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WIA says Asia-Pacific views to be finalised this month.

WIA 2 metre and 70 cm Band plans finalised approved.

Antarctic joins ANZAC 100 program

Vietnam Veterans' Long Tan Day commemorated by VI4ANZAC August 15



Sometimes I just shake my head!

Hot on the heels of an item in the VK4 QNEWS local news service where VK4ZPP
called on the VK4 clubs to "tell us if you are doing anything.." we have
been told, be it late, that on the Sunshine Coast an ARISS CONTACT has
been planned for some considerable time... when for?

Don't bother it was last week! HiHi

An unconfirmed report from the UK's Southgate Amateur Radio club news says
An International Space Station school contact had been planned with
participants at Maroochydore State School, Queensland, on 06 August.

The contact, a telebridge, between NA1SS and LU1CGB.

The report went on to say Maroochydore State School is the 'hidden jewel'
of Maroochydore, as Editor of this the WIA news service I'd say the
entire exercise was very well hidden indeed!

The ANZAC 100 program - August activity

Antarctic joins ANZAC 100 program

The activation of VI 0 ANZAC on Casey Base in the Australian Antarctic
Territory is due to start operation, as part of the Wireless Institute of
Australia's ANZAC 100 program.

Doug VK0DMV is working at Casey Station and has great pleasure in activating
the VI0ANZAC callsign.

His role keeps him extremely busy and can only operate when his duties allow.
This will mean that some published operation time may not occur due to
operational requirements and the weather conditions.

VI0ANZAC will use the commercial Qmac HF90 transceiver with an output power
of 50 watts into a dipole antenna.

Doug thanks both the WIA and the Australian Antarctic Division for this
opportunity in this the 100th Anniversary year of the Gallipoli campaign
in WWI.

QSL is strictly eQSL.

Fred VK3DAC, the ANZAC 100 coordinator will be on air as a control station.

Potential operating dates are THIS weekend 8th and 9th of August, start time
at 0000 UTC which is 8am at Casey Station and operate for 2 hours, and then
stop, before recommencing. Proposed schedule on both days in UTC is far to
complicated to get across here in one go , so, we remind those who do not
get the emailed script sent to them each week to visit and read
this weeks edition.

0000 to 0200
0400 to 0600
0900 to 1100

The frequencies are:
0000 to 0030 on 7.095MHz
0030 to 0130 on 14.250MHz
0130 to 0200 on 21.250MHz

0400 to 0430 on 7.095MHz
0430 to 0530 on 14.250MHz
0530 to 0600 on 21.250MHz

0900 to 1030 on 14.250MHz
1030 to 1100 on 3.585MHz

Vietnam Veterans' Long Tan Day will be commemorated by VI4ANZAC on August 15,
and for 7 days, at Atherton in Far North Queensland.

The Battle of Long Tan between Australian forces and Viet Cong fighters was
in 1966, at a rubber plantation near Long Tan, in Phuoc Tuy Province,
South Vietnam.

VI4ANZAC at the home of Dale McCarthy VK4DMC will involve Vietnam Veterans
who remember Long Tan Day, and also pay honour to the service given by the
WW1 diggers.

Also on August 15 for 48 hours, will be VI5ANZAC by the Adelaide Hills Amateur
Radio Society. It marks the anniversary of the 10th Battalion at Morphetville
Racecourse South Australia - among the first Australian units raised during

A bit later on August 21, and for 7 days, the Gippsland Gate Radio Electronic
Club south-east of Melbourne will be VK100ANZAC. It will involve some club
members with a strong family attachment to WWI and include a meeting with the
Cranbourne RSL.

In all about 8 members will use SSB, CW, FM and the digital modes - look out
for them signing VK100ANZAC.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


President Phil Wait VK2ASD
V President Fred Swainston VK3DAC
Secretary David Williams VK3RU
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

Asia-Pacific views to be finalised this month.

2metre and 70 cm Band plans finalised approved.

The 5th APT Group meeting was held last week in Seoul, South Korea. APT stands
for Asia Pacific Telecommunity and the 38 member meeting inputs to the ITU
World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC-15) in November.

The Wireless Institute of Australia is a part of this process.

The Australian delegation had 23 people representing broadcasting, satellite,
maritime, aviation, defence, IMT, science and amateur issues.

The WIA's representative, Dale Hughes VK1DSH, put the views of the Australian
amateur community to the APG and ITU, through the Australian Communications
and Media Authority.

