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WIA to recognise its assessors. -

WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with some answers about Ballot papers. -




As you read this and maybe wonder how on earth we squeezed all this 'beaut'
info into our 30 minute NewsCast this week? The answer is "We Didn't."

Comparing this written word with the audio you will hear how our minions
of Meerkats got a chopping and with chinagraph and razor blade at the ready
much ended up on the cutting room floor.

So "Good On Yah" for visiting the page for the FULL 'can of beans.'

(Oh and we didn't do too well audio still ran 32 minutes Hi-Hi)


"There are exciting times ahead for digital radio," according to Joan Warner,
who led a World DAB workshop in Kuala Lumpur this week.

Australia has been broadcasting DAB+ since 2009, and has achieved 64%
coverage of the Australian population.

"There are up to 30 additional stations on air in each capital city since
the launch of digital radio. There are now 460,000 vehicles with digital
radios in the capital cities Car manufacturers can see that DAB+ is here
to stay," said Warner.

In Australia there are now 2 million receivers sold, with the cheapest being

Australia wants to roll out digital radio to the remaining 36% of population
in regional areas that are not yet covered. "We are working with the regulator
to plan the roll out to DAB+ and hopefully we will see the first of that roll
out starting in 2017 once the planning is done."



President Phil Wait VK2ASD

Grand Prix temporary VHF/UHF channel use

The Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix at Albert Park in Melbourne is certain
to see the ACMA licence, on a temporary basis, a small number of 70-centimetre
band channels, and maybe a channel on 2-metres.

This has happened in the past for major sporting events.

The WIA has a flexible attitude towards the practice.

The ACMA is set to allow devices and frequencies for use at the Albert Park
circuit and for a 5 kilometre radius on March 17-20. In past years, the ACMA
has allocated a few VHF and UHF channels, that are chosen to avoid
interference with normal amateur service operations.

WIA to recognise its assessors

The WIA Exam Service introduced its trained assessors more than a decade ago
with the introduction of the Foundation Licence.

This was the last plank of the three-tiered qualification system for radio
amateurs in Australia which also has the Standard and Advanced licences.

At the WIA annual general meeting in Canberra last year, the WIA honoured the
assessors who had given 10 years of service. In May this year, the WIA, at
its AGM on Norfolk Island, will honour and thank the second batch of
accredited assessors, who also now reach this milestone.

Each will be named, thanked for being a key part of the WIA Exam Service, and
given certificates to signify their 10 years of service.

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with some answers about Ballot

As members will be aware, elections for three director positions on the
WIA Board are under way, as the WIA Constitution requires.

Ballot papers have been included in the March issue of Amateur Radio magazine,
which is presently arriving in letter boxes and PO boxes across the country.
..... and Western Australia.

All well and good - BUT - what about those members who have opted out of
receiving the print edition of the magazine - AND - those other WIA members
in a household who share one copy of the magazine ?

Now that's a very good question, says every politician while searching
furiously for an answer to give to an impertinent journalist.

Never fear, says WIA President, Phil Wait VK2ASD. All such members have been
identified from the WIA member database, and they have each been posted the
ballot papers, already.

Despite the recent changes to service delivery at Australia Post, not to
mention a price increase, ballot papers posted to these members should be
received well in time to complete and return them to the National Office by
the deadline of 4pm on 27 March.

I guess we don't need to remind you to read the instructions, carefully.

But we will.

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.


web service:-

Hi, I'm Richard VK2SKY, for the Manly-Warringah Radio Society in Sydney,
with a cautionary tale:

The mystery of the disappearing licence renewal

Have you renewed your licence recently, for five years? If so, you might want
to check that you still have your precious callsign!

A few weeks ago, I received an urgent email from Henry Lundell VK2ZHE of
Port Macquarie. Henry had been checking the ACMA licence register page,
and he noticed that our club's callsign VK2MB was available for issue.

This came as a surprise to me, as I was sure that our club Secretary,
Des VK2TGJ, had renewed the licence in November, and for five years at that.

As most listeners will be aware, ACMA updated it licensing system last year,
but it looks like there may be a few "issues" with the software. Licence
renewal notices have been issued to Amateurs, and the default is to renew
the licence for one year. You can however request a five year renewal, and
ACMA was happy to take the Society's money.

