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WIA reports on the World Radiocommunications Conference. _

WIA Historical Archive - a treasure trove. -

WIA asks you "Looking for ANZAC-suffixed commemorations?" -

WIA corrects date of closure of the ANZAC Centenary.. 'twas the ARMY after all.



CSIRO is working on an energy harvesting backpack

Scientists from Australia's CSIRO's Advanced Energy Storage Team are working
on a backpack which harvests energy from walking.

Scott McGary's electroFIED (flexible integrated energy device) backpack
contains an energy harvesting component that generates electricity as its
wearer moves, a flexible battery to store the harvested energy, and a fabric
woven from conductive fibres that connect the harvester and battery without
discreet cables.

The energy harvester takes the form of a roller captive in the backpack strap.
As the backpack bounces up and down with movement, the roller turns, producing
electricity from the small DC generator within.

This electricity flows through the USB port built into the roller, to the
conductive fibres which are seamlessly integrated into the bag.

At this point, the electricity can be fed to the flexible battery within the
backpack, or directly to an electronic device.

Currently, the backpack can produce peak power of around 3W, allowing it to
power two small LED lights. Improvements and upgrades will eventually allow
the backpack to power smart phones, laptops, GPS systems, and other devices.

(Sourced from the Electronics News Web E-zine via VK7WI)

Households might quit the electricity grid

The price of battery storage for Australian households is expected to drop
within three years.

At ministerial level it has now been accepted as 'inevitable' that
'significant' numbers of people could and would quit the grid.

Whether the high cost of electricity, or a mere declaration of independence,
battery power and solar energy are being embraced. Unless power companies
fight back effectively, the CSIRO Future Grid Study has found that one-third
of consumers may leave the grid.


web service:-

From central Victoria to the Icecaps.

Bendigo Amateur Radio and Electronics Club invites the public to 'From central
Victoria to the Icecaps', a presentation by Linda Beilharz, VK3FLIN.

Among her many adventures, Linda was the first Australian woman to successfully
trek the North and South poles, skiing 1,100 km from the edge of the Antarctic
to the South Pole. She was awarded the Order of Australia Medal in 2013.

'From central Victoria to the Icecaps' will be a story about icecap wilderness
and adventure, a metaphor for the many challenges we can all relate to in
everyday life, such as the importance of a positive approach, finding your way,
measuring progress, and celebration.

Focusing on the North Pole story, Linda will also make reference to the
Greenland, South Patagonia and South Pole icecaps.

The adventure commences at 7.30 pm, Friday November 20th, at the First Bendigo
Scout Hall, 9 Vine St.

A gold coin donation would be appreciated. Tea, coffee and biscuits available.

For more information, contact Kevin Crockett on 5439 7434.



Hello, this is Tim VK3TJC of the Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club
reminding listeners that the Rosebud RadioFest will be held again this year
on Sunday, 29th November. As usual, the event will be held at the Eastbourne
Primary School at Allambi Avenue, Rosebud, with outdoor displays open from
8 am and the main sale area open from a new earlier time of 9.30 am and
continuing through till 2 pm.

If you have pre-loved equipment to sell, tables are still available at $10 and
can be booked on-line at

But be quick as tables are going fast.

Technical forums will be held as part of the RadioFest and topics include:
SOTA, QRP equipment design and propagation and an ACMA update.

The event has full catering, plenty of off street parking and great door prizes
The entry fee is only $6 with under 12's free.

This event presents an ideal opportunity to make a family day of it, so bring
your family and enjoy the RadioFest and the beaches, parks, wineries, shops and
restaurants of the Mornington Peninsula.

See you in Rosebud on the 29th of November.

73 from the Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club.

The World Radiocommunications Conference continues

A little progress has been made at the spectrum regulation marathon on seeking
a new amateur service secondary allocation at around 5300 kHz - but the issue
has a way to go.

Some 3,800 delegates are at the WRC-15 in Geneva for four-weeks (November 2-27)
to revise the ITU Radio Regulations, finding new and better ways to govern the

A trailer by specialist German club 'Notfunk Deutschland' has shown delegates
how Amateur Radio can assist with emergency communications in a disaster.

