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WIA Board Appoints Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer. -

WIA response to ACMA's proposed update to Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan. -

WIA Office Closed Tuesday Nov One. -


More than 250 military comms experts from over 20 countries converged in
Brisbane for a crucial HF radio exercise mid-month.

They came from more than 20 Indo-Pacific partner nations gathered at the
Australian Defence Force's (ADF) Gallipoli Barracks in Brisbane for
Exercise PACIFIC ENDEAVOUR, to test radio interoperability issues and
exchange ideas.

An annual event, PACIFIC ENDEAVOUR is designed to test first-hand the
importance of speed and interoperability of multinational communication
assets when responding to a natural disaster.

PACIFIC ENDEAVOUR 2016's focus was on transmitting data via HF, with
participants using other countries' radios to send not only voice, but also
email and images of simulated natural disaster damage back to the control
centre using IP over RF.

Scenario chairman, Lieutenant Commander Andy Staker, said HF is still useful
in the digital age.

"In typical disaster relief situations, telephone wires could be down and
ground stations might be without power or destroyed," he said. "There have
been significant advances in HF technology in recent years, which bring
this communications method into the 21st century."

(Steve VK5SFA/

Emergency services agencies across Queensland can now launch a collaborated
response when disaster strikes, thanks to a communication portal developed
by Dialog IT.

The $250,000 Queensland Disaster Portal, built on Microsoft Sharepoint 2013,
gives key stakeholders up-to-date emergency information and access to
resources, guidelines and policies related to disaster management.

Queensland Police, fire and emergency services minister Bill Byrne said the
delivery of the project represented a new era for disaster management in

"The Disaster Management Portal will improve Queensland's ability to prevent,
prepare, respond and recover when emergencies and disasters strike through
increased collaboration and the sharing of essential information," he said.


WIA Board Appoints Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer

Hello, this is Phil Wait, VK2ASD, WIA President.

The WIA Board has appointed Chris Hendry VK3PAT as WIA Treasurer. The decision
was made at the Board meeting by teleconference on 25 October. At the same time
Jeff Tubbenhauer VK5IU, was appointed at Assistant Treasurer. Both will
commence immediately.

Each candidate is well-credentialed, with appropriate formal qualifications and
long experience in financial roles over many years. Their enthusiasm and
backgrounds, including MYOB knowledge, made them both most suitable for
appointment. Each has the unanimous support of the Board.

The WIA sought expressions of interest for the two positions from early
September, with applications closing on 21 October. Advertising avenues
included the website, Amateur Radio magazine and the VK1WIA weekly broadcast.

Tasks required include preparation of yearly budgets based on past performance,
attendance of monthly Board teleconferences, submission of interim financial
statements to the Board, preparation of end-of-year financial reports for
review by the WIA Auditor, and presentation to WIA members at the Annual
General Meeting, along with general involvement in the financial and corporate
affairs of the Institute.

In cooperation with the President and the Executive Administrator, the Treasurer
is also required to submit yearly financial reports to the ACMA in relation to
the work performed on behalf of the Commonwealth in examination assessment,
certificate of proficiency issue and callsign recommendation services.

The Board decided that Chris VK3PAT will immediately immerse himself in
learning quickly about the WIA's finances and operations and then report his
views to the Board with recommendations concerning the way forward.

War memorial approves image for QSL card

The Australian War Memorial has approved and endorsed the Vietnam War field
photo of Australian soldiers and three helicopters as the image on the
VI6BLT QSL card.

The iconic image, copyright owned by the Australian War Memorial, has soldiers
waiting to be picked up by US helicopters and is etched on the Vietnam Forces
National Memorial, Canberra.

War Memorial Director Brendan Nelson, apologising for his delayed reply to an
earlier WIA letter, is delighted to give permission. Brendan has written to the
WIA President, Phil Wait VK2ASD, wishing the event success and encourages
veterans to tell their stories.

