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Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.

John Moyle Memorial Field Day 2015 results are in due in no small way to you
the active contestors in VK who got your logs in ON TIME to hard working
WIA Contest Manager for the Moyle, Denis Johnston VK4AE

In the prestigious 24 Hour Portable Operation - Multiple Operator the clear
(by a country mile) winner isVK3ER with 8,457 points ensuring not only
first place but this year taking out the Presidents Cup.

2nd was VK2WG with 3,233 points.

Chipless RFID Tags Developed in VK

A new generation of chipless RFID tags could soon be set to replace standard
product barcodes. A research team at Monash University led by Dr Nemai
Karmakar, from the Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering,
have been developing chipless radio frequency identification (RFID) tags that
can be printed directly onto products and packaging - including postal items,
drugs and books, potentially making this new technology cheaper, smaller and
faster than any other tracking system on the market.

The team have succeeded in producing fully printable tags for products made of
metal and containing liquids including water bottles and soft-drinks cans.

now, this hasn't been possible because metal and liquids interfere with the
technology. The tag can be printed using an inkjet printer and read when they
are attached to reflective surfaces such as metal cans and water bottles.

The team is believed to be the first to develop fully printable chipless RFID
tags on paper and plastics. "The fact that chipless tags be printed directly
onto products and packaging means the system is more reliable, smaller
and cost effective than competing barcoding systems," Dr Karmakar said.

"The new chipless RFID technology is a high data-capacity mm-wave barcode
system operating at 60 GHz. This means that although it is much smaller than
any other commercially available chipless RFID tag it can still contain a
relatively large amount of data and information.

"The main challenge that we have overcome is to transfer the technology to
paper and plastic while retaining the required printing resolution. Uniquely,
the 60 GHz mm-wave tag is tolerant to printing errors and surface
imperfections. Dr Karmakar also commented that the chipless RFID tag was
suitable for use at temperatures above 80 degrees and also at cryogenic

(Sourced from the Elektor Web E-zine via VK7News)


President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Vice President Chris Platt VK5CP
Secretary David Williams VK3RU
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

ANZAC 100 enters its 2nd week

Plenty of activity continues after a marvellous ANZAC Day weekend and
following days that saw all nine ANZAC-prefixed stations from Australia and
New Zealand on air and very popular.

Most activity from Turkey with its TC100-prefixed stations and OP0PPY in
Belgium has stopped.

The ZL100ANZAC station is very active making thousands of contacts at the
start of a month-long stint.

The VK100ANZAC callsign is now being used by the Moorabbin & District Radio
Club in Melbourne's south-east. VK100ANZAC is adjacent to the Mentone RSL,
to commemorate the end of the first phase of the Gallipoli campaign. For the
rest of the week it will be mostly be at the clubrooms in Turner Avenue.

The Illawarra Amateur Radio Society has VI2ANZAC to commemorate the loss of
the U.S. oil tanker "Cities Service Boston" which sank in a storm 16 May 1942
off the Illawarra coast.

In Queensland VI4ANZAC is put on air by the Townsville Amateur Radio Club,
pays honour to all who served our nation in a time of great need.

For further details, including about 40 ANZAC 100 events until December the
20th, please check out the WIA website at

National Coordinator for Disaster Communication in India, Jayu Bhide VU2JAU,
reports that authorities have issued 9N7-prefixed callsigns to some visiting
radio amateurs.

But the situation of foreign radio amateurs and their equipment, for use
during the disaster, remains unclear.

Nepalese authorities have not joined the Tampere Convention that allows
cross-bounder movements of Amateur Radio in disasters.

Jayu VU2JAU said neighbouring India, which suffered too from the big quake,
had been able to provide some aid to the earthquake, and continues to handle
emergency traffic.

The Nepal Amateur Radio Society is providing emergency communications.
Although power has been cut, Satish 9N1AA along with daughter Tej 9N1DX were
able to come on the air.

Satish 9N1AA said information has already been provided on some missing

He was using solar power in coordination with the Nepal police in Kathmandu.

