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The Parkes Radio Telescope had been picking up strange radio signals both at
2.3 - 2.5 GHz and 1.4 GHz.

In a paper uploaded to arXiv it seems "Subsequent tests revealed that a
peryton can be generated at 1.4 GHz when a microwave oven door is opened
prematurely and the telescope is at an appropriate relative angle."

This means that if you open a microwave door before it has finished
microwaving, it may release a short but strong radio signal which bears a
strong resemblance to a Peryton FRB.

The Parkes team decided to test the observatory's units and found they could
produce perytons by opening the oven door while the microwave oven was running

The two ovens responsible for most or all of the observed perytons are both
in excess of 27 years of age though still working reliably. Tests point
clearly to the magnetron itself as the source of the perytons since these are
not detected unless the oven door is opened."

C/Net writes that the good news is that this study was able to determine that
perytons and FRBs are distinct from one another -- and that the microwaves at
the Parkes Observatory could not have been responsible for FRB 010724, the
first FRB ever detected by the telescope and the first known FRB.

The bad news is that perhaps it's time for the observatory to update its
kitchen equipment.

Paul Di Berardino is trying to organise a petition to stop the supply of dodgy
mobile repeaters to Australia."

His immediate goal is to reach as many signatures as possible and to that end
he contacted the WIA National News Service.

You can read more and sign the petition here if so inclined:


Remaking VK Amateur LCD

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is to tidy up the
Licence Condition Determinations (LCD) that automatically sunset in October.

The ACMA proposes only minor updating of the regulations, the Radiocommunications
Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Determination.

Although not due to sunset until April 2018, a sister piece of legislation,
the Radiocommunications (Overseas Amateurs Visiting Australia) Class Licence,
is also being revised.

This will enable harmonisation with the proposed new LCD, so overseas radio
amateurs continue their activity while visiting up to 90 days.

The proposed LCD minor changes include removal of restrictive regulations
following the closure of analogue television, and to clarify power levels
in the 472-479 kHz band frequency range.

Before it makes changes, drafts of both documents are out for public comment.

Submissions must be received by the ACMA on Friday 24 April 2015. To read
the full draft materials visit the ACMA website.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


The WIA AGM is to be held in Canberra on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of May.

As part of the event CRARC will be hosting a dinner for interstate visitors
and local amateurs at the City Labour Club Petrie Plaza Civic commencing at
1800Hrs on Sunday evening 10th May.

Although tables have been reserved it will be first in best dressed and you
pay for your own meals and drinks.

The program and registrations for the WIA AGM can be found on the WIA website.

The WIA ANZAC 100 commemorative broadcast & official opening
These will happen on ANZAC Day from our national capital Canberra.
In the VK100ANZAC broadcast Wireless Institute of Australia President,
Phil Wait VK2ASD, is to have a message from the Governor-General, Sir Peter
Cosgrove, on the occasion of the ANZAC Centenary, 25 April 2015.

It will be on Saturday, April 25, at Dawn 0430 hours Australian Eastern
Standard Time. In it the Governor-General will refer to 100 years ago, on
the 25th of April, a group of ordinary Australians charged onto a foreign
shore in the service of our nation.

What they couldn't have known as they battled fiercely and heroically on the
Gallipoli Peninsula, was their actions, on that fateful day, would inspire
and help describe our nation for all the years to follow.

The VK100ANZAC broadcast is a tribute to all those who gave service and
sacrifice to their nation.

Later on ANZAC Day, at 1430 hours AEST which is Dawn in Gallipoli, the
official WIA ANZAC 100 program opening occurs.

Phil VK2ASD will initiate this Echolink hook-up for the WIA, New Zealand
Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART) and the Trkiye Radyo Amatrleri
Cemiyeti (TRAC). Full details of those to participate are yet to be finalised.

All ANZAC-suffixed callsigns, and other commemorative stations, are asked to
not transmit during the broadcast, nor activate their events for the 30-minute
Echolink contact, expected to at least involve Australia, New Zealand and Turkey.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)

All is ready for ANZAC 100 activities

After many weeks of preparation radio amateurs around the world are eagerly
awaiting for the Centenary of ANZAC - the coming of age for our nation.

ANZAC stands for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corp, which first saw
action on April 25, 1915, and went on to battle on the Western Front.

