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Centenary of national lighthouse management

This year we mark 100 years since the nationalisation of lighthouses,
previously the domain of the former British colonies that became States
in the Commonwealth of Australia.

Soon after New South Wales was founded in 1788, convicts built Australia's
first marine light on South Head at the Sydney Harbour entrance. The simple
tripod mounted iron basket was replaced in 1818 by our first lighthouse,
Macquarie Light.

The colonies had their own lighthouses, in different in style and using local
materials. In July 1915, the Commonwealth accepted responsibility for all
light stations.

Australia Post will this Tuesday, July 7, issue a book of lighthouse themed
postage stamps as part of the centenary celebration.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

ANZAC 100 in July - possibly a DX entity in August

The jungle battle of the Kokoda Track is engrained in our memories. It will be
commemorated in the WIA ANZAC 100 program twice this month.

The Battle of Kokoda Track and its four-month struggle followed the enemy
landing in Papua in July 1942. Many times it has featured on our screens,
and the track is open to those wanting to trace the footsteps and hardships
of that battle.

The Eastern Mountain District Radio Club has VI3ANZAC for a week from July 20.
It will have some portable operation from the Kokoda Memorial Track at
Ferntree Gully in Melbourne's outer-east, as well as activity from its
Burwood clubrooms.

Vincent Henderson VK7VH on air as VK100WIA on July 21, also commemorating

On July 24 and for three days, the RTTY mode joins in with the VK100ANZAC
event called 'Lest We Forget". John McRae VK5PO plans RTTY on 80m to 6m aiming
for Europe, Japan, North America, South America and everywhere.
Several thousand QSOs anticipated. John with the help of others will work
through pile-ups on HF.

In August, a DX entity is likely to join the ANZAC 100 program with an
ANZAC suffixed callsign. More news about it soon. Meantime, further
appropriative events are invited to join. Contact the WIA Director
Fred Swainston VK3DAC.

ON 1418 WOD - Special WW1 Event Station

Leon ON4VLM, Rene ON3VS, Swa ON5SWA, Eric ON3EE and Joris ON3JL are going
to commemorate all the victims of the Wire of Death between 1915 and 1918
in Hamont-Achel (Belgium).

The BIPT granted these radioamateurs a license with the special callsign
"ON1418WOD". WOD stands for Wire of Death.

The special event station will be on the air on Sunday the 19th of july 2015
from 8:00 o'clock local time in the morning till....
First on 80m and on 40m.

And in the afternoon you can find the station on 20m.

There is also going to be a Livestream avaiable from time to time on the 19th


More info over the wire of death you can find here:

Inventors hope to launch 'backyard satellites' to fill the gap in Australian
space exploration.

Stuart McAndrew is making history from a backyard shed in suburban Perth. The
IT worker is building a satellite capable of being launched into space and
taking pictures of Earth.

Australia is the only OECD nation without a dedicated space agency, and
Mr McAndrew is one of a growing number of Australians turning to homemade
space exploration to fill the gap.

He has designed the satellite PocketQube, a Rubik's cube-sized box with
antennas, solar panels and electronics. It is made from mostly off-the-shelf
items, including aluminium from the local hardware shop, a tape measure and
electronics bought over the internet. Mr McAndrew believes it is the first of
its kind in Australia and has been working on the project for two years.

The University of NSW is sending its own small satellites into space as part of
a global project. Andrew Dempster, head of the university's Australian Centre
for Space Engineering Research, said the industry was going through a period of
"radical change". "Cubesats are creating this idea that people describe as
Space 2.0," he said. "People like Stuart or universities like us can get
relatively easy access to space and it means you can develop space capability
without a space agency."

Record making Aussie balloon finally returns home

How long is a week?

Well in the life of PS-46 quite awhile, unless it was our extra second added
to world time this week!

That 'pesky party balloon which last week in the news we had as 'home free
for number 3 circumnavigation sorta took a different route.

After heading north the petulant pico party-type balloon PS-46, carrying an
Amateur Radio payload, floated over the Indian Ocean near Cocos Keeling Island,
or within 660km of Jakarta Indonesia.