Of most interest to radio amateurs is Agenda item 1.4 that seeks a new
secondary amateur allocation around 5300 kHz. This is a difficult issue for
Australia and many other Asia Pacific countries, due to the large number of
existing users of the band. However, Australia currently supports a small new
secondary amateur allocation around 5300 kHz.

A full report from Dale Hughes has been placed on the WIA website, it's well
worth a read. And while you are there, check out the new 2m and 70cm Band plans
which have just been approved by the WIA Board following a comprehensive
information and consultation process. The Board would like to thank everyone
who lodged submissions and helped us navigate through some very thorny issues.
In particular we would like to thank John VK3UM, Peter VK3APO, Grant VK5GR
and the entire Technical Advisory Group.

This is Phil Wait WIA President.

WIA AGM 2016 package bookings close soon

The Wireless Institute of Australia has chosen Norfolk Island for its annual
general meeting in May.

The WIA board, after looking at transport, accommodation and venue options, has
come up with a good price enabling the sharing of the special occasion with
others, while also making it a memorable time to visit the many tourist

Why Norfolk Island?

Well, it was presented to the WIA AGM in Canberra which gave the WIA board
support to further explore the option, and if viable, come up with a definite
plan. After a lot of research, the WIA board released its plan for the WIA 2016
AGM May 27, 28, & 29 last month via emails to the 100 who had expressed their
interest earlier, on its website and through this broadcast.

The WIA has some good prices for flights from Sydney and Brisbane that service
Norfolk Island, and a range of nearby accommodation - although some places are

The dates of the WIA 2016 AGM on May 27, 28, & 29 may seem a long way off, but
due to its special nature, bookings and a small deposit are required now to
secure the flight and accommodation deals. Originaly on this news service we
told you Bookings close August 25. HOWEVER:- this email from VP Fred to
Jim Linton reads.. and I quote from that email " Air New Zealand have been in
contact with the travel agent and are seeking to confirm bookings and receive
a deposit for the trip to Norfolk Island. They are expecting to receive this
on Monday the 10th August, earlier than expected. To be sure of reserving
your place at this significant event at the discount prices please make your
booking and pay your deposit now.


Fred VK3DAC"

Full details and a booking form are online at the WIA website

ACMA licensing shut-down announced

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has announced that
it will suspend all apparatus licence processing from Friday August 14 to
Tuesday September 1, to replace its licensing and frequency processing system.

The ACMA in announcing this two week closure, acknowledges the need to bring a
more efficient process to Apparatus licences, which are widely used including
by the Amateur Service.

The Wireless Institute of Australia highly recommends that if your licence is
due for renewal during the closure period, to immediately renew it even if this
is well before its expiry date.

If you or your club need to renew a licence for a 6 metre beacon on a
frequency below 52MHz prior to September 9, please contact the WIA immediately.

This is because the ACMA are not renewing beacon or repeater licences below
52MHz after September 9, and the shut-down may affect any that have still not
been renewed.

The ACMA in a statement said that during the shut-down, there will be no
apparatus licences processed, device registrations or licence renewals.

Processing of them resumes on Wednesday September 2. Most licensees will not
notice the shut-down, but in some cases the ACMA warns there may be delays.

Although the shut-down period has been announced, the ACMA foreshadowed the
new HELMS system earlier this year.


web service:-

The 2015 Winter expedition to the Bogong High Plains will run from the 11th
to the 14th August. VK3FMAW, VK3GT and VK3SN will lead the group who plan
to camp out on the roof of Victoria at elevations of up to 1800m.

All necessary gear will be carried and the guys will set out on back-country
skis from Falls Creek, covering up to 20 km of Australia's most beautiful
alpine high country each day. Tents, igloos and remote huts will provide
shelter each evening and radio will form a vital communication link throughout
the adventure. As usual, the group will be active on 40m each afternoon and
80m most evenings using solar powered QRP gear and simple wire antennas strung
up in snow gums.

Other bands are also likely to be activated if conditions permit.

Many 2m repeaters in north-east Victoria will also be activated over the
course of the trip, so listen out on these if you're in the vicinity. Snow
depth currently looks good, so let's hope that it remains nice and cold with
plenty more precipitation! Listen out for the team and make contact with the
guys as they operate from the Victorian Alps.

(Stephen VK3SN)

Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to
send audio to

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get local news emailed

TARC WIA Exams Information

Exam sessions in the North Queensland region are held on demand with
WIA Assessors and assessment packs available for all 3 levels of licensing.

Contact theTARCinc Assessment Co-ordinator Roger/VK4CD on mobile 0417 638 366
or on email to have a mutually suitable date and WIA Assessors
assigned to your assessment.

