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If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!

email (click news in member area) Submit your audio news


Please.. If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
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We'll hear from WIA Director VK6POP along with further RD news
from our Remembrance Day Contest Manager VK4OD, so grab your pen and paper,
connect your earth wire to your trusty L1A2 bayonet, break a bit of C4 and

First ever 24 GHz Digital Modes Record

On June 23, Alan Devlin VK3XPD and Colin Hutchesson VK5DK operated portable in
VK4, setting a new Digital Modes record for the 24 GHz band. The distance was
152.2 km.

New 3.4 GHz Digital Modes Record

On June 25, Mark Swannack VK2AMS and Neil Sandford VK2EI worked Alan Devlin
VK3XPD and Colin Hutchesson VK5DK, who were operating portable at the time in
northern VK2. This contact set a new national Digital Modes record for
3.4 GHz band. The distance was 161.6 km.

The full list of current VHF-UHF records is on the Records Update page of
the WIA web site,

This page also includes an updated list of all Australian VHF-UHF records since

(John VK3KM)

The Walcha Radio Group.

The Walcha Radio Group would like to thank all who donated to Jeff's Walk. They
sent out some 250 letters to the people of the North West area of this state
and got back almost $500.

Jeff is now well across VK5 towards the VK6 Border and donations to NETS are
still most welcome.

Brian Kelly VK2WBK President of the Walcha Radio Group is justifiably proud of
all his members, it's a small club with only 8 members who run three repeater
sites with 5 repeaters plus 23cm on air soon!

(vk2wi news)


SA Police have been inundated of late with radio calls for help which appear
to be hoaxes, wasting time and resources for emergency services.

The Yorke Peninsula Country Times say calls have related to a range of
fake emergencies and Yorke-Mid North Local Service Area operations manager,
Senior Sergeant Gerry Nicholson, has warned officers will be investigating.

These include calls on either CB radio or marine radio creating the belief
the caller is in dire straits and requires immediate assistance.

The response to the hoax calls has resulted in the use of large numbers of
volunteer personnel, helicopters, marine vessels and other emergency services
like police, SES, CFS and ambulance.

For the full report read the print edition of YPCT or Google Yorke Peninsula
Country Times.


Digital fault plagues Brisbane's TVs

A digital transmission fault was the cause of woes for television stations and
viewers across Australia's east coast Sunday last.

Channels Seven and Nine were unable to broadcast in Brisbane for nearly one
hour after their digital feed from Sydney was cut at about 1pm however lovers
of re-runs of I Love Lucy were not left in the dark, 9's "GO" channel stayed up.

Most stations could only transmit an error message to viewers from Brisbane to
Hervey Bay and Sydney.

The feed continued to cut in and out during the afternoon, also affecting ABC,
Channel 10 and 612 ABC Brisbane radio.

It is said that the original fault was with Telstra in Sydney but Nine said their
backup satellite link out of Melbourne also failed at the same exact time.

And it's said that all over the country people slowly emerged onto the streets,
blinking in the dawn of a new age! HiHi.


Congratulations to Phil VK6KPH. In July 2011, Phil, was recommended for a
merit scholarship by Murdoch University in support of his research studies
at the Western Australian School of Mines.

Phil has been a postgraduate student since 2007 and his research is now
commanding global attention having been presented at peer-reviewed
international meetings.

Phil is conducting research into high altitude millisecond electrical
discharges that seem to originate in the mesosphere over regions of impending
earthquake activity.

Discoveries in science often begin with a happenstance, and that's what set
Phil on this research path.

Some time ago Phil was listening in his car to commercial radio in the amateur
2 metre band. Phil noted that 24 hours later a strong (M=5.9) earthquake hit
Newcastle in New South Wales, Australia.

The recollection of the first event came when in October 2001 a similar anomaly
was registered by him in Esperance, Western Australia, (even on the FM music
band at 104.75FM) and 14 hours later the Earth trembled under Esperance
(the epicentre was 200 km west at Ravensthorpe).

Having had 35 years experience as a radio amateur, TV electronics engineer,
ex RAAF avionics technician and part time post trade industrial electronics
teacher he started to record the suspicious signals using transceivers tuned
to different frequencies, using many of the skill utilized by Amateur Radio

Congratulations Phil on you ongoing research, and I wouldn't be surprised to
see an article in a future edition of AR magazine about your work.