There the solar powered high altitude balloon was tracked taking a heart-shaped
course, over several days, before heading back to West Australia coming ashore
Tuesday near Exmouth.

Under a jetstream influence it then floated over Australia's interior, north
of Alice Springs to its starting point, albeit a week later than earlier
thought, and then a Queensland exit.

PS-46 launched by Andy VK3YT on May 23 has had a marvellous flight. He thanked
all who are following the balloon series, and particularly the tracker network
using data sent by the payload 25mW transmitter on HF.

The PS-46 balloon had circumnavigated the southern hemisphere after 12 days
on Thursday June 4, and with its latest cross over, is set to begin a third
trip around the globe.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


President Phil Wait VK2ASD
V President Fred Swainston VK3DAC
Secretary David Williams VK3RU
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

The WIA Board during the AGM and now in it's monthly "from the Board Table"
news letter again farewells Dianne from National Office.

The Board cannot thank Dianne enough for all her effort and assistance
provided over the past 9 years.

We hope that we hear Dianne's call on air during her planned travels, listen
out for VK3FDIZ.

The Board agreed to review the office position descriptions and while this is
taking place Dianne's role will be filled using an employment agency temporary

The temp commenced 29th June and is expected to be with us for about 8 weeks,
after which we expect a permanent contract position will be filled.

Foundation Licence Manual to be reprinted

By the end of this year the WIA will be very close to running out of the
Foundation Manual. Already in its 2nd reprint, stocks of this popular
publication have been reviewed.

The WIA Board has decided to seek pricing of a further reprint, and is mindful
that the ACMA may re-make the Licence Condition Determinations, or our

However, there will be sufficient stocks available for all prospective
Foundation Licence candidates to study the theory and regulatory knowledge
they need.



A presentation on High Altitude Balloons by Ravi Rood will take place.
Included in the presentation will be information on the radio techniques used.

vk7 local news, email

Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club

Future events have this club thinking outside the box.. well done.

September meeting - Wednesday night 9th speaker will be member Tammy Jones,
Counsellor, Alzheimer's Australia Tas.

Topics covered during the talk will cover:

The brain and memory

What is dementia and dementia statistics

The dementia "umbrella", Alzheimer's disease, Vascular and other

Diagnosis of dementia and the importance of diagnosis

Research areas

Communication strategies

Alzheimer's Australia Tasmanian services

Planning for the future eg Wills, Powers of Attorney,
Enduring Guardianship, Advance Care Directives: and

Capacity - legal and medical

This should be a very enlightening and stimulating talk so we suggest you
note this one in your diary now. This condition can affect any of us.


WIA Board further considers the Norfolk Island 2016 AGM

The WIA annual general meeting proposed next May in Norfolk Island and is
now moving to the next phase after receiving over 130 expressions of interest.

The concept is continuing to be developed and will identify the final cost of
packages for travel and accommodation.

Depending on the outcome of those packages the WIA Board will move forward
with preparations for this event.

The live streaming of AGM and its Open Forum from the Island is also being

(From the Board Table)


What use is an F-call?

Amateur Radio is a hobby that gains and loses members as does any other hobby.
One aspect of the hobby differs, that of licensing. To join Amateur Radio, you
need to be licensed, that is to say, if you want to transmit, rather than

In the vast majority of cases, the place where people join is as an F-call.
They do their course, do their exam and after paying the requisite fees,
they gain their license.

After that they're pretty much left on their own.

Amateur Radio clubs also gain and lose members. There is a certain movement of
amateurs between clubs, but new members can essentially only come from one
source, that is, New Amateurs.

So, why is it that the majority of clubs in Amateur Radio are not geared up to
dealing with New Amateurs?

I know that there are occasional talks, the odd presentation, the infrequent
training, but that's about it. I know there is at least one club who has
lowered their fees for an F-call, and I'm sure it does something for people
joining, but I cannot say that it fills me with a great thrill to see that
this is the sum total of the marketing ability of Amateur Radio clubs.