The IARU team is working hard on the 5 MHz matter, and keeping a close watch
on all items that could impact on the amateur and amateur satellite services,
while also being able to contribute to the discussions. These include a
proposed new allocation for vehicle radar systems between 77.5 and 78 GHz - an
existing primary amateur service allocation.

The main interest is in agenda item 1.4 with its possibility of allocating an
appropriate amount of spectrum to the amateur service as a secondary
allocation, within the band 5250-5450 kHz. That spectrum is now allocated on a
primary basis to the fixed and mobile services. Under intense pressure from
major opponents the proposed new amateur service allocation has been cut down
to 15 kHz.

For this shorter allocation concession a few, who had been in the 'No Change'
no-allocation group, have changed their view to agree with it.

However three major administrations are resisting any allocation at 5 MHz.
Several others administrations have already indicated that their current
radio amateur arrangements at 5 MHz will continue. The discussion seems to be
over a limit of 100 Watts, while others want it expressed in terms of
equivalent isotropically radiated power or EIRP.

There will be a lot more talk on the 5 MHz issue, and it may go down to the
wire at the final acts of the conference.

Looking ahead to the next conference WRC-19, there are proposed agenda items
related to amateur service allocations being harmonised at 1.8-2 MHz, and
50-54 MHz having been submitted for consideration, attracting interest that it
go to the amateur service.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Recording our history in this ANZAC Centenary Year

The WIA Historical Archive - a treasure trove

As the WIA ANZAC Centenary Commemoration draws to a close, it has unearthed a
host of historical material.

In June 2014 WIA President Phil Wait VK2ASD invited people to help raise
awareness and consider contributing stories to Amateur Radio magazine. A number
took up the challenge to author stories that were co-ordinated by WIA Historian
Peter Wolfenden VK3RV.

He drew on both the existing and now growing historical archive - and this
lead to renewed research on many subjects to get more detailed facts.

Peter VK3RV already knew that many radio amateurs, both men and women, were
involved. It has not been possible to write about all of them, and some cases
simply need sufficient factual information. However without doubt the series
acknowledges their efforts during these trying times - which many of us cannot
easily relate to in this day and age.

The intervening years between the world wars produced many dramatic changes to
wireless communication, frequently the result of advances made leading up to

This was before Universities and Technical Colleges had ready access to formal
training. Many individuals gained knowledge through 'on the job' training, or
via private reading and amateur experimentation at home. At times, progress was
being made so quickly, and over such a wide range of endeavour, that a whole
new branch of engineering - Electronics - came into being and surged ahead.

Broadcasting, shortwave communication, VHF development, radio ranging,
aeronautical communications and instrumentation, and miniaturisation, were
among many of the innovations

On next week's VK1WIA broadcast WIA Historian Peter Wolfenden VK3RV will tell
more about his quest on our rich history.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Looking for ANZAC-suffixed commemorations?

The Frankston and Mornington Peninsula Amateur Radio Club in Melbourne is
40 years old and now on-air as part the ANZAC 100 program.

It will be heard as VI 3 ANZAC this week mainly from its clubrooms in
Patterson Lakes, Melbourne's south, and is putting out a strong signal.

Happy Birthday FAMPARC!

ANZAC 100 will also commemorate the 70th anniversary of the death of
South Australian 'Diver' Derrick VC.

For 48 hours from November 21 the Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society, as
VI 5 ANZAC, remembers his WWII action and the Victoria Cross for gallantry
in the face of the enemy.

For more details on these and other commemorations, including the
"last hurrah" campaign in December, check out the WIA website.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Closure of the ANZAC Centenary

The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) is inviting all to join the
'last hurrah' of its successful ANZAC 100 program, to be held over
two weekends from December 12 to 20.

The end of the event is timed with the departure of Australians and
New Zealanders from the ANZAC area of Gallipoli.

An extension of the WIA program on last week's broadcast was incorrect.

The last ANZAC to leave at 4.10am on December 20 was Colonel J Paton, in
charge of the 'rear-guard'. The Turks, then the enemy, were unaware that
a major evacuation had taken place.

The battle began on April 25, 1915, and that date is commemorated as ANZAC Day
- when all war veterans are honoured by street marches and many remembrance

The WIA ANZAC 100 program had about 50 events with ANZAC-suffixed callsigns on
air throughout Australia.