Apart from the QSL card, the image also is on an earlier story about the event
on the WIA website. Malcolm Johnston VK6LC, who spearheaded the Australia-wide
commemorative event for the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan, will
use the back-drop on VI6BLT QSL cards for more than two-thousand contacts.

A full story of VI6BLT, VI1BLT and VI8BLT appears in the November edition of
Amateur Radio magazine.

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH from the WIA Spectrum Strategy Committee with
news on the Institute's response to the ACMA's proposed update to the
Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan.

Late in September, the Australian Communications and Media Authority - the
A C M A - released a discussion paper and proposed changes to the Australian
Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan, with a four-week deadline for submissions from

The WIA Spectrum Strategy Committee prepared a comprehensive response to the
proposed update of the Spectrum Plan, submitting it on the deadline of the
24th of October.

The Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan includes a Table of Frequency
Allocations from 8.3 kHz to 420 terahertz (THz) that divides-up the spectrum
to show the general purpose of each band, to which services the bands are
allocated, and associated footnotes relevant to particular allocations. It was
last reviewed in 2013.

Following up on previous submissions on amateur licence conditions to the ACMA
in 2014 and in April this year, the WIA's response to the proposed Spectrum
Plan update seeks access to new bands at 70 MHz and 920 MHz, in addition to the
new global amateur band at 5.3 MHz - 60 metres - agreed at the World
Radiocommunication Conference, WRC-15, last November.

In addition, the WIA is seeking primary Amateur Radio status for the 50-52 MHz
half of the six metre band, replacing the present secondary status, and
extensions to the 160 metre band and the 80 metre DX Window.

In the submission, the WIA notes - with evident relief - that there are few
changes that impact the 25 amateur bands spread throughout the Table of
Frequency Allocations.

However, the Institute highlights the issue that the secondary Amateur
allocations, where amateurs share bands with primary users, face pressures
of spectrum demand - and possible loss of band access - from telecommunications
services and applications for the Internet of Things. This is particularly so
for amateur bands across the microwave spectrum.

Accordingly, the WIA submission advocates that, while the position and
expectations of primary users is understood, that the Amateur Service should
retain some access in all current bands - anywhere in the spectrum - where
amateurs presently have secondary status, to uphold the fundamental principles
embodied in the definition of the Amateur Service - of self-training,
experimentation and intercommunications for personal aims and without pecuniary

This signals the Institute's long-held position that some band access is
retained where spectrum demand and consequent allocations whittles away parts
of a secondary amateur band. Microwave enthusiasts will be aware of this issue
affecting the 9cm band.

The ACMA introduced two additions to its long-existing "catch-all" clause -
Clause 10 - that enables it to allocate or permit use of a frequency band
for a purpose different from that specified in the Table of Frequency

Clause 10 had eight sub-clauses in the 2013 Spectrum Plan and the ACMA
introduced a ninth regarding satellite Space-to-Earth services, and a 10th
sub-clause to allow use of a frequency band by an "unspecified" service by
written agreement with an incumbent service, provided that harmful interference
is unlikely.

The WIA signalled its support for the new Clause 10 (10) as the Institute's
view is that it enables a more dynamic response to changing circumstances in
demand for and use of spectrum - and I quote - particularly in response to
changing circumstances and new developments, which in the past has been
difficult to accommodate in a timely manner, if at all - end quote.

A drafting error in the Table of Frequency Allocations affecting the 40 metre
amateur band was picked up by some eagle eyes of the Spectrum Strategy
Committee. The proposed update to the Spectrum Plan lists Broadcasting as a
primary service in the Australian allocation of the 7100-7300 kHz band when, in
fact, this was removed back in 2009. The WIA has requested that the Table of
Frequency Allocations be corrected, along with the related Footnote.

The updated Spectrum Plan is expected to begin on 1 January 2017. Once it is
amended, affected subordinate legislation, such as licence conditions, will
also be amended subsequently.

The ACMA has advised previously that, due to various factors, all foreshadowed
changes may not occur by the end of 2016.

