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ANZAC Centenary callsigns deadline
MeerKat? - It's Simples!
ANZAC Centenary callsigns deadline
All applications for the commemorative ANZAC suffixed callsigns issued by
the WIA must be made fairly soon and certainly finalised before the end of
The WIA Board has a deadline of March 31 for its ANZAC callsigns, with
applications accepted online and filled in using the correct UTC day or days.
The callsign applications are only for up to a week at a time.
If seeking an ANZAC callsign read the requirements and obligations which
include eQSLing, logging and award eligibility.
This information will not only be of interest to ANZAC stations, but they
can mention them frequently on air and refer to the WIA website for full
further detail.
ANZAC callsign bookings have been good and where overlaps in proposed dates
have occurred, the majority of groups are showing consideration and have
been flexible enough to adapt.
Also a number of other clubs and individuals are to use the alternative AX
callsign prefix, available this year for up to 48 hours.
Following WIA representations the ACMA in recognition that this is the
Centenary of ANZAC, will allow for the use of AX on Saturday and Sunday
April 25 and 26.
The WIA recommends that if AX is used then a QSL card with that callsign
be used to satisfy the many prefix and commemorative event hunters.
VI8ANZAC proves to be very popular
The Darwin Amateur Radio Club (DARC) has completed its activation of the
VI8ANZAC callsign as part of the re-actment of the journey by Albert
Chalmers Borella to enlist in WWI.
He went from Tennant Creek to Darwin, then to a sign-up point in
Townsville in Queensland. Albert Borella served at Gallipoli in 1915, the
Western Front in France and Belgium, and is the only person from the
Northern Territory to be awarded the Victoria Cross.
DARC President Gary Gibson VK8GN reports that VI8ANZAC was put to air by
10 operators scattered across Darwin, keeping it on air until midnight
local time during the activation from February the 20th to March the 3rd,
using both SSB and CW.
There was a concentration on 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m. The callsign was
greeted with plenty of interest on the bands. The total number of contacts
was more than 1,000 with the hits about 7,500.
There is a series of VK state and territory callsigns for ANZAC 100
prefixed VI, have a state numeral and the ANZAC prefix.
A reminder that a cut-off for completiion of applications for the
commemorative ANZAC callsigns is March the 31st. Please see the details above
or on the WIA website
The major activity kicks off on ANZAC Day - keep listening to the VK1WIA
broadcast for more information on this WIA activity.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)
NASA has upgraded the Australian facility housing antennae that captured
signals from the first Moon landing and still helps to track the Voyager
The Tidbinbilla Deep Space Tracking Station already houses Deep Space Stations
(DSS) 34, 43, 45 and DSS 46. The latter is a 26 metre antenna that received
the first video of Neil Armstrong walking on the Moon, a feat it achieved at
the nearby, but since-abandoned, Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station, before
being moved to Tidbinbilla.
DSS 45 was constructed for Voyager 2's encounter with Uranus.
DSS 34 was last year used to track the European Space Agency's Rosetta and
Philae as they approached Comet 67/P
The new DSS 35, commissioned last week, is a 43-metre, US$55m antenna said to
offer "the latest in Beam Waveguide technology" in order to track probes
billions of kilometres from earth.
Oh and those heading to Canberra May 9-10 for the WIA AGM, the Tidbinbilla
facility is just a pleasant 45km drive from Canberra.
WHILST ON NASA, NASA Moon Bounce Signal Heard
Last week in WIA National News we told you how NASA's Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL) had decided to bounce a signal off the moon, it had
listeners all right, including at Mildura in north-west Victoria!
On Tuesday March 3 between 0600 to 0900 UTC, the JPL tested its Lunar
Ranging Experiment. With JPL using 20 kilowatts into a 34-metre antenna,
it was suggested that reception of the reflected signal would be possible
on a basic receiving antenna.
This inspired Noel Ferguson VK3FI in Mildura, who decided to have a
listen. As his three metre dish was out of service, he decided to try an
old "grid pack" pay TV antenna to pick up the reflection on 2115 MHz.