The 'last hurrah' already has VK100ANZAC, VI3ANZAC, VI4ANZAC and VI6ANZAC
involved. With two weekends in the closure, more applications are expected
to be received. The ANZAC-suffixed callsign events eQSL all contacts by
uploading their electronic logs that are then handled by the WIA.

For more information about the ANZAC 100 program visit the WIA website at:

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


What use is an F-call?

Yesterday I learned an interesting lesson. It wasn't a simple lesson to learn,
but I'm guessing it's going to take me some years to come to grips with what I

Said plainly, "Small Changes can have a Big Effect."

That's pretty straight forward as a lesson, but when you actually experience
it head on, it tends to make more impact.

As you've heard in the past, I operate my radio mostly from my car. I recently
purchased some antennas that I want to mount on my car and want to use without
an antenna tuner. Don't get me wrong, my antenna coupling unit has done some
amazing things. It continues to work well with my 12m squid pole and I'll
continue to take it with me when I go camping.

With a friend and fellow amateur we spent most of yesterday fiddling with my
antennas on my car. I have to say, doing this with someone else makes life a
lot better. You can bounce ideas off each other, prod the other into action
with a calculator, argue about the merits of your idea and figure out what's
going on. In my experience, nothing beats having someone with you to figure
stuff out.

Originally I mounted my antenna on the centre of my boot lid, between the front
of the boot and the back window. I set the mount to be parallel with the boot,
about a 4 degree angle. So, one of the silly ideas we had, and really the
credit goes to my friend Allen VK6XL, was to make my mount more vertical. I
looked at him, he looked at me, I shook my head and called him silly names.

We were getting all manner of responses from the antenna analyser and nothing
made sense. I undid the bolt and adjusted the angle by less than 4 degrees.
When you look at it from the side, the antenna started with a slight lean, now
it was standing straight up.

All of a sudden the recalcitrant antenna started playing ball. It was finally
resonant within the band and finally had an SWR that wasn't embarrassing.

I am still working through what I saw, capacitance between the antenna and the
car, between the antenna and the ground, between the various parts of the car,
but somehow this minute change made all the difference.

Suffice to say, I owe Allen a beer.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

Silent Keys are best sent to AR Magazine and your local state or club news
rather than this WIA National News Service.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

Stuart Watchman ZL2TW the NZART President has advised members through their
INFOLINE that MBIE RSM is carrying out a review of radio licence fees:

This has the potential to significantly increase Amateur repeater, beacon and
link fees.

An NZART submission to the RSM on the topic is being prepared

ISS astronauts link-up with ITU WRC-15 in Geneva

The ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15) is taking place in
Geneva and there has been an amateur radio link-up between WRC-15 and two
astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS).

The contact took place using the permanent amateur radio station at the ITU.
The station's normal call sign is 4U1ITU but during the conference the special
call sign 4U1WRC is being used.

Students from Institut Florimont were able to use the ITU station to talk to
astronauts Kjell Lindgren KO5MOS and Kimiya Yui KG5BPH who were using the
amateur radio station in the ISS Columbus module, call sign OR4ISS.

Portable broadcast FM transmitter

The Raspberry Pi powered Pocket FM was born out of work by MiCT, with support
from the German Federal Foreign Office, for the Syrian Radio Network.

Pocket FM is a portable Band II FM broadcast transmitter the size of a shoebox
that starts working as soon as it's connected to a small antenna, a power
source, and an audio signal. A single device can air radio programs over a
radius of about six kilometres. At its core is Raspberry Pi, an affordable
computer board that can easily be further developed and modified with
different features for different scenarios.

"The challenge in Syria is that it can be scary, in some areas, to set up big
FM transmitters, because they are easy to detect, easy to destroy, and
expensive to run," said Klaas Glenewinkel, MiCT's co-founder and director.

Read the full article Portable FM transmitter brings information to people in

Southgate News are asking, "Whatever happened to WWBS?"

It's interesting to look back and reflect on the disappearing shortwave
broadcasters from our past. Down in Macon, Georgia, USA there was a private
shortwave radio station with the callsign WWBS.

