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WIA ANZAC 100 'last hurrah' campaign. -

WIA Special-Purpose Grants Round 2 deadline. -

WIA set to close for the holiday season. -

WIA volunteers, Thank You! -

WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day Logs. -

WIA Memnet.



WRC-15 is over - a new band at 5 MHz

The ITU World Radiocommunications Conference held in Geneva November 2-27, is
over, and it has made a number of important decisions.

Most attention by radio amateurs has focussed on the new 5 MHz allocation, while
there are several other topics that kept the IARU team members very busy.

We told you on last week's broadcast that Agenda Item 1.4 resulted in a
secondary allocation of 5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz for the amateur service - the first
new HF band for radio amateurs since 1979.

The International Amateur Radio Union team went into WRC-15 with some putting
the hope of getting anything at 5 MHz being only a 20% chance.

However, the IARU team negotiated its way through a strong opposition by
talking, listening, and negotiating, to reach the best result that was possible.

Full details on the 5 MHz band were in the text edition of the VK1WIA broadcast
last week.

A lot more work is ahead for the WIA as it talks to the ACMA next year about
the allocation.

The IARU has also been concentrating on the next WRC in 2019, including a plan
to harmonise globally the 50-54 MHz band. Another issue is spectrum allocations
for short duration satellites, avoiding the potential for these non-amateur
nano-satellites and pico-satellites, using the amateur service bands.

Once everyone has recovered from the spectrum talk marathon, more will be learnt
about it.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

The second activation of VI0ANZAC at Casey Station

After duties involved with the landing of the giant RAAF C17 Globemaster
supply aircraft, VI0ANZAC was activated on Sunday November 22, from 0205 to
0447 UTC.

Doug VK0DMV saw the largest aircraft to land in Antarctic touch down and begin
to unloaded, before heading off the put VI0ANZAC on air for the second time
his earlier WIA ANZAC 100 program session was in August.

During the time VI0ANZAC worked 68 stations mostly in VK. Propagation was
interesting. On 20m at the start of the activation Doug was receiving good
reports into VK5, in particular from the radio amateurs around Mt Gambier.
About 30 minutes later the VK7's and VK3's kicked in. All the time the signals
were getting stronger. He then proceeded to have VK2's and some VK4's. Only
one VK6 was worked, and several in the Pacific Islands.

Doug changed to 15m for the last 30 minutes of the activation and made a
further 15 contacts.

Based in the contacts made it appears that the antenna used was somewhat
directional. He experienced high noise levels again in this activation.
This transceiver has an output of 50 watts and considering the distances
the, result is great.

eQSL and QSL cards via the Bureau will be sent for all contacts made.

Doug VK0DMV has agreed to be one of the guest speakers at the WIA 2016 AGM
on Norfolk Island, with pictures and first-hand accounts of his Antarctic

The end is near for our Gallipoli commemoration

The WIA ANZAC 100 'last hurrah' campaign continues to honour all who fought
for the country at war and in other conflicts, with a timing focussed on the
battle for Gallipoli.

The Royal Australian Navy submarine AE2, while under attack, secured the
heavily fortified Dardanelles, paving the way for the allied attack against
the Ottoman Empire on April 25, 1915. The gallant actions of AE2 in the Sea
of Marmara have already been commemorated through the callsign VI4AE2.

The same team is now to commemorate the Royal Australian Navy Bridging Train
using the VI4ANZAC callsign.

The 1st Royal Australian Naval Bridging Train (1st RANBT) was formed in
Melbourne, 1915 and was intended to be a horse drawn engineering unit attached
to the Royal Naval Division. The term 'train', in its title, was a direct
reference to the horse-drawn wagons that would, in theory, form and move
'in train' to carry the unit's heavy lumber, building materials and
engineering equipment to the front.

Three hundred naval reservists were selected for the 1st RANBT and they began
their training in horsemanship, engineering and pontoon bridging at the Domain
in Melbourne.

In the ANZAC 100 program the WIA has concentrated on the battle at Gallipoli,
from April 25, until December 20 - the ANZAC tradition.