Australian and New Zealand visitors to former ANZAC battlefields in Turkey,
France, Belgium and elsewhere, are being very warmly welcomed.

The Trkiye Radyo Amatrleri Cemiyeti (TRAC) has set-up repeater TA3EC on
Gokceada Island on EchoLink under the callsign TA3EC. TRAC President Aziz
Sasa TA1E says the intention is to be listening nearby on 145.550 MHz and
433.550 MHz, as the VK and ZL visitors disembark from buses. Among those
attending is June Sim VK4SJ a first generation daughter of a Gallipoli Veteran
who will be joined by her son Anthony VK8NCS, at the Dawn Service, and the
later service at Lone Pine.

There are others, and we wish all of them well during what will be a very
respectful observance and commemoration of the WWI battlefield, where the
ANZAC and Ottoman Empire soldiers fought during WWI.

This international friendship will also have no-less than nine TC100-prefixed
stations in Turkey, at Polygon Wood in Belgium now a war cemetery and memorial
is OP0PPY.

The New Zealand Amateur Radio Transmitters NZART has its ZL100ANZAC on air for
a month with its team of DXers looking for many contacts.

There are many sites of significance both in WWI and WWII including those in
Europe, Malta, South-East Asia, Papua New Guinea and the South-West Pacific.

Back in Australia, no less than eight ANZAC-suffixed callsigns will be on air
from ANZAC Day. Individual event details are on the WIA website and

For example, VI7ANZAC by Vince Henderson VK7VH at Moonah will include
mini-broadcasts of the actual recollections of ANZAC veterans, diaries and
details of Tasmanian Victoria Cross Medal recipients. History told by those
who were part of it.

A focal point of some activity will be the RSL Club. One of those events is
the Tanilba Bay RSL activated by the Port Stephens Amateur Radio Club VK2AOJ.
Other clubs will also be at their RSL Club on the weekend.

Later on this VK1WIA broadcast we will talk about the WIA website that has
become a comprehensive resource on ANZAC 100 events and activities.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Good Morning, This is Denis (VK4AE), WIA Coordinator for the John Moyle
Memorial Field Day.

I would like to thank all of those people who have continued to taken the time
to prepare and submit their log as entry to this year's contest.
There has been a significant increase in the number of logs submitted, when
compared with last year.

It has been observed that out of some 49 club stations who actually took part
in the contest, and contacts were logged by other stations over 20 have not yet
made the effort to submit a log on behalf of their club station. An urgent
reminder is necessary as time has almost run out.

Don't forget that the Snail Mail system this year is even slower than in
previous years and letters are being delivered more slowly So do not wait
until the last minute as you could miss out getting it here on time.

So do not forget that the closing date for entries this year is at midnight
on the 19th April, and you really must put in the effort to get your logs
to me in time.



Canberra clubs next general meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 22nd and at it
Dale VK1DSH will be presenting a talk on Amateur satellites

Amateurs have had satellites in space since almost the start of the space age.
There have been OSCARS in orbit since 1961 and there are many operational
satellites that amateurs can use right now.

The talk will cover:
Some history,
What satellites are available, including recordings of what they sound like
What is possible
Operational issues & setting up a ground station
Resources etc.

(Amanda VK1WX President)

get local audio news
get local news emailed

The Tableland Radio Group with the Cardwell Bush Telegraph Museum in
North Queensland will be putting on a display of old Morse code and old radio
equipment on May 29 and 30. The location is the Historic Post Office,
in Victoria Street, Cardwell.

vk7 local news, email

VK7RMD Update

The Mt Duncan tower upgrade was tentatively scheduled for Saturday
11th of April. The fully assembled tower lifted by helicopter and placed
directly on the mounting bolts.

No small feat of engineering this one and another reason we hams should be
VERY supportive of the services we utilise.

VK7RMD broadcast this news every Sunday morning on the repeater.


EPISODE 20140504 APRIL 19

What use is an F-call?

You're 5 and 9, or 20 over 9, or 5 and 5. It's a phrase that you'll hear
regularly in amateur radio conversations as you tune up and down the bands.