Today, the huge yagi antenna that once beamed 50kW of religious programming on
the weekends still remains!

The story of this home brewed radio broadcaster that operated for over four
years and suddenly disappeared from the 25 meter band in 2003 can be found at:




Sometimes, ham radio is more than just a hobby - in fact, it can be a
career. Consider these openings now available for qualified radio
amateurs looking to make the most of their talents, skills, interests
and professional development.

In Australia, the Wireless Institute of Australia is looking for an
executive administrator in its Bayswater, Melbourne location. Applicants
should be experienced in working for a non-profit, community-service
membership organization and should have a good understanding of the WIA
and amateur radio. The deadline to apply for the job is Nov. 30. For
more details on specific job requirements, visit or the WIA

In the United States, the ARRL is looking for a contest branch manager
to work out of league headquarters in Newington, Connecticut. The ideal
candidate should have a minimum of five year's experience in ham radio
contesting, and will be responsible for a team of about 20 log
adjudicators, results authors and data entry assistants, in and out of
the headquarters building. For more details about the job and
qualifications, visit the ARRL website and navigate to the Employment
Opportunities page.

And finally, if you're aiming high, really high, the ARRL is looking for
a new Chief Executive Officer to succeed David Sumner, K1ZZ. Sumner is
stepping down as CEO next May, and applications for his successor are
due no later than Nov. 16. The active radio amateur who is chosen for
this position will, among other things, oversee the day-to-day
management of the league and its fiscal operation. Applications, cover
letters and resumes should be sent to Monique Levesque at ARRL
headquarters. She can be emailed at




Launch failure with amateur band equipment

On 4 November, the inaugural launch of an experimental US military
vehicle carrying several satellites with amateur radio payloads failed
in mid-flight shortly after taking off at 0345UTC from Hawaii. Destroyed
in the demonstration flight were 13 small research spacecraft clustered
on the mission for NASA researchers and university students. None of the
satellites carried amateur radio transponders, but several were equipped
to transmit beacon signals and telemetry on 2m, 70cm and 13cm amateur

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day this weekend 14th and 15th November.


"All aboard" the Sydney Ferries. VHF/UHF 'contest' Sunday March 13, 10am to 4pm.

Harry Angel 80 mtr sprint (WIA) provisional date Saturday 7th May.





All board Sydney Harbour Ferries

The Waverley Amateur Radio Society is planning to run a six hour VHF/UHF
contest in March involving Sydney's historic ferry service.

It will be on a Sunday with working ferries and 36 wharves activated.

Operation is restricted to VHF and UHF bands, however these may use any mode,
be simplex or through repeaters using hand-held transceivers. Home and mobile
operators may also contact those riding the ferries or activating wharves.

The contest will on Sunday March 13, from 10am to 4pm.

Full details including the rules are on the Waverley Amateur Radio Society


Summerland in Northern VK2 have been hard at work and a new site for their
Byron Repeater, VK2RBB, has been approved and is being worked on, whilst, to
their west a western repeater is being investigated in the Boorook area, to
link with VK2RSC.

(Summerland NewsLetter)

Marking the National Rifle Association's 144th birthday, members of the
Yavapai Amateur Radio Club of Prescott, Arizona, will operate a special
event station November 17th.

The operators will be using the callsign K7NRA


Eric, returns to Madagascar until 12 December. He will reactivate his 5 R 8 IC
callsign from Sainte-Marie Island, IOTA reference AF-090.
QSLs go via Eric's home call of F 6 ICX.

Which VK will be the DXer for 2015?

With only six weeks to go there's a struggle for supremacy among the DXers,
while the Foundation Licence-only section has received just one entry so far.

The Foundation Licence section had three entrants last year.
More may be received for both sections with a flurry of up-to-date entries.

The WIA website has the DX Leaderboard of those contacts verified by a QSL card
eQSL or Logbook of The World. The list contains contact rankings for the
Top 30 based on their performance.

The prestigious DXer of the year will be announced at the WIA annual general
meeting in May on Norfolk Island.



Victoria's Local Government Award issued

The award certificate has gone to Amanda Bauer VK 3 FQSO after contacts with
69 of the 79 municipalities in the state of Victoria.

