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WIA calls for new recruits across the entire demographic. -

WIA AGM Built for SOTA devotees.


Greater distance achieved on 600m band

The Weak Signal Propagation Reporter or WSPR mode has achieved the first
VK3-KL7 record 475 kHz contact - a distance of more than 12,000 kilometres.

Phil Dwyer VK3ELV of Mount Bruno in northwest Victoria on Tuesday (February 9)
had an opening with Laurence Howell KL7L, who uses the FCC experimental
callsign WE2XPQ, in South Central Alaska.

Laurence KL7L says 600m Transpacific conditions were good at the time with
openings from VK-JA and KH6-JA-VK. But given the K indices had rises abruptly
to 5 in Alaska, which Laurence says normally sucks the life out of the
ionosphere, he was surprised to see the VK3ELV callsign appear on screen.

There was also a 137 kHz opening from KL7 to JA with multiple WSPR 15 decodes
at JA5FP from WE2XPQ.

Laurence used a Eprobe and Icom R75 to receive, using Joe Taylor's WSJT-X
software to decode - fed by a small one metre long receive antennae 10 metres
up a Birch tree in the lee of the Talkeetna mountains on a glacial plain.

To gain the distance Phil VK3ELV has made a few improvements to his antenna
system and now runs close to the 5 watts EIRP. This varies a bit depending on
the soil moisture (conductivity) from day to day." He says exploring
propagation quite regular, VK3ELV and Berndt Wulf VK5ABN reports now come from
Japan, and also regularly WH2XCR in Hawaii.

Phil says: "An added bonus is WH2XCR in now also transmitting about 1 Watt EIRP
and regularly received on the VK2 coast by John Simon VK2XGJ and also at
VK3ELV, that makes a 2-way path from VK3 to Hawaii.

"It was a surprise to receive a report from Alaska at 12,333 km. This may be
very surprising to some, it may a first from VK3 to KL7, but it is no distance

"Dale Hughes VK1DSH had his signal spotted once in France in 2013. Last Spring
both Canadian and main land US stations were received in VK5, VK7, VK3 and VK2.
If someone was listening on the north-west coast of VK6, I'm sure they will
receive European stations."

The new frontier of 472-479 kHz is being explored by radio amateurs who were
granted a secondary allocation at the World Radiocommunication Conference in

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

What goes up, must come down

The tiny Australian balloon PS-58 launched on December 29, went across the
equator and ended in the Antarctic.

Andy Nguyen VK3YT says the solar powered pico balloon sent data at 25mW on
WSPR and JT9 using 30m.

After floating nearly four weeks it crossed the equator going through
El Salvador and over the Bermuda Triangle to be tracked by US and Canadian
stations. Then it touched Northern Africa before adopting a south-easterly
trajectory. Throughout this phase, and to the end, were reports including
from Ken Gurr ZS6KN of Pretoria South Africa.

Andy VK3YT says that PS-58 lost altitude south of Heard Island in the
Antarctic, on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

The demise came after five weeks, five days, five hours and 25 minutes in the
air, travelling more than 45,300km, and 4,110km from home.

If you would like to check out the current wind patterns and play at
determining where these balloons of Andy's are likely to end up, then
visit the website as shown in today's text edition. Probably the BEST
wind program yet and used by many TV weather channels around this windy
planet of ours.,-27

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


President Phil Wait VK2ASD


New recruits across the entire demographic

The Wireless Institute of Australia continues to seek recruits to
Amateur Radio and its diverse activities across a broad range of ages
and backgrounds.

Recently, the 'Bring them Back' concept was raised by the WIA in response
to the fact that lapsed radio amateurs, with a little encouragement, may
return to the modern Amateur Radio, which offers so much more diversity than
in the past.

This follows a small avalanche of callsign recommendations being sought from
the WIA over recent months by former licensees returning to the hobby.

These already-qualified people are an important part of the recruitment mix.

The revival of 'lapsed' radio amateurs is an activity to keep in mind
whenever the opportunity exists.

However, the WIA and all those concerned with growing the ranks of radio
amateurs, seek recruits across a very wide age range. associations. This
includes young people, adults, the employed or retirees, all of whom could
make good, new radio amateurs.

