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ACMA video Spectrum 101

All radio amateurs know that regarding spectrum, the Australian
Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) issues licences and has
responsibility for its orderly use.

The ACMA monitors spectrum use according to the planning guidelines of the
International Telecommunications Union, and aims to avoid harmful interference
between the myriad of users.

Each January the Australian Radio Frequency Spectrum Plan is issued by the
ACMA for general information showing the uses of spectrum and the further
direction of its management.

Because of the potential for interference, spectrum is described in economic
terms as being a finite, instantly renewable, natural resource.

It has significant value and is managed to maximise its overall benefit.
That includes the ACMA sale of the so-called 'digital dividend'. Spectrum
management is also achieving harmonisation between countries.

Generally speaking, Australia's various industry sectors, and ultimately
consumers, benefit from international agreements for spectrum arrangements
and standards.

Now the ACMA has a plain language video to explain this complex area. It
can be found by Googling 'ACMA Spectrum 101' or using the URL in the text
edition of this broadcast.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Hi, this is Alan, VK4SN, RD contest manager,

thanks to all those who have sent in their logs. In fact over 200 of you
have sent logs in at this stage. There are only 15 days left to send in
your log.

VK5 and VK6 operators have supported their state very well indeed. However,
the rest of the operators around Australia have let their state down quiet
severely. So if you're not a vk5 or vk6, make an effort to send in your log
and support your state as we need those points. Of course, vk5 and 6 keep
sending your logs.

Keep an eye on the rd contest page as it has a list of logs received under
the sections entered. If yours is found to be wrong, please let me know as
soon as possible.

Many thanks

Alan VK4SN.

Back in the August 18 edition of National News, Robert and Bryan brought
you news of a cycle event East to West across VK.

Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, has a follow up

A week or so back, VK4KEV, left the northern rivers city of Byron Bay along with a group
of two wheel enthusiasts, on the Great Australian Ride. The intention was to cross the
continent from east to west whilst raising awareness of and fund raising for SIDS and

Before leaving Kevin had raised some $5,000 and had set the goal to a personal tally
of $6,000. After the second night's stop and some skeds on AR, each night, the next
day saw the ride on tracks rather than roads and sand rather than gravel. So it was
the Kev and his Beemer parted company vertically rounding a bend at about 50 Km/h.

This was near the scenic town of Tibbuburra and far from medical aid. Treatment locally
indicated Kevin had a broken collar bone, at least. This was later confirmed but it meant
that Kevin's intention of crossing the wide brown land wasn't going to be realised this time.
With XYL Gudrun, VK4FWIT, a plan for return home was arranged and now in less noisy
and erratic environment, Kev still has his sights set on meeting that $6,000 target.

Whilst the number of QSOs is small, amateur radio was still involved in this adventure.
The intention to cross the country may not have been achieved but the intention to
support a worthy cause still remains. This homily should be an example for us to follow
both individually and collectively in our clubs. If we aspire to achieve, we will succeed
but the consequences may not always be as planned.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?


web service:-
VKG Roundup

Further good promotion for amateur radio

Looking for a media hook to leverage some publicity for amateur radio has
been effectively used by the revived Armidale and District Amateur Radio
Club, located half-way between Sydney and Brisbane.

In the Armidale Express newspaper it honours the hard work done by Roger
Chubb VK2FGE in trying to get the club going again. He sadly became a silent
key in May.

President Rick Rodgers VK4HF saw a few people at the funeral and they decided
to get the club going and dedicate it to Roger Chubb.

Three months later the WIA affiliated Northern Tablelands of New South Wales
club has installed its VK2RAD VHF and UHF repeaters to keep the area in contact
locally and the further afield EchoLink.

The repeaters provide a useful link for travellers using the New England
Highway from Guyra to Uralla.

Rick VK4HF and his team have some bigger plans including a possible digital
television facility and classes with its two WIA assessors.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Saturday the 26th of October Central Coast Amateur Radio Club have a lecture
that is VERY RELEVANT to all amateurs given the recent findings from ACMA.

Karen Boskos VK2AKB and her team will be presenting a lecture entitled
"EMR Awareness".

This will give a background to what all classes of licensee in Australia
should already know and what actions should already have been taken to meet
the licence requirements.

All amateurs are very welcome to attend this lecture. As with all CCARC
events visitors are always welcome.

web service:-

Standard theory training available

Enrolments are being taken by Amateur Radio Victoria for its Standard Licence
bridging theory course held weekly on Wednesday nights at centrally located

To enrol you must already have a Foundation Licence. The instructor, Kevin
Luxford VK3DAP / ZL2DAP covers the additional Standard Licence theory syllabus

It does require some self-study in between the classes, but those who have
attended previous courses can attest to its very high pass rate.

