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Here are details of seven new VHF-UHF distance records:

First ever records for the 134 GHz and 243 GHz bands

Michael VK3KH and Alan VK3XPD have set the first Australian distance records
for these bands - 25 metres (21 October 2011).

Alan and Russell VK3ZQB then extended these records to 50 metres
(23 October 2012).

First ever record on 324 GHz

Michael VK3KH and Alan VK3XPD have set the first Australian distance record
for this band - 25 metres (21 October 2011).

(Frequencies above 250 GHz are not assigned to any service by ACMA, so
technically there is no 324 GHz band. However amateurs may operate on these
frequencies because they are not assigned to any other service).

First records in the new Digital EME record category

On 2 metres, the first Digital EME record is from VK9NA to EA2AGZ
18306.4 km (12 January 2011).

On 1296 MHz, the inaugural record claim is from Mark Swannack VK2AMS and
David Scott, VK2JDS - 325.3 km (1 October 2011).

For full details of all past and present VHF-UHF records are available for
viewing or download on

(John VK3KM)

In 1928, James Warner joined Australian aviators Charles Kingsford Smith and
Charles Ulm for the first trans-Pacific flight.

It was a 'first' for the fledgling aviation industry in other ways as well,
most notably the introduction of radio communication on a long distance flight.

A remarkable archive of aero and aviation memorabilia from the private
collection of James Warner - arguably one of the most important collections in
the history of aviation - will be offered for sale by Leski Auctions.

It is a remarkable tribute to radio and its place in the history and
development of aviation.

Items for auction from the James Warner Archive include:

A magnificent 4oz gold commemorative medal from gold provided by
William Randolph Hearst and presented by the Mayor of Oakland,
still in its original presentation case.

[The medal presented to Lyon is believed to have been melted-down during the

The original letter signed by Charles Kingsford Smith and Charles Ulm and
dated 18th June, 1928 in which they write, 'As requested by Mr. Warner, we
have pleasure in informing you that we, the undersigned..... are not in
any way entitled to receive the whole or any portion of any gifts made to you
by the Government or individuals of the United States of America.

A cigarette case, engraved 'Southern Cross', Lieutenant James Warner and
dated June 11th, 1928, which was presented to Warner by the Radio Trade of

The flight of the Southern Cross marked the first successful use of radio on a
long distance flight. Returning to California, Warner and Lyon each was
given the 4 oz gold commemorative medal along with $10,000 from the citizens
of Oakland and William Randolph Hearst.

About 1930 Warner went to Los Angeles where he opened a radio shop. He also
experimented with building an electronic organ and was hired by Hearst to
install a sound system at San Simeon in Northern California

The lots will be offered for sale by Leski Auctions in Melbourne Wednesday,
November 16th.

First award issued and plenty of VK100ARV activity

The new limited edition Amateur Radio Victoria Centenary Award has been
David Park VK3JDA, who gained it before the special callsign VK100ARV took
to air.

Already hundreds of QSO have been made. First up was the Scout Radio and
Electronics Unit heard on SSTV and HF. Who can forget televising of it
through the VK3RTV digital repeater.

The Western and Northern Suburbs Amateur Radio Group is having a fine time
during its five days which end on Wednesday.

Continue to be in the action are Keith Proctor VK3FT, Luke Steele VK3HJ,
Terry Murphy VK3UP and Tony Hambling VK3VTH.

Several of these operator and others will operated portable during
November the 18th until the 20th from a National Park under the Keith
Roget Memorial National Parks Award.

More on next week's broadcast or check out

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

President Michael Owen VK3KI
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Secretary Sarah Thompson VK3AUD
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

Another further look at Amateur Radio magazine for November

The Geelong Amateur Radio Club set-up at Point Lonsdale to be part of the
60-odd Australians stations to join the International Lighthouse and Lightship

Some one dozen GARC members took part. More reports on this annual fun event
appeared last month.

The Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society has officially opened its training
and operations 'shack', a full report can be read in this month's WIA journal.

In the Spotlight on SWLing column by Robin Harwood VK7RH reports that
Propagation has improved and one never knows from day to day what will pop up.

The theme of improvement is the DX News and Views column by John Bazley VK4OQ
who discusses the solar flux hitting 190 for the first time since 2002, that
10-metres should be good for this month's contest.

PSK31 QRP is fun according to Grant McDuling VK4JAZ - he tells how to be

A story of marriage and amateur radio makes an interesting read by Rananda
Rich VK2FRAR supported by Alex Taverner VK2RZ.

All part of a WIA membership service and Amateur Radio magazine is also at
selected newsagents.