Nine Victoria Crosses were earned at Gallipoli.

It cost more than 11,400 lives.

Every Australian town was impacted by that war.

The callsigns so far in the closing commemoration are VI3ANZAC, VI4ANZAC,

An address on the ANZAC 100 campaign that included 50 events, will be heard
from VK100ANZAC on December 20.

(Jim Linton VK3PC and Graham VK4BB with thanks to / history)

A year's worth of historical articles

The series of articles reflecting at the ANZAC Centenary looking back on the
role of radio amateurs, is to be summarised by the WIA Historian Peter
Wolfenden VK3RV.

In Amateur Radio magazine he will look back on a wealth of researched articles
that record some of the activities of those who preceded us.

Histories, biographies and information about radio amateurs who were involved
in the various theatres of war. He thanks all of the authors, especially Lloyd
VK5BR, the ALARA Historian Jenny VK5ANW/VK3WQ, Mike VK4QS, Jim VK3PC,
Dean VK3TX, David VK2AYD and George VK3DS.

The articles look at WWI, the war to end all wars, the in-between-years
leading up to WWII, after that conflict and remembering mates.

With the introduction of speech transmissions and broadcasting, the term
'wireless' started to slip from public use and 'radio' became almost

It was the very active radio amateurs applying their newly gained skills to
help bed ridden WWI invalids, by installing special multi-point broadcast
receivers to Veterans' Hostels, as well as continuing with their own interests.

Many former snippets of information have helped fill in the gaps, expanded
known facts, and many new stories are now recorded.

This broadcast cannot do justice to the nearly 4,000 words of the soon to be
published wrap-up that includes illustrations.

Don't be surprised if those stories and more appear in a single compendium
publication in 2016.

WIA Historian Peter Wolfenden VK3RV has done an excellent job of discovery and
encapsulating what we now currently know about our rich history.

Norfolk Island WIA AGM

The package offer to attend the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) Annual
General Meeting in May on Norfolk Island will close Friday, December 4.

Although the WIA package deal closes then, anyone wishing to attend the AGM
can still do so, but need to make their own travel arrangements.

The WIA Board has doubled checked the requirements and on professional advice
received it can be held on Norfolk Island. This is a really great opportunity
to be part of, what we believe to be, the biggest DXpedition ever, with 90
people already booked.

The WIA is in the process of finalising all the details, but the main activities
are now on the WIA website. One of the guest speakers will be Doug McVeigh
VK0DMV, who will travel with his family from Queensland with an exciting
informative presentation on VI0ANZAC and other activities, while working at
Casey Station Antarctica.

The WIA AGM at Norfolk Island is on May 27, 28, & 29 - please keep a watch on
the WIA website for further developments

WIA Special-Purpose Grants - Round 2 deadline

The WIA called for proposals earlier this year to the second round of WIA
Special-Purpose Grants and has allocated up to $6,000 - with no limits on
the number of projects.

This year's strategic direction is:
The advancement of Amateur Radio in Australia through innovation,
experimentation and education.

The project should be new, realistic, achievable within 12 months from the
date of the grant or partly achievable through a staged process, and should
broadly benefit Amateur Radio in Australia.

Each proposal be evaluated by a panel and considered by the WIA Board.

Applicants need to read the WIA Special-Purpose Grant Rules, and the Flowchart
which explains the selection process.

The closing date for submissions is December 18, the reason for that date
December 18 will become clearer in just a moment.

The address is:
Special-Projects Grants Committee,
Wireless Institute of Australia,
PO Box 2042 Bayswater 3153 Victoria

or via email to

WIA set to close for the holiday season

The streamlining of office procedures and the ACMA new SPECTRA data system
have resulted in an average reduction of two weeks to fully process exam
results and issue a licence.

In the lead-up to the summer break the WIA Exam Service is now unable to
handle any assessment packs received from November 25, although a few results
received before that date may receive a licence from the ACMA.

The WIA office is to close on December 18, and reopens on Monday January 11,
2016, when all normal functions including the WIA Exam Service resume.

Thank you all the WIA volunteers.

