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Radio Body Eyes Aftermarket Installs

Hidden "radio" buttons in Apple's iOS 6.1

W.I.A. Contest Champion - VK4PJ Peter Brown Trophy


Radio Body Eyes Aftermarket Installs

After making inroads with Toyota, Audi, BMW and more, Commercial Radio
Australia (CRA) is chasing the digital radio install market.

On Wednesday the 20th of February, the CRA will be leading a breakfast
workshop covering the latest on aftermarket products and how to optimise
their installation. Additionally the CRA will provide an update on DAB+
coverage and its rollout to areas beyond the five state metropolitan capitals.

Commercial radio listening figures for 2012 show 34% of radio listening is in
the car and the radio industry is keen for those listeners to experience
digital radio.

Chief executive officer of Commercial Radio Australia, Joan Warner said:
"There are around 16 million registered vehicles in Australia, mostly with
analogue radios; the DAB+ digital radio aftermarket sector provides a great
opportunity for aftermarket retailers, installers and manufacturers."

Places at the workshop are limited.

Aftermarket retailers and installers should contact Commercial Radio
Australia, email info@commercialra for spaces and more detail. say hidden "radio" buttons in Apple's iOS 6.1 operating system
suggest an Apple radio service intended to compete with Pandora and Spotify.

A set of buttons and references in the software code relate to "radio,"
a feature found in iTunes on Macs and PCs but not on the iPad or iPhone.

The buttons' existence is more evidence of Apple's much-rumored radio
service, which would allow people to stream music much like they do on
Pandora, but with deep ties to Apple's iTunes library.

Another button bearing the legend "buy" suggests the ability to make
purchases of songs from within the radio feature, presumably from iTunes.

Read more:


President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Vice President Chris Platt VK5CP
Secretary David Williams VK3RU
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

Registration - 10 February 2013, 0'41"

Have you prepared for the last weekend in May; the 2013 WIA AGM and

Your registration fee includes coffee and tea on arrival at registration, the
Annual General Meeting, Open Forum and Technical Symposium, morning tea,
lunch and afternoon tea. The partner programme replaces the Saturday
activities with a programme tailored for interests other than Amateur Radio
and includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea and coach transfers.

The 2013 WIA AGM and Conference, it's all about Engaging, Learning,
Appreciating, Socializing and Discovering.

You'll find all the information online at the VK6 conference site,


web service:-
VKG Roundup

Hello Everyone, I'm Rod VK2LAX

Did you know that the 10th February is International Umbrella Day?


Do you know what else is special about the 10th February?

It's just two weeks until Wyong Field Day, 24th February 2013 The largest
gathering of its type in the Southern Hemisphere.

From the free Wyong station shuttle bus to the lucky gate prizes, the
lectures, flea market and raffle, and of course, the commercial traders with
bargains for all ....this year's Wyong Field Day is better than ever.

Gates open 6.30am - Traders open 9am

Please note that admission is $15 for Adults and under 17 free, not 17yrs
and under as advertised in the latest AR magazine.

And here's some late breaking news, there will be a demonstration of
transmitting and receiving equipment on the brand new 630 metres (472-479KHz)
band at the field day.

For more information, please go to the website:

Wyong Field Day, proudly brought to you by Central Coast Amateur Radio Club

ARNSW Anniversary BBQ.

Those who have received their membership badge will have seen included in the
posting an early notification of an Anniversary BBQ which is to be conducted
by ARNSW on Sunday the 10th of March at the Dural site.

Al VK2VEC is collecting names of those who will be attending.

You can email your RSVP to or telephone 02 9651 1490

ARNSW at its Dural site will be conducting the next Foundation course on
Saturday the 23 March and assessments for all license grades on Sunday 24th.

Prior booking required by email to or
call 02 9651 1490 and leave contact details.

Candidates need to bring passport photo.

web service:-

Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club (SPARC) joins in The 2013 Rosebud
KiteFest March 10th.

The Rosebud KiteFest is a huge community event, featuring a breathtaking
array of kites flown over the beautiful waters of Port Phillip Bay.
Many Mornington Peninsula organizations & attractions will be on show, with
SPARC showcasing amateur radio & launching kites carrying long wire antennas
high into the sky.