See the text edition of the news for a web link with more information.

Phil's work is in chapter 7 of this free pdf


Pierce Healy VK2APQ coming up to his Centenary.

Pierce VK2APQ will be celebrating his 100th Birthday in mid August.

His family will be celebrating this milestone with a function Sunday the 14th
of August. There will be more details in later bulletins.

(vk2wi news)

Lighthouses are the talk of the town

With more than 40 new entries in the past week, the 14th International
Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend in August is shaping up well indeed.

Among those which have gained media publicity are the Cape Leeuwin and Cape
Naturaliste lighthouses. The West Australian newspaper reports that they are
to be illuminated in recognition of seafarers over the years.

Similar things are happening elsewhere as greater attention is paid to these
important heritage structures that once protected the coastline around the

Looking around Australia's coast we have record 59 entries. There's also good
numbers from Canada, Chile, Italy, Holland, New Zealand, Portugal and the USA.

A further 20 each are expected from England, Holland and Germany. Among the
others who are down on last year's totals so far are Argentina, Scotland and
South Africa.

To keep track of the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend, August
the 20th and the 21st visit the website at which also has the online
entry form.

More on ILLW with Felix later in this Bulletin.

To read the newspaper report:

To read the latest on the ILLW visit:

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


web service:-
VKG Roundup

Trash & Treasure

Today, Sunday, the 31st is Trash & Treasure time at VK2WI. During recent weeks
new items have been added to the store so check out the ARNSW website under
disposals for some of the larger items.

The T&T got under way at about 9.30 am and during this morning exam assessments
are available.

Candidates can advise they wish to partake by a phone call to 0400 445 829

Tim VK2ZTM says the BBQ will be lit for lunch and in the early afternoon the
regular Home Brew gathering and lecture takes place.

(vk2wi news)

St. George Amateur Radio Society

The St. George Amateur Radio Society will be meeting next up on Wednesday night
August Third in the usual venue, the 1st Kyle Bay Scout Hall, Donelly Park,
Kyle Parade, Connells Point at 7:30pm.

Guest speaker will be Roger Harrison VK2ZRH who will be talking about George
Taylor, (Of the WIA's GA Taylor Medal fame) and one of the early amateur radio
experimenters of Sydney.

Amateur radio was only a small part of the George's life - come and hear the

(vk2wi news)

web service:-
Police Roundup

The Amateur Radio Victoria Centenary

The centrepiece of the 100th celebration is an operating award. It runs
throughout the period August the 1st through to November the 30th.

The rules and full details are now available under the Award section of the
Amateur Radio Victoria website

During the four-month celebratory period contact with members gains 2 points.
A bonus ten points is available by working VK3WI during the Remembrance Day
and International Lighthouse and Lightship weekends in August, and the
Oceania DX Phone Contest in October.

Bonus points are also available for contacts with the Nominated VK100ARV
special callsign to be rostered in November.

The Amateur Radio Victoria Centenary also involves the world's first DATV
QSO Party emanating from VK3RTV and across the world, and November the 19th
and 20th a number of Victorian National Parks will be on air.

Wherever you are, don't miss a chance to join in the celebration.
More in coming weeks.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

web service local audio news:-
local news email
VKR Roundup

Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

Long established on the amateur radio calendar is the Jamboree of the Air, now
run in conjunction with the Jamboree on the Internet. This activity brings
youth together via the capability of technology to share experience locally and

Whether it is one amateur or a club contribution, there are the necessary
preparations to undertake. Site, activities to be supported and equipment
readiness all have to be addressed. This is the age of the touch screen and
instant messaging and as interesting as CW and SSTV can be to the officianado
we need to be both practical and up to date.

To this end, a discussion with the Scout Leaders who will be attending and a
look at the various badge requirements may give some insight into appropriate
presentations of the amateur radio activity.

Remember that glint in the eye when enthusiasm bursts through. We can all have
it but it is good to share our enthusiasm with others. Members of the scouting
movement are especially welcome during JOTA.

If you hear a voice in your mind saying "do your best" then remember the
correct response is still to "do our best".

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?


Bunya Mts & District AmCom

Good morning/evening to all, I'm Neil VK4NF with greetings from the north
western darling downs and south burnett.

The Bunya Mts & District AmCom Inc will be holding it's annual meeting on
Saturday the 13th August at the Myall youth & community network centre, cnr
of Drayton & Nicholson streets in Dalby.

