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WIA ANZAC 100 program - Antarctica new dates - VI4ANZAC on air

WIA RD Contest - details for rebroadcasting the 2015 opening address

Renewing Amateur Radio Licences - A Timely Reminder



WIA ANZAC 100 program - Antarctica new dates

The plan to have Australia's Casey Station in Antarctica on air last
weekend August 8-9 under the VI 0 ANZAC commemorative callsign was stopped
by a severe storm, but it has now been proposed for later this month.

Doug VK0DMV had been eager to use VI0ANZAC that is part of Wireless
Institute of Australia ANZAC 100 program, but was disappointed when a storm
struck with its high wind, a blizzard cutting visibility and freezing

Doug VK0DMV described the storm having wind reaching 112 knots and a fair
bit of damage was caused. He added: "There is always some damage after
these sort of blows - this is the worse to date this year."

A Q-MAC HF-90 solid state 50 watt HF SSB transceiver to be used feeding a
dipole antenna has selectable Upper Sideband and Lower Sideband, making it
compatible with Amateur Radio on all bands. It will use the previously
announced times and frequencies.

0000 to 0200
0400 to 0600
0900 to 1100

The frequencies are:
0000 to 0030 on 7.095MHz
0030 to 0130 on 14.250MHz
0130 to 0200 on 21.250MHz

0400 to 0430 on 7.095MHz
0430 to 0530 on 14.250MHz
0530 to 0600 on 21.250MHz

0900 to 1030 on 14.250MHz
1030 to 1100 on 3.585MHz

So your WIA is pleased to announce that VI0ANZAC is rescheduled for the
weekend of August 29-30, weather permitting of course.

Meantime, in full swing now is the Vietnam Veterans' Long Tan Day
commemoration of the 1966 battle with VI 4 ANZAC on air from Atherton in
Far North Queensland.

Dale VK4DMC and other Vietnam Veterans are remembering that battle in
Phuoc Tuy Province, South Vietnam.

Also August 16, Paul VK5PAS and the Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society
team are using VI 5 ANZAC, to mark the formation of the 10th Battalion at
the Morphetville Racecourse.

On Friday August 21, and for 7 days, the Gippsland Gate Radio Electronic
Club at Cranbourne in Melbourne's south-east will be VK100ANZAC, on Phone,
CW, and digital.

And there's plenty of interest in September. It includes Operation Jaywick
at Singapore in 1943, the 11th Light Horse Regiment WWI Battle of
Samakh Palestine, plus the Battalion Gallipoli deployment, commemorated by
the FreeDV a digital voice mode.

More about these, and other events, are listed on the ANZAC section of the
WIA website

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


To commemorate ANZAC 100 a series of articles appear in Amateur Radio

Among them are the recollections of Air Warning and Coast Watching in New
Guinea by former Lieutenant George Basil Lance VK3DS Ballarat.

The Officer in Charge at 23 Heavy Wireless Section at Indooroopilly in
Queensland about mid-1942, it joined the 18th Lines of Communication unit
destined for New Guinea.

Under Navy escort the men and equipment reached a camp out of Port Moresby.

Then attached to the New Guinea Air Warning Wireless Company of Army and
RAAF stations, they were well dispersed in the bush to avoid the regular
bombing of Port Moresby.

There were 'spotters' originally from Milne Bay to Lae, before the Kokoda
Track was cleared and Buna attacked.

Talking at the Army end, a control room worked on a roster basis 24 hours
a day. The actual radio sets and operators in the scrub connected by telephone
to the control room.

The original coast watchers on the Islands to the North of New Guinea were
operated by the Navy, but they let the Army run its area.

The control room was an exciting place with most important messages received
from 'spotters' on the famous 'X' frequency, and then telephoned the office.

Action messages were immediately phoned to fighter sector and almost at once
one could hear the aero engines start up and the planes take off.

Another frequency was used for food drops, fuel, battery chargers and batteries
in the so-called ?biscuit bombing? flights, which were later made more

If a site was detected by the enemy all gear was destroyed and the operator
had to walk back.

George Lance VK3DS revisited Port Moresby in 2000, and noted that while the
countryside looked just the same, there was little evidence of Army

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

As all amateurs associated with broadcasting this news and special audio
projects, like JOTA and RD opening speeches know, Peter Ellis VK1PE has
completed this years opening address for the RD contest and the DIRECT link
is below.

You are welcome to broadcast it, immediately before the RD Contest, by
starting the 18min 30sec broadcast promptly at 02:41:30UTC 15 Aug 2015;
it has 5min of frequency clearing announcements before the speakers

The opening speech for the 2015 RD Contest is given by
Deane Limmer VK3HWX.

