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This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH.

For all New South Wales amateurs waiting to hear what the NSW planning
department is doing about including provisions for amateur radio masts
and antennas in the planning laws currently being revised, I have some
news for you.

Last week I had a discussion with one of our contacts in the department.
There's some good news and some not so good news.

The good news is: NSW amateurs will get pretty much what we wanted.

That is - antennas and masts up to 10 metres height will be an exempt
development within residential zones R1 to R5. There will be no need
for a development application to your local council, or a consent certificate,
provided the structure meets a few simple parameters - such as complying with
Australian Standard AS 1170, footings to comply with Australian Standard
AS 3600, positioned at a specified set-back from the nearest boundary depending
on its height, and so on.

We will learn more about the detail later. And we hope there aren't too many
devils in that detail.

The not so good news is - you will have to be patient for it to become law.

I was informed that, in relation to the planning regulations that affect us
(and many other stakeholders as well), the legal branch of the department will
be submitting the revisions to the parliamentary counsel - the people who
actually draft the legislation - by the end of the second quarter this year.
That means June. When the parliamentary counsel completes their work, it will
be recommended to the NSW Governor, who will make the legislation - bless her
soul - which will then be gazetted some time later this year.

But the legislation will not come into effect for another six weeks after that,
to allow time for local councils and other organizations to become familiar
with it.

Maybe, just maybe, we will have a Christmas present !

Our contact in the planning department told me that they had enjoyed the input
from the "amateur communications lobby". However, he did say that it would not
be productive for you all to continue writing. Further letters to the department
, the NSW Minister for Planning, or your local member - even just "thank you"
letters - would only necessitate them taking time out to write replies, rather
than concentrating on the important work of completing the legislation.

If you want to write or email your thanks, send them to WIA President Phil Wait
VK2ASD. The Institute will, at the appropriate time, convey everyone's thanks to
the planning department and the minister.

While I'm on the subject, I must congratulate and thank everyone - individual
amateurs and radio clubs alike - who went to the effort of making a submission
during all the phases of the Planning System Review over the past 18 months and
also writing to your local members last year. All the effort has paid off.

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA National News.

HF radio call gets accident scene help

Recently a mobile radio amateur was in an emergency communications exercise
deep in a remote Victorian forest.

The drama unfolded as Terry Murphy VK3UP and several others were on a day
outing to Mount Disappointment, an hour north of Melbourne.

They were accompanied by a crew from 4WD (eds: four-wheel-drive) TV, the
program with around half a million loyal weekly viewers across Australia
and New Zealand.

The TV crew was interviewing the vehicle owners when a trail biker arrived
to announce that his mate had come off his bike, injured himself and was
bleeding profusely.

Terry VK3UP drove 7 km down to the accident site where he and a mate
performed first aid.

There was no mobile phone coverage at the accident scene so Terry set up
his mobile transceiver on 40m.

He contacted Andrew Davis VK2UH of Yass, New South Wales, who made the phone
call to emergency services.

Paramedics were transported by Terry VK3UP in his 4WD vehicle. Hours after
the accident, the patient was taken to hospital. It will be some time before
he can start his new job as a plasterer.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Vice President Chris Platt VK5CP
Secretary David Williams VK3RU
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

The WIA 2012 financial report online
WIA members can now view the WIA 2012 financial report on the WIA website,
it has been placed on the website as a members only accessible file. It
can be viewed using your WIA member number and password.

(wia front page news)

Registration - 21 April 2013, 0'41"

Have you prepared for the last weekend in May;
the 2013 WIA AGM and Conference?

Your registration fee includes coffee and tea on arrival at registration, the
Annual General Meeting, Open Forum and Technical Symposium, morning tea,
lunch and afternoon tea. The partner programme replaces the Saturday
activities with a programme tailored for interests other than Amateur Radio
and includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea and coach transfers.

The 2013 WIA AGM and Conference, it's all about Engaging, Learning,
Appreciating, Socializing and Discovering.

You'll find all the information online at the VK6 conference site,

The VK SHIRES is always held on the June long weekend,
which is the weekend prior to the second Monday of June each year..

Contest Rules

Starts: 06.00 UTC Saturday, June 8, 2013
Ends: 06.00 UTC Sunday, June 9, 2013

The contest encourages HF operating restricted to those bands held by a
Standard Licence

80~10 M SSB and CW - there are categories for Multi operators and single
operators as well as a special category for Foundation calls.

