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More Digital tests from International Broadcaster

Radio Australia will be conducting HF tests using digital text modes MFSK and
FLARQ this weekend, June 8 and 9 2013.

Freeware fldigi will handle these automatically

see and

The "VOA Radiogram" site provides an interesting insight to a number of recent
Shortwave digital tests including an earlier RA test. It also provides more
information on this weekend's tests.

The transmissions will contain text and images from Radio Australia's web site
as well as contact details for sending responses. Note 2150 UTC Sunday is
Monday morning 0750 EST in Melbourne etc.

All dates/times are in UTC, all frequencies in kHz.

Saturday/Sunday 8/9 June 2013 0850-0857 UTC
7410 (PNG & south-west Pacific)
11945 (south Pacific, NZ, central America, Europe)

1230-1237 UTC on
6080 (PNG, west Pacific, Philippines, Japan), new freq for MFSK
9580 (central Pacific, North America)
12065 (central Pacific, NAM)

2150-2157 UTC on
11695 (south-east Asia, Europe) new freq for MFSK
21740 (central Pacific, North America) new freq for MFSK

with 40 seconds of RA tuning signal at the start of each data session.

(Information provided by Nigel Holmes Transmission Manager, Radio Australia
via Peter Wolfenden vk3rv)

New Television Captioning Quality Standard

Deaf and hearing impaired Australians should have improved access to
meaningful television captions under the new Television Captioning Quality

The Standard sets rules about the quality of captions for television services
requiring them to be readable, accurate and comprehensible.


Grahame O'Brien VK2FA whilst portable Geraldton VK6 managed to get about a
20 minute interview with Carter Edwards on the Super Radio Network about
coming to the AGM from Newcastle by car and Ham radio.

Carter allowed Grahame to promote Amateur Radio big time!

On front page news a link to complete broadcast courtesy 2SM.


Peter Ellis VK1PE has found an interesting academic analysis of the
long-distance communication problem.

Peter VK1PE:
In a recent paper, "End-to-end interstellar communication system design for
power efficiency", David G. Messerschmitt of the University of California at
Berkeley proposes various solutions to the information rate vs. average power
trade-off. While this paper discusses at length the SETI problem, it is
probably a good read for those wanting to understand the place of channel
coding and other techniques. He discusses five power-efficient design
principles can asymptotically approach the fundamental limit on the
information rate, and in practice increase the power efficiency by three to
four orders of magnitude. The most important is to trade higher bandwidth for
lower average power.

Messerschmitt is no lightweight in communications: Fellow of the IEEE,
a Member of the National Academy of Engineering, and a recipient of the
IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal; Professor Emeritus and former Chair of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) at the University of
California at Berkeley.

His paper is quite readable, but at 237 pages, download it and read on a
screen. Find the reference link in the print version of this broadcast.

Reference: - "End-to-end interstellar communication system design for power efficiency", David G. Messerschmitt, 21 May 2013


What use is an f-call?

Recently I was spending some time with a group of amateurs and we got the
urge to fix a local repeater.

In the past I'd seen things called cavities, but how they really worked or
how you might tune them seemed like a mystery. I can report that it's less of
a mystery today than it was last week. I'm yet to understand the full
implications, but I learnt something.

A repeater is a transmitter and a receiver working on two frequencies. The
repeater receiver listens for input on one frequency and transmits it on a
different frequency.

The frequencies are generally on the same band, a 600 KHz for 2m or 5 MHz for
70cm apart. When the transmitter is sending, some of the signal leaks back
into the receiver, making it less able to hear your signal.

A cavity acts like a filter. You have a gadget, that looks like a big
Pringles can, that filters out the transmit frequency and you connect that to
the receiver, in effect making the receiver less able to receive the transmit

The cavities come in a set that are inter-tuned. So, you make the filter as
deep as you can - making it deafer if you like - and each individual cavity
has an effect on the next.

With the right gear you can actually see what is happening and how changing a
bolt on the top of cavity affects the filter. Suffice to say that we spent
several hours playing and learning.

That is what amateur radio is like. You start with a small problem, hours
later, morning tea forgotten, you're still playing with connectors and
adjusting things.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, ARVictoria and the WW sources of the WIA.