Further information also available at
theTARCinc website ...

vk7 local news, email

Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club

Future events have this club thinking outside the box.. well done.

September meeting - Wednesday night 9th speaker will be member Tammy Jones,
Counsellor, Alzheimer's Australia Tas.

Topics covered during the talk will cover:

The brain and memory

What is dementia and dementia statistics

The dementia "umbrella", Alzheimer's disease, Vascular and other

Diagnosis of dementia and the importance of diagnosis

Research areas

Communication strategies

Alzheimer's Australia Tasmanian services

Planning for the future e.g. Wills, Powers of Attorney,
Enduring Guardianship, Advance Care Directives: and

Capacity - legal and medical

This should be a very enlightening and stimulating talk so we suggest you
note this one in your diary now. This condition can affect any of us.


This is Peter, VK4EA past President of the Redcliffe and Districts Radio Club.

Our August tech talk, 17th of August promises to be an absolute cracker.

Mark Tell and Stephen Harris from the ACMA will be paying us a visit and
presenting - "a day in the life of a modern radio inspector". As well as
regaling us with stories, Mark and Stephen will have a selection of
confiscated items to show off, and I'm sure, there will be many questions.

All are welcome, the talk should kick off at 7.30pm. Google Redcliffe Radio
Club for our website which has all of our location details. For APRS users,
simply navigate to the VK4RC-1 object. If you need directions on the that
night, call us, VK4RC, on our 2m repeater, 146.925MHz.

For those who cannot be there in person, you can view the session live via
the South East Queensland Amateur Television Group's repeater, VK4RMG, which
is located at Oceanview, outputting on 446.5 MHz DVB-T if can't see the
repeater output or don't have a set top box yet don't despair. The ATV
repeater output is streamed 24/7 via the British Amateur TV Club's streaming

We hope to see you there, cheers for now, this has been Peter, VK4EA, on
behalf of the Redcliffe and Districts Radio Club.


What use is an F-call?

When you get an amateur radio license, you learn that different license classes
have different power limits. The basic power limit in Australia, the foundation
license, or f-call, has 10 Watts as the limit. The standard license has 100W
and the advanced license has a maximum legal limit of 400 Watts.

It's natural to think that more power gives you more reach, but realistically,
what does that look like, what is the difference between 10 Watts and 100 Watts
Can you really notice a difference?

From my own experiments, I can confirm that it's possible to talk to the
opposite side of the earth with 5 Watts, but was that a fluke, or is there more
to it?

What is the difference? All things being equal, that is, the same radio, the
same conditions, the same antenna, the same location, etc. - the difference
between 10 Watts and 100 Watts is a 10-fold increase, or, if you have 400 Watts
at your finger-tips, that's 40 times more - right?

Not quite.

If you recall, a dBm is a decibel-milliwatt, or said differently, 0dBm is the
equivalent of 1 milliwatt. If you double the power, 3dBm, you're looking at
roughly 2 milliwatt.

10 Watts is the same as 40dBm. 100 Watts is the same as 50dBm. That means that
between 10 Watts and 100 Watts, there is 10dB difference, that is, there is a
10dB gain if you go from 10 Watts to 100 Watts.

On a HF radio, on your S-meter, an S-point is defined as 6dB. That means that
the difference between a 10 Watt contact and a 100 Watt contact is less than
2 S-points. The difference between 100 Watts and 400 Watts is even smaller.
400 Watts is 56dBm. As I said, an S-point is 6dB, so, the difference between a
contact made using 100 Watts and one made with 400 Watts is one S-point.

An F-call using 10 Watts, is 3 S-points worse off than an Advanced call using
400 Watts, all else being equal.

Of course, depending on the conditions and the deafness of the operator on the
other end, that might well be the difference between making the contact or not.
If you start at S-9 with 400 Watts and there's 30dB path loss because of band
conditions, you end up at S-4, but if you start with 10 Watts at S-6, you end
up at S-1. The path loss has a bigger impact on your readability than the
amount of power you're putting out.

The main take-home is that an F-call can make contacts with their 10 Watts and
they're only 3 S-points behind the big guns with their fancy Advanced license.
Before you start mouthing off about the 1500 Watts allowed in the United States
that's just under 62 dBm, so just one more S-point.

That's not to say that there is no benefit in upgrading your license; access
to bands and modes, home built transceivers and other perks, but power
shouldn't be why you upgrade.

One final observation. I've noticed that if you're confident on-air, other
stations hear you better. That might mean that the 400 Watts that you have as
an advanced licensee might make you more confident, thus making more contacts.

