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WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH re ACMA licence payments and renewals.

WIA pitches for a 70 MHz allocation, along with a suite of other frequencies

WIA Magazine, what's in August edition.


Australia on the move!

The continent is drifting north at seven centimetres a year, not very far, but
it's beginning to cause some GPS problems.

As a result the Australian government research and mapping service Geoscience
Australia has begun redrawing the map.

The last calculation was when Australia aligned to global positioning
satellites back in 1994 - and a whopping 1.5 metres in movement has happened
since then. While it may not affect smart phones, accurate to within a distance
of 5 metres, it is starting to be felt with more accurate GPS users such as
agricultural equipment, research, and drones.

Accuracy will be particularly crucial when self-driving cars arrive, as well as
keeping track of sea levels with climate change.

Geoscience Australia wants to realign accuracy with pinpoint accuracy of
latitude and longitude, and upload them to GPS systems by January 2017.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

A host of science and technology on show

National Science Week held around Australia is designed to increase engagement
and interest in the sciences.

For example, the Sydney Science Festival is at the Powerhouse Museum from
August the 11th to 21st with over 100 different events. These include a
Mini Maker Faire; STEM lectures and hands-on activities; free workshops
for young people; the community-driven Internet of Things; some unanswered
questions about our universe; code breaking, designing computer games,
robotics, and a lot more.

The festival, part of National Science Week, promises practical science brought
to life for people of all ages.

Check it out by visiting the website:

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


web service:-

Hi, This is Peter VK3TQ , from the Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club

August 20th is the date for our Annual General Meeting . The AGM will be held
at the Woodend RSL in Anslow St Woodend . The AGM will commence at 10am sharp

At 11.00 am , our guest speaker will be Mark Tell Assistant manager,
Field Operations and Compliance ACMA

Mark indicated that the was much to update licenced amateurs and was pleased
to be able to speak to the club

After Marks presentation, a sausage sizzle will be held and the RSL bar will be
open at RSL prices

If you are a non-member and would like to come along , you will need to RSVP
the club, by sending an email to, so we can cater for

If you're interested in having a look at the Macedon Ranges ARC, our meetings
are held on the third Saturday of the month, at the Woodend RSL Anslow St
Woodend for more information, go to our website
or friend us on Facebook to get all the news


This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with a heads-up about licence
payments and renewals.

As some licensees have discovered, there has been a problem recently with the
A-C-M-A's online licensing database not showing that a licence was current
after a renewal or new licence payment had been made.

The WIA has been discussing the problem with the A-C-M-A, which requested the
WIA to suspend callsign recommendations until the problem is resolved to avoid
duplicate callsigns being issued.

Accordingly, the Public List of Available Callsigns on the WIA website has been
suspended until we are advised by the ACMA that the issue with its finance
system is resolved.

So - for the time being, the National Office is unable to proceed with any
callsign recommendations.

However, if you have paid the ACMA-invoiced fee for your new licence, or your
renewal, before the due date, you can go on-air and operate with confidence.

Go to the WIA website at and read the news item headed
"ACMA computer system issues affecting licence issuing and renewals".

The ACMA has a notice about the situation on its website.

On 22 June this year, the Australian Communications and Media Authority opened
consultation on proposed updates to frequency plans for the 70 to 87.5 MHz and
148 to 174 MHz VHF bands, with a closing date of 1 August 2016.

You get little time to respond these days.

As the WIA had signified interest in a 70 MHz amateur allocation to the ACMA
back in July 2014, and again in recent discussions with the ACMA, the Spectrum
Strategy Committee decided that a submission to this consultation was in order,
principally to flag the amateur radio community's interest.

Historically, the 70.0 to 87.5 MHz band has been used by commercial, community,
government and defence communications services. The ACMA is proposing to update
its Radiocommunications Assignment and Licensing Instruction document, which
covers these VHF bands, known as R - A - L - I ~ RALI ~ MS 42.

The WIA is pitching for use of a band between 70 and 70.5 MHz that aligns with
allocations across Region 1, which covers Europe, Russia, the Mediterranean,
Middle East and Africa.