Some recent examples include publicity across the Men's Shed movement,
in RSL newsletters, through community groups like Rotary and Lions, among
the Grey Nomads touring their bucket list destinations, as well as through
schools and the Maker Movement.

To that end your WIA Board is looking at how Amateur Radio can be involved
in the Maker Space movement that is emerging in secondary schools.

Recently Debbie Hunter, Teaching and Learning Librarian at my old Alma Mater
- Brisbane Grammar School and the QLSA Vice-President State-Wide Professional
Development, addressed the WIA Board about the introduction of the STEAM
program - Science, Technology, Engineering ,Arts, Mathematics which is being
offered to schools nationally.

Debbie, from VK4, believes there is a natural place for wireless technologies
within the STEAM technology module, and Amateur Radio could have a role to

The WIA Directors found her presentation informative and very encouraging.

WIA President Phil Wait VK2ASD later said there may be an opportunity for
Amateur Radio, not in the traditional sense of gaining a licence, but as a
spin-off with any basic training in technology sparking an interest.

The aim is to get kids to build things electronically.

Teachers are interested, but not skilled themselves. The recent Federal
Government-funded university program to train teachers online is generating
plenty of interest.

The WIA Board was told that schools and teachers are not familiar with many
of the hands-on technical bits, and may turn to those who can supply kits and
help otherwise with instruction.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


web service:-

"Urunga Radio Convention 2016"

The 2016 Urunga Radio Convention will be on again this Easter, 26th 27th March
Saturday and Sunday, with Fox hunts and convention activities on both days,
quizzes, raffles, trade tables available, pre loved gear, etc.

Why not make it a break from your busy lifestyle and slow down a bit at quiet
restful "Urunga" "where the rivers meet the sea" the longest running
"fox hunt convention" in Australia.

The social gathering for the Saturday night dinner at the Bowling Club is
always well attended, ( see Ken VK2DGT at the convention for places).

The Saturday Night Fox Hunt (Fox O.R. 6 low power Tx's different freq. 2mtr's)
was very popular. (safety vests available, may need light)

The 2015 convention went off without a hitch and was well attended, with many
Fox hunters competing for "Arnold Austin Memorial Award" and the "Brian Slarke
Memorial Award" overall for two days. Mobile and Pedestrian Hunts

Venue: the "Senior Citizens" hall Bowra street Urunga

Ken Golden VK2DGT WIA. Urunga Radio Convention.Inc.
Pn.02 66523177

Web: (or search engine)

The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club are looking forward to welcoming
all interested in Amateur Radio to the annual Field Day event at Wyong
Race course, Sunday Feb 28th, 2016.

It's now only TWO WEEKS to go to the Field Day!

So where will you be in just two weeks' time - February 28th. this year?
Why not come along and join the biggest gathering of radio amateurs in
Australia at the CCARC Field Day at the Wyong racecourse?

Just a reminder, if anyone still hasn't registered and wishes to take
the foundation licence class on Saturday the 27th, or a licence
assessment for all grades on the Field Day itself, all the details you
need are on the Field Day website. Bookings are essential.
Be quick or you'll be too late!

The seminars are held on the 1st floor of the main building and start at
9.00 with a lecture on "Experiences in the Australian Electronics
Industry", given by Richard Collins.

At 10.00 we have a lecture entitled "Everything you wanted to know about
Power Supplies, but were afraid to ask" given by Brian Clarke

At 11.00 is the "Annual Get-Together of the VHF-UHF-uWAVE Weak Signal
group" with Roger Harrison.

At 12.00 we have a lecture entitled "The NBN Technology" given by Tony

At 13.00 we have a lecture entitled "DXpeditions" given by Tommy Horozakis

COFFEE AREA with Paul Howarth

As always a little for everyone in the program!

For full details about the field day, please go to the website on

(Dave VK2DLS, Publicity Officer of the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.)


Top Secret

VK to call "CQ MARS! CQ Deep Space?"

Andy G0SFJ was delighted to accept an invitation from the European Space
Agency to the inauguration of their Deep Space acquisition antenna NNO2
at New Norcia, Western Australia, VK6.

This event occurred without fanfare 11 February.

"I'm not sure if there'll be any chance to call "CQ Mars, CQ Deep Space" -
but if there is, it's the right place to be!" said our visitor from the UK
VK/G0SFJ who plans to travel to the museum and rocket park display at the
former British space launch facility at Woomera, subject to flights and
surface travel. Not quite like catching the 172 towards King Edward Street
from New Cross Gate Station! HiHi

What use is an F-call?

