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Hi I'm Robert VK3DN

And I'm Bryan VK3GR

Well this is week 3 Bryan, and I'm back from a few weeks up north at Byron Bay back to this glorious Melbourne weather 'not'

Ahh you've given it away Rob the listeners thought we had recorded the last two weeks broadacsts in the same recording studio but no - the wonders of modern science we are actually recording our about 1,600k apart and sending each other the files. (or perhaps say something like that in your own words)

Yes well it is back to Melb back to work, how did your trip to Sydney go last weekend ?

OK Well we better get into the news, and to kick things off here is WIA president Phil Wait VK2ASD with some news from the WIA board..

Everything is ready for the 2016 WIA AGM

The Wireless Institute of Australia Annual General Meeting on Norfolk Island is only two weeks away, with about 100 people attending, about the same number as previous years.
The formal proceedings are in two sections, the AGM and the Open Forum.
The Directors report and the Treasurers report are presented and discussed at the AGM, and questions on those two items are taken. There is no other special business and no motions were received by the due date.
The Directors and Treasurer report's will be placed on the WIA website very shortly to allow viewing prior to the AGM.
The second part of the meeting is the Open Forum, which is a more wide ranging question and answer discussion on any topic relevant to Amateur Radio or the WIA.
The meeting will then go into an afternoon session of very interesting presentations.
This year we have arranged to have live audio and video streaming, so if you're near a computer or smartphone you should be able to log-on and view the proceedings. The WIA has arranged for a commercial "LiveStream" server and is using Norfolk Telecom for the internet feed.
Access to the Livestream feed will be provided by a page on the WIA website, and a news release providing access details will be posted in the week leading up to the AGM.
One of the issues we constantly face is trying to allocate the few WIA merit awards to a large number of very worthwhile nominees. This year we are introducing two new WIA merit awards: the Michael J. Owen Distinction for distinguished service to the WIA, and the Foundation Award for outstanding work with the Foundation licence.
One other thing we have initiated is a review of the WIA Constitution. We have formed a Constitution Review Commitee comprising Peter Young, Peter Wolfenden and Jenny Owen with a view to identifying areas in the constitution that need updating. Any proposed changes to the Constitution will need to go before next years AGM, in 2017, so there will be plenty of time for discussion and feedback from members.
For more details on the activities, including the WIA dinner, voice repeater, pico balloon flight, SOTA activity, DXpedition and operating Awards and more, please check out the WIA website Norfolk Island page.
This is Phil Wait VK2ASD, for the WIA.

Thanks Phil and now its to Roger with an update from the WIA Exam service.

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with some interesting news about the WIA Exams and Callsign Recommendation Services.

As reported previously, the Board's efforts to reform the National Office operations - to focus on customer service - continues to pay dividends, particularly for newcomers to the hobby sitting their licence exams, and those returning to the hobby after an absence and seeking callsigns to get back on the air.
Over the four weeks before Christmas last year, before the Office closed for the holiday season, a total of 40 exams were processed and 61 callsigns were issued.
At the time, Vice President Fred Swainston VK3DAC commented that these volumes for exams and callsigns over the final quarter of 2015 were higher than earlier in the year and especially compared with the same period in 2014.
About half the callsigns were being issued to amateurs returning to amateur radio, Fred said.
We were wondering if there would be an easing-off - or a slump, even - during the first quarter of 2016.
While the number of exams processed fell to 23 in January, then picked up to 29 in February, they came roaring back in March, with 67 being processed for the month.
But that proved to be the calm before the storm !
In April, the WIA Examinations Officer, Petra, processed seventy eight exams !
She was as busy as a one-armed paper-hanger !
What a sterling effort. Well done, Petra.
Certificates issued over the four months to the 29th of April totalled 197. For the same period in 2015, 181 were issued - 16 fewer than this year.
Little by little, more new amateurs are joining the hobby.
Callsigns issued this year also spiked-up. In January 61 were issued, which was line-ball with December.
In February, callsigns issued jumped to 88. In March, the number bumped up to 104.
Then, in April, 132 callsigns were issued ! What happened there ?
Well, we put it down to the "Norfolk Island effect".
That is, members attending the AGM, Open Forum and weekend of activities on Norfolk Island, applying for VK9 callsigns to join-in what will probably be the World's Biggest DXpedition.
It says here: "cue the sound bite of a Kookaburra" - but I can't find it. Oh, well.
This has been WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.