For the full details and dates, see the Amateur Radio Victoria website under
the 'Get your licence' section.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to
send audio to

get local audio news
get local news emailed

Clairview Gathering

The Clairview Gathering is a yearly event where Radio Amateurs meet
at a spot on the coast between Rockhampton and Mackay to relax, talk
radio, re-establish acquaintances and participate in the world renown
Saturday Night Mega-Auction. There might even be some fox-hunting and
there will definitely be RAFFLES ! There is a rumour going about that
a large contingent of Nutty Campers from the south will be on site.
The Gathering is one of the main revenue raisers for the
Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio Club Inc. and
Mackay Amateur Radio Association.

It happens in 2014 during the first weekend in May from
Friday evening 2nd to Sunday morn 4th May.
Those who are keen to chill out completely in one of the most relaxing
and laid back venues in the cosmos arrive earlier and stay later.

The Clairview Gathering is so popular that on-site accommodation is
close to being booked out already, so if you want to go you will have to be
very quick. Otherwise there are nice camp,
caravan or motor-home sites available too.

For further details contact RADAR Club Secretary Clive VK4ACC
on mobile 0429632815

To book your camping spot contact the Clairview Beach Holiday Park
on 07 49560190

AGM notice 2013

Cairns Amateur Radio Club members are notified that the current committee
will be stood down and an election for a new committee will be held on
9th September 2013 from 1930 EST at Brothers Leagues Club, 99-105 Anderson
Street MANUNDA 4870.

(John Gielis Secretary CARCinc VK4JKL text only)

HARG Spring RF Camp-out

Allan VK6AN has organised a camp-out, with Amateur Radio communication
activities and Members & visitors are both welcome at the Bald Hill
Campground, Avon Valley National Park Friday the 27th of September - Sunday
29 September 2013.

IARU Region 3 Directors Meeting August 2013

The directors including our own Geoff Atkinson VK3TL, met in Tokyo for their
annual meeting at the conference room of JARL.

The position of some societies which were facing difficulties was discussed
and it was noted with satisfaction that MARTS was now fully functional again.

The Region has negotiated successfully with ITU for the allocation of free
space at the upcoming Telecom World in Bangkok in November 2013. IARU will
handle this with assistance of RAST and plans are underway for the design and

Two directors, Gopal Madhavan VU2GMN and Geoff Atkinson VK3TL will be present
at the next AC meeting which will be held in Cancun, Mexico in September as
well as the Region 2 Conference.

It was agreed that the next directors meeting be tentatively fixed for the
14th and 15th of June 2014 at Brisbane, Australia.


SAMSUNG have released a TV here in Australia which lets 2 people
watch two programs on the same screen at the same time.

Samsung's curved TV which also is the first-ever OLED TV to be sold in
Australia was available in stores from Thursday.

OLED or organic light-emitting diode displays have naturally brilliant and
vivid screens. They contain a film of organic compound that emits light when
it encounters an electric current.

Samsung says the 55-inch KN55S9C Curved OLED TV will be available for a
recommended price of $10,999, but stock will be limited initially.

Let the ATV QSO Party begin

ATVers around Australia will take part in the annual World Digital ATV QSO
Party this Friday and Saturday, through dedicated USA repeaters, some direct
transmissions and others via Skype.

All transmissions end up on the Digitised Repeater VK3RTV in the
Melbourne-Geelong area with Peter Cossins VK3BFG the anchor, and streamed
live via the British Amateur TV Club website.

Peter VK3BFG says ATVers should join the party personally with short show and
tells or anything that would be of interest.

It begins (began) Friday 30 August at 0930Z with a check-in of Australian
stations, called by VK3BFG from a list on VK3RTV1 or 2.

External Skype stations for that session are expected to be from VK2, VK4RKC
(Brisbane ATV Repeater), VK5 and VK7. These stations should monitor the BATC
website and log into the Skype event station, 'atvqsoparty'.

The operation will be a bit complex. Stations should please standby if any
problems arise rather than contacting the very busy anchors.

A few minutes back we had further on the news story by Geoff VK4ZPP
from a few weeks ago, whilst in that mode last week we ran a story on
EMR so let's revisit that again this week

This is Alan VK1WX with more on the EMR issue

I'd like to clarify some of what I said on last week's broadcast.

Firstly, there are two Licence Conditions Determinations - LCDs - that regulate
the operation of amateur stations in Australia.

These are set out under "Advisory Notes" on the front of your licence. Take it
out of its picture frame, or out of the drawer, and read it.