In the past I've mentioned the Grey Line. If you recall, this is a twice daily
phenomenon. During dawn and dusk, and often slightly before and after, there is
an enhanced level of DX propagation. That is, if you're listening while it's
happening, you'll notice far-off stations you didn't hear before, clear as day,
then five or ten minutes later they're gone.

Today I'm not going into the actual process that makes this happen, absorption,
D and F layers and the like. The more you read about the physics of this, the
more you'll get bamboozled with different and vociferous views.

Instead I want to talk about something that hadn't occurred to me until earlier
in the week. Once I tell you the response is likely going to be the same as
mine was: Duh!

So, propagation along, not across, along the Grey Line, is enhanced. So, the
line is North-South, right? Well, yes and no. Twice a year it is, at the
equinox, when the length of the day and the length of the night is the same,
but otherwise, it's not North - South at all.

In fact, in my case, when I first learned about the Grey Line, I saw it
pointing about North-North-East, South-South-West, perfect for communication
with Japan from VK6 and if you're exceedingly lucky, communication with
South America.

But the earth doesn't rotate vertically on an axis, we have Summer and Winter
because the earth is tilted. That means that the Summer/Winter offset of the
earth also affects the Grey Line.

The effect this has is that your Grey Line target countries change as the year
progresses, from Plus 23.5 degrees to Minus 23.5 degrees and of course, also
the opposite, from 203.5 down to 156.5 degrees. That's 47 degrees of rotation
across the whole year, twice.

So, as your hunger for DX entities intensifies from "anyone, anywhere" to
"I gotta get Israel and Brazil", you now can start planning when that might be
something that could be achieved with the Grey Line.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

US Hams part of emergency exercise

Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee
says the US National Guard had its Operation Seismos, an earthquake drill
February 3-6, and used radio amateurs to transmit messages as it accessed
community disaster resources.

The National Guard 213th Forward Support Company at Cedar City Utah,
the Sheriff's office, City Police, Fire Department, local hospital
and the Rainbow Canyon's Amateur Radio Club were involved.

Iron County Emergency Management Coordinator John Higley, describes how the
messages, to and from the Emergency Coordination Centre, included some
innovative techniques. Don Blanchard WA7GTU of the Rainbow Canyon's Amateur
Radio Club said that about 160 radio amateurs who were in contact with each
other including the hospital. He said: "Teams were deployed to various sites
to do simulated damage assessments and reported in using both voice and
digital communications."

The digital communications enabled them to provide messages directly into the
required government forms (IC-213).

Don WA7GTU said the exercise was highly successful and showed the hams could
interface with the National Guard and worked on how best handle traffic that
they might need to send.

He said although a few snags were found, but were able to quickly work around
them and felt that the exercise was highly successful.

Meantime the Iron County Emergency Preparedness EXPO for 2016 will be held in
June, to be called 'Preparedness in the Park' and likely to feature a new
communications trailer.

(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee)

Earthquake in Taiwan

An earthquake measuring 6.4 has hit Taiwan, and caused buildings to collapse.

Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society received a weak voice signal
from the Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League that asks that the following
frequencies be kept clear.

HF frequencies used in Taiwan are voice:
Main is 7.060 MHz with backup 7.050 MHz and 3.560 MHz.

As the late Johnny Cash would say "Taiwan lies in the 'Pacific Ring of Fire'"
and in 2013, four people were killed in a 6.3-magnitude quake.

World's first Radar site preserved

The historically important Bawdsey facility in eastern England has received a
grant for restoration.

The Bawdsey Radar Trust through a Heritage Lottery Fund Grant will conserve
the Transmitter Block building in Suffolk that began in 1938, as a secret RAF
radar station.

New displays will tell the story of radar and its significance, estimated to
play a vital part in the Battle of Britain in 1940 and it is estimated the
technology helped shorten the war by two years.

The greatly improved accuracy of bombing raids and detection of approaching
aircraft early, was disguised by a constant rumour that aircrews had better
eyesight due to a diet of carrots!!

The world's first operational radar station is to undergo major construction
work in September, with an opening to the public a year later.