These Region 1 allocations are widely known as the four metre band.

The WIA has been aware for some time that interest in, and use of,
70 to 70.5 MHz across Australia has declined. It remains to be seen whether
the ACMA's consultation round on RALI MS 42 will flush out renewed interest
from other stakeholders.

Whatever changes the ACMA decides to make to the RALI, there's another step to
go, with consultation on updating the Australian Radio Frequency Spectrum Plan
to commence shortly.

The WIA will be pitching for a 70 MHz allocation, along with a suite of other
frequencies, including the 60 metre band that the World Radiocommunications
Conference agreed on last year.

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.


Now being sent to WIA members is the latest edition of Amateur Radio magazine

Adorning the cover of Amateur Radio magazine for August is the highly
successful inaugural ANZAC Day special event - that combined Scouts with
many elements of our hobby.
Inside is a story by Julie VK3FOWL and Joe VK3YSP, detailing this youth
activity at the 1st Bentleigh Scout Hall that included a high altitude balloon.

A very well organised event with 200 attending and worth a read as the
latest initiative of the School Amateur Radio Club Network.
Peter Freeman VK3PF has an interesting editorial discussing the
self-education role of our hobby, whether assembling a station or
exploring what is on offer, it extends our pre-existing knowledge.

WIA President Phil Wait VK2ASD looks at the open forum at the recent WIA
AGM on Norfolk Island.

It has a number of good suggestions with the potential to increase
membership and improve the WIA's financial position.

Phil VK2ASD discusses the issues of boosting membership, the digital
Amateur Radio magazine, and supporting the WIA advocacy role.

There's plenty of ideas and thoughts in this month's WIA Comment section
to keep members informed about what is being considered.

Meantime, WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH had great pleasure presenting
the 2016 Wilkinson Achievement Award.

It went to David Scott VK2JDS, for his activities in 1296 MHz moonbounce,
and helping to maintain a profile of Australian participation in this
leading-edge pursuit.

An intriguing article by Jim Tregellas VK5JST looks at a $10 antenna for 2
metres that has gain, provides a low radiation angle, and can take just
30 minutes to make.

A simple butterfly capacitor for a magnetic loop antenna is also outlined
by Ron Holmes VK5VH.

This edition also includes several rig reviews and the regular special
interest columns and reports.

Amateur Radio magazine is produced 11 times a year as a WIA membership
service, and is also available at selected news agents.

I am Barry Robison VK3PV and you are listening the VK1WIA.

What use is an F-call?

Operating from your shack is a different experience from operating in another
station. It's a completely different experience again if you operate your
station portable.

At first glance, what's the problem, you pack your radio into a bag, travel to
the destination and start operating. If you spend a little more time, you'll
soon realise that you'll need to take many other variables into consideration.
Things like power, coax, structures for your antenna, antennas, operating
position and the like.

Let's start with power.

Do you have access to mains power where you'll be operating, or will you need
to bring a generator, or do you have batteries? If you have batteries, how will
you charge them? Are the batteries going to last for the whole operation?
How do you know?

Is any of the power system going to generate noise on HF? Did you actually test

What are you going to do about grounding, what about fuel, fire safety, fuses,

I could spend the next 40 minutes going through a list with caveats, gotchas
and lessons learned, but ultimately, this needs to be your experience, so,
before you go portable, sit down at your current station, happy and dry, and
have a look around at all the things that go into the station running smoothly.

Now imagine sitting on a desert island and getting your signal out.

Make a list, in addition to recording what you're bringing, if there are more
than one of you going on the outing, who's bringing it? Also include where an
item currently is, include what its status is, for example, does it need a
spare battery, or recharging, or repairing.

I've now been portable more times than I can count and while it gets easier
with time, I can guarantee you that I'll be sitting at my station, looking
around for a thing that I forgot.

Hopefully it won't be mission critical.

Before I forget, resist the urge to bring your whole shack. The car isn't big

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

Silent Keys are best sent to AR Magazine and your local state or club news
rather than this WIA National News Service.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

The International Amateur Radio Union Region 3, which covers the Asia Pacific,
is concerned by the unnecessary restrictions facing radio amateurs. The IARU
Region 3 conference in Bali last year, through reports and discussion, noted
the ongoing difficulties still existing in certain countries.

