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WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day is four weeks away.

The world listens for ANZAC 100 stations.

WIA Exam Service changes.

WIA Board continues the office change process.



Aussie balloon ditches in the Southern Pacific

The flight launched on Saturday October 10 by Andy VK3YT is the latest in his
series of small balloons over the last two years to carry an Amateur Radio

This solar powered party balloon with a 25mW transmitter on 20m and 30m used
the weak-signal modes of WSPR and JT9.

It took a zig-zag course over Eastern Victoria, then headed north to
Wallaga Lake in New South Wales leaving the Australian mainland, went near
Lowe Howe Island, north of New Zealand and across the International Dateline.

It was tracked by stations in VK1, VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5, ZL1 and ZL2,
with stateside observations including John AK4AT Virginia, Jim K4COD Georgia
and Jim W3BH Pennsylvania.

This US trio also tracked Andy's pico balloons PS-53 and PS-54, both released
while he was working recently at San Jose, California.

Then PS-55 put out a JT9 transmission, with Jim W3BH receiving it, confirming
that the small balloon had descended, half way between Australia and
South America, and after a 3-day flight was declared lost.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

The world listens for ANZAC 100 stations

On Saturday October 24 and for 48 hours, we remember through VK100ANZAC,
William Henry Kibby of Adelaide, awarded the Victoria Cross posthumously.

This followed his actions over several days during WWII at the Battle of
El Alamein (1942). He personally assaulted an enemy post, firing his Thompson
sub-machine gun, killing three of the enemy and capturing 12 others.

On other occasions he showed great leadership, directing fire and encouraging
his men.

The Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society commemorates the actions of the
Glenelg man, whose medal adorns the Adelaide Town Hall.

From Thursday October 29 and for a week, the Waverley Amateur Radio Society as
VK100ANZAC commemorates one of its early club members, ANZAC signaller
Lance Corporal Daniel Williams. He served with the 1st Signals Squadron,
ANZAC Mounted Division and the 2nd Signals Squadron, Australian Mounted
Division from 1916 to 1919 in Egypt, Palestine, Jordan and Syria.

For the December 20 closing of the WIA ANZAC 100 program, at least VK100ANZAC,
VI3ANZAC and VI6ANZAC are on air - details listed at the WIA website

ANZAC 100 Awards and Certificates

Claims for the various awards on offer under the WIA ANZAC 100 program will be
sent after the event closes.

These claims will be processed after December 20 - the date 100 years ago that
the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps left Gallipoli.

Each ANZAC callsign event is to load up a log of contacts they make
electronically using the facility provided. These are then put on the
electronic QSL system, eQSL, which is the preferred method of QSLing.
The WIA is not processing hard copy logs for the operators of ANZAC-suffixed
callsigns and all ANZAC events regularly mention that eQSLing is available.

Despite this, a few direct QSL cards have been received by the WIA office, and
via the bureau - thought is being given to a generic QSL card in response.

However, the rarity of VI0ANZAC at Casey Base has resulted in eQSL card
print-outs also being sent via the bureau.

Worldwide interest continues in the 10 ANZAC-suffixed callsigns that began
on ANZAC Day, April 25.

The VI9ANZAC callsign won't be activated until the WIA annual meeting on
Norfolk Island in May 2016.

This AGM and open forum weekend in May on Norfolk will be a memorable occasion
on May 27, 28, & 29 and an opportunity for many to visit the tourist
attractions available.

Airline flights, accommodation options, and program event details plus a
booking form are on the WIA website.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


President Phil Wait VK2ASD
V President Fred Swainston VK3DAC
Secretary David Williams VK3RU
Treasurer (Position Vacant)

WIA Board continues the office change process

As reported earlier, the WIA Board had a face-to-face meeting in August to
develop a plan for the future and introduce change processes that would
facilitate a better customer focus for members.

The Board is fully cognisant of the change process causing an unsettled period.
It resolved to move through the process as effectively and efficiently as

At this meeting all WIA current key activity areas were identified, and in a
portfolio-style, allocated to a Director.

The WIA Office operations were considered in detail with an office review
completed by an external consultant.

