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President Michael Owen VK3KI
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Secretary Sarah Thompson VK3AUD
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ


In my Comment published in the April issue of the WIA's magazine, Amateur
Radio, I discussed the fact that a Freedom of Information request had
revealed that the ACMA did not have any policies in respect of the
transmitting equipment authorized to be possessed by an amateur or in
relation to the inspection of amateur stations, and set out the WIA's
view of what would be appropriate policies.

Since then, with WIA Director Peter Young, we met with senior ACMA staff
who included Mark Loney, Executive Manager, Operations Branch and staff
from the Compliance Operations, Field Operations and Industry Partnership

At the meeting the WIA's concerns regarding the station inspection
program and the legislative basis for some of the outcomes of individual
inspections were presented. The ACMA advised that the inspection program
was undertaken as a proactive measure to combat interference issues, as
well as educate and generate awareness among the amateur community of
their responsibilities.

The WIA has now been advised by the ACMA that its contribution is
appreciated and that the ACMA is keen to continue to work with the WIA on
these matters.

We are told that the ACMA intends to review the station inspection
program in light of our concerns and the information gathered from the
visits to date.

The ACMA points out that the matters raised from the station inspection
program are to be distinguished from station inspections undertaken as
part of necessary enquiries resulting from a complaint of interference
or an investigation where there are reasonable grounds to suspect there
has been a contravention of the Act.

The WIA welcomes the opportunity to work with the ACMA to develop
workable solution to a number of legitimate concerns.

WIA National Field Day,

A brief summary of what occurred on the day:

The Hills Amateur Radio Group, Western Australia, had a successful day at
Stirk Park, Kalamunda. They were joined by representatives from the
Scouts, Ham College and the WIA.

Bill Rose VK6WJ reports that apart from gaining potential new recruits to
amateur radio, a few drop-outs have had their interest rekindled.
Visitors often mentioned they were at Stirk Park as a result of media

The Central Queensland Amateur Radio Association, the newest in Australia,
set up at both the Mount Morgan Range and in the Bunning's Warehouse car
park in North Rockhampton. It had a range of visitors, and relied upon
battery power with solar back-ups.

Also at Bunning's was the Elizabeth Amateur Radio Club at Parafield, a
multi-operator affair using field equipment with independent power.

The North East Radio Club of Adelaide set up its station and exhibit at
the Golden Grove Shopping centre. President Quick VK5ATQ reports a
reasonable amount of passing customers and a great day for club members
gained practice of operating portable.

So much of a good time was had they'll be back on Anzac Day, Monday 25th
to do it again.

The Whyalla Amateur Radio Club participated with Port Augusta club members
along with other local radio operators setting up their portable stations
in Gladstone Square, right in the city centre of Port Augusta.

A permit was issued which included use of a 10-metre flag pole, a point
for the off-centre feed dipole cut for 80m and 40m. Plenty of contacts
were to be had along with about 30 visitors.

The Redcliffe & Districts Radio Club set up a couple of tables outside of
K-mart at the Kippa Ring Shopping Centre. Although a number of good
inquiries were received, the club and the location are under review for
next year.

The Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club took to Hiscutt Park, Penguin. Quite
a few members of the public saw what they were doing and asked sensible
questions, while the Secretary Dave Cleland VK7DC reported the logbook
included a few DX stations and most of the Australian contacts were made
on the HF bands.

The Townsville Amateur Radio Club was on The Strand right alongside the
main walkway. Richard Goodhew VK4FRJG reports that nine operators used
the portable station and proved to be an interest the passing pedestrian

The Darwin Amateur Radio Club display was at the Rapid Creek Business
Village Sunday markets. As Spud said "We arranged with the markets
manager Costa for a good position with outside access so we could erect
some antennas.

What a great day, lots of people, lots of great food, coupled with lots
of interest shown in our display.

Alan VK8AB brought along his computer and wireless Internet adaptor to
give us a fairly noise free HF set-up remoted from home. Much better than
all the electrical noise at the shopping centre.