Congratulations to the 102 candidates who passed the May 2013 Radio Amateur
examination in South Africa.

A total of 116 wrote the exam.

The highest average obtained is 98%.

There are 3 candidates who managed to obtain 100% for the regulations part.

The highest mark for the technical section was 95%.

Radio amateur among 3 veteran storm chasers killed by Oklahoma tornado

The three died last week near El Reno when an EF3 tornado with winds up to
165 mph hit the Oklahoma City area during rush hour.

Veteran storm chaser Tim Samaras WJ0G, his son, Paul Samaras, and another
chaser, Carl Young, died.

UHF Radio microphones consultation

Following on from a recent story here on WIA National News about Radio Mikes
in Australia, New Zealand's Radio Spectrum Management is now inviting
submissions on their recently released discussion document
'UHF Radio microphones: Opportunities for future use'.

This discussion document presents future options for radio microphones using
the 518 - 806 MHz UHF frequency range.

This follows the New Zealand Government's recent announcement that it plans
to auction the 'digital dividend' radio spectrum in the 700 MHz band later
this year.


A discussion on a South African repeater about some tests on 472 kHz, asking
other radio amateurs to listen and give reports caused a frenzy and panic that
the activities could cause an aircraft to crash.

A listener to the conversation did not listen carefully and interpreted the
discussion as being about tests on 4720 kHz which is an aircraft band.

He warned the person on the repeater that they could cause an aircraft to crash.

The discussion went back and forth but the two parties did not realise that
they were talking about different frequencies. So a letter went off to ICASA
warning of the imminent danger. ICASA reacted and asked the SARL to investigate.

Of course SARL members are licensed to operate on 472 kHz on a secondary basis.
In the Table of frequency allocation 4720 kHz is shown as aeronautical mobile,
in some countries it is also used for broadcasting.

Any operation on 4720 kHz would not have caused an aircraft to crash but in any
case there was no operation by radio amateurs. The moral of the story is,
listen up and get the facts before you act and get everyone in a frenzy.


Word is a planned Cordell Expedition operation from Heard Island
has been postponed until January of 2015.

According to expedition organizer Robert
Schmieder, KK6EK and co-planner Rich Holoch,
KY6R, the primary reason for the delay was the
cost of using the preferred vessel, the Marion
Dufresne, to put the team on the island for the required time.

In note to the Ohio Penn DX Newsletter and
republished by the Southgate News, KK6EK and KY6R
say that despite extensive negotiations and
rescheduling of the cruise, it became clear that
the cost of using this vessel will exceed $1
million. Therefore the total cost for the
project would be about $1.5 million and that even
increasing the team size to 50 to partially cover
this cost was not enough. So the planners
reluctantly concluded that sponsorship at this level would be impossible.

KK6EK and KY6R say that they have therefore
decided to delay the expedition to the early 2015
date to allow more time to restructure the
project. It will also give them the ability to
locate a more suitable vessel and bring the cost
more in line with projected available resources.

According to Club Log, Heard Island is Number 7
on its DXCC Most Wanted List. The operations
website is at


Dorset England police are trying to locate what
they describe white VW transporter van with a
large amateur radio aerial on the roof that was
recently involved in a road rage incident.

Investigators allege that the van overtook a
silver Audi driven by a Portland man. Police
said the van driver and a passenger approached
the driver of the Audi and threatened him. They
then took the automobiles keys and threw them down the road.

No one was injured in the incident. An unidentified 35-year-old male was
subsequently arrested and released on bail pending further enquiries.

6m extension for Germany

German amateurs have had their 6m band extended until the end of the year.

The latest allocation is 50.03 to 51MHz and the bottom
30kHz ties up with where the new 6m Synced Beacons are
planned. They may use all types of transmission with a
bandwidth up to 12kHz but must not cause interference to
the primary user of the band, the military.

Meanwhile, the Israeli telecoms regulator has decided to
grant 5MHz temporary permission on an individual application basis only.


CQ magazine has announced eight inductees to its
Amateur Radio Hall of Fame. It's also adding two
members each to the CQ DX and Contest Halls of Fame.