An enormous amount of voluntary work is carried out by the Wireless Institute
of Australia on behalf of its members, and for Amateur Radio generally.


The United Nations International Volunteer Day is on Saturday December 5,
providing an awareness of volunteerism and our community.

Being a volunteer enables many organisations to function, and provide service,
including the Wireless Institute of Australia. The WIA board of directors, the
Publications Committee, the VK1WIA weekly broadcast and regular contributions
come from many of the other structured WIA committees.

It all seamlessly forms the work of the WIA.

Often the membership see the benefits, but don't know what exactly is the
behind-the-scenes work involved to make it all happen.

Please give a thought, and praise, to the many WIA volunteers who give up time
to carry out their roles. All WIA Directors have had their summary description
revised and put on the WIA website. To learn more about them, and the WIA, go
to the website,


web service:-

The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club are looking forward to welcoming all
interested in Amateur Radio to their annual Field Day event at Wyong Race
course, Sunday Feb 28th, 2016.

We are expecting a really big event this year and remember .... The Wyong
Field Day starts at 6:30am for the Flea Market and 9am for the Traders and
Seminars - and it all goes ahead RAIN, HAIL or SHINE !!

For those of you coming to the Central Coast Field Day on the train, there
will be a free shuttle bus service to the event.

We wish all of those taking their Foundation licence or upgrade assessments
the best of success.

For full details about the field day, please go to the website

(Dave VK2DLS, Publicity Officer Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.)

Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to
send audio to

get local audio news
get local news emailed

SANTA may not have made it into Darwin in 74 BUT he is appearing (in one
form or another) at both of the North Queensland Clubs of Townsville
and Atherton Tablelands.

The Townsville Amateur Radio Club Inc. Christmas Party happening at
VK4FNQT DX Hub Sunday December 13th from 2pm includes Mega Monster Auction,
Xmas Pressie Auction, BBQ supplied by TARC Club and swims in the
'Concrete Pond.'

For further info contact

Ahead of TARC however sees Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club's
End of Year Function happening at Atherton 'The Stump' Hotel Saturday
December 12th starting 11am.

For further info contact

web service:-

The Homebrew Construction Group of Amateur Radio Victoria aims to promote the
exchange of ideas and knowledge between radio amateurs who are enthusiastic
builders of their own equipment.

Jim VK3PC says that the October and November meetings saw presentations by
Eric VK3EAC and Ian VK3LA regarding printed circuit board and production.

Saturday, December 5, Rob VK3MQ will demonstrate a simple toner transfer
process using a laser printer and paper that is reclaimed from magazines.

Another very interesting talk.

The venue is the Amateur Radio Victoria rooms 40g Victory Boulevard, Ashburton
at 2pm, at Saturday, December 5 - the last meeting for the year and they
resume on the first Saturday of the month in February 2016.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.


Marconi speech release reflects on our history

In the first direct wireless message England to Australia on September 22, 1918,
our Prime Minister Billy Hughes sent a message from the Marconi Wireless Station
in Wales, and it was received by Ernest Fisk at Wahroonga, Sydney.

As managing director of Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), and promoter of
Marconi Wireless, he had set up an experimental station at his house.

In that inaugural contact, the Prime Minister commented on the valour of
Australian troops at Amiens, in France during the 100 day offensive that
ultimately led to the end of WW1.

Fisk had arranged the transmission of messages from Britain to demonstrate
wireless communication to the Australian Government.

On December 14, 1935, the Fisk Memorial at Wahroonga was unveiled, with the
former Prime Minister Billy Hughes and Sir Ernest Fisk, commemorating the
first direct wireless message.

Courtesy of the Essex Record Office, now let us listen to part of the dedication
speech given by Guglielmo Marconi

(play audio - outcue without much headway).

The Wahroonga Amateur Historical Radio Association in conjunction with the
Hornsby & Districts Amateur Radio Club, has each April since 1994 marked
International Marconi Day with the VK2IMD callsign.


Their Repeater was stolen!