The initial noise floor was about strength five. The reflected signal
first appeared as the moon rose over the tree line at about 0820 UTC, with
the moon's distance at that time about four hundred and three thousand
kilometers from earth.
Signals in Mildura peaked at strength seven using the FT847 as an IF on
164 MHz. Noel VK3FI reports that reception continued through to 0900 UTC,
when the JPL test was terminated. Well done on getting that signal.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)
President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Vice President Chris Platt VK5CP
Secretary David Williams VK3RU
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ
Some major work has been carried out to tidy up the WIA Bayswater factory
space behind the WIA Office. This work included the QSL collection area.
The WIA, thanks to the work of Ken Matchett VK3TL - Silent Key, has the
2nd largest historic QSL collection in the world. This is a collection of QSL
cards that have been donated by Radio Amateurs and Short-Wave Listeners from
both Australia and overseas, the aim of which is to preserve the history of
Amateur Radio. QSL cards also have an archival value in that old QSLs, through
their description of radio equipment and comments made by our Radio Amateurs,
can depict the fascinating world of amateur radio in its early days.
Members of the WIA have reason to be proud of their WIA QSL Collection, as it
contains some of the rarest archival material in the world. The QSL of
Reinhartz 1XAM of the USA, and De Loy of France is in the collection. It was
this amateur radio transmission between these two experimenters in November
1923 that bridged the Atlantic for the first time. The QSLs of Frank Bell
Z4AA and Cecil Goyder G2SZ are also in the collection. These experimenters
made the first two-way amateur radio contact between New Zealand and England
in 1924.
The Collection has also an excellent range of post WW1 QSLs such as rare DX,
IOTA, DOK, Prefix and USA County QSLs, in addition to a thematic collection
and a pictorial collection containing some of the World's most attractively
designed QSLs.
Extensive discussions with Wolf Harranth, OE1WHC, DOCUMENTARY ARCHIVE RADIO
COMMUNICATIONS in Austria have taken place. Wolf had provided to the WIA
approximately 50,000 QSL cards which have been integrated into our collection.
These cards filled gaps in the WIA's collection. Wolf and his research team
provide a service to Amateur Radio by documenting historic aspects of both
amateur and commercial radio operations. The Austrian collection of QSL cards
is the largest repository for historic QSL cards in the world. The WIA has
links to this group and continues to provide them with important historic
Amateur Radio information.
The WIA Board are currently seeking a permanent curator for the historic QSL
Collection and will be seeking expressions of interest as soon as the factory
tidy up is completed.
What use is an F-call?
When you first start as an Amateur, you get on air, you have a wander up and
down the bands and you have access to so many frequencies that you don't know
where to start. If you talk to other Amateurs you'll learn that the bands have
more and lesser levels of activity at different parts of the band.
For example, the 10m band SSB runs from 28.3 until 29.1, a wide range to play
in. When you play around longer you'll notice that most of the activity is
around 28.5. Of course as contests hit the airwaves, you'll find the band
full of people all over the place, but normally on a day-to-day basis, you'll
find them clustered around various frequencies.
As you start, you're likely to start calling CQ. As an F-call with low power
this can be rewarding, but only for the very lucky and patient. More success
happens if you find yourself on or around QRP calling frequencies, but overall
if you're like me, you're likely to spend less time calling CQ.
After a while I found myself hunting for strong stations and calling my
callsign when they asked for it. That is, strong stations calling CQ or CQ DX.
Initially, I'd find a strong station and call back. I'd spend quite a bit of
time doing that, sometimes making a contact, often giving up in frustration.
I'm learning as time goes by that I spend more time listening and less time
calling. This is a good thing, for your voice, for your battery and for the
What I'm now doing is locating strong stations and listening to their QSOs.
If you hear a station 5/9 and they tell the other station they're talking to
that they're running 2 kW, you're unlikely to be able to get to them. It's not
impossible, just not probable. If on the other hand you hear a station saying
that they're running 100 Watt, you're much more likely to talk to them if
they're 5/9 at your station.
