your
vote at




GEEZ, we knew budgets at the ABC were tight, but this tight?

ABC radio in Wodonga according to is appealing to
listeners for egg cartons to sound-proof their new studio.

Apparently the money did not stretch to insulation and attempts to block out
noise with mattresses and curtains have been unsuccessful.

ABC listeners have responded in true country style and have been dropping off
their used egg cartons.

What's next? Old ixl jam tins and string for extra phones?


Apr 23 ZL/VK 2011 VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT 80 metres

Apr 30 WW Marconi Day 2011

Apr 30 ZL/VK 2011 VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT 40 metres

This is Denis Johnstone VK4AE, Contest Manager for the John Moyle Memorial
Field Day.

The WIA would like to thank those stations who have already gone to the effort
of preparing and submitting a valid entry for this year's contest.

Logs are still slowly being received for the contest and so far only a little
over 60% of the logs are from Portable Stations the rest being from
Home Stations.

The contest log you submit for your station is of course important for you,
as based on this information is how we calculate the relative score and
placings in each category. However, the other equally important purpose of
your log is to permit verification of the contacts of other stations and hence
their scores as well.

So having gone to the considerable effort involved to take part in the
contest, leaving aside the actual fun and enjoyment aspect, it would be
such a shame not to complete the task and submit a valid log entry.

Don't forget that entries by mail, (Snail mail that is) have to be date
stamped not later than 22nd April, and submissions by electronic mail close
at midnight 22nd April 2011.

So go ahead, gather up all of the required information that you need, collate
the log and submit it NOW!

You can check if your log is already in the system, by checking the
John Moyle page in the Contest Section of the WIA website. Results will be
published there as soon as they are completed and will be published in
AR Magazine for the following month.


ISWL is 65

The International Short Wave League is celebrating its 65th anniversary.

GB65ISWL will be on the air over this weekend 16th and 17th April.

Activity starts around 18.00 hours on Friday, April 15th. Modes
will be SSB and the PSK modes. Main operator will be Herbie, G6XOU


Special temporary call signs for Royal Wedding

RSGB has agreed with Ofcom arrangements for all UK Radio Amateurs to opt to
use special callsigns for a period of eleven days beginning on the date of
the marriage of H.R.H. Prince William and Kate Middleton, 29th April 2011.

Use of the special prefix, which is 'GR', is conditional on allocation of
a Notice of Variation (NoV) which can be quickly obtained via a simple
process on the Society's website, where full details of the arrangements
can also be found.

Beacon news.

A full listing of all Asian, Pacific and Central/South American
beacons can be found by going to Google and typing in "G3USF"
and follow the links to 50MHz beacons. The list is updated weekly.

In addition to the usual Asian 49 and 48MHz TV indicators, vk2wi news
say another interesting one to look for is in Japan on 43.649MHz USB,
a 24 hour data tracking signal running 100 watts north east of
Tokyo, this has been heard and logged by Noel VK2FUL in Sydney who
remarked that the signal closely resembles an over-the horizon radar
pulse transmission. Some Chinese fishing boat FAX and data activity
can also be heard on 33.250, 33.375 and 33.425MHz and will indicate
to the observer a rising MUF.


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700


Phillip ZL2TZE is still after as much information as possible from any person
having a contact with Bill ZK5A

Please report to John ZL1GWE

Bill claims to be on Atafu Is (Tokelau), using 70W, GP.

Any reports appreciated.

(73 Phillip ZL2TZE)

VK Club Bulletins


Another famed radio transmitting site has been decommissioned.

This one is owned by the British Broadcasting Company and is not one
very many on this side of the world know about.

Unless you are a WIA listener/reader living in Europe or are a truly devoted
low frequency DX'er, you likely have never heard of the BBC's transmitter site
at Ordfordness.

It's an operation that sat on 648 KHz with a five tower array beamed to
Europe. And that's what makes the signal from Ordfordness such a great catch
for medium wave D-X listeners.

But all that ended March 27th. That's when the BBC switched off this
transmitter site for good.

But its demise will not go undocumented.

As a historical note, Jonathan Marks, G-8-W-G-N, has released a short
documentary that traces the history of the Ordfordness transmitter site
from its inception. Marks, who was the former producer and host of the
famed Radio Netherlands Media Network program is joined by Ordfordness
radio engineer Andy Matherson who explains the way in which the site operated.

It's a great tour of a historic moment in European medium wave broadcast
radio. You can experience it for yourself on line at

Another sad moment in broadcast history, but one that Jonathan Marks, G8WGN,
has taken the time to preserve.

ATV Video Streaming

All ATV transmissions in Ulverstone are now simultaneously available to any
viewer world wide via the VK7AX ATV Video Stream.

If you would like to check it out, point your favourite internet browser at
the link that can be found on the email and internet editions of this WIA News

The WIA News Broadcasts, and Amateur Radio Related Broadcasts are broadcast
via ATV at 8.00 PM daily with a repeat at 11.00 hours the following day.

(Tony VK7AX, President - North West Tas. ATV Group)



Apr 18 WW "Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social network"
World Amateur Radio Day, April 18 and WIA Field Day 17TH.

Apr 23-24 VK2 Urunga Radio Convention Senior Citz Hall Bowra street

Apr 23-35 VK4 Darling Downs Club field day at Highfields Pioneer Village

Apr 30 VK4 Gold Coast bbq and boot sale 10am at club house

Apr30-May1 VK4 Clairview Gathering contact Clive VK4ACC of RADAR Club
04 2963 2815.

May 7 VK4 Brisbane Amateur Radio Club's BARCfest, Mt. Gravatt Show
grounds, 1600 Logan Road, Upper Mt. Gravatt 9:30AM

May 27-29 WIA AGM Weekend in Darwin

Jun 10 - 12 VK4 Far North and North Queensland Amateur Radio Gathering at
King Reef Resort Kurrimine Beach.

Jun 11 - 12 VK2 Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club annual Field Day

Jul 16 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest
Cranbourne Community Hall 10am ( )

Jul 16 VK4 Maryborough Electronics and Radio Group "Wide Bay Hamfest"
West Scout Hall, Ariadne St, Maryborough 8:30am.

Jul 31 VK2/3 Riverina Field Day 10am at Lavington Scout Group Hall.

Aug 7 VK2 Lismore region - SARCFEST

Sep 11 VK3 SADARC Comms Day at St Augustine's Hall Shepparton 10am.

Sep 16-18 VK4 NQ Amateur Radio Convention Date Set Townsville

Sep 23-28 R3 Region 3 ARDF Championship Bendigo VK3

Sep 30-Oct 2 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM at Camp Fairbairn
CONTACT Secretary Gordon, (

Nov 20 vk5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood at 0930.
Visit for contact details


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

MAY 3-18 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.



© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)