Those barriers include restrictions on the possession and operation of
transmitters and receivers. The IARU lists a number of issues that should be a
"baseline" for working with the administrations, such as achieving improvements
to licensing, examination and other operating conditions.

Gone should be the old era of 'Post and Telegraph' with most now taking on a
much broader the role of a national radio regulator. The modern radio amateur
in many of the more developed countries now enjoy full operating privileges
resulting from subsequent decisions made at the World Radiocommunication

In a posting on the Amateur Radio Victoria (VK3) site they say "In support of
the Korean Amateur Radio League, Philippine Amateur Radio Association, Amateur
Radio Society India and others, the IARU urges the removal of those and similar

Dayton Hamvention's Hara Arena to close

The home of Hamvention since 1964, is closing. Hamvention 2017 will be held at
a new location in the Dayton area, yet to be disclosed.

"The Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) regrets to inform our many
vendors, visitors and stakeholders that, unfortunately, HARA has announced
the closing of their facility," a news release from Hamvention General Chair
Ron Cramer, KD8ENJ, has said.

"We have begun execution of our contingency plan to move Hamvention 2017 to a
new home.

A hockey team's cancellation of its upcoming season earlier this month had
raised questions about the future availability of Hara Arena for Hamvention.
Hara Arena has been facing long-standing financial problems including unpaid
property taxes.

Hamvention attracted more than 25,000 visitors this year and is worth millions
of dollars to the Dayton area economy.

New Digital Voice Smartphone Ham Radio

A posting on Imgur apparently shows a smartphone integrated HT made by the
Austrian Amateur Radio Society VSV

The development model shown is reported to cater for D-Star, DMR, YSF, TRBO,
Codec2, APRS. The VSV Next Generation New Radio Initiative featured at last
year's Friedrichshafen Ham Radio event and this HT would appear to be the
result of the initiative.

The news has generated considerable interest on Reddit and the comments can be
seen on

Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure

The Caribbean island of Saba is the destination for three young amateurs.

They were chosen for the 2016 Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure, and
set out this month, August, to operate at the island station of Jeff,
PJ 6 / NM 1 Y.

Morgan, KD 8 ZLK; Ruth, KM 4 LAO, and Faith, AE 4 FH are working from Saba
Island to 9th August.

Mark Abramowicz, NT 3 V, YHOTY Chairman, from Amateur Radio Newsline and
Richard Moseson, W 2 VU, Editor, CQ Magazine have jointly announced
Skyler Fennell KD 0 WHB as 2016 Young Ham of the Year

Skyler Fennell KD0WHB, of Denver has been selected as the 2016
Bill Pasternak WA6ITF Memorial Young Ham of the Year.

Skyler , 17, is the son of Karl and Carol Fennell, and recently
graduated with honours from Denver School of the Arts.

Skyler was first licensed in July 2013 as a Technician and upgraded to
General by September 2013. He took and passed his Extra class license
exam in January 2014.

Skyler's interest in basic electronics was sparked when he was in the
fourth grade and continued into middle school and high school.

Among his early building projects were a laser spirograph, audio
amplifiers, and high voltage transformer drivers.

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?



Remembrance or RD Contest August 13-14

The 19th International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend Aug 20-21

36th ALARA Contest is on the last full weekend in August, Aug 27-28.

September 23-25 D-STAR (Digital Amateur Radio) QSO party.


Ham Radio On The Ferries 12th of March



Special event station GB 5 RC will be operated this weekend, 5th to 8th August
from the 'Ross Revenge' which is moored in the River Blackwater in Essex.

The 'Ross Revenge' is the former home of Radio Caroline and the special event
station marks 50 years of offshore radio broadcasting.

QSL Manager is G 6 NHU.


The Japan Amateur Radio Development Association (JARD) was established in
1991,and are celebrating its Silver Jubilee this year.

To commemorate the event, station JD 1 YBV will be on the air.