Unfortunately, "the computer said no", but it said so to itself. While the
renewal payment was processed, the database update was not. It was only thanks
to Henry's vigilance (not to mention honesty), that the club's "premium call"
did not get issued to another Amateur.

Our Secretary followed up straight away, and renewed the licence, this time
for one year. The original five year renewal payment was of course refunded.

So, a word of caution to all listeners:

If you think you have renewed your licence for five years recently, check the
ACMA licence register page:-

and make sure you still have your callsign! Hopefully ACMA will sort out the
issue soon.

Thanks again to Henry Lundell VK2ZHE for doing the right thing!

This is Dave VK2DLS. The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club wish to thank
all who helped make the 2016 annual Field Day event at Wyong Race course
a huge success.

We thank the Traders and Exhibitors, many of whom travelled great distances.

Thankyou also to the Seminar Lecturers who enlightened us on their subject.

Many thanks to all who attended. Without you there would be no Field Day.

Lastly great big thank you to all the volunteer workers who made the
Field Day happen.

We are now looking forward to 2017 Central Coast Field Day which will be
the 60th to be held.

As always, for full details about the field day, please go to the
website at


EMDRC wish to thank their volunteers, traders and visitors for a fantastic
and successful HamFest last weekend. The club is pleased to announce the
2017 event will be held Sunday 26th March at the Great Ryrie Primary School
in Heathmont and they look forward to seeing you then!

(Andrew VK3BQ)

Moorabbin & District Radio Club HamFest will be Saturday 7th May with doors
opening at 10am at the Southern Community Centre, Rupert Drive, Mulgrave
(Melways map ref 80 F4).

The Moorabbin Radio Club's annual HamFest is proud to be Victoria's biggest
with displays and sales of new and preloved equipment. A must come must see
event for anyone interested in Radio Communications and Electronics.

Major door prizes, free tea and coffee, light refreshments and a sausage
sizzle will also be on offer.

Trader table bookings and general enquires can be made by emailing or by phoning mobile 0418 171601.

A Must see, must come event!!

(VK3GL G Lewis)


What use is an F-call?

I recently spent some time talking about the
Grey Line, about the way it moves around and how it will help you
make contacts along its path.

If you recall, the direction of the
Grey Line changes throughout the year.

As the tilt of the earth affects the direction of the sun on your head,
it also affects the shadow line that's drawn across the planet as
sun-set and sun-rise occur at your QTH.

Of course, you already know this. We experience this change as our

So, if the Grey Line changes direction, the obvious question is
"Which way should you point your antenna?"

If you are using a vertical
there isn't much pointing going on, but if you have anything that is
rotating, even a mobile station qualifies, there is benefit in actually
aligning yourself with the Grey Line.

Of course you can look online and see a lovely Grey Line map and use
that, but that does require that you have access to the Internet, or
a phone with an App or some other technology.

But you don't really have to get that technical at all. The antenna
you're using has a beam-width that is going to be several degrees wide
and local environmental factors are going to impact on your experience,
so, here's some figuring.

At the equinox, the Grey Line runs North - South, that is, twice a year
around 20 March and 22 September. For our quick and dirty calculation,
March and September is more than accurate enough.

At summer and winter solstice, 21 December and 21 June, the Grey Line
runs at the maximum angle, the tilt of the earth, 23.5 degrees.

every quarter of the year, the Grey Line moves about 23 degrees,
call it 21 degrees. So every month the Grey Line moves by about
7 degrees.

This is about equal to the width of a man's fist held at arm's length.

So in December, you'll see the Grey Line running at about a
bearing of 21 degrees, in January, about 14 degrees, in February about 7
in March about 0, that is North, and so on.

Now the only tricky part is, which way do you go around 0 degrees?
Is February 7 degrees east, or 7 degrees west of North?

It depends on whether you're north or south of the equator.

Here in VK, February is East, April is West, August is East, October
is West. To remember that, think that the Grey Line is a FEAST.
February is East and August is East.

Have fun working the Grey Line.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB


This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with some sad news, I'm afraid.

Doug McArthur VK3UM - V K 3 uniform mike - became a silent key on Monday 21st

Although licensed for almost 60 years, Doug was probably most well-known -
across Australia and around the world - for his moon bounce exploits over
decades, in particular with the 8.6 metre dish he commissioned in 2001.