Visitors will be most welcome, so take this opportunity to come early and check
out the great shopping in Dalby, then join us at around the 1100 hrs for a chit
chat, then we will have a BBQ lunch at around the 1230hrs, followed by the
annual meeting at 1400hrs, and this will be followed with a general meeting.

It would be great to have your company. Thanks folks & happy days to all.

Ipswich & District Radio Club
P.O. Box 250
Ipswich Qld 4305
email -

This is Allan VK4FABR with news from the Ipswich and District Radio Club.

First up this week, the club's AGM last Monday elected a new president, Derek
VK4MIA, following the announcement by outgoing president Mike VK4QS that in the
near future his family will be relocating to Maryborough.

Former secretary Darrin VK4FVRX is back in the saddle, and John VK4IE is stuck
firmly in the treasurer's chair. During the meeting several members expressed
their sincere thanks to past president Mike for guiding the club through a
period of rejuvenation and membership growth.

Last Sunday club station manager Rob VK4HW completed commissioning a new 70cm
repeater - VK4RSM Spring Mountain - linked to the club's main 2m repeater
VK4RAI at The Knobby. The project was started more than a year ago with the
support of Ipswich City Council and Cr Paul Tully VK4FPGT. The wet summer put
the project on-hold for several months, but the new repeater on 439.300 sprung
to life around noon on July 24. Special thanks must also go to several club
members who lent a hand with the installation on two separate days the previous

I'm Allan VK4FABR.

North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Fri 16 to Sun 18 Sept 2011

The 20th Bi-ennial North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention will be happening
in Charters Towers from Friday afternoon 16th to Sunday afternoon 18th

The primary venue for Convention happenings will be the RSL Club in Prior
Street Richmond Hill, Charters Towers.

Displays, Talks, Tours, Awards, Raffles, Prizes and some serious socialising
will all be a part of the weekends proceedings.

Deadline for Registrations is at the TARC Management Meeting Tuesday 6th




Onno Benschop, vk6flab tells us that they meet on repeater,
VK6RAP, 147.000 MHz.

F-Troop isn't the old TV series of the American Wild West but a Net for the
F-call licensees, also some times called "Foundies". As an aside the Summerland
club in VK2 were arguably Australia's first F troop net.

WA's F-Troop sprang into life on Sunday 12 June 2011 courtesy of HARG member
Onno VK6FLAB and by all accounts it has been a successful start, giving "F"
calls an opportunity to get on the radio and be heard.

Onno runs this net at 8am every Saturday.

(harg website)


Ham College 2011 Foundation Course Remaining Dates

Saturday & Sunday 17-18 September
Saturday & Sunday 19-20 November

Their regular venue is the Lynwood Scout Hall which is situated within the
Whaleback Golf Course, Parkwood.

For people outside the Perth metropolitan area arrangements can usually be made
for assessments to be conducted elsewhere, subject to the availability of a
suitable venue and assessor commitments.

Port Stephens Amateur Radio Club has new Amateurs on the Air.

Back in June, the Port Stephens Amateur Radio Club conducted a Foundation
weekend class and is proud to announce that they had Four successful candidates.

listen in the Port Stephens / Newcastle area for
Jarrod VK2FZRO
Stuart VK2FOOO and

Please make these chappies welcome, to the wonderful and exciting world of
Amateur Radio.

Proposed Jesmond Electronic Club.

Community Radio station 2NUR have been announcing this new club will be holding
its Foundation meeting at the Jesmond Park Uniting church hall on the 4th
August commencing at 2 pm.

Cost for the afternoon is $20.

Anyone interested, particularly in the Cessnock Jesmond area, please get along.

Kaitlyn Cole, KS3P named Amateur Radio Newsline 'Young Ham of the Year'

At age 11, Kaitlyn Cole, KS3P, of Harvest, Alabama, becomes the youngest
person* ever to receive the Amateur Radio Newsline 'Young Ham of the Year

But her lack of chronologic age is more than made up for by her selfless
dedication to her community and the youth of Alabama through her chosen
hobby/service of amateur radio.