Why do clubs not have an induction manual, a buddy system, a club mentor, a
new welcoming event, special F-call activities, inter-club events and public
activities specifically geared towards those who have just, or are about to,
join the community?

It is staggering to me that a ready source of new enthusiasm that F-calls
represent are not snaffled up, that clubs don't go the effort of sending a
letter to new Amateurs as they appear in the ACMA database.

I know for a fact that F-calls are hungry for information, for community, for
belonging, for participating and often they have some money to spend.

So, what are you waiting for, permission?

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

Silent Keys are best sent to AR Magazine and your local state or club news
rather than this WIA National News Service.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

Visiting the UK later this year?

The RSGB Convention takes place over the 9th to 11th of October at
Kent's Hill Conference Centre in Milton Keynes.

More lectures have been confirmed: Steve Nichols, G0KYA will be
speaking on Understanding HF Propagation with a look at the sun,
sunspots, solar flares, coronal mass ejections and their effects
on HF. He will also discuss propagation prediction programs and
where amateurs can get solar information.

Ian White, GM3SEK will help visitors to clean up their shack by
showing how you can reduce your noise levels on receive, and
reduce risks of causing interference.

CISPR 11 Standard

The CISPR 11 standard with the catchy title of "Industrial,
scientific and medical equipment - Radio disturbance
characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement" covers
electronic power devices such as solar inverters.

Although there were voltage limits for conducted emissions at the
mains port in the past, limits for the connections to the solar
cells were missing. After a positive vote of the international
standard bodies, CISPR 11 Ed.6.0 is about to appear officially. In
this new version, limits finally apply for the DC terminals, in
particular for systems up to 2kVA in residential environments.

The IARU has worked with the standardisation bodies over the last
5 years to achieve this but the work in terms of photovoltaic does
not end here. With the current limit, however, a reasonable
protection for short wave reception has already been achieved.

FUNcube-1 / AO-73 Glitch and Commanded Reboot

On Sunday, June 21, there was an anomaly on FUNcube-1 that required the
reboot of the satellite's Microcontroller.

After a bus freeze, the databus watchdog did kick in as expected and
rebooted the satellite. However, they needed to command the satellite
back on to automatic mode. When done so , it came back up in the
correct mode.

FunCube IS still happy and healthy.

This is the 4th reboot since launch, of which one was intentional.

We've heard lots here in WIA National News of the ballon launches,
in the main by Andy over in Melbourne

Well in the UK on Monday, June 29, three high altitude balloons from
Essex schools and colleges transmitted Slow Scan Digital Video in the
434 MHz band.

The balloons, part of the educational Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) initiative, were taken to an approved site at
Elsworth, Cambridge for the launch.

The balloon from The Boswells School, Chelmsford reached an altitude of
36,937 metres. It had the call sign BWELLS and transmitted Frequency Shift

Stewards Academy, Harlow achieved an altitude of 39,876 metres. Their call
sign was SWARDS.

The Prospects College of Advanced Technology, Basildon reached an altitude
of 38,659 metres with their balloon, call sign PROSP.

All three balloons transmitted images using SSDV.

Individual packets from an image were received by radio amateurs across
the UK and NE Europe and automatically uploaded to a central server
with the final image being built up from all the good packets and displayed
on the web for all to see.

The SSDV images transmitted by the balloons can be seen at:



Tuneable Liquid Metal Antennas for Tuning in to Anything

Tuning in is getting to be a complicated thing. The Internet of Things will
need more microwave bands with shorter wavelengths. Phones are already needed
to link to GPS and Wi-Fi services on top of 4G and other cellular networks.
And in the future they'll likely also have to contend millimetre-wave bands
for 5G services. All those need antennas of different lengths and shapes to
accommodate the sometimes widely spread wavelength bands.

Monopole antennas, consisting of a single conducting rod, transmit maximum
power when their length corresponds to half the wavelength of the RF signal,
but for devices operating at different wavelengths this becomes a problem.
"The present solution is to have a switchable filter bank along with
switchable and/or multi-band antenna," says Jacob Adams, an engineer at
North Carolina State University. "These solutions take up a lot of space and
a single widely tuneable element has the potential to replace several of these
fixed components."