This follows introductory remarks by the host, Peter Ellis VK1PE and
Phil Wait VK2ASD, President of the WIA, and a reading of the names of
WIA members killed during WW2.

Oh and if you DID NOT receice notification, maybe it is because you are
no longer subscribed to

send a blank email to:-
Put the word subscribe in the title or subject field


President Phil Wait VK2ASD
V President Fred Swainston VK3DAC
Secretary David Williams VK3RU
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

Renewing Amateur Radio Licences - A Reminder

It can happen to anybody - you forget to renew your licence and it lapses.

When you ask the ACMA, they tell you that you'll need a WIA callsign
recommendation first, before you can make a new licence application.

So how does this work?

Although the ACMA sends licence renewal notices, that's not an obligation
under the Radiocommunications Act. The ACMA sends the notice as a courtesy,
but if the renewal notice doesn't arrive for some reason, it's still your
responsibility to renew on time. In fact, it's always the licensee's
responsibility to ensure that a licence is current.

So check:
do you know your licence expiry date, and are your address details correct?

What about your callsign? Well, your callsign needs to be protected too if
you're attached to it. An allocated callsign indicates that you hold a
valid licence, but if your licence lapses and is not renewed, your callsign
is released and will be put on the WIA Public List 60 days after the lapse
date. So it becomes available for reallocation.

After 7 days the WIA will issue a Callsign Recommendation to whoever wants
it - with ballot provisions applying to 2-letter callsign in some states.
So the message is: if you don't want to fight to get your call back,
keep your licence current.

Full information about the process, and forms needed, can be found on the
WIA website, Search for 'All about Callsigns' and
'New licence or expired licence, or reclaiming a former callsign'.

The WIA website again is at
and the search box is your friend.

All WIA band plans have been revised

As we heard last week when President Phil joined us, our Wireless Institute
of Australia has completed revision of both the 2-metre and 70-centimetre
band plans, and the WIA board has expressed its appreciation for all the
thoughtful input received.

A lot of time and effort by clubs and individuals have gone into the
process of band plan revision to make the documents more appropriate to the
modern practices of radio amateurs.

The WIA acknowledges the input it has received for all band plans, the bulk
being adopted earlier, and the 2-metre and 70-centimetre bands finalised

The results of this WIA consultative process that has resulted in the new
band plans which are now on the WIA website and to be included later in the
2016 call book.

WIA board to have a member plan

The Wireless Institute of Australia is developing a plan to retain and
increase its membership.

The WIA board monthly newsletter reports immediately anyone does not renew
membership they will be contacted by phone and asked if there's a reason
for not renewing.

For new Foundation Licence holders a free digital version of the WIA
journal Amateur Radio magazine will be sent, along with an invitation to

WIA expects progress soon on the Reciprocal Licence Review

All applications for reciprocal licence recognition are on hold, while a
review of them is underway.

These are different from the visitor's licences which allow, under a
fee-free class licence, all visiting radio amateurs on business or holiday
trips some 90 days of free operation. The details of them can be found on

However, overseas radio amateur qualifications which can be recognised as
translating into a VK licence, are being reviewed.

Advice of this review has been in Amateur Radio magazine and the WIA

The WIA is expecting to see changes to reciprocal licensing driven by
changes to overseas standards of Amateur Licence levels.

There will also be listed some additions to the non-acceptable
qualifications, including the Marine Radio Operator's Certificate of
Proficiency, for amateur qualification recognition.

The WIA is now waiting for Australian Communications and Media Authority to
issue its findings on the Reciprocal Licence Review.

ACMA licensing shut-down - reminder

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has suspended the
processing of all apparatus licences from last Friday until September 1.

This unavoidable shut-down means that for two weeks, there will be no
licences processed, or licences renewed. That includes all Amateur Radio
station licences.

Although the shut-down has begun, the ACMA foreshadowed the move earlier
this year that it would introduce the new more efficient HELMS system.

An item in last week's broadcast on this ACMA licensing shutdown contained
an error.

The information suggested that the ACMA would not be renewing beacon or
repeater licences below 52 MHz after September ninth.

Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH says "We have confirmed that this is
not the case. Our apologies for the error.

It's "business as usual" on six metres. Keep calm and carry on.

The Spring solstice will be with us in short order, bringing with it some
welcome transequatorial DX propagation for those lucky amateurs living in
the northern half of the continent.

The summer sporadic E DX season will return in due course.