I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV and you're listening to VK1WIA.


web service:-
Police Roundup

Great Success at Ballarat Hamvention.

A great day was had by all at the recent Hamvention at Ballarat. Once again
the wonderful facilities of the Greyhound Racing Track were used .

A record 74 tables of new and used Goodies tempted the wallets of the large
crowd attending. Even Mother Nature turned on the best day possible.

Lots of door prizes were drawn during the day with one still unclaimed. If you
have ticket number 162 it could be worth your time to contact Bob, VK3NBV on
03 5336 0998.

If you missed those numbers you can look up the text version of this broadcast
on the WIA website.

Once again, this has been a wonderful Victorian Hamvention.

Barg appreciates the support given by all the Commercial Businesses that
attend on the day. Also Mr Average Amateur, without you arriving, there would
not be a Hamvention at all.

The Ballarat Amateur Radio Group will be running a 40 metre HF Field Day on
Sunday November 13 between the hours of 10.30am and 3.30pm. Please look
around the band and give the club members a call, the frequencies in use will
be between 7050 and 7100 Khz. Club members will be operating portable from
locations of their choice.

That's it for now, This has been Bob, VK3NBV for the Ballarat Amateur Radio

Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to
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Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

Recently I have been taking time to catch up on current trends in amateur
radio. The software defined radio is a logical evolution in electronics.
More and more computing power is being focussed in dedicated ic's for the
commercial and military markets. For the hobbyist, the implementation can be
with simple hardware and free software on the shack PC.

Whilst relaxing in front of the TV, the mind started on a train of imagination
as a result of a segment on "intelligent" prostheses. As the demands of war
injuries has spurred research, new artificial limbs with functions controlled
by body nerve pulses are achieving remarkable results for the users. Even
during the 8bit computer era, speech recognition was a topic of great
interest. The reported developments in military avionics with speech
recognition puts some awesome capacity before the multitasking combat pilot.

The studies into artificial intelligence, spurred by the robotics enthusiasts,
are producing interesting algorithms for the development of independently
operational machines.

And so what does this have to do with amateur radio? It seems that innovation
stirs the mind of many amateurs and all these streams of development could
make the ultimate contest station. Imagine keying CW with thoughts alone!
Telling the rig what band and mode to operate would make it the greatest
"look Mum - no hands" experience.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?



The CQARA first Annual weekend away at Cool Waters Holiday Village on the
Capricorn Coast was a complete success.

Many thanks go out to all those who were involved in organising the
festivities for the weekend.

Thanks to Jason - VK4FJGS three fox hunts were held on the Saturday and were
thoroughly enjoyed by both the participants and the spectators. A trophy was
presented to Graham - VK4NFZ who had the most points after 3 hunts and is
currently leading the CQARA Fox Hunts for 2011 in points.

A bag auction was held on the Saturday night which was very successful in
raising funds for the CQARA and providing enjoyment for all involved. Many
laughs were had by all and the weekend concluded on the Sunday with everyone
heading for home completely exhausted.

I'm Adam, VK4MTJ on behalf of the Central Queensland Amateur Radio Association

Ipswich & District Radio Club
P.O. Box 250
Ipswich Qld 4305

This is Allan VK4FABR with an update from the Ipswich and District Radio Club.

Derek VK4MIA has resigned from the position of President of the Ipswich &
District Radio Club effective October 25, 2011. This also means Derek is no
longer Contest Manager for the Jack Files Memorial Contest.

All emails, websites etc are now controlled by the club Secretary,
Darrin VK4FVRX, who now has access to the incoming logs for the contest.

The Contest Manager VK4WIP - The Ipswich & District Radio Club and the email
address for all log submissions remains the same but will be honoured and
handled by the Secretary and Committee of the Ipswich & District Radio Club.

Paul VK4FPDW has also stepped down from the position of club Vice President.

Members should check the club website - - for the date and time of
the next business meeting.


G'day again from the Atherton Tablelands this is Dale VK4DMC for the
Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club, TREC, in Far North Queensland.

TREC took part in the CQ World-wide SSB contest last weekend as a club entry.
Four members were involved, Jeff - VK4BOF, John - VK4TL, Stuart - VK4SDD and
Dale - VK4DMC. Members operated from their respective home QTH and the
individual scores were tallied together and submitted as a club score to the
CQWW organisers.

The total claimed TREC score was 575,282 points.

The contest went for 48 hours so copious quantities coffee and other
refreshments were the order of the day.

Individual scores were as follows:
Jeff 131,066 points ( 20, 15 & 10M)
John 32,370 points ( 15 )
Stuart 158,046 points ( 20, 15 & 10M)
Dale 253,800 points (80, 40, 20, 15 & 10M).

