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Radio system takes pole position

With the first races of the 2013 V8 Supercar Championship now underway,
Nissan Motorsport has announced a partnership with Icom Australia, which
will provide Nissan Motorsport with a total communications solution for
the 2013 and 2014 V8 Supercar Championship seasons.

VK7WI News reports that The partnership sees Icom supply Nissan Motorsport
with a fully customised solution based on the demanding needs of motorsport.
The system will deliver clear communications between drivers, pit crew,
engineers and other staff on race day to ensure all departments are
working in unison, helping to achieve that coveted podium finish.

Todd Kelly, Driver and Director of Nissan Motorsport, said: "The importance
of timing and flowing communication between driver and engineer is crucial
for race strategy and, with Icom at the forefront of cutting-edge radio
technology, we'll look at constantly innovating and developing new
initiatives to drive our competitive advantage within the

VK5 Australian MW AM broadcaster heard in Scandinavia

ABC Adelaide reports that their medium wave 1161 kHz AM transmitter was heard
in Finland.

Kimmo Vuorela received the Australian AM broadcaster using a Perseus type
communications receiver and an array of 3000 foot long antennas, one of which
was pointing toward the station.

Circumstances are ideal up in Finland's northern region Lapland, far above
the Arctic Circle, because there is space for long antennas, and hardly any
man-made electrical noise or interference KIMMO SAID.

Read the full story at

Thailand plans for digital radio

Thailand's National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission has
indicated that it will more than likely use Australia's digital radio system
as a model to migrate from analog, according to the Bangkok Post.

The chairman of the NBTC's broadcasting committee said the regulator is
studying the digital radio transition in Australia, which according to the
article is the country that is viewed as the most successful in implementing
the scheme.

Options include DAB+ (which is used in Australia), DRM, or iBiquity's
HD Radio system.


President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Vice President Chris Platt VK5CP
Secretary David Williams VK3RU
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

High Power Licensee's - We need to hear from you!

The 18 month 1kW High Power Trial, which commenced on 1 March 2012, has entered
its evaluation phase. The ACMA is now gathering information about the trial
such as; the general compliance with EMR standards; the incidence of
interference complaints to other spectrum users; and how the trial has assisted
radio amateurs to communicate.

As part of that evaluation process the WIA has been asked to make a submission
to the ACMA about the outcomes from the trial.

Because the ACMA doesn't inform the WIA about who has taken part we do not know
who the licensees are, so we can't simply call a sample of people and ask how
it's going.

Instead, we need you to contact us and tell us about your experiences. We want
to know how the high power trial has gone for you. In particular we would like
to know:

Have you found it easier to communicate with stations using the higher
power and why?

How did you find the whole EMR assessment process?

Did you use an EMR assessment tool? Which one?

Did you need to make changes to your antenna system or your property to
comply with the exposure regulations?

Are you aware of any increase in interference to domestic radio or
Television reception resulting from your operations at the higher power

Any other comments or experiences you would like to share?

Time is short, so please Email us your comments ASAP and at least by the
10th April.

The High Power Trial is due to conclude on 31 August 2013, and are hopeful that
the 1kW limit will be a permanent feature for advanced licensee's operating on
the HF bands.

We are also hopeful that the higher power concession will be extended to the
160 metre band.

This is Phil Wait, for the WIA.


Appreciate - March 31 2013, 0'35"

Have you prepared for the last weekend in May; the 2013 WIA AGM and

Amateur Radio successes are celebrated with awards, certificates and
commendations. Offering you the opportunity to come face to face with
those individuals who have distinguished themselves and marking their
achievement with a celebratory drink.

The 2013 WIA AGM and Conference, it's all about Engaging, Learning,
Appreciating, Socializing and Discovering.

You'll find all the information online at the VK6 conference site,

Looming Loss of 2300-2302 MHz - WIA submission - (txt versions only).

Your WIA has sent off its submission to the ACMA. The 2900-word submission
provides background on the Amateur Service and the role of the WIA.

The submission sets out the WIA's proposal to retain 2300-2300.15 MHz, the
reasons why and the context of how it would work.

President Phil Wait VK2ASD has requested an early meeting with the ACMA to
discuss the submission.