The recent issue of the Journal of Applied Physics explains just such an
element: a liquid metal antenna that can continuously adapt to different
wavelengths by changing its length inside a capillary.

Such antennas have been developed in the past but with little success because
they rely on pneumatic pumps for controlling the length in the capillary,
making integration into electronics difficult.

Instead of external pumps, the NC State researchers used a voltage to control
the amount of liquid metal allowed to flow into a capillary.

Michael Dickey, a chemical engineer at NC State, discovered that a voltage
across the interface of a liquid metal, such as an alloy of gallium and indium
combined with an electrolyte could cause the liquid metal to spread or to
contract, depending on whether the voltage is positive or negative.

The researchers used the electrochemical control of the fluidity of the
liquid metal to coax it into and out of a capillary. Their setup resembled
a fever thermometer, where the length of the mercury column in a capillary is
controlled by the thermal expansion of the mercury in a reservoir connected
to the capillary. But instead of temperature, the engineers used voltage.

Tuning the voltage allowed them to control the length of the metal column in
the capillary.

(Written by Alexander Hellemans and sourced from the IEEE Spectrum Web E-zine
and sourced to WIA News from VK7News)

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


Trans-Tasman contest 18th July from 0800utc


Remembrance Day Contest August 15 and 16

Oceania DX contest Voice First full weekend in October

Oceania DX contest Continuous Wave Second full weekend in October.

Of course after all contests it just remains you send your paper work in...

We are joined now by WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with a call for
final logs for the Winter VHF-UHF Field Day, held over the
twentieth and twenty-oneth of June.

Submit your logs, folks - make the other participants happy.

THE DEADLINE IS MIDNIGHT 6th JULY - that's tomorrow.

May I suggest you do it before you start on your Sunday roast lamb dinner.

GET CRACKING and get those logs in, people !

What with the new sections to enter, you never know how it might turn out.

If you participated in the Winter VHF-UHF Field Day and handed out a few
serial numbers - it does not matter if you had just one contact - four contacts
ten contacts, or a hundred - write up a log and submit it.

If you made a small number of contacts, you can prepare a log with nothing
more than a text editor - which is what I did last year.

It's not hard these days. Guidance is on the WIA website, on the VHF UHF Field
Days page under Contests.

You can submit your electronic log using the log upload facility on that page.

Logs uploaded after 2400 hours Eastern Standard Time will not be accepted.

So - one contact, ten contacts or one hundred - GET CRACKING !

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.


Tour de France PA15TOUR

From the 1st till 28th July clubstation PI4UTR will be on the air with a
special Tour de France call PA15TOUR.

Start of the Tour will be in the city of Utrecht on the 4th of July.

clubstation website WWW.PI4UTR.NL


On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of IARU Danish radio amateurs will be
active with a special event call, OZ9IARU, in the period now until
December 31, 2015


WRTH free update

Sean Gilbert wrote in the WRTH Facebook group:

WRTH has released a free update for the A15 schedules file. This PDF
contains frequency changes, address etc., updates and some new stations.

Please visit the world radio and television handbook website
and navigate to 'Latest WRTH Updates'.

WW SIG ATV - The World Digital ATV QSO Party

Marking its 5th year, this growing annual event is held in August.

Melbourne anchor and organiser, Peter Cossins VK3BFG says that Friday night
August 21 will be for VK ATVers, while on Saturday morning - which is Friday
night in the US - the world joins in.

The first session on that day is with WR8ATV in Columbus Ohio, followed by
the W6ATN network Southern California, and then later the Home Counties
ATV group repeater GB5HV in Upper Hale, Surrey, United Kingdom.

Art WA8RMC will be the control in Ohio while Don KE6BXT is in charge at the
W6ATN network in Southern California.

Peter VK3BFG is available for any station not in reach of the
Melbourne/Geelong VK3ATV repeater, to use the Skype name of
'DATV QSO Party'.