It all happens on the foreshore at Rosebud, Sunday March 10th, thanks to the
Rosebud KiteFest Committee.

EMDRC will be promoting Amateur Radio with a display at the Scoresby
Steamfest over the Long weekend of 9-11th March. On display will be HF,

As usual live ATV will be broadcast via the Melbourne ATV repeater VK3RTV and
also available via BATC.

For more information re the festival. or

The 2013 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club (GGREC) Hamfest date
has now been fixed for Saturday 20th July at the Cranbourne Public
Hall. Bookings for tables will soon be available.


What use is an f-call?

You may have noticed over the past little while that I've been talking about
off-air activities more than the ones achieved whilst actually sitting behind
a radio. It's not because I'm no longer interested in talking about that,
it's because of late I've had little opportunity to actually be on-air.
Suffice to say, I'm working on it - hi hi.

Until now I've only really used my Amateur Radio for making QSOs, that is,
making contact with stations and having a quick exchange of signal report,
sometimes a description of our respective equipment and perhaps the local

Recently I had the opportunity to use it for a slightly different purpose,
which gave me a hands-on feel for why we have the protocols we do. Several
Amateurs were all gathered in a 50 square km area, all well within VHF range,
but out of sight of each other.

Within 10 minutes each Amateur on frequency knew where everyone else was and
each was heading for the same location.

That in itself doesn't sound that remarkable, but it was the first time that
I'd actually experienced the purpose of the way we use our call-signs and how
multiple stations work together on the same frequency to achieve a common
objective without anyone missing out, getting stomped on, or being

There's a big difference between being taught how to operate your radio,
doing a contest, having a chat, and actually using your radio to achieve a
more directed goal.

If you've only had your radio ready for making call backs to the news, or
for participating in a contest, all I can do is encourage you to try and use
your radio in different situations. You may find that the things you've been
taught actually obtain a different meaning if you observe or use them in a
different context.

In what environments have you had the opportunity to use your radio, and what
did you learn from that? Let me know.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, ARVictoria and the WW sources of the WIA.

World Radio Day 2013

February 13 is the day proclaimed by UNESCO and endorsed by the United
Nations General Assembly to celebrate Radio as a medium; to improve
international cooperation between broadcasters; and to encourage major
networks and community radio alike to promote access to information and
freedom of expression over the airwaves.

UNESCO encourages all countries to celebrate World Radio Day by planning
activities in partnership with regional, national and international
broadcasters, non-governmental organizations, the media and the public.

The International Committee for the World Radio Day is constituted by
agreement among the most representative broadcasting organizations. Its
purpose is to internationally promote the celebration of the World Radio
Day, whom the first edition will be held February 13, 2013 by means of
different activities.

For more information on this event take a look at the links on the email
edition of this broadcast.

USA National Weather Service (NWS) Warning Coordination Meteorologist
Hector Guererro reports that a case of vandalism at the Coleman NWS
transmission site has taken the NWS Weather Radio station transmitter off
the air.

Guererro said that Coleman County authorities reported that vandals broke
into the transmitter building and stole the copper data feed lines.

The lines are being replaced and the transmitter should be back on shortly.
The transmitter, identified as WXN-89, operates at 162.475 MHz and many area
Weather Alert radios and scanners are tuned to that frequency for up to date
weather alerts and current conditions in that part of 'The States'.

Review of the New Zealand 70 Centimetre Band Plan

NZART Council has decided a review of the current 70 cm Bandplan is desirable
as a conflict with the IARU Region III Bandplan has been identified by a
number of formal complaints to both NZART and Radio Spectrum Management (RSM).
Council considers it part of its responsibilities to amateur radio that it
reviews the Bandplans when significant changes occur in the use of the

This proposed review is now on the agenda of the Council Face to Face meeting
and it is hoped that submissions will be called for shortly afterwards.

Due to the discrepancy between the NZART 70 cm Bandplan and the IARU Region
3 Bandplan, the review will give consideration to concerns regarding the
operation of Amateur Television. It will also consider interference received
from UHF Low Interference Potential Devices - LIPD's by equipment such as
70 cm repeaters (the National System was re-engineered to be resistant to
this some time ago).

NZART Council will seek feedback from existing operators on the 70 cm band.