JD1YBV from Chichijima Island (AS-031) between August 23th and August 28th.

Activity will be on 40-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.

QSL via the Bureau

JD 1

JG8NQJ/JD1 from Marcus Island for a couple of months while there to service
the weather station.

Activity on 20, 15, 10 and 6 metres using CW and RTTY.

QSL to JA 8 CJY.

Operators Wyatt/AC0RA and Dave/KG5CCI will activate Santa Rosa Island
as K6R on a Satellite Expedition between September 16-18th.

The Santa Rosa Island is in the Channel Islands National Park.

Operators have secured permissions, arranged to get to the island and will
spend 2 nights camping, and operate on a number of satellite passes - as well
as some terrestrial and HF operations too.


Special event station DR777RI is QRV until the end of 2016 to mark the
777th anniversary of the town of Rinteln.
QSL via DL 8 OBQ.


Who and Where are our broadcast stations?

ABC apologises over its Wi-Fried program

The controversial Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Catalyst program
about the safety of wireless devices on February 16, has been internally
reviewed to find it breached the ABC's impartiality standards and suspended
its reporter.

Plenty of discussion occurred when an episode of the government owned ABC
flagship science program Catalyst linked Wi-Fi and mobile phone use to cancer.

Catalyst had gained a reputation with viewers for communicating complex
scientific ideas in a straightforward and accessible way.

The audience expected a high degree of accuracy, fairness and impartiality.
However the ABC's independent Audience and Consumer Affairs received numerous
complaints about that episode. It upheld that the program unduly favoured the
unorthodox perspective that wireless devices and Wi-Fi pose significant health

The ABC was to apologise to its viewers.

The full A&CA investigation report is on:

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video

Time moves on with the demise of the VCR

The world's last video cassette recorder or VCR is to roll off the assembly
line this month.

The VCR was once very popular with millions of them sold a year.

Remember the pre-recorded tapes available from video libraries?

VCRs were replaced first by the DVD, and then other more advanced technologies
including file sharing.

VCR tape owners with weddings and other special occasions on them will need to
switch to newer formats if they want to keep their images in future. (That is
if they did not inadvertently record a footy grand final over half of it!)

A bit like an earlier generation of home movie camera film of treasured moments.

(from vk3pc)

Net is held each Mondays on 3.570 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.
(1000utc during daylight saving)

The South African Radio League YL Sprint is a fun activity to celebrate
Women's Day between radio amateurs in South Africa.

Call "YL Sprint" on 9 August from 09:00 to 10:00 UTC.

It is a phone sprint with activity between 7063 to 7100 and 7130 to 7200 kHz
and the exchange is a RS report and YL or OM.

(SARL News)


ILLW heats up as tally mounts

AT 2 L is a special call sign issued to activate a Lighthouse station from
Uttan Point LH (WLOL:IND 119, ILLW :IN 0005) near Mumbai for the
International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend.

AT 2 L will be active between 19-21 August, 2016.

QSL via VU 2 KWJ.

More details are on

Give them a shout when you hear AT 2 L

No matter whether you are in Europe, Asia, Africa, Russia, Oceania or the
Americas - there's plenty of activations this month in the annual
International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend.

So far more than 375 registrations have been received from 40 seafaring
countries. Organisers expect around 500 marine structures to be listed
in the next couple of weeks.

Leading this fun-event so far is Germany on 60, USA and Australia 55, followed
by England with 30.

To see all registrations, read the easy guidelines or perhaps go portable
yourself on the weekend of August the 20th and 21st, see the website

(SouthGate/Jim Linton VK3PC)


We invite you to go boldly where no troop has gone before, seek out new and
high tech Merit Badges:

Yes it's Space... the Final Frontier

Space Exploration, Aviation, Radio and Electronics to name a few will be
in store with Space Jam, THE scouting technology event of the year.

This year at Space Jam 10 Registered Scouts have a chance to talk with
astronauts on the International Space Station!

The Ham Radio contact has been planned for astronaut Kate Rubins KG 5 FYJ
with Space Jam 10, Rantoul, Illinois, USA Saturday 6 August, 2016 at
approximately 15:59 UTC.

