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WIA Foundation Licence Manual in profit. -

WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH on Spring VHF-UHF Field Day last weekend. -

WIA General Meeting called by 100 members. -

WIA Election of Directors and a call For Nominations. -

WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with an idea for you to think on. -



US Technician reciprocal licence equivalency

There has been queries about reciprocal licence arrangements, and these did
change a few months ago.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has re-set the
qualification of the US Technician Licence, to that of the Foundation Licence.
This followed an extensive review of the US Technician, that country's entry
level licence.

The ACMA looked at changes that had occurred a long time ago with the
US Technician Licence exam syllabus.

Submissions including those from the ARRL and WIA, justified a lower reciprocal
qualifications status.

The ACMA has grandfathered existing reciprocal licences issued under the
pre-existing arrangements, and allowed them to continue to have an Advanced
Licence. However, all new reciprocal licence applications based on the
US Technician Licence are now given the Foundation Licence.

Foundation Licence Manual in profit

The 3rd edition of the WIA's Foundation Licence Manual, published in April 2016,
has already made a profit.

With stock of the 2nd edition of the popular book dwindling in late 2015, the
WIA Board discussed at length the need to re-stock it.

The key considerations included whether to print either 2500 or 5000 copies
and the unknown timing of the ACMA implementing possible new licence conditions.

If 2500 were printed, these could run out, resulting in a higher cost per book

If 5000 were printed and new Foundation licence conditions and syllabus were
implemented before they sold, it was agreed that this eventuality could be
covered with a low-cost insert in remaining books.

In addition, it was felt that advertisers would be more receptive if their
brand appeared in more copies of the Manual.

After considered discussion at the face-to-face Board meeting involving all
directors, the Secretary and Treasurer in August 2015, the print run of the
3rd edition Foundation Licence Manual was set at 5000 copies, pending quotes
from several printers in September.

Subsequently, the Manual was totally revised by three volunteers in early 2016.

Happily, a reduction of the print cost quoted by the selected printer was
negotiated and the new Foundation Licence Manuals were delivered on
12 April 2016.

In 31 weeks 623 copies were sold.

At the historic rate of sales of about 1000 per year, the WIA has four years'
worth of stock of the Foundation Licence Manual.

We received an email through the week from S Ireland that a petition calling
for a General meeting of the WIA, supported by 100 member signatures, is said
have been delivered to, and received by, the WIA office on the 29th November
in-line with "provisions within the WIA constitution."

Immediately the WIA Secretary has issued the following
Call for a General Meeting of the WIA

Under clause 8.3 (b) of the Constitution of the Wireless Institute of Australia
a call was made on Tuesday November 29 for a General Meeting of WIA members.

A letter received had four motions, calling for four Directors of the
WIA to be "removed immediately as a director of the WIA."

The four directors are:

Phil Wait

Fred Swainston

Roger Harrison

Robert Broomhead

The letter called for a General Meeting on the 9th of December.
This date would be not possible; however, it does not make the call invalid.

The call document itself was short of the required 100 signatures, and
about a quarter were incomplete.

However, identical signed letters were found, including one received on
Wednesday November 30, meaning that under clause 8.3 (b) of the
Constitution, the call for a General Meeting became valid.

The WIA Board of Directors has begun the process of arranging for a
General Meeting.

An estimated cost of at least $10,000 would be incurred by printing the
notices, mail house enveloping, distributing them by Australia Post to
all members, the venue charge and any other expenses.

WIA members can expect notification details by Australia Post, and
anticipate the General Meeting is to be held in late January 2017.

Jim Linton, WIA Secretary.

Election of Directors - Call For Nominations

Pursuant to clause 14.1 (c) of the Constitution the WIA Board has determined
that the election of directors shall be conducted by postal ballot.

Four directors retire at the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting
which will be held in South Australia, 20th May 2017, namely Roger Harrison,
Ewan McLeod, Robert Broomhead and Fred Swainston. Each retiring director is
eligible for re-election.

Nominations are called for from persons seeking election as a director of the

A director must be a voting member of the WIA and must hold an Australian
amateur radio licence.

Any person wishing to nominate as a candidate for election as director of
the WIA must deliver or cause to be delivered to the Returning Officer by
not later than 31 January 2017:

A statement signed by the candidate signifying their willingness
to be a candidate for election as a director together with;
the full name, age, occupation and callsign of the candidate,
and such other biographical details or other information as the
candidate wishes to accompany the ballot papers, but in all not
exceeding 250 words.

Delivery to the Returning Officer may be made by hand when the WIA national
office is open, or by mail to PO Box 2042, Bayswater Victoria 3153.
Nominations received by facsimile or by electronic means cannot be accepted.

A formal notice appears in the WIA journal Amateur Radio magazine, has been
put in Australia Post for those who get the digital magazine, and on the
WIA site.

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with an idea for you to think on.