The ACMA will publish on its website stakeholder responses to the proposed
updates to the ARSP in due course.

The WIA's submission can be downloaded from a news item, which you will find
posted to the WIA website.

This has been Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News

WIA Office Closed Tuesday

The WIA Office will be closed Tuesday the 1st of November, Melbourne Cup Day
and a public holiday day in Victoria.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

IARU Region 2 meeting in Chile

Hosted by the Radio Club of Chile, this Spanish and English bilingual meeting
was on October 10-14, attended by member societies in the Americas, plus
representatives from the International Amateur Radio Union Administrative
Committee, Regions 1 and Region 3.

The conference had a minute's silence for the passing of the King of Thailand,
Bhumibol Adulyadej HS1A, once an active radio amateur and patron of the Radio
Amateur Society of Thailand.

Working Groups were formed to handle a busy agenda that included administrative
and spectrum issues, before putting recommendations to the meeting's plenary
session. The IARU Region 2 HF Band Plan is now reviewed in an ongoing process,
and in consultation with the other two regions, a single global band is being

The conference resolved to ask CITEL (Inter-American Telecommunications
Commission) to adhere to reciprocal and automatic operation by radio amateurs
in all cases.

Member societies were briefed on the IARU plan for the ITU World
Radiocommunications Conference in 2019. The next IARU Region 2 conference
in three years will be hosted by Radio Club Peruano in Lima Peru.

60m for Luxembourg

Since the 10th of October, the new WRC15 60m band has been released for
amateur radio use in Luxembourg.

The update to the national frequency plan allows the use from 5351.5 to
5366.5kHz on a secondary basis with an effective radiated power of 15W.

The Luxembourg LX0HF CW beacon presently operates on 5205.25kHz.

The BEEB (BBC) News report that at an auction in Devizes - one of the biggest
involving Titanic memorabilia for many years - a postcard sent by the ship's
'heroic' chief wireless operator sold for 19,000

The postcard was from the ship's senior wireless operator, 25-year-old
Jack Phillips, from Farncombe in Surrey, who carried on sending distress
messages to other ships as the Titanic sank.

Phillips, who drowned, was described as "the man who saved us all" by survivor
and fellow wireless operator Harold Bridge.

The card, signed "Love all, Jack", describes the weather as the ship left
Cowes on the Isle of Wight. It was sold for 19,000.

Read the full BBC News story at

On October 7 and 8 EI 2 HBB and EI 4 JN took part in an multi-agency exercise
on Valentia Island, County Kerry.

The event focused on the capabilities of the voluntary organisations in
missing persons searches and on the command and control structure. Of
particular interest was the Civil Defence camera drones, Coast Guard
abseiling and Search Dog skills. AREN demonstrated APRS tracking and
the mobile command post.

For further information on the Amateur Radio Emergency Network, visit

The battle continues between Radio Eritrea (Voice of the Broad Masses) and
Radio Ethiopia, which is said to be jamming the Eritrean broadcaster with
broadband white noise.

The problem for radio amateurs is that the battle is taking place in the
40 meter phone band 7.145 and 7.175 MHz with the jamming signal reported
by the IARU Region 1 Monitoring System (IARUMS) to be 20 kHz wide on each

The on-air conflict has been going on for years; Ethiopia constructed new
transmitting sites in 2008 and is said to use two or three of them for jamming
purposes. According to IARUMS Region 1 Coordinator Wolf Hadel, DK2OM,
Radio Eritrea is airing separate programs on each frequency. He said in the
IARUMS newsletter that telecommunications regulators in Germany, Austria, and
Switzerland have been informed.

Who and Where are our regular broadcast stations?

Check times and channels and locations on

Make sure YOUR favourite outlet is listed and sending us your callbacks
each week


October 29-30 CQ WW DX / SSB CONTEST (always Oct Last full weekend)

November 11-14 The Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award Activation

November 26-27 WIA VHF/UHF Spring Field Day

Nov 26-27 CQ WW DX / CW Contest Always the last full weekend in November)

Dec 1 - 31 Annual Youngsters on the Air (YOTA)


Jan 1 - Dec 31 The Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge

January it's the WIA's Ross Hull Memorial VHF/UHF Contest

Jan 1 AMSAT CW Activity Day 24 hours. All forms of CW are welcome.