You will find the first paragraph says - and I quote - Amateur stations have the
potential to generate high levels of electromagnetic emissions. Compliance with
the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Apparatus Licence) Determination
62003 will ensure that these emissions do not exceed safe levels for general
public exposure - end of quote.

Known as the Apparatus Licence LCD, you can download a copy from the WIA website
page on Amateur Radio and Electromagnetic Radiation Issues. Enter EMR in the
website search field.

[ ]

The Apparatus Licence LCD was updated in May 2013 to incorporate amendments.

The other LCD is the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence)
Determination No.1 of 1997. This one sets out the permitted bands, power, modes
and other things relevant to your grade of licence and the operation of your

I mentioned exposure to electromagnetic radiation is an issue. Let me clarify
it this way - as a precaution, regulatory authorities seek to control exposure
to RF radiation that may damage the human body.

Hence, the standards developed by the Australian Radiation Protection and
Nuclear Safety Agency - ARPANSA.

The Apparatus Licence LCD - which applies to all Apparatus Licences - amateur
stations, broadcast stations, maritime stations etc. - sets out the conditions
that your station must comply with. So it's a bit of a catch-all regulation.

There are two compliance levels described, and you are required to self-assess
your level of compliance. This is explained in detail on the WIA's Amateur Radio
and Electromagnetic Radiation Issues web page.

While you don't have to keep records if your station meets Compliance Level 1,
you may be asked by the ACMA to provide technical reasons to show that you
correctly assessed your station. In your own interest it would prudent to keep
a record.

If you find your station does not meet the Level 1 criteria, then your station
is classified as Compliance Level 2, even though the calculated, or measured,
exposure levels may be low.

In this case, it is your responsibility to assess your station against the
exposure limits set out and to also hold records showing compliance with the
exposure limits.

You do not need to write to the ACMA about your self-assessed compliance.

However, if the ACMA writes to you, or an ACMA Officer requests it, you must
provide details in writing about your compliance with the Apparatus Licence LCD.

The ACMA must receive your response within 20 days of the request. This is set
out in the Apparatus Licence LCD, Part 4, Section 16.

I trust that clears up what I had to say in last week's broadcast.

Remember, your "go - to" source for information and help is the WIA's Amateur
Radio and Electromagnetic Radiation Issues web page. Google it. Or enter EMR in
the WIA website search field

This is Alan VK1WX for VK1WIA News.


The man who oversaw the world's longest running laboratory study, Australia's
"University of Queensland" Pitch Drop Experiment, has died, aged 78.

Professor Mainstone had been cared for by two cardiologists he once taught.

The former head of the Department of Physics monitored dripping tar from a
glass funnel sitting in the lobby of the university's Parnell Building for
52 years, yes FIFTY TWO YEARS!

The Pitch Drop Experiment was established in 1927 by Professor Thomas Parnell
to demonstrate the fluidity and high viscosity of pitch, a derivative of tar
once used to waterproof boats.

Only eight drops have fallen since the pitch began dripping, and no one has
ever seen one fall.

The experiment remains under constant surveillance, with three webcams
providing a live feed.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, ARVictoria and the WW sources of the WIA.

IARU Region 3 Directors Meeting August 2013

The directors including our own Geoff Atkinson VK3TL, met in Tokyo for their
annual meeting at the conference room of JARL.

The position of some societies which were facing difficulties was discussed
and it was noted with satisfaction that MARTS was now fully functional again.

The Region has negotiated successfully with ITU for the allocation of free
space at the upcoming Telecom World in Bangkok in November 2013. IARU will
handle this with assistance of RAST and plans are underway for the design and

Two directors, Gopal Madhavan VU2GMN and Geoff Atkinson VK3TL will be present
at the next AC meeting which will be held in Cancun, Mexico in September as
well as the Region 2 Conference.

It was agreed that the next directors meeting be tentatively fixed for the
14th and 15th of June 2014 at Brisbane, Australia.


The first electrical transformer was shown to the world by Michael Faraday on
August 26, 1831, contributing greatly to our knowledge of electromagnetism
and electrochemistry.

Although Michael Faraday has little formal education he was one of the most
influential scientists in history.

His research on the magnetic field around a conductor carrying a direct
current established the basis for the concept of the electromagnetic field
in physics.

Faraday found that magnetism could affect rays of light and the link between
the two. He similarly discovered the principle of electromagnetic induction,
diamagnetism, and the laws of electrolysis.

Faraday's inventions of electromagnetic rotary devices formed the foundation
of electric motor technology, and it was largely due to his efforts that
electricity became practical for use in technology.