The Local Government Award rules are simple, but persistent hunting is needed.

Although QSOs during some events, contests and portable activity are
acceptable, remember that areas in National Parks are not within
municipalities, and cannot qualify as contacts for this award.

Victorian National Parks are on air

Lots of activity has already been heard as portable stations join the 5th
annual Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award activation.

In started last Friday and continues until Monday.

At least 30 of Victoria's National Parks are listed and they are looking for

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

VK Club Bulletins
VK2 CCARC news

The do-it-your tinker told about Amateur Radio

The well-read Hackaday magazine contains two articles about the advantages and
experimental scope available to radio amateurs.

The first dismisses the view that old men with their Morse code and analogue
voice communications are the face of the hobby. The article reveals it has
been transformed into a modern Amateur Radio with digital techniques including
voice, text and picture.

Al Williams WD5GNR says Amateur Radio has gone digital and could easily be
applied to different wireless projects. Maybe the hacker community could take
a cue from the radio amateur, he says, by joining them, or at least use the
huge potential of digital techniques on the Wi-Fi and other licence-free
channels. The ultimate aim of Al WD5GNR is for experimenters to become radio
amateurs and explore the enormous potential the activity has to offer.

The other article by Bill Meara N2CQR of SolderSmoke says why readers should
take a fresh look at ham radio.

He says a tremendous opportunity for technical exploration and adventure lay
ahead. Bill says this includes building a station and software, bouncing
digital signals off the moon, developing a new modulation scheme to send
packets around the world via the ionosphere, a fleet of satellites, or
bouncing them off meteor trails.

In a wise warning, he tells hackers not to be deterred if the first radio
amateurs they meet don't seem to be deeply into technology. Seek out the
hard-core technical sub-culture, where hackers will find kindred spirits.

Food for thought for those inside and outside modern Amateur Radio.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


New symbol graphics for APRS

The well-known site is introducing new symbol graphics and better
support for mobile devices. The new symbols are drawn in vector format
(as opposed to a raster format at a fixed resolution), allowing them to be
rendered at larger and smaller sizes without distortion or blurriness.

The new symbols are slightly larger than the old ones, making them easier
to recognise on modern displays having smaller pixels than the old ones.
They're also available in double resolution so that they're properly sharp
on the 4K/retina displays found on many modern tablets, phones and computers!

Read the blog

Beta site


WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video

Multiple stations on one antenna

A great Ham Radio Video by Randy K7AGE shows how W1AW/6 at Pacificon 2015
ran multiple stations using a single antenna. See how Rick engineered the
radio system, google it on YouTube.

FISTS Club - East Asia
FISTS Club - Australasia
FISTS Club - UK & Europe
FISTS Club - Americas

CW Enthusiasts may be interested in looking at

They now have a new web site to help generate more interest in the art of CW.

Get on air and join in the CW BASH, an informal QSO session using a common
calling frequency. CW BASH on 40 meters Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from
8 to 9pm Eastern Standard Time.

Call CQ on 7050kHz and QSY to a clear frequency for QSO or give a quick signal
report and stay on the call frequency.

CW BASH is on 80 meters Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8 to 9 pm Eastern
Standard Time.

Call CQ on 3550kHz and QSY to a clear frequency for QSO or just give a quick
signal report and stay on the call frequency.

For more information see the website


The hunt for SSETI Express

Last month, October, five intrepid radio amateurs headed into the Arctic in
an attempt to detect 400-800 THz radiation from the satellite SSETI Express

The XO-53 satellite was launched October 27, 2005 and the team braved harsh
freezing Arctic weather in their determination to detect the satellite on the
10th anniversary of its launch.

AMSAT-UK have now been given exclusive access to the full SSETI Express
Phase E 400-800 THz Downlink Report. This report provides a clear insight
into the work carried out during their recent campaign and to methods and
equipment used. The link that will take you directly to the report is of
course in our text edition, best read at

It is worthy of note that ten years ago there was only one radio amateur
in the launch team and that, since then, four of the other five team members
have now obtained their licences.