The 2013 inductees to the CQ Amateur Radio Hall
of Fame are long time amateur radio industry
leader Evelyn Garrison, WS7A; former QST
Magazine Managing Editor Joel Kleinman, N1BKE;
well known BBC correspondent Laurie Margolis,
G3UML/GPC3L; former Wireless Institute of
Australia leader and Chairman of IARU Region 3
Michael Owen, VK3KI; Harry Rubinstein the ex-9EEV
who is credited as the inventor of the printed
circuit and several other devices; journalist,
author and historian Walker Tompkins, K6ATX;
famed guitarist and performer Joe Walsh, WB6ACU,
and former CQ Novice Editor Bill Welsh,
W6DDB. Evelyn Garrison, Joel Kleinman, Michael
Owen, Harry Rubenstein and Bill Welsh are being
honoured posthumously for their contributions.

The 2013 inductees to the CQ DX Hall of Fame are
Vladimir Bykov, UA4WHX/AC4LN and Robert "Gary"
Dixon, K4MQG. CQ Contest Hall of Fame inductees
are Dale Green, VE7SV, and Charles Fulp, K3WW.

Formal ceremonies to the CQ Contest and CQ DX
Halls of Fame took place at last week's Dayton
Hamvention. A more detailed descriptions of this
years inductees will appear in the July 2013 issue of CQ magazine.


Some names in the news. First up is Helena E.
Wright, Curator of Graphic Arts National Museum
of American History. She reports that David
Hochfelder, a Professor of History at the State
University of New York at Albany, together with
his wife Anne Pfau, are searching for letters, or
other documents about American shortwave radio
listeners during WWII. Specifically from those
who were hoping for news of Prisoners of
War. The two have already located some radio
logs about listening activities but need much more.
If you can help in this research project, please contact processor Hochfelder

On air for Charity

On 8th June, eight year old Lauren Richardson, accompanied
by her dad Kevin, G0PEK, will attempt to kayak 225 miles
down the River Thames raising money for Widehorizons
Outdoor Education charity.

The thirteen day event will see them negotiate 45 locks and
travel up to 27 miles a day from the source of the Thames
to the sea. They will be operating on amateur radio
carrying two transmitters, one for the 2m voice comms and
the other for APRS, which will plot their position along
the Thames via the internet.

They will be traceable at


After the apparent final demise of the Heathkit
Company last year hams on several websites are
reporting that they were surprised to learn of a
new consumer survey from whomever now owns the company name.

The fairly lengthy on-line survey asks responders
to relate what is important to them, their
kit-building interests, their thoughts about the
many vintage Heathkits and their interest if any
in amateur radio. It also requests thoughts and
ideas about Heathkit while offering the
opportunity to sign up to join a mailing list.

The opening page instructions note that Customer
privacy is very important to them. As such that
they do not release personally-identifying
customer information outside our company as
explained in its Privacy Policy. As such, those
responding to the survey can choose which questions that they wish to answer.

You can find more on-line at


VK SHIRES June long weekend 0600 UTC Sat June 8, ends 0600 UTC June 9.

WW International Museums Weekends June 15/16 and 22/23


VK Harry Angel Memorial Sprint May 3 2014


4 operators will be on air as TN 5 MS from the Congo September 28 thru Oct 11.
They will be active on H-F Bands.
QSL via PA 3 AWW, either direct, or Logbook of the World.


If you are DXCC hunting and has a card for E51WL for North Cook Island rejected,
here's some good news.

According to Bill Moore at the ARRL DXCC Desk, it turns out that the operator
is a native of the island and that his previous ZK 1 WL had previously been

The bottom line is that this is just a callsign change, so if you had E 51 WL
rejected in a recent submission send an e-mail to
for an update to your record.

(NC1L via arnewsline)

PS 2013 CCB, Special Event Call

10-40m bands, SSB, CW and Digital modes, from 15-30 June, celebrates the
FIFA Confederations Cup Brazil.
QSL via PS7AB, only via Bureau, LOTW, EQSL or e-mail

CK 3 C commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Arctic Expedition
back in 1913-1916 and is on air until July One


Victorian Local Government Award

This operating award encourages amateur radio activity by contacting
Victoria's 79 municipalities.

