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A well-earned boost for amateur radio

They are still talking about the excellent coverage given in the Livewire
section of the Green Guide supplement in The Age newspaper.


A well-earned boost for amateur radio

They are still talking about the excellent coverage given in the Livewire
section of the Green Guide supplement in The Age newspaper.

The well-researched article by Katie Cincotta appeared on Thursday the 7th
of July and involves accounts of nine radio amateurs, including 13-year old
Monique Golub VK3FWPZ.

The 8th grader enjoys contesting and has encouraged other young girls to
join the fun.

Justin Stewart VK3FLIP and Monique VK3FWPZ are shown at the Sherbrooke Community
School station VK3KID.

Maths teacher Edward Seeto VK3LIP demonstrates on a hand-held radio accessing
a web-enabled local repeater to connect to a user in Dallas, Texas.

They learn the ropes from volunteers Randall McDonald VK3RM and Jim McNabb

Another relative newcomer is Richard Holmes VK3TXD, keen to dispel the amateur
radio stereotype of old blokes tinkering, and hopes a new generation will
find clever ways to evolve the hobby. The lure of long-distance or DX contacts
remains his main interest.

The article has a look at Doug McArthur VK3UM on emergency communications
and moon-bounce experimentation through to Jack Bramham VK3WWW on his digital
amateur television and ARDF pursuits.

Wireless Institute of Australia media spokesman Jim Linton VK3PC says the
Foundation Licence is simple for people to acquire, although many progress
to the higher grades as Standard and Advanced which give them more.

To read the full article visit:

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Wally Green VK6WG turns 100 in August and is still going strong in the
microwave experimenting area.

Wally recounts many amusing stories and one, told when being intervied by
Bob Elms VK6BE went along these lines:-

"I recently heard you telling a story about your exploits
with ford spark coils and a male relative. Give us the
story again will you?

Wally responded......."

"Yes that sticks in my mind and I can see it in my head now.
He was interested in my elder sister and I was playing with
my Ford coil and I decided to see what would happen with this
bloke. There was a couch along the side wall. I connected the
coil to a battery and connected to two pieces of enamel covered
wire and put it under a piece of news paper.

The Ford coil would send a spark an inch long. It would go
through newspaper with no trouble at all. When he sat down
I turned the coil on. He just rose straight up into the air.
If his pants had been paper they would been set on fire.

But he still married my sister."

Augusts Amateur Radio Magazine will feature Wally VK6WG on the cover.
(sourced to vk7wia)

John Singleton's Macquarie Radio Network has concluded a heads of agreement to
acquire eight commercial radio broadcasting stations from the Smart Radio
Network in Queensland.
The agreement is subject to satisfaction of customary conditions including
securing finance, board approval and the conclusion of a long form agreement.

President Michael Owen VK3KI
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Secretary Sarah Thompson VK3AUD
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

WIA...Why be in it?

The Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society, an affiliate of the WIA in their last
newsletter as that very question.

WIA...Why be in it?

They co on to say that "in 2010 the WIA celebrated 100 years of representing
Amateur Radio in Australia. That is 100 years of improved conditions for the
AR population in Australia. The WIA does not win all the battles, but at least
they try.

Currently only 30% of Australian Amateurs are members.

The WIA is like a trade union, the WIA works hard to get benefits for their
members, but all Amateurs benefit. Is that fair?

All amateurs are free to use VK5 repeaters yet some are funded by the WIA.

AHARS insurance: the club has liability insurance through the WIA. Any members
who are members of the WIA are covered at no further cost to AHARS. The club
submits members list in April and the WIA charges a fee for all non WIA members.

Clubs are not advised of who are not members, due to privacy restrictions, but
Clubs are charged accordingly.

If you operate on the so called WARC bands, have a Foundation licence, operate
HF without a CW test, then these conditions have all been won by the WIA.

WIA will be represented at the World Radio Conference (WRC) in 2012. The WIA is
part of the official Australian Government contingent, the WIA pay for this
privilege. If we do not attend, our bands and conditions are at risk.

This all costs money.

It will cost you less than $2 a week to be a WIA member.

Please visit the WIA website to see how many volunteers help.

Contests, awards, magazine, bookshop, historian and so on, for the benefit of
all Amateurs. This is not a witch hunt, just putting the facts for your

As AHARS say in their newsletter. Please consider joining.


Recently an amateur forgot to renew his licence because he failed to advise the
ACMA of his new address, and was upset when his two letter callsign was
allocated to someone else.

The "Comment" in the June 2009 issue of Amateur Radio addressed this problem
in some detail, and further information can be found on the WIA website under the tab "Australian amateur licensing and callsigns"
under the button "Get your Amateur Radio Licence".