This was the first time that TREC had taken part as a club in the CQWW contest
and it is hoped that next year more members will become involved and boost the
club score. It was simply amazing to see the bands spring into life at
0001 UTC with many rare countries being activated.

Well that's your lot for this week.

Once again don't forget to visit the TREC website, for club
information and you can also download the latest monthly club news in
TREC-NEWS. Past issues are also available on the site.

This has been Dale VK4DMC and you are listening to QNEWS. Travel Well!

TARC AGM happening soon - catering numbers needed!

The 2011 Annual General Meeting of theTARCinc happens Sunday November 20th
from 7am at Area 2 - Rossiter Park Aitkenvale.

The AGM will start off with a scrumptious Breakfast followed by the meeting
and attendance numbers are needed for catering purposes.

Relay your AGM numbers as soon as possible to Don VK4FNQA on telephone
47554510 or via Radio.

Deadline is November 15th Social Meeting.

vk7 local news, email

Mt Nelson Signal Station Bicentenary

Christian Bell who is one of the organisers for the Bicentennial celebrations
of the Mt Nelson Signal Station which is happening on 30 November.

Christian is looking for amateur radio operators who would be prepared to
operate a station from Mt Nelson and possibly include CW, voice and digital

What Christian is looking to set up are various forms of communication used at
the Station over the last 200 years. They would appreciate it if some
Radio Amateurs could assist Coast Radio Hobart to set up some transmitters
both (VHF and HF) to demonstrate on the day.

Having some amateur operators who would like to demonstrate Morse code via
radio would be good. If you are interested in helping out then please contact
Justin who can pass on Christian's contact details.

ABC drive time Local Radio program will be broadcasting live from the Signal
Station in the afternoon of the event.

This is the 200th anniversary of the date that Governor Macquarie selected
the site for the Signal Station upon inspection.


What use is an f-call?

An article in the local paper caught my eye. It described a scenario where a
local amateur with a 15m antenna mast was in the process of dealing with a
local council who apparently changed their mind about the rules which govern
the installation of the mast. There were quotes from neighbours who didn't
like the eye-sore and it looks like this might be a challenge.

While I'm not a neighbour of this amateur, I did wonder if their community was
aware of the wider community role that amateurs have to play in all manner of
situations. I thought about the Boxing Day Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and the
Japanese Earthquake and subsequent Tsunami. In each of these disasters
critical infrastructure such as power and communications was wiped out in the
affected areas. In each of these areas local radio amateurs provided critical
assistance for search and rescue and other life extending situations.

I wondered if the local community where this amateur lives was aware that
amateurs can, have and will provide these critical services in case modern
infrastructure ceases operation and I wondered if we as amateurs pro-actively
go outside and talk to other members of the community and share some of this
knowledge and information.

If we ignore these pushes for removal of so called eye-sores, there will come
a time where the local amateur radio enthusiast is unable to assist their
community because they simply have no infrastructure left to operate their
station. One day the question will come: "Where are all the amateurs?"

As a foundation class licensee you have access to a whole raft of information,
skills and if you have your kit, hardware, to communicate this to your
local community. As a group, we amateurs have skills that might seem
outdated, obsolete and out of touch with the Internet connected world today
as seen from the perspective of an uninformed public. The reality is that
this community of amateurs can and will step in to assist that community
if and when the need arises.

In case you're wondering how what you do on air relates to any of what I'm
talking about, making contacts, exchanging information, dealing with changing
conditions, setting up your station, and doing the things you do as an
amateur radio enthusiast, are immediately relevant to emergency
communications. You may not be aware of it, but you are uniquely qualified
to assist where communications are essential. Just because the mobile phone
network works today, doesn't mean that it will continue to work across all

I regularly take my kit on the road to setup my station, in fact, my station
is designed to be portable for exactly this reason. Each time I setup my
station I learn a little more about things to consider, spares to have
on hand, cables I should remember to pack, etc. If you have the ability, I
highly recommend that you take your station outside and set it up with limited
infrastructure. I'm sure you'll learn something which will be of use at
some time in the future.

I'm Onno, vk6flab


In Canberra and want to 'ham it up?"

C.R.A.R.C. run regular Foundation Licence courses and upgrade assessments
every two months at Mt Mugga Scout Hall.

Next Foundation course is scheduled for the 19th / 20th November which is
already close to capacity and which will be the last course for the year.

It is still possible to complete individual Upgrade Assessments with prior
arrangement if you are unable to attend these scheduled times.

If you know anyone that might be interested in becoming a ham, twist their
arm to contact:

EZARC will be conducting Foundation training on Saturday 3 December, followed
by Assessments for all licence levels on Sunday 4 December at Churchill.