The news of his passing came as a shock to all. No less so to his wife and

Doug could truly be described as a ham's ham. Over the course of the years he
pursued his hobby, Doug made his mark wherever he went - geographically or
electronically. He was an inveterate home-builder, right from his teenage years
in Adelaide when, over 1956, he and a bunch of school mates made small rigs
for the 288 MHz and 576 MHz bands to chat amongst themselves and for fox
hunting. Licences came the year later, and Doug secured VK5KK.

Doug's interest in radio steered him to a career in radiocommunications and
broadcasting, which led to working overseas, to Alice Springs in the 1960s
and later, Darwin, where he worked for Radio Australia.

In the Northern Territory, VK8KK became a stalwart on slow scan TV and on the
VHF bands - Doug focused particularly on weak signal propagation modes. While
in Alice Springs, he got his first "taste" of working moon bounce, hearing his
own echoes from the moon on six metres.

But, fate intervened - Doug and family were swept out of Darwin with Cyclone
Tracy, which devastated the city in December 1974.

Doug picked up his career in Victoria, and VK3UM at Chirnside Park became a
stalwart of the VHF bands, pursuing weak-signal working via various scatter
modes, aircraft reflection and inevitably, moon bounce on two metres and 70 cm.
On the latter band, he built an array of sixteen 16-element Yagis, later
increased to 24 Yagis.

When Doug retired, he and his wife, Bev, moved to rural Glenburn in the Yarra
Ranges region northeast of Melbourne. They named the property "Tikaluna". He
then set about purchasing the 8.6 metre dish, owned by Telstra, and located at
One Tree Hill. Moving and installing it was quite a saga, interrupted by a
stroke in late 1999.

Undaunted, in characteristic fashion, Doug worked at recovering and
commissioned the big dish in mid-2001. His first QSO with it was on 432 MHz on
26 July, with SM2CEW.

Along the way, Doug developed some key software applications that are now used
by moonbouncers world-wide. His EME Calc package, for assessing and simulating
every aspect of an EME station's operation, was last updated on 14th February.

The EMR Calc software Doug developed for assessing any amateur station's
compliance with electromagnetic radiation safety standards, is known and used
around the globe. The Australian Communications and Media Authority look to it
as the authoritative tool for assessing Australian amateurs' compliance with
local electromagnetic radiation safety legislation.

Doug was a long-time WIA member and staunch supporter. He served on various
WIA committees and provided technical advice over many years. He was a featured
speaker at the WIA's Annual Conference and AGM in Darwin in 2011.

Being naturally gregarious, Doug gave many lectures at club meetings over the
years, and, in particular at GippsTech, the premium technical conference held
annually in Victoria. Every presentation began with a joke - usually of the
lengthy, "shaggy dog yarn" style.

Doug was a larger-than-life character and lived life to the full. Whatever
pursuit he took up, he gave it his all - family, sport, technical lectures,
lunch, dinner, socialising, amateur radio.

He was 74. Too young to leave us. Vale Doug McArthur VK3UM.

(WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH).

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

A Sputnik transmitter recreated

A transmitter of the type that was on board Sputnik 1 when it became the
world's first artificial satellite, and started the space race, has been
recreated by a Dutch radio amateur.

The 58 cm polished metal sphere broadcast radio pulses that were heard as it
went around the earth for 21 days, the life of its battery. It was in space
for three months travelling about 70 million kilometres, before re-entering
the atmosphere to burn up in January 4, 1958.

Throughout the world radio amateurs heard Sputnik transmissions on 20 MHz and
40 MHz.

What is known is that Sputnik was pressurised with nitrogen, had whip antennas,
valve radio transmitters and a fan to keep it cool.

Now Frank Waarsenburg PA3CNO has recreated one of the Sputnik radio
transmitters, using a set of the original Russian tubes.

Until 2013 the design was a state secret, but Oleg Borodin RV3GM found a
schematic used for the transmitter. The valves were a wire-ended design with
all electrodes mounted on rods the length of the glass envelope, making them
resistant to acceleration and vibration that could be expected during launch.

High Frequency equipment for the Spratly Islands

The disputed islands in the South China Sea are a continuing subject of
claims over ownership and occupation.

Occasionally, DXers activate this rare DX entity.

Next month, Michael Noertemann DF8AN is on Layang Layang Island. He will sign
9 M 0 S from April 19-29, operating on 160m to 6m and use CW.

For historical reasons China makes claim to the entire archipelago. Some
islands are subject to territorial claims by Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines,
Malaysia and Brunei.