The more you listen, the more you're going to hear rude and silly behaviour,
calling partial calls indiscriminately, tuning up on the calling frequency,
asking for the DX station's callsign, you name it, I've heard it all.
My observation is that the more experienced you are, the less you'll transmit
and the more you'll listen.
I'm Onno VK6FLAB
Silent Keys are best sent to AR Magazine and your local state or club news
rather than this WIA National News Service.
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.
SA portion of the SKA will be ready for science by mid-2017, 'simples.'
It had been reported last year that due to a strike by the National Union of
Metalworkers of South Africa, among other reasons, the construction of
the Square Kilometer Array MeerKAT dishes had been delayed.
But now it would appear the manufacturer has given SKA a schedule saying they
will "catch up."
South African company Stratosat, in a joint venture with US firm General
Dynamics Satcom, won the largest tender in the MeerKAT construction,
a R632-million tender bid for antenna positioners. About 75% of the MeerKAT
has to be made locally in South Africa.
All 64 dishes of MeerKAT, which will be incorporated into phase one of the
SKA in 2018, are expected to be completed at the end of next year, and ready
for science by mid-2017. The 2016 manufacturing deadline would put the
MeerKAT back on track to meet its deadlines prior to the strike delay.
The papers of a telecommunications legend, Pat Hawker G3VA are being auctioned
March 18, the papers are from the period 1936-2008.
Hawker was one of the legends of amateur radio, but it is claimed that he
'literally helped shape the world we live in today'. [His] 'service to his
country, the radio and television industry and to amateur radio may never be
During WWII he was a leading figure at Bletchley Park, and afterwards played
a leading role in the development of both radio and television.
Chiswick Auctions Lot 185
Richard Ford Manuscripts
Two astronauts have completed upgrades to the ISS in a picture perfect
spacewalk. Barry Wilmore and Terry Virts (The ULTIMATE Cableguys?) journeyed
outside the station once more to complete their third and final spacewalk.
The upgrades to the station will allow new International Docking Adapters
(IDAs) to be installed later this year. Once installed, the new IDAs will be
complete and ready for testing and operations. Commercial space craft from
SpaceX and Boeing are expected to dock with the ISS starting in 2017.
The astronauts breezed through their planned assignments by first installing
booms with an antenna arrays. These are needed for communications between the
ISS and the future spacecraft. The team also installed nearly 122 meters of
Social media went into meltdown earlier this week when hundreds of users on
Facebook, Twitter and several Thai language forums reported seeing a UFO.
Sightings were mainly reported from the Bangkok area, it wasn't long before
doomsday scenarios were being bandied about.
Things then went to a whole new level of hysteria when video footage emerged
that had been captured by YouTube user K.Jane on her dashcam as she headed
home from work.
The Thai Astronomical Society joined the discussion and attempted to quash
all the speculation by explaining the unique phenomenon witnessed was a
flare from an iridium satellite. It was explained that it happens when an
antenna from one of these satellites reflects sunlight directly down at Earth.
When it does, it creates a quickly moving illuminated spot on Earth's surface.
Such a logical explanation should have been the end of the matter but it was
only just the beginning, despite the Astronomical Society sharing information
for stargazers earlier in the day that a flare would be visible, the
non-believers were on a roll and continued with their wild and often crazy
theories late into the night.
A Bangkok newspaper says access to a pair of VHF bands by ham radio operators
in Thailand seems in a state of flux.
The Nation newspaper reports that a subcommittee on reforming the broadcasting
and telecommunications industries wants the regulator to retain its
independence and authority to allocate frequencies. According to the chairman
of the subcommittee known as the Pana Panel, this needs the support of the
National Legislative Assembly.
The Pana panel is part of the mass communications committee of the
government-appointed National Reform Council. It recently approved segments
of draft digital economy bills which revise the powers of the National
Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission or N-B-T-C. The proposals could
have an effect on ham operators in Thailand. Under the bill, a proposed
National Digital Economy committee to be chaired by the Prime Minister would
determine which frequencies are for security, public or commercial use. Only
those for commercial use would be managed by the National Broadcasting and
Telecommunications Council. And that has not set well with the N-B-T-C. A
source within the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Council said
the downgrading of its role stems from its conflict with the Army regarding
the allocation of an additional band at 50 to 54 MHz and 146 to 148 MHz to
ham radio operators. Thai hams already had access to spectrum from 144 to 146
MHz as the nation's 2 meter band.