(Roger VK2ZRH / WIA Front Page News)


web service:-

The ''Homebrew Construction' group meets this Saturday '

A feature at the Homebrew Group that meets monthly at Ashburton was a
presentation by Ian Downie VK3LA, who demonstrated a Communications Test set
used as a spectrum analyser.

Following his talk in March, he returns this Saturday for a test day, with
the set available together with an RF signal generator, power meter, frequency
counter, dummy load and rubidium standard for the calibration or alignment
of almost any project.

Also at the last meeting during its regular 'show and tell' session, was
a fine 40 metre SSB transceiver, produced from a kit by Alex Stirkul VK3MWX.
The experience and knowledge gained helped him to very recently upgrade to
the Advanced Licence.

Rob Whitmore VK3MQ showed a short video clip of his new satellite antennas
in action.

The next meeting at 40g Victory Boulevard, Ashburton will be held on Saturday,
April the 6th, at 2pm.

VK3WI will be on the Mt Macedon VK3RMM 2-metre repeater at 2.30pm to receive
check-ins and comments for the meeting.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Class enrolments for entry point licences

Another successful Foundation Licence weekend of quality training and assement
is being held in April by Amateur Radio Victoria.

Located at 40g Victory Boulevard, Ashburton, it will be held on April the
20th and 21st.

For full details please contact without delay the Education Team Leader,
Barry Robinson VK3PV, his email is or on the phone
0428 516 001.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

MDRC Hamfest 2013

The Moorabbin and District Amateur Radio club are pleased to announce the
2013 Hamfest will be on Saturday 11th May, with doors opening at 10am.

This year's event will be at the Southern Community Centre, Rupert Drive,
Mulgrave (Melways map ref 80 F4).

The Moorabbin Radio Club's annual Hamfest is proud to be Victoria's biggest
with displays and sales of new and preloved equipment. A must come must see
event for anyone interested in Radio Communications and Electronics.

Major door prizes, free tea and coffee, light refreshments and a sausage
sizzle will also be on offer.

Trader table bookings and general enquires can be made by emailing Graeme
Lewis VK3GL ( or by phoning mobile 0418 171601.

A Must see, must come event!!

EMDRC would like to thank everybody who came to last Sundays Big Friendly
Hamfest the EMDRC White Elephant Sale.

It was a great day, the weather was perfect and there was a healthy attendance,
infact we had the same number of people attending this year as we did last year.
Once again thanks again to everybody who came along, whether you bought, sold or
just enjoyed the big friendly social atmosphere.
OH, and dont forget the next EMDRC White Elephant Sale it's only 358 days away,
so put it in your diary today !

In other EMDRC club news, the club will be running its April Foundation Course on
Saturday the 20th of April with the assessment being conducted on Sunday the 21st
of April.
So if you know of someone who would like to get into the hobby then let them know
about our upcoming foundation course.
Again its on Saturday the 20th of April and the course will be held at the EMDRC
Clubrooms McCubbin Street Burwood
Course trainers will be Damien VK3KQ and myself Robert VK3DN
For all enquiries about our course send an email to or
contact myself Robert VK3DN on 0403 066 686

Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW.

On behalf of the RAOTC I wish everyone a very happy Easter.

Although tomorrow is the first Monday of the month it is also a national
public holiday. The RAOTC Committee has therefore decided to postpone the
April bulletin for one week and it will now be broadcast on Monday, April 8.

Just repeating, the April RAOTC bulletin has been postponed to
Monday April 8th.


WW International Museums Weekends June 15/16 and 22/23


This is Denis Johnstone, Contest Coordinator for the John Moyle Memorial
Field Day.

The WIA and I would like to thank those stations who have already gone to
the effort of preparing and submitting a valid log for this year's contest.

Logs are still being received but only around 50 % of the logs are from
Portable stations with the remainder from Home stations.

The contest log for your station is important for you, as based upon this log
we calculate the relative score and placing in each category.

However, the other purpose for your log is to permit verification of
contacts of other stations and hence their scores and placing.

So having gone to the considerable effort involved to actually take part in
the contest, the enjoyment and fun aspect put to one side, it would be such
a shame not to complete the task and not submit a valid log as an entry in
the contest.

So don't forget that entries by mail, Snail Mail that is, have to be posted
with a post mark not later than 19th April 2013. electronic mail submissions
close at midnight also on the 19th April 2013.