You can also operate in the contest as a Rover swapping between different
shires -

Overall a fun way to spend the Sunday of the Long weekend on the east coast


Greetings Everyone, from the President and Board of the WIA.

It is a sad indictment of our current society that that keys, locks and
backward glances are an increasing fact of life in the protection of our
property and persons. Some would go further and say that form of protection
is only from honest people. Gone are the days when, as a child, I would leave
the farm unattended with the rest of my family without qualms to go shopping
in the local town two hours' drive away. Not only was the house unattended but
unlocked, doors and windows open and farm sheds and workshops the same.

Home invasion, theft and vandalism are traumatic to the victims in many
different ways, which I won't delve into here, and my apologies to those who
have suffered such an event if my words have evoked painful memories. My
purpose here is to outline basic methods of minimising the risk and trauma of
break-in occurring in the first place and to optimise the probability of
recovery or value recovery.

The state police, neighbourhood watch groups and insurance companies all
provide brochures on improving home security and the advice contained in them
is well worth heeding. Some solutions are cheap and require little effort,
others not so but may lead to lower insurance premiums. An example of the
first is the visibility of your home from passing traffic and pedestrians. Is
it clearly visible or obstructed by dense vegetation and high walls or
fences? The latter may provide treasured privacy but it also provides perfect
cover for a miscreant performing an illegal entry to your home. As for the
second, you may have fitted dead locks to all doors and pin locks to sliding
windows and doors to gain the benefit of a lower insurance premium and a
feeling of greater security; only to compromise it all by leaving the keys in
a clearly visible and convenient position for yourself and a thief. Alarms
are another option but response delays by neighbours and others is often an
issue given the number of false alarms.

Perhaps the easiest thing we can do in these days of digital photography, and
often the most neglected, is to photograph our equipment with the accessory
items and attach them to or embed them in a document along with the serial
numbers applicable, the date and place of purchase and any other relevant
information. Then, most importantly, ensure that listing is covered in your
insurance policy taking care to notify your insurance company of any
additions and deletions to your shack. How many of us can honestly say we
have not only done that listing in the first instance but kept it up to date?
Also, print a hard copy or two and secure them elsewhere with one preferably
off-site. If your only copy is on your computer guess where it may end up?

Establishing and maintaining a good relationship with your insurance agent
can go a long way to minimising the impacts of loss of your ham gear but
unfortunately not the sense of violation. After all, locks are only for
honest people.

This has been Ewan VK4ERM for the WIA Board


Wednesday evening last at a RADAR CLUB GENERAL MEETING a celebration and
presentation to two Rockhampton And District Amateur Radio Club members.

Gordon Adams VK4GM and Doug Kraatz VK4DUG.

They both have had WIA continuous membership for 50 years to the day and next
week we hope to be able to bring them both to you here on VK1WIA National News

(sourced to VK4ACC)

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.


web service:-

MDRC HamFest 2013

The Moorabbin and District Amateur Radio club are pleased to announce the
2013 HamFest will be on Saturday 11th May, with doors opening at 10am.

This year's event will be at the Southern Community Centre, Rupert Drive,
Mulgrave (Melways map ref 80 F4).

The Moorabbin Radio Club's annual HamFest is proud to be Victoria's biggest
with displays and sales of new and preloved equipment. A must come must see
event for anyone interested in Radio Communications and Electronics.

Major door prizes, free tea and coffee, light refreshments and a sausage
sizzle will also be on offer.

Trader table bookings and general enquires can be made by emailing Graeme
Lewis VK3GL ( or by phoning mobile 0418 171601.

A Must see, must come event!!

Homebrewers monthly meetings

The next meeting of the Homebrew Construction Group will be on Saturday May
the 4th at 2pm, in the Amateur Radio Victoria rooms, 40g Victory Boulevard,

Amateur Radio magazine columnist and keen microwave enthusiast, David Smith
VK3HZ, will give a talk on reverse DC polarity protection, as applied to
his 10 GHz transverter.

All are welcome to attend. The group now has an email address for inquiries
which is

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to
send audio to

get local audio news
get local news emailed


Brisbane Amateur Radio Club's 30th annual BARCFEST will be held Saturday,
May 11, at Mt Gravatt Show Grounds, 1644 Logan Road, Mt Gravatt, at 9:30am

There is an entry fee of $7.00 for the biggest HamFest in Queensland,
see new and used radios and electronic goods.

Anyone wishing to hire table space should contact the organising committee or
go the BARC website, see and vk4 clubs

to, for details


What use is an f-call?