UK LOTTERY money is being used to preserve the history of a World War Two
radio transmitter hidden deep in the Ashdown Forest.

A grant of 9,800 has been awarded to Hadlow Down-based charity
Sound Architect Creative Media to record events and memories surrounding
the Aspidistra, one of England's most closely guarded secrets of the
20th century.

Anyone anywhere in the world with information or who would like to help with
the Aspidistra project should visit




Here's David Black. KB4KCH, with the rest of the story:


Kelvin Doe is not a ham radio operator but he is
being called the wonder kid of Sierra Leone and
with good reason. This is because the 15 year
old who recently won a trip to visit the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology taught
himself how to build generators, batteries, and
FM radios using parts he found in the trash.

In the best tradition of the maker and hacker
movement he does it using things that would
otherwise have been thrown out and, with almost
no formal training, turns them into useful products.

Doe's inventions are especially valuable in his
hometown where, according to Kelvin, the lights
there only turn on "about once a week." Kelvin
builds batteries and generators to provide
electricity for his family. He also uses his
homemade gear to operate a successful radio
station where he is known as DJ Focus.

Kelvin says he hopes to use his radio station as
a way for the youth in Sierra Leone to debate
about issues in their area. He says he plans to
build a windmill generator to provide more stable electricity for his town.

Kelvin Doe visited MIT as part of the
university's Visiting Practitioners Program. The
Syllabus allows inventors to use MIT's plentiful
resources and perform their own research in the schools labs.

Kelvin Doe became the youngest ever Visiting
Practitioner after winning the Innovate Salone
Challenge. Innovate Salone runs a program that
asks young citizens of that nation to creatively
come up with solutions to problems facing their community.

From the South-East Bureau in Birmingham Alabama, I'm David Black, KB4KCH.


In our view, its young people like Kelvin Doe,
who will be the ones who will truly advance all
of mankind in the years and decades to come, and
the world really needs a lot more like him.


ZL Jock White Memorial Field Day Contest Sat and Sun Feb 23 and 24.

WW International Museums Weekends June 15/16 and 22/23

W.I.A. Contest Champion - VK4PJ Peter Brown Trophy

The W.I.A. Contest Champion is awarded annually for the best combined effort
in W.I.A. Sponsored Contests.

To qualify for the trophy you must be a member of the WIA and submit a log to
at least 3 of the qualifying contests

Points for the contest(s) are awarded on the following scale
1st place in section 100 Points
Second 80 points
Third 60 points
Fourth 40 points
Fifth 20 points

You can only claim one score per contest. eg. If you entered 2M SSB and you
were also the overall winner only one of the section wins count not both.

For operation as a member of a multi operator station scores are 0.6 of
normal eg member of 1st place multi op maximum points are 60 points.

NB Operators of Multi ops callsigns MUST be submitted with the log or no
points can be allocated.

If you change callsign during the calendar year the most recent callsign will
be used and it is your responsibility to notify the contest committee of the

In the event of a tie the title is shared.

The score is taken from the best performance in each category in a contest
and there are 7 different W.I.A. contests.

The qualifying contests are;

Ross Hull Contest
John Moyle National Field Day
Harry Angel
Remembrance Day Contest
Oceania DX Phone
Oceania DX CW
VHF/UHF Field Days * (Best Score from one only)

(Trent Sampson WIA - Director for Awards and Contests)



This according to reports that South African radio amateur
ZS1BCE, has been appointed to be the new radio technician
to that rare location for one year between April of this year
and May of 2014.

ZS1BCE is expected to depart from Cape Town on April 15th,
and his amateur radio operations are expected to begin about
four weeks later.

Currently, he does not have a Zed-S-8 callsign, but plans to apply for ZS8D.

Operations will be on SSB on most High Frequency bands.

And less we forget to mention: His QSL Manager will be Pierre Tromp, ZS1HF,
who just happens to have been the last operator from Marion Island.

(via OPDX)

With lectures on What not to do in contests, An introduction to contesting,
A contesters view of the sport, R.T.T.Y. contesting and an open forum for
questions and answers from some leading contesters it's hoped the
Mini Contest University at Wyong has something for everyone wanting to get
into the radio contesting sport.