The unit of capacitance, the farad, is named in his honour.


Makoto Mori, JE3HHT, has made his popular MMTTY, MMSSTV and MMVARI
amateur radio software available as an open source enabling anyone
to experiment with the code. These three software packages were
originally developed to support RTTY, Slow Scan Television, PSK,
and MFSK respectively. As of August 1st all of these applications
are released to open source development under the L G P L license.
More information on these programs is on the web at

Most Wanted DX Entity survey

Carl Smith, N4AA, who is the editor of QRZ DX and The DX
Magazine, says that due to popular demand that many
countries have been added to this year's Most Wanted DX
entity survey.

To vote for your favourites, simply complete the survey
form found at The
deadline for entry is 15th October with the results likely
to be published in the January/February 2014 issue of The
DX Magazine.


FLAGPOLE Contest September 21

VK Harry Angel Memorial Sprint May 3



This weekend marks the 56th Malaysia independence day and a team from
9 M 2 SE are on Pulau Indah, IOTA AS-074, August 31 0001z to September 1 0900z.
The Malaysian Special Expedition Team DX operation is a using 100 watt
transceivers into a triband yagi a vertical antenna on 40m to 10m CW and SSB.
For QSL'ing visit the 9 M 2 SE at

The ARRL DXCC Desk has approved the 2013 operation of D 2 CT in Angola for
DXCC credit.
If a request for DXCC credit for this operation has been rejected in a prior
application, contact ARRL Awards Branch Manager Bill Moore, NC1L, to get
placed on the list for an update to your record.

4 operators will be on air as TN 5 MS from the Congo September 28 thru Oct 11.
They will be active on H-F Bands.
QSL via PA 3 AWW, either direct, or Logbook of the World.

TU 5 DF is on the air from the Ivory Coast until October.
TU 5 DF operations are 40 through 6 meters using CW with some SSB and PSK31.
QSL to his home call F 5 SWB

F 5 SWB is on the air as TU 5 DF from the Ivory Coast through to October.
Activity on all of the High Frequency bands.
QSL via F 5 SWB.

V G 6 Yap Island September 8th to 15th on 40 through 10 meters using CW only.
QSL via PG 5 M.

EA 4 GBA, is operational as C 91 GBA from Mozambique until December 15th.
Activity will be on all H F bands using SSB with 100 watts into a dipole.
QSL direct via EA 4 GBA.

British Railways Amateur Radio Society GX 4 LMR over the rest of the year
will be marking the 45th anniversary of the end of steam on the British
railways network. This will be taking place thanks to BRARS member
Mark Procter who will be transmitting from his home QTH near Preston,
which was the very last bastion of steam in August 1968.
Obviously a VERY Special QSL card has been produced for this event.

C 82 DX Mozambique between October 15 - 22.
160 through 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.
QSL and other information is on the web at

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video

Let the ATV QSO Party begin

This story for our text based audience only came from SouthGate news and
Jim Linton VK3PC writer.

ATVers around Australia will take part in the annual World Digital ATV QSO
Party this Friday and Saturday, through dedicated USA repeaters, some direct
transmissions and others via Skype.

All transmissions end up on the Digitised Repeater VK3RTV in the
Melbourne-Geelong area with Peter Cossins VK3BFG the anchor, and streamed
live via the British Amateur TV Club website.

The event, first held in 2011 as part of the Amateur Radio Victoria centenary,
has led to an increased interest in the visual mode of transmission.

Peter VK3BFG says ATVers should join the party personally with short show and
tells or anything that would be of interest. Overs will be kept relatively
short, and if time permits they may have a second turn in some circumstances.

It begins (began) Friday 30 August at 0930Z with a check-in of Australian
stations, called by VK3BFG from a list on VK3RTV1 or 2.

External Skype stations for that session are expected to be from VK2, VK4RKC
(Brisbane ATV Repeater), VK5 and VK7. These stations should monitor the BATC
website and log into the Skype event station, 'atvqsoparty'.

More Skype stations are welcome and should send a request to 'atvqsoparty' if
they wish to participate. Each Skype station will be given a call by VK3BFG
on Skype before being switched through to VK3RTV1.

On Saturday August 31 at 0100z, ATVers on the WR8ATV DATV Repeater in
Columbus Ohio will be patched, then follows the W6ATN Southern Californian
ATV network. During that time Ken W6HHC will give an update on the DATV
Express Project.

The USA repeaters have their own anchors controlling the many stations
involved, and don't forget all transmissions will be on VK3RTV and streamed
via BATC.

The operation will be a bit complex. Stations should please standby if any
problems arise rather than contacting the very busy anchors.