The pioneering facility is going to survive and tell its unique story, with
it no longer being on the 'Historic At Risk' register.

VK HamFest operators listen and weep!

Long queues for UK's Canvey Rally

Essex Ham report the Canvey Rally was, as always, a very busy day, with early
estimates indicating 500 people in a HUGE queue of eager amateurs waiting to
get in when the doors opened at 10:30am

The 32nd Canvey Radio & Electronics Rally, organised by the South Essex
Amateur Radio Society, took place last Sunday, February 7.

JARL celebrates its 90 years

The Japan Amateur Radio League JARL is marking its 90th birthday with a range
of events including the 'JARL 90th Anniversary Award'.

The JARL, a proud active member society in the IARU, began in 1926 and
encourages the world to be involved through this special operating award that
ends December 31, 2016.

Among the qualifying special event stations that may count as nine points each
are more than 25 callsigns all with the prefix 8J - some only on air to
celebrate JARL 90.

The others involved include the Japan-US Reciprocal agreement (8J1JAUS),
the Keymen's Club of Japan (several suffixed KCJ), UNESCO World Heritage
(8J6IR), Japan Award Hunters Group (8J1JAG), and the Western Japan Ham Fair

A website URL in English is in the text edition of this broadcast.

G0KSC design 40m rotating dipole to take the market by storm

Do not adjust your transceivers, this is NOT a "blatant advert"

G0KSC has again broken from tradition and introduced a new 40m rotating dipole

The Delta C-140 is under 12m wide and despite being small has an extremely
high radiating efficiency which is reflected in the antennas SWR bandwidth,
the whole 40m band in under 1.5:1 without an ATU.

The Delta C-140 is believed to use a combination of capacity loading and
large diameter coils moved out much further out either side of the dipole
and this has given the antenna its unique wide bandwidth, high efficiency

High efficiency means high power ratings too and 5KW is not a problem for
this amazing antenna.

Just google, the Delta C-140!


The Amateur Radio Observation Service, AROS, is an advisory and reporting
service of the RSGB. Its primary purpose is monitoring the amateur radio
spectrum, and discouraging operating practices that might bring the hobby
into disrepute.

AROS relies on a team of observers to gather evidence on issues that are
confidentially reported to them. The RSGB would welcome applications from
any Members interested in joining our team of volunteers.

Applications from the West of England, South Wales and the London area are
particularly welcome. Please email for further information.

World Radio Day 2016

13th February is World Radio Day. It is a day to celebrate radio as a medium,
to improve international cooperation between broadcasters, and to encourage
major networks and community radio alike to promote access to information,
freedom of expression and gender equality over the airwaves.

This year, the UNESCO theme for World Radio Day is "Radio in Times of
Emergency and Disaster", as radio still remains the medium that reaches
the widest audience worldwide, in the quickest possible time.

Whilst this is an event to celebrate broadcast radio, you will hear some
special event stations from around the world. Check out

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


ARRL DX CW Contest is February 20-21st.

"All aboard" the Sydney Ferries. VHF/UHF 'contest' Sunday March 13.

WIA John Moyle Field Day 19-20 March 2016

Harry Angel 80 mtr sprint (WIA) provisional date Saturday 7th May.


Remembrance or RD Contest August 13-14

36th ALARA Contest is on the last full weekend in August, Aug 27-28.


Heard Island VK0EK is all go

The DXpedition to Australian Antarctic Territory Heard Island is getting ready
to leave for an activation of the rare DX Entity that has not been on the air
for 19 years.

About 14 operators will be on remote Heard Island for nearly three weeks,
with at least four stations on air at a time, using all bands and multiple

The plan (Note PLAN) is to have four or six stations at Atlas Cove and
another two at Spit Bay all with the best antennas, unobstructed directivity,
and the blocking effect of the Big Ben volcanic mountain to reject unwanted
signals taken into account.

About 300 species of plants and animals are known to live there, so the visit
also has a scientific basis with a number of schools also involved.

The VK0EK team is due to leave Cape Town South Africa in early March.

VK0EK expects as many as 150,000 contacts and 50,000 different stations.

(Sourced to vk3pc)

LX 1 AM a special call sign in Luxembourg is activated through June to mark
the 95th anniversary of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg.
Luxembourg Amateur Radio Union will be working LX1AM on single sideband
and as LX 1 EA and LX 3 X in digital modes.
There is a special QSL card that will be sent via the Bureau.