So go ahead, gather up the required information that you need, collate the
log and submit it as soon as possible.

You can check if your log has been entered into the system by checking if
your callsign is in the list on the John Moyle page on the contests tab on

The contest results will be published there as soon as they have been
completed, they will be summarised on the WIANews the following week and the
full details will be published in AR the following month.

That's all for now, speak to you later.

(Denis Johnstone VK4AE/VK3ZUX Contest Manager JMMFD 2013)

Jim Linton for the Lighthouse Lightship weekend now joins us with a look-see
at some lights in my part of the world, and a new trend emerging.

Lighthouses having their first activation

A trend emerging with the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
in August is for a few to find a lighthouse location that has not previously
been activated by amateur radio.

While organisers of the friendly annual event like to see amateur stations
returning year after year to the same location, it's pleasing that some new
lighthouses, or those not registered for some time, being included.

Already quite a few enquiries around the world have been received about new
lights, lightships and maritime beacons.

In the Port Douglas area of Queensland Australia two lighthouses dating back
to the 1870s, are to be heard for the first time.

These are the Low Isles Lighthouse about 13 kilometres from Port Douglas,
with Ben Friederich now VK4TDX travelling by boat to the small island.

While the Tableland Radio & Electronics Club VK4XQA will be at Island Point
Lighthouse, in Port Douglas.

The International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend is on August the 17th
and 18th. Visit its website to read the guidelines or make an online

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


North Queensland Net now has eComms

The Net, which happens Sunday Evenings on 3605.4kHz from 0930UTC
(which includes a live cross from 1000UTC onto 2metres in Townsville)
now is augmented by eComms

the eComms enhancements include
Skype - connect with VK4DA on bob pittman4
EchoLink - connect with VK4DA
Facebook - TARCadians can comment on the TARC
Townsville Amateur Radio Club page

Overall it's intended to be another medium for contact and information during
the North Queensland Net and also to provide those away with the ability to
catch the net, and hopefully encourage those in the wider area to provide
some signal reports on stations heard.

Last week we told you of PA KING the special call on the 30th april 2013,
for the Coronation of Dutch new King, "Willem Alexander."

Well also in celebration of the Netherlands Queen Beatrix handing over the
throne to her eldest son, Dutch ham radio operator Jaap Van Duin, PA7DA, will
take to the airwaves using the special callsign PB33Q between April 20th and
May 1st.

Keep an eye on for more information on this very
special celebration.

QSL PB33Q only via the bureau.

GB2RAF, the RAF Neatishead Radar Museum Permanent Special
Event Station, will be on the air celebrating the 75th
Anniversary of the Royal Air Force Amateur Radio Society on
1st April from 09.00 to 17.00 GMT. Operations will be on
80m or 40m using SSB or CW.

GB0BD will be operating from Boyndie Aerodrome on 30th
March to 1st April, celebrating 75 years of Royal Air Force
Amateur Radio Society. Details can be found on at

The Derby & District Amateur Radio Society will be
operating G2DJ at Duffield Junction railway station during
the gala at the Ecclesbourne Valley Railway over the four
day Easter weekend, 29th March to 1st April. Operation will
be on the HF bands and on 2 metres. Further details are on
the website

Riviera Amateur Radio Club is operating the special event
callsign GB4ZOO on Saturday 30th March at Paignton Zoo
Environmental Park, to mark the 90th anniversary of the
zoo's opening on Easter weekend in 1923. The station will
be operating on 40m SSB and 2m FM. QSL via bureau, direct
or eqsl. For more details see


104 year-old Radio Ham celebrates birthday

Radio amateur Louise Evans KE7LSF celebrated her 104th birthday, March 22.

A report on KMTV says she enjoys using the latest tech gadgets like her
iPhone and Kindle Fire in addition to amateur radio.

Read the KMTV story at

A brief mention of her 100th birthday in 2009 can be seen in the YLISSBers
newsletter The Communicator at

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, ARVictoria and the WW sources of the WIA.

Several National Societies, and clubs related to them, will have special
event stations on the air for World Amateur Radio Day April 18.

Mexico - FMRE, with the help of Grupo DXXE, will activate a unique prefix
for the first time: 4 A 8 DMR (DMR = Da Mundial del Radioaficionado).
This station will be active from April 18 to 21, 2013 on all bands from
6 meters to 160 in all modes including EME and amateur radio satellites from
different Grid Locators throughout Mexico.

