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WIA Directors VK4ERM, VK4TI Join us

ACMA acts against unlicensed hobbyists

Thousands contact VK100ARV


ACMA acts against unlicensed hobbyists

The recent issuing of warning notices and confiscations in four states by
the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) shows it's
serious about infringements by hobby communicators.

Under the Radiocommunications Act, six individuals were given a warning
for their unlicensed operation and two additional warnings of possession
of modified amateur radio equipment.

The ACMA said all were operating on HF frequencies they were not licensed
to use, or allocated to the Amateur Service.

A range of non-compliant equipment has been surrendered to the ACMA.

A 70 Watt CB radio in Victoria, a 40 Watt CB radio and 400 Watt linear
amplifier in South Australia, a modified Kenwood ham band transceiver from
Tasmania, 70 watt CB radio and 600 watt linear amplifier in New South Wales.

The ACMA said operating non-compliant or modified radio communications
equipment on frequency bands contrary to that specified by a licence
condition, had the potential to cause serious interference to radio
communications services.

While the ACMA prefers to educate those who operate outside their licence
conditions, it will suspend or cancel licences, issue infringement
notices, or commence prosecutions for more serious offences.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Big jump in digital radio sales

Despite one of the weakest retail markets for many years, sales of digital
radios recorded their biggest quarterly jump since Christmas 2010.

Official data relating to digital radio in Australia was released by
Commercial Radio Australia (CRA) this week, showing close to 100,000
DAB+ digital radios were sold in Q3 2011 alone, according to the GfK
Marketscope report, bringing the total number of DAB+ digital radios
sold since August 2009 to 603,932.


Already many thousands of contacts logged by VK100ARV

Terry Murphy VK3UP and Tony Hambling VK3VTH made 643 contacts over three days.
And Terry will sign VK100ARV this weekend from the Brisbane National Park.

Luke Steele VK3HJ will have three turns on the roster. Take last Sunday
for example, he worked 457 contacts in 30 DX entities. Some DX stations had
double bonus point on that shift. Three had qualified for the Century Award.

Keith Proctor VK3FT also a DXer has been quietly working away. Peter
Freeman VK3PF and Joe Walsh VK3XN are both to make plenty of contacts.

A highlight each Monday is VK100ARV through the VK3RML repeater and on the
20m band by the SSTV gang.

Next weekend the Sunraysia Radio Group. We're expect lots of action. The
roster can be read at

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

President Michael Owen VK3KI
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Secretary Sarah Thompson VK3AUD
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

Greetings Trent VK4TI here -

What a month this has been Sunspot activity at a high for the cycle - new
record scores in the contests and many new operators experiencing the first
taste of great ten metre openings.

After the CQ WW SSB contest came the news that VK4MA had worked over
5000 contest stations in one weekend - a truly remarkable performance - Well
done Paul.

On the topic of contests I have been working with the various WIA contest
managers to set-up a standard set of governing rules for WIA contests and this
is almost complete - while the individual contests will all have their own
character; terminology will be aligned -

I have also been fortunate to be involved in some of the local area operators
ideas for ways to improve the WIA and this weekend will see me in Gympie in
discussions with the team from the old gold mining town -

Next weekend I will be pounding the keyboard in the CQWW CW contest and look
forward to hearing many stations on the bands -

73 to all - this is Trent VK4TI back over to the news desk

The Summertime of Amateur Radio

Greetings from the WIA, this is Ewan VK4ERM, considering the Summertime of
Amateur Radio.

With the warmer months upon us and the WIA VHF UHF Field Day so close,
many of us will be taking the opportunity to escape into the solitude of the
bush to enjoy portable operation in locations away from manmade noise and
interference. While there we may well enjoy the company of family, friends,
wildlife, on air contacts and FIRE!

Did I say fire?

Unfortunately, I am not referring to the well prepared campfire where people
stare into the dancing flames and glowing embers solving the problems of the
world but those uninvited fires that can arrive with terrifying rage and
devastating effect.

Equally it can be your campfire blazing beyond practical need spiralling
embers downwind to trigger spot fires in your area. Sadly, raging bush fires
have caused human tragedy and property loss in most parts of Australia for
hundreds of years. Many of us are experienced in assessing operating and
camp sites for fire and other hazards but we cannot always assume that those
with us understand the requirements nor our mental planning so it is very
much the responsibility of the experienced person, whoever that may be, to
ensure fire safety in the field is understood and applied by all present.

