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WIA condolence on the death of a King. -

WIA and ACMA Callsign recommendations and licence time limits. -

WIA and ACMA report increase in new radio amateurs. -

WIA AGM 2017 Hahndorf South Australia. -

WIA Directors undergo training. -




The WIA condolence on the death of a King

The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) has extended its sincere condolence
to the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand RAST on the passing of its beloved
King Bhumibhol.

On behalf of the Board of Directors and members, the WIA has expressed its
deep regret at the passing of the Monarch and head of state for 70 years. In a
letter to the RAST President, Jack Hantongkom HS1FVL, the WIA said the support
given by the King HS1A to Amateur Radio was well known, including his patronage

Callsign recommendations and licence time limits

The Wireless Institute of Australia has received queries about lapsed callsign
recommendations by those who fail to pay the ACMA licence fee invoice on time.
Failure to pay the ACMA invoice within 28 days after it is issued results in
the ACMA charging a ''consideration fee'' of $28.

All WIA accessors and learning facilitators are reminded to tell candidates of
the process, emphasising that the accuracy of candidate address and email
accounts are vital to ensure against lost mail.

The ACMA licence invoice may also be inadvertently routed away from their
inbox and into the email spam folder.

Apart from the ACMA ''consideration fee'' it would expect to receive a new
licence application along with a fresh WIA callsign recommendation, which will
incur extra unnecessary expense.

The WIA Exam Service also sends an email to candidates congratulating them on
getting a pass, and explains the ACMA licence invoice procedure

ACMA reports increased new radio amateurs

The Wireless Institute of Australia which provides the ACMA services had
1,271 exams, made 1,119 callsign recommendations, and issued certificates
of proficiency.

In a break-down table, the ACMA reports an increase in new licences all
amateur grades being issued in the 12 month period.

These were the Foundation Licence at 397
Standard Licence Standard 108
Advance Licence at 89, with an overall increase of 45.

The ACMA had a fall of 77 amateur licences on issue to 15,065 at June 2016,
but reports a trend that each type of its 153,000 apparatus licences also
declined in the last two years.

The timing of the WIA reporting period produces some variation when compared
to ACMA licence numbers, and is mostly due to some problems with the new
computerised SPECTRA licence database system. Also there have been those who
qualify through an assessment, obtain a WIA callsign recommendation, but have
not been Granted an ACMA amateur station licence, due to non-payment.

Meantime, a reduction in interference caused by dodgy Light Emitting Diodes
or LED displays used for Christmas lights has resulted from an ACMA awareness
campaign. The ACMA continues its active monitoring and compliance program, and
caught up in its net are pirate broadcasters, and a case of harassing and
offensive transmissions on Citizen Band Radio.

The ACMA had also permitted phone jammer tests at the Lithgow and Goulburn
jails, and mindful that emissions from the normally illegal devices are not
causing interference outside those correctional facilities.

WIA AGM 2017 at Hahndorf, South Australia

The Wireless Institute of Australia is holding its 2017 annual general meeting
in historic and picturesque Hahndorf, May 19-21 at the Adelaide Hills
Convention Centre.

Under the theme of 'Inspiring Leadership: the Future of Amateur Radio', it will
be in the small tourist township of Hahndorf. Established in 1839, it is
Australia's oldest surviving German settlement, only half an hour from Adelaide.

Details of the annual event, associated activities, accommodation, transport,
eateries and the tourist delights on offer will soon be on the WIA website.

An interesting series of Saturday afternoon technical presentations include a
possible microwave demonstration having a link to a line-of-sight location in
the Lofty Ranges. The possibilities on Sunday may include a look at Hahndorf
sights, a Barossa Valley wine growing tour, Summits On The Air activity or
portable operation in a park.

The organising Adelaide radio clubs are working on further details, including
prices, which are expected to be known in November when the WIA will open
bookings for the event. However, the information now available further
encourages you and your partner to start booking accommodation and making plans.

The video of some highlights from the 2016 WIA AGM weekend on Norfolk Island
is also available online.

WIA Directors undergo training

The Board of the WIA has had training courses on the role of directors,
governance and other issues relevant to their responsibilities. Governance is
the way in which things are handled in a structured fashion, that can include
the periodic review of policies.