Between 6.50pm on Sunday, 15 November and 7am on the 16th, the main GB7HM DMR
digital voice repeater and back-ups were stolen from the repeater site
six miles north of Wrexham.

So far no clues as to the RF Culprits

A Satellite Mishap Is Letting Physicists Test Einstein's Theory of Relativity

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right? That, at least, is the motto
the European Space Agency seems to have embraced with respect to two wayward
satellites, which are being repurposed to provide the most accurate assessment
yet of how gravity affects the passage of time.

VK7WI News says that last year, a Russian Soyuz rocket accidentally placed
two ESA-operated GPS satellites into elliptical, rather than circular, orbits.
The faulty launch leaves the satellites unfit to perform their intended duties
as part of a global Galileo GPS system.

It would have been a huge waste of money and resources, but there's a silver

To wit, physicists now have a unique opportunity to test one of the key
predictions of Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity: That clocks
run more slowly when they're close to heavy objects, because of how gravity
warps the fabric of spacetime.

As the two Galileo satellites swing toward and away from the Earth in their
oblong orbits, German and French physicists will track the speeding and slowing
of time using the spacecrafts' on-board atomic clocks. To date, our best
measurements of the so-called time dilation effect were made in 1976,
in an experiment that lasted a mere two hours.

The Galileo satellites will be tracked for a year, enabling physicists to make
measurements up to four times more accurate.


What's your guess on how many smartphones were produced in 2015?

Initial estimates indicate that by the end of the year we're looking at a figure
of over 1.4 billion.


That works out roughly that everyone in two inhabitants of this tiny planet
is a smartphone user. Never before have we seen such a rapid uptake of a new

AND it's only been eight years since iPhone 1 made its debut!

(Sourced from the Elektor Web E-zine via VK7WI)

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


Ahead of Felix, VK4FUQ, I'm WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with a call for
final logs for the Spring VHF-UHF Field Day, held over the fourteenth and
fifteenth of November.

Submit your logs, folks - make the other participants happy.


May I suggest you do it before you start on your Sunday BBQ prawns.

GET CRACKING and get those logs in, people !

What with the new sections to enter, you never know how it might turn out.

Logs already submitted have poured-in from all over - EVEN VK6, this time !

If you had a go in the Spring VHF-UHF Field Day and handed out a few serial
numbers - it does not matter if you had just one contact - three contacts - ten
contacts, or a hundred - write up a log and submit it.

If you made a small number of contacts, you can prepare a log with nothing more
than a text editor - just as I've done in the past. Otherwise, you might
consider using the VKCL application to score your contacts for both Division 1
and Division 2.

It's not hard these days. Guidance is on the WIA website, on the VHF UHF
Field Days page under Contests.

You can submit your electronic log using the log upload facility on that page.

Logs uploaded after 2400 hours Eastern Daylight Saving Time will not be accepted.

So - one contact, ten contacts or a hundred - portable or home - GET CRACKING !

But wait - there's more !

Pretty soon, we'll be calling for submissions to gauge your views on development
of future VHF-UHF Field Days. Keep an eye on the website and an ear on the news
for YOUR opportunity to have your say.

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.

This week, the biggest contest is the CW World Wide DX CW contest, hello I'm
Felix VK4FUQ and this comntest runs for 48 hours over the 28th and 29th using
the bands 1.8 to 28MHz, the exchange is your signal report and CQ zone.

DX Most Wanted Survey - Ends

Often quoted, an ionic reliable source, the DX Magazine will no longer survey
its readers on their wanted DX entities, to avoid duplication, save time and
effort, is to draw on the similar ClubLog survey.

That survey by ClubLog will serve the DX community.

After 25 years with input from DXers the former Most Wanted Survey published
early each year by DX Magazine has ended.

DX Magazine will keep publishing its reports, and expresses thanks to those
have supported its previous survey. ClubLog online generates its monthly
Wanted List based on QSOs uploaded to it.

The current top five are

P5 North Korea
3Y/B Bouvet Island
VP8S South Sandwich
FT5W Crozet Island
VK0H Heard Island.