The Radiocommunications Act does not impose on ACMA an obligation to issue a
renewal notice. ACMA does so, but failure to receive a renewal notice is no
excuse for not renewing a licence.

Obviously, failing to notify the ACMA of a change of address will mean that
even if the ACMA does send a renewal notice, it will go the wrong address.
But the Act does provide that a licence can be renewed from 6 months before
and 60 days after its expiry date. It is the licensee's responsibility to
ensure that the licence is renewed in that time.

A callsign is only a condition of a licence, and if the licence is not
renewed, after 60 days from the expiry date the callsign will be placed on the
Public List, (the list of available callsigns on the WIA website) and after
7 days the WIA will issue a Callsign Recommendation to whoever wants that


"From 8 July 2011 a change has been made to the procedures for a Callsign
Recommendation for a two letter callsign in Queensland, New South Wales and

Since 1 December 2010 the procedure in respect of two letter callsigns in those
states has been that no callsign recommendation can be made until seven days
after a callsign is placed on the Public List, (the list of available callsigns
on the WIA website) to allow someone who has inadvertently allowed a licence to
lapse to claim back the callsign.

Applications for these two letter callsign were still required to be lodged by
mail, but after the seven days had elapsed, if there was more than one
application for a callsign and the callsign has not been claimed back, then the
applications were drawn at random in the presence of a WIA Director, Secretary
or Treasurer. This ensured that those living in more remote areas, without
Express Post, were not disadvantaged.

Now applications for a two letter callsign in Queensland, New South Wales and
Victoria may be sent by mail, facsimile, scanned and sent by email, or delivered
by hand to the WIA office.

After the expiration of seven days, the ballot procedure will determine the
applicant who will receive the Callsign Recommendation.

In addition, fees paid by unsuccessful applicants will be retained until the
callsign has been allocated by ACMA, and if the callsign is not allocated, then
the next applicant drawn would be offered the callsign and the fees will only
be refunded to unsuccessful applicants after the ACMA has allocated the

The WIA cannot accept a standing application for a two letter callsign, as the
application for a Callsign Recommendation must always relate to a particular


web service:-
Police Roundup

Riverina Field Day Albury Wodonga Amateur Radio Club Inc

The Albury Wodonga Amateur Radio club hosts the Field day, held at the
Lavington Scout Group Hall Lavington at 10:00am and it costs just $5.00.

Traders, second hand equipment, hot food, free tea and coffee.

All welcome on July 31.

Places for exhibitors and traders still available, for more information contact
Tom vk2my

(wia events)

East Gippsland Amateur Radio Club would like to remind members of the up and
coming AGM, the AGM will be held in the rivers room at the Bairnsdale RSL Club,
corner of Princes Highway and Forge Creek Road, on Sunday the 24th of July at
1:30 PM and meals start at 12 PM for those wishing to have a meal before the
AGM, more information may be found at the clubs web site

(Michael, clubs Publicity Officer, VK3HAU)


Darryl Ross, VK5HZ writing in the Winter 2011 issue of 'INFO' from the
Elizabeth Amateur Radio Club in VK5 tells how they have added a new column
to the issue -

'EARC Notices and Classifieds'.

Notices and 'adverts' are free for members and can be run for as many issues
as are requested.

So if you have anything you want to get rid out of the 'junk room' er 'shack',
send in a quick note and perhaps someone else will find a use for it!

local area news :-
vk7 local news, email

VK7RCH interference

Michael 7FMRS and Hayden VK7HAY have managed to track down the interference
on VK7RCH. It appears to be a "remote" operated boat crane operating on
433.575MHz, the repeaters input.

Just a reminder too that anyone may use the repeater, it's for the benefit of
Southern Amateurs and to increase activity on 70cm.


web service:-
VKG Roundup

Snowy Mountains Amateur Radio Club.

Visitors to the Perisher ski areas over winter are invited to use the
local 70cm repeater on 438.450 MHz. VK2RLJ located at a little under 2000
metres ASL on Mount Perisher, provides excellent coverage in and around the
Perisher Valley range of ski resorts as well as into the Thredbo Ski Resort
and surrounding towns.

The Snowy Club reminds visitors their 2mrepeaters are active on
147.025 MHz and 147.250 MHz, both positive offset and 91.5 Hz tone, providing
coverage all the way from Cooma to the Snowy Mountains.



The next Trash & Treasure event at VK2WI is on the last Sunday of this month,
the 31st, with the usual line up. Trash & Treasure and exam assessments in the
morning and the Home Brew gathering in the early afternoon.