Like all modern not-for-profit companies, the WIA is governed by a Board of
directors elected by the membership. WIA directors have completed training
courses from the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AIDC), or in one
case the Returned Services League or RSL.

While some already had a similar awareness through their employment or previous
education and training, all thought that training could be of help with their
individual knowledge and skills necessary to perform their duties. Because of
the special nature of the WIA, reflected in its constitution, everyone who
becomes a director or carries out various voluntary roles, must be a WIA member,
and a licensed radio amateur.

The AIDC courses provided e-learning, which came in separate modules covering
the director's role, how a board can work, conflicts of interest, and
governance. The courses touched on the Corporations Act and the obligations of
directors, former directors and appointed office-bearers, including secretary
and treasurer positions.

The WIA Directors described the training as personally beneficial.

Although the training highlighted that directors carry out most duties well
already and reaffirmed many current practices, it did highlight a few areas
that can be improved.


Air safety and exploding phone batteries

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Australia has issued a warning about
the use of smartphones on aircraft.

Passengers are asked to not include them in luggage, but take the mobile
devices switched off as hand luggage. A phenomenon called thermal runaway
can generate heat, fire and explosion.

While the current alert concerns one type of phone, generally there's more
caution about lithium-ion batteries, both their use and charging.

Radio broadcasts still most popular

In the United Kingdom, the USA and now Australia, research has found that
radio accounts for over 50% of all audio consumed.

While the figures relate to government and commercial radio broadcasts, we
would like to think that it also rubs off on this weekly broadcast, and
weekly figures point that way particularly in VK5/7/8.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) has honoured past ARRL President
and outgoing IARU Secretary Rod Stafford, W6ROD (ex-KB6ZV), with the
Michael J. Owen, VK3KI, MemorialAward.

Presenting the award was IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA. The award's
namesake served as IARU Region 3 chair and as President of the Wireless
Institute of Australia (WIA). Although Stafford is stepping down as IARU
Secretary, he will continue to represent the IARU to the ITU Development Sector.

The presentation took place at a dinner on the opening day of the IARU Region 2
General Assembly in Via del Mar, Chile. The Owen Award is bestowed upon an individual with "an outstanding trajectory of service to Amateur Radio," IARU Region 2 said, in announcing Stafford as the award's recipient.

Ofcom launches graduate scheme

Ofcom (UK ver of ACMA) have opened applications for their 2017 Graduate Scheme.

The programme sees young UK graduates embarking on a series of intensive job
placements, moving regularly between projects and divisions to give the
widest possible exposure to different departments. A Graduate Scheme open
day will be held on Friday 4th November on Ofcom's London office.

Until November 13 SN 4KIDS

Polish radio amateurs are supporting UNICEF in its fight against child

It is the intent of the Hams4KIDS initiative to help children in need,
particularly in Southern Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, by focusing the
collective efforts of the global radio amateur community to provide
meaningful financial support to UNICEF's anti-malnutrition program.

The initiative's radio station, SN4KIDS, is on the air until 13th November
on all the HF bands plus 6m. For every unique QSO with the station, the
organisers will donate 2 cents to UNICEF. So, the more QSOs, the more
money gets raised.

For more information take a look at or


Danish cyclist Thomas Andersen OZ1AA/K9DXX thinks the world of his most recent
adventure as a radio amateur. It's because his adventure embraced the world
itself, or at least 36,000 miles of it in 58 countries. He's back home now but
not before completing a bicycling adventure begun six years ago, much of it
with an HT in his hand.

Andersen wrote on his online diary, QUOTE "I have cycled
through Eastern Europe learning all about the local beer, I have been chased
by dogs in Turkey. I have pedalled through Syria before the war. I have been a
celebrity in Malaysia, and worked on a huge cattle station in Australia."

He celebrated his arrival back home in Copenhagen by operating Special Event
station OZ1BIKE, a way of saying hello to his hometown.

Fire on SAQ antenna

In early October, a fire occurred on the long wave antenna of the 17.2 kHz
Alexanderson alternator transmitter SAQ

This was probably due to a breakdown voltage. The fire was quickly extinguished
thanks to the good work of the rescue service and no one was harmed.