Ham Radio On The Ferries 12th of March

WIA's John Moyle Memorial Field Day 18th-19th March 2017

WIA's Harry Angel Memorial 80 meter sprint Saturday May 6 10:00 -11:46 UTC

May 13-15 Mills On The Air

VK SHIRES June 10 and 11.

Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest 160/80/40 Saturday night July 15 and Start Time
is 08:00 UTC and finish time is 14:00 UTC


WIA's Flagship contest the Remembrance Day Contest 12th & 13th August

Aug 19-20 ILLW the 3rd full weekend in August since 1998

Running ALL year 'til Dec 31 Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge

Members of the Radio club Admira in Romania are on the air with special event
calls YR 95 HMK and YP 95 HMK until the 15th of November to mark the 95th
birthday of King Michael.

Activity is on 160 to 10 metres using CW, SSB and RTTY.

Whatever 'floats your boat".. only days until the VI 4 SEA commemoration

The special event station V I 4 S E A - which stands for Sydney Emden Action
honours the brave officers and sailors on HMAS Sydney and the SMS Emden, that
engaged each other on November 9, 1914, off Cocos Keeling Islands in the Indian

It remembers those involved with what was the first action in WWI by the Royal
Australian Navy. The Deutscher Amateur Radio Club, and the Emden Radio Club,
have promoted the event in Germany, with news of it known throughout the world.

VI4SEA begins November 1, and continues through to that fateful day, November 9.

A group of mainly ex-naval or military personnel have been putting it on the
bands from 630-metres to 6-metres. An extra effort will be made during the
CQ World Wide SSB contest this weekend, hoping to get new DX entities in the
log and may be qualify for a DXCC

The full story with pictures can be found on the website that has
proved to be popular.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

National Day of the Republic of Turkey Grand National Assembly on
29 October 1923.

To commemorate the proclamation of management on October 29, every year is
celebrated in Turkey and Northern Cyprus as a national holiday.

TC 29 EKM between the 28-31 October 2016 is on the air.

TRAK Ham Radio Club is running TC 29 EKM

Roly, ZL1BQD will be active from Rarotonga Island (IOTA OC - 013)
October 29 TILL November 25 2016 as E 51 RR.


Congratulations Frank VK7BC

VK7BC Frank has just been added to the Worldwide Antarctic Program award
Honour Roll for working over 100 call signs from at least 20 different Countries
in Antarctica.

The only other awarded to a VK station was John VK2FR who was the first a
few years ago.

This program contains a wealth of polar activity information and is used by
most institutions active in the areas, you can find the web address on the
email edition of this broadcast.

(vk7wi news)

Victorian National Parks activation record

So far there are 34 parks registered in November's annual Keith Roget Memorial
National Parks activity period.

Among the latest are Col VK5HCF portable 3 and Tom VK5EE portable 3, previous
supporters of this annual event, who will be in Cobboboonee and Mt. Richmond
National Parks. Peter VK3PF is to head for Baw Baw and Mitchell River, while
Amateur Radio Victoria VK3WI will be at a Brisbane Ranges, with David VK5DG
signing as VK3TUN has Lower Glenelg National Park. Both Point Nepean and
Mornington National Parks will be heard under the VK3SRC callsign.

There is no restriction on the number of times a park may be registered.

Why not get out and activate one yourself? It only takes a few hours.
Within easy reach of Melbourne are Organ Pipes and Dandenong Ranges National

Also still to be registered are Mt Buffalo, Lake Eildon, Burrowa-Pine Mountain,
Errinundra, Great Otway, Mount Eccles, Murray-Sunset, and The Lakes National

All callsigns, their times and national park are on the Parks 'n Peak website.