International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend heats up

Jim Linton tells us that the Illawarra Amateur Radio Society has told him that
"Lighthouses of Australia", a non-profit organisation which aims to create a
higher profile for lighthouses, will be in attendance to relight the old diesel
powered Point Perpendicular Light for VK2AMW on the weekend!

Club Auction

Liverpool & District Amateur Radio Club Auction, Saturday August 20.

Miller Scout Hall, Shopshire Road, Miller. Next to Miller High School open
8:30am, auction commences at 10:30am

Any vendors who wish to participate, please contact the Liverpool Secretary
Garry VK2BR further details.

VK2BR on 0427 063 553

The report, The internet service market and Australians in the online
environment, found that that more than 15 million people aged 14-years and over
used the internet during the December quarter of 2010, up from 14.2 million
during the same quarter in 2009.

In addition, 71 per cent of internet users went online at least once a day in
December 2010, compared to 67 per cent in December 2009 - an increase of
1.2 million users.


ARNSW Foundation Course and assessments on Sunday the 4th of September at
the VK2WI site.

We ask listeners to advise those they know who have an interest in getting into
Amateur Radio that the course is to be held. Have them telephone 02 9651 1490
that number again 02 9651 1490, leaving their contact details.

The date again September 4.


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

Radio licence exemptions following Christchurch earthquake

Temporary transmitters being used in the Christchurch emergency response are
exempted from radio licence requirements for the next three months.

The exemption applies to transmitters established within a radius of
30 kilometres of what is known as the 'The Square' in Christchurch.
See NZMS 260 map series location M35 806 417.

For the purposes of technical coordination, details of the transmissions must
be entered into the Register of Radio Frequencies as 'planned licences' and be
certified by an approved radio engineer or an approved radio certifier.

The exemption is made under Regulation 10 of the Radiocommunications
Regulations 2001, and is in effect until September 30, 2011.



aN Audio travel guide named 'Tourism Radio' operates in New Zealand.

Tourism Radio uses an integrated GPS system broadcasting content in real time.

The system points out well known landmarks as the vehicle approaches allowing
visitors to take in all New Zealand has to offer.

The New Zealand company is planning to expand its travel guide here to Australia
in 2012, followed by Hawaii and the US after that.

RMS station at Bangalore

The Amateur Radio Messaging Server (RMS) Gateway Station VU2IIH was inaugurated
by Shri B.M.Baveja, VU2BMB, Group Coordinator, Department of Information
Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government
of India at INDIAN INSTITUTE OF HAMS, Bangalore on Wednesday, 6th July.
The project is implemented by National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad.




Streaming copyright material may soon be against the law. Amateur Radio
Newsline's Jim Davis, W2JKD, reports:

A trio of Senators has introduced a measure that would make illegally streaming
TV shows or movies a felony. The bi-partisan bill, designated as S. 978 was
introduced by Senators Amy Klobuchar, John Cornyn and Christopher Coons. It
came the same day that Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont re-introduced a
bipartisan measure to give the government more tools to shut down Web sites
that traffic in stolen intellectual property, including TV shows and movies.

It is already a felony to download or upload that content, so the bill would
just extend that to streaming. This was a recommendation made by White House
Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Victoria Espinel. Espinel
pointed out that under existing law, it is unclear that streaming copyrighted
work can be subject to a felony penalties because such penalties are predicated
on the defendant either illegally reproducing or distributing the copyrighted

While, intuitively, streaming would seem to pretty clearly be distribution,
there has been some legal question about that designation. This new law looks
to clear up that point.

I'm Jim Davis, W2JKD.

The Obama administration has made protection, security and privacy of online
content a priority given its push for universal broadband as a critical
infrastructure component of the country's future.


Turning to ham radio space related news, word that the US Air Force Academy
FalconSat-3 satellite, launched in 2007, has resulted in over 200 academy
students becoming licensed radio amateurs.

FalconSat-3 was put into orbit on March 9, 2007 by the U.S. Air Force Academy
in Colorado. It carries a 145 to 435 MHz digital store and forward transponder
supporting data rates of 9k6, 38k4, or 76k8 running the pacsat file system
so anyone with WiSP can copy telemetry.

Project OSCAR UK contacted Colorado Satellite to get the latest word on the
satellite. They received an update below from Jim White who explained that
the government band radios on Falcon-Sat-3 require a stable gravity gradient
attitude to work properly. They have struggled with the attitude control
since launch and it is not yet stable. Instead, the satellite is operating
using its amateur band radios and as a result a large contingent of cadets and
faculty from the Air Force Academy have obtained Amateur licenses.