Indeed, it's likely to spice-up the Spring VHF-UHF Field Day weekend of
14th and 15th November."

Silent Keys are best sent to AR Magazine and your local state or club news
rather than this WIA National News Service.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

NASA opens new CubeSat opportunities for low-cost space exploration

Space enthusiasts have an opportunity to contribute to NASA's exploration
goals through the next round of the agency's CubeSat Launch Initiative.
Applicants must submit their proposals electronically by November 24 2015

The CubeSat Launch Initiative provides access to space for CubeSats
developed by NASA centres, accredited educational institutions and
non-profit organizations, giving CubeSat developers access to a low-cost
pathway to conduct research in the areas of science, exploration,
technology development, education or operations consistent with
NASA's Strategic Plan.

NASA does not provide funding for the development of the small satellites.

Satellite Frequency Co-ordination

For some years, the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) has sought,
through its group of volunteer satellite coordinators, to assign
appropriate frequencies to be used by space satellites operating in the
amateur bands. These efforts have generally been successful, allowing
satellites to operate without undue interference to each other and to other
services using the bands in question.

The IARU role in coordination of frequencies is supported by ITU.

IARU is aware of a few satellites already operating in amateur bands which
are causing difficulties in parts of the world as the frequencies they use
do not appear to accord to existing band plans.

IARU has now become aware of plans to launch a series of satellites where
the frequencies proposed appear to conflict with existing IARU band plans
in some parts of the world. IARU is investigating how this has arisen, and
is discussing the issues with the parties involved.

The latest IARU Monitoring System newsletter reports on 7 MHz splatter from
Radio France International and the seemingly endless story of Drift Net
Buoys on 28 MHz

The International Amateur Radio Union Monitoring System (IARUMS) Region 1
newsletter can be read at

MP takes to the air

On Saturday the 7th of August, members of the South Essex Amateur Radio
Society commemorated the 71st anniversary of the downing of two B17 bombers,
which crashed in 1944 just off Canvey Island.

The special event station was operating from just a few hundred feet from
the crash site, and the MP for Castle Point unveiled a mural depicting the
event. She was then invited to send her first amateur radio guest message,
shortly followed by Canvey Island Councillor Ray Howard.

SEARS team operated the special event callsign of GB2HB on HF and VHF, using
a mix of voice, data, PSK31 and DMR from the Island Yacht Club throughout
the day.


Time may seem to stand still at least for a few moments - at WWV, the
National Institute of Standards and Technology's HF radio station in
Fort Collins, Colorado.

The time and frequency standard station is celebrating the completion of
its successful first year with a restored vertical dipole, one it had
stopped making use of in 1977.

Last year, the 25 MHz signal went back to transmitting at the antennas
original location for the first time, on an experimental basis. The
experiment, it seems, worked just fine.

Matt Deutch N-ZERO-R-G-T (N0RGT), WWVs lead electrical engineer, told ARRL
that when the 25 MHz broadcast returned last year, a broadband monopole was
the antenna the station first used. But the monopole was eventually paired
with the stations 2.5 MHz standby transmitter. That's when the decision was
made to resurrect the older vertical dipole which, he said, after
restoration now looks just like it looked in 1977.

He said the vertical dipole has a lower angle of radiation than the
broadband monopole did, and now has a transmitter of its own, radiating
2.5 kilowatts. The signal provides a way for radio operators to check their
frequency calibration or determine the exact time of day, and can also help
with propagation conditions on both 10 and 12 meters.

WWV welcomes signal reports and comments sent to its email address




There's nothing like sitting at the window with a nice hot cup of coffee and
watching the world pass by. Now the astronauts on the International Space
Station can do just that.

Instant coffee has always been available on the ISS but now, for the first
time, it can be enjoyed freshly brewed.

Italian retailer Lavazza and Argotec, the provider of space food for
European astronauts have joined forces and created the ISSpresso, a device
that overcomes the unique challenges of brewing coffee in space.

Quoting here: "Making coffee in space isn't easy," Argotec officials said.
"This is the first capsule espresso machine that can work in the extreme
conditions in space, where the principles that determine the fluid dynamic
characteristics of liquids and mixtures are very different from those
typically found on earth." Unquote.

The microwave-sized box uses capsules, similar to a Keurig machine, to brew
the caffeinated beverage, as well as other hot drinks, such as caff lungo,
tea, hot chocolate and broth. Fittingly, Italian astronaut and java fiend
Samantha Cristoforetti was the first to try the new machine after it was
installed May 3rd. And because no self-respecting coffee lover would ever
drink their latte with a straw, a special plastic, 3-D printed cup was
designed to cope with the demands imposed by microgravity.