QSL via N7RO and LoTW. Log will be available also on ClubLog.

Puerto Rico - To echo the theme for this year the ARRL's Puerto Rico Field Day
Group will be active April 18 from the Emergency Management Agency of the
city of Catao, Puerto Rico.

QSL via as well as LoTW.

The SARL will celebrate Amateur Radio's century of involvement in disaster
communication on World Amateur Radio on 18 April 2013 at the National Amateur
Radio Centre. The callsign ZS 9 DCC - Disaster Communication Century will be
operational from the NARC on the 18th.

Special guests and the media have been invited to a briefing starting at
12:00 with presentations about amateur radio's involvement in disaster
communication and how amateur radio is supporting sporting and other community
events with communication.

On April 18, make a contact with ZS9DCC to receive a special commemorative QSL

Amateur Radio Association celebrates 50th anniversary

The Algerian Amateur Radio Association (ARA) celebrated last Saturday in
Algiers, its fiftieth anniversary in the presence of many historical
personalities, including pioneers of the association, to whom honorary
trophies and medals were awarded.

President of the association Afif Benlagha 7 X 2 RO recalled, during a
press conference held to mark this anniversary, the various stages the
association witnessed since its creation on March 23, 1963.

Present at the event, president of the International Amateur Radio Union,
Region 1, Hans Blondeel Timmerman PB 2 T highlighted the Algerian expertise.


Word that jamming of the Global Positioning System by drivers on
United Kingdom roads is becoming a growing threat to public safety
came from Amateur Radio Newsline's Jim Damron, N8TMW:

He says that the United Kingdom's "Guardian" newspaper reports thousands
of people in that nation may be using GPS jamming devices on UK roads. This
to be invisible to any form of surveillance while driving.

According to the article there are a lot concerns that use of these devices
could lead to the dangers to public safety. This includes overtired drivers
or others staying on the roads despite the presence of monitoring equipment.

More importantly they could also pose major a threat if vehicles equipped
with the jammers were to go on in airport areas near aircraft which rely on
the global positioning system for navigation.

GPS jammers, which can have a range of several hundred meters, can be bought
in the United Kingdom for about $45 Australian. While not illegal to
purchase and own in the U-K it is against the law to use them.

The full story is on-line at


As the ARRL draws closer to celebrating its Centennial in 2014, its
Board of Directors has launched an unprecedented $10 million
fundraising initiative to build the ARRL Endowment and strengthen the
organization's financial future. Led by the ARRL Board and an
eight-member Second Century Campaign Committee -- headed by David W.
Brandenburg, K5RQ -- the campaign has already raised more than $4
million toward this goal. Plans are to reach that goal by the end of
ARRL's centennial year in 2014.

"The vision of the ARRL Second Century Campaign is to secure
significant financial resources that will open a path to passionate
involvement in Amateur Radio for new generations," she said. "In this,
it will provide opportunities for educational enrichment, community
service and personal achievement through the exploration and use of the
magic of radio communication."




The resurgence in ham radio may partly be due to a
renaissance in home building coupled with a need on the part
of radio amateurs to serve their community. So says ARRL
Executive Vice President Dave Sumner, K1ZZ's, in a recent
article appearing in the Urgent Communications on-line

In his commentary Sumner notes that when amateurs began
experimenting with radio more than a century ago, they had
no choice but to build everything they needed. Some went on
to become successful entrepreneurs, selling their creations
to fellow hobbyists who were more interested in operating
radios than in constructing them. Others built their own
receivers and transmitters either from economic necessity or
for the fun and satisfaction of being able to say, "I did it
myself." This in turn lead to the era of kit building with
such giants as Heathkit becoming household names in ham

K1ZZ notes that the advent of solid-state devices, printed
circuit boards, and automatic parts insertion removed the
price advantage that kits enjoyed. By the time the Heath
Company closed its doors in 1992, most amateur-radio
equipment was being manufactured in Japan. But this has not
stopped ham radio operators from continuing the art of home
construction and this in itself has led to a resurrection
in the art of kit building. And this in turn has made
portable emergency communications ability more attainable in
the hobby.