Be brave, be confident, make your contacts with as little power as you can.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

Silent Keys are best sent to AR Magazine and your local state or club news
rather than this WIA National News Service.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

We heard earlier from our President, VK2ASD about the WIA involvement with the
5th meeting of Asia Pacific Telecommunity Preparatory Group for WRC-15

This meeting was the final APT preparatory meeting before the
World Radiocommunications Conference which will be held in Geneva in
November 2015.

The output of WRC-15 is an International Treaty known as the ITU Radio
Regulations which governs usage of the radio frequency spectrum in all
countries of the world.

The output of the APG15-5 meeting is a number of Preliminary APT Common
Proposals (PACP) which provide regional views on WRC-15 agenda items;
establishing these regional views is an important part of Australia's
preparation for WRC-15.

Dale Hughes VK1DSH says because of the importance of regional agreement on many
RF spectrum issues, the Australian government and industry representatives put
in substantial effort to get a regional position that is in agreement with
Australia's views.

Australia's final position on all WRC-15 agenda items will be determined at
the final WRC Preparatory group meeting which is hosted by the ACMA and
scheduled to be held in Canberra on the 27th of August. It is possible that
Australia's position on a number of WRC-15 agenda items may change based on
the views of other countries and regional groups.

A New Zealand hunter prosecuted for using illegal dog-tracking devices

Another hunter has been convicted in the Tokoroa District Court and fined
$1,000 for using illegal dog tracking equipment. He was also sentenced to
4 months community detention for unlawful hunting and 9 months
disqualification for the dangerous driving.

The hunter pleaded guilty to using unlicensed radiocommunications equipment
and hunting unlawfully, after being found hunting in a forestry block in
Kotemaori back on April three 2015.

The sentencing judge also imposed an order for the forfeiture of the illegal
Garmin devices.

ZL Hunters are reminded that dog tracking equipment designed for the
United States market is likely to use the 151-154 MHz frequency range. This
range is assigned for other purposes in New Zealand.

Ireland's Limerick Radio Club will activate Loop Head Lighthouse for the
International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend event. Two HF stations will be
set up;

one in the Light Keeper's Watch Room and the second one
at the entrance to the Lighthouse, where the club will also have a selection
of QSL cards, World Map and a rolling PowerPoint presentation of past club

The local Clare County Council will provide organised tours of the Lighthouse.

More news on the August ILLW a little later in this bulletin of news from
your WIA.


The RAC Band Planning Committee has released an updated band plan for all
LF and HF (0-30 MHz) amateur allocations. This includes their new LF bands
at 2200m and 600m, the 60m USB channels, and changes to reflect current
best practice on other bands.

The updated band plan represents the RAC Band Planning Committee's year-long
review of all LF and HF allocations. It is intended to be a quick reference
guide summarizing all bands on a single page.

The RAC 0 - 30 MHz Band Plan is available for viewing on the RAC web site


Three amateur radio projects have been announced as the newest recipients of
supporting grants from the Yasme Foundation, the California-based
not-for-profit which assists such projects in developing countries.

They are:

The Organizing Committee of the 2018 World Radio Team Championship, for fees
associated with special call sign stations;

the Reverse Beacon Network, to enable equipment to be bought to establish a
node in Ethiopia at club station ET3AA;

and in Liberia, a representative of the Voodoo Contest Group for materials
to train future licensees.

Yasme, named for the boat of pioneering DXpedition Danny Weil, a Silent Key,
works to advance development of amateur radio around the world.

For more information about the foundation, visit

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


Remembrance Day Contest August 15 and 16

Saturday 29th August 0400 UTC - 1359 UTC
Sunday 30th August 0400 UTC - 1359 UTC

Oceania DX contest Voice First full weekend in October

Oceania DX contest Continuous Wave Second full weekend in October.


Harry Angel 80 mtr sprint (WIA) provisional date Saturday 7th May.



The contesters versus the others

It is only a couple of weeks ago Onno VK6FLAB in his segment "what use is an
F-Call made mention of the plethora of weekly Ham radio contests.

On many weekends, somewhere in the world, there's a contest on air. The
activity is very much a part of Amateur Radio, helping to improve rapid-fire
operation, station performance, scoring or to get new stations in the log.

Jim Linton VK3PC reminds us that one thing a contester should not do, is
deliberately break into any non-contest QSO and demand that stations give them
an exchange or number.

This is particularly true when a clash occurs, like next weekend, which has
both the WIA Remembrance Day Contest and the International Lighthouse and
Lightship Weekend.