On April 27, 2011, the Huntsville, Alabama area, including the small community
of Harvest, was hit by a series of destructive tornadoes. The severe weather
took a heavy toll in lives lost and property damaged. Electrical service was
out for over a week. Kaitlyn and her father immediately volunteered to help
with amateur radio relief activities. Kaitlyn began by logging contacts and
running errands, but in short order took on the role of Net Control Station,
working for many days from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. With cellular and wireline
telephone coverage being spotty to non-existent, Kaitlyn's duties as
Net Control involved dispatching amateur radio operators with chainsaws
(and other rubble clearance machinery) and debris pickup teams.

For her efforts, Kaitlyn received many compliments from veteran operators on
the professionalism that she displayed during this crisis situation.

A straight-A student entering sixth grade this fall, the 11-year old also
enjoys home-brewing and construction, and has posted on YouTube a video of
herself building a QRP transceiver

(see and related videos).

The 2011 Amateur Radio Newsline "Young Ham of the Year Award" will be
presented on Saturday, August 20 th at the Huntsville Hamfest in Huntsville,

As the 2011 "Young Ham of the Year," Kaitlyn will receive -- courtesy of
Vertex-Standard -- an expense-paid trip to the Huntsville Hamfest, along with
a gift of Yaesu brand ham radio equipment. CQ magazine will treat her to an
expense-paid week at Spacecamp Huntsville, and will present Kaitlyn with a
variety of CQ products. Amateur Radio Newsline will provide Kaitlyn with a
commemorative plaque at the award ceremony.

(* Note: The previous youngest recipient of the award was Mary Alestra,
KB2IGG, in 1990 at age 12.)




A Yemeni man pleaded guilty to acts of piracy on Thursday, July 14th in
connection to his role in the hijacking of a yacht off the coast of east Africa
that resulted in the deaths of four Americans including three ham radio
operators. Amateur Radio Newsline's Norm Seeley, KI7UP, has the details.

As previously reported here on Newsline, Scott Adam, K9ESO, and his wife Jean,
KF6RVB, along with Bob Riggle, KE7IIV, and Phyllis Macay were on board the
yacht Quest off the coast of Oman when pirates boarded their vessel on Friday,
February 18th. Officials were in the process of negotiating for their
release when gunfire was heard around 1 a.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday,
February 22. United States forces responded and then boarded the Quest.
It was then that they discovered that all four hostages had been shot by
the high seas bandits. Despite immediate steps to provide life-saving care,
all four hostages ultimately succumb to their wounds.

Now, one of the alleged pirates identified as 23 year old Mounir Ali has
accepted a plea bargain by U.S. District Judge Mark Davis, where he plead
guilty to taking part in the armed hijacking. Ali claimed that he and four
other men from Yemen were crew members aboard another vessel that was
pirated by Somalis earlier in February. But prosecutors say that Ali willingly
elected to join the pirates in return for a share of the ransom money.
However they also say that he did not personally shoot nor did he instruct
anyone to shoot any of the four Americans.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Norm Seeley, KI7UP, in Scottsdale,

Ali is the 11th person convicted in relation to the high jacking and murders of
the four Americans on-board the Quest. Sentencing is scheduled for
October 21st.


A Hot Springs, South Dakota ham radio operator was killed and another seriously
injured Saturday, July 16th. This after a communications tower they were
helping dismantle was blown over by a gust of wind.

According to Fall River County emergency manager Frank Maynard, Tim Anderson,
K0OR, died of his injuries at Rapid City Regional Hospital shortly after
arriving by Life Flight helicopter. The second man, Tom Embree, NC0K, also
of Hot Springs, was also flown to Rapid City Regional Hospital where surgery
was performed Sunday. He remains in serious condition.

The men were helping their amateur radio club remove a 110 foot high tower
on the top of a near-by peak known as Gull Hill. The tower was no longer
in use, and the owner had offered it to the radio club, which was going to
move it to a new location.

News reports say that several other radio club members were on the ground
at the time of the accident. They had taken down all but the final 30 foot
section of the tower and were just beginning to release some guy wires when
a gust of wind blew the tower over with the two men still on it and then
collapsed on them.

Both Anderson and Embree are members of the Hot Springs Amateur Radio Club.
Hot Springs is located about 60 miles south of Rapid City. At the time
of his death, Anderson was the club's president.



Restrictive legislation for Belgium

The administration in Flanders has included radio amateurs in the
restrictive Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR, Ministerial Decree of
26th January, aimed at telecom operators.

