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The most recent case of an interfering device on 147.0067 MHz, affecting the
VK4RBN 2m repeater has been resolved.

Tim VK4TIM has had confirmation from one of ACMA's field officers that the
source of the interference in the Carindale area, was another one of those
Omni WEP-910D wireless headsets.

Once again, as in the previous dealt with, the device was radiating a carrier
at the address it was traced to, and that once again, VK4TIM had correctly
located the address of it's operation.

This device is no longer operating.

We should always keep an eye out for things such as this, and Tim was alerted
to it's presence when listening to the VK4RBN repeater whilst mobile, with
an evening to spare, it took only an hour to locate, and was very good
DF practice.

There is a high likelihood that there will be more of these devices out there
and operating, and they are easy to find. We all need to be proactive in
locating sources of interference in the Amateur bands.

NEVER EVER make direct contact with the household you track interference
down to, fully document and contact theACMA.

It is believed that there has been a significant number of these things sold
in Australia, an importer of them was prosecuted by the ACMA some years back,
unfortunately not before potentially several hundred had been sold.

The carrier frequency of these devices is typically around 6kHz above the
VK4RBN 147.000 frequency.

(Tim Moore, VK4TIM)

BUSHFIRE early warning sirens will be trialled in Steels Creek ahead of the
next fire season.

The trial follows a two-year campaign by the community, many of whom were
caught off-guard on Black Saturday as the massive fire front swept towards them.

Steels Creek resident Norm Stewart welcomed the prospect of early warning
sirens in an area with poor mobile phone services.

"On the day of Black Saturday there was nothing on the radio warning us a fire
was in our area, so we approached the Government to ask for an early warning
system," Mr Stewart said.

"When our power goes out there is no phone service."

A second early warning system will be trialled in Olinda, with installation and
testing of both expected to be completed before the start of the 2011-12
bushfire season.

Read the complete report in the Lilydale and Yarra Valley Leader

President Michael Owen VK3KI
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Secretary Sarah Thompson VK3AUD
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

As announced here on WIA national news, in AR magazine and on the WIA website,
a commemorative Centenary DVD is being made available for purchase.

This professionally recorded and produced twin DVD boxed set includes footage
from the 'WIA Centenary Convention Weekend of Activities' held last year in
Canberra. Registrations to obtain a copy of the DVD will close at the end of
this month 30th of June 2011. Don't miss out, register today to reserve copy,
go to the WIA website and simply click "WIA Centenary Celebrations" under the
news and events tab.


Focus on Young People

It has been known for a long time that the Amateur Radio population in Australia
is aging, and if nothing were to be done to address the situation, the hobby
would be in danger of fading away.

A few years ago Amateur Radio Licensing in Australia underwent a review and
restructure, bringing about changes that have now been proven to be successful
in bringing new people into the hobby.

I've heard it said many times that the hobby has been "dumbed down", by the
introduction of the Foundation license, however there is no evidence to support
that assertion. In fact a large number of Foundation License holders go on to
gain their Standard or Advanced licenses as a matter of course. This cements
the position of the Foundation License as an entry level device to attract new
people into the hobby.

So is the Amateur population growing? Yes, it is, and steadily, however the
total number isn't growing by the number of new licensees entering the hobby.
Why is this?

It's because our average age of Amateurs is quite high, and a number of
Amateurs leave the hobby each year due to infirmity, lack of facilities in
aged accommodation, or simply by going silent key. This slows down the net
growth of licensees.

The WIA Board is seeking to attract younger people into the hobby, and has
already adopted some strategies, and will develop others in the future. Concern
about bringing younger people into Amateur Radio was expressed clearly several
times at the Open Forum of the recent WIA AGM conference in Darwin.

The Board will soon announce and call for applications for the Club Grants
Scheme for 2011, and some of the grants will help fund projects that will
encourage young people to take an interest in Amateur Radio. The Board has
already announced a low WIA membership fee for full time students under the age
of 25.

The responsibility to pass on this great hobby to the younger generations
rests with all of us, and whether we achieve it by our direct action, or by
supporting the actions of others, we should all do what it takes.