The new regulations for this proposed change were published in the Royal
Gazette last July. The Thai Army had already been using the 50 to 54 MHz band
for emergencies but the N-B-T-C did not invite it to the public hearing to
discuss the change. This prompted the Army to rush a letter to the N-B-T-C
opposing the move. The Army then sent another letter to regulators who
promised to look into the matter.
As all this was happening, the N-B-T-C prepared to allocate the new band
from 146 to 148 MHz for amateur radio and reassign the 50 to 54 MHz band
for the military. These changes correspond to its review of the frequency
plan every two years. However, before it could do anything to improve the
plan, the telecommunications ministry proposed the bill which would limit
the N-B-T-C's ability to apportion the country's airwaves.
And caught in the middle of this dispute are the nation's ham radio operators
who are now waiting out the political tug-of-war between the National
Broadcasting and Telecommunications Council and the Thai military. You can
read the entire story on-nine at
The March 2015 edition of American Legion Magazine will include a feature
article about the hobby of amateur radio.
Written by best-selling author Don Keith, N4KC, the article explains how
ham radio remains exciting, important, and relevant, even after one-hundred
years of existence and so much technological change. It also reminds American
Legion members about their organization's own club-The American Legion Amateur
Radio Club or TALARC-as well as how its members can get their licenses,
establish club stations at more of the 14,000 posts around the country, and
more. The Legion has an agreement with the Department of Homeland Security
for assistance during emergencies and the article talks about how amateur
radio meshes well with that effort.
American Legion Magazine is distributed to the veterans' organization's
2.3 million members as well as through other outlets. TALARC now has more
than 2,000 members. Regular on-air nets are held for Legion members who are
also hams. The club station, K9TAL at American Legion Headquarters in
Indianapolis, Indiana, also hosts regular operating events.
For Newsline, I'm Skeeter Nash N5ASH in Topeka, Kansas.
To learn more about how the American Legion is integrating amateur radio
into its organization and for its members, visit
Ron Huntsman, G3KBR from Cambridge is one of the last surviving members of
the production team who televised the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann - one of
the Nazi architects of the Holocaust. Ron set up hidden TV cameras in the
court room and fed the cables across the street suspended by a catenary wire
to a rather rapidly-built TV recording studio in a nearby building.
The trial and G3KBR's technical role were featured in the 90-minute drama,
"The Eichmann Show" screened recently on BBC2.
Huntsman and his team sat glued to the trial proceedings for four months and
at one point he was summoned into the glass dock to sort out Eichmann's faulty
headphones. The encounter that left Ron shaking for some time because, as he
puts it, he "must have sensed the evil in the man".
Ron was recently interviewed on BBC Look East and Radio Cambridgeshire about
his involvement in enabling a global TV audience to hear, for the first time,
shocking un-edited testimony from survivors.
Who and Where are our broadcast stations?
John Moyle Memorial Field Day 2015.
This year the contest will occur over the weekend of Saturday the 21st to
Sunday the 22nd March, the duration of the contest will be from UTC 0100 on
the Saturday to 0059 UTC on Sunday.
Now is the time to complete your planning for the field day contest as there
are only a couple of weeks to go before the event.
Denis, VK4AE, WIA coordinator for the John Moyle Memorial Field Day joins us.
"Considerable discussion has developed this year about what is the definition
of a 'portable station'. The particular rule has not changed in all of the
years that I have been running the contest, so I for one am surprised by the
confusion. Perhaps there is some deliberate misinformation being spread on
the bands?
The rule in question simply states that :- "A portable station comprises
field equipment operating from a power source, e.g. batteries, portable
generator, solar power, wind power, independent of any permanent facilities,
which is not the normal location of any amateur station."