Museum talk on Norfolk Island

For some 50 years a Norfolk Island radio amateur has run a museum-type display which includes radio and navigation equipment used during World War II, and the Pacific Cable gear of 1902.
That cable once linked the Northern Hemisphere Atlantic network to the Pacific, and had two cables from Norfolk Island, one to Australia and the other to New Zealand.
John Anderson VK9JA also knows the story behind the Mt Bates radar and history of ham radio on Norfolk Island.
He welcomes all who will be part of the WIA annual general meeting and associated events, to visit his display to learn more about the military and civilian aspects of communications.
The program and events on Norfolk Island appear on the WIA website, and will be further updated as the details are confirmed.
In other news, the WIA AGM is being talked about by the weekly newspaper Norfolk Islander, plus on Radio Norfolk 89.9 FM and 1566 AM, the locally-run broadcaster.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Norfolk Island VK9RNI UHF repeater

Following extensive testing a new repeater is being packed ready for two weeks service at Norfolk Island and the Wireless Institute of Australia annual general meeting.
The Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group has put the digital equipment on air, with good UHF contacts with VK3WHO, VK3WAR, VK3CNW, VK3DAC and VK3TSR. The output power is set at 50 watts.
The UHF repeater will handle various modulation including conventional FM, narrow FM 2.5 kHz, Continuous Four Level Frequency Modulation, Digital/FM, Digital Voice/Data and more.
VK9RNI is for those who take their hand-held radios to Norfolk Island - the frequencies are an output on 439.300MHz and input at 434.300 MHz, with no CTCSS code needed.

The WIA QSL Bureaux has some simple rules

The Wireless Institute of Australia operates a QSL Bureau system for its members that generally follows the guidelines decided by the International Amateur Radio Union.
Among them are standards for QSL cards. The IARU has a universal standard for QSL card production to improve the handling of them by volunteers around the world.
The WIA only processes cards that meet the IARU standard. That is, they should be no larger than 140 millimetres by 90 millimetres, and are at least 0.25 millimetres thick.
Copy paper is not suitable and glossy photographic paper with inkjet printing also causes issues for QSL Bureaux around the world.
All current users and those thinking of having QSL cards printed, need to read to IARU standards and methods used by the WIA including the pre-sorting of cards by those using the outwards bureau.
More information on this WIA membership service is on the WIA website.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)

WIA assessors tell their candidates of the expected process time

The time it takes after an assessment to issue a licence can take at least four weeks.
In relation to fully qualified candidates, the WIA needs to issue them with a certificate of proficiency, verifies the callsign recommendation, and sends relevant information to the ACMA.
It is the ACMA that generates an invoice to the candidate for the licence fee.
This must be paid before the licence to operate can be valid. The licence is then on the public database and confirmation is sent by the ACMA to the candidate.
Assessors and candidates need to know that the total time between the return of the assessment to the WIA and the ACMA issuing a licence is currently about four weeks.
Candidates who inquire about progress of their assessment delays the WIA Exam Service, which then needs to check the material from the assessor.



ARISS and Amateur Television

Just imagine it's Friday May 20th you have no club meeting to attend, the bands are dead and only rubbish on the TV. If this is the situation you find yourself in I suggest you listen to this item.
From Melbourne on May 20th there are 2 Interesting events being televised live via VK3RTV1 Melbournes Digital Amateur Television Repeater.
Firstly, commencing around 17:30EST will be an ARISS contact where students from a Melbourne Primary School get to talk to an Astronaut onboard the International Space Station. If you have never witnessed one of these events live, then here is a great opportunity to see one happen. The International Space Station will not be in radio range until at least 18:35 so this will give you an hour to get things working. At about 18:45 the contact will be over but not the ATV transmission. This will continue for a short while longer and then close. But wait there's more! From around 19:30 VK3RTV1 will be active again this time from the EMDRC Clubroom in Burwood where Peter VK3BFG will be talking about Amateur Television and where things are currently at. You should hear an Item from Peter during this edition of the VK1WIA news.
Both events will be live on VK3RTV1, BATC and a live Youtube stream which is listed in the text edition.