I'm Bob VK6POP


web service:-
VKG Roundup

Hello everyone from the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club. My name's Rod VK2FVRJ.

Central Coast ARC Lecture Nights continue!

Lecture nights at the Central Coast ARC have proven to be very popular and will
continue with this month's lecture being on the "Radio Mobile" software. The
software shows topographical routes between two points and the possibility of
communication between the points on VHF and UHF bands. This is very useful
information to have when setting up a VHF or UHF station whether it be at home,
portable or for a contest.

The lecture will be given by Dave, VK2JDH to-morrow, Friday 17th June (for those
reading the early edition) at the Central Coast ARC clubrooms in Dandaloo St,

Lectures start promptly at 7:30pm, so please arrive early to avoid disruption
and to get that special seat!

Upcoming lecture topics include - Green Electronics, APRS and Satellite

So come along and enjoy another great lecture at the club on the hill - Central
Coast Amateur Radio Club!

International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend

After entering two teams in the just completed VHF/UHF Winter Field Day
contest, one station which allowed our less experienced Foundation licensees to
get a taste of contesting, the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club is now gearing
up for the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend, on the 20th August.
The CCARC will be operating from the surrounds of Nobby's head lighthouse in
Newcastle and as far as the club is aware, this will be the first time that
Nobby's Lighthouse has been registered for this annual event. CCARC will be
operating alongside many other local clubs at various venues in Newcastle and
on the Central Coast during this worldwide event.

CCARC Field Day at Wyong

A now the date we have all been waiting for,
the CCARC Field Day at Wyong will be on Sunday, 26th February 2012.

That's right! Sunday 26th February 2012

So put this date in your diary, book the leave pass and start saving those
pennies for Amateur Radio's Big Day Out!

The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club meets on the first Friday of the month
with the next meeting Friday 1st July 2011. The meeting will be held at the
clubrooms in Dandaloo St Kariong at 7.30pm. The clubrooms are usually open each
Saturday from 10.30 am and a Project and Development group meets each Tuesday
at 7.30pm.

For more information, visit the club's website or call
02 4340 2500

(Rod VK2FVRJ Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Publicity Officer)

The Blue Mountains amateur radio club holds a HF NET ON 3.543 kHz on Tuesday
night at 8pm, it also holds a 2 metre net on the club repeater
147.050 / 147.650, the repeater superimposes a 67Hz CTCSS subtone on Transmit
for those who wish to use this feature.
A 123Hz CTCSS Subtone is required to access this repeater.

The Blue Mountains amateur radio club is holding its annual WINTERFEST on
Sunday August 28th entry is $5 more details can be found by contacting the

(Danny Clark VK2FDCA)

web service:-
Police Roundup

A Queen's Birthday report

The aimed three activations under the Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award
by Tony Hambling VK3VTH over the long weekend took place from the Gunbower,
Barmah and the Lower Goulburn National Parks.

He reports a decent 69 contacts logged which included all mainland states and
some DX as well. No doubt his portable combination of a K3 transceiver and
beam antennas did the trick.

Tony VK3VTH said that the interest is continuing in the Amateur Radio Victoria
operating award is growing and a few guys chased him from park to park.

Full details of the Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award can be found
under the Awards section of the website

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

Has the time come for us to get rid of our monthly magazine and our weekly
broadcasts as well as our club newsletters?

Is it time to just depend on RSS feeds and Tweets? Has the cyber technology
expunged the need for mass produced information?

Some years ago, I can remember people saying that the Internet had replaced
the role of amateur radio. Similarly, I can remember that when single sideband
was in its infancy, both in land mobile and amateur services that people were
forecasting the demise of AM - fondly remembered as ancient modulation.
Broadcasting still makes good use of AM as do amateurs who are using newer
methods and technology to explore this mode.

One thing that news broadcasts and publications provide is an aggregated view
a mass of items presented coherently. With the use of multiple platforms our
amateur news services do bring the world to our shacks. This is only true if
people are prepared to share their local news and not just horde it on their
own web site. In doing this they are ensuring that others have to find it and
can not complain that outsiders don't know. This is reversing the idea of the
global village.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?