Foundation World Heritage Grimeton, owner and manager of the radio station, is
investigating the extent of the damage and means to begin the repair work as
soon as possible. This process will however take time.

Terror chatter? Radio hams track unauthorised communications

The Hindustan Times reports amateur radio operators in south Bengal have raised
alarm over unauthorised radio communication along the Bengal-Bangladesh border

The communication is taking place using radio signals (very high frequency) at
dead of night and the sources of the signals are moving and speaking in code.

Interestingly, radio sets were found with the terrorists in recent Uri attacks
that were used by them for communication with their bases in Pakistan.

Alarmed, the Ham operators have deployed 23 operators to monitor the signals
round the clock.

A freeing up of CEPT Licensing Arrangements

The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations or
CEPT system has long given licence portability for radio amateurs in
participating countries.

Australia through its licence qualification being a Harmonised Amateur Radio
Examination Certificate (HAREC), means our radio amateurs can too can travel
in 42 countries that have implemented the CEPT recommendation T/R 61-01. This
was a process achieved two decades ago by the Wireless Institute of Australia.

Recent CEPT changes now make it easier for countries outside Europe to join in
the system. The CEPT will now accept a 'Statement of Conformity' for Non-CEPT
countries. The administration of a country wishing to join the CEPT licence
framework now can, after careful scrutiny of its licence requirements, declare
which of its national licence classes is equivalent to the CEPT licence, and

Until now CEPT's European Communications Office had to examine the equivalency
of licence requirements in a complicated process.

Wi-Fi still raising safety questions

Wireless communication is used for everything from computer routers, keyboard
and printers, mobile devices, key fobs for remote entry, through to headphones.

Another thought is that we may runout of useable spectrum to new technology.

The demand for more wireless services includes technologies that need more
bandwidth to support higher data rates. The uses continue to grow, and along
with it some doubters that the radiation may cause human health effects.

The burgeoning Internet of Things (IoT) already put demands on spectrum, the
likelihood of crowded of wireless devices and looming noise floor and
interference problems.

Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania, Kenneth Foster
in a review finds that World Health Organisation set Wi-Fi exposure levels are
well below safety limits. The radio radiation issue started in the 1950s and
continues to be studied with no scientific evidence that current levels for
wireless signals cause ill-health.

Meantime, smart cities popping up around the world that offer free Wi-Fi in
public places and transport, as well as it being readily available in the
retail and commercial sectors.


What use is an F-call? - WELL it's the FOUNDATIONS of Amateur Radio

It seems that there is a disease within the amateur radio community.

It's spreading and seems to be contagious.

There doesn't seem to be a cure and it seems to be pretty virulent.

Symptoms include listlessness, deafness, stubbornness and apathy. Community
members have aptly named it as L.A.S. or Lead Arse Syndrome.

I receive a regular stream of emails and phone calls from fellow amateurs who
share with me their latest idea or plan for an activity in the hobby. It's
often a group activity, a plan to do something with the wider community, or a
group of people with a common interest. It might be an outing, a meeting,
a build-day, an activation, a web-site or some or other thing.

The conversation often includes the question: "Do you think it's a good idea?"

Often I'll say: "Absolutely, great, wonderful." Sometimes I'll suggest
alternatives or point at an existing activity that is already underway.

After that the response from the other person is often: "Well, I'll leave it
with you."

Fortunately I'm made of sterner stuff, having only a few other commitments in
this community and I'll often suggest that they take on the project and I'll
do whatever I can to support them.

I can almost guarantee that's the very last I hear of the activity.

So, what is it that stops people from making their idea into reality? Are they
dense, lazy or is their idea wrong?


It's that they lack the confidence to stick their neck out and do something,

You might wonder what this has to do with L.A.S. or Lead Arse Syndrome.

It's simple.

The rest of the community doesn't particularly care one way or the other. They
might respond or not, often not; commit to something, or they might not, they
might say they're coming, but don't show, they might start an activity but
never finish it, they might participate for an hour during a 24 hour contest,
but there is no commitment.

I know, I should be grateful that they spend the hour, or tell me that their
pet parrot died and they cannot attend.

But frankly, I'm not.