WICEN South Australia continues to grow

Newly built radio go-boxes ready for emergency communications will be on display at the WICEN South Australia annual general meeting to be held later this month.
Throughout the year WICEN has been successful with recognition from authorities and the fire ground SAVEM veterinary service for injured wildlife and livestock.
The recent donation of 12 Motorola UHF handhelds has added to the existing stock but they will need someone to assist with maintenance and issuing for emergency communications work.
Among other activities the ANZAC Youth Vigil and a Cancer Council Relay for Life event - both need WICEN expertise and equipment loans.
To support the WICEN work in South Australia, be at the annual general meeting in the Tranmere Sea Scout Hall, Moore Street Tranmere, Friday May 20, at 7pm. Supper will be served.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Hello, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking

Since last week, some have wondered what the relevance of the internet is
to the hobby of amateur radio, in terms of our licence conditions.

The material you are hearing now has been distributed via the internet in the
form of an MP3 file. But when we think further, the VOIP modes such as
Echolink and the various digital derivatives such as used by Icom and Yaesu,
plus the commercial variants which are being used in the hobby all depend
on internet linking.

The ACMA has produced the AILS paper available on it's web site, where the
A stand for "amateur".

Just think if there were no DX clusters or the APRS logging sites how different
radio would be today. The Log Book of the World and e-QSL provide convenience
and speed and have only been made possible because of the internet.

A newer activity that is gaining popularity is that of remote operating where
the rig is permanently located at one site but the operator can be anywhere
where suitable internet linking is available.

There are online calculators and apps which are specific to electronics or
AR. These days, we can't forget the ubiquity of video made by hams and posted
for the benefit of us all.

So much of the recent evolution of the hobby has depended on availability of
the internet. How we receive the service, its cost and shortcomings should be
something to consider. Just because we are in a black hole does not mean
others aren't receiving good service and the reverse should be considered too.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?


VK stations get to use AX prefix for World Telecommunications Day

The International Telecommunications Union, or ITU, is an international organisation established to standardise radio and telecommunications.
The ITU was founded as the International Telegraph Union in Paris on May 17, 1865 and is the world's oldest international organisation. May 17, that is next Tuesday, is celebrated annually as World Telecommunication Day.
The Wireless Institute of Australia has a long standing agreement with the regulator, the Australian Communications and Media Authority, that the alternative AX prefix is available for the period 0001-2359 hours local time on May 17 to mark World Telecommunication Day.
The WIA recommends that those who use the AX prefix do so with an appropriate QSL card, especially to meet the needs of award and prefix

An Australian built satellite project

In many countries the challenge of space exploration continues, and here in West Australia is what could be the start of a new satellite project.
This can have a place in the era of innovation and the emerging STEAM activities at schools.
The OzQube-1 project is a tiny PocketQube satellite that is being built in a back shed, and has been on ABC radio and television, even its own website and Facebook page.
Building OzQube-1 is a challenge for its builder, Stewart McAndrew, but preparing for a low earth orbit by piggy-backing with others on a space launch costs money.
In his childhood he had an interest in finding out how things worked, built electronics kits, studied aviation and settled into a career in Information Technology.
To make the OzQube-1 dream closer to reality, crowdfunding through a GoFundMe campaign is underway.
More details on OzQube-1 project are via URLs which are in the text edition of this broadcast.
SatMag article:
Phys.Org article:
OzQube-1 blogspot: ozqube-1
(Jim Linton VK3PC)


New study finds no mobile phone-use cancer link

The incidence of brain cancer in Australia has been relatively stable over three decades, a new study led by the University of Sydney has found.
This finding is counter to claims of an electromagnetic radiation by mobile phones aired on the ABC program Catalyst earlier this year, which attracted widespread criticism.
The study authors claim that despite the near complete uptake of mobile phones among Australians, the devices which emit electromagnetic radiation, are not shown to increase cases of brain cancer.
All diagnosed cases of cancer in Australia have to be registered. The new paper drawing on this resource has found no link to brain cancer and mobile phone use.
It follow studies overseas which also found no evidence that mobile phones cause brain cancer.