Although aimed at those who want to learn contesting skills, it also plans
to be a fun event with socialising being a major part of the day, as well as
in the evening when we will all meet up at a local restaurant with others who
have travelled to be at the field day, the next day - to relax and enjoy a
good "ragchew" with friends old and new.

So if you want to be part of the MCU day please register at

This is Ed, VK2JI "see you at Wyong"!


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

Marine radio interference

A recent case of a very low level of interference was affecting the maritime
VHF distress and calling channel 16 at the Maritime New Zealand's Wairarapa
and Picton sites.

The investigation into the interference took seven days to locate and resolve
and involved contacting ships and shore stations on the Wairarapa coast, as
well as both ground and helicopter searches. However, no interference
was detected in the Wairarapa area.

Eventually a very low level signal was detected, and direction finding
indicated it was from a broadcast transmission site 120km from the affected
Wairarapa site and 185km from the Picton site.

A visit to the broadcast transmission site was arranged and the low level
interference source was traced to a high power television transmitter.

The cause of the interference was an open inspection panel which had been
left open for maintenance purposes.



A new animated video has been released that tells
the story of the UK Space Agency's first CubeSat
UKube-1 slated to launch in the 3rd quarter of
2013. UKube-1 will carry a set of AMSAT-UK
FUNcube transponder boards to provide a 435 to
145 MHz linear transponder and a 1200 bps BPSK
beacon for educational outreach. For more
information on FUNcube and a link to the video
please take your web browser to

(AMSAT-UK, Southgate)

A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.

Amateur Radio Supplies announces winner of its 'Promote Youth in Amateur
Radio' contest

"After receiving and evaluating hundreds of entries, we'd like to
congratulate our winner, Adam Donaldson, callsign KC9VIV, of Weston,
Wisconsin," said Jeff Demers, owner, Amateur Radio Supplies.

"Adam was selected as the winner after being nominated by his scoutmaster,
Roger Branton, who describes Adam as, 'an Eagle Scout, an A student,
a cross-country distance runner and an all-around great teen'."

Amateur Radio Supplies awarded Adam a complete HF (high frequency) station,

Alinco DX-SR8T/E 160-10m All Mode Transceiver & 30 Amp PS

LDG AT-100 Pro II Desktop Antenna Tuner

Choice of Rugged All Band G5RV or HyGain DX-77A Vertical

100' of Premium RG-213 Coax

Vibroplex Brass Racer Iambic Paddles

SignaLink USB Sound Card for Digital Modes

Heil Pro Set Plus Headset

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Let's see what's happening re the 2013 floods..

During the Australia day floods Ian Wells vk4fnaa and Dave Mclain vk4ee of
the Banana Shire Repeater Association assisted with communications in the
recent rescue of people trapped in vehicles on kroombit creek just south of
biloela.The two meter repeater allowed emergency communication direct with
the biloela police which we kept them informed of the situation while telstra
mobile network was offline. Our new amateur repeaters faired reasonably well
staying on air most of the time during the floods . Repairs and improvements
to the repeaters will be in progress in future weeks to guarantee
communication during flood events when other communications fail.. our
association is now considering forming a wicen and cb emergency communication
group to work with the local council,police and ses during emergency events.

I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP.

As the days pass, stories of kindness and grief are being presented in the
aftermath of the storms and floods. The same is happening in the areas that
were seared in the record summer heat.

It is the human story of these events that touches us but more things are in
the mix. Disaster planning has adopted a catch word, "resiliency", the ability
to stretch and to also bounce back. I would expect to hear this word more and
more as communities try to rebuild.

However, it should not be forgotten to analyse what happened during the
emergencies. I am aware of some issues in my local area and I have heard
reports of others elsewhere. The obvious area of concern to radio amateurs is
maintaining communications. Lack of resources, equipment or people, create
choke points which have to be eliminated for the job to be done well, next time.

Clusters of people, flooded and without telephones or electricity surrounded
the population centres that were being reported on social and broadcast media.
Locally, I believe there is one registered SES member. In a rural area this is
hardly going to provide much feedback or help.

Sadly I think this story is going to be heard much more widely. Then for me,
what can we amateurs do to assist, to provide resiliency now and in the future?

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?