Further on this horror storry when John joins us HAMS ACROSS AUSTRALIA.


Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to
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Invitation to a Technical Seminar

Distinguished Lecturer John Norgard, NASA/JSC IEEE Northern Australia Section
and the Australian Chapter of OES invite you to a technical seminar.

Monday 11th May 2015 from 4pm to 5pm at Room DD14-001 Engineering and
Physical Sciences II James Cook University Townsville Campus Douglas.

Subject - Space Exploration: EMI/EMC Problems and Solutions NASA Past Present
and Future Missions.

John will highlight some of the unique problems posed in designing the new
Orion Orbital and Interplanetary Spacecraft.

vk7 local news, email


NTARC has been given approval to use the call sign VK100ANZAC over the period
Sunday 31 May to Tuesday 2 June, inclusive.

Essentially, they plan to use the callsign in two phases. The first will be a
public event, a field station at the Harry Murray Memorial Garden at Evandale
on the Sunday.

Approval to use the Garden has now been given by the Northern Midland
Council. NTARC plan to activate the callsign from 10.00am to 3.00pm from that
location, after which they move back to the club room and set a static
display again.

Phase two will then see the radio room open for members to get involved
from 9.00 Monday morning right through until midnight on the Tuesday night.
In fact, if members are keen enough, they could easily continue right through
the Tuesday night too, until 10.00am on the Wednesday, as use of VK100ANZAC
expires at midnight, UTC on 2 June. In any event, this means the club room
will be open all Monday night so you are welcome to bring your sleeping
bag etc. Remember the club room has kitchen and shower facilities.


What use is an F-call?

Making a contact using your radio is one thing, starts off with someone

calling CQ, someone responding, discussion ensuing and the like. If you've

never had the opportunity, then get to it, get on air and make some noise.

Once you've made the contact, depending on your intent, you can log the

contact and even get confirmation of the contact using an out of band method,

that is, some mechanism, not using radio, that confirms that on this day and

time, on this frequency and mode, you spoke with the other station.

This mechanism of confirming contacts is generally known as the QSL system.

Originally, it was completed by exchanging cards, like postcards, between
both stations. You'd use the call-book to lookup the other station's address
and send off your card in the hope that the other station would do the same.
In doing so, you'd confirm the contact.

Today, that system still exists, it's called Direct QSL-ing. We've added some

courtesy to the exchange, sending along a self-addressed envelope and money

for postage, either in the form of a couple of US dollars, or alternatively,

an International Reply Coupon or IRC. The basic structure is identical.

In addition to that, we've added QSL bureaus, generally volunteers who offer

to send cards on your behalf. You send your outgoing cards to the outbound

bureau, who splits them up by country and does the same for all the other

cards they receive and then forwards them on to the bureaus of those

countries. Cards coming the other way will end up sent to your local QSL

manager who in turn will distribute them to you by some pre-defined
If you're a member of the Wireless Institute of Australia, and in my opinion,

you should be, then the QSL bureau is included in your membership fee.

With the advent of the Internet, we've added electronic QSL-ing, that is,

web-based services that allows you to register all your contacts and when the

remote station does the same, and your contacts match, the contact is

confirmed. There are as many electronic QSL systems as there are radio
amateur software developers, so you'll find that there's lots to choose from.

I'm currently using several, and have mixed feelings about it. If you have a

good system to determine which one to use, let me know.

Of course, you could just stick with cards.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

Silent Keys are best sent to AR Magazine and your local state or club news
rather than this WIA National News Service.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator

EARTH QUAKE STRUCK IN Nepal and parts of India

It was terrible to bear as all of a sudden tremors of earth quack struck in

the morning around 11.40 a.m. on 25 April 2015. It surprised all the people

and everyone came out of their houses. The tremor was experienced 2 - 3 times
by all.

An emergency net was started on 14210 mhz. VU2JAU/AT150ITU was controlling
the net. entre of earth quack is damaged badly but no casualty was reported.