Now, China's Ministry of Defence reveals navigation equipment is on an island.

This has caused speculation that it may include HF radar to monitor sea and
air traffic.

Further developments can be expected, with it being a case of, watch this

International Marconi Day to go ahead

Recently, Norman Pascoe, G4USB, became a silent key. He was one of the
founders of International Marconi Day and the yearly organiser.

This year's event will go ahead as planned, and the Cornish Amateur
Radio Club expects to keep it running for many years to come.
Unfortunately an online attack has taken down the International Marconi
Day websites. If you have already registered for IMD 2016 you need not
take any further action.

For new registrations, or to find out more, please email the club via

New footy stadium design worries airport radar

When the proposed home for a US football team was mooted under the approach
to an airport, concerns were raised that its design could interfere with a
vital radar system.

The National Football League home in Los Angeles may have to be more like a
stealth bomber, than having a reflecting structure. The Federal Aviation
Administration has declared the structure a hazard to aviation.

It has proposed a suitable design and materials to reduce radio-wave

The FAA reports that the proposed Hollywood Park Stadium may block the radar's
view, causing it to plot aircraft differently, or have them flutter on a

Although negotiations are continuing it's thought that instead of a reflecting
aluminium roof, it will use an absorbing outer coating as well as a reduced

Amateur Radio is alive and well!

ARRL report growth in the US continued in 2015, with a record 735,405
licensees in the FCC's Universal Licensing System (ULS) database by the end
of the year.

That's up 9130 over December 2014, a 1.2 percent rise, continuing a steady
increase in the Amateur Radio population in every year since 2007.




In India, the Indian Institute of Hams has begun an awareness campaign
that reaches out specifically to youngsters in the port city of Mangaluru,
in the Indian state of Karnataka.

The institute's director, S. Sathyapal, said that it makes sense to have
more active radio amateurs in a coastal location such as this, which is
vulnerable to flooding and other disastrous conditions. He said only 100
hams are registered in Mangaluru and, of those, only 30 radio amateurs
are considered active.

Even though disaster communication is a priority, the institute is
stressing, among young recruits, radio's opportunities for global
friendship and communication, as well as learning technical skills. In
India, youngsters 12 and older are eligible to become licensed amateurs.


RSGB UK bid for YOTA 2017

The IARU has run a Youngsters on the Air International Summer Camp
every year since 2011. It has been hosted in Romania,
Belgium/Netherlands, Estonia, Finland, Italy and Austria.

The RSGB Board has agreed to submit a bid to host 2017 YOTA Summer Camp
in the UK. If successful, this will see young members from countries
within Region 1 coming together for a week long programme of amateur
radio related activities.

"Special special" Scout centenary call signs

Ofcom has announced that it will release so-called 'special special'
callsigns to support the Scouts' Centenary celebrations.

These callsigns will be prefixed GB100 (one zero zero), GB1OO (one oh
oh) and GB1O0 (one oh zero), and have up to eight characters in total.
An example might be GB100CSD. These callsigns will be available for
special events by Cub Scout District and higher level groups and must be
endorsed by the District Commissioner or equivalent for higher level groups.

Ofcom has further clarified that events at the level of individual Cub
Scout Groups will continue to be limited to normal special event callsigns.

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


March 12-13 RSGB Commonwealth Contest

"All aboard" the Sydney Ferries. VHF/UHF 'contest' Sunday March 13.

The next major WIA contest, the John Moyle Field Day aims to encourage portable
operation and tests emergency communication preparedness. There are a number of
categories and even those for home stations.

To check out more including the rules visit the WIA website.

Harry Angel 80 mtr sprint (WIA) Saturday 7th May.


Remembrance or RD Contest August 13-14

36th ALARA Contest is on the last full weekend in August, Aug 27-28.

The RSGB Commonwealth Contest

This is the longest running DX contest promoting contacts between the
Commonwealth and Mandated Territories.

Held on March 12-13 the CW contest will be using the 80m to 10m bands.

The challenge of contesting has endured from the earliest days of radio
communication. The Radio Society of Great Britain created the British Empire
Radio Union (BERU) in the late 1920s, to support radio amateurs in the Empire.

In 1930, a New Zealand radio amateur suggested that there should be an
'Empire Radio Week' and that this be held in 1931, which was the first BERU
Contest. It proved to be very popular and by 1973 it had a name change to the
Commonwealth Contest - but is still known by many as the BERU Contest.