The role of Office Manager was considered in detail, and it was decided that
it would change to an Executive role. This was later discussed with Mal Brooks,
who was then offered, and accepted a redundancy. As an interim measure,
Fred Swainston has filled the role and will initiate the change process, until
the position can be advertised and filled.

The current role of Examination Officer is using the services of a Temporary
Agency - with Petra carrying out the task admirably.

The WIA office is currently reviewing all processes and identifying where
improvements can be made.

This has led to the introduction of a new look Bookshop and significant
improvements to the processing of finances.

Reporting to the WIA Board has vastly improved assisting it in making
strategic decisions.

There are more changes being planned. All are designed to improve the customer
service to our members. For more information on any of these issues check the
WIA website or email the WIA Office:

WIA Treasurers Resignation

John Longayroux VK3PZ has resigned as the WIA Treasurer and the Board thanks
John for his efforts for the past 6 years. Expressions of interest for an
Honorary Treasurer will be called for shortly.

WIA Exam Service changes

In line with the benefits of the ACMA's new SPECTRA system, it's important to
note that the WIA assessors no longer collect licence fees at assessments it

The new ACMA licensing system requires it to generate a licence fee invoice
for payment.

It takes about 4 or 5 weeks to receive a licence following an assessment. This
time is expected to improve significantly.

A simpler licence application form has been issued by the ACMA, and these are
being phased in by the WIA Exam Service.

September has seen an unprecedented influx of callsign applications and
certificates of proficiency issued. The WIA issued 128 new callsigns and
86 certificates of proficiency.

MEMNET password problems solved

Some members have had a problem when retrieving or changing their MEMNET
service passwords - but the cause has now been found and fixed with thanks to
the provider of the secure MEMNET service who has been extremely helpful.

Log in now to either check personal details, or register as a WIA member to
receive its many benefits.


web service:-

Jamboree On The Air 2015

2015 is the 20th year that members of The St George Amateur Radio Society
have operated for Jamboree On The Air as part of the Endeavour Boree Regatta.

This year is expected to be no different to previous years with about 1000
guides and scouts attending, this is easily the largest JOTA station in

Operating with the club call sign VK2LE from Kurnell in Sydney (Captain Cook's
landing place), the operators will be seeking contacts from other JOTA stations,
both locally, interstate and overseas, using HF, VHF, UHF, DStar and IRLP.

During this weekend the JOTA station will be on air from 10.30 AM to 10.30 PM
local Kurnell time Saturday 17th, and 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM today Sunday the
18th October.

For information on operating times, frequencies and contact details,
please refer to the St George amateur radio club web site or
email or

And also remember official Scouting frequencies are in the special interest
group news section of this the WIA National News.

(sourced to Paul VK2GX, SGARS JOTA coordinator)


The Albury Wodonga Amateur Radio club has commissioned the first stage of
their multi band / multi-mode repeater system on the VK2/VK3 Border.

The VK2RAY Repeater is now operational on 70cm on a frequency of 438.575 MHz
with - minus 5MHz offset. No CTCSS tone is required at this stage to access
the device.

The repeater site is at the Hume weir overlooking the Albury / Wodonga region
and initial tests show that coverage is excellent up and down the Hume Highway.
The next stages of the AWARC project is the commissioning of a 2M Multi mode
repeater, FM and DSTAR and commissioning of a 6M repeater. It is expected that
the 2m repeater will be operational by the end of the year and the 6M by early

Once the 2 m repeater is commissioned the VK1WI Broadcast will be transmitted
on the repeater every Sunday. At present it is broadcast on 147.525MHz from a
site in Lavington which has a coverage of approx. 60Km.

This is Frank VK2BFC for the Albury Wodonga Amateur Radio Club.

web service:-

A History of Wireless exhibition in Castlemaine, Central Victoria
October 31st to November 3rd.

Graeme Knight, VK3GRK reminds all that the Castlemaine Pioneers and
Old Residents Association, in conjunction with local amateur radio clubs and
individuals, is presenting an historical exhibition of artefacts and
memorabilia over the Melbourne Cup weekend.