H Night marks the post-war revival of Amateur Radio

The return of Amateur Radio in New Zealand after WWII in 1945 dubbed back then
as "H Night," is to be celebrated in December by special event station ZL 6 H.

It also marks the time 70 years ago when our communications hobby was restored
slowly throughout the world.

Rob Carter ZL 2 IW, given ZL 6 H by the NZART Council, will mark the H Night
occasion on December 8, with on air activity 7.30pm to 10pm New Zealand time.

A summary of the first H Night is in the book 'Ham Shacks, Brass Pounders &
Rag Chewers'.

On next week's broadcast we will look at the resumption after WWII of Amateur
Radio in Australia.

Once again for the entire month of December, stations in several countries
will be on the air looking for contacts using "YOTA" as their call sign suffix.

YOTA stations will be seeking to make many contacts, so take this opportunity
to connect young amateurs in their teens and 20s with their peers on the air

A special call sign, ZS 9 YOTA, has been obtained for use by young amateurs
in South Africa during YOTA month, 1 to 31 December 2015.

IARU is 90!

To celebrate the 90th anniversary of IARU several countries have special
event stations running to the end of the year.

Contacts with these stations go towards a diploma celebrating this IARU
milestone where you need to contact 10 special IARU call signs before the
end of 2015.

Members of the Malta Amateur Radio League are using 9 H 90 IARU, QSL 9 H 1SP.

EV 90 IARU is on the air from Belarus and you QSL via EW 1 I.

The Radio Club of Haiti will be using HH 90 IARU and the QSL manager is W 3 HNK.

Sicilian station, II 9 IARU, is 'on the wireless' now until 31 December.

The Mongolian national society is putting JT 90 IARU on air, QSL via JT 1 KAA.

UP 90 IARU is from Kazakhstan with RW 6 HS acting as QSL manager.

And of course your WIA is now active with its VI 90 IARU callsign under a
roster of its members.

Another special event call which ends in December is PD 15 XMAS

The Special Event Station PD 15 XMAS will be on-the-air from December 5 to
January 1

In Liberia, Donald, EL 2 DW is working from Monrovia until 17 December and
can be found on 20, 15 and 10 metres using SSB. QSL via KD 4 UDU in Florida

Finally this week, WIA Inwards QSL Bureau

Some 7,000 cards from Japan and about the same amount from Spain are now being
processed by the WIA Inwards QSL Bureau, along with smaller lots from Hungary,
Russia and USA.

These will be sent to the State and Territory QSL Bureaux.

The QSL cards from Spain have been wet in transit and experienced some damage
to them.

All cards have been sorted, so please make allowance for a few damaged ones
you may receive.


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

Digital modes inadvertently receive interference

Some friendly fire is occurring on the Amateur Radio bands when data
transmissions are suffering avoidable interference, at the hands of their
fellow radio amateurs.

A few may consider digital signals as being that coming from intruders, while
others are not careful enough when choosing where to operate on a clear

The issue of digital modes was raised by the New Zealand Association of
Radio Transmitters (NZART) at the recent IARU Region 3 conference in Bali.
The NZART paper by Murray Greenman ZL 1 BPU pointed to their increased
popularity, yet the band planned digital mode section continues to be plagued
with unnecessary interference.

Worldwide publicity through IARU member societies is requested on digital
modes to educate radio amateurs not to interfere with digital transmissions
of an amateur origin.

While the digital mode PSK31 continues to be widely used, newer modes with
better performance are also being considered, in particular MFSK16, DominoEX
and the New Zealand developed FSQ mode.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report - Measure Twice cut Once.

MakingThings - Inspiring the Young

In order to encourage new and young interests in Radio and Electronics, a brand
new and exciting event has been added to the UK calendar called MakingThings.

This event is designed to encourage, inspire and generate interest from
younger folk.

Details will be available on BUT the MakingThings event
will be on Sunday 5th June, 2016. It will be indoors within the main hanger
hall, Eastbourne Sports Park, Cross Levels Way, Eastbourne, East Sussex.