Always held on the second weekend in March, and being the oldest CW contest,
it's always looked forward to by those on the A1 mode or Morse code.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Operating form the lowest point on the Earth's surface, 429 metres below
sea level, 4 X 4 29 DS is on air from the shores of the Dead Sea
on all bands and modes until the 6th March.
QSL to N 4 GNR.

Marking 70 years since Winston Churchill's speech that coined the phrase
'iron curtain', W 0 C will be on the air to 7th March operating at or near
14,275, 14,070, 7,225, and 7,070kHz.

QRV is PJ 7 AA till March 12.
Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters using CW and SSB.
QSL to home call AA 9 A .

Not to be confused with "LegoLand" a group of 10 operators are on air as
DA 0 HEL from Helgoland, EU-127 till March 13.
Activity will be on all bands on SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK and JT65.
QSL via the bureau to DF 6 QC.

F 6 ITD, is active as FG/F 6 ITD from Guadeloupe and two of its islands
until the 28th of this month, March.
These include main island, between January 20th and February 2nd and
La Desirade Island (between March 3-8th). He will work all HF bands, both on
SSB and in digital modes. Listen for the callsign TO 6 D.
QSL via his home callsign, F 6 ITD.

Martin is back in Afghanistan with the NATO-led ISAF mission.
He is a using his T 6 SM callsign from Camp Marmal until the end of March.
QSL to his DL 3 ASM home call.

4 S 7 KKG from Moragalla, Sri Lanka, IOTA reference AS-003, until 3rd April.
Mainly in CW and digital modes with operation on 20 to 10 metres.
QSL via DC 0 KK, via the bureau.

IOTA AS-202.
Members of Bahrain Amateur Radio Group (BARG) will be active as A 91 HI
from Hawar Island between April 28th and May 1st.
QSL via A 9 2AA.

Dog Island is IOTA reference NA-085 and Bruce, K5TEN, will once again be
active from Dog between May 14-21st.
Activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB and possibly RTTY, PSK31 and
JT65A. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

LX 1 AM a special call sign in Luxembourg is activated through June to mark
the 95th anniversary of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg.
Luxembourg Amateur Radio Union will be working LX1AM on single sideband
and as LX 1 EA and LX 3 X in digital modes.
There is a special QSL card that will be sent via the Bureau.

QRV is 9 H 3 DJ until June 1 while on a business trip.
Activity is in his spare time using mostly SSB on 17 meters.
QSL to home call K 0 MDJ.


This news in from the Naughty Lad VK4NL

Noels Nutty Campers

Noel VK4NL has been organising the popular and famous, or should that be the
'infamous' Noels Nutty Campers weekends away for many years.

Interested in heading along to one of these funtastic weekends ?

Contact Noel via email

OR look at him on the web

on the mobily 0413 958 216

(sourced to TARCinc)


The Radio Club of Argentina (RCA) and AMSAT-LU have announced the first
satellite contact between Argentinean Antarctica and mainland Argentina
on February 28 via SO-50.

LU1AET and LU5UFM, had studied the passes of various amateur satellites
over Argentina. LU1AET was at Carlini Antarctic Base, May 25 Island,
South Shetland, in Argentinean Antarctica, while LU5UFM was in Miramar,
in Buenos Aires Province on the mainland a distance of nearly 2700

They exchanged signal reports and talked for more than 2 minutes.



The Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (ARLHS), sponsor of Intercontinental
Lightship-Lighthouse Week, is looking for a new leader.

Not to be confused in any way with the long running ILLW this ARLHS
was founded by Jim Weidner, K2JXW in 2000.

Weidner has now had to resign as owner and president.

Headquartered in New Jersey, the ARLHS has about 2000 dues-paying members.

A solicitation distributed by Weidner on February 29 in part said
"We intend to keep the ARLHS active until June 30, 2016, after which time
we will terminate the web page, beaconbot, and all club activities, if no one
is willing to assume ownership and leadership."

The new owner/president would have to assume fiscal responsibilities.

For additional information, contact Weidner via e-mail or telephone the USA,
(856) 486-1755.

(sourced to ARRL)



A low-power transmitter donated from a Silent Key's estate is
adding some high-power interest to the ARRL's Historical Collection.