Myself, Spud VK8ZWM and Peter VK8HPB brought along our VHF and UHF
equipment and antennas so we had HF, VHF, UHF as well as D Star
operational. Quite a few contacts were had with other sites and operators
around the country via IRLP and two into ZL.

We had 13 good enquiries and quite a few others showing some interest. We
gave out lots of handouts and information about the foundation licence as
well as what is needed for the standard and advanced. Let's see what
comes of the enquiries. We have already had more than 20 successful
examinations in the last year.

In all, a far more successful exercise than last years NFD.

Winners last year, Amateur Radio Victoria, stuck with its proven success
at the Point Gellibrand Heritage Coastal Park. The day can be summed up
as, greater activity and a more enjoyable experience.

The Eastern and Mountain District Radio Club tried something new, setting
up outside the Jaycar electronic shop at Mulgrave.

Richard Holmes VK3XTD as a visitor was most impressed by what the public
had to read, see and hear. The venue chosen was one of the busiest to
show off from a marquee both HF, VHF, UHF and D-STAR. Outside was
foxhunting, mobile operation and ATV on display.

In fact Richard VK3XTD found it difficult to identify a major part of the
hobby not adequately represented.

The EMDRC had a second station at Lilydale Park. John Fisher VK3DQ
reports one of the earlier visitors was Councillor Tim Hennnan from
Billanock Ward. He popped in to have a look at what amateur radio was all

A number of calling CQ leaflets and a flyer about the club was also
readily handed out. A large delta loop antenna was the mainstay of the
days HF operations.

In contrast the weather was not good at Port Macquarie, leading to the
cancellation of outdoor activity by the Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club.
However President Henry Lundell VK2ZHE reports that members checked out
other venues before converting to home stations.

Well there's always next year and certainly there will be another public
relations for amateur radio event held in 2012


WIA National Monitoring System

This is Peter Young VK3MV, WIA Director and WIA Monitoring System
Coordinator. The WIA Monitoring System is an important activity that
detects and reports unauthorised emissions in our primary HF bands.
These are known as intruders.

In the year 2010, a small group of amateurs provided 2016 detection
reports of intruders. These reports are collated and passed to the
Australian spectrum regulator, the Australian Communications and Media
Authority (ACMA) each month. Due to the iterant nature of some intruders,
the ACMA may have difficulty in determining which ITU member
administration is responsible for these intrusions.

The WIA monitoring arrangements are part of the International Amateur
Radio Union monitoring system, and along with other member societies
intruder reports are collated by regional coordinators and posted on the
respective IARU regional websites each month.

This system of reporting is a very important activity for without regular
reports to spectrum regulators of intruders and there removal, our HF
bands would progressively be taken over by other services.

Want to know more information? has information under the "Members" tab, where the
latest reports from Australia and other IARU Regions are provided.

There is an excellent monitoring handbook from Region 1 that provides
technical information on how to identify various intruder emissions.

There is also an online reporting form as well as an XL spread sheet

Help protect of HF Bands - The WIA needs more volunteer reporters.


Radcom 2011

The ACMA's fifth conference on spectrum management RadComms2011 will be
held at Sydney on 26 and 27 May.

The two day conference presents an exciting opportunity to hear the
latest spectrum developments, participate in open forums and exchange
ideas with radiocommunications professionals from across industry and

Topics to be covered will include emergency services' response to natural
disasters, mobile telephony issues, digital radio, long term evolution
(LTE) and emerging technologies and the ACMA's forthcoming review of the
900 MHz band.

(vk7wi news)

web service:-
VKG Roundup

The Hornsby and Districts Amateur Radio Club will once again be
activating VK2IMD for International Marconi Day. This will be on the
UTC Day of Saturday 30 April, meaning we will be on air from 10:00am
Sydney time on Saturday until 10:00am on Sunday. The club will be
operating on a range of HF frequencies during this period. The HADARC
activation is because Ernest Fisk received the first direct radio
message from Britain to Australia, sent by Marconi from his station in
North Wales, at the Fisk home in Wahroonga, close to Hornsby. The
house, but sadly not its antennas, remain there today, not far from
Wahroonga Park.