I think that this lack of participation, lack of engagement, lack of commitment
is embarrassing.
It's not community minded, it's not encouraging to new entrants and it sets a
very bad example to the community. I understand that circumstances change and
that people have commitments outside the hobby. I'm not talking about that. I'm
talking about an advanced level of apathy that infuses others and has them give
up on their idea before they begin.

I'd rather be surrounded by those who think that this is a fun hobby with
stuff to learn, people to meet, things to do and places to go.

Of course, if you're one of the few with an idea, then I salute you. Hold your
head high, scream your idea from the rooftops, share it with the active
community and get on with it.

Unfortunately there is one of me and many of you. I'm happy to be your sounding
board, but I've not yet figured out how to have more than 24 hours in a day.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

Who and Where are our regular broadcast stations?


October 29-30 CQ WW DX / SSB CONTEST (always Oct Last full weekend)

This contest at the end of October, with lots of callsigns, many countries and
zones on all bands from 160m to 10m is YOUR opportunity to snare a rare DX
entity or two, mount up the tally for the DX Century Club, qualify for
operating award or just for pure enjoyment.

Others are contest competitors seeking as many contacts as possible and
sending in an entry.

All taking part are now working out the strategy to adopt, and of course have
studied the contest rules at

Tips on what can be done are in this month's Amateur Radio magazine Contest
Column by Trent Sampson VK4TS. Also in the column are the words of the
'Contester of the Month', Martin Luther VK7GN, who has some advice including a
suggested approach for someone new to contesting.

The CQ World Wide SSB Contest is on October 29 and 30 - why not give it a try.

Then November 11-14 is the Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award Activation

November 26-27 WIA VHF/UHF Spring Field Day

Nov 26-27 CQ WW DX / CW Contest Always the last full weekend in November)

Dec 1 - 31 Annual Youngsters on the Air (YOTA)


Jan 1 - Dec 31 The Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge

January it's the WIA's Ross Hull Memorial VHF/UHF Contest

Jan 1 AMSAT CW Activity Day 24 hours. All forms of CW are welcome.

Ham Radio On The Ferries 12th of March

WIA's John Moyle Memorial Field Day 18th-19th March 2017

WIA's Harry Angel Memorial 80 meter sprint Saturday May 6 10:00 -11:46 UTC

May 13-15 Mills On The Air

VK SHIRES June 10 and 11.

Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest 160/80/40 Saturday night July 15 and Start Time
is 08:00 UTC and finish time is 14:00 UTC


WIA's Flagship contest the Remembrance Day Contest 12th & 13th August

Aug 19-20 ILLW the 3rd full weekend in August since 1998

Running ALL year 'til Dec 31 Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge

VI 50 CC is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Cooby Creek satellite
tracking station throughout October thanks to the Darling Downs Radio Club.

The station used leading-edge technology for its day including liquid helium
cooled low noise amplifiers, and was the first to transmit and receive 6GHz TV
signals across the Pacific.

More information is at

Canada to get special callsign prefixes next year

The Radio Amateurs of Canada, the IARU member society, says special
alternative callsign prefixes will help publicise the 150th anniversary
of Canada's Confederation in 2017.

A series of national, regional and local events are to occur during the
landmark year and the RAC says it has negotiated for VA callsigns to use
CF, VE to be CG, VO may be CH and VY stations will be able to use CI.

Use of the alternative prefixes are expected to also include commemorative
QSL cards.


And who could forget November 1-9 VI4SEA when commemorates Sydney Emden Action.


Theory on the solar cycle

A team of German researchers in a new theoretical study propose that the
Sun's magnetic field and its 11-year cycle may be closely linked to the
alignment of planets. They point to the fact that the Sun reverses its polarity
with a new cycle, and at the same time the planets Venus, Earth, and Jupiter
are aligned.

Could there be a link between the two occurrences?

Does planet alignment have a crucial role to play in the Sun's cycle?

According to the theory, the alignment combines the gravity of planets to
create a tidal-like effect on the Sun's plasma, thus disrupting its magnetic
field by pulling it.

The magnetic mechanism and the cause of its polarity reversal is an interesting

Researchers are looking for more clues and evidence to one day solve many
mysteries of the Sun.