4 S 7 KKG from Moragalla, Sri Lanka, IOTA reference AS-003, until 3rd April.
Mainly in CW and digital modes with operation on 20 to 10 metres.
QSL via DC 0 KK, via the bureau.

LY 16 W on the air from Lithuania, special callsign for February.
This is a rare prefix for LY WPX Trophies award credits.
LY 16 W celebrates Lithuania's independence on 16th February 1918.
(Operator is LY 5 W)

Martin is back in Afghanistan with the NATO-led ISAF mission.
He is a using his T 6 SM callsign from Camp Marmal until the end of March.
QSL to his DL 3 ASM home call.

Coming soon to a 3.4GHz band near you!

On the morning of Sunday the 21st of February
2016 the Geelong Amateur Radio Club will be
holding a QSO party on the 3.4GHz microwave band.

The club will field a number of 3.4GHz capable
stations on hilltops and high spots around the
Geelong area and invites all those with 3.4GHz
equipment to join them on air. They will be
looking in all directions to make contacts with
as many 3.4GHz stations as they can.

The purpose is to encourage activity as part of
their 3.4GHz panel project.

BUT what is a panel and what is their panel program?

The panel is a 3.5GHz subscriber transceiver that
they have converted into 3.4GHz transverters for
use on the amateur band. Everyone started calling
them panels because I guess they look just like a
flat panel - go figure :-).

Lou VK3ALB has heard Redcliffe Club in VK4 were looking
at them and they've been taken everywhere in Oz except
VK6 & VK8.

Other interesting information.

With a good take off you will make contacts out past
100km with these panels.

Whilst the GARC members are of course interested to hear
these panels on the air they hope that all hams using
whatever 3.4GHz gear will also get on air and join the fun.

Those hams outside VK3 should not feel left out because
similar events will be taking place at the same time
VK5 and 2.

When? Sunday 21st February 2016 10:00am to NOON AEDST

Frequency? Tune 3400.100 and downwards for SSB or CW
tune 3400.200 and upwards for FM contacts

In Vic. Liaison is VK3RGL - 147.000 with 91.5Hz

Want to know more?

Look for the 3.4GHz page on the GARC Website


ARISS contact planned for girls' school in UK

At the time of "going to press" an ARISS contact was planned for the
Royal Masonic School for Girls, Rickmansworth, United Kingdom.

No "Telebridge " contact this but a direct 2mtr contact operated by GB1RMS.

The Royal Masonic School for Girls is an independent girl's day and boarding
school founded in 1788 with the purpose of educating the daughters of
Freemasons who were unable to support their families.

Life at RMS is centred on much more than "just" academic success and the
School is well known for its exceptional pastoral care, and the wealth of
extra-curricular opportunities it offers - including Astronomy as they are
one of very few schools in the UK to have their own planetarium and

(Sourced to SouthGate)


W6NKT taught navigation to Navy pilots at Cal Poly for years
W6KNT travelled the world nine times and has lived in Africa and Hong Kong
W6KNT still enjoys ham radio
W6KNT Harry K. Wolf turned 107 on Jan. 29TH 2016

Is Harry the world's oldest Amateur?

Here in Australia we believe at 105 years of age VK5RJ Darcy Hancock is
VK's elder statesman.

But back to W6KNT, as far as personal habits for living a long life, Harry
offers no advice, he says, only opinion.

"In my opinion, if you reduce your food intake, you will live two to four
years longer," he said.

Each day, he drinks two glasses of wine red wine right after lunch and
white wine after dinner. He eats a chocolate chip cookie along with both
glasses of wine.

And he's frugal.

"He likes the cheap stuff," Wolf's son-in-law said. "He likes to point out
that he can drink a bottle of Carlo Rossi for the same price you get a glass
of wine in a restaurant."

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

IARU promotes emergency communications

International Amateur Radio Union President, Tim Ellam VE6SH/G4HUA told the
Global Forum on Emergency Telecommunications that Amateur Radio is probably
more relevant now than it was 25 years ago.

The International Telecommunications Union event GET-2016 was held in
Kuwait City on January 26-28 with a slogan of 'Saving lives'.