Just as we have load lists for our radio gear and tools, our camp and feeding
needs so to should we have a load list and plan for fire prevention and
management around our site.

Here I do not intend, nor do I have time, to cover all aspects of fire
prevention and management but simply to prompt your thoughts and action on
what you should attend to in your circumstances before heading out bush and
when you get there.

Perhaps the first thing for your consideration is the weather forecast for the
region you intend to go to and that comes down to risk assessment. If there is
a high fire danger and hot dry winds forecast is it really worthwhile taking
the risk of going?

Is there an alternate route out of the site you have chosen should it need to
be taken to escape any fire threat?

Do other people, family or friends, know exactly where you will be and when
you are expected to return? Just make sure you go to where you say you will
and don't wander off elsewhere and return when you say you will if you are
unable to notify them otherwise.

At your campsite have you established a fire point with extinguisher, beater,
metal rake and sprayer? Seems a lot but gold when you need them.

Have you briefed everyone on where it is and assigned tasks to each of them
in the event of a campsite fire or approaching fire?

Is your generator and fuel sited downhill from the rest of the camp? Does
everyone who needs to know understand how to refuel and conduct generator

How do you know?

Are all vehicles facing the exit route? It may seem trivial but if a major
blaze is about to engulf you then every split second counts.

A wealth of further information is available from government internet sites
in all states of Australia. I encourage you to gather the information and
develop your fire prevention and management plans for your Summertime of
Amateur Radio in the great Australian bush.

This has been Ewan VK4ERM for the WIA Board.

The summer edition of Amateur Radio magazine

Has the Club Grant Scheme run its course? That is the question posed by WIA
President Michael Owen VK3KI. He traces the efforts made to support the clubs.
The 2011 Grant Committee report is disappointing. Michael VK3KI explains in
detail and well worth a read.

The WIA Historian Peter Wolfenden VK3RV talks about the Centenary last year and
from the Centenary Convention is Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW on modern
communications technologies and techniques.

Reports include the "Science Alive" display by the Elizabeth Amateur Radio Club
from Paul Schulz VK5FPAW, Darcy Hancock VK5RJ an old-timer sits with his new
Kenwood TS-590, and Morse code is revisited by Foundation Corner by
Ross Pittard VK3CE.

More on the December issue of Amateur Radio magazine next week. A service to
WIA members and available at selected news stands.

I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV and you are listening to VK1WIA


web service:-
VKG Roundup
Email Address :


The next and final Trash & Treasure for the year will be held on
Sunday the 27th of November. The usual venue - 63 Quarry Road
Dural - from 9.30 am. Major items available are posted on
the ARNSW website - Disposal equipment - at
New material has been added recently

The BBQ will be available for brunch / late breakfast or lunch.

In the afternoon there will be the regular Home Brew and
Experimenters Group lecture.

web service:-
Police Roundup

Victorian National Parks are on air

Declared National Parks are on air this weekend under the Keith Roget
Memorial National Parks Award and part of the Amateur Radio Victoria Centenary.

They include the Brisbane Ranges, Heathcote-Graytown, Chiltern-Mt. Pilot,
Barmah, Dandenong Ranges, Greater Bendigo, Baw Baw, Warby-Ovens and up to
three in the southwest of the state.

At two of the National Parks expect to hear the special callsign VK100ARV.

A regular participant is Peter Fraser VK3ZPF. He has also indicated activating
Mount Buffalo, and Burrowa-Pine Mountain, on Monday and Tuesday respectively.

A full list is posted on the website

Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to
send audio to

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get local news emailed

Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

One of those areas which has a certain mystique in our hobby is "home brew".
Whether we are tinkerers of full blown constructors, amateur radio has evolved
as a sharing hobby where what is learned is proudly shared with one's

With the development of the w-w-w, sharing projects and experiments has taken a
whole new direction for many amateurs. A notable example of this phenomenon is

I have often followed links to Frank's book "Crystal
Sets to Sideband" which is a free internet book and it was with pleasure that I
read Frank's story in last May's, issue of World Radio Online.

There is a further article in THAT issue showing the construction of one of
Frank's projects. Anyone familiar with Drew Diamond's use of
"ugly construction" will feel at home with the use of the "Manhattan" technique
used in this audio amplifier.

Even in this age of the ready-made, for the hobbyist there is a place for
rolling one's own. Part of this is the self-imposed challenge of succeeding at
something different and part of it is using equipment you have made. Another
part is being able to share what we have picked up along the way with other
amateurs. For his efforts in explaining, developing and sharing his journey, a
big thank you to Frank, K0IYE.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?


Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in QNEWS broadcasts
please email your item in text to

Submit audio, read "how to submit items" on the weekly WIA news page.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of QNEWS.

Redcliffe and District Radio Club

I'm Ray, VK4CF with news from Redcliffe & Districts Radio club.

Due to work commitments and some technical difficulties over the last 2 months
it's good to be back with news for the Redcliffe Club.

The club conducts technical talks on the 3rd Monday night of every month and
for the programme rest of the year as follows:-

November, Peter VK4TAA Repairing and Programming Older Radios (Philips etc);
Dec John VK4CJC Calibrating SWR and Power meters and Jan Scot VK4CZ 6m DX.

Club members will be competing in the Spring VHF/UHF Field-day and will be
using the club's competition call sign VK4IZ, so give the guys a call during
the contest.

And whilst speaking VHF, Charles, VK4BTC, has constructed a 6m 4 element beam
which is only awaiting installation on the club's mast and with its rotator
should be ready for the contest weekend.

The club's Christmas Social Gathering is to be held at the 4 Mile Creek Hotel,
260 Gympie Road, Strathpine, 3 December 2011 from 11.30 am. All club members
and their partners are invited to attend but as per club rules, there is to be
no transmitting equipment allowed inside the venue!!

The club will hold is final working bee for the year at 9.00am 10th December
2011. Guttering around the club house is to be either repaired/replaced.
John VK4YJV has already organised the supply of the guttering.
The kitchen bench has to be moved about 50mm to allow a dish washer to be

The next big Fund Raiser for the club is the Bunning Sausage Sizzle for the
27 Dec 2011. Your assistance is required for this. It is appreciated that
this is over the Xmas holiday period and some members will be out of town but
if you are available to assist for a few hours please advise the secretary,
Roger, VK4ZLQ or via the club's website
if you are available.

The news ends on a sad note with the passing of young Daniel Coombes, son of
one of our club members who died unexpectedly in his sleep, last Monday.
Daniel's funeral was held at the chapel at Marist College, Ashgrove, yesterday.
To you John and your family, all club members are deeply saddened with your

So now it's 73 until next time from Ray, VK4CF, from the Redcliffe club.

G'day again from the Atherton Tablelands this is Dale VK4DMC for the
Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club, TREC, in Far North Queensland.

TREC members are planning for the VHF/UHF Spring Field Day contest to be held
on the 26/27th November. We will be operating from Hallorans Hill which is
located only 1.5 kilometres from the centre of Atherton.

Grid locator is QH22rr.

This contest is always lots of fun and allows operators to see just how far
they can work on the higher bands.

Frequencies to be used by TREC will be 6M, 2M, 70cm, 23cm and 3cm.

Some club members will also be operating from other locations around the
Atherton Tablelands during the contest.

vk7 local news, email

North West Tasmanian ATV Group (NWTATVG)

The Next General Meeting of the Club is scheduled for Saturday 3rd. December
at the home of Bob VK7MGW and Ursula VK7FROO, Malonga Drive, Burnie.

At the last meeting It was resolved to not have a formal Christmas Dinner this
year, but to have a BBQ luncheon/evening at the conclusion of next general

Bob informs he has all the BBQ facilities in top shape and that both Ursula
and himself are looking forward to being hosts for members and friends.

All welcome.

Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania Inc.

Christmas Car Boot Sale and end of year festive day:

Sunday December 4 immediately after the broadcast, REAST will be holding an
end of year get together that will combine a car boot sale and an end of year
BBQ as well as other delicious foods. A giant Xmas hamper will also be up for

Put this date in your diary as it is bound to be a great day for members and
friends of the club.


Amateur Radio Assessments and training

Persons in the N/West Area of VK7 interested in Training and Assessments for
all classes of Amateur Radio Licenses are advised that the North West
Tasmanian ATV Group can provide these requirements and much more.

Maybe someone wishes to upgrade. Well the club has the appropriately trained
personnel with Facilitators from the Radio and Electronics School who can
attend to all requirements should candidates so desire.

For more information, please contact the Club's Learning Organizer Tony VK7AX,
or the Club.

Contact details can be found on the Club Web Site or
under VK7 Clubs.,


What use is an f-call?

Recently I got to thinking about this hobby of Amateur Radio.

It's not like any other hobbies I've had in the past.

It's different in so many ways that it took me a little by surprise.