Searching Facebook for VK2IMD should find an event page for this event.

HADARC is also pleased to announce that both candidates at it's recent
exam sessions were successful, one entering the hobby at Standard
level, the other at Foundation level. If you also wish to study for a
licence or take an exam; or know someone who does, please contact the
club via the form at


(Julian Sortland, VK2YJS. Publicity Officer, Hornsby / Districts AR Club.)

web service:-
VKC Roundup http://www.police

A Victorian man threatened to kill police officers and broadcast their
home addresses over a police communications radio channel, the Ballarat
Magistrates Court was told this week.

Charged with multiple offences, including knowingly interfering with
police radio communications and resisting arrest the court was told how
the accused (now sentenced) obtained codes specific to the Region West
Division 3 police channel and began broadcasting, causing severe
disruption and interference to police operations.

The transmitter is alleged to have been purchased on eBay and the codes
to breach the police communications radio channel were obtained from the

Melbourne's City Council will use high-tech underground sensors to detect
motorists who overstay their park by just minutes.
A trial of new in-ground sensor technology showed almost one in five
drivers overstay their time period.

The technology will alert parking inspectors seconds after a metre expires
and will catch an additional 50,000 cars per year..

web service local audio news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

The Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race leaves Shorncliffe Good Friday.
The first Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race held 1949 and saw just seven
vessels start, two only which carried radios while Brisbane's Homing
Pigeon Club supplied pigeons to the others for position reporting!

Each yacht issued with birds was to release two each day.

The first person to finish that first race? Doug Perrins on "Hoana."

Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been

A few years ago the story went around that use of two-way radios near
petrol pumps could cause ignition and explosion. It was common for
service stations to decorate their forecourts with signs banning the use
of radio transmitters and mobile phones whilst disposing of available
cash into the fuel tank.

In March, the international radio company Thales announced the approval
of their first responder hand held radio - the intrinsically safe Liberty

This nifty h/t can be used on 2m and 70cm by amateurs but is designed to
cover emergency frequencies in vhf hi-band, uhf and 700MHz and 800MHz
segments. The real importance is that apart from its capacity to
communicate with different networks is that it can be used in explosive
atmospheres. i.e. where there is a real rather than imagined threat of

What also makes this radio of interest to the amateur fraternity is that
it packs all this capacity into a small package by using the coming
standard of software defined radio technology. Next time you read an
article about the SDR in your favourite amateur radio magazine, remember
commercially that this evolution is giving power to military and first
response networks around the world.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?


or, by E-mail to

This is Stuart, VK4MSL with news from Brisbane Amateur Radio Club

BARCfest is just around the corner. When exactly? 7th of May... that's
less than 3 weeks. Where? Mt. Gravatt Showgrounds, 1600 Logan Road
Upper Mt. Gravatt. Admission is $7.00

Check out the latest in gear from one of the commercial sellers, pick up
a bargain, explore the displays of vintage and military radios, perhaps
procure that rare component you've been seeking for months, or catch up
with old mates at Caf de BARC.

Want to sell something? Book a table, contact Les VK4SO on 3343 7247 or

And some news for members or visitors: This year, Good Friday fell on
the fourth Friday of the month, the time of the month when we normally
hold our business meeting. The decision was therefore made at the last
business meeting (in March) to move the meeting back one week, and
therefore will take place instead This Friday, the 29th, at the usual
time 7:30PM at the Queensland Maritime Museum, Southbank.

Hope to see everyone soon, either at one of our Club meetings, or at
BARCfest. 73 from Stuart VK4MSL.

Redcliffe and District Radio Club

I'm Ray VK4CF with news from the Redcliffe Club.