There will also be a working telegraph station and a working amateur radio
station on display, both of which will be able to send messages for you around

Some of the telegraphy equipment is so unique, it even attracts international

The four day display will cover the use of communication technologies - from
the telegraph network around Australia, to the use of computers and satellites.

The exhibition will be held from Saturday October 31st, to Tuesday November 3,
from 10 am to 4 pm, at the Old Telegraph Station, Barker St, Castlemaine,
Central Victoria, right next to the Post Office building.

Entry is by gold coin.

For more information, contact Tony Falla VK3KKP, on 0413 690 025.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

IARU AC meets in Bali, Indonesia

The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Administrative Council met
October 9 and 10 in Bali, Indonesia, just ahead of the gathering of the
IARU Region 3 Conference.

It sets overall policy and management for the IARU, and has urged all IARU
Member Societies to encourage their governments to recognise the importance
of the Amateur Radio Service and its radio antennas.

The broad resolution calls the IARU to advocate for planning and development
regulations that properly recognise the importance of an amateur radio antenna,
and do not place undue restrictions on antenna erection, and to discourage
fees for the use of an amateur antenna. It suggests advocating that the
Amateur Radio Service has a non-pecuniary nature, and is popular in the
student and senior communities.

The IARU has also completed its preparations for the World Radiocommunication
Conference to be in Geneva next month.

The IARU positions and strategies for each of the WRC-15 agenda items that may
impact amateur radio were reviewed, including proposals for a secondary
amateur allocation near 5.3 MHz. Possible future agenda items for the next WRC,
anticipated in 2019, include an amateur allocation at 50 MHz in Region 1 and
global harmonisation of the 1800 - 2000 kHz allocation.

It is anticipated that a significant IARU effort will be needed for WRC-19 to
defend the amateur allocations between 137 and 960 MHz, in light of the
pressure for spectrum for small non-amateur satellites. Close coordination of
regional IARU efforts will be required. The growing demand for satellite
coordination in the amateur bands has led to the adoption of revised Terms of
Reference for the IARU Satellite Adviser, and to agree in principle, to new
guidelines for satellite coordination. A Deputy Satellite Adviser has been
appointed to assist.

The IARU Administrative Council agrees that a more proactive approach is
needed to international standards bodies to achieve IARU objectives to reduce
radio spectrum pollution from unwanted radio frequency emissions.

It is further looking at the IARU Constitution and By-Laws to introduce some
degree of flexibility in dealing with second societies - but a decision will
mean further development and consultation.

It received the International Beacon Project, and will further consider the
assessing HF propagation in real time, and relevant technological advances.

In a departure from recent IARU practice, it was decided to adopt a continuing
theme for the annual World Amateur Day on April 18 each year of
"Celebrating Amateur Radio's Contribution to Society." A special appropriate
theme may be adopted for any given year.

A plan to collect consistent licensing data from IARU Member Societies was
formulated and agreed.

Fox-1A Launched at 0549 PDT on October 8, 2015

Launch and Deployment was Successful!

PE0SAT, ON4HF, and R2ANF all heard signals on the first pass!

During the initial checkout period and when the satellite is in range, every
two minutes you will generally hear about 5 seconds of data followed by a few
seconds of a voice ID (and possibly a second data packet).

You may occasionally hear 'data' mode which Chris, G 0 KLA, has described as
sounding like an old-fashioned telephone modem. If you should happen to hear
what appear to be QSOs, please resist the temptation to join in before the
commissioning period is over.

Since Fox-1A was properly coordinated through IARU as an Amateur Radio
satellite, has been successfully launched and its signals have been received;
the AMSAT-NA President has issued to Fox-1A the designation AMSAT-OSCAR-85,
or AO-85.

Also designated an official satellite is the Indonesian bird, LAPAN-A2 which
Receives OSCAR Number IO-86, or Indonesia OSCAR-86.

The International Humanitarian Award

This annual ARRL award goes to a radio amateur or group who demonstrates
devotion to human welfare, peace and international understanding through
Amateur Radio.