It's a flea-powered transistorized ham transmitter that was used in a
transatlantic contact in 1956. And now it's set to be displayed in the
ARRL's Historical Collection in Connecticut, a donation from the estate
of Silent Key Gus Fallgren, who was licensed as W1OGU when he built the
transmitter with two fellow Raytheon engineers.

On Sept. 18, 1956, the 78 mW transmitter was showing off some low-power,
battery-powered prowess, achieving a 3,800-mile contact on 20 meters.
Fallgren himself was at the key, transmitting into a 3-element,
wide-spaced Yagi. His signal report of 339 signal came all the way from
OZ7BO in Copenhagen, Denmark.

(sourced to ARNewsLine)


Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW with the usual reminder that tomorrow,
Monday March 7th the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club of Australia's monthly
News and Information bulletin goes to air.

As well as the latest Club news, this month we have items on the historic
coherer detector, nano-satellites and a reusable rocket.

Everyone, RAOTC members and non- members alike, is most welcome to listen to
the program and join in the call backs afterwards.

There are several ways to hear this broadcast.

At 0100 UTC Bill VK3BR will be beaming the program northwards from Melbourne
on 20 metres on 14.150 upper sideband for eastern states listeners.

An hour later at 0200 UTC there will be a 40 metre transmission from Perth
on 7088 kHz lower sideband with a simultaneous transmission via all linked
NewsWest VHF and UHF repeaters.

In addition, numerous local relays will take place, including a new service
starting on various Tasmanian repeaters following their regular News Night
program. To find the times and frequencies for your area please visit the
RAOTC website at and click on VK3OTN Broadcasts.

And remember, as from Tuesday you can download the audio file from this

Once again, the RAOTC monthly bulletin is scheduled for tomorrow, Monday March

73 from Clive VK6CSW.

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

The South African Radio League Hamnet 40 m Simulated Emergency Contest
is on air Sunday 6th from 12:00 to 14:00 UTC.

It is open to all radio amateurs in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe,
Swaziland, Mozambique, Lesotho, Marion Island and South African Antarctica.

It is a phone contest in the band segments 7063 to 7100 kHz
and 7130 to 7200 kHz so if outside these areas give them a fair go at the band!



Ham radio contact on 241 GHz

Chris G0FDZ reports on the UK Microwave Yahoo Group that the first UK amateur
radio contact on the 241 GHz (1.2mm) band took place on Friday, Feb 19, 2016

The contact was between Roger G8CUB/P and Chris G0FDZ/P in locator square
JO 01 EP. The distance was 30 metres and the CW signals were 559 and 589.
With signal to spare both ways an attempt was made to increase the distance
to over 50m but with deteriorating weather likely, a decision was taken to
limit to 30m as antenna alignment was taking a very long time to achieve.

You can view this contact, visit the UK Microwave Group (UKuG) 241 GHz page



Mar 5 VK6 PARG swap meet 8am till noon Mandurah. (parg sec.)
Mar 19-20 VK7 Meet The Voice weekend at Ross. (vk7wi)

April 10 VK3 Darebin Park for the ARDF Day (vk3www)
April 17 VK6 HARGfest 96 Gladys Road Lesmurdie open to public 10am (vk6zms)
April 30 vk6 PerthTech (wia)
Ap-May 29-2 VK4 Clairview Gathering check Mackay ARS website. (theTARCinc)

May 7 VK3 Moorabbin & District Radio Club HamFest, Mulgrave. (VK3GL)
May 27-29 VK9 WIA AGM this year on Norfolk Island (

June 3- 5 VK4 Central Highlands Social Gathering Theresa Creek dam (wia)
June 4 VK4 BARCfest Mt Gravatt Showgrounds. (vk4atc)
June 11-13 VK5 VK Foxhunting Championship & SERG convention Mt Gambier(VK5HCF)

July 9-10 VK3 GippsTech 2016 Churchill (

Sep 23-25 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM weekend
Lake Maraboon Holiday Village, near Emerald. (theTARCinc)
Sep-Oct 30-3 VK4 Cardwell Gathering Long Weekend, Beachcomber Motel(theTARCinc)

Nov 6 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am! (VK5KC)


March 26 VK3 EMDRC HamFest, Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont (VK3BQ)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-
Put the word subscribe in the title or subject field

How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
Email to
from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed)
Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe.
Send mail to the list unsubscribe address
You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given
in that mail to complete the unsubscription.

Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.

National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)