For the World Digital ATV QSO Party it's suggested to prepare one or two
short videos of the shack, antennas, and projects completed or in progress.


MacLoggerDX Version 5.62 released

Dog Park Software is pleased to announce that version 5.62 of MacLoggerDX
has been released.

It supports close to a hundred radios, automatically tuning to the spots
you are interested in and optionally swinging your beam around.

This is a free update for all Version 5 customers and can be downloaded


Nine satellites to be launched

Nine satellites, designated CAS-3A to CAS-3I, with payloads
operating in the amateur bands, are expected to be launched on 20
July on the new CZ-6 rocket.

The Chinese amateur satellite group CAMSAT says that six of the
satellites, CAS-3A to CAS-3F, are equipped with substantially the
same amateur radio payloads. This will be a 20kHz bandwidth
435/145MHz 100mW linear transponder for SSB/CW communications, a
CW telemetry beacon and an AX25 19.2k/9.6k bps GMSK telemetry

CAS-3G has 9k6 GMSK AX25 downlinks on 145MHz and 437MHz; CAS-3H
carries 145MHz APRS, an FM transponder and a 437MHz CW beacon
while CAS-3i has a 9k6 FSK telemetry downlink on 437MHz.


Historic marine navigation building honoured

The 300th registration for the International Lighthouse and Lightship
Weekend in August goes to the Point San Luis Lighthouse at Avila Beach,
California USA.

Now celebrating its 125th birthday the facility has just been reopened
thanks to a dedicated volunteers who spent 15 years and raised $1.5 million
to restore the area to its past glory.

The beautifully restored square wooden 12m tall lighthouse built in 1890
is nestled in parkland with views stretching from Avila to Vandenberg.
It is the only surviving Prairie Victorian model lighthouse on west coast USA.

Point San Luis to be activated by Bill Rea WA6LJR using an HF transceiver
into a long wire antenna.

There are just over 300 from 30 countries now registered in the
International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend on August 15 and 16.

The dedicated website and online registration guidelines are at


As normal at the start of a month it's to our man in the West
for news from the RAOTC

Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW with the usual reminder that tomorrow,
Monday July 6th, the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club of Australia's monthly
News and Information bulletin goes to air.

This month as well as all the usual RAOTC news, we have items on
Project Highball, about atmospheric balloon measurements in the 1960s,
some science updates, printing in space, and some follow-up comments on
electric cars, discussed last month.

The principal HF transmission will be on 20 metres on 14.150 MHz upper side
band at 0100 UTC beamed north from Melbourne for the eastern states.

An hour later at 0200 UTC there will be a 40 metre transmission from Perth on
7060 kHz lower sideband plus a simultaneous transmission via all linked
NewsWest VHF and UHF repeaters.

Additionally tomorrow, numerous local relays will take place. Details for your
local area transmissions can be found at the RAOTC website, Once again that's and remember as from
Tuesday you can download the audio file from this website.

Everyone, RAOTC Members and non-members alike, is invited to listen to this
interesting half hour of Old Timer news, information and anecdotes and to
participate in the call backs afterwards.

Once again, the RAOTC monthly bulletin is scheduled for tomorrow Monday July
6th July.

73 from Clive VK6CSW.


Ham radio helps teen with disabilities

Dots and dashes changed the life of 17-year-old Zachary KK4RUT of

The New Bern Sun Journal reports Zachary, who is legally blind in one eye
due to optic nerve hypoplasia and has a form of bipolar disorder
has built his self-confidence and a worldwide social network by learning
Morse Code and becoming an amateur radio operator.

His love for dots and dashes can be traced to second grade, when he and his
father built a make-shift telegraph, and to eighth grade, when he earned a
Boy Scout amateur radio merit badge.

"After that," KK4RUT said, "I started studying to get an amateur radio
operator license. I passed the test on my first try at age 15.
Amateur radio gave me an escape and brought me more friends.
I developed contacts with people all over the world.

He said an amateur radio operator friend of his was developing a program
for young people with certain disabilities, like autism, to become more
active in the amateur radio operator community.