The prize that includes a handsome plaque, recognises those who have used
ham radio to provide extraordinary service to others in times of crisis or

Amateur Radio allows people throughout the world from all walks of life to
meet and talk - spreading goodwill across political boundaries.

The International Humanitarian Award recognises Amateur Radio's unique role
in communication and the assistance radio amateurs regularly provide to people
in need.

Nominations should include a summary of the actions that qualify for the
award, plus verifying statements from at least two people having first-hand
knowledge of the events in the nomination.

Submissions are due by December 31 and if the award is given, will be
announced in the New Year.

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


This weekend is the 58th Jamboree on the Air. It is the largest Scouting event
in the world and in 2014 over 1.3 million Scouts participated across 157

When you hear these stations on air please exchange greetings messages with
the many young people who will be on the air.

In this week's text edition is the official list of designated frequencies
JOTA stations will be using.

One special JOTA station to work will be SU 8 JOTA from Cairo

All stations confirming QSO with SU 8 JOTA during the Jamboree On The Air
will get the "Pyramids Merit Award" Free!

Facebook Page on

Crossing the sand from Cairo a joint team with members from the Qatar Amateur
Radio Society, Danish Contest Academy and others, will be very active from an
impressive set up at the Disaster Management Camp compound in Al Khor northern
Qatar, as A 73 A in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 24-25th) as a
Multi-2 entry.

Operators are several new Qatari licensees and more experienced operators:
They will be active from the compound and at the same time use the opportunity
to display Radio Sport to visitors. The team will be setting up the station
in the week prior to the Contest and will be active with the regular club
callsign A 71 A.

QSL via A71A.

After the CQWW DX SSB test comes the WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day the
weekend of 14th and 15th November.

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

The 2015 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day is four weeks away.

The bands from six metres through almost daylight will come alive over
Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th of November, beginning 0100 UTC in all
call areas other than VK6, where the contest starts at 0400 UTC.

The rules follow the same pattern as the Winter event this year. You will find
the Rules on the WIA website, as usual. They will also appear in the November
issue of Amateur Radio magazine, out in a couple of weeks.

The VHF-UHF Field Days provide operators with the opportunity to "head for the
hills" for a bit of fun . . . and to see how far you can work.

To encourage new blood to the Field Days, the Sub-sections of Single-band only
and Four-bands only were introduced. These are great places to start for
Foundation and Standard licensees. Maybe even VK-sixes could have a bash and
submit some logs.

So, you can join the contest with only modest equipment.

The Field Days also generate plenty of activity from home stations.

If you're planning to head for the hills next month, take heed of bushfire
warnings. State authorities close access to some trails and hilltops, so you
might need a Plan B.

And the fun's not done till you've submitted your log. Logging is made easy
with the VKCL free software from Mike VK3AVV, which you can download online.

Get cracking!

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.


QTX means go away - DXers be aware

A new modern meaning in being put on the old Q-Code of QTX, and it may become
popular with the DXpeditions and DXers.

QTX now means 'DX chase: It takes two to tango,' which frees DXpedition from
being plagued by persistent callers in an aggressive manner.

As explained, when a DXpedition operator clearly gives the signal QTX to a
particular callsign, that station should stop transmitting for a specified
time, but is welcome to return later with a different approach.

It works both way - QTX may also be used to a pilot station indicating that
the DXpedition operator on a band and at a time, is out of their depth,
leading to a chaotic situation.

Originally QTX was defined as meaning: "Will you keep your station open for
further communication with me until further notice or until a certain time'
which is only slight variation from its new DX application.

The new Q-Code was revealed at the Vatican when DXers gathered for a dinner
last weekend, and put HV 0 A on air including the famed Martti Laine, OH 2 BH

An Australian DMR net operates on Sunday evenings at 1930 eastern standard
time. Although more information may be found on the web at
today we are joined by Glenn Dunstan VK4DU with more on the take up of DMR.

"Digital Mobile Radio or DMR is a commercial digital land-mobile radio protocol,
used by thousands of land-mobile radio networks worldwide.

