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WIA says busy time for ANZAC-suffixed callsigns. -

High flying Andy Nguyen VK3YT takes on SoCal. -

IARU Region 3 to meet in Bali Indonesia. -




Last week in the VK4 QNEWS local news the long time "That's What I Think---"
columnist Geoff Emery VK4ZPP had a piece which drew comment .. so much so I
thought it worthy of a broadcast to all of VK.

Hello, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

One of the features of amateur radio has been it's ideal that all hams are
equal. This has been a historical belief which found it's form in the
Amateurs Code. Over the past century, it has been common practice to
not use forms of address that would identify the operator as being superior.

Of course, this has been easy to do when the contacts have been between
strangers and even better if they were DX. Princes and academics were
addressed by the name they gave and ranks and titles dispensed with
amongst amateur operators. The sense of belonging to a giant, worldwide
club and a belief in equality was honoured in the practice.

Then the reality is that people engrossed in the art of wireless came from
different backgrounds, from most walks of life that you can think of. This
meant that the school student had different funds to the professional
person and the investment in parts and equipment varied. This is a fact
of life that still remains today.

Where things get strange is that there seems to be a small core of amateurs
who feel inadequate. These are the ones who seem to delight in picking on
other operators to show how big their own egos are. I have witnessed this in
various forms over the years, the CW ops who diminish the voice ops; the
open licence holder who has to correct the Limited, the Novice and now
the Foundation licence holder.

Just to be fair, this level of judgement is also aimed at the OT's who like
a rag chew that includes the updates on health and medicines. As much
as it might be satisfying to stick the finger up at what we think is wrong
with another amateur, remember that public misbehaviour reflects on the
whole amateur community and tact, courtesy and privacy go a long way
in maintaining the traditions of our hobby.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?

Anniversary of resumed Amateur Radio in New Zealand

The so-called 'H Night' of December 8, 1945, saw Amateur Radio return after
the lifting of a war-time ban on it in New Zealand. The occasion is to be
celebrated by special event callsign ZL6H.

The true meaning of the letter 'H' in H Night is now the subject of research,
including old magazines that might reveal origins of the name.

Rob ZL2IW remembers as a young radio amateur himself working an old timer
on 80 metres to mark a much earlier H Night.

It seemed that this contact was with someone who had been on air for the
first H Night in 1945.

Now that it has reached a significant stage of 50 years, Rob ZL2IW is
determined to lift its profile as of great heritage importance to Amateur
Radio in New Zealand.

More on H Night when Jason VK2LAW joins us today with a look at International

Two Aussie balloons float from California

The foil party-type pico balloon launcher Andy Nguyen VK3YT could not resist
the opportunity during a work assignment on the USA west coast to float a
few balloons.

Working for a month at San Jose, the out-of-sequence balloon PS-54 with a
solar power APRS payload feeding a 25 mW transmitter, went up last Saturday
to test the local environment.

In doing so, Andy VK3YT is the first to launch such balloons in both the
southern and northern hemispheres. In fact at last report he had two of the
balloons over the USA.

A tracker network of stations followed one that had earlier circled the earth,
and then they tracked another balloon as it did two circumnavigations.

His exploits and expertise have captured the imaginations of many US trackers,
who mainly follow latex weather-type balloons until they burst and crash to

Andy VK3YT described his debut flight as "zooming right past the San Francisco
Golden Bridge at 8000m, and spent a whole day bouncing along the west coast of
California, right next to some other local up and down balloon launches.

"The weather was a bit too rough. The tiny balloon took a few dives before
gaining altitude again at sunset, then went silent again thought possibly due
to antenna damage from the beating it took during the day."

However, good news came when PS-54 popped up again after floating three days
later. By this time it had travelled 1800 km, probably doing a loop over the
Pacific Ocean out of range, then floating via Los Angeles to Arizona state to
the east.

By chance it passed right above Andy while he was driving around LA - what a
small world.

This northern hemisphere APRS-only maiden flight was followed by another.

PS-53 was released on Sunday September 13 with a payload this time with WSPR
and JT9 on HF.

It was tracked during a period of good propagation by ZL, VK and local US
stations (including VK4RV, VK5BC, ZL1RS, W3BH, WB7ABP, AK4AT, WX4F & K4COD).
On leaving San Jose it went north to Sacramento, then east across the border
to Nevada clocking up 725 km, but seemed to have been lost in desert country
due to due to envelope failure.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Busy time for ANZAC-suffixed callsigns

First on the calendar is the North East Radio Club on the air as VI 5 ANZAC
on Friday September 25 for three days. It commemorates 11th Light Horse
Regiment in the Battle of Samakh, Palestine, which had largest group of
Indigenous Australians.