It appears that radio amateurs in Flanders will now have the same
standards and obligations, fees and even the same fines or
imprisonment for breaches as the telecom operators. Radio amateurs
have to apply for a certificate of conformity for their station and,
presumably, re-apply whenever the station configuration changes. This
costs about 75 Euros and the amateur has to supply detailed
information on the site and the antenna concerned.

More information online at

French club's stolen radio kit recovered

The Radio Club of Provins would like to thank the amateur radio
community for all the help and support during the recent theft of
20,000 Euros worth of DXpedition equipment.

A radio amateur is helping police with their enquiries following the
theft. It was thanks to the network of radio amateurs that this sad
event was resolved quickly. The equipment was recovered and will soon
be on its way to PJ4C with the F6KOP team and some will be travelling
with the MDXC team to 9N.

South Sudan added to CQ DX Award Countries List

The Republic of South Sudan is the newest addition to the CQ DX Award
Countries List, number 342.

Verifications confirming contacts after 14th July 2011, which was the
date of its admission to the United Nations, are acceptable for
credit. No award credit is available for southern Sudan contacts made
during the 1980s and 90s. In addition, South Sudan will count as a
country, or entity, multiplier for the CQ DX Marathon, the CQ World
Wide DX Contest and any other CQ contests that use country multipliers.




Prairie dogs get the blame for an internet and phone outage in western Nebraska.

Charter Communications say prairie dogs apparently chewed through some buried
fibre optic cable, in Scottsbluff that there were hundreds of prairie dog
mounds in the area, and it took time to find the cut and get it repaired.

Service was rerouted and repairs were completed about seven hours later.


Aug 13-14 WIA Remembrance Day Contest

Aug 20-21 WW I.L.L.W.

Oct 22 WIA Jack Files Contest

Nov 26-27 WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day


January VK Ross Hull Memorial VHF UHF Contest


June Long Weekend (vk4 time) VK Shires Contest.

July First full weekend NZART Memorial Contest

31st July

Hello Listeners. I am peter Harding, VK4OD the WIA RD Contest Manager.

Today being the 31st July and, you have about 3 weeks to the commencement of
this year's RD Contest.

In the past I have asked that when you send your log in either by Electronic or
postal means please ensure that you have you correct postal address.

Anybody requiring any of the forms posted to them please contact me ASAP.

In the coming week I will finalize the Opening speech and send out a special
email via the usual weekly news server you know, the

For those people that are hand writing their logs, " PLEASE" write your logs
in a legible manner, as in the past some logs have been VERY HARD to decipher.

Until next week.


The Winter Field Day saw a good level of activity, although participation
was down in some of the colder parts of the country!

An interesting feature is that three of the sections have been won by
VK5 stations, and this time the rover section was dominated by VK2 stations.

The winners of the six sections were

Iain Crawford VK5ZD
David Minchin VK5KK
the Elizabeth Amateur Radio Club VK5LZ
the Blasco family station VK3ALB
Ross Keogh VK3MY and in the rover section there was a tie between

Dan Joyce VK2GG and Jack Swart VK2TRF.

Congratulations to all for braving the elements.

Full details of the Field Day are available on

The next VHF-UHF Field Day will be the Spring event, which will be held over
the last weekend in November

(John VK3KM)

International Lighthouse Weekend Aug 20-21 2011

Hills Amateur Radio Group will be activating the North Mole Light House in
Fremantle again this year for the 2011 ILLW.

Martin VK6ZMS says they will set up from 10am WST.

Please call in or CALL past and say hello.


Lino VK3EI and Myself John VK3DQ will be taking a team of eighteen amateurs
to Cape Liptrap for the lighthouse weekend, The team will include amateurs
from VK and ZL Operation will be from Bear Gully Coastal Cottages which is the
closest venue to the lighthouse itself where activity is permitted, we will
also have a static display at the lighthouse itself and weather permitting will
man that display for a period during daylight hours. (Parks Victoria will not
permit operation from their car park at the Lighthouse)

Our operation is registered as a three day event on the events calendar at The
Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society and we will be active on Friday 19th through
Monday 22nd August Using the callsign VK3BAD.

The station will consist of three operators on HF and one operator and VHF/ UHF
voice , CW and digital modes will be used, and the station will operate for the
entire period we are at the location.

So please make this event in your calendars, because as they say "Our operators
are waiting to take your call" "

VK Club Bulletins

ABC Collectors to Feature QSL Collection

Friday night ABC1 from 8pm the 29th July the ABC collectors program will have
a feature on the QSL collection of Martin Luther VK7GN.