Rob, VK2ZEB has become Silent Key this week.
The club sends prayers to Rob's wife Elizabeth and their family at
this time.

Last Sunday, the club set up a information and display area for the
National field day event at the Kippa Ring shopping centre, Redcliffe,
just outside KMART. Though the number of shoppers was down, there were
at least 8 potential club members at the display. This included one
gentleman who was pleased that he now did not have to learn morse to
obtain his full call.

Last Monday's tech talk was given by Roger VK4ZLQ and Peter VK4EA. The
topic was the stubbs used on all hf antennas on the last John Moyle field
day. Essentially the stubbs acted as frequency specific band pass
filters. This allowed band specific transmission and virtually
eliminated all other frequencies except the frequency being used.

This also improved the reception within the band and many more weak
signals were heard and the noise present at other frequencies was also
eliminated. As the contest rules require all antennas to be in a 800
metre radius, the stubbs limited the interaction usually found with the
antennas being closely spaced. The presentation was enhanced with a
PowerPoint presentation of the theory and practical details of

One club member was heard to ask if this would be able to reduce the
pager interference in the local Redcliffe area from a certain location on
2 metres? Roger's answer was a definite YES.

Scott, VK4FLAE, is now well on his way to upgrade his licence with a good
pass on his standard theory exam. Scotty said that it was the constant
pushing from a number of fellow club members that finally motivated him
to have a go at the theory paper and he was surprised and pleased to pass
with flying colours. He is now well into studying for the regulations
exam so he can make used of the higher power limit.

John, VK4YJV, will be conducting the first of the mini training sessions
to be held on the first Monday night of the month. The first session
will be on How to tie knots & their uses. As next Monday night is
ANZAC DAY night the club will be open but there will be no fox hunt on
the night.

Phil, VK4FIL, believes that he might be the first VK4 to work JA on
6 metres using the digital mode "whisper". It occurred last week when
6 metres was wide open.

So now it's back to finding the Easter eggs and its 73 from Ray, VK4CF
wishing all a happy Easter from the Redcliffe club.



UTAS - Outstanding Achievers

A big congratulations to Thomas VK7NML and Andrew VK7AL who both appeared
on the University of Tasmania - Outstanding Achievers list for 2010.

Thomas Karpiniec received a Dean's Citation for his Bachelor of
Engineering (Honours) and Andrew Welch was on the Dean's Roll of
Excellence for his dual degrees of Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of

Congratulations to you both.

(Justin, VK7TW)


Well I can tell you that the dry has arrived with a vengeance, G'Day
I'm Spud VK8ZWM.

The fans are off and the doona's are out already. That means an influx of
visitors is almost upon us. The word is out. The moisture is pretty well
gone. The wet is gone.

Just a whisker under 3 meters of rain since the beginning of October till
now. It has been a big wet.

It means that it is time to really consider joining us for the WIA
national conference for 2011 now that the wet has stopped. Darwin will
still be green for you that's for sure.

Book your rooms at the Mirrambeena resort for the special conference rate
and you can stay on after at that rate how's that. Come on up and be a
part of this special occasion.

A welcome dinner not to be missed on Friday night the 27th of may at
Darwin's famous Trailer Boat Club in Fannie Bay overlooking Darwin

Saturdays AGM, , papers and then some special presentations in the
afternoon or a special look around Darwin let by members of Darwin
Amateur Radio club. The locals, followed by a great conference dinner in
the treetops restaurant with special guests.

Sunday bring your togs for a trip to Litchfield national park, a swim in
the creek, no crocs, a peer at the magnetic anthills, then a BBQ lunch
and a swim at Wangi falls, what a great way to spend a Sunday and then
follow that with a trip to Darwin's Mindil Sunday markets for tea as
guests of the Darwin Amateur radio club.

It will be a great weekend having fun with friends.

Register at and Book your airfares and your rooms now.

Time is running out FAST.