The downlink signal will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM.

There will be no video from the ISS, but telebridge station IK 1 SLD will
stream live video of the ground station to the BATC Multiviewer server.
Interested parties can view the ground station operating at:

The BATC Multiviewer shows six screen views, one of which will be from the
IK 1 SLD station. You can enlarge it to full screen.


Today, Sunday 7th August, a number of VK1 and nearby SOTA summits will be
activated simultaneously for the VK1 SOTA winter QSO Party.

VK1 and VK2s will be activating summits from about 9am through to about 11am
and up to midday, to provide local and interstate chasers contacts with a
number of summits and also to provide each other with Summit to Summit contacts.

All VK1 and regional operators are invited to participate by either making
contacts with the SOTA activators or by joining in one or more activations.

- Make your first SOTA contacts from a hilltop without needing to carry
anything up a hill!

- See how quiet the band's sound when you are not in those noisy suburbs!

- Find out why SOTA activators are addicted to SOTA!

- Join in the fun!

- Use HF, VHF or UHF bands, with whatever modes are available

Of course it is winter. But fine weather is forecast so provided you are
dressed warmly, you will be fine too.

Where can you join in as a joint activator?

Andrew VK1DA plans to operate from Mt Ainslie and will be operational on HF
and VHF bands. He invites you to go and join in, use his radios and antennas
and find out what SOTA is all about. Note - you can drive up to the parking
area and then just walk up the last few metres up to the operating position.

There are already a number of other operators planning operations from various
hills. Andrew VK1AD will be walking up to the Goorooyaroo summit east of the
airport, Andrew VK2MWP plans to operate at Mt Stromlo and Adan VK1FJAW has
nominated Mt Coree. Al VK1RX has selected Mt Rob Roy, Ian VK1DI will operate
from Yellow Rabbit hill out past the Cotter, Tony VK1VIC will operate at
Mt Cowangerong the site of the Captains Flat weather radar, and Andrew VK1MBE
will activate Spring Hill just north of Hall.

Also a number of VK2 and VK3 summits will be activated simultaneously with
VK1 summits!

(Andrew VK1DA/VK2UH)

PS. The VK1 SOTA group has its own mailing list and you are welcome to join:
SOTA_VK1_AREA on yahoogroups


Pieter Jacobs, V 51 PJ, in Namibia and Marcos Jose Da Silva Almeida, PY 1 MHZ,
in Brazil will be running daily skeds throughout August 2016, in an attempt to
make the first ever two-way contact across the Atlantic Ocean on 144 MHz.

Pieter is equipped with 2 x 13 element stacked Yagi array and 1,2 kilowatt of
power, whereas Marcos will be using a 43 element horizontal Yagi.

Apparently there will be several amateurs along the East coast of South America
who would be monitoring the signals, as well as a few Africa's West coast as far
down as Cape Town.

The bridging of the Atlantic has been attempted many times before without
success, and the Brendan Trophy has been waiting for years in Belfast for the
first amateurs to accomplish it!

(SARL News)


Aug 7 VK6 NCRG HamFest 9am Cyril Jackson Community Hall Ashfield (vk6rk)
Aug 28 VK2 Summerland (Lismore) HamFest at Clubrooms. (vk2src)

Sep 18 VK2 Westlake's AR Club field day Teralba (J Green)
Sep 23-25 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM weekend
Lake Maraboon Holiday Village, near Emerald. (theTARCinc)
Sep-Oct 30-3 VK4 Cardwell Gathering Long Weekend, Beachcomber Motel(theTARCinc)

Nov 6 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am (VK5KC)
Nov 26 VK3 Rosebud RadioFest 9:30 am till 2pm (vk3pdg)
Nov 26 VK7 Miena HamFest Saturday 26th. (vk7wi txt)


March 26 VK3 EMDRC HamFest, Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont (VK3BQ)

May 19 VK WIA AGM Hahndorf some 25km from Adelaide (vk5kc)

Aug/Sep date to be advised - ALARAMEET 2017 in Cairns (vk4swe)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)