The 6th annual Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award activation period
is Friday 11th until Monday 14th November.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Amateur Radio magazine contents for November

Adorning the cover is the Chris Jones Award presentation to Jenny Wardrop VK3WQ
and inside, a story on her numerous contributions.

In the WIA Comment, President Phil Wait VK2ASD, writes that the voluntary Board
of the WIA has been subjected to numerous assertions and allegations, by those
who seem to want to take the Institute in a different direction. He reflects on
the lead-up and the move for members to decide on whether or not substantial
money should be spent on a three-year operational audit and review.

In a personal view, Phil VK2ASD says the WIA's detractors have been very active,
and together with some heightened sense of corporate grandeur, and of injustice,
it makes for a bit of a storm on the horizon. Interested WIA members may like
to read this comment which goes into great detail about the matter.

An excellent review on the new 630 metre transverter comes from Justin
Giles-Clark VK7TW. The Australian-made transverter was at both ends of the
world distance two-way record on September 15 between VK4YB and VE7SL.

The four Battle of Long Tan 50th Anniversary stations are detailed;

From Peter Parker VK3YE comes two articles - A balanced antenna coupler for
portable use, plus 'Decoding the lingo of ham radio ads'; while Stephen Ireland
VK3VM discusses the radiotelephony alphabet.

Some Amateur fun in the wilds of Papua New Guinea is an article by Ewen
Templeton VK3OW and Michael Wakefield P29WA.

The usual columns of special or regional interest are there too.

Amateur Radio magazine, the WIA journal, is now being distributed.

I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV - and you are listening to VK1WIA.


According to NASA's long range solar forecast Cycle 25, peaking around 2022,
could be one of the weakest in centuries. This could be another Maunder
Minimum, which will affect HF frequencies where the MUF could drop down to the
lower frequencies. Do not despair because now is the time to start exploring
the VHF bands on 50, 70 and 144 MHz, which you'll find much more challenging
than HF.

We'll explore this in just a moment or so during Special Interest Group News.



ARISS transceiver problem

The VHF handheld transceiver used for the Amateur Radio on the International
Space Station program has begun to display an error message and is currently
unusable. It has been in use for more than 16 years and in that time has
connected students worldwide with astronauts on board the ISS.

While the ARISS technical team evaluates the best path to restore operation
from the ISS Columbus module, ARISS contacts will be supported using the
Kenwood radio in the Russian Service Module. During this period, the packet
digipeater will be unavailable.

Australian ARISS Coordinator Shane Lynd VK4KHZ says when the problem was found
with the radio on the Columbus module, Astronaut Kate Rubens KG5FYJ quickly
manually reconfigured the Russian service module radio so a scheduled contact
could proceed with the Peter Kiewit Institute in Omaha Nebraska

The ARISS technical team is still evaluating the problem and may use UHF
for some future contacts.

Meantime the ARISS hardware team is moving ahead with its planned upgrade of
space communication equipment. ARISS stalwart Frank Bauer KA3HDO reports that
a very major milestone has occurred with NASA experts offering advice and
agreeing on a new radio and multi-voltage power supply.

The final design process is to be completed over the next few months, with
ARISS hoping the new hardware system will be launched as early as October 2017.

(RSGB and Jim Linton VK3PC)

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Hams help on disaster response

Typhoon Haima which hit the north of the Philippines has left a path of debris,
destroyed infrastructure, damaged 46,000 homes and businesses, affected
agriculture and fishing, plus resulted in flooding and landslides.

This is how the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian
Affairs (OCHA) described the latest of this year's 12 storms to hit the

The Philippine Amateur Radio Association (PARA) was ready for Haima, having
activated its HERO net on 7.110 MHz for the earlier Typhoon Sharika on
Luzon Island. That Category 3 Typhoon moved westward but weakened quickly.