Suhas VU2SMN joined the net and remained with Jayu VU2JAU/AT150ITU till late
night. 15 Nepalese HAMs are on VHF and are in contact from different
locations. 9N1AA is coordinating with Nepal police.

Amer 4X6TT joined all the HAMs on emergency net and informed that Turkey
HAMs are ready to send HAM equipment to Nepal. 4X6TT helped to keep the
frequency clear as so many DX stations were working. it was also reported
from Spain that 15 people along with medical equipments were "on their way."

(sourced to Jayu S. Bhide VU2JAU National Coordinator for Disaster
Communication in India (ARSI) R3.)

Emergency nets in volcano disaster relief

On the other side of the world Southern Chile's Calbuco volcano erupted
for the first time in more than 40 years, forcing the evacuation of an area
of some 12 miles around the volcano.

IARU Region 2 reports that emergency nets are in operation on 7,050kHz, with
14,250kHz and 3,738kHz as alternate frequencies. They have requested that
other users keep those frequencies clear for emergency traffic.

Six metres now available in Kenya

Following representations by the Amateur Radio Society of Kenya,
the Communications Authority of Kenya has allocated 50 to 52MHz to
the amateur service.

Authorisation is on a secondary, non-interference, basis and has
been made possible by the migration of television services from
analogue to digital. Permitted power is 150 watts DC input or 4.00
watts PEP for A3E (AM) and J3E (SSB) emissions.

Spratley DXpedition medical emergency

One of the participants in the just-ended DX0P DXpedition to Spratly Islands
was airlifted after suffering a medical emergency.

Chito Pastor, WW6CP, became ill just as the DXpedition was starting to wrap
up on the 20th April and was evacuated on the 23rd. We wish him well. The
DXpedition operated for about 5 days.


The South Africa Radio League has elected Fritz Sutherland, ZS6SF, as its
President and Nico van Rensburg, ZS6QL, as its Vice President. The voting
took place at he first Council meeting following the organizations Annual
General Meeting.

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


Harry Angel sprint 80 metres May 2.

Trans-Tasman contest 18th July from 0800utc


Remembrance Day Contest August 15 and 16

Oceania DX contest Voice First full weekend in October

Oceania DX contest Continuous Wave Second full weekend in October.





AMSAT Awards Update

There is an award for making your first satellite QSO.

To see all the awards visit or


The Goncasuyu Project

The historical legendary wireless station Goncasuyu played a significant role
at the anakkale Sea Warfare, followed the radio telegraph messages of enemy
naval forces and informed the Turkish bastions.

After 100 years, Goncasuyu has been re-engaged by TRAC (Amateur Radio Society
of Turkey) to share our peace messages with the world. Goncasuyu salutes the
world with "73!" meaning "Best regards!"

The project has been planned by TRAC in the memory of Mehmetcik (a poetic
term for Turkish soldier) and his epic battle. The story of Goncasuyu will
be shared with the visitors at the field and with the radio amateurs of the
world on the air.

9 amateur radio callsigns will be used among the Project and were on air
until April 26th, then next August 6-10th:

TC100GS, TC100GP, TC100KT, TC10VKZL, TC100A, TC100E, TC100TC, TC100B, TC100K
and TC100GLB.

Ten locations are planned for operations. Five stations at the Gallipoli
Peninsula are: Goncasuyu (Rumeli Bastion), Kilitbahir, Abide (Monument),
Kocaimentepe and Anzac Cove (Bay). The other five stations at the anakkale
(Anatolia side) are Canakkale University 18 March University area (fortress
in the land war), Esenler District, Lapseki, ardak and Canakkale Downtown).

TRAC Branches and radio amateurs from Australia and New Zealand have been
invited to the field studies. HAM related visitors will be hosted by TRAC and
operations will be organized and performed with the participants.

All information and calender are at:

CQ WW SSB 2014 Disqualifications and Warnings

The CQ World Wide Contest Committee has published a list of those amateurs

who were disqualified or received warnings for CQ WW SSB 2014

The CQ WW is the largest Amateur Radio competition in the world with over
30,000 participants.