In an interview at the conference Tim VE6SH/G4HUA said: "We're so dependent
now on all kinds of systems of communications - everyone has a cell phone,
everyone is used to using the Internet - but they're not used to what happens
when those systems go down."

He further said: "Amateur Radio is there. It relies on somewhat old fashioned
technology, but there are also advancements in technology that we rely on."
Hams can use computer-based digital techniques to pass message traffic at
very low power levels and under poor propagation conditions.

Tim VE6SH/G4HUA said: "Amateur Radio has kept pace by developing new ways to
communicate." He highlighted IARU concerns that radio amateurs face a number
of difficulties in a few countries, including delays in getting a licence,
high duties on imported equipment, while some make it hard to erect antennas
and support structures.

Tim VE6SH/G4HUA also spoke to sessions of GET-2016. Radio amateurs are on the
ground, often close to the site of a disaster, or might even be in it.

He told a Leaders' Dialogue forum: "They're there. They're ready to go. For
the first 24 to 48 hours you have people on the ground, ready to assist.

"They own their own equipment. They don't rely on commercial networks. If
cellular service goes down, we can assist by using HF or VHF or UHF
communications on a peer-to-peer basis."

The typical radio amateur, like Tim himself, are not engineers or do not work
in a technical field, but know enough to get on the air using alternate power
sources and a very simple wire antenna. He told those at the the Leaders'
Dialogue forum: "Don't forget the Amateur Radio services . they're a great
asset to you in times of crisis."

The ITU described GET-2016 as an international platform to discuss topics
related to world-wide emergency telecommunication policy and disaster risk

SO, What are your plans for emergency backup communications in the
event of a serious failure, or if you need to communicate outside
of your normal working range? Think no mobile phone, no Internet service,
no power, or think the need to set up communications in a remote area."

And no we are not talking of the massive interruptions last Tuesday here in VK
gives you a good idea!

You can see the 5 minute video interview with Tim on YouTube

(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee)


SOTA devotees at the WIA AGM

The highest point of Norfolk Island is Mount Bates 319 metres above sea level,
and is part of the Wireless Institute of Australia annual general meeting and
activities in May. The view from Mt Bates is beautiful and the car park walk
is easy and gentle, or it can also be accessed via a National Park.

Mt Bates is the Summits On The Air (SOTA) site VK9/NO-001 that has been
activated several times, but is much sought after.

The WIA is looking how to best meet the demand, which may mean a guide to
walk from the car park.

For the really ambitious, there is also a proposed (limited by numbers) SOTA
activation of Jacky Jacky VK9/NO-002 on Phillip Island. It can only be
accessed by boat in calm weather, has a quite difficult walk and a cost is

SOTA is growing in popularity, particularly in Europe, and the prospect of
scoring Mt Bates and Jacky Jacky in late May is an event anticipated around
the world.


Feb 13 VK3 MERC HamFest 10am at Werribee Masonic Centre (wia)
Feb 13 VK4 BOOT SALE Caboolture Radio Club 169 Smiths Rd CABOOLTURE 7:30 (vk4lw)
Feb 28 VK2 Central Coast Field Day (vk2ztm)
Feb 28 VK3 EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont. (wia)

Mar 5 VK6 PARG swap meet 8am till noon Mandurah. (parg sec.)

April 10 VK3 Darebin Park for the ARDF Day (vk3www)
April 17 VK6 HARGfest 96 Gladys Road Lesmurdie open to public 10am (vk6zms)
Ap-May 29-2 VK4 Clairview Gathering check Mackay ARS website. (theTARCinc)

May 27-29 VK9 WIA AGM this year on Norfolk Island (

June 3- 5 VK4 Central Highlands Social Gathering Theresa Creek dam (wia)
June 4 VK4 BARCfest Mt Gravatt Showgrounds. (vk4atc)
June 11-13 VK5 VK Foxhunting Championship & SERG convention Mt Gambier(VK5HCF)

July 19 VK3 GippsTech 2016 Churchill (

Sep 23-25 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM weekend
Lake Maraboon Holiday Village, near Emerald. (theTARCinc)
Sep-Oct 30-3 VK4 Cardwell Gathering Long Weekend, Beachcomber Motel(theTARCinc)

Nov 6 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am! (VK5KC)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)