Congratulations to Ray Aldous, G8CBU who was awarded the MBE in
this year's Queen's Birthday Honours for his service to Scouting.

Ray became interested in radio whilst he was a student at Luton
Technical College and he joined the RAF in 1951 as a wireless
mechanic. He was posted to Egypt and it was there that he became a
leader in the Scout movement. After leaving the RAF he continued
as a Scout leader with the 7th Luton troop. His interest in radio
was re-kindled when he accompanied his Scouts to the 1966 JOTA
station in Luton and 2 years later he gained his amateur licence.

Ray has been involved in JOTA since 1966 and over the years has
inspired a number of Scouts and leaders into becoming licenced -
and influenced a few amateurs to get involved with Scouting.


New world distance records on 2.3 and 3.4 GHz Ham Bands

The ARRL report two California radio amateurs - one of them in Hawaii - have
set new world distance records of 4024 km on the 2.3 and 3.4 GHz microwave
amateur bands.

Wayne Overbeck, N6NB, on the big island of Hawaii, worked Gregory Campbell,
W6IT, near Orange, California, on both bands - a distance of more than
4024 km.

The contacts blew away records that had stood for more than 20 years
and more than doubled the previous distance record for a two-way voice
contact at those frequencies.

REWIND a look back at history

CSIRAC: The world's first computer to play music

It filled a room the size of a double garage and had only a fraction of the
brainpower of the cheapest electronic organiser, but it could play...

Australia's first computer, the fourth in the world, was a supercomputer for its
time (1949) revolutionising everything from weather forecasting to banking, and
playing the first ever computer music. It is believed to be the world's only
surviving first-generation computer.

Before CSIRAC, if you wanted to do mathematical calculations in Australia, you
hired a person, usually a woman, who used a calculating machine either
mechanical or hand-cranked. He or she could do about one operation a second,
whereas CSIRAC could do 1000 operations a second. Even if you only used CSIRAC
for an hour at a time you could do the amount of work that would otherwise have
taken 20 people a week.

The new-found computational power was initially used by scientists researching
everything from the thermal properties of buildings to the mysteries of the
cosmos. It had a hand in the design of several early Australian skyscrapers and
was instrumental in performing the river flow analysis needed to build the Snowy
Mountains hydro-electric scheme. And it substantially increased the reliability
of weather forecasting.

Later there were commercial applications, such as loan repayment calculations,
the kind of thing a bank can do for you now as you stand at the counter but
which in those days was considered quite remarkable.

But it was CSIRAC's ability to play music that has helped ensure its place in
computing history. It seems the first tunes were played between 1951 and 1953,
and these are now believed to be the earliest played anywhere in the world.

This video was first broadcast on ABC-TV's Quantum program in 1999.

(Sourced from the ABC Science Website via VK7News May 2015)


Jul ?? VK4 Caboolture HamFest (contact club as date may have changed)
Jul 11-12 VK3 GippsTech 2015
Jul 18 VK3 Gippsland gate Radio & Electronics Club HamFest @ Cranbourne
Jul 25 VK3 ALARA 40th Bday Lunch Novotel Glen Waverley

Sep 12 VK4 SUNFEST Woombye
Sep 25-27 VK4 CHARC AGM Weekend Camp Fairbairn near Emerald

Oct 2-5 VK4 Cardwell Gathering, Beachcomber Motel and Tourist Park
Oct 25 VK3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention Greyhound Track
Oct 25 VK4 Gold Coast HamFest Broadbeach

Nov VK3 QRP By the Bay details from VK3YE held 2nd Saturday


Feb 13 VK3 MERC Hamfest 10am at Werribee Masonic Centre

Feb 28 VK3 EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont.

Ap-May 29- 2 VK4 Clairview Gathering check Mackay ARS website. (theTARCinc)

June 11-13 VK5 VK Foxhunting Championship & SERG convention Mt Gambier (VK5HCF)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-
Put the word subscribe in the title or subject field

How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
Email to
from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed)
Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe.
Send mail to the list unsubscribe address
You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given
in that mail to complete the unsubscription.

Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.

National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)