The CQWW site says:

The CQ WW Contest Committee takes its job as referee for the contest very
seriously. Each year a group of dedicated members spends many hours pouring
over logs, listening to SDR recordings, and following up on input from the
contest community. We do not always have perfect information and it is
difficult when each entrant is operating from their own station without any
outside observer. Even so, the logs and recordings often tell us a clear

It is our job as referees to call them as we see them.

The overwhelming majority of those listed are European.

Lusitania Radio Club

The Lusitania Radio Club will be running a Special Event Station with the
callsign EI 100 MFA to mark the 100th Anniversary of the sinking of the
Lusitania on the 7th May 1915.

The station will operate from 6th to 10th May from a site near the
Old Head of Kinsale Lighthouse Co, Cork or from the Lighthouse itself.

J 38 NN and J 38 MM

W6NN and KE1B will be operating as J38NN and J38MM, respectively, from

Grenada between May 23rd and the 31st using a single station with 100w watts
and a Buddipole antenna system on 40 through 10 including 30, 17 and 12
meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.

QSLs can go via their home callsigns (W6NN and KE1B) by the bureau.

3 A 90 IARU is the special callsign for the Association of Radio Amateur of
Monaco to use until 30th June in celebration of the 90th anniversary of IARU.
QSL via 3 A 2 ARM.

4 U 20 B.
This station is located in Brindisi, Italy and commemorates the
20th anniversary of the UN Logistics Base there.

4 U 20 B will be used until July and the QSL manager is 9 A 2 AA.

HE200GE commemorates the 200th anniversary of Geneva's entrance
into the Swiss Confederation. The beginnings of modern Switzerland
go back to the year 1291, when the three German language Alpine
forest areas signed the Federal Charter. Over the centuries more
cantons allied themselves to the original three and among the last
was the Republic of Geneva on 19th May 1815. HE200GE will be
active on all amateur bands throughout 2015 and contacts will be
valid for the Diploma of Genve. QSL via HB9AOF.


On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of IARU Danish radio amateurs will be
active with a special event call, OZ9IARU, in the period now until
December 31, 2015


10th IARU Region 3 ARDF Championships held in JA, 6th till 12th of September.

FISTS Club - East Asia
FISTS Club - Australasia
FISTS Club - UK & Europe
FISTS Club - Americas

The 3rd Balkan High Speed Telegraphy Championship will take place on 15-17
May in Serbia.

Organizer of the event is Amateur Radio Union of Serbia.

Invited countries are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,

Cyprus, Greece, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and


3rd Balkan High Speed Telegraphy Championship is open type, so hams from
other countries are welcome to participate and if doing the 'tourist
thingy'spectate too.

Alongside Balkan HST there will be Serbian HST championship.
Winners will be awarded and Serbian HST team for next World IARU HST

Championship in Ohrid will be defined.

Visit for more information


AMSAT-NA Opportunity for Rideshare to Geostationary Orbit

AMSAT is excited to announce an opportunity to participate in a potential
rideshare as a hosted payload on a geostationary satellite planned for launch
in 2017. An amateur radio payload, operating in the Amateur Satellite
Service, will fly on a spacecraft which Millennium Space Systems (MSS)
is contracted to design, launch, and operate for the US government.


GB2VE VE Day Radio Exhibition

The North Norfolk Amateur Radio Group are holding a VE Day 'Radios that won
the War' Rally on Saturday 9th May in East Runton Village Hall, near Cromer

A exhibition of Radios that helped win the war with a special event station
GB2VE using some of the old radios.

See the website for full details.

A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.
Youngsters On The Air, YOTA


Also the American Radio Relay League is sponsoring eight young presenters
attending a lunch with him afterwards. They will be joined by other young
hams chosen from the audience.
The full rundown of Hamvention 2015 forums is at

(WB2 MGP )

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

A pair of good Samaritan sail vessels located a sailboat in distress with
two Canadian crewmembers aboard nearly 2,000 miles west southwest of the
Galapagos Islands.