NZART have had some very excellent news that KORDIA will not be charging NZART
for the rental on their sites, for the next 5 years.

Although yet to confirm this in a formal contract, Vaughan Henderson ZL1TGC and
Otago Branch 30 are to be heartily congratulated for their by no means small
involvement in bringing this about.


Ark's Academy conducted a combined standard / advanced course over the last six
weeks in the Melbourne Area and would like would like to congratulate

Brian -- For Upgrading from Standard To Advanced
Rodney For Upgrading from Standard to Advanced
Charlie For Upgrading from Foundation to Standard
Miki For Upgrading from Foundation to Standard

Hope your new license levels enable you to enjoy Amateur Radio for a
long time to come, well done from all the Team at Ark's Academy

Also thanks to Lino VK3EI , Lionel VK3NM for their efforts during the
course and Keith VK3FT for his assistance with the Assessments

(John VK3DQ)


The Radio Amateur Examination results were published in South Africa and showed
the youngest candidate who wrote the class B exam as 9 years old and the
youngest who wrote the class A exam 11 years old.
The oldest person to write is 71 years.
The overall pass rate for class A is 79% and Class B 50%.

JG Woodburne, ZS3JW, with 97% scored the highest marks in the Class A
examination and J Flemming, ZU3JW, achieved 97% in the Class B RAE.

The standard agreement with ICASA is that new amateurs may use their call signs
immediately and do not have to wait for the paperwork. Letters and certificates
are in preparation and will be mailed soon.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.


The FCC is asking for public comment on the implementation of the Calm Act,
which aims to regulate the volume on TV commercials to that of associated

The Calm Act was enacted by Congress last December 15th. It requires that the
FCC adopt regulations for television broadcasters, cable operators and other
multi-channel programming distributors on or before this December 15th to limit
volume excursions between programming and commercials.

The legislation stems from numerous long term viewer complaints about
excessively loud television commercials. In its Notice of Proposed Rule Making
or NPRM issued May 27th, the FCC notes that commercial audio levels have been
a leading source of criticism reported to the regulatory agency since its
Consumer Call Centre began reporting complaints in 2002. The NPRM addresses
regulatory enactment, compliance, viewer complaint procedures, enforcement and
other matters concerning adoption of the Calm Act.


One of the best ever public relations spots ever done was aired recently on KCTV
channel 5 in Kansas City. It featured only a reporter, two hams and an H-T, but
is an excellent example of how an interview should take place.

The interviewees were instructors, Brian Short, KC0BS and Matt May,
KC4WCG. The HT was a Yaesu VX-7R, but it was the comments made by Short and May
that made this such an outstanding bit of morning television:

KC0BS: "Actually, there are a lot of ways that
people can get involved in a response,
but all of them require some expertise.
You need to bring something to the party,
so as to speak. There are great
opportunities through the Red Cross, the
Salvation Army and another great example
of that is amateur radio."

If you are a ham involved in publicizing the hobby, or just want to see how to
do an interview correctly, then this is must watch television. Its now up on You can reach it by taking the shortcut link of


Researchers have set a new record for the rate of data transfer using a
single laser. The speed reached is 26 terabits per second.

The trick was to use what is known as a "fast Fourier transform"
to unpick more than 300 separate colours of light in a laser beam.
Each is then encoded with its own string of information.

The technique is described in the journal Nature Photonics. The report
says that at those speeds, the entire Library of Congress collections
could be sent down an optical fibre in about 10 seconds.


Some high drama has emerged in the aftermath of the tornado
that ripped through Joplin, Missouri, on Sunday night May
22nd. It's a story of true ham radio heroism as supplied to
us by Patti Flowers-Palmer, KD0AEL, and Amateur Radio
Newsline's Don Carlson, KQ6FM, has the details:

Patti Flowers-Palmer, KD0AEL, tells Amateur Radio Newsline
that it was on Sunday evening, May 22nd while a young
amateur was finishing with post Skywarn Net Control duties
that a voice was heard calling for help over the 146.91,
W0EBE, repeater. Caleb Burns, KD0BWT, responded to that
call. It was coming from the Freeman Hospital in Joplin,
Missouri. The news it carried was that a devastating F5
tornado had destroyed much of the community as well as its
regional medical facility.