So now when you're sitting at your window with a hot cup of joe watching the
world pass by you can delight in the fact that maybe, somewhere way up in
the sky, an astronaut is doing the exact same thing. Except the view up
there repeats every 90 minutes.

I'm Mike Askins, KE5,CXP in Shawnee, Oklahoma.

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?
Check and advise of any alterations.


Remembrance Day Contest This weekend! August 15 and 16

Saturday 29th August 0400 UTC - 1359 UTC
Sunday 30th August 0400 UTC - 1359 UTC

Oceania DX contest Voice First full weekend in October

Oceania DX contest Continuous Wave Second full weekend in October.


Harry Angel 80 mtr sprint (WIA) provisional date Saturday 7th May.


Spring VHF-UHF Field Day weekend of 14th and 15th November.



There's serious action happening on the water for a group of UK hams.

These amateurs also happen to be avid boaters, and there preparing to
catch a really big wave. Forty meters big, in this case.

They're gathering for an event, known as British Inland Waterways On The Air
taking place August 29 to 31st - a bank holiday weekend in Britain.

Boating radio amateurs plan to use those days as an opportunity to connect
with other boaters around the country and the globe.

The primary band will be 40 meters, but communications will not be
restricted to just one band if conditions permit.

The boating hams are hoping for what else? smooth sailing.

(sourced to ARNewsLine)

S 79 DPX operating from the Seychelles.

This is IZ 2 DPX who will be there until 23 August.

He is using a multi-band vertical and is active on SSB.

The Longest Reign

On the 9th September, the Queen will become the longest reigning monarch,
beating that of Queen Victoria.

To that end the Medway Amateur Receiving and Transmitting Society (MARTS)
from Kent will be running a special event station GB 2 QLR for the Queen's
longest reign to commemorate the event starting Wednesday 9th September
(the day she attained the position ) for 7 days - until midnight the
following Tuesday.

Station will be powered by Solar panels during daylight hours and using a
FTdx3000 & a FT857d for all HF 2m & 70cms using SSB & data.

(Nigel G0GDA)


Enigma Award

The Polish Radio Amateur Union would like to remind you that on August 14th,
'Enigma Award' special event stations started transmitting.

With the end of July a special event station SN 0 MR, who in 2 months
made 3500 QSO using different modes and bands this "Enigma Award" has been
prepared to commemorate Marian Rejewski, extraordinary mathematician and

It is associated with the 110th anniversary of his birth and 35th
anniversary of his death.

Marian Rejewski changed course of events during World War II.

Several special calls will be used during this event that will operate on
all bands from 80m to 10m, including WARC bands.

For QSOs with SN 0 CIPHER [S-N-zero-C-I-P-H-E-R] station, the operator
will receive a cryptogram, which has to be decoded. This station will give
a new cryptogram for each QSO on new band or new mode.

QSOs with other special event stations will receive the decryption data
necessary to decode the cryptogram.

The best operators (9 of them) and the best SWLs (3 of them) will each
receive a reward (free of any charge including the shipping of reward). A
statuette made of crystal with Enigma engraved in it and the operator's
callsign. The very best 3 operators will in addition receive a book about
Marian Rejewski's life.

Details can be found on the website of the event

They are counting on active participation of radio amateurs from all over
the world, therefore they ask all to intensify their activity on the air
and participation.

14th to 30th of August make sure your beams are facing SP.

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video

World DATV QS0 Party Soon and it's also on HQ YouTube video!!!

The 5th annual Digital World Amateur Television QSO Party will he held on
August 21-22 Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), sponsored by Amateur
Radio Victoria and the Melbourne ATV Group.

The convenor is Peter VK3BFG with the event centred on the Melbourne-Geelong
Digital ATV repeater VK3RTV, with those in the USA, England and elsewhere
welcome to join through a local television repeater or by Skype.

The VK3RTV transmissions will stream worldwide via high quality YouTube,
courtesy Ralph VK3LL.

The event starts on Friday night (AEST) connecting to repeaters VK2RFM and
VK2RTV in Sydney with anchor Gary VK2CRJ, Brisbane's VK4RMG anchored by
Peter VK4EA, VK5RDC in Port Pirie with David VK5DMC and VK3RBO Bendigo by
Ross VK3CE.

Some remote stations will Skype in to Peter VK3BFG, and those intending to
do so should use the Skype name of 'datvqsoparty' and request beforehand
that their name is in the address book.

Peter VK3BFG net controller will ask participants to make their
transmissions. All in-bound Skype calls including those from interstate and
international repeaters will be transmitted to VK3RTV.