On the weekend we remember Operation Jaywick - a sneak raid by commandos that
sunk seven enemy ships in Singapore Harbour in 1943.

It has two events on September 26 - ANZAC-suffixed callsigns will be heard
from Queensland and Western Australia.

All ANZAC 100 program events are detailed on the WIA website. All of their
logs are uploaded, checked by the WIA before sending to eQSL.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


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News from the Naughty Lad

Noels Nutty Campers.

Noel VK4NL has been organising the famous and popular Noels Nutty Campers
weekends away for many years.

Interested in heading along to one of these funtastic weekends?

Contact Noel via

look at him on the web at

on the mobile 0413 958 216 to find out more !

vk7 local news, email

October REAST Presentation - VK7 - Introduction to Family History

Most of you would have seen the commercials or the programs
about finding out who your distant rogue relatives were?

You probably all have some relative who is "the family historian"

Have you ever wondered about how they find all this interesting information
about families and relatives?

The internet is a wonderful resource however it can also be a huge hindrance
if you don't apply some genealogical principles when researching.

This REAST presentation will take the audience through family history
principles, golden rules, fundamentals of analysis, evidence, documenting
& planning your research, the best sources of evidence, conducting your
research, critical evaluation, maps, convict records, problem solving and
overcoming those inevitable brick walls.

These will be demonstrated with some recent research that the presenter
undertook during his University of Tasmania course.

But beware - family history research is highly addictive not to mention the
skeletons that inevitably fall from the cupboard!

Queen's Domain clubrooms from 7:30pm on October 7, 2015.

(Tony, VK7VKT, Presentations Officer)


What use is an F-call?

As I've said many times before, Amateur Radio blows me away. Every week I see
new and imaginative things that this community achieves through trial and
error, from contacts across new bands, coordination of new activities such as
fox-hunts and SOTA activations.

We are a fool hardy lot, climbing up hills to "activate" them, or doing the
same thing for light-houses, or museums. There's a surfing contest where you
collect callsigns to spell the locations of surfing beaches as outlined in the
Beach Boy's "Surfin USA" song, which includes an Australian beach as well.

It's wonderful to hear about Amateurs talking to other Amateurs, both using
portable gear, both standing on top of a summit and exchanging reports across
the country.

Recently an F-call decided that he wanted to try to build a cavity from bits
purchased at a hardware store. Complete with video of the achievement, testing
and SWR measurements, a $15 experiment to see if he could do it. Wanting to
learn more about his build he sought and found assistance from other Amateurs
offering suggestions and equipment to help out.

There's a group of Amateurs who are experimenting with a new Internet linking
protocol, AllStarLink. Using single board computers like the BeagleBone Black
to run copies of embedded Linux with a full dynamic switching system on board
to deal with nodes dropping in and joining. Think telephone exchange with
roaming handsets.

There are amateurs experimenting with different types of antennas, made from
Horse Tape, advanced calls learning about tuning up 40m dipoles on 80m,
antenna manufacturers building 80m single frequency dipoles in the space of a
40m dipole, repeaters being built, control systems being updated, new services
being invented and masts being erected.

Don't for a minute think that Amateur Radio is just about sitting in a shack
with a microphone, talking to another Amateur in a similar shack somewhere
else, doing the same thing.

Having an F-call is being part of this community, warts and all, it's an
amazing place to hang out and do stuff. So get off your terminator and go to it.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

Silent Keys are best sent to AR Magazine and your local state or club news
rather than this WIA National News Service.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

The latest IARU Monitoring System newsletter reports Russian Military traffic
in the amateur radio 7 and 14 MHz bands has increased.
The Russian Navy has often been active on 14192.0 using F1B and the
Russian Over The Horizon (OTH) radar in Gorodezh has been causing strong
interference daily.

The International Amateur Radio Union Monitoring System (IARUMS) Region 1
newsletter can be read at

IARU Region 3 to meet in Bali Indonesia

The International Amateur Radio Union Region 3 triennial conference in Bali
on October 12-16, is hosted by IARU Member Society, Organisasi Amatir Radio
Indonesia or OARI.

The venue is the Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, where OARI will have special
event station YB16IARU.

It's the 2nd time that the event has been held in Indonesia. ORARI President,
Sutiyoso YB0ST said: "It's an exciting time for us as we continue to grow and
thrive, remaining always adaptable, motivated and responsive.