White says that FalconSat-3 is presently on during most day and evening passes
over the Air Force Academy with a very strong downlink on UHF.

He adds that when FalconSat-5 was launched about 6 months ago there was
some thought that FalconSat-3would move to fully amateur service. However
FalconSat-3 has proven to be such a useful learning tool that the decision was
made to operate it along with FalconSat-5. Unlike its predecessor, FalconSat 5
carries no Amateur equipment.




A follow-up to a story that we first aired some ten years ago. It's about a
light bulb. A very old light bulb that keeps a Northern California fire
station out of the dark.

Amateur Radio Newsline's Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, with details:

A light bulb hanging in the Livermore Pleasanton California Fire Department
has been burning steadily for exactly 110 years.

Lynn Owens, who's in charge of the "light bulb centennial committee", says that
how it stays lit remains something of a mystery. He says that it's a 60-watt
bulb but it only gives off only about four watts of light. Even so, but nobody
knows why it keeps burning.

According to the lamp's website, the bulb is actually a somewhat different
style bulb from what other manufacturers of the day produced. It was invented
by Adolphe A. Chaillet and made by the Shelby Electric Company. It was donated
by Dennis Bernal to the Livermore Volunteer Fire Department and this past
June 18th was its 110th year of continuous illumination. This is a fact
documented extensively by Guinness World Records.

One possible answer may be the way in which it was constructed.

In a 2010 interview with the Daily Mail, bulb protector Steve Bunn ascribed
the light's success to good old fashioned engineering. In the Shelby bulb, a
coiled filament burned brighter and lasted longer than the Edison bulb -- this
as evidenced by the longevity of the Livermore Pleasanton centennial bulb which
celebrated its 110th year of nonstop duty back on June 18th.

According to Owens, scientists from around the world have come to look at the
bulb but why its lasted this long is still a mystery. You can visit it
vicariously on the world-wide-web


Aug 13-14 WIA Remembrance Day Contest

Aug 20-21 WW I.L.L.W.

Oct 22 WIA Jack Files Contest


January VK Ross Hull Memorial VHF UHF Contest


June Long Weekend (vk4 time) VK Shires Contest.

July First full weekend NZART Memorial Contest

Here is an unofficial report on the NZART Memorial Contest held 2nd and 3rd
July 2011.

Conditions were not good and made for some hard digging of signals at times.

Saturday there was an average of 32 SSB Stations per hour.

19 ZLs and 13 VKs

Sunday was very similar with an average of 36 SSB Stations per hour
23 ZLs and 13 VKs.

The pleasing thing was that most stayed around to give that 1 point.

PHILLIP zl2tze thanks those that worked this contest and remember to get your
logs in by 31st July

Remember to include the summary sheet .

Please mark this on your calendar for 2012 First full weekend in July and
pass this on to all ..

Thank you and hear you all in 2012 !!!

International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend heats up

In yester-year the coastline had lighthouse protection, now well surpassed
by modern satellite navigation.

The radio amateurs operating portable from those locations, on the third
weekend of August helps keep the spirit of the lighthouse alive.

Several countries with a relative small coastline do surprisingly well, by
activating as many of the accessible lighthouses as possible.

Of those countries that relied heavily on lighthouse protection on the
past, Australia remains in the lead with 51 followed by the USA on 48, but
usual leadership contender Germany has only 39 entries so far.

More than 300 entries are expected for lighthouses and lightships from now
onwards with around 50 countries to be involved and with just 4 weeks to go
to the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend a total of 290 entries
have been received. Many more expected in coming weeks.

This year so far 13 Lightships are entered mainly from Belgium, England,
Germany and the USA. There's one each in the Netherlands, Sweden and Wales.

Lightships are a rarer breed of the long-gone era of magnified flashes a light
used by ships as they navigated along the coast and around the world.

Since 1998 the 48-hour fun filled third weekend in August attracts more
than 440 entrants, from around 50 countries.

Be part of the action, or just check the newly refurbished website at
ILLW.NET where you will find more information about the International
Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend, on August the 20th and 21st.

For full details and on-line registration for the weekend of August the
20th and 21st check the website ILLW.NET which has been recently been
revised and well worth a visit.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


The island of Nauru in the central Pacific is not often heard on the bands.
Pekka OH2YY will be active as C21YY until 20 July.
He will use SSB only and QSLs go via his home call.

Dave ZR6DG is in Mozambique until 28 July and will sign C92DG.
He plans to be active on the bands as time allows.
QSL info is via his home call.