The output will be sent to the British Amateur TV Club streamer and now the
high quality version on YouTube.

On Saturday morning (AEST) will connect to the DATV Repeater WR8ATV in
Columbus, Ohio. Local anchor Art W8RMC is a part of the team that developed
the DVB-S Exciter called the DATV Express.

Later the QSO Party moves to California where Don KE6BXT will anchor the
WATN repeater network in Southern California. Saturday night will see
action through the Home Counties Repeater GB3HV in the United Kingdom.

Those in the event have been preparing in-shack or video presentations to
show there many varied projects.

Any stations wishing to participate or ask questions about the event can
contact Peter VK3BFG at

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

FISTS Club - East Asia
FISTS Club - Australasia
FISTS Club - UK & Europe
FISTS Club - Americas

Hacklet 69 - Morse Code Projects

Hack A Day, a site popular with hackers (engineers and engineering
enthusiasts), features projects that revolve around one of the oldest
digital signalling systems - Morse code

Read about the Morse projects at


MADHEN Eggsplorer-1 balloon found

Six weeks after another balloon, the MADHEN Eggsplorer-1 balloon, splashed
down in the North Sea, the payload has been found and will be returned to
radio amateur Andrew Garratt M0NRD

Jan in the Netherlands found the payload washed up on a deserted beach.

During its flight the balloon had transmitted telemetry data using RTTY
on 434 MHz

Read the full story on Andrew's blog at


BBC News report

(text edition only)


Is there life after death?

When it comes to the U.S. Navy's PCSAT NO-44, a satellite launched 14 years
ago by the U.S. military, the answer is most definitely yes.

The PCSAT spacecraft has, due to an on-board power system issue, started
to transmit APRS on 144.390 MHz

Although this is the correct frequency for APRS operation in IARU Region 2,
it is not compatible with Region 1 bandplan which has this part of the band
designated for weak signal and particularly Meteor Scatter operation.

The orbit of this spacecraft means that sometimes it is in full sunlight
and, at other times, it is eclipsed for a major percentage of the orbit.
As the on-board batteries have lost their ability to hold a charge, the
problem can only occur when it is in sunlight.

At IARU level, further work is being undertaken to reduce the risk from
future spacecraft potentially causing similar problems. Such problems could
result from developers not following the globally agreed bandplans for
amateur satellite operations.

As we heard from Jason VK2LAW in the International News segment this week
The IARU Satellite Coordinator has been requested to make urgent contact
with the team responsible for XW-2(CAS-3) mission of nine satellites from
China. Some of the proposed frequencies do not respect the internationally
agreed Region 1 Bandplan for 2 metres.

(Sourced to Southgate and ARNewsLine)


As hams around the world are operating the International Lighthouse and
Lightship Weekend (now) August 15 and 16, one shining beacon in Sweden
is glowing with the light of a little extra pride.

It's the Lightship Finngrundet, a museum ship in Stockholm that had been
built in 1903 and was in service until its decommissioning in 1969.

Its became the 400th participant to register for this weekend's global event.

S-K-ZERO-Q-OH (SK0QO) plans to put the former marine navigation aid on the
air for the two-day event as SEVEN-S-ZERO-S-F-J (7S0SFJ).

This is a very different role for the Swedish lightship from the one it was
built to have at the turn of the earlier century. As an aid to navigation
then, it would emit two consecutive light flashes, every 20 seconds, as its
signature and it was visible for a distance of 11 nautical miles.

Now with the hams using the ship to sail their signals across the
ionosphere, the club is hoping the Lightship Finngrundet will really go
the distance in connecting them to some memorable QSOs this weekend.

(sourced to ARNewsLine)


Sep 12 VK4 SUNFEST Woombye
Sep 25-27 VK4 CHARC AGM Weekend Camp Fairbairn near Emerald

Oct 2-5 VK4 Cardwell Gathering, Beachcomber Motel and Tourist Park
Oct 25 VK3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention Greyhound Track
Oct 25 VK4 Gold Coast HamFest Broadbeach

Nov VK3 QRP By the Bay details from VK3YE held 2nd Saturday


Feb 13 VK3 MERC HamFest 10am at Werribee Masonic Centre

Feb 28 VK3 EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont.

Ap-May 29- 2 VK4 Clairview Gathering check Mackay ARS website. (theTARCinc)

June 11-13 VK5 VK Foxhunting Championship & SERG convention Mt Gambier (VK5HCF)

July 19 VK3 GippsTech 2016 Churchill

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)