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Hi I'm Robert VK3DN

And I'm Bryan VK3GR

Welcome back for another week of WIA news .. how are you going

Going Well Rob.

Yes thats right Bryan, Friday night Essex heights primary school had a linkup with the ISS we have a report and some audio in this weeks news broadcast, but thats a bit later. First heres WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with some news from the WIA Board


This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with yet more news on the Institute's submission to the ACMA concerning future amateur licence conditions.
This time, I'll share some reactions to the submission. And there have been some interesting comments, I must say.
First up, is this one: "If these changes are implemented, and I cannot see why they won't be, amateur radio has a very bright and exciting future indeed! I am really looking forward to my next 55 years on the bands."
How about this, concerning the HF bands: "Why relax bandwidth restrictions - isn't 3 kHz more than enough?" and further - "any digital modes and experimentation should be narrow band".
Apparently, the WIA's principle that future licence conditions should not limit or hinder experimentation with, or adaptation of, emerging technologies and applications is - quote - irresponsible - and - plain crazy - end quotes.
Here's a different view, and I quote:
Having closely followed the LCD evolution over many years and also having read the WIA submission (URL above) I must take this opportunity to congratulate the WIA board for developing such a comprehensive document.
It sets out a clear direction for the future of amateur radio and addresses all the issues. It will also make the job of the ACMA much easier due to the clarity of the arguments.
The quality of the arguments put forward shows that the WIA really has the interests of all amateur radio operators at heart, this is not a "members only document".
- end quote.
There's a suggestion doing the rounds that newly-licensed F-calls remain on the current privileges and don't get new privileges until after a certain period they've logged X number of QSOs, then they get more bands and higher power. And similarly, for Standard and Advanced licensees - but they would have to sit an additional exam!
Comedian Spike Milligan recorded a song once, back in the 1950s - called "I'm walking backwards for Christmas".
OK. Let us have a comment from a current Foundation licensee.
He says: "I knew the foundation license lagged somewhat behind other country permissions, but I didn't know that the Standard and even the Advanced licenses in Australia lagged behind the rest of the world. The power limit I think is fair, the inclusion of digital modes for foundation is long overdue."
And then there's the call to sharpen-up the HF band plans to make the CW segments EXCLUSIVE.
Here's one advocate's view on that, and I quote - our wise radio amateur ancestors made CW bands EXCLUSIVE. This came to an end in Australia when Roger Harrison VK2ZRH and friends, new WIA leadership, called for an end to the CW exam for HF access. While I and many of you will clearly have no objection to the dropping of CW as a requirement to obtain HF licenses, HOWEVER it should NEVER have allowed for those who did not take the exam, to be allowed automatically onto the CW exclusive parts of the band - end quote.
Just call me Beel-ze-bub. I'm the devil incarnate! Dit dah di-dit di-dit dah di-dit
Actually, it was the President of the International Amateur Radio Union in the 1990s who championed dropping the Morse exam for HF access. His name was . . . Michael Owen VK3KI. Michael became the founding President of the WIA. Now a silent key.
Again! - it says here - cue sound clip of a kookaburra. I still can't find it. Oh well.
This has been WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News - look out for me on the bands from Norfolk Island. I'll be signing VK9NJ - Victor Kilo Number 9 Norfolk Junket.