The world of Amateur Radio is an exciting area in which to work and play, and
we'll continue to meet and bring inspired people together in forums like this,
to ensure IARU Region 3 remains at the cutting edge."

IARU Region 3 covers the Asia-Pacific.

Among the matters to be considered are those referred from the other two IARU

In Bali there will be IARU Region 3 Directors, representatives from IARU
Region 1 and Region 2, and the IARU International Secretariat. Among those
represented in person or by proxy are the ARRL US Pacific Territories, ARSI
India, BDARA Brunei, CRSA China, FARA Fiji, HARTS Hong Kong, JARL Japan, KARL
Korea, NZART New Zealand, MARTS Malaysia, ORARI Indonesia, RAST Thailand,
SARTS Singapore, WIA Australia, and VARC Vietnam.

Each have filed a report.

Some attending delegates may also hold proxies for IARU Region 3 Member
Societies who can't be there, and these may be exercised under the
constitution when voting occurs.

On the agenda are reports including on the World Radio Conference in Geneva in
November, the IARU role in CubeSat launches, UN push for Morse code to have
heritage recognition, Band Planning, proposed Korean war cemetery own by the
UN to have a 4U1 callsign, and the 17th conference venue.

IARU Region Coordinator reports also include ARDF, Emergency Communications,
the Monitoring Service (Intruder Watch), International Beacons, Region 3 Award,
and Support to the Amateur Radio Service (STARS) program.

Jim VK3PC says for all of the reports:

NASA is partnering with Harmonic, a worldwide leader in video delivery
infrastructure, to launch NASA TV UHD, the first ever non-commercial
consumer ultra-high definition channel in North America.

Using an end-to-end UHD video delivery system from Harmonic, NASA Television
will have the capability to deliver linear 2160p60 video content, allowing
viewers to enjoy footage on a wide range of television and internet-connected

Harmonic currently is in discussions with pay TV operators to carry the
channel on the satellite, cable and optical networks for consumer access.
The channel also will stream on the Internet, which will require at least
13 MBps access connectivity to receive the signal and enjoy the UHD experience.

For more information on NASA TV programming, visit:

Leon Korkie, ZS1MM, of Denel Overberg Test Range has informed our friends
at the SARL about an interesting EME test conducted on 1296 MHz with
Dr. Lindsay Marcus on the KAT-7 radio telescope with a gain of 44,3 dB.

Robert Broomhead VK3DN joins us with this story.

"On the transmit side ZS1MM programmed his call sign on a PIC at very slow
Morse with 2 to 3 seconds per dot, as this is the shortest integration time
of their receivers. He used this to key a Rhode & Swartz signal generator,
which was fed into his 10 Watt solid state amp via about 25 metres of
half inch Heliax so that he could have the amplifier as close to the antenna
feed as possible.

This feed is mounted on a 15 foot auto tracking antenna that was slaved onto
the Moon at a time when there was very little Sun on the Moon so as to have
minimum noise. They used the central computer system of the test range to do
the slaving.

There was a beacon pointing at the Moon as well causing some interference
so Leon QSY'd a little up in the band to get rid of that.

Dr. Lindsay Magnus confirmed the reception of the signal with full scale
chart recordings and also referred to the interfering signal that turned out
to be the EME beacon on 1296,000 MHz radiated from Ariceibo, Puerto Rico."

Thanks Robert, and we'll hear from you again later with your Special
Interest Group news segment:-

As an aside I wonder how many are aware that after Karl Jansky accidentally
discovered radio emission from the centre of the Milky Way on 20 MHz, it was
a radio amateur who pioneered radio astronomy in the early days.

Grote Reber, W9GFZ, mapped the radio skies in the Northern hemisphere and
continued throughout WWII. He used a homebrew dish antenna on a frequency
of 160 MHz Grote moved to Tasmania VK7 in the 1950's.

Anniversary of resumed Amateur Radio in New Zealand

The so-called 'H Night' of December 8, 1945, saw Amateur Radio return after
the lifting of a war-time ban on it in New Zealand. The occasion is to be
celebrated by special event callsign ZL6H.

H Night is when New Zealand radio amateurs were able to get back on air,
albeit initially on 3.5 to 3.96 MHz and 58.5 to 60 MHz only.

Authorities also increased the Morse code proficiency test to 15 wpm for
HF access. In 1946 they released further pre-war bands and overseas contacts
were allowed.