This seems pretty clear and uncomplicated. However, much of the discussion
seems to centre on the query that if some lucky amateur has a large property
can a club station then set up a portable station down the paddock from the
house? Or if a club wishes to erect a tent beside the local fire station to
operate a portable station is this suitable?
The intent of the rule is to encourage clubs or individuals to transport
equipment to places that an amateur station does not normally operate from
and then set up and operate a radio station. In fact a number of stations
in the past have set up a portable station in the local park in the shelter
shed or down the back paddock remote from the house. The place does not have
to be some really remote location; in fact the more visible the station is
to the general public the better it is for the hobby.
So as long as the power supply conditions are met then a portable station can
effectively set up anywhere. (The permanent comment refers to the radio
station arrangement not the shelter structure.)
Best of luck to all in the field day and I look forward to working a few of
you on the day and most of all receiving your log entry after the event we
known as:-
John Moyle Memorial Field Day 21st-22nd March from UTC 0100 Sat to 0059 Sun."
More contesting news, who can forget that it's Tablelands Radio Group's
AM and CW on ANZAC Day 25 April
Harry Angel sprint 80 metres May 2.
Trans-Tasman contest 18th July from 0800utc
Remembrance Day Contest August 15 and 16
Oceania DX contest Voice First full weekend in October
Oceania DX contest Continuous Wave Second full weekend in October.
New Zealand National System Award 2015
This year the theme of the award is the ANZAC Centenary.
This is for ZL's and it's to do with ANZAC100
Operate on The National System, from locations as close as possible to a
War Memorial.
The award runs from dawn on ANZAC Day Saturday 25th April until sunset
Sunday 24th May and MUST include a contact with ZL2WA.
Station K 5 B will be in operation on March 22nd.
This operation will be for the 26th Annual Bataan Memorial Death March
Marathon event and held at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
The event honours the victims and survivors of the Bataan Death March that
took place in the Philippines during World War II and will operate from
several different locations in the Las Cruces area.
More information is available on the web at
( WB4AEJ via ARNewsLine )
A Uruguay DX Group will be operating from the Red Cross Headquarters in
St. Maarten as PJ 7 C through March 9th with 2 stations running 500 watts
into 3 elements plus 1/4 wave verticals on lower bands.
Modes will be CW and SSB, and on 80 through 10 meters.
QSL via the operations manager EB 7 DX.
Active will be D 44 TEG from Sao Tiago Island March 15th to the 27th.
Operations will be on 40 through 10 meters CW only.
QSL via his home callsign, HB 9 EBT.
N L 8 F will be active stroke HP in Panama through March 9th.
Operations will be on the High Frequency bands only.
QSL via K 8 NA
PJ 4 F from Bonaire until March 15th on the various HF bands.
QSL via M 0 URX.
Monthly 10cm Flux figures, as of the 26th of February.
minimum 105, average 126, maximum 135 peaking from the 6th to the 11th.
minimum 120, average 126, maximum 135 peaking from the 2nd to the 6th.
And to give some perspective, last month, Feb we had
a minimum of 110, average 130, maximum was 154 peaking from 1st to the 10th.
(Noel Kaarsberg, VK2FUL via VK2WI News)
10th IARU Region 3 ARDF Championships held in JA, 6th till 12th of September.
Net is held each Mondays on 3.570 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.
(1000utc during daylight saving)
Saturday week last saw a good role up of ALARA and friends of ALARA meeting at
a Brisbane Bayside cafe to say hello to Tex and Lyn Battle (VK4SWE) down
from Sweers Island, by way of Europe!
Lyn is the VK4 ALARA Representative.
​ 14 attended on a sunny warmish morning and much thanks go to Col VK4CC for
arranging everything and also to him for kindly providing hot Chips and
Calamari for everyone out of his own pocket !
Bambi says she hopes there are more 'Eye-Ball' QSOs in the future.
Already Bambi runs a "Ladies Chillout and Chatter" where they get together
3~4 times a month to do exact that!