FISTS Club - East Asia
FISTS Club - Australasia
FISTS Club - UK & Europe
FISTS Club - Americas

Smithsonian magazine reports the code is still in use

When Samuel Finley Breese Morse began his revolutionary system of dit's and
dah's in 1836 it led to the arrival of the telegraph, it then linked nations
via sea cables, and later shortwave radio messaging.

However it was progressively being overtaken by voice, digital and satellite
based communication technology that has brought communication directly to the

The Smithsonian magazine was asked by a reader whether there was a remaining
practical application for Morse code. Of course, it replied. Morse code is
still used largely in aircraft navigational systems for the identification of
beacons, and practised by radio amateurs for fun.

There is also a move in the International Amateur Radio Union to recognise
Morse code by the United Nations by it being in the UN Intangible Cultural
Heritage list.




GM 3 WOJ and GM 4 YXI are operating V 6 Z on the Chuuk Islands
to 1st November.

They are using LoTW and ClubLog, QSL direct or ARRL bureau via N3SL.


Melbourne QRP by the Bay at Chelsea beach

Saturday November 5, 2016 from 3pm

Meet other radio enthusiasts. Bring a project or interesting item. They'll
be at Victory Park, Chelsea near the lifesaving club. Many go for tea
after from approx. 6pm at a local restaurant.

Search 'Melbourne QRP by the Bay' event on Facebook or email

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Emcomm workshop in Chile a success

The 2nd gathering of those involved in emergency communications for the
Americas was held on October 11, with 30 per cent more participants this time
when compared with Mexico in 2013.

The workshop co-chaired by the IARU Region 2 Coordinator Cesar Pio Santos HR2P,
and ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager Mike Corey KI1U, was sponsored by the
IARU and ARRL, coincided with the IARU Region 2 conference.

There were many speakers on international issues facing Amateur Radio's
response to emergencies and disasters. Major presentations included those from
the radio societies of Chile, Mexico and Venezuela; Salvation Army Team
Emergency Radio Network; International Telecommunications Union (ITU); and the
Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN).

Discussion both inside and outside the workshop focused on the themes discussed
in the first workshop as well as new focus area to address in IARU Region 2.

It included the continual need for greater public education on the value of
Amateur Radio; cross border exercises provide to practice response capability
ahead of large scale disasters, and that Emergency Coordinators explore having
an online emergency communications library for all engaged, and those who want
to be involved.

A 3rd IARU Region 2 emergency communications workshop was proposed to be held.

A full report is available at a URL in the text edition of this item.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Hi I'm Paul VK4PY and if you are heading to the Gold Coast early November to
visit friends or a holiday perhaps, why not pop into the Gold Coast Amateur
Radio Society HamFest on Saturday 5th November which is only a few weeks away.

The event will be held at the Albert Waterways Hall, which is on the corner
of Sunshine Blvd and Hooker Blvd at Mermaid Waters.

Entre ticket prices are still the same with $7 per person and $10 for a family
with the doors open to the public from 08:30am

Some of the tables that have be purchased for the event are suppliers to the
industry along with other fellow amateurs and other Clubs.

Once again we are having the very popular bacon and egg muffins, as well other
items from the BBQ. To book at table or other info, go to
and look for the HamFest tab or email

See you hopefully at our HamFest on the 5th November...

I'm Paul VK4PY and you're tuned to VK1WIA and the National News Service

ALSO THE 5TH,Melbourne QRP by the Bay at Chelsea beach from 3pm

Nov 6 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am (VK5KC)

Nov 20 VK3 Rosebud RadioFest tickets on sale 8am (vk3pdg)

Nov 26 VK7 Miena HamFest Saturday 26th. (vk7wi txt)


Feb 26th Central Coast Field Day, WYONG enter at 8:30am (vk2dls)

March 26 VK3 EMDRC HamFest, Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont (VK3BQ)

Ap 28- May 1 VK4 Clairview Gathering between Rockhampton and Mackay (TARC)

May 19 VK WIA AGM Hahndorf some 25km from Adelaide (vk5kc)

Sep 9-10 ALARAMEET 2017 in Cairns (vk4swe)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


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in the spirit in which they were submitted."

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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)