Qualifying VK3 stations need contact 40 different municipalities while
others in VK require 30 and DX stations 20 municipalities.

Now a look at the VK9 Award, this time we are joined by VK4CF.

"The Redcliffe club sponsors 3 awards for all amateurs; they are the
TOWBAR award, the Redcliffe city award and the VK9 award.

This week, the VK9 award.

The award can be completed, by using any or all bands and all modes. However
specific band and mode endorsements are available. Short wave listeners are
eligible to participate in this award and to qualify their log must include
of the call signs of both stations claimed. One contact must be made with all
VK9 DXCC entities of Mellish Reef, Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island,
Christmas Island, Willis Island and Cocos Keeling Island.

Fill out the log, get it signed by two licensed amateurs, enclose either
$A 10.00 or 10 IRC, and send to THE AWARDS MANAGER, REDCLIFFE and Districts
Amateur RADIO CLUB, PO BOX 20 WOODY POINT QLD 4019, AUSTRALIA or email it to
the clubs website "


Radio Sri Lanka stops using 7190 kHz

According to info received from Victor, 4S7VK, Hon. Secretary, Radio Society
of Sri Lanka, Friday, May 31, 2013 was the last day on which the
Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation used the amateur radio frequency 7190 kHz

7190 kHz has been used for decades by SLBC for broadcasts to South India in
various languages and at various times. The old timers may remember that at
one time Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation was the most powerful station in
Asia and very popular in India (no TV then!) and this 7190 kHz was their best
frequency for listeners in South India..

Thomas, K4SWL is curator of "The Shortwave Radio Audio Archive"

He has already populated the site with more than eighty recordings, most of
which were posted over the past two years.

One he has is a very interesting Vatican Radio broadcast announcing the
selection of the new pope.

To find it and subscribe just Google "The Shortwave Radio Audio Archive."

THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report - with Idris VK7ZIR

Water-based EMI RFI protective coating

MASTER Bond has released a new silver conductive, one part aqueous based
sodium silicate coating system formulated for use in EMI/RFI shielding

The MB600S is a coating which cures at room temperature in 24 to 48
hours, or in one to two hours at 80C.

It features high temperature resistance with a service temperature range
of -18C to 371C.

The energy emitted from various sources, including radios and
appliances, can interfere with other electronic devices.

Conductive coatings such as the MB600S are often applied to the housings
in order to protect the devices from these types of interferences. This
silver grey coloured system is used in a variety of aerospace and
electronic applications.

Tested according to IEEE 299, 2006 methods, MB600S was as effective as
the aluminium reference with a range of 95-105 dB, from 100 MHz to 2
GHz. Above 2 GHz, the shielding effectiveness of MB600S decreased to 80
dB and slightly below. Above 4 GHz, the effectiveness was 60-70 dB.

As the system is water based, it is relatively non-toxic and easy to
handle. It can be brushed or sprayed with the proper equipment. If
sprayed, the shielding effectiveness would be even greater than the
values given above.\ve-coating

(Sourced from the Electronics News Web E-zine via VK7WI News)

VK Club Bulletins
VK2 CCARC news

Ham Radio IMS event on TV news

TV station KULR reported on how ham radio operators from all over the world
participated in the International Museum Ships amateur radio event Saturday,
June 1

Watch the TV news report at




The United Kingdom's Guardian newspaper reports that Major Tim Peake has been
selected to fly on a five-month mission on the International Space Station in

Tim was chosen for astronaut training in 2009. Since then has been undergoing
mission preparation in a number of locations around the world including
Star City in Russia and the Johnson Space Centre in Houston Texas.

He had previously served in the army for 18 years primarily flying Apache
helicopters and has seen active service in Afghanistan.

Currently it does not appear that Tim is a licensed radio amateur, but
instruction in ham radio is still a part of Astronaut and Cosmonaut training.

(AMSAT-UK via ARNewsLine)

Fox-1 FM transponder spacecraft has been assigned a November launch 2014.