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video

A special event presentation will occur on Friday 20 May from around 7.30 PM at the Eastern and Mountain Districts Radio Club. Peter VK3BFG who is well known in amateur television circles, will give a talk on the ways to enter this fascinating field.
The talk will be televised using the club's facilities and equipment. The club station, VK3ER has a DATV system which was partly funded by a grant from the WIA and will transmit to the Melbourne ATV Repeater VK3RTV. VK3RTV has a permanent internet connection to the British Amateur TV Club's streaming site where it can be viewed at any time when VK3RTV is active.
As this is a special event, Ralph VK3LL will provide a high quality U Tube link with video and audio sourced from a receiver tuned to VK3RTV. For amateur stations or SWL's not able to receive VK3RTV, this would be the best way of watching.
As a result of the U Tube provision the presentation will be relayed by VK3RBO Bendigo, VK5RDC Port Pirie, VK2RTS Sydney, VK2RTG Gosford and hopefully VK4RMG Brisbane. It is expected that recorded versions will also be transmitted via the W6ATN network in Southern California and also through WR8ATV in Columbus Ohio.
We are working on the possibility of an IRLP callback.
Multiple cameras and connections will be a feature of the event with Ralph VK3LL, Jack VK3WWW and Damian VK3KQ leading the floor crew. Peter will cover entry level through to advanced ATV systems, both analogue and digital.
In particular Peter will demonstrate the very versatile US/UK developed DATV Express running from a small Odroid Computer with its SDR and the Minitiouner which is a innovative set top box receiver that uses a PC and a software utility developed by Jeanee Pierre F6DZP.
The SDR component of the Minitiouner provides a wealth of information about the received signal including signal strength calibrated in dBm, the very important modulation error rate MER, and a Constellation display of the QPSK signal.
A Spectrum Analyser provided by Rob, VK3MQ will allow clear visualisation of the effects of over driving a power amplifier and the rapid onset of these effects with modest attempts at increasing power.

Visitors are welcome at the EMDRC Clubrooms or tune in to this special event, by receiving your local ATV Repeater, through the BATC streaming website or by the best option for remote stations, the high quality U tube Stream. Friday the 20th May is a date for your diary.


ANZAC history and the Australian submarine AE2
The exploits of an Australian submarine in the Dardanelles as ANZAC troops landed at Gallipoli on April 15, 1915, have been shown through a presentation to a very interested gathering.
Kevin Mulcahy VK2CE, the Master of a Masonic Lodge on the New South Wales coast gave an informative talk that detailed the AE2 story.
His presentation at a lodge meeting went for 90 minutes before an audience that included former Navy sailors resulting in few questions being asked.
Kevin VK2CE said: "The story of AE2 one of amazing fortitude, skill and perseverance plus of course, gallantry.
"Its sister Australian submarine, the AE1 which disappeared in battle, was skippered by a Freemason, and that has led to further research."
The two E-Class submarines were the first for the then fledgling Royal Australian Navy.
The powerpoint presentation drew heavily on the original article written by Michael Charteris VK4QS, "The spark gap signal that changed ANZAC history", in the April edition of Amateur Radio magazine, the WIA journal.
On the ANZAC Century that article it talks of the role of Australian submarine AE2, and that crucial wireless message sent by telegrapher William Falconer in the Dardanelles as ANZAC landed at Gallipoli on April 15, 1915.
The gallant officers and sailors on AE2, located in the Sea of Marmara, are part of the ANZAC legend.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Victorian National Parks active in November

The date has been announced for the 6th annual Keith Roget Memorial National Park Award activation period.
Activators and hunters are to focus on the 45 National Parks in Victoria.
Award Manager Tony Hambling VK3XV/VK3VTH says many are going for individual targets including a Merit Award, and the ultimate, the 'Grand Slam' that needs all National Parks.
He welcomes any inquiries about the Keith Roget Memorial National Park Award activation that will be on Friday November 11 through to Monday November 14.
The list has already attracted six National Parks and many more are expected.