The WIA to land on Norfolk Island

A small advance party will arrive at Norfolk Island late this week to check out the venues, install the VK9RNI UHF repeater, liaise with organisers and generally put in place a myriad of arrangements.
There will be about 100 people attending the event while the Amateur Radio world focusses on Norfolk Island.
The seminal Daily DX newsletter lists activity from this DX entity that will be sought after by DXers, while award hunters also have the limited edition Norfolk Award which has easy rules and application.
Observing it all will be Neill Ellis ZL1TAJ from our sister society, the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART).
It all starts with an informal Friday night gathering at the local RSL.
One of the highlights of the weekend is the naming of WIA members in the WIA Merit Awards program, and those active WIA Assessors who have now reached the milestone of 10 years.
On Saturday the WIA annual general meeting will be held, followed by the members' forum, with two streams of interesting presentations in the afternoon,
This is to coincide with alternate partner tours, one looking at historical aspects and the other a gourmet food tour.
All then come together in the evening for the tradition WIA Dinner - with a keynote address and a presentation on VI0ANZAC at Casey Base.
Among the events will be SOTA activity, the VI9ANZAC commemorative station, the PS-65 balloon flight, and a traditional fish bake.
With the addition of self-exploring of the tourist attractions, it will be a memorable occasion.
The WIA AGM program and annual reports are on the WIA website.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Essex Heights Primary School in Melbourne talks to space
With great anticipation students with plenty of rehearsing, and even a mid-week media gig, a Melbourne suburban school community is the latest talk to a crew member in orbit on the International Space Station.
The Essex Heights Primary School in Melbourne's east last Friday night, during a pre-arranged 10 minute pass, put a series of questions to Astronaut Jeff Williams KD5TVQ via an Amateur Radio telebridge. The school hall was very quiet as the range of questions were asked.
This is Jeff's third stint at the International Space Station, being the American spending the most cumulative days in space.
The event is part of the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station ARISS, through a telebridge provided by Tony Hutchison VK5ZAI.
Essex Heights Primary has a very strong science program. In the lead up to the big event students have been tracking overhead passes of the International Space Station which can be seen by the naked eye.
On Friday night, before their teachers and parents, the 11 students asked Jeff Williams questions including how he got into space travel, what sort of work is done in orbit, and the effects of zero gravity.
The year-three to year-six students had their questions ready and quickly stepped up to the microphone.
The school's Science Coordinator who organised the ARISS event, Jenny Ashtin, later reported that there was great excitement as the International Space Station orbited some 350 kms above.
Principal Andrew Crossett is hopeful the experience will help expand the students' horizon.
He also praised the Amateur Radio volunteers who made it all possible through the ARISS program.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)

WIA constitution review under way

The WIA Board has considered updating opportunities for the WIA Constitution that was last changed by the members on 2004.
The Ad-hoc Constitution Reform Panel has been asked to examine the Constitution document and come up with its findings by June 30.
Panel members are regulatory counsel Peter Young VK3MV, historian Peter Wolfenden VK3RV and lawyer Jenny Owen.
Any proposed changes to the Constitution will be circulated to all members and put to a vote at the 2017 WIA annual general meeting.

ACMA shutdowns licencing
The WIA Exam Service has been told by the ACMA that all processing of licence matters has stopped for two weeks, while work is carried out on its new SPECTRA computerised processing system.
The ACMA said that the project to implement SPECTRA is now in its final phase, as it transitions broadcast licensing from the old RADCOM system.
The shutdown will involve all licencing until 31 May. During the shutdown the ACMA will upgrade the facility including new features as it migrates licence records into SPECTRA.

WIA office access review

The WIA Board has adopted a policy that will allow the use of the WIA premises at Bayswater Melbourne by others hiring it at commercial rates.
This policy was prepared by Peter Wolfenden VK3RV, for which the WIA Board is grateful.
In summary the policy allows, at Board discretion, to make available unused space at its Bayswater Factory and Office at a minimal rate of 75% of commercial rates in the area.
At the same time, security has been changed at the office with new keys and security passes issued after a review of the key register.

WIA Secretary retires

After about four years as Company Secretary, David Williams VK3RU foreshadowed that he wanted to see out the year and retire at the annual general meeting.
David has given the WIA Board a hand-over report that should help the incoming Secretary.
David will not be attending Norfolk Island. The Board has identified a new Secretary, who will be appointed at its meeting after the AGM.