This has been Spud on behalf of DARC and the WIA


VK5ZQ Murray Burford

Murray's wife, Pam, has advised VK5NU that Murray is now a silent key.

He passed away 2am Saturday, 16th April, 2011 aged 79 years.

Murray had been ill with cancer for quite some time.

Murray contributed in a number of ways to the effective functioning of
the now superseded VK5/8 Division of the WIA. In particular, his
long-time role in conducting the Division's classes for intending amateurs
was much appreciated and was a major factor in the decision some years
ago to grant Murray Life Membership of the WIA.

At the 2006 WIA AGM Murray was awarded a President's Commendation
recognising his commitment and professionalism as the producer and
presenter of the Sunday morning Broadcast heard in VK5 and VK8.

Murray provided this service over a period of about fifteen years, up
until the introduction of the WIA National News broadcast which
substantially replaced locally prepared national sessions. Murray
delivered these weekly broadcasts with very few personal interruptions
except for breaks of about three weeks over the Christmas to mid-January
period each year, and a very occasional holiday, even soldiering on while
receiving treatment during a period of poor health.

Murray's program material was obtained from a wide variety of sources.
They were thought provoking and created comments. Murray's programs were
always carefully thought out and well prepared and gave pleasure to all.

Silent Key VK5ZQ Murray Burford.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

Community Radio helps rebuild New Brighton Christchurch [NZ] after
February's Earthquake

Wellington based Radio Heritage Foundation had the idea of bringing a
mobile radio station to support the eastern suburbs of Christchurch.

In less than ten days, a licence was granted and Southland broadcaster
Chris Diack had moved a mobile radio studio into the main street of the
seaside suburb of New Brighton and Radio New Brighton was on the air on
102.1 FM.

Radio New Brighton has become an integral part of the eastern suburbs
recovery and rebuilding process, with locals calling in to the studio to
chat about lost pets, hot shower facilities, stores reopening, public
meetings, children's events and much more.

The Radio Heritage Foundation, holder of the radio licence for 102.1 FM,
now wants to see a permanent community radio station, run by locals,
established in New Brighton once the current emergency broadcasts end.

The Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization
connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage and its global
website is

Another of its 'Helping Rebuild Christchurch' projects involves restoring the
original 3ZB radio studio and transmitter building in New Brighton in
time for its 75th anniversary in 2012.

4 G

The European Commission has ruled member states open two radio frequency
bands to the newest generation of mobile devices to enable faster
Internet use on the move.

EU member states must implement the new rule to allow 4th generation
mobile devices access to 900 and 1,800 MHz radio frequencies by the end
of the year.


The number of prisoners testing positive in random drug tests is at an
all-time low, says New Zealand's Corrections Minister Judith Collins.

"New laws targeting drugs and contraband, cell phone jamming at all
New Zealand prisons and increased vigilance by Corrections staff have
made it much harder to get drugs into their prisons.

The Corrections Amendment Act authorises the Department to electronically
detect, monitor and JAM radio communications in and out of prisoners and
allowed for the monitoring of prisoners' phone calls.


The new South African radio regulations that were published on March 31st
and came into effect on April 1st are causing concern to that nation's
ham radio community.

This is because a number of mistakes have crept in, which telecommunications
regulator I-C-A-S-A is reportedly working on to rectify as soon as

According to the South African Radio League, the problem is with the new
regulation for the Class B or Zed-U license is incorrect.

This is because the word "under" was left out before the words 20 years.
This leads to a situation where if you are over 20 years of age you
cannot apply for a class B license.

If you have a class B qualification you will be able to keep a Zed-U
license until you reach 25, when the license is automatically cancelled.


Alexander, UY0LL, says last month the Ukrainian government confirmed new
rules for radio amateurs, including a significant loss of all or part of
15 FIFTEEN ham bands!

10-10.10GHz 10.15-10.50GHZ
76-77.5GHz 78-81.0GHz
134.0-136.00GHz 136.0-141.00GHz
241.0-248.00GHz 248.0-250.00GHz

Website of Ukrainian communication regulator

Website of Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL)

K K K Katie

Never has so much attention been paid by so many to just two.