Watchstanders at the 11th Coast Guard District Command Center received
notification from a ham radio operator that the 42-foot sail vessel
Nirvana Now was disabled and became unstable. The 11th District sent a safety
net message to all vessels in the area to render assistance.

After receiving the safety net message, the sailboat Athos of London
transited toward the Nirvana Now. The Nirvana Now reportedly had a
registered emergency position-indicating radio beacon and a four-man
life raft onboard.

(sourced to eHam)

A shipment of ham radio equipment, tools, and supplies have been sent
from Hawaii to the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) with John Bush,

The radio gear is supporting communication for relief efforts as the FSM
recover from Tropical Cyclone Maysak, which ravaged many of the nation's
islands in late March and early April, wreaking major damage and causing
some deaths.

"While many agencies and nations are responding, it's just not enough," said
ARRL Hawaii Section Manager Bob Schneider, AH6J. The Ham Aid gear had been
shipped to Hawaii last fall, as the massive Puna volcanic lava flow
threatened communities on the Big Island of Hawaii. It includes both HF and
VHF gear

Two FSM hams, William Radolfetheg, V63YWR -- an elementary school principal
on Federai Island, part of Ulithi Atoll -- and Albert, V63YAG, were off the
air since before the typhoon hit and had not been heard from until April 6,
when V63YWR came on the air using a depleted battery and at very low power.

V63JB said. "If everything goes well, we should be on 14.335 at 0700 UTC
and possibly on 21.335 at 2100 UTC each day."

(sourced to eHam)


Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW with a reminder that tomorrow, Monday
May 4th, the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club of Australia's monthly News and
Information bulletin goes to air.

The principal HF transmission will be on 20 metres on 14.150 MHz upper side
band at 0100 UTC beamed north from Melbourne for the eastern states.

An hour later at 0200 UTC there will be a 40 metre transmission from Perth
on 7060 kHz lower sideband plus a simultaneous transmission via all linked
NewsWest VHF and UHF repeaters.

In addition, numerous local relays will take place. To find the times and
frequencies for your area please visit the RAOTC website at
Once again that's and also as from Tuesday you can
download the audio file from this website.

This month as well as all the usual RAOTC news, we have an article on Sid
Shure, the founder of Shure microphones. Everyone, RAOTC Members and
non- members alike, is invited to listen to this interesting half hour of
Old Timer news, information and anecdotes and to participate in the call back

Once again, the RAOTC monthly bulletin is scheduled for tomorrow Monday 4th

73 from Clive VK6CSW.


May 1-3 VK4 Clairview Gathering contact RADAR's VK4ACC 04 2963 2815
May 9 VK3 Moorabbin & Dist. Hamfest Southern Community Centre Mulgrave
May 9 VK4 BARCFEST Salvation Army Hall Calamvale
May 9-10 VK WIA AGM Canberra

June 5- 7 VK4 Central Highlands ARC & Theresa Creek Campout, Clermont.
June 6- 7 VK2 Queens Birthday 40th annual Oxley Region Field Day
June 6- 7 VK5 51st South East Radio Group Convention / Australian
Foxhunting Championship

July 1 VK4 Caboolture Hamfest
July 11-12 VK3 GippsTech 2015
July 18 VK3 Gippsland gate Radio & Electronics Club Hamfest @ Cranbourne
July 25 VK3 ALARA's 40th Birthday Lunch, Novotel Glen Waverley.

Sept 12 VK4 SUNFEST Woombye
Sept 25-27 VK4 CHARC AGM Weekend Camp Fairbairn near Emerald

Oct 2-5 VK4 Cardwell Gathering, Beachcomber Motel and Tourist Park
Oct 25 VK3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention Greyhound Track

Oct 25 VK4 Gold Coast Hamfest Broadbeach

Nov VK3 QRP By the Bay details from VK3YE held 2nd Saturday



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


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Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
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The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
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We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)