Membership is important at this time as the WIA continues discussions with
the A C M A over licence conditions and spectrum access, not to mention the
Amateur Service's community role and standing with the coming of the new
radiocommunications act, now likely to go before the federal parliament
early next year.

Why is membership important ? Because . . . we_are_all_in_this_together.

What the Spectrum Strategy Committee succeeds in achieving will benefit ALL
radio amateurs - including - and especially - those not yet licensed !

One thing that has become very noticeable since restructuring the National
Office operations late last year is that many amateurs who were once licensed
decades ago are returning to the hobby. They've been calling the National
Office and enquiring how to get their licence back and a new callsign.

So. Think about this: there are many situations where you know, or discover, a
colleague or acquaintance who once held a callsign - they may well be amenable
to being encouraged to return to amateur radio.

If each of us who have been in the hobby for some time took the opportunity,
wherever it arose, to encourage a "lapsed" amateur to return to the hobby, the
number of licensees would noticeably increase and so would the number of those
active on the air. Activity begets activity.

The world of amateur radio today is so much more diverse and laden with
fascinating fields to explore that were never available even a dozen years ago,
let alone 20 or more years.

This is the project I introduced back in the first week of January - I called

There are many situations where individuals have let their interest in amateur
radio lie dormant.

Bring them back to the hobby and encourage them to join the WIA.

Tell them that the Institute is about advocacy, education and support.
That's what we do. It's not the WIA of yesteryear that they may have known.

Look out for the opportunities to bring them back - you'll be doing something
positive for the hobby and for the Institute.

This has been WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.


What use is an F-call? - WELL it's the FOUNDATIONS of Amateur Radio

When you start in Amateur Radio you'll come across the problem of rolling up
coax and rope. If it goes the way it went for me, you'll be doing what you
always did, that is, winding up the coax on your arm until someone stops you
and tells you that you're doing it wrong.

Then you're likely to be told about rolling out the coax into a straight line
and when you want to take it home after a field-day, you'll either be rolling
it onto a roll, or physically hand-over-hand be rolling the coax into a circle.

This is a regular pain in the Alpha.

I managed to seek some advice from people who do this for a living. Film crews
and audio technicians have to roll up cable on a regular basis and they don't
do anything like I was told.

Head on over to YouTube and search for "How to Properly Roll Cable". You'll
come across a 1 minute 4 second video by Randy Coppinger. He shows you the
Over-Under technique and once you've mastered that you'll never twist coax
again and your coax won't get damaged when you unroll it.

You can use the same technique for power leads, for garden hoses and in some
cases rope.

For many of the thin ropes you might use as guy wires for temporary
antennas you might want to look for a butterfly coil. There are lots of videos
around, but the one that seems to explain it simply is the one by Joe Kuster,
"How to Butterfly Coil a Slackline or Rope".

These two techniques, Over-Under and Butterfly Coil will make your coax and
rope last much longer and you'll spend many hours less untangling the mess or
replacing kinked coax.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB


Enter Amateur Radio with expert training in Melbourne

Enrolments in the Amateur Radio Victoria quality training class next weekend
December 10 and 11, will close this Tuesday. Please be quick by contacting
Barry Robinson VK3PV or 0428 516 001

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

Lunar Hamsats planned by China

As China continues with its ambitious space program comes news of Moon orbiting

Harbin Institute of Technology spokesman Mingchuan Wei BG 2 BHC says two
satellites are being developed.

The mission is aimed at low-frequency radio astronomy, Amateur Radio, and
education. Open telecommand is also designed to allow radio amateurs to send
commands to take and download images.

Launch date is June 2018 to put these microsatellites into a lunar orbit.

Swedish regulator wishes to change delegation

Since 2012 the Swedish regulator, PTS, has delegated conducting tests,
issuing amateur radio licences and assigning call signs to the
National Amateur Radio Society the SSA

The regulator is now indicating it does not wish to delegate in the future
but the SSA has declared its interest to continue to provide the delegated

USA's quietest town

The BBC reports on the Green Bank in the National Radio Quiet Zone, it appears
despite stringent wireless restrictions, modern life is winning, gradually

There's a town in West Virginia where there are tight restrictions on mobile
signal, Wi-Fi and other parts of what most of us know as simply: modern life.
As reported on previously here in "The News You Can Trust" it means
Green Bank is a place unlike anywhere else in the world. But that could be set
to change.

Seems wireless signals ARE starting to "Filter in."

The Board of Trustees of the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame are pleased
to appoint Phil Anderson, VE3FAS, of Ontario to the Canadian Amateur Radio
Hall of Fame for the year 2016.

Phil obtained his Amateur Radio licence in 1961. After a distinguished
engineering career in defence research and space design he became an
instructor at Humber College. His Amateur Radio involvement includes 50 years
of service with the National Traffic System and he was awarded the prestigious
Brass Pounders League Medallion for outstanding achievement in passing third
party traffic.

Phil