The April 29 wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton will
be watched by about 2 billion people worldwide.

These nuptials will draw a crowd in anticipation of drawing an audience.
One estimate has 8,000 TV and radio reporters and support staff from
around the world in London covering the nuptials.

CNN alone is said to be sending 50 U.S. staffers to complement 75 from
its London bureau. Even the Weather Channel is planning some special
wedding programming and the BBC will have around 30 TV Cameras INSIDE the

And don't forget that special prefix in use from "the mother country" GR.


Apr 23 ZL/VK 2011 VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT 80 metres

Apr 30 WW Marconi Day 2011

Apr 30 ZL/VK 2011 VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT 40 metres


New SSTV net starting up

Bob VK4DA is sending out the feelers to check on the feasibility in starting
up a Slow Scan TV Net, possibly around 2pm to 3pm with pictures exchanged
possibly on 10 metres and voice liaison on either of the Townsville voice

If you are interested in being part of the net, drop Bob a line letting him
know what hardware/software you can throw together, a preference for day and
time and frequency for the net. Pass the word around to anyone you think
might be interested as well.

Bob reminds us that even Foundation calls can participate in the net
in receive only mode yet still comment on the liaison frequency by voice on
what they received.

Contact Bob on email

TC57A Special Event Station From The Battlefields of Gallipoli

They hope to set up the station between 21-25 April. First activated as
TC57ALAY in 2007, the special event-commemorative station for the
57th Regiment Martyrs, is active every year at the end of April as TC57A.

Special emphasis is on contacts made with VK / ZL stations.

QSL via bureau.

Details and photos from previous activities are on the website


HTTP:// (A receiver located in NY USA) (Atlanta 80/40/20 Web SDR Receiver)

Radio Station WSM's Nashville radio tower that has broadcast the Grand
Ole Opry since the 1930s has been added to the USA National Register of
Historic Places. The 808-foot tower was erected in 1932.


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

Intruder Watch - OTHR (Over the Horizon Radar) 80m

We have never come across Over the Horizon Radar on 80 meters. However
any thing is feasible.

John ZL1GWE says "With my ears, it sounds very similar to the Stereo Radar
system, which has been plaguing the 40 meter band in the CW and digital

Any reports, are as always welcomed - samples would be appreciated, if


Sample sound file available on NZART Website:

VK Club Bulletins

A look inside Amateur Radio magazine for May

Featured in a cover story is the unveiling of the commemorative plaque
during the formal opening of the WIA offices, and the naming of the
building as Andersson House.

WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI explains the purposes of the occasion,
before a gathering of the Board and WIA members.

Further to the Board holding its pre-AGM meeting, and among other matters,
it decided to introduce a student rate as well as increase the members
general annual subscription.

Among the articles are Ash Long VK3SSB, who gives a run down on the
Western Victoria JOTA/JOTI weekend, An introduction to stepper motors is
detailed by Jim Tregellas VK5JST, while Bill Isdale VK4IS talks about the
hotter days entitled, "Murphy's emergency communications".

Ever wondered about the use of Ladder Line, well read the Foundation
Corner piece by Geoff Emery VK4ZPP, there is do's and don'ts of the
End-fed Zepp antenna use from the trials of Wayne Pickard VK2ACY, and for
the tourist comes - "Amateur radio, bush walking, photography and fishing
in the central highlands of Tasmania" - as explained by Brian Morgan

Regular columns on Shortwave Listening, AMSAT, ALARA, DXing and the
Higher Bands make for a lot more reading in the May edition of Amateur
Radio Magazine, a WIA membership service and also available at selected

I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV and you're listening to VK1WIA.

Australian Coordinator for TCPIP domains is Indy


Time division multiple access (TDMA) is a channel access method for
shared medium networks. It allows several users to share the same
frequency channel by dividing the signal into different time slots.