In that exchange, crucial medical supplies were ordered and
medical teams were called to duty. Initially, the call was
made by an Information Technology person at that location.
He was relieved by Thomas Ellicott, N0EKP, who deployed to
assist his own stricken community.

As that transmission was taking place, Steve Palmer KA0SPM,
and his wife Patti KD0AEL, Andrew Brashers KD0HUN and
Jonathan Rinty KD0OSF, all who had been deployed as Skywarn
spotters, responded by driving to Cox South Hospital in
Springfield, Missouri. Meantime, Tom Hargis WX0SML and
Jamas Justice, KD0GUU, both of whom had been deployed with
Skywarn, drove to St. John's Regional Medical Centre also
located in Springfield. Both of these hospitals are
regional Medical Centers for Southwest Missouri.

Upon arriving and finding that the radio rooms near the
Incident Command Centers were void of any amateur equipment,
operators at both locations began relaying information from
doctors and nurses from using their own mobile radio gear.
This, to begin the crucial process of moving injured from
the overwhelmed Freeman Hospital to several Springfield
trauma centres.

With immediate needs met, the hospitals worked with the
amateurs to provide locations for the operators to set up
mobile radios as base stations so that communications could
continue. One was located in an incident command at St.
John's and the other in the ambulance bay of Cox South. As
this was occurring, KD0BWT grabbed a handy-talkie and
headed for Ozarks Community hospital where he established
mobile command. A short time later, Pat Conway WA6JGM and
Clifton Smith KC0SQU responded by taking a mobile unit to
Ozarks and setting up a more permanent station at that location.

The amazing band opening that had allowed the initial
communications began to fade and KA0SPM deployed to the
National Weather Service in Springfield where he relayed
messages via the 145.21 repeater. That machine had survived
the tornado that ravaged other parts of the Joplin area.

According to KD0AEL, before the night was over, there was a
tremendous outpouring of offers from amateurs over the
entire area who offered any assistance they could provide to
keep communications flowing. During the week that followed,
a number of hams continued to call to offer assistance and
they were directed to the coordinators of the CERT search
and rescue efforts.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Don Carlson, KQ6FM,
reporting from Reno, Nevada.



World Castles Weekend

Now I know there are not many Castles in VK but yes you do have some!

That one on the Sunshine Coast in VK4 comes to mind!

Well The World Castles award will be holding an activation weekend on
Sat 25th - Sun 26th June, for anyone interested in activating a site.

More information can be found at:

Time: From 00:00 UTC of Saturday till 23:59 UTC of Sunday.
Bands: All HF and VHF amateur bands.

In this part of the world, Central Lancs ARC will be activating Hoghton Tower
on the 26th June 2011. This stately home, located preston, lancashire, has
been the ancestral home of the de hoghton family since william the conqueror.
For more details go to



5MHz Oceanographic radar

Some may have noticed the ARRL news item on Oceanographic radars on 5MHz, which
concerns a US proposal in the WRC-12 preparatory process for allowing
wave-sensing radars to use 5,250-5,450kHz, amongst other frequencies.

Whilst the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission, CITEL, may adopt this
proposal, our regional telecommunications organisation, CEPT, is moving toward
a European Common Proposal for 5,060-5,160kHz.

Macquarie Island DXpedition DXCC credit approved

ARRL DXCC Manager reports that the current VK0KEV DXpedition to
Macquarie Island has been approved for DXCC credit.

If you have cards that were recently rejected for this operation, send an e-mail
to the ARRL DXCC Desk. Once your record is updated, results will appear in
Logbook of The World accounts or in the live, daily DXCC Standings.

Emergency Services AR DX Group

A new amateur radio group has been formed for radio amateurs who are also
members of one of the emergency services.