DMR uses Time Division Multiple Access or TDMA to provide two "slots" per
radio channel. Each slot can carry independent voice conversations - this
means that each DMR repeater provides two simultaneous voice channels using
only one RF channel.

DMR is a fully digital platform, so repeaters can be directly connected
together via IP. This allows very simple linking of repeaters in the next
suburb or on the other side of the world.

In 2011, a group of DMR system designers formed the DMR MARC network. This is
a world-wide network of more than five hundred interconnected DMR amateur
repeaters, across forty-four countries including Australia and New Zealand.

More than eighteen thousand amateurs are registered on the network.

Australian DMR amateur repeaters are located at Cairns, Brisbane, the
Gold Coast, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. More repeaters are coming on line

All the repeaters are connected together and also to the worldwide DMR network.

You can regularly talk to stations all over the world, as well as VK and ZL.

DMR provides better noise rejection and weak signal performance than analogue
radio systems. DMR signals will hang on much longer than analogue ones.

DMR equipment is designed for commercial use - it is rugged, reliable and has
very good RF performance.

DMR equipment is available from a number of manufacturers with features
ranging from simple to complex. Prices start from around two hundred and fifty

An Australian DMR net operates on Sunday evenings at 1930 eastern standard

More information may be found on the web at

I'm Glenn, VK4DU, for the Australian DMR network."

4 U 70, U.N. Headquarters

The Daily DX reports October 24th, the U.N. will celebrate its 70th anniversary
of United Nations Day.

In celebration, the members of the United Nations Amateur Radio Club will be
active as 4 U 70 UN from the U.N Garden in the vicinity of the complex.

A special QSL will be available via HB 9 BOU.

OT 4 CLM is on the air to commemorate the Canadian Liberation March, a 33km
march that Canadian troops did to liberate the town of Knokke in 1944.
The event takes place from the 15th of October to the 14th of November.


Avid National Park chaser gets his Award

Another certificate in the Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award (KRMNPA)
has been issued, this time to David Poole VK5PL, who has been steadily logging
qualifying contacts.

Well done on achieving 25 National Parks Worked, for Level Two, in the Award

His first contact was with Little Desert in September 2013, and the 25th early
this month into the Snowy River National Park.

David VK5PL is a regular Parks Chaser who will look for many more VK3 National
Parks across the next activity period, only four weeks away, Friday 13 to
Monday 16, November.

All National Parks involved along with their days, time and frequencies are
on the Award page of the Amateur Radio Victoria website.

So far 26 National Parks have registered for the 5th annual period, and more
are expected.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

VK Club Bulletins
VK2 CCARC news

Five by Five

The 5MHz Newsletter celebrates 5 years and features a WRC-15 reflection.

The World Radiocommunications Conference held next month may allocate access
the 60m band on a secondary basis to the Amateur Service - although at this
stage the IARU believes it's problematic with opposition to the agenda item

More than 20 countries have already granted conditional and limited access to
5MHz. Through them, it has some support at the WRC-15 in Geneva, while others
seek changes to the wording giving them an opt-out provision, or are yet to be
convinced on the plan.

The 5th anniversary edition of The 5MHz Newsletter notes that Hungary is
among the latest to have some access with 30 experimental permits. Of
particular note is HG7BHB, that CW beacon on 5357 kHz we have mentioned

The publication also has the European Common Proposal for WRC-15
Agenda Item 1.4 that seeks an allocation of 100 kHz between 5350 and 5450 kHz.

Other articles on the 5MHz theme are the latest Web Software Defined Receivers,
a Pyramid Near Vertical Incidence Skywave NVIS Antenna, and a new Data mode FSQ.

Newsletter No. 14 by Paul Gaskell G4MWO is available as a free download,
the URL is in the text edition of this broadcast.

(Jim Linton VK3PC - text edtion only)


Digital Fox Telemetry Decoder Software Version 1.0 Available for Download

Version 1.0 of the FoxTelem software, the Fox Telemetry Decoder is being
released to enable setup, testing, and debugging of your Fox-1A ground station.

FoxTelem is used to demodulate, store and analyse telemetry data from
AMSAT's Fox series of Cube Sats.