As Dave Sumner notes, society has come to rely on a fragile
telecommunications infrastructure that is susceptible to
overload and outright failure. And while ham radio
operators cannot substitute for all that infrastructure hams
can communicate, no matter what.

You can read K1ZZ's entire article on-line at



The Buzz:- Electric car and 52MHz

Peter Ellis VK1PE has found a story that may have a hidden threat for
6 metres, in Japan and potentially elsewhere.

From "What's new in Electronics" magazine for March/April 2013, comes this

Conventional battery-based electric vehicles are not popular with drivers
because of drawbacks that mostly stem from the need to store large batteries
on-board cars, so there are strong demands for alternative means of powering
electric cars.

In a novel approach, Takashi Ohira at Toyohashi University of Technology and
colleagues are developing an innovative method for powering EVs that
drastically reduces the number of batteries. The approach exploits the steel
belt usually embedded in rubber tyres. The steel belt collects power excited
from a pair of electrodes buried beneath the road surface. And, since the
steel belt is electrically insulated by the rubber tread, the researchers
used a displacement current at high frequency to penetrate from underground
to the steel belt.

The researchers constructed a 1/32 scale electric vehicle to prove their
concept. The car moved successfully with a power penetration efficiency
exceeding 75% at... 52MHz. This is the world's first demonstration of
electric power transfer via the car wheel to the vehicle.

So, will the frequency scale, too? Up, to 1.664GHz; or, down, to 1.625MHz.
Or, will it just stay on 6 metres?

For National Radio News,
Peter Ellis VK1PE

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video

Vintage Newsreel of Project Diana Earth-Moon-Earth

A newsreel shows Fort Monmouth, New Jersey where army engineers sent
radar to moon January Ten 1946.

Project Diana, named for the Roman moon goddess Diana goddess of the hunt,
wild animals and the moon was a project of the US Army Signal Corps to
bounce radio signals off the moon and receive the reflected signals. Today
called EME (Earth-Moon-Earth), this was the first attempt to "touch" another
celestial body.

From a laboratory at Camp Evans (part of Fort Monmouth), New Jersey, a large
transmitter, receiver and antenna array were constructed for this purpose.

The transmitter, a highly modified SCR-271 radar set from World War II,
provided 3,000 watts at 111.5 MHz in 1/4 second pulses, and the antenna
(a "bedspring" dipole array) provided 24 dB of gain. Reflected signals were
received about 2.5 seconds later.


Net is held each Mondays on 3.570 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.
(1000utc during daylight saving)

The Day of the YLs

For only the 3rd time in the world, 'The Day of the YLs' will be held
18 and 19 May 2013.

This weekend is intended to gather on the air all amateur radio women around
the world and, of course, all OMs are invited to participate.

A world-wide meeting that you cannot miss.




CubeBug-1 satellite has amateur radio digipeater

CubeBug-1 is the first technology demonstration mission for a new CubeSat
platform design (mechanics, hardware and software) intended to be released
as Open Source and Open Hardware for its use in Amateur projects,
University projects and research labs.

The project is sponsored by the Argentinian Ministry of Science, Technology
and Productive Innovation.

Payloads on this first mission include:

an ARM based on-board computer
a nano-reaction wheel with its driver circuit
a low resolution camera

all based on COTS components

CubeBug-1 is a 2U CubeSat and the team are planning to use half duplex
communications on 437.445 MHz with 9k6 GMSK data.

Telemetry information is at

After the technology demonstration part of the mission is over, the satellite
will enter a mode that will include services to the Amateur radio community,
including a Digipeater, science data downloads from the payload (including
images if possible).

CubeBug-1 is expected to launch on a rocket from the Jiuquan Space Center on
April 28. Other satellites on the same launch include NEE-01 Pegasus and

CubeBug-1 videot

CubeBug-1 website



In ham radio space related news, the IARU amateur radio
satellite frequency coordination panel has announced the
frequencies for the OSSI-1 CubeSat developed by Hojun Song
DS1SBO. The 2 meter downlink will be on 145.980 MHz with an
uplink and downlink on 437.525 MHz.

OSSI-1 is currently planned to launch on April 30th into a
575 kilometre 64.9 degree inclination orbit on a Soyuz-2-1b
booster from the Baikonur launch facility in Kazakhstan.
Other satellites to be launched on this mission include the
Bion-M1, SOMP, BEESAT 2, BEESAT 3 and the Dove-2 satellites.