"Life they say begins at Forty, so why not mark ALARA's 40th Birthday by
attending their very special 40th Birthday Lunch.
This Gala Event is being held at the Novotel Hotel Glen Waverley Melbourne
July 25th at 12noon until 4pm
All YL's and of course their OM's are welcome to attend the cost is $56-00
Please e-mail Jean Fisher VK3VIP Alara's president for full details"
Live Broadcast of Space Launch System Booster Test Firing
NASA is building the largest solid propellant rocket booster in the world!
NASA will test this booster, designated Qualification Motor-1, or QM-1, on
March 11, scheduled for 11:30 a.m. EDT.
QM-1 is a five-segment solid propellant booster that will help power the Space
Launch System. The two-minute, full-duration static test is a huge milestone
for the SLS Program and will qualify the booster design for high-temperature
NASA's Space Launch System will be used to help send humans to deep space
destinations like an asteroid and Mars.
The test will be broadcast on NASA-TV and streamed at
US Astronaut Michael Fincke, KE5AIT recently renewed his Amateur Radio license
through until 2025. KE5AIT served on ISS Expedition 9 from April 18th to
October 23rd of 2004 as well as Expedition 18 that began on October 12, 2008
and ended April 8th 2009. His last venture into space was on the STS-134
flight of the space shuttle Endeavor. That mission ran May 16th to June 1st,
2011 and delivered the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer and an ExPRESS Logistics
Carrier to the International Space Station. As such, at 381.6 days, KE5AIT
currently holds the American record for the most time in space.
Members of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society will be active as 9 K 2 F
from Failaka Island between March 11-16th on the HF bands.
QSL via 9 K 2 HN.
Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.
Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160
World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160
World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160
Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227
Calling Frequencies for PSK31
A BROWNIE took to the airwaves to speak to girls in the Scouting movement
on World Thinking Day. Kathryn Sipple, seven, of the 17th Leigh Brownies,
is the great grand-daughter of amateur radio antenna designer Gordon
"Dicky" Bird and sent greetings to 15 Guides and Brownies in South Ockendon.
As the youngest member of the Essex Ham radio club, she broadcast the messages
under the guidance of her parents, both of whom are licensed radio amateurs.
She also completed her first electronics project at the weekend, at Southend's
Raspberry Jam technology event, where the team from Essex Ham was
demonstrating how to send and receive radio messages to and from the
International Space Station.
March 15 VK7 Meet the Voice barbecue at Ross.( )
March 21 VK3 Dstar Users Group 9am Woodend RSL Anslow St.
March 29 VK3 EMDRC Hamfest
April 5 VK2 Urunga Radio Convention ( )
April 11 VK4 REDFest (Redcliffe Radio Club Event)
April 12 VK6 HARG swap meet 10am Lesmurdie Hall 96 Gladys Road.
18 WW World Amateur Radio Day
April 25 VK3 ANZAC Day Radio Afternoon Ballarat Showgrounds ( vk3fmpb )
May 1-3 VK4 Clairview Gathering contact RADAR's VK4ACC 04 2963 2815
May 9 VK4 BARCFEST Salvation Army Hall Calamvale
May 9-10 VK WIA AGM Canberra
June 6-7 VK2 Queens Birthday 40th annual Oxley Region Field Day
June 6-7 VK5 51st South East Radio Group Convention / Australian
Foxhunting Championship
July 1 VK4 Caboolture Hamfest
July 11-12 VK3 GippsTech 2015
July 18 VK3 Gippsland gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest @ Cranbourne
July 25 VK3 ALARA's 40th Birthday Lunch, Novotel Glen Waverley.
Sept 12 VK4 SUNFEST Woombye
Sept 25-27 VK4 CHARC AGM Weekend Camp Fairbairn near Emerald
Oct 2-5 VK4 Cardwell Gathering, Beachcomber Motel and Tourist Park
Oct 25 VK4 Gold Coast Hamfest Broadbeach
Nov VK3 QRP By the Bay details from VK3YE held 2nd Saturday
Submitting news items
If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.
To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on
Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".
Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...
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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.