The New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters has approved the special
callsign ZL6H that was applied for by Rob Carter ZL2IW.

More details of the H Night anniversary can be expected closer to the event.




The BBC reports on a case of a chess player who allegedly used Morse code to

They say a man was reportedly blinking in an unusual manner and holding his
hand under his armpit.

Confronted by the referee, he refused to open his shirt.

Officials believe the 37-year-old was using the camera, hung around his neck,
to transmit the game to someone with a chess computer program, who was
feeding back moves using Morse code.

The 37-year-old player was also "batting his eyelids in the most unnatural
way", The referee said.

"Then I understood it," he said. "He was deciphering signals in Morse code."

When the player refused to open his shirt, officials asked him to pass
through a metal detector which picked up a pendant hanging underneath his

The pendant contained a tiny video camera connected to a small box under his
armpit, officials said.

Read the BBC story at

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


Oceania DX contest Voice First full weekend in October

Oceania DX contest Continuous Wave Second full weekend in October.

WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day the weekend of 14th and 15th November.


Harry Angel 80 mtr sprint (WIA) provisional date Saturday 7th May.



Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net this Tuesday

One of the friendliest radio nets in the land happens
this Tuesday evening September 22nd from 7-30pm on the Townsville
UHF Repeater ... So if you're travelling through the
Townsville region remember to bring a 91.5Hz tone with you.

The Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net !

The net is open to young and old, YL or OM and is a
golden opportunity for anyone who needs practice
on-air to go onto the net as 2nd operator.
Let's see if the YLs can outnumber the OMs !


Jacek SQ 5 BPF will be active from the Polish Polar Station on Svalbard
from 19th to 27th September. His callsign will be JW/SQ5BPF

V7 - Marshall Islands Satellite Activation

A group of JA operators will be active from Majuro Island (OC-029) between
September 24-28th.

Operators are YL Mami, JP3AYQ (V73YL)

Her husband Sanny, JJ3CIG (V73H),

Team Leader Takio, JH3QFL (V73A) and

Co-Leader Keizo "Kay", JH3AZC (V7EME).

Activity will be 40-6 meters, satellite, EME, CW, SSB, RTTY and JT65A.

They will also have two Elecraft 500w amps for HF and
800w out-station for EME.

QSL all operators via their home callsigns, by the Bureau.


Chris, DL2MDU and Heike DL3HD are operating from Boa Vista Island
(AF-086) until Sept.25th as D 44 TUK and D 44 TUQ respectively.

The pair will be active on 80 through 10 meters in CW and digital modes,
holiday style. Send QSL cards via DL 2 MDU.


Heinz, D-F-ONE-Y-P (DF1YP), is active from Moorea Island (OC-046)
through October 1st, as FO/DF1YP. He will work SSB holiday style mostly
on 20 meters. He can receive QSL cards via his home call sign, direct or
via the German Amateur Radio Bureau.

October 12-16
International Amateur Radio Union Region 3 triennial conference in
Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel Bali, with special event station YB16IARU.

December 20
The WIA program ANZAC 100 ends timed with the departure of ANZAC troops at
Gallipoli in 1915. Commemorating the occasion will be at least VK100ANZAC,


Worked all ANZAC 100 callsigns

The ANZAC-suffixed callsigns continue to be very popular. The latest has been
VI 0 ANZAC at Casey Station in the Antarctic.

The national callsign VK100ANZAC, and State or Territory callsigns beginning
with VI have all been on air.

The ANZAC 100 program ends on December 20, timed with the withdrawal of
ANZAC from Gallipoli. However the callsign VI9ANZAC will be used on
Norfolk Island during the WIA AGM in May 2016.

All events send their logs to a WIA uploader, and after checking, are
forwarded to eQSL, ClubLog and Logbook of The World.

The first claiming to work all available ANZAC-suffixed callsigns issued by
the WIA and verified by eQSL is Steven Barr VK3MEG of Melton South,
Congratulations are in order for VK3MEG, and anyone else who contacted them

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


From the FISTS Down Under newsletter comes advice that Lou VK5EEE has setup
a website exclusively for CW operating in Australia.

It has information including CW nets, clubs, operating tips and events.

Please take a look at


Software to find stolen Wi-Fi-enabled devices

An Iowa City police officer is developing a new concept to help police find
more stolen property.

The Gazette has a short report that officer David Schwindt, inspired by a
forensics class, is working on L-8-N-T, a specialized wireless dongle to
help police officers locate stolen electronics (any of them with wireless
capabilities and a MAC address, at least) by scanning for MAC addresses
associated with stolen goods.