Experimentation is what amateur radio is all about, for some amateurs more
than for others. For me, it's an integral part of what makes this hobby
exciting for me. It may not be your particular cup of tea, but then,
amateur radio is different things for different people. As one amateur
put it, there are many walks of life represented in the collective known
as amateur radio.

Back to experimentation.

As you may know, I am part of a team of people who put together the news in
Western Australia. Last year during HamFest we put the news to air live,
using a bit of kit from here, some kit from there, and bits from everywhere.
This year we're working on making the list a little less broad and making our
planning experience a little less hectic.

One of the biggest issues we had was our microphone set-up. We had some
hand-held microphones that worked pretty well, but from a logistics
perspective, we had some issues to deal with. One is that a hand-held
microphone sort of makes it hard to use both hands - unless you have a
microphone stand and a spot to actually put it on the limited table space
we have available.

So this year we decided that we'd use a headset microphone. You know, the
$20 jobs that you plug into your sound-card and use with your computer. We
have several of these headsets, but plugging them into our mixing desk gave
us no sound. Turns out that these headsets have microphones that expect a
voltage, so some research was needed to make a box that did just that. A bit
of planning, a few components, some soldering and drilling and we have those.

Now we have working microphones, but now we have a bonus extra sound, we have
a 50Hz hum that just wonderfully punctuates any silence we may care to
broadcast. More research indicates that this is likely a ground loop and
several suggestions are available on how to fix those. We've tried a few and
we're working through the options, but hand-held microphones are looking
pretty good right now if you get my drift.

My point is this. Finding problems and solving them is what this hobby is all
about. We do it with antennas, we do it with power and at the moment I'm
doing it with ground-loops in my audio output. All this is learning that I
can apply in other aspects of my life. I can walk around the street and see
that someone has installed their TV antenna backwards, or that the CB antenna
on their car is unlikely to work efficiently.

All this came from learning and experimentation.

You may not like to drill and solder, but that doesn't mean you cannot

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, ARVictoria and the WW sources of the WIA.


The ICASA Council has last week approved two 5 MHz frequencies for the South
African Radio League to carry out propagation research. This is in response
to the SARL's application for two channels to collect information about
country wide propagation conditions on 5 MHz

The SARL applied for access to 5 MHz in 2010, 2011 and again in 2012. The
licences are being issued for an 8 month period. At the end of the period the
SARL can apply for an extension.

In the application the SARL told ICASA that while the propagation of signals
are fairly well known for high power broadcasting, there is still quite a lot
that can be learned by radio amateurs, especially on "inland" work away from
the coastline.

UK QRM launches public facing website

Anti-man-made interference pressure group, UKQRM, have launched a new
public-facing website to help educate and guide the public on issues of
QRM that affect their (and our) lives.

Hot-topic at the moment is LED lighting and its ability to destroy Band II
and Band III radio reception. UKQRM is indebted to Peter Metcalfe of testing
house METECC for allowing the use of their LED investigation report.

Please check out and share the URL with friends, family, work-colleagues, and
anyone you chat to




The Dayton Amateur Radio Association, sponsor of the annual
Dayton Hamvention (R), has withdrawn its 2013 Radio Amateur
of the Year Award. Amateur Radio Newsline's Stephan
Kinford, N8WB, is in near-by Wadsworth, Ohio, with what's
known so far:


In early March the Dayton Hamvention Awards Committee
announced that it had selected Captain Mustapha Landoulsi,
DL1BDF, as its choice for 2013 Radio Amateur of the Year.
But on April 4th the Hamvention announced that Landoulsi
would not be getting the award after all. In fact, this
year, nobody will.

The announcement of the decision to rescind the award came
in a posting to the Hamvention website and also distributed
on the Hamvention's Yahoo Groups remailer. Both said and we

"We have received conflicting information from credible
sources regarding the accuracy of the winning nomination.
The General Chairman of Hamvention this year, Charles
Kaiser, received these reports and followed up to verify
their accuracy. Unfortunately these changes the way we score
for the Amateur of the Year award and since the competition
was close with other nominees the outcome would have been
different. Based on all of this research the decision has
been made by the Hamvention General Chairman not to award
the Amateur of the Year for 2013."

Captain Landoulsi is a retired Lufthansa airline pilot, had
been named recipient of the award for his ongoing work in
promoting and developing amateur radio in the Middle East
and for organizing delivery of emergency medical equipment
and medication to countries in Africa. There was no
indication from the Hamvention or its Awards Committee as to
the nature of the "conflicting information" or any
additional details regarding this action.