Northern Ireland lighthouse scores 200th entry

The Haulbowline Lighthouse in Northern Ireland built in 1824 is this year's prestigious 200th registration in the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend.
The annual fun-event began in 1995 and is always held on the third weekend of August.
Members of the Hilltop Amateur Radio Club in County Down, mainly operate portable, and have chosen the Haulbowline Lighthouse.
The 34 metre high unpainted granite tower is on wave-washed rock, exposed only at low tide with a 'half tide' light for ships entering from the Irish Sea, showing that the tide was high enough for vessels to enter.
Listen for its callsign in clever phonetics - Mike November Zero Hilltop Never Quiet.
In the registrations leader board is Germany on 40, USA with 40, Australia 29, England 14, and Scotland 12 in a total of nearly 30 countries so far.
To see them all, to register a marine navigation structure under simple guidelines on August 20 and 21, visit the website
(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Canadian wildfire

We have all seen the disastrous fires at Fort McMurray in Canada, which have raised many houses and properties.
Radio Amateurs Canada has had many inquiries but to date the Alberta Section of ARES reports that it is not a communications exercise and no call out has resulted.
Meanwhile radio amateurs are helping support agencies, such as the Red Cross, during the emergency.

ARRL helps recovery from the great Ecuador earthquake

The recovery is still continuing in the Ecuador following the 7.8 earthquake there on April 16 and numerous aftershocks.
More than 650 people died, 16,600 were injured and widespread damage occurred in the disaster that was the worst earthquake in that country for nearly seven decades.
The American Radio Relay League has sent the Radio Club Guayaquil HC2GRC equipment for reliable communication where the telecommunications infrastructure suffered damage.
ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager Mike Corey KI1U, says an Amateur Radio network fills the communications gaps.
It can be deployed anywhere, run on solar power, and function without the Internet or traditional telecommunications infrastructure.
(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee)

Rewind, a look back on our history

Rewind, a look back at our history

Organised Amateur Radio and the WIA
On 11 March, 1910 a meeting of like-minded people in the Hotel Australia, Martin Place, Sydney, formed the Institute of Wireless Telegraphy of Australia.
Soon after, it dropped the word 'telegraphy' from its name and is the Wireless Institute of Australia.
Chairman of the founding meeting, George Taylor, proposed "the formation of an institution amongst experimenters and enthusiasts in wireless for their mutual benefit."
The WIA honours him with its highest award, the G A Taylor Medal, given infrequently at its annual general meeting, for meritorious service.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)


May 27-29 VK9 WIA AGM this year on Norfolk Island

June 3- 5 VK4 Central Highlands Social Gathering Theresa Creek dam
June 4 VK4 BARCfest Mt Gravatt Showgrounds.
June 11-13 VK5 VK Foxhunting Championship & SERG convention Mt

July 9-10 VK3 GippsTech 2016 Churchill

Aug 7 VK6 NCRG HamFest 9am Cyril Jackson Community Hall Ashfield

Sep 23-25 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM weekend
Lake Maraboon Holiday Village, near Emerald.
Sep-Oct 30-3 VK4 Cardwell Gathering Long Weekend, Beachcomber

Nov 6 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am!
Nov 26 VK7 Miena Hamfest Saturday 26th. (vk7wi

Well thats it for this week Rob another week of WIA National News and we hope that Graham is enjoying his time off.

Yes sure is the end of this weeks news, and we hope that the listeners have a good week, until we meet again next week, as we say - We report it you decide

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read
item write in the 3rd person.



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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.
© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)