Bookings essential.

Applications close 18 November.

Enquiries & bookings to Peter VK3PF

Lisa, PA2LS, appointed IARU Region 1 Youth Co-ordinator

The International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 Executive Committee have
appointed Lisa Leenders, PA2LS, as the Youth Co-ordinator

Following the creation of a Youth Co-ordinator portfolio during the Region 1
General Conference at Sun City in August, the Region called for nominations
for a Region 1 Youth Co-ordinator.

Three nominations were received, namely Mari Nikkilae, OH2FPK, Lisa Leenders,
PA2LS and Georgi Atanasov Vodenicharov, LZ1ZF.

During the teleconference of the Region 1 Executive Committee held on
10 October 2011, it was decided to appoint Lisa Leenders, PA2LS, as the
Region 1 Youth Co-ordinator.

Lisa will be working with the Youth Co-ordinators from the various member
societies to promote amateur radio amongst the youth in Region 1.

21 year-old Lisa PA2LS first got her amateur radio novice license at the age
of 13 and was issued with the call sign PD2LLS.

She recently went on a DXpedition to Ghana

Lisa's contact details will be made available under the Youth section of the
Region 1 web site

The Rotuma High School Amateur Radio Station, 3D2RI, was heard active again
this past week on 20/15 meters SSB.

Their QSL Manager Stan, KH6CG, reports on (under 3D2RI):

Dennis, who is 16 years old, reports that his operating group will be active
on Tuesdays and Thursdays. His operating buddy will be a YL named Maggie.

Joshua, who is 15 years old, will be active with his operating group on
Wednesdays and Fridays. His operating partner will be a YL named Lesina.

The school may allow operations on the weekends as well. Look for 3D2RI
starting around 0400z ON 15m SSB, on or near 21255 kHz until propagation
fades, then they will QSY to 20m SSB on 14253 kHz (+/- QRM) until around
0600z when it is time for the students to head home.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

BBC TV licence fee may extend to iPlayer

The UK television licence fee could be extended to cover catch-up services
such as the BBC iPlayer as part of an overhaul of the levy being considered
by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

British viewers must pay for a 145.50 television licence if they watch or
record programmes as they are broadcast, whether viewed via a television,
computer, mobile phone or video games console.

However, computer catch-up services such as the BBC iPlayer - via which
153m television and radio programmes were broadcast in September - do not
require a licence.

The issue is likely to intensify over the next year, as a rash of new
internet-enabled set-top boxes, including the BBC-backed YouView, are
expected to launch.

99-year-old Ham Radio operator still tuned in

The Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman carries a report about radio amateur
Arlene Clay who's still on the air at the age of 99.

After 67 years living along the Kuskokwim River, in Alaska she moved in
January to the Primrose Retirement Community in Wasilla.

She said the reason she chose Primrose was because they let her bring her
amateur radio station.

Read her story with a selection of pictures at

The Federal Communications Commission has affirmed its rules for Broadband over
Power Lines or Access BPL with only minor modifications that do little to
protect the Amateur Radio service and other High Frequency users from
severe to intolerable interference.

According to the Second Report and Order issued by the FCC, the rules it has
created to govern Access BPL provide what it calls an appropriate balance
between the dual objectives of providing for Access BPL technology that has
potential applications for broadband and Smart Grid while protecting incumbent
radio services against harmful interference.

Finally from me this week word that "Internationally Connected" will be the
theme of the 2012 Dayton Hamvention. This according to General Chairman
Michael Kalter, W8CI, who says that this premise emphasizes how amateur radio
continues to build connections among amateur radio operators from all over the

W8CI, who is returning for another year as general chairman, noted that many
international attendees return each year to meet other hams that they have
talked to on the radio. He says that in 2012 the Hamvention is acknowledging
the important role that ham radio plays in promoting this very special
international goodwill


Nov 26-27 WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day


January VK Ross Hull Memorial VHF UHF Contest


June Long Weekend (vk4 time) VK Shires Contest.

July First full weekend NZART Memorial Contest

NZART Straight Key Night

Polish and lubricate that old Morse key and enjoy an evening of old time
radio fun. This is an activity night in which everyone can be a winner
with a certificate to prove it.

Today, First Sunday in November 2000-2200 NZST in two one-hour periods on
3.5 MHz only CW sent with STRAIGHT KEY i.e. characters formed manually,
no system of automatic dots, dashes or spacing permitted.

Send logs by mail by 30 November to: Ken McCormack.


All (including DX stations) who send a log will receive a certificate.