Martin is a world-class contester and has an enormous QSL collection which
will be featured on the Collectors program.

Collectors is produced and edited in VK7!

The program is also repeated on ABC1 the following Saturday around midday.

Well worth a watch.

(73, Justin, VK7TW & Winston VK7WH)


Sep 23-28 R3 Region 3 ARDF Championship Bendigo VK3


2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz

SUMBANDILASAT SO-67 Recovery Successful

SO-67 has returned to operation after recovery from a cosmic ray upset.

Operation over Australia, New Zealand, Japan has been planned until the 31st

There is no activation tone required so LEO satellite operation is now even

The AMSAT-VK mailing list has been reporting many successful contacts made on
passes over VK and NZ.

For more information about the activation schedule take a look at the website
address on the email edition of this broadcast.

(AMSAT News Service)

Vietnam Amateur Radio CubeSat video

Vietnamese students have produced a great video about Vietnam's new Amateur
Radio CubeSat F-1.

The F-1 is an educational CubeSat to be launched into 320km circular,
polar orbit in the first quarter 2012.

It will carry 2 independent transceivers using amateur radio 145 and 437MHz
bands. The transmission speed will be 1200bps and higher using FM AFSK &
GMSK modulation, AX.25, KISS protocol.

It will carry a low resolution C328 camera with 640x480 resolution.

The IARU satellite frequency coordination panel have agreed a downlink frequency
of 437.485MHz.

Brazil's first Amateur Radio satellite

Brazil is preparing to launch the NANOSATC-BR. The design of the NANOSATC-BR
is being developed by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) and
students of Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) of state Rio Grande
do Sul in Brazil.

"The BR-NANOSATC will have two scientific instruments, a magnetometer and also
a particle detector of precipitation for monitoring real-time geospatial, and
the precipitation of particles in the magnetosphere disturbances on the
Brazilian territory to determine its effects on regions such as the
South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA, the English acronym) and the
Brazilian sector of the equatorial electrojet.

This anomaly [SAMA] is a "failure" of the Earth's magnetic field in that
region, which is about Brazil. As a consequence of this anomaly, there is a
greater risk of the presence of particles high-energy region, which can affect
communications, signals from global positioning satellites (like GPS), or even
cause failure of electronic equipment such as onboard computers.

The INPE has been studying this anomaly for decades, including several
researchers international reputation, which even took part in defining the
mission and its payload. "

Launch is in November 2012.

Telemetry will be at 145.865 MHz 9k6 BPSK.

Control station will be PY3EB.

IARU Information:

(Piraj, PS8RF)

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Radios to the sound of Migaloo (the white whale) this weekend

As the news goes to air some radio amateurs in the Townsville region
have donned radio backpacks and put to sea to provide communications support
for the Magnetic Island to Townsville Swim.

They attended yesterdays Main Swim Briefing at the Choral Society Hall in
Sturt street and met with some of the swimmers and skippers that they would
be helping out.

Operators involved have included VK4s ZZ, FR, HSV, AAH and PVH at sea
and VK4s FTVL, UCM, FBLU and ZM manning Swim Base or shadowing various
officials keeping information flowing.

They faced a brisk and early start getting to their observation points and to
their mighty vessels to be in position in time for the start of competition at
9am. Competitors then faced the 8km swim back to the mainland under the
watchful eye of the radio amateurs operating the safety net with relatively
calm conditions ensuring some cracking quick times for the event. The swim is
expected to be completed by 12-30pm hopefully with the 58 solo swimmers and
15 swim teams making it safely back to The Strand.




Jul 31 VK2/3 Riverina Field Day 10am at Lavington Scout Group Hall.

Aug 7 VK2 Lismore region - SARCFEST

Aug 28 VK2 Blue Mountains amateur radio club's annual WINTERFEST

Sep 11 VK3 SADARC Comms Day at St Augustine's Hall Shepparton 10am.

Sep 16-18 VK4 NQ Amateur Radio Convention Date Set Townsville

Sep 23-28 R3 Region 3 ARDF Championship Bendigo VK3

Sep 30-Oct 2 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM at Camp Fairbairn
CONTACT Secretary Gordon, (

Nov 20 vk5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood at 0930.
Visit for contact details


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012


MAY 3-18 VK5 YL International 2012 Australia (

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the VK1WIA broadcasts,
please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.



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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)