In reply to our request for comment on the situation,
Captain Landoulsi responded in part that is not the awards
cancellation that made him sad. He notes that he already
has a number of awards but that collecting awards has not
been his goal in life. Rather giving to others and helping
everyone he can is what his life is all about. DL1BDF
added that he will have a more in depth statement for
release shortly.

It should be noted that the decision by the Hamvention to
rescind the Radio Amateur of the Year Award will have no
impact on this year's Technical Achievement, Special
Achievement and Radio Club of the Year recipients. These
three awards will be presented as originally announced.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Stephan Kinford, N8WB,
in Wadsworth, Ohio.


This is the first time since the Radio Amateur of the Year
Award was created back in 1955 that it has been withdrawn
after being announced. And as far as we can determine, it's
also the first time that this award will not be presented.


The Northern California DX Foundation has announced a grant
of $50,000 to the upcoming FT stroke Z Amsterdam Island
DXpedition currently planned for January and February of
2014. This is the second largest grant in the history of
the Northern California DX Foundation history. Amsterdam is
number 4 on the DX Magazine's Most Wanted List of rare DX
locations for 2013. Check in the near
future for more DXpedition details.


The FCC has issued a Notice of Unlicensed Operation of an
audio-visual transmitter used in the home of a Southern
California resident. This after receiving a complaint from
NASA that it was receiving interference to a telemetry
receive site from radio transmissions cantering on 2390 MHz

In its March 26th release the FCC said that its
investigators from the Los Angeles office used direction
finding to locate the interfering device at the home of
Julius Magos in the city of Mojave, California. This is not
far from the NASA receive site. The FCC says that when the
power was disconnected from the transmitter, the
interference to the NASA telemetry operations ceased.

Now in issuing Magos the Notice of Unlicensed Operation the
FCC says that its records show that no license was issued
for operation of a transmitter on 2390 MHz from his home
location. As such operation of the device must cease

Magos was also warned that operation of radio transmitting
equipment without a valid FCC authorization constitutes a
violation of the Federal laws and could subject the operator
to severe penalties. These include but are not limited to a
substantial monetary forfeitures, seizure the offending
radio equipment, and criminal sanctions including
imprisonment. Magos was also told that the FCC will
determine what if any further enforcement action is required
to ensure his compliance with the agency's rules.


A journalists' association in Guinea says that two privately-
owned radio stations have been attacked, as political
tensions rise before Guinea's legislative elections on May
12. The Union of Free Radio and Television of Guinea says
Renaissance FM and the Planet FM were both shot at when Faya
Millimo who is the leader of the opposition Liberal Bloc was
being interviewed. Also, two civilians and one police
officer have been killed in a series of anti-government
demonstrations that rocked Guinea's capital in recent weeks.


And finally this week the story of some retirement villages
that not only approve of ham radio, but they even provide
places from where residents can get on the air. Here's
Amateur Radio Newsline's Mark Abramovich, NT3V, with the details:


The Marshalltown, Iowa, Times-Republican newspaper reports
that 81 year old Tom Morgan, W4UTK, has use of three
operating ham radio stations complete with a 500-watt
amplifier in a comfortable ham shack at the Embers
Retirement Community.

The location and equipment were all made possible by Brad
Lee, W0VFT, of Phoenix, Arizona. Lee is identified as the
CEO of Trilogy-Embers. That's the company that owns Embers
and a number of other retirement centres in the United States.

Embers Executive Director is Vicki Bogner. She is quoted as
saying that Brad Lee picked up interest in short-wave from
his father whom his QRZ dot com page as the late C. W.
"Lee", and the first holder of the W0VFT callsign.

She went on to say that Brad Lee began by installing ham
shacks for residents in his Phoenix area properties. This
after he learned some had been ham operators in their own
homes but had given up the hobby after moving in to one of
the Embers properties.

The full story is on the web at
shack. We say this is a great way to support the senior
citizens of ham radio who have contributed so much to this
nation and to the hobby.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mark Abramowicz, NT3V,
in Philadelphia.


The Times-Republican story notes that Marshalltown resident
Tom Morgan, W4UTK, has been a ham radio enthusiast much of
his life. Also that he knew he wanted to become an
electrical engineer by the time he was age 12.



IARU Monitoring Reports

The latest Region One IARU Monitoring System newsletter reports a
Russian over the horizon radar has been transmitting between 3,555
to 3,590 and 3,750 to 3,785kHz.