S-band DATV for ARISS

How a DATV transmitter on S-band is being added to the
ARISS equipment on board the International Space Station
has been related in an announcement recently circulated and
available at

The ARISS Ham Video transmitter is presently on board
Columbus. The transmitter was delivered by Japanese cargo
spacecraft HTV-4, which launched on 4th August and docked
five days later. Installation will be done by Michael
Hopkins, KF5LJG, who has been trained for the commissioning
of the Ham Video equipment.

The commissioning is planned later in the year, possibly
end October when there are favourable passes over Italy.
When the Ham Video transmitter becomes operational, it will
be used for ARISS educational school contacts. Video will
be for downlink only. Uplink will be VHF FM audio.

The Ericsson transceiver on board Columbus will be used for
reception on board. This cross band and double mode
operation is called Ham TV.


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz


The next WICEN (nsw) event in the Hunter is the Memory Walk and Jog at
Speers Point on Lake Macquarie 8th of September.
The Illawarra event is on Sunday October 13 at Stuart Park, North Wollongong.
Alzheimer's Australia NSW describe these as their flagship fundraising events.



WICEN Queensland holds a net every Saturday on 7075kHz from 2230 UTC
The net calls in regular stations and then invites new stations to call in.
If conditions are poor on 7MHz, net control might move to around 3600kHz
depending on how pliable the net operators are.
Mix it with other WICEN ops and call in on the net !!
Try also the pre-WICEN net on 20metres where John/VK4LJ Gold Coast conducts
the call-in on the ANZA Net frequency 14183kHz from 2210 UTC
Both are just prior to the 2300hr UTC VK1 and QNEWS programs in VK4


Congratulations to Lucas Swart, ZS6ACT, for gaining 101 SOTA points as an
activator. Lucas is the first Radio Amateur in South Africa to gain more
than 100 SOTA points as an Activator.


Without amplitude modulation radio broadcasting as we know it may never have
happened. But who invented it? If you tune in to one of tomorrow's numerous
Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club of Australia's broadcasts you can find out!

Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW. Tomorrow is the first Monday of the month
and that means it's time for the September RAOTC Bulletin, relayed throughout
the day on various frequencies and at various times.

The principal HF transmissions are on 20 metres on 14.150 MHz USB.

The first, at 0100 UTC, is beamed north from Melbourne for Eastern states
listeners while the second, at 0200 UTC, is beamed westward for WA listeners.

Also at 0200 UTC, Barry VK6WF, will be transmitting on 40 metres on 7060 kHz
for listeners in country WA - and possibly for South Australia as well,
propagation permitting.

Numerous other local transmissions on HF, VHF and UHF take place tomorrow. To
find a time and frequency appropriate to your location, please visit the RAOTC
website at

Everyone, RAOTC members and non-members alike, is cordially invited to listen
to this interesting half-hour of news, stories and anecdotes, and to
participate in the call backs afterwards.

So once again, the September RAOTC bulletin can be heard tomorrow, Monday
September 2nd.

73 from Clive VK6CSW.

REWIND a look back at history

Fresnel invented the lighthouse lens

The lighthouse with its beam of light relies on a lens that is now routinely
used by voice light-beam experimenters - and is finding more modern

Augustin Fresnel designed a lens of large aperture and short focal length,
in a much smaller package than was the convention.

Lighthouses were able to blaze many times brighter, further and more efficiently.

As the French Lighthouse Commission Secretary of the day he illuminated the
entire coastline of France.

The British initially shunned it, and so did the Americans - but quickly
acknowledged the superiority of the Fresnel lens.

A fascinating book entitled 'A Short Bright Flash' by Theresa Levitt, talks
about the man, has 60 illustrations and is a must-read for history,
lighthouse and Fresnel fans.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


SEP 8 VK3 Shepparton and District Amateur Radio Club Hamfest 10.00am

SEP 14 VK4 Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio's SUNFEST 9am.

SEP 27-29 VK6 HARG Spring RF Camp-out Bald Hill Campground, Avon Valley

Oct 3- 7 VK4 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Charters Towers

Oct 5 vk4 REDFest by Redcliffe & Districts Radio Club St Michael's
College, Caboolture, 9am

Oct 20 VK3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention

NOV 2 VK4 Gold Coast ARS HamFest at Albert Waterways Hall.

NOV 3 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Goodwood.

NOV 15-17 VK3 Victorian National Parks Weekend

Nov 24 VK3 Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club: Rosebud RadioFest


Feb 23 VK2 Wyong Field Day and it is on come rain hail or shine.

May 2- 4 VK4 Clairview Gathering Clive VK4ACC 0429 632 815

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)