The group will initially be coordinated via Facebook. It is open to retired or
serving members of any of the emergency services and is free to join. Simply
search for Emergency Services Amateur Radio DX Group on Facebook and sign up.



June 18/19 WIA Winter VHF-UHF Field Day

June 25 WIA VK/ZL Trans Tasman 160 mtr SSB

July 9 WIA 160m CW & Digital Trans-Tasman contest

Aug 20-21 WW I.L.L.W.

Oct 22 WIA Jack Files Contest


SIX Meter Repeater VK3RDD

The Gippsland Gate Radio and Electronics Club are currently overhauling their
6 m repeater VK3RDD located at Cockatoo. Albert VK3BQO and Geoff VK3ZGW have
spent considerable time and effort designing a new repeater controller to
replace the existing one..

The new controller can be adapted to fit into any new or existing repeater
installation regardless of frequency.

This will be a major rebuild of VK3RDD which has been operating for many years
of reliable service until recent times.

Upgraded Tx/Rx equipment will also be included.

They expect their repeater to be back in operation in approx. 4 weeks and
apologize to regular users for this essential outage.

Please direct any enquiries / comments to

Morse celebrations

Members of the Japan A1 Club will activate the following special callsign until
December 31st:

8J1MORSE, 8J1MORSE/2, 8J1MORSE/3 etc,
according to the district from which they are active from. Activity is to
celebrate 220th anniversary of Samuel Morse's birthday.

Operations will be mainly CW, with some SSB (to explain the novices how to
join the CW community). Some special awards are also available too.

QSL by the Bureau

Logs will be uploaded to LoTW as well.

For more details, the English rules and information are available at:

Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society gets back on the air

The Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society (EARS) club station,
ET3AA, is once again active and on the air as of May 30th.

According to the IARU Region 1 Web page Professor Doctor
Heiko Schroeder, Head of the Technical Faculty of the University of Addis Ababa
and Hans Blondeel Timmerman, President of IARU Region 1 cut the ribbon" to
reopen the new shack.

The station has a 17 element 6-30 MHz log-periodic antenna.

To read the complete story, go to:



If you have been on the HF bands lately, you may have noticed that a number of
new prefixes are in use by stations in the Russian Federation.

The ARRL have issued a summary of the changes recently adopted by the Russian
telecommunication authorities.

Russian prefixes with the numeral 2 are no longer limited to Kaliningradsk.
Stations with RA2 and UA2-UI2 (with F and K as the first letter in the suffix)
are in Kaliningradsk; otherwise, these prefixes will used in European Russia.

Stations in European Russia:
R1, RA1-RZ1 (except RI1 as noted below), R2, RB2-RZ2, R3-R7, RA3-RZ7, UA1
and UA3-UI7. Also, stations with the prefixes R8, R9, RA8-RZ9 and
UA8-UI9 (with F, S, T, W or X as the first letter in the suffix) are in

European Russia.
Except for those listed above, all stations with 8, 9 and 0 as the
numeral are in Asiatic Russia.

Russian Antarctic stations use temporary call signs in the series

Franz Jozef Land stations use temporary call signs RI1F, RI1FJ and

Malyj Visotskij island stations use temporary call signs RI1M, RI1MV

All very complicated, so again we suggest you visit at least
and read the summary in this weeks text edition of wia national news.

VK Club Bulletins

John VK5NX who conducted last weekends 40 meter broadcast of this news from
Adelaide had 32 call-backs!

" Well what a blast, I had Stations call in from
VK 1--1, VK2 -- 4, VK3 -- 8, VK4 -- 1,
VK 5-16, VK6 -- 1, VK7 -- 1,
in all a Total of 32 Stations, I figure that is a reasonable score for
40m relay for Sunday 12th June. Best 73 John VK5NX ...!!!..."

Ham Radio in New York Times Podcast

Amateur Radio features in a technology Podcast produced by the New York Times.

In the Podcast, Walt Baranger talks about Amateur Radio, which he describes
as a breeding ground for new engineers.