When I played with lego, electric trains or on my home computer in my teens, I
was a hobbyist. I spent time, effort and money on my hobbies. When I came
across another enthusiast, I exchanged ideas and findings and carried on with
what I'd learned. Sometimes we combined efforts and I recall making a huge
railway yard in the attic with about six friends, each of our tracks
hand-marked to prevent inadvertent ownership transfer.

With the age of the Internet, you'd expect that you'd see an evolution beyond
that. You'd see people getting together in communities and sharing their hobby.

While this does happen, much more than when I was a teenager, there are
hundreds of places for each hobby, most of them insular and self-contained,
region specific, language specific, what ever.

Amateur Radio is different.

We have a scarce resource that is shared around the globe, our radio bands.
When I first turned on my radio I recall thinking that these bands were huge,
infinite, there was just so much to choose from, how would I ever find anyone?

Turns out, running your finger over your VFO, or programming your radio to do
it for you, gives you a great sense of what's happening where and when. It
turns out that as you start using the bands, you realise that these huge bands
are not infinite at all. During some parts of the day, some of these bands are
not helpful in getting radio signals out across the countryside. Turns out
that people become grouped together in smaller bands at different times of the
day. The side effect of this is that all the people with this hobby are all in
the same place at the same time. More or less anyway.

You get my point, we're all talking together in the same place, all of us, so
we have a built-in system to make us participate with each other in the same
place. Of course it helps that a large part of Amateur Radio is to do with
communication, so not only do we congregate, we also talk.

Other aspects of this hobby that took me by surprise are that it's more
encompassing than other hobbies. Amateur Radio is about communication and all
that this embodies. It's about learning skills, it's about socialising, it's
about building and testing, it's about competitions, about professionalism,
it's unlike any other hobby I've participated in.

Amateur Radio, what a hobby. Tell your friends.

I'm Onno, vk6flab

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

Czech Republic

There is some good and some bad news coming out of the Czech Republic.

The use of the band 70.1-70.3MHz will be extended throughout 2012 but,
unfortunately, the 5MHz experiments will come to an end by the end of 2011.


If you are listening in or near Southern California and have no plans the
evening of December 9th, you might consider a trip to the Cerritos Center
for the Performing Arts. That's where country music legend Ronnie Milsap,
WB4KCG, and his trio will be performing their Holiday Show.

One of the most popular dinner speakers ever at the Dayton Hamvention,
WB4KCG has been honored for his contributions to the art of country music
by the Country Music Association, the Academy of Country Music and
Billboard Magazine.

More about WB4KCG is at his website at www dot


Nov 26-27 WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day


January VK Ross Hull Memorial VHF UHF Contest


June Long Weekend (vk4 time) VK Shires Contest.

July First full weekend NZART Memorial Contest

August VK Remembrance Day Contest

August 18-19 WW International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend.


Old QSL Collection

Jean Michel, F6AJA, wants to remind everyone to visit the Les Nouvelles DX
(LNDX) Web page to see more than 9500 old amateur radio QSL cards in several
different albums/galleries.

The website can be viewed on


On the air, keep an ear open for "Team HB9ON Radio Group" in Switzerland
which is celebrating the life of Apple Computer founder Steve Jobs.

This by activating the special call HB9STEVE throughout November.

Commemoration operations will occur sporadically and will be mostly on CW,
but with some SSB. QSL via Logbook of the World, GLOBALQSL or direct to HB9DHG.

See details on


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

Intruder Watch reports taxis on 28MHz

Following the flood of low power FM transmissions across the 28MHz amateur
band, the RSGB Intruder Watch has provided the Ofcom Monitoring Station at
Baldock with a number of recordings.

It has been confirmed that these transmissions are from taxi
operators and this will form the basis of a complaint by Baldock to
the Russian authorities. The timing of this complaint is fortunate as
Uli Bihlmayer, DJ9KR, the Joint Coordinator of the IARU Monitoring
System, has recently had a reply to a written complaint that he made
directly to the Russian authorities. They have agreed to monitor the
28-29.7MHz band with the intention of stopping transmissions from CB and taxi
operators. It remains to be seen how this works in practice but there is now
a real possibility that this problem is going to be tackled at source.


THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report - Measure Twice cut Once.

Extra Long Electrical Arcs

IRTS report researchers at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, have
developed a new, lower-voltage method of generating extra-long, lightning-like
electrical arcs.

The arcs are created when an electrical impulse is applied to a thin copper
wire that subsequently explodes!

By jump-starting the arcs using exploding wires, as opposed to the traditional
method of directly breaking down air, the researchers reduced the amount of
voltage needed to create an arc of a given length by more than 95 percent.