The editorial in the August edition of Amateur Radio magazine says stations
who call "CQ Lighthouses" are not in the RD contest, otherwise they would be
calling "CQ RD contest".

Those not engaged in the contest for whatever reason, may politely advise
contesters of the fact, but by giving just one number invites many other
contesters to ask for an exchange too.

The rules of radio etiquette are that no-one, nor an activity, owns a
frequency or band.

Contesters and other users are mindful that there are many low power portable
stations at lighthouses next weekend, equally sharing our bands.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Some contest results now, these all going to the CW group FIST members

In the latest round of contest results, FISTS Down Under members have been
among some of the top entrants.

In the 2014 Oceania DX Contest, Brian VK3MI #9078 achieved a very high score
and Doc VK5BUG #14136 took out first place in the 40m QRP category.

In the John Moyle Field Day held in March, Andrew VK2ONZ #15873 achieved
first place in the 'CW only, six hour portable' category and Greg VK1AI #9604
achieved second place in the 'all mode, six hour portable' category.

In the Harry Angel Sprint held in May, Steve VK7CW #14164 came in equal first.

FISTS Club - East Asia
FISTS Club - Australasia
FISTS Club - UK & Europe
FISTS Club - Americas

FISTS 30th anniversary

In 2017 it will be the 30th anniversary of the FISTS CW Club.

Yes, that does seem like a long time away, but planning for the event has
already begun.

Shirts and cups with a special logo were issued for the 25th anniversary. This
is something that can be done again. The US chapter is looking to activate
their national callsign KN0WCW from all states during 2017.


Windows bug can affect digital modes

In this digital age is the ever present threat of errant software. Now comes a
warning that digital modes used by radio amateurs in the popular Windows
platform can be degraded, but a fix is available.

It seems there is a bug with the USB audio chipset used in sound interfaces
that occurs in Windows Vista and later.

Attention to it comes from Michael Carey VK5ZEA who has used the fix with
success. He had a few weird things happen since upgrading his shack PC to
Windows 7.

The original information seems to be Jon Sands KD9DAL, who has posted a
non-exhaustive list of devices including all Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu radios
with USB audio, and the popular Signalink USB interface.

To learn more on the problem, and its fix, see the text edition of this
broadcast for the URL.



Once upon a time, back on July 22, 1962 the first live public trans-Atlantic TV
broadcast was relayed by Telstar 1, a communications satellite that had been
launched two weeks earlier. The broadcast featured CBS's Walter Cronkite and
NBC's Chet Huntley in New York and the BBC's Richard Dimbleby in Brussels.

Later that same day the satellite relayed the first telephone call to be
transmitted through space.

Although it is no longer fully functional, Telstar 1 is still in orbit around


A first for the International Lighthouse and Lightship weekend.

Switzerland is an Alpine country with no sea-coast, but it does have
lighthouses on two large lakes, including the one at Romanshorn that
overlooks Lake Constance.

It has an octagonal tower, a small square lantern, and a square fog bell tower
with bell.

Well in a first, Silvan Mumenthaler HB 9 FVR has registered the callsign
HB 9 ILLW for August 15-16, making it unique in the fun- event's history.
We wish him well with HB9IILW that is certain to be popular.

This year's 400th registration goes to the Lightship Finngrundet at Stockholm
in Sweden. Put on air by the Sdertrns Radio Amateur Club as 7 S 0 SFJ, which
is most fitting because the lightvessel previously had the radio callsign 'SFJ'

Another 100 registrations are needed to reach the 2014 record total of 544

To see all registrations, the simple guidelines or online registration form
for the ILLW on August 15-16, visit the website

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Sep 12 VK4 SUNFEST Woombye
Sep 25-27 VK4 CHARC AGM Weekend Camp Fairbairn near Emerald

Oct 2-5 VK4 Cardwell Gathering, Beachcomber Motel and Tourist Park
Oct 25 VK3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention Greyhound Track
Oct 25 VK4 Gold Coast HamFest Broadbeach

Nov VK3 QRP By the Bay details from VK3YE held 2nd Saturday


Feb 13 VK3 MERC Hamfest 10am at Werribee Masonic Centre

Feb 28 VK3 EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont.

Ap-May 29- 2 VK4 Clairview Gathering check Mackay ARS website. (theTARCinc)

June 11-13 VK5 VK Foxhunting Championship & SERG convention Mt Gambier (VK5HCF)

July 19 VK3 GippsTech 2016 Churchill

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)