The users transmit in rapid succession, one after the other, each using
his own time slot. This allows multiple stations to share the same radio

The ARRL has filed a Petition for Rulemaking and a Request for Temporary
Waiver to authorize the use of single-time-slot Time Division Multiple
Access emissions in the amateur bands at and above 50 MHz, wherever
multiple-time-slot TDMA is authorized.

The ARRL -- which called its Petition "very narrow in scope" seeks to
facilitate the use of and experimentation by radio amateurs with existing
narrowband spectrum-efficient digital voice and data technology."

Such technology is now in regular and increasing use in the private land
mobile radio services.

(sourced to sarl)

TWITTER Repeater listings

From time to time we receive requests from people programming their
radios to make the repeater listing information available in Excel format,
we are pleased to announce that the repeater data can now be downloaded
from the Repeater section of the WIA website under the members tab.

Also a reminder about the WIA email address service. The WIA though it's
email server allows you to establish "" with all
emails sent to this address automatically forwarded to either your home
or work email account.

This provides YOU with ONE consistent email address. And should you ever
change ISP, then having a WIA address means your friends and colleagues
will still be able to email you without the need for individually
providing them with your new address. All YOU need to do is to simply
advise us of your new address, through form on our website and we do the
rest. It couldn't be easier !! A further benefit of having a WIA address,
is in receiving informative Amateur Radio news as it breaks, sent
directly to YOUR inbox..

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Only one GlobalSET this year

IARU Region 1 website, shows Greg Mossop, G0DUB, the IARU Region 1
Emergency Comms Co-Ordinator saying:

"Unfortunately there will only be one GlobalSET this year which will be
on 12th Nov1 1100-1500 local time.

This is due to work pressures on the organiser of the SET which have
limited the time to prepare reports from earlier events and properly
organise activities for the next SET which should have occurred in May.

The Emergency Communications Coordinators for Regions 2 and 3 have been
consulted on the cancellation of the May event and have not made any

Please send any comments to the Region 1 Emergency Communications
Co-Ordinator The decision to cancel the May GlobalSET is regretted but is
felt to be in the best interests of the event.

(Southgate and Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman, IARU Region 3 Disaster
Communications Committee.)



Apr 23-24 VK2 Urunga Radio Convention Senior Citz Hall Bowra street

Apr 23-35 VK4 Darling Downs Club field day at Highfields Pioneer Village

Apr 30 VK4 Gold Coast bbq and boot sale 10am at club house

Apr30-May1 VK4 Clairview Gathering contact Clive VK4ACC of RADAR Club
04 2963 2815.

May 7 VK4 Brisbane Amateur Radio Club's BARCfest, Mt. Gravatt Show
grounds, 1600 Logan Road, Upper Mt. Gravatt 9:30AM

May 27-29 WIA AGM Weekend in Darwin

Jun 10 - 12 VK4 Far North and North Queensland Amateur Radio Gathering at
King Reef Resort Kurrimine Beach.

Jun 11 - 12 VK2 Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club annual Field Day

Jul 16 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest
Cranbourne Community Hall 10am ( )

Jul 16 VK4 Maryborough Electronics and Radio Group "Wide Bay Hamfest"
West Scout Hall, Ariadne St, Maryborough 8:30am.

Jul 31 VK2/3 Riverina Field Day 10am at Lavington Scout Group Hall.

Aug 7 VK2 Lismore region - SARCFEST

Sep 11 VK3 SADARC Comms Day at St Augustine's Hall Shepparton 10am.

Sep 16-18 VK4 NQ Amateur Radio Convention Date Set Townsville

Sep 23-28 R3 Region 3 ARDF Championship Bendigo VK3

Sep 30-Oct 2 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM at Camp Fairbairn
CONTACT Secretary Gordon, (

Nov 20 vk5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood at 0930.
Visit for contact details


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

MAY 3-18 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.



© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)