The idea is to have police scan as they drive for these MAC entries, and
match them against a database.

The article notes a few shortcomings in this concept, but does not point out
an even bigger one:

MAC addresses are usually mutable, anyhow, in a way that's not as obvious
as an obscured serial number, and thieves could refine their business model
by automating the change.



SAREX Reflector to be Closed 1 November 2015

At the request of the ARISS US Team, AMSAT-NA Vice President for Human
Spaceflight Frank Bauer, KA3HDO has announced that the SAREX reflector
will be closed 1 November 2015, and its functions folded into the
AMSAT-BB list.

Frank explained that at one time operations from the Space Shuttle and the
ISS were considered as sufficiently different from other satellite operations
as to need separate forums for their respective interest communities.

More recently, changes in the human spaceflight operations, the new
generation of satellites, and the interests of the general AMSAT community
have removed the reasons for this distinction.

If you are not subscribed to AMSAT-BB and wish to continue to receive human
spaceflight announcements, please subscribe by going to:-


United Kingdom's Ofcom suggest 70.5 MHz for "Internet of Things."

In April 2015 Ofcom announced radio amateurs would have access to
70.5-71.5 MHz but now they are consulting on plans to use it as one of the
bands for the Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is set to enable large numbers of previously
unconnected devices to communicate and share data with one another via
'Machine-to-Machine' communications (M2M).

Ofcom believes access to spectrum in this range could open new opportunities
and bring benefits to citizens and consumers, especially those in remote
and rural parts of the UK. The frequencies being made available span the
55-68 MHz, 70.5-71.5 MHz and 80.5-81.5 MHz bands.

There are already more than 40 million devices connected via the IoT in the
UK alone. This is forecast to grow more than eight-fold by 2022, with
hundreds of millions of devices carrying out more than a billion daily data


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz


WICEN South will be providing communications for the Southern Tasmanian
Endurance Riders event at Fonthill on Saturday the 26th September.

The historical homestead of Fonthill is 23 kilometres east of Oatlands.
Why not have a day out and get along to see what WICEN-South get up to.

(Roger, VK7ARN, Secretary WICEN Tas (South))

IARU emcomm display at ITU WRC-15 Geneva

A demonstration of the modes and equipment available to Amateur Radio in a
disaster for emergency communications, will be shown at the World Radio
Conference in Geneva in November.

The trailer-mounted displays of equipment with voice, text and image modes,
and a mobile antenna on November 4-14, follows a series of planning meetings
with the IARU and ITU.

IARU International Coordinator of Emergency Communications, Hans Zimmermann
HB9AQS/F5VKP has announced that his project coordinating was finalised at the
September meeting of the ITU-D SG-2 meeting in Geneva.

He said the equipment will be provided by the specialist German group
'Notfunk Deutechland e.V.', in agreement with the IARU Member Society,
Deutsche Amateur Radio Club (DARC). Other IARU Member Societies from nearby
countries are giving posters and other material.

Hans Zimmermann said: "This will not be a field day station or even a
simulated emergency or other intensive operational activity. The purpose is to
show how the wide range of means allows the Amateur Service to serve in an
emergency situation."

The display will be opposite the main WRC-15 entrance on a somewhat higher
open space alongside the ITU tower.

Among the information material will be a brief description in several
languages. The dates include a weekend and the IARU reception on November 10.

The Notfunk Deutechland e.V website is

(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee


Sep 25-27 VK4 CHARC AGM Weekend Camp Fairbairn near Emerald

Oct 2-5 VK4 Cardwell Gathering, Beachcomber Motel and Tourist Park
Oct 25 VK3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention Greyhound Track

Nov 14 VK4 Gold Coast HamFest Broadbeach (vk4py)
Nov VK3 QRP By the Bay details from VK3YE held 2nd Saturday


Jan 22-26 VK4 TARC Australia Day Long Week Family Radio Camp
Girl Guides Campsite, Bluewater (vk4zz)

Feb 13 VK3 MERC HamFest 10am at Werribee Masonic Centre
Feb 28 VK2 Central Coast Field Day (vk2ztm)
Feb 28 VK3 EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont.

Ap-May 29- 2 VK4 Clairview Gathering check Mackay ARS website. (theTARCinc)

June 11-13 VK5 VK Foxhunting Championship & SERG convention Mt Gambier (VK5HCF)

July 19 VK3 GippsTech 2016 Churchill (

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


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We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)