Fox-1 is designed to operate in sunlight without batteries once the battery
system fails. This applies lessons learned from AO-51 and ARISSat-1

In case of IHU failure Fox-1 aims to continue to operate its FM repeater in a
basic, 'zombie sat' mode, so that the repeater remains on-the-air.

Fox-1 is designed as the immediate replacement for AO-51.

Its Mode B FM transponder will make it even easier to work with modest

A 1U CubeSat, Fox-1a will serve as a communications relay for radio amateurs
worldwide via the onboard FM repeater system. It will also carry an
experiment consisting of a 3-axis MEMs gyro developed by Penn State University.
The communications and experiment missions will run concurrently.

The uplink will be on 435.180 MHz for FM voice
and downlink on 145.980 MHz with FM voice and an optional sub audible
FSK digital carrier channel.

Fox-1a will employ passive magnetic stabilization.

For more information see

Fox-1a is planning to launch from Vandenburg in November 2014 on the NASA
ElanaXII mission with ARC1, BisonSat, Lightsail and R2S.

AMSAT Bulletin Board - AMSAT-BB

(icq podcast)


Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.

Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160

World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160

World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160

Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227

Calling Frequencies for PSK31

Amateur Radio is not just Cool it's Sub-Zero

Participants at a recent Scout Youth Council in Hampshire UK drew up a list
of Scouting activities ranked from Seriously Uncool to Sub-Zero.

The young people involved put amateur radio in the top rated Sub-Zero category
along with Quad Biking, Parachuting and Scuba Diving.

The four categories, Seriously Uncool, Uncool, Cool and Sub-Zero are based on
those used on the "Cool Wall" in the TV show 'Top Gear.'

International President 2012 -2015: Bill Main VK4ZD
secretary: Dr Elwood Anderson, AE5EA
ANZO VP: Peter Lowe, VK3KCD
0645z - 0730z Anzo Net 7.118 (varies due to propagation)
0730z - 0830z International net 14.293 (varies due to propagation)

Guglielmo Marconi Father of wireless, was an Honorary member of the
club from 1933 to 1937 and it continues the tradition and honouring Marconi
to this very day.
Now a' days among its honorary members is Marconi's Daughter,
Princess Elettra Marconi.

4EB -- VK4EB Ted Gold the founder of the first commercial radio station in
Queensland was Vice President of Toowoomba Rotary Club.

Rotary International (RI), the worlds first Volunteer Service Organisation,
is holding its annual convention this year in Lisbon, Portugal June 22-26.

About 30.000 participants are expected.

Rotarians Of Amateur Radio (ROAR), a fellowship of Rotarians, is activating a
special event station CR6RI during the Convention's exhibition hours from
0900utc to 1800utc.

Frequencies to be used will be 14.293 MHz, 14.287 MHz and possibly 21.293 MHz.

More information will be made available on

Next year Australia has the privilege of hosting this Convention in Sydney
and ROAR will be activating a special event station to celebrate Rotary in

(VK4ZD President Rotarians Of Amateur Radio 2012-2015)



InnovAntennas, Ltd. founder Justin Johnson,
G0KSC, has been awarded the Harold Rose Plate by
the Radio Society of Great Britain. This in
recognition of Justin's many contributions to 50
MHz antenna technology and the amateur radio community.

These include such antennas as the Loop Fed Array and the
Optimized Wide-band Low-Impedance Yagi.

(GB2RS via ARNewsLine)

JUN 8-9 VK2 Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club annual field day Port Macquarie.

JUN 8-9 VK5 South East Radio Group Convention Mt Gambier

JUL 20 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest

JUL 20 VK4 Caboolture Hamfest 9am

JUL 28 VK2 Albury Wodonga Amateur Radio Club Hamfest 10AM

AUG 11 VK2 SARCFEST 414 Richmond Hill Rd near Lismore


Oct 3- 7 VK4 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Charters Towers

NOV 2 VK4 Gold Coast ARS HamFest at Albert Waterways Hall.

NOV 3 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Goodwood.

NOV 15-17 VK3 Victorian National Parks Weekend

Nov 24 VK3 Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club: Rosebud RadioFest

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)