Fox-1 satellites include two telemetry formats.

FoxTelem is supplied as an archive file for several platforms.

the links we like for downloading can be found at:


ISS CubeSats deployed

Two Danish CubeSats carrying amateur radio payloads were successfully deployed
from the International Space Station (ISS) on Monday, October 5.

The two CubeSats, AAUSat-5 and GomX-3, were deployed from the ISS Japanese
Kibo module airlock using the Kibo robotic arm.

After deployment the CubeSats stated transmitting signals to Earth that can be
picked up by anyone with common amateur radio equipment.

The frequencies to listen on are:

AAUSat-5 - 437.425 MHz with 30 WPM CW beacon every 3 minutes
and 9600 bps GMSK packet every 30 seconds

GomX-3 - 437.250 MHz with 1200-9600 bps GMSK data using CSP protocol


Radio Officers Association New Publication

The Radio Officers' Association has published "The Long Silence Falls"
Volume II, a book of stories of the Life and Times of the merchant navy Radio

The book is full of stories from ex Radio Officers covering topics such as,
War Stories; First Trips, Last Trips and Voyages in between; Life on the Ocean
Wave; Life Ashore; stories of Irish Radio Officers; plus much more, including
many photos of onboard Radio equipment.

The association has a quarterly Journal 'QSO'

For more information about the "The Long Silence Falls" or the
Radio Officers Association go to



Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.

Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160

World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160

World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160

Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227

Calling Frequencies for PSK31

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

RAYNET - RAEN and RSGB Reunification

For many years, two UK organisations, the RSGB and the RAEN (Radio Amateurs
Emergency Network) have been involved with organising emergency communications
under the generic title of RAYNET.

Subject to final approval, an agreement has been reached for the RSGB RAYNET
and the RAEN to come together as a single unified RAYNET.

RSGB Emergency Communications Committee Chairman Peter Thomson GM 1 XEA
explained the benefits of combining the two groups into a single organisation
and that interview is available at the URL in this week's txt edition of
WIA National News (

It is hoped that unification into a single RAYNET organisation may be possible
before the end of 2015.

The full interview is available at

(sourced to SouthGate)

A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.
Youngsters On The Air, YOTA

December is YOTA month

The IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group Chair Lisa Leenders, PA2LS reports on
Youngsters On The Air month which takes place in December

The entire month of December, several youngsters will become active with YOTA
as suffix in the callsign. The idea for this is to show the amateur radio
hobby to youth and to encourage youngsters to be active on the ham radio waves.

Feel free to make a QSO with the youngsters, they are happy to get some
attention and exchange information particularly with (to them) we DX stations.

Licensed and unlicensed youth will be making QSO's, be aware this could be
their first radio contact ever so give them a chance to experience a possible
new hobby.


Oct 25 VK3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention Greyhound Track (wia)

NOV 01 VK5 Adelaide Hills Annual HAMFEST, Rosa St, Goodwood. (WIA)
Nov 14 VK4 Gold Coast HamFest Broadbeach (vk4py)
Nov 14 VK3 QRP By the Bay details from VK3YE held 2nd Saturday (vk3ye)
NOV 29 VK3 ROSEBUD RADIOFEST 9am in Allambi Avenue Rosebud (vk3pdg)


Jan 22-26 VK4 TARC Australia Day Long Week Family Radio Camp
Girl Guides Campsite, Bluewater (vk4zz)

Feb 13 VK3 MERC HamFest 10am at Werribee Masonic Centre (wia)
Feb 28 VK2 Central Coast Field Day (vk2ztm)
Feb 28 VK3 EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont. (wia)

Ap-May 29- 2 VK4 Clairview Gathering check Mackay ARS website. (theTARCinc)

June 3- 5 VK4 Central Highlands Social Gathering Theresa Creek dam (wia)
June 11-13 VK5 VK Foxhunting Championship & SERG convention Mt Gambier(VK5HCF)

July 19 VK3 GippsTech 2016 Churchill (

Sep 23-25 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM weekend at
Lake Maraboon Holiday Village, near Emerald. (theTARCinc)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

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Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.

National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)