Launch of Summits on the Air program in VK1

On the 1st of February the SOTA program was launched in VK1, so
operators can now activate any of the 43 approved summits in the VK1
area and qualify for points under the SOTA award scheme. VK1 joins
VK3 and Vk5 which have been operational during the last 4 to 12 months.

On the 1st of February a bunch of people activated summits in the VK1
area, making contacts with other summits in VK1, VK3 and VK5 using
portable equipment and antennas.

SOTA Activators are required to carry their equipment to the summit and
must use only battery or natural power sources and MUST walk for at
least the final 25m of the ascent to the summit.

The summit itself has to have at least 150 metres of prominence over its
surrounds to qualify for SOTA.

Access to some mountains requires a lot more than 25m of
climbing and walking, but others are readily accessed. There is a
range of difficulty and challenge, with higher summits giving
operators more points than the lower ones.

SOTA stations need to have at least 4 contacts with other stations,
which can be either other activators or any other stations, who are
called "chasers". There are awards for both activators and chasers.

All licence classes are included.

You don't have to do this solo, groups of amateurs can
combine their resources and carrying capacity to activate a
summit. A great club project. Imagine a Field day any weekend -
every weekend if you like! There is even some activation during
weekdays. Clearly SOTA is addictive!

More details of the SOTA program are easily found at
where the lists of associations, summits and current activations can
be viewed. SOTAWATCH.ORG provides Alerts and Spots for SOTA
operations. There is a mailing group on Yahoo Groups for SOTA
Australia, new members are welcome.

(Andrew VK1DA)


Wanted .. Donations for VK4KG Memorial Station

They finally have a building to call their own, but it currently lacks mains

They have some fine examples of working Military Transmitters and Receivers
and some older RadioAmateur Transceivers but don't have anything modern to
demonstrate the newer modes of operating to the General Public.

The volunteers of the VK4KG Memorial Amateur Radio Station located at
RAAF Garbutt need donations from you to enable them to demonstrate Amateur
Radio to the public on a regular basis.

Any modern HF Transceiver you are not using is a good candidate for this most
worthy cause.

Can You Help?

Contact WIA National News and we will put you onto the VK4KG Station
Co-ordinator, Wayne/VK4WDM.

Oh, if you are an electrician or electrical firm in the Townsville area that
can donate time and materials to help the station get connected to mains that
is only 10 metres away then your donations would also be gratefully received.

The VK4KG volunteers, with help of donations, hope to be operational again
by the 2013 Remembrance Day Contest and be open every Sunday for the General



FEB 23 VK Wyong Mini Contest University Wyong racecourse

FEB 24 VK WYONG FIELD DAY Wyong Racecourse

MAR 10 VK3 SPARC joins in The 2013 Rosebud KiteFest

MAR 24 VK3 EMDRC White Elephant Sale: Great Ryrie Primary School

Well it's definitely the silly season for Hamfests Bryan, what with the
Kyneton Hamfest on today and the Central Cost Field Day on in two weeks time

Ahhh yess.. but, unfortunately as much as I would like to, I wont be going to
Wyong this year it's a long drive but your right .. its deffinately hamfests
and out club the EMDRC is in there as well with it's big annual hamfest or
better known as the EMDRC White Elephant sale on next month the 24th of March.

It's one of Melbourne's biggest hanfests with all the major traders and you
know the best part (and this is the part I like) is that you don't need a
day pass or a weekend leave pass from the Missus to get there you can be out
and back again in no time.

And your right about big Rob, from memory its the second biggest hanfest or
something like that but it also has a friendly atmosphere and I think
that's just as important. So if you're a trader and would like to book a
table for the big friendly hamfest, give Max VK3WT a call on 03 90059251 or

Mark it in your diary today the EMDRC White Elephant Sale. Sunday the 24th of
March, Great Ryrie Primary School, great Ryrie Road Heathmont.

MAR 24 VK7 "Meet the Voice" barbecue at Ross.

MAY 3- 5 VK4 Clairview AR Weekend details 04 296 32815


JUL 20 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest


Oct 3- 7 VK4 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Charters Towers

NOV 2 VK4 Gold Coast ARS HamFest at Albert Waterways Hall.

NOV 3 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Goodwood.

NOV 15-17 VK3 Victorian National Parks Weekend

Nov 24 VK3 Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club: Rosebud RadioFest



Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)