VK Club Bulletins

40M Rebroadcast in VK7 on the Move

In VK7 for at least the last 40 years there has been a 7.090MHz broadcast
each Sunday morning.

Since 2004 this broadcast has only been the local VK7 Regional News broadcast
from 0930.

Following feedback and discussion with our 40m rebroadcasters here in VK7 we
have decided to broadcast both the WIA National News and VK7 Regional News
each week from the 20 November 2011 starting at 0900.

This will also coincide with a move to the preferred 40m segment from the
WIA Band Plan.

We have looked at the band plan and what 40m frequencies the other states
broadcast on and have come to the conclusion that 7.140MHz is the safest
option as the only other state to use this is VK6 and the time zone is very

So, from today - 20 November 2011 the 40m VK7 broadcast will begin at 0900
and feature both the WIA National News and then at 0930 the VK7 Regional News
broadcasts on 7.140MHz.

Feedback is always welcome.

Justin, VK7TW VK7 Regional News and Broadcast Coordinator

VU2UR in The Hindu

The Hindu newspaper reports on radio amateur B.L. Manohar VU2UR who has been
licensed since 1967.

The paper says "when all cellphone towers have fallen down, landlines broken,
satellite dishes damaged, as often happens during an earthquake or tsunami,
amateur radio operators are the only ones who can provide emergency
communications. This fact is very often forgotten."

Read the story at



Islands on the Air Award enthusiasts have the opportunity to work a new one
until Nov 25 as 7Z7AA comes up from Jabal Al Lith Island in the Red Sea.
IOTA Reference Number is AS-191 and QSL info is via 7Z1CQ.



Only nine months left before ILLW

With 80 registrations for next year's International Lighthouse and
Lightship Weekend some 15 countries are committed to this 48-hour fun event.

Australia remains in the lead on 27, followed by Germany and the USA both
with 11. Others include Argentina, Denmark, England, France, Honduras,
Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Scotland, Sweden and Wales.

The event began in 1998 and has steadily gained in popularity. In August this
year it had a record 470 entrants, including 19 lightships, in 55 countries.

To find out more about the 15th International Lighthouse and Lightship
Weekend of August the 18th and 19th 2012, check out the guidelines, make a
registration, or look at what is on offer then visit the website

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz


The South African Maritime net assisted in the rescue of the crew of the
sailing vessel "Wizard" which belonged to Gerry Boshoff, ZS6SUN . The yacht
struck a submersed container.

Gerry had maintained regular contact with the SA Maritime Net which enabled
Graham Griggs, ZS2ABK, to supply the maritime authorities with much needed
information. The crew was saved and taken aboard a tanker which had been
diverted to the spot where the sailing vessel sank.

Mark Steed, the MRCC Duty Controller passed on a note of thanks from the father
of one of the crew. He told Graham "from the MRCC side we thank you for your
invaluable assistance in making this rescue a success. It is a sterling service
you provide and our relationship is much valued and appreciated by MRCC",


Italian and Turkish HF emergency operations complete

The IARU Region 1 website reports that the use of HF for relief operation in
Italy and Turkey has finished.

The use of HF frequencies by RNRE in Italy for the flooding in the North West
of their country and TRAC for the Earthquake in Van province of Turkey has
finished. There is no further need to take care when operating around
3.643, 3.760MHz, 7.045-7.060 and 7.092-7.095 MHz.

Thanks to all amateurs who kept the frequencies clear for emergency traffic.

Ragguppamento Nazionale Radiocomunicazioni Emergenza (RNRE) in Google English

IARU Region 1



Nov 20 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest
Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St Goodwood at 0930.
Visit for contact details

Dec 4 VK7 REAST Christmas Car Boot Sale and end of year festive day:


15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

FEB 12 VK3 CentreVictoria Hamfest, Kyneton Racecourse


APR 14-15 VK WIA National Field Day.

MAY 3-18 VK5 YL International 2012 Australia (

MAY 25-27 VK3 WIA Annual Conference Mildura

JULY 14 VK4 Wide Bay Hamfest. West Maryborough Scout Hall


WIA Annual Conference Mildura

May 25th, 26th and 27th 2012

Details for the WIA 2012 Annual Conference being held in Mildura are on

Host club is Sunraysia Radio Group, led by Garry Briant VK3KYF and
Noel Ferguson VK3FI.

WIA Members who register for the event will be able to participate in a
range of fascinating and memorable activities.

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.



© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)