Further information from Dave, G8PUO on


On November 22, 2015 SSTV and Digitalker transmissions were made from the
SPROUT amateur radio satellite

The transmissions, on 437.600 MHz FM (+/- 9 kHz Doppler shift), are planned
to take place every Sunday (Japanese Standard Time).

Many FM radios can be switched between wide and narrow deviation FM filters.
For best results you should select the wider filter designed for 5 kHz deviation

SPROUT (Space Research On Unique Technology) was built by students from
Nihon University.

(Sourced to SouthGate)


The 24th Australian Jamboree has Amateur Radio

The biggest Australia Jamboree, or AJ2016, will see over 12,000 Scouts from
around Australia and overseas converge on Cataract Park, about 70 kilometres
from Sydney in January.

The Fishers Ghost Amateur Radio Club will be there January 2 to 14, busy using
the special callsign VI 2 AJ 2016 during the day and into the early evening.

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

There's no question about the forecast for Dec. 5, 2015 --

the bands will be partly crowded, with 100 percent chance of participation.

That's the date the National Weather Service and the ARRL have set for their
17th annual SKYWARN Recognition Day, a 24-hour opportunity for hams to
acknowledge colleagues who serve as trained volunteers assisting the US weather



Like so many of the ham radio contesters who rely on it, the popular
logging software, N1MM, has scored an award-winning contact.

The Yasme Foundation's board of directors has announced that the
development team behind the logging program, N1MM, has been given the
Yasme Excellence Award. The team includes Tom Wagner, N1MM; Rick
Ellison, N2AMG; Steve London, N2IC; and a number of others. The classic
version of the program is a free offering used by contesters worldwide.
N1MM Plus was then developed as a rewritten, revised version of the
original software.

The California-based non-profit foundation gives its Excellence Award - a
plaque and monetary gift - recognizing those who make significant
contributions to ham radio from an operational, organizational or
technical standpoint. And they found N1MM deserving - no contest.


A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.
Youngsters On The Air, YOTA

In today's Operational News from the WIA, Felix, VK4FUQ, told us of
Youngsters on the Air

This December, one such YOTA station will be G 15 YOTA and its regional
variations taking part in Youngsters on the Air month.

The mix of participants is diverse; from schools to universities and
local clubs.

Many of the operators will be experiencing amateur radio for the first
time and it also presents a fantastic opportunity for youngsters already
licensed to get on the air.

The first couple of activations will take place on the 2 December at
Durham and District ARS and on the 3rd at No. 2 Welsh Wing RAF Air Cadets.

If you hear the youngsters on the air, please make the time to talk to them.


NOV 29 VK3 ROSEBUD RADIOFEST 9am in Allambi Avenue Rosebud (vk3pdg)


Jan 22-26 VK4 TARC Australia Day Long Week Family Radio Camp
Girl Guides Campsite, Bluewater (vk4zz)

Feb 13 VK3 MERC HamFest 10am at Werribee Masonic Centre (wia)
Feb 28 VK2 Central Coast Field Day (vk2ztm)
Feb 28 VK3 EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont. (wia)

Ap-May 29- 2 VK4 Clairview Gathering check Mackay ARS website. (theTARCinc)

June 3- 5 VK4 Central Highlands Social Gathering Theresa Creek dam (wia)
June 11-13 VK5 VK Foxhunting Championship & SERG convention Mt Gambier(VK5HCF)

July 19 VK3 GippsTech 2016 Churchill (

Sep 23-25 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM weekend at
Lake Maraboon Holiday Village, near Emerald. (theTARCinc)

Nov 6 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am! (VK5KC)


Does the WIA have your details correct?

Check them out by logging in to the online Memnet.

You will need your member number to login. This can easily be found on the
Amateur Radio magazine flysheet.

Memnet has a heap of advantages including the receipt of updated information,
online renewals, no hassle changes to a callsign or address, and access to
membership services like the digital magazine and awards.

Have a look at your details on Memnet . today.

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-
Put the word subscribe in the title or subject field

How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
Email to
from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed)
Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe.
Send mail to the list unsubscribe address
You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given
in that mail to complete the unsubscription.

Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.

National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)