Roberto Vicencio DU1VHY reports that HERO was ready as Super Typhoon Haima
smashed into the northern Philippines with winds gusting to over 300 kph
and forcing thousands to flee. The frequency of 7.110 MHz was used as
Typhoon Sharika when its wind and rainfall made its presence known in the
area of Luzon Island.

No sooner had TC Sharika passed through the area of Luzon Island, were eyes
on Typhoon Haima. Roberto DU1VHY reports that the HERO net with 130 stations
gave weather, power and flooding reports. Other ham groups like the United
Methodist Amateur Radio Club (UMARC) sent members led by DV1YIN, to travel
north to the province of Isabela.

The OCHA reported that the United Methodist Communication and the Philippine
Amateur Radio Association provided solar generator sets to local radio amateurs
in Isabela. Its latest report it said: "Considering the limited access to
other communication channels, the use of ham radio is being used to support
affected communities to communicate with their loved ones and provide feedback
to their evolving needs.'

The team of DV1YIN, DW1YMJ and DV1XWK took more than 10 hours by road to reach
Santiago City, Isabela, and immediately via HF radio contact advised that power
had been cut and phone coverage was intermittent.

Most areas in Cagayan had limited access to communication, with electricity
expected to take three weeks to be restored.

The army, police, the Red Cross and other humanitarian agencies are also in the

The communication task was big, with affected families with essential ready
access information from the local government units and humanitarian agencies.

The Far East Broadcasting Company continues to air information it has to
affected communities and provide updates on the ongoing response in the
Isabela, Cagayan, Aurora Provinces.

(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee)


Are you looking for VHF DX?

No matter where you live look for SSB activity on the lower end of the
2-metre band which is now picking up.

For example, if you live in Central Victoria or the VK5 border region
join the regulars who are active from 8am most mornings. With improved
conditions resulting from weather pattern changes some good openings are
expected in the coming months.

Also it's a great way to prepare for the Australia-wide
VHF/UHF Spring Field Day on November 26 and 27 - with the rules on our WIA website.



Summits on the air Summit to summit international event 22nd. October 2016.

October 22nd saw the Summits On The Air, Australia to Europe Summit to Summit
event. Fifty one summits across Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan were
registered by their activators as intending to take part in this 2 hour

When 0630 UTC arrived with weather varying from freezing cold to pouring with
rain in Europe and not a lot better in Australia, the SOTA activators started
their calls. Between 6:30 and 8:30 UTC seventy three summits were activated -
twenty two more than expected.

Mother nature and propagation were "variable" to say the least but contacts
were made between continents as well as within each of the regions.

At times the number of active summits made it difficult to find a free
frequency on 20 metres to call CQ on.

Thanks to Gerard VK2IO for the following audio clip of my signal crackling
through the "ether" from Southern Bavaria to New South Wales Australia.
Unfortunately no contact was made due to QRM from QRO stations in Europe who
often started up transmissions on top of the QRP SOTA stations.

< audio clip here >

The organisers Andrew VK1AD and Mike 2E0YYY declared the event a success and
planning is under way for future Australia to Europe SOTA events, most likely
twice a year around the dates that we change the clocks in Spring and Autumn.

Best 73 to my friends in Australia from Ed DD5LP.


Gold Coast HamFest 5th November (details last weeks VK1WIA news)

Melbourne QRP by the Bay at Chelsea beach November 5 from 3pm

Nov 6 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am (VK5KC)
Nov 20 VK3 Rosebud RadioFest tickets on sale 8am (vk3pdg)
Nov 26 VK7 Miena HamFest Saturday 26th. (vk7wi txt)


Feb 26th Central Coast Field Day, WYONG enter at 8:30am (vk2dls)

March 26 VK3 EMDRC HamFest, Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont (VK3BQ)

Ap 28- May 1 VK4 Clairview Gathering between Rockhampton and Mackay (TARC)

May 19 VK WIA AGM Hahndorf some 25km from Adelaide (vk5kc)

Sep 9-10 ALARAMEET 2017 in Cairns (vk4swe)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


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the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)