Winners in each section receive a FISTS Down Under Prize comprising a
certificate and one year's subscription to FISTS Down Under

RSGB Commonwealth Century Club Jubilee Award 2012

2012 is the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and mindful that the Queen is the head of
the Commonwealth of Nations we are pleased to announce a new operating award
for 2012.

To qualify for an attractive certificate all you need to do is to work as many
different countries and call areas on the Commonwealth Century Club list
during 2012.

Certificates will be awarded for working 60 and 100 different call areas.

Use any mode or bands you like and QSL cards are not required.

Score sheets and full details can be downloaded from


Nepal DXpedition

A multi-national team, all members of Mediterraneo DX Club (MDXC), will be
active as 9N0MD from Nepal during November on all HF bands and modes.
The team plans to give away trophies and prizes.

Look for more details and updates at:


Just a reminder for the prefix hunters that the station LM9L40Y
will be on the air until the end of December.
This call is operated by members of the LA9L radio club in Norway and is
to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the club.

Buddies in the Caribbean heading back to St. Lucia.

The 'Buddies in the Caribbean' DXpedition group which specializes in 100 watt
or less low-power amateur radios and the Buddipole portable antenna systems
will be back again to St. Lucia between December 4-12th.

They say that the north shore Villa location was magnificent on their first
visit in February 2010, and they want to demonstrate 'ultralite' DXpeditioning
into magnificent 'vista' locations, operating a field portable battery-only
radio with backpackable, lightweight antennas and most of all 'having fun'
with a new group of operators who have never experienced the "other side of a

There will be 3 villa stations in operation on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB
and RTTY or PSK. At the same time, several teams will be battery-only,
field portable either from St. Lucia beaches or scenic mountain tops.

The group will participate in the ARRL 10m Contest (callsign: J68UN) between
December 10-11th.

For more details, see the following Web site at:

Australian Coordinator for TCPIP domains is Indy

Development of HAMCALC to cease

Long-standing software developer George Murphy, VE3ERP, has hung up his
keyboard and is retiring from further development on HAMCALC.

For those unfamiliar with the software, HAMCALC is a collection of useful
calculators for amateur radio use, widely used throughout the amateur

The latest version of HAMCALC can be downloaded at



2nd Sunday each month.
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz

A follow-up on our story of the imminent return to Earth of a defunct German
research satellite. According to news reports, the ROSAT de-orbited Sunday,
October 23rd and crashed into the Bay of Bengal off the coast of India.

Most parts of the minivan sized research satellite were expected to burn up as
they hit the atmosphere. However up to 30 fragments weighing a total of
1.87 tons could have crashed onto the planets surface.

Luckily that surface turned out to be a watery grave.

The team working on reactivating the ageing Prospero satellite would
appreciate any recording that can be made of the 137.560 MHz downlink.

If you hear and record transmissions heard on that frequency, please send it
by e-mail to

More on Prospero is available at

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Canberra Hams are all still recovering from the double whammy weekend of the
NatCap rally & Fitz's challenge, but they have another event in 1 weeks time
being the Light Car Club of Canberra (LCCC) "Shannon's Safari Rally" on
Saturday 14th November.

This car rally is fairly compact in that they have just 4 stages with each
run twice.

The stages are :

Murrays Corner
Blue Range

HQ - Uriarra Village Hall ("new" Schoolhouse)

To fully support the event CRARC need 11 field stations and 5 people in HQ.

So, once again send an email to if you can help out with
this one, and what preferences and/or restrictions you may have regarding
timeframes or equipment.

(Phil Longworth VK1PL \ Matt McNeil VK1MA)



Nov 20 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood at 0930.
Visit for contact details


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

FEB 12 VK3 CentreVictoria Hamfest, Kyneton Racecourse


APR 14-15 VK WIA National Field Day.

MAY 3-18 VK5 YL International 2012 Australia (

MAY 25-27 VK3 WIA Annual Conference Mildura

JULY 14 VK4 Wide Bay Hamfest. West Maryborough Scout Hall


WIA Annual Conference Mildura

May 25th, 26th and 27th 2012

Details for the WIA 2012 Annual Conference being held in Mildura are on

Host club is Sunraysia Radio Group, led by Garry Briant VK3KYF and
Noel Ferguson VK3FI.

WIA Members who register for the event will be able to participate in a
range of fascinating and memorable activities.


RadioTAB has a vacancy for a Senior Broadcast Engineer.

Applicants should have a knowledge of FM & AM transmission systems as well as
being familiar with Studio Broadcast systems.

The successful applicant will need to demonstrate an ability to fault find
equipment at component level

Think you fit the bill - or wish to find out more?


Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.



© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)