Marine buoy carries Amateur Radio payload

We should be familiar now with the high attitude solar power pico balloons launched in Melbourne by Andy VK3YT having circumnavigated the Southern Hemisphere.
One such balloon, PS-65 using the callsign VK9WI, is to be launched late this week and in its telemetry stream will be a message for the WIA annual general meeting on Norfolk Island.
It will also have a very low power transmitter for trackers to follow on the 30 metre band, like previous balloons in the series.
In an interesting twist this time it also has a greeting message among the normal data that includes the location, speed and altitude.
Now comes news of a marine buoy ZL1SIX, with a similar low powered transmission using the WSPR and JT9 modes on the 30m band.
Unlike the jet-stream travelling pico balloons at high altitude of about 10-thousand metres, the sea level marine buoy with a GPS and QRP transmitter is to drift with the tides, currents and wind directions.
The yacht named 'Windflower' left the Island Cruising Association on the north island of New Zealand last weekend, heading to the launch site in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean.
The buoy is expected to now be active in the water. Behind the project is Bob Sutton ZL1RS, who has long been tracking the pico balloons floating courtesy of Andy Nguyen VK3YT.
The ocean buoy project also transfers some of the technical knowledge gained by Andy VK9YT with his balloon flights over more than two years.
The text edition of this broadcast has a URL for more details of this exciting project.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)

CSIRO technology in China's new radio telescope

Australian now-how is at the heart of what will be the world's largest single-dish radio telescope, now being built in being built in south-western China.
Large radio telescopes look deep into the past of the universe with great sensitivity.
The 500 metre wide one in China is called FAST, and uses the CSIRO's powerful receiver and its long history developing cutting-edge astronomy technology.

IARU takes over the DX operating booklet

For the past eight years a booklet that seeks to discuss in a prescriptive way the possible "Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur" on the bands, has been seen as setting a standard.
Translated into the main languages, the booklet by John Devoldere ON4UN and Mark Demeuleneere ON4WW, has now been given to the International Amateur Radio Union for future development.
Mark and John contacted IARU asking it to be the future custodian, explaining that the pair felt this was the way to ensure it remains relevant and current.
The IARU Administrative Council has accepted responsibility and the booklet is free online.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)

ACMA considers a mobile phone jammer at another jail

The Australian Communications and Media Authority is looking at a proposed trial of phone jamming technology at Goulburn Correctional Complex in New South Wales.
The use and possession of the jammers is illegal in Australia, but exemption on their use such as to prevent mobile phones being used by an inmate of a jail.
Corrective Services New South Wales has made the application, after a successful trial it had at the Lithgow Correctional Centre.


Club Focus 04 Work Play Balance

In previous editions of Club Focus, I've spoken about the psychosocial benefits of belonging to
a group or club, talked about how to keep a club interesting to its members, and discussed the
need for sound governance.
So where to from here? Keeping a club rolling along successfully isnt rocket science, however
it does require persistence and determination.
The committee and other office bearers have been entrusted with the responsibility to manage
the club's finances, run meetings, write the letters, keep the equipment working, maintain the
shack, repair the antennas, etc etc.
But hang about. What about playing with the toys? Where's the worklife balance of the club?
Surely it's reasonable for one to expect to spend an appreciable amount of club time on air.
Isnt it?
Well of course it is, however being on air isn't the only activity that makes club time something
to look forward to.
My experience is that doing anything as a team or group is why we belong to a club. And just
like all other aspects of our lives, we must maintain a balance. Often we hear the term "work-
life balance". We could directly apply that to our Radio Clubs as "work play balance".
To keep your club healthy, it's important to maintain this balance. It's important to have sufficient
"play time" in your club time to keep members interested and stimulated in their chosen hobby.

I'm Bob, VK6POP

web service:-

Entry level and upgrading courses in Melbourne
Enrolments are now open for the next the quality Foundation Licence training and assessments weekend by Amateur Radio Victoria held on the weekend of June 11-12.
Also a Bridging Course for the Standard Licence will be held in late September and October on Wednesday nights at 6.30pm.
To enrol in the Foundation Licence training or the Bridging Course, held at the Amateur Radio Victoria office 40G Victory Boulevard, Ashburton, contact Barry Robinson VK3PV on 0428 516 001.


Hello, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

On the weekend when Norfolk Island is radio active with mainland operators,
it seems appropriate to think of the importance of the functional and ceremonial
aspects of the WIA annual general meeting. It was reported during this past
week that the new Australian Government Administrator has removed the locals
from running the broadcast radio on the island. The short term installation of
a multimode repeater for use of visiting amateurs may attract residents to
enquire about the hobby.