The Amateur Radio item occurs about a third of the way through the show, listen
to it at

New York TimesTech Talk


Let us have a look inside Amateur Radio magazine

The July edition of the WIA journal is jam-packed with interesting articles
including coverage of the recent annual convention held in Darwin.

The technical items include a review of the Icom IC-9100 transceiver by
Michael Coleman VK3KH and Peter Freeman VK3PF, more of that magnetic loop by
Jim Tregellas VK5JST and a six metre conversion of the PRM80 from Matt Bilston

In a fitting tribute the late Neil Penfold VK6NE silent key discusses the
ins and outs of QSLing.

A "Gs" visit to VK from the findings of Ian Hollingesbee G3TDT slash VK3BIH
makes an interesting read.

The Publications Committee reports that it is low on suitable articles and
front cover photographs and invites contributions for both.
Amateur Radio magazine, a WIA membership service and available at selected
news agents.

I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV and you are listening to VK1WIA.


Revolutionary military antenna approach unveiled

Eleven years of development have finally paid off for Fractal Antenna Systems,

The firm announced that it has perfected a new wideband antenna approach based
upon its proprietary fractal technology. The new approach, dubbed
'dissimulation antennas', is designed to solve the problems encountered with
real antennas in the warfighter's environment.

The modern warfighter needs wideband antennas. Previous efforts that are now
in use, are highly restricted by their size, component complexity, weight,
power handling, and heat dissipation, as well as frequency coverage.

One key advantage to the dissimulation antenna approach is the deceptiveness
of their appearance relative to their performance matrix.
"Good luck eyeballing one of these antennas and guessing what they are being
used for or how well they work. Most can hardly be recognized as being

The dissimulation antenna line is sold to US Gov't, DOD, and NATO nations


WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- Internet Linking of Repeaters

IRLP turns 10 in VK3

VK3's first IRLP node turned 10 years old on the 11 June 2011.
Ten years ago Tony VK3JED and myself David VK3JDA were talking on air about
this new system, IRLP that Tony had seen in Sydney.

In about 10 minutes on air we had donations of a PC, Radio and money for the
Controller board. Node 630 started is life on VK3RGL 2 meter repeater and now
Node 6300 lives on the MDRC's 70cm repeater VK3RMC.

(David VK3JDA)


Percy Roberts, Vk6XR, was back in 1961 among a group of Katanning Hams who
took part in the 24 hour Remembrance Day Contest.

Now some 50 later Percy's Great Grandson VK6FAME is set to follow in his

Davis Burke is VK6FAME, he obtained his license in January this year, at the
age of 10 years and one month. (Is he the youngest in VK6? That'd be
interesting to find out). He'll be contesting in the RD contest from Perth.

His great grandfather, Percy (Robbie) Roberts, VK6XR, was a 'Rat of
Tobruk' in the war in 1941, who held his ham license for approx. 60
years, after being a comms officer in the war. Robbie passed away 6 years ago.

Unfortunately, Robbie never saw either David or David's Dad Miles
get their calls.



Jul 16 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest
Cranbourne Community Hall 10am ( )

Jul 16 VK4 Maryborough Electronics and Radio Group "Wide Bay Hamfest"
West Scout Hall, Ariadne St, Maryborough 8:30am.

Jul 31 VK2/3 Riverina Field Day 10am at Lavington Scout Group Hall.

Aug 7 VK2 Lismore region - SARCFEST

Aug 28 VK2 Blue Mountains amateur radio club's annual WINTERFEST

Sep 11 VK3 SADARC Comms Day at St Augustine's Hall Shepparton 10am.

Sep 16-18 VK4 NQ Amateur Radio Convention Date Set Townsville

Sep 23-28 R3 Region 3 ARDF Championship Bendigo VK3

Sep 30-Oct 2 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM at Camp Fairbairn
CONTACT Secretary Gordon, (

Nov 20 vk5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood at 0930.
Visit for contact details


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

FEB 26

MAY 3-18 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the VK1WIA broadcasts,
please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelyhood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.



© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)