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Putting out the word during last weekend's wild weather in South East
Queensland was SEQUEST (seaquest)

SEQUEST was formed in August 2009 with the aim of providing a community
focused volunteer emergency monitoring group to members of the public who
use CB radio and also improving services to the CB Radio emergency network.

A non-profit, charitable organization consisting of volunteers who provide
an emergency monitoring service to the public via the Citizens Band Radio
Service & Marine Coastal Radio Network they provide an emergency watch of
CB Radio & Marine emergency channels for assistance and emergency calls.

Worth a listen as today SEQUEST continues to grow and support the growing
communities not only across the South East but Queensland as a whole.

Radio Channels
UHF - 5 35 40
27Mhz - 9am/lsb
VHF Marine - 16 67 21 81

Australian Carriage Driving Championship....

Today Sunday 31st March (Easter Sunday) CRARC have the Australian Carriage
Driving Championships, once again being held at Witwood, home of Doug VK2FDMW
& wife Dot. This event will have a "cross country" component as well as a
number of "Marathon Obstacles", each of which utilises the expertise of
a person or 2 undertaking the competitor tracking and safety communications
utilising simplex frequencies on 2 metres and/or 70 cm.

Canberra Two Day Walk....

Then the following weekend, Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th April see's the
annual Canberra 2 Day Walk. This years Saturday walk is concentrated around
Lake Burley Griffin with various paths combining to make the 10, 20, 30 &
40Km walks, nothing is very far from the lake. Sundays walk is again around
the lake with the longer walks extending out to O'Connor, Dickson and Ainslie.

(SOURCED TO Phil Longworth VK1PL President CRARC)

WICEN (Northern Rivers) AGM Sunday 7 April.

All interested are invited to attend at the SARC Clubroom, members or not.

From 1400K.

WICEN Subs are due from 1 April and are $15 per year. This fee is to provide
insurance cover whilst involved in WICEN activity.

Members and former members are requested to renew and be involved in their
community service.

Compton Allen, President of WICEN NSW and John Harper hope to be at the
meeting to present topics such as:

Capital grants funding
New event reporting requirements
Financial Delegations
Insurance coverage
Update on our competency based training system.

(sarc newsletter)

Saturday April 6th 2013
Pajero Challenge
Woods point area
Contact: Dirk Versluys VK3FPAJ
phone: 03 9879 8384

Sunday April 14th 2013
Wombat 100 Bike Ride
Woodend - Wombat State Forest
Contact: John Weir VK3XD phone: 03 9431 0667

Friday April 19th 2013
Oxfam Trailwalker
Wheelers Hill to Wesburn
Contact: Ian Morris VK3IFM phone: 03 9763 0565


Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania's April Presentation
is "Low Frequency, Medium Frequency and Non-Directional Beacons."

After 80 years amateurs now have an LF and MF allocation again and a guru in
this area Bob VK7ZL will be giving a talk on his experimentation and experiences
with these frequencies.

Ric VK7RO and Bob will also be giving some recollections on Robert Milne (SK)
LF experimenter with callsign AX2TAR and his incredible equipment.

This will be a great talk about our new bands and past experimentation.

April 3, 2013 from 7:30pm.

(vk7wi news)


APR 18 WW IARU World Amateur Radio day

MAY 3- 5 VK4 Clairview AR Weekend details 04 296 32815

MAY 11 VK3 Moorabbin & District Radio Club Hamfest

MAY 11 VK4 BARCfest Mt Gravatt Showgrounds 9:30am

MAY 11 VK6 Hills Amateur Radio Group - HARGfest - 1pm.


JUL 20 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest

AUG 11 VK2 SARCFEST 414 Richmond Hill Rd near Lismore


Oct 3- 7 VK4 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Charters Towers

NOV 2 VK4 Gold Coast ARS HamFest at Albert Waterways Hall.

NOV 3 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Goodwood.

NOV 15-17 VK3 Victorian National Parks Weekend

Nov 24 VK3 Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club: Rosebud RadioFest


Was that VK2KE Graham Scott picking up a substantal amount on channel 9's
Millionaire Wednesday? If so well done!

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)