Hopefully, the DXpeditioners are finding the gods of propagation are favouring
them and for those who can take internet streaming, the satellite service from
the island has brought the activities to their screens.

One of the functions of this mandated gathering is to install the directors elected
earlier this year. Of course, the formal presentation of reports and financial
statements takes place also even although much of this material has been placed
on the web site and emailed to financial members. This is to show that the
requirements of a registered entity have been met and activities properly discharged
and disclosed.

It is all too easy in this day and age to look under a statement and seemingly find fault.
It is easy to allege that wrong doing has occurred and to find conspiracies where none
exist. Similarly, it is easy for those engaged in running organisations to find easy
options and to form power groups rather than adhere to best practice.

As a reconstructed team take over the Institute, it is time to think about how our
clubs run and how we react. In looking at our peak body, we can reflect on our own
practices. Through out the whole structure we can apply one principle called
consideration for each other.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?


Smart clothes peg makes drying your clothes a breeze

The humble clothes peg, you know that fastener used to hang up clothes for drying, usually on a clothes line.
Well, it has been brought into the modern age with a smart clothes peg.
Inside the orange coloured smart peg is a thermometer, UV sensor and humidity detector.
These track the weather and impending rain to alert you via your smart phone and WiFi.
The smart peg aims to avoid soggy washing on the line that needs expensive indoor drying.
It seems that many things will eventually be caught up in the Internet of Things revolution.



Remembrance or RD Contest August 13-14

36th ALARA Contest is on the last full weekend in August, Aug 27-28.

Radars, Fishermen, Taxis, and Broadcasters

The International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 Monitoring System has found many intruders on exclusive Amateur Radio allocations causing harmful interference.
In plague proportions are emissions from over-the-horizon radars in China and Russia that affect 40m, 30m, 20m, and 15m.
Also mentioned is voice traffic on several bands from fishing operations, and persistent taxi dispatching from Russia.
The April newsletter has reports on other interference from broadcasters both harmonics, and deliberate jammers to block out other broadcasts.
Military traffic is also occurring on our bands, some in digital format on 40m and 20m.


QRP Day is next month

The interest in QRP is challenging and strong, and is encouraged by the International Amateur Radio Union by an event on June 27 each year.

The New Zealand Amateur Transmitters successfully submitted at the 10th IARU Region 3 Conference in 1997 at Beijing, that QRP had its advantages, is worthy of articles in national magazines, and on air activity to show how it can effectively use the spectrum.

Nearly all aspects of Amateur Radio can be done with five watts.

It's very popular in portable applications, pedestrian mobile, those without space at home, ragchewing, chasing DX, award hunting and home-brewing.

QRP Day is Friday, June 27.

Turn down the transmitter power to QRP and join in the fun.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Net is held each Mondays on 3.570 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.
(1000utc during daylight saving)


May 27-29 VK9 WIA AGM this year on Norfolk Island

June 3- 5 VK4 Central Highlands Social Gathering Theresa Creek dam
June 4 VK4 BARCfest Mt Gravatt Showgrounds.
June 11-13 VK5 VK Foxhunting Championship & SERG convention Mt

July 9-10 VK3 GippsTech 2016 Churchill

Aug 7 VK6 NCRG HamFest 9am Cyril Jackson Community Hall Ashfield

Sep 23-25 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM weekend
Lake Maraboon Holiday Village, near Emerald.
Sep-Oct 30-3 VK4 Cardwell Gathering Long Weekend, Beachcomber

Nov 6 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am!
Nov 26 VK7 Miena Hamfest Saturday 26th. (vk7wi

Now looking ahead to next week's broadcast, we will have a review of the contents of Amateur Radio magazine for June.
Also the WIA AGM on Norfolk Island will have started - it will be reported on through the WIA website, and the VK1WIA broadcast on June 5.

Well thats about it for this week Bryan,

Yes it is Rob, hope you have a good week next wee and as well always say

We report it you decide

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


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Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
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even get a "cheerio call".

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and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)