The unusual callsign E76ARDF will be in use from now until 20 July from
Bosnia-Herzegovina. This is in connection with the 6th Balkan Amateur Radio
Direction Finding Championship. It is expected that 120 amateurs from
9 countries will take part in the event.

Brazil Special Event

Look for the amateur radio special event station PT 155 FD to be active between
now and July 30th.

Activity is to commemorate the 155th anniversary of the first Official Fire
Department in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro State).

Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia on Lord Howe Island (OC-004)
as VK9HR between July 23 and August 2. CW, SSB and RTTY activity on 160 to 6
QSL via EB7DX.


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

In the last DX Bulletin No. 1018 there was mention of ZL7 in the cluster report
also the same reported in the DXCC Country / Entity report from Southgate
Amateur radio News.

We are led to believe there is no current licensed operator with the calls
listed :

N2KW 7023.0 ZL7O14 0652 03 Jul Chatham Islands
F5LVL 14015.0 ZL7PW 559 0709 07 Jun Chatham Islands
EA5YZ 14021.0 ZL7PW 5/9 I'm murcia 73.s 0615 13 May Chatham Islands

Anyone wanting to check any ZL call sign can do via the MED / RSM website

Or contact NZART @ and ask the NZART ARX ( Debbie ) if
the call has been issued .

(Phillip ZL2TZE)

VK Club Bulletins

The August edition of Amateur Radio magazine

On the cover is Wally Green VK6WG, turned 100 and still achieving. Also
foreshadowed is an upcoming story on another centenarian, Pearce Healey VK2APQ.

In the WIA Comment there's the IARU latest by President Michael Owen VK3KI,
explaining its vital role leading up to, and during, the World Radio

We learn about Willis Island visited by David Burton VK9WBM.

In Foundation Corner, Geoff Emery VK4ZPP revisits home brewing, a very good
read for everyone.

At the other end of the demographic is a call to join the RAOTC.

There's news of the reformed Parkes Radio Club VK2BPK and the Hills Amateur
Radio Group VK6AHR in action.

Spotlight on SWLing has Robin Harwood VK7RH lamenting that Radio Netherlands
is to stop some broadcasts and Deutsche Welle has made cuts already.

There are the columns from ALARA, AMSAT, Contests, DX, VHF & UHF -- and
writings from each state.

Amateur Radio magazine a membership service, is also available at selected
news agents.

I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV and you're listening to VK1WIA.

Hello Listeners. I am peter Harding, VK4OD the WIA RD Contest Manager. The
Rules and my introduction to the 2011 Remembrance Contest, are in the July
edition of the Amateur Radio Magazine. Or you can download a copy of these
rules when you can log onto the WIA website. At the bottom of the RD Contest
page is a link to download a PDF copy of the Rules and my introduction, or you
can email me at and I can send a copy of both (if required)
in PDF format.

Basically, there has been NO changes since last year, however, as this is the
WIA's Premier Annual Contest, I like to get the rules published each year.

Due to some request's and a discussion's at this year's AGM in Darwin the Start
and finish times of the contest remain the same however it MAY change for next
year's contest.

I would ask that any newly licensed Amateur Operator taking part in this year's
contest take the time to read the rules.

As we did last year, I have include the new section for World WARII equipment.
This equipment can be on HF or VHF. Please read the rules regarding criteria
for this equipment.

Today is the 17th July and as this news goes to air, you have about 4 weeks to
check your equipment, logs sheets, and Logging Software updates.

Over the next couple of weeks I will make available, at the bottom of the RD
Contest page, printable log sheets, declarations, etc.
Until next week.



Jul 16 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest
Cranbourne Community Hall 10am
( )

Jul 16 VK4 Maryborough Electronics and Radio Group "Wide Bay Hamfest"
West Scout Hall, Ariadne St, Maryborough 8:30am.

Jul 31 VK2/3 Riverina Field Day 10am at Lavington Scout Group Hall.

Aug 7 VK2 Lismore region - SARCFEST

Aug 28 VK2 Blue Mountains amateur radio club's annual WINTERFEST

Sep 11 VK3 SADARC Comms Day at St Augustine's Hall Shepparton 10am.

Sep 16-18 VK4 NQ Amateur Radio Convention Date Set Townsville

Sep 23-28 R3 Region 3 ARDF Championship Bendigo VK3

Sep 30-Oct 2 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM at Camp Fairbairn
CONTACT Secretary Gordon, (

Nov 20 vk5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood at 0930.
Visit for contact details


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012


MAY 3-18 VK5 YL International 2012 Australia (

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the VK1WIA broadcasts,
please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelyhood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.



© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)