The signal is always 35kHz wide with its location believed to be
in the area of Makhachkala in the Caspian Sea. A letter has been
sent to the Russian Radio Society asking for assistance in ending
the operation of this radar system.

An Iran based over the horizon radar has been interfering with
amateur radio operations on the 10m band. This radar is on the air
daily on 28,000 to 29,700kHz transmitting bursts that are 60kHz
wide. The splatter from the signal often covers spectrum 500kHz or
more in bandwidth. The German Department of Post and
Telecommunications has sent an official complaint to its
counterpart in Iran.

The Dutch Datawell buoys are still operating illegally on 10 metres.

If you happen across signals in the amateur radio bands that you
know do not belong there, please send a report to the Intruder
Watch Coordinator for the nation that you live in, see for more information.




The Day of the YLs will be held 18 and 19 May.

VK SHIRES June long weekend 0600 UTC Sat June 8, ends 0600 UTC June 9.

WW International Museums Weekends June 15/16 and 22/23


Tableland Radio Group are holding AM and CW on ANZAC DAY using the Old modes
as an AMATEUR RADIO salute to our serving and ex-service people

A lot of amateurs have served in our defence forces during all our nations
wars and peacekeeping operations.

By all nets during Anzac day switching to AM and CW we'll be using the modes
that they had to use and we'll experience the ideosynchries of those modes.

This is the 3rd year that this event has taken place and will have ex-navy
ships on plus hams in NQ operating from ex WW2 sites.

They are asking all VK hams to please use these modes and make it a special
remembrance for those that served.

(wia event calendar)

P 29 NO / JA 2 VQP East Sepic Province Papua New Guinea on air
to January 2015 whilst volunteer teacher at Divine Word University Wewak.


RG 61 PP - celebrating the Day of the Cosmonaut (12 Apr) and the birthday of
Yuri Gagarin (9 Mar 1934), on air now until 31 May


Alan AX 5 PBZ will be operating from Tumby Bay RSL Hall from 2330hrs to
0530hrs UTC April 25 with ops on 144.4MHz , 7110kHz, 14250kHz, 28155kHz on
AM and CW. Alan will also be monitoring dStar Reflector 1 C



Mario will be in Khartoum, Sudan until June. He is signing ST 2 FT.
QSL VIA home call CT 1 FTR


The ILLW reaches a milestone

The honour of being the 200th registration in the International Lighthouse
and Lightship Weekend in August, goes to the Whitby High Light GB2WHL in

The special event station GB2WHL, organised by the Denby Dale Radio Club,
is on the North Yorkshire coast near the historic fishing town of Whitby
- well known as the place Captain James Cook became a seaman before leading
his epic voyages of discovery.

Built in 1858 it helped ships avoid the Whitby Rock, close to the harbour

The lighthouse, now on private grounds, is reached with its owner's permission
via narrow roads. A special QSL card is available on request.

So far there are registrations from 29 countries (Argentina, Australia, Belgium,
Canada, Chile, Cuba, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland,
Italy, Malaysia, former Netherland Antilles, Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern
Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sri
Lanka, Sweden, Ukraine, USA and Wales).

To read the guidelines for the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
on August the 17th and 18th or to register online a lighthouse, lightship
or maritime beacon, visit the website at

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Don't miss out on the microwave test/tune up day to be held at the Redcliffe
& Districts Radio Club, Klinger Rd, Kippa Ring, 21st of April.

Spectrum analysers, noise meters, signal generators and return loss measurement.

(Peter, VK4EA, from the Brisbane VHF Group, and the Redcliffe and Districts
Radio Club, 0449877519, )

MAY 3- 5 VK4 Clairview AR Weekend details 04 296 32815

MAY 11 VK3 Moorabbin & District Radio Club HamFest

MAY 11 VK4 BARCfest Mt Gravatt Showgrounds 9:30am

MAY 11 VK6 Hills Amateur Radio Group - HARGfest - 1pm.


JUL 20 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club HamFest

AUG 11 VK2 SARCFEST 414 Richmond Hill Rd near Lismore


Oct 3- 7 VK4 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Charters Towers

NOV 2 VK4 Gold Coast ARS HamFest at Albert Waterways Hall.

NOV 3 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Goodwood.

NOV 15-17 VK3 Victorian National Parks Weekend

Nov 24 VK3 Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club: Rosebud RadioFest



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the ac

© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)