50 UP CLUB - QB50 project

AMSAT-BB informs us "For the purpose of the demonstration and development of
CubeSats of the technology of the universities around the world, it is
scheduled to launch all 50 satellites by Ukraine Tsiklon-4 rocket February 1,




Lighthouse event celebrates milestones and special callsigns

The International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend in August already has
90 stations from 20 countries, led by Australia and Germany on 20 each, and
the USA with 15.

Helmich PA0HEL and Peter PA0RLM wanted to celebrate their 10th year as radio
amateurs, and have chosen to do so at the lighthouse Petit-Fort-Phillipe
TM0LHG in France.

In Portugal will be CS5ARAM at the Montedor lighthouse, celebrating the
Association of Radio Amateurs from the Alto Minho, founded in 1992.

The Romanshorn lighthouse in Switzerland is to use the unique callsign of

Whether you want to see past event activity reports, access its FaceBook page,
read the guidelines or register a marine beacon for August 20-21, visit the
website at

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.

Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160

World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160

World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160

Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227

Calling Frequencies for PSK31

WICEN Tasmania (Sth) are providing communications for the Scout's Clark Trophy
over the weekend of 21-22 November 2015.

The Clark Trophy is a competition on Scouting skills, between patrols of
Scouts from across Tasmania.

Patrols will navigate between 12 activity nodes at each of which they will
undergo scored activities.

Patrols will camp overnight, each at a site of their choosing. The camps will
also be scored.

WICEN Tas (Sth) will be operating "HQ" to:

receive, via radio, scores from leaders at the activity nodes and relay
to Base;

Receive GPS campsite locations from each Patrol Leader and relay to base

Monitor for any urgent calls and initiate a suitable response.

The event is held on a property near Oatlands.

(Roger, VK7ARN, WICEN Tas (Sth) Secretary)

The 24th Australian Jamboree has Amateur Radio

The biggest Australia Jamboree, or AJ2016, will see over 12,000 Scouts from
around Australia and overseas converge on Cataract Park, about 70 kilometres
from Sydney in January.

The Fishers Ghost Amateur Radio Club will be there January 2 to 14, busy using
the special callsign VI 2 AJ 2016 during the day and into the early evening.

Club President, Frank Walker VK2FRW says the station will be on all bands,
track satellites, transmit slow scan TV pictures and have fox hunting

Club members expect that VI2AJ2016 will be very popular.

A special QSL card is being designed.



Radio Boys and Girls to the Rescue 1890-1945

A New book - The Radio Boys and Girls: Radio, Telegraph, Telephone and
Wireless Adventures for Juvenile Readers, 1890-1945 has been published by
Mike Adams.

Series fiction about wireless and radio was a popular genre of young adult
literature at the turn of the 20th century and an early form of social media.
Before television and the Internet, books about plucky youths braving danger
and adventure with the help of wireless communication brought young people

They gathered in basements to build crystal sets.

They built transmitters and talked to each other across neighbourhoods, cities
and states.

By 1920, there was music on the air and boys and girls tuned in on homemade
radios, often inspired by their favourite stories.

This book analyses more than 50 volumes of wireless and radio themed fiction,
offering a unique perspective on the world presented to young readers of the
day. The values, attitudes, culture and technology of a century ago are
discussed, many of them still debated today, including immigration, gun
violence and guns on campus, race, bullying and economic inequality.

The book is available on Amazon at



NOV 29 VK3 ROSEBUD RADIOFEST 9am in Allambi Avenue Rosebud (vk3pdg)


Jan 22-26 VK4 TARC Australia Day Long Week Family Radio Camp
Girl Guides Campsite, Bluewater (vk4zz)

Feb 13 VK3 MERC HamFest 10am at Werribee Masonic Centre (wia)
Feb 28 VK2 Central Coast Field Day (vk2ztm)
Feb 28 VK3 EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont. (wia)

Ap-May 29- 2 VK4 Clairview Gathering check Mackay ARS website. (theTARCinc)

June 3- 5 VK4 Central Highlands Social Gathering Theresa Creek dam (wia)
June 11-13 VK5 VK Foxhunting Championship & SERG convention Mt Gambier(VK5HCF)

July 19 VK3 GippsTech 2016 Churchill (

Sep 23-25 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM weekend at
Lake Maraboon Holiday Village, near Emerald. (theTARCinc)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-
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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)