If we ignore for a moment the readability signal, the first number, in this
case "5", which I have to confess is pretty arbitrary. My perfect readability
is not going to be the same as yours. The deafer I am, the less likely you're
going to get a readability score of "5", let's look at the second number.

It's a signal strength. Pretty straight forward. It goes from S0 to S9 and
sometimes there are extra decibels added, 10 dB over, or 20 dB over, etc.
The S meter in your radio is actually a very sensitive micro ammeter.
The dial displays in S-units.

What is an S-unit?

Well, until 1981 there wasn't a real standard. In the 1930's they'd decided
that S9 means 50 microvolts at the input of the receiver, but there wasn't a
standard impedance of 50 Ohm, which we take for granted today, so the number
is pretty meaningless in terms of power received.

In 1981 they defined it as 50 microvolts at the receiver's antenna assuming
an input impedance of 50 Ohm.

It gets better. The S9 is actually defined as -73 dBm or decibel milliwatts,
or 50.12 Pico Watts. Each S-unit is 6dBm, so S8 is -79 dBm, or 12.6 Pico Watt,
S5 is 0.2 Pico Watt.

If that wasn't enough to make your head explode, radios are rarely calibrated,
so one radio's S9 isn't the same as the next one's, worse still, not every
radio uses 6 dB per S-unit, so S8 for one radio might be 6 dB, for the next
it might be 6.5 dB. And I should add that the Automatic Gain Control in a
radio affects the S-meter as well.

When you next tell someone that they're 5 and 9, or 20 over 9, just be mindful
that it's useful as an indication of what's happening between your station and
theirs, but it's not anything that you could use as a definite resource in the

If you want to read more, there is much to find online. Word of warning. When
you read more, your head will explode more, what I've talked about here is
grossly simplified and I've not even looked at the actual electronics side of

Amateur Radio, the more you dig, the more you find.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB


Sven vk2iso dropped us a note to say University of Cambridge have unravelled
one of the mysteries of electromagnetism, which could enable the design of
antennas small enough to be integrated into an electronic chip.

These ultra-small antennas the so called 'last frontier' of semiconductor
design would be a massive leap forward for wireless communications.

The Cambridge team used thin films of piezoelectric materials. They found that
at a certain frequency, these materials become not only efficient resonators,
but efficient radiators as well, meaning that they can be used as aerials.

2015 NZART AGM & Conference is being held in Hamilton, "Heart of the Waikato,"
over Queen's Birthday weekend, Friday 29 to Sunday 31st May.

The venue will be the Kentucky Lounge at the Te Rapa Racecourse Hamilton and
this year is hosted by Hamilton Amateur Radio Club Branch 12 of the NZART.

New SA radio regulations published

These were published in the government gazette and in short, South African
radio amateurs can now, with the exception of a few bands, increase output
power to one kilowatt.

The 160 meter band has been extended to 2 MHz and as bonus, their Class B
licensees were awarded a power increase to 100watt as well.

South African Hams have also been given 'propagation studies' permission to
transmit between 40.675MHz and 40.685MHz as 'primary users' and use up to
400Watts of power.


A mother and her two children were trapped in their car in rural Virginia.
This after an 80 foot amateur radio tower fell onto their vehicle.

Spotsylvania County Deputy Fire Chief Joseph Sposa noted that the tower also
fell partially onto a home causing some minor damage to the roof.

No one in the home or the vehicle was injured.

County Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Management crews were able to
stabilize and remove the debris to free the trapped passengers.

Officials believe high winds in the area caused the tower to collapse.

The owner of the tower was not named in any news report.



Tablelands Radio Group's AM and CW on ANZAC Day 25 April

Harry Angel sprint 80 metres May 2.

Trans-Tasman contest 18th July from 0800utc


Remembrance Day Contest August 15 and 16

Oceania DX contest Voice First full weekend in October

Oceania DX contest Continuous Wave Second full weekend in October.


AMSAT Awards Update

There is an award for making your first satellite QSO.

To see all the awards visit or


Our first story today takes us to VK2 and Julian Sortland.


"HADARC, the Hornsby and District Amateur Radio Club, Inc. will be operating
AX 2 IMD from 10:00 am Sydney time on Saturday 25 April until 9:59 the
following morning, using voice, CW and Digital modes.

It celebrates the first official direct wireless message from the UK to
Australia, sent on 22 September 1918, on behalf of Australian Prime Minister
Billy Hughes, while he was visiting the UK at the end of World War I.

It was transmitted by Marconi from Waunfawr, near Caernarfon, on the
Menai Strait, in north west Wales. The signal was received by Earnest Fisk
at Wahroonga in northern Sydney.

Further details on AX2IMD are available on the HADARC and GB4IMD websites.

For VK1WIA News this is Julian Sortland, VK2YJS."

HADARC's IMD page:

IMD Website:

The New Zealand Radio DX League invites you to download the April
issue of the DX Times for free from the url shown naturally in this weeks
text edition available from

This is a marketing promotion aimed at making people aware that the
New Zealand Radio DX League exists and is still flourishing 66 years
on from its inception!

(Paul ZL4PW)

GB 1 STG to mark St George's Day, the Patron Saint of England on Thursday,
April 23 from Galleywood Common.
The Common was the site of an artillery fort during the Napoleonic Wars
and today boasts 175 acres with several open spaces to play radio!

Amine, 7 X 2 VB is on the air as 7 U 7 WARD until today 19th celebrating
World Amateur Radio Day.

Charlie, VK3ZD is active as VK9NW from North West Island, OC-142,in the
Coral Sea until 20th April. Activity is mainly on 20 metres QSL via home call

Dino, VE 7 NX will be active as P4/VE7NX from Aruba, SA-036, until 24th April.
He will be working mostly CW, but may switch to SSB if needed.
QSL via VE 7 NX.


The Northern California DX Foundation has announced announce a grant of
$50,000 to the VK 0 EK Heard Island DXpedition planned for this coming
November. In its press release the NCDXF noted that Heard Island has moved up
to the number 5 position on the ClubLog Most Wanted List, after the recent
Navassa operation was completed.

Within the last year the Northern California DX Foundation has given $175,000
in grants to operations in Iran, the Andaman, Navassa, Eritrea,
South Sandwich, South Georgia, Chesterfield islands and now Heard Island.

It will also be lending its support to a yet unannounced DXpedition which will
be in or near the Top Ten Most Wanted.

The Northern California DX Foundation has been doing this for the past
42 years. It adds that the credit for these large grants goes to contributors
individuals and clubs who believe in supporting it.

More is on the web at


Aussie balloon circumnavigates southern hemisphere
After being released in Victoria Australia on Easter Monday (April 6),
the foil party-type balloon PS41 has achieved the longest range in project
Picospace and gone around the world.

Earlier, its sister balloon PS-30 went down on January 16 in suspected poor
weather, off the east coast of Africa near Madagascar.
The latest solar powered helium filled balloon PS-41 launched by Andy Nguyen
VK3YT on April 6, has an HF payload, transmitting 25mW on the 30m and 20m
bands, sending WSPR spots and JT9 telemetry.

The high-attitude balloon took a path over Tasmania, then south of New
Zealand, the southern tip of South America, directly over the South
Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, well south of Africa, and back to
Australia where it began.

While south of Tasmania, it abruptly changed course acting like a petulant
child to be on a southerly track, instead of heading straight across its
initial path.

Another balloon PS-42 had earlier made its way to the Southern Pacific
between New Zealand and South America, before splashing down.
Andy Nguyen VK3YT says still afloat is the balloon PS-41 tracked extensively
via JT9 by a network in VK, ZL, South America and South Africa, and Ireland.
WSPR spots have as received all over the world.

How much longer the pico balloon will stay afloat in for anyone to guess -
but we congratulate Andy VK3YT, his team and the trackers as near-space
exploration continues.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)



The Quilon Amateur Radio League in association with the Alappuzha Amateur Radio Society organised a direction finding hunt in Alappuzha on Sunday, April 12

The story even made the Hindu Newspaper who reported:

'Armed with directional antennas, five teams participated in the search for a hidden transmitter, the 'fox', which was kept at an undisclosed location within 30 km of the Town Square, which was the starting point. During the hunt, signals or 'howls' are transmitted once in every five minutes and the participants are required to locate the transmitter by tracing the signals that are emitted."

Quilon Amateur Radio League


FISTS welcome others to join their nets

All FISTS Down Under nets now start at 1000 hours UTC or 8pm Australian Eastern
Standard Time.

The CW nets on 7.028 MHz for an hour each Tuesday with net controller Chris
VK1CT, and Wednesday for Slow CW with Garry VK2YA.

An SSB FISTS net is Thursday on either 7.058 MHz or 3.538MHz - depending
on band conditions, with net control being George VK2DLF. All nets are +/-

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Brian GW 4 DVB returned for his third visit to Palm Island in the Caribbean
territory of St Vincent from 13th to 22nd April. His callsign is J 88 PI
and counts as NA-025 for IOTA.

He is operating on 40 - 6m SSB and QSLs go via the home call GW 4 DVB.

REWIND a look back at history

Australian submarine played important Gallipoli role

The Royal Australian Navy Submarine HMAS AE2, which was at the Dardanelles
and the Sea of Marmara, will be part of the ANZAC Centenary Commemoration.

It was the only Australian Naval Vessel to be involved directly in the
Gallipoli campaign and will be commemorated by the callsign VI4AE2.


On April 25th 2015, the Special Event Station VI4AE2 will go to air for the
period of just five days to commemorate the gallant Officers and Sailors of the
Royal Australian Navy Submarine HMAS AE2. This was the only Australian Naval
Vessel stationed at the Dardanelles to be involved in the Gallipoli campaign.

HMAS AE2 successfully breached the defences of the Dardanelles to break into the
Sea of Marmara. Her brave Officers and Sailors survived this arduous journey
after shelling from the Turkish shore batteries, running aground narrowly the
submarine nets and deadly minefields that threatened oblivion at every moment.

Upon surviving this treacherous voyage to the Sea of Marmara, HMAS AE2 rose to
the surface to send off a message to alert command of her strategic position.
This signal sent by Telegrapher William Falconer using the Submarine's Marconi
Type 10 Spark transmitter changed the course of Australian Military history. It
is believed to have influenced the decision of General Sir Ian Hamilton, which
saw the Anzacs stay and fight at Gallipoli for the next 8 months.

Six operators will variously put VI4AE2 to air over the five days from April
25th through to April 30th in honour of the five days the HMAS AE2 followed its

A very informative webpage has been set up at, search for VI4AE2 for
details of Operators and operating times and frequencies.

The Amateur Radio Operators of this special event call sign are as follows,

Mike Charteris: VK4QS Ex Royal Australian Navy
Mike Paterson: VK4MIK Ex Royal Australian Navy
Doc Wescombe-Down VK5BUG Ex Royal Australian Navy
Alan Shannon VK4SN Ex Royal Australian Air Force
Peter Hewitson VK4QC Ex Maritime Coast Radio Operator
Bob Beck VK4RJ Ex P29, Rabaul Plantation Manager

We all look forward to working you in honour of the Crew of the HMAS AE2



April 25 VK3 ANZAC Day Radio Afternoon Ballarat Showgrounds ( vk3fmpb )

May 1-3 VK4 Clairview Gathering contact RADAR's VK4ACC 04 2963 2815
May 9 VK3 Moorabbin & Dist. Hamfest Southern Community Centre Mulgrave
May 9 VK4 BARCFEST Salvation Army Hall Calamvale
May 9-10 VK WIA AGM Canberra

June 5- 7 VK4 Central Highlands ARC & Theresa Creek Campout, Clermont.
June 6- 7 VK2 Queens Birthday 40th annual Oxley Region Field Day
June 6- 7 VK5 51st South East Radio Group Convention / Australian
Foxhunting Championship


ANZAC 100 program on the WIA website

All information on this Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) initiative is
now online.

The ANZAC 100 campaign that begins in earnest next weekend includes
commemorative stations throughout Australia, Belgium, New Zealand, Turkey,
and elsewhere.

The WIA website lists those events in detail, invites registration by
AX-prefix callsign users on the ANZAC weekend, and has other related events
here in Australia and overseas.

Operating Award details are there also for the ANZAC Centenary, and
AX-prefixed stations, including the rules and how to claim.

All Australian ANZAC callsign events, the eight on April 25 and 26 and 40 in
total until December, file an electronic log. The WIA will send these to eQSL.

Looking for details on the ANZAC 100 campaign? The WIA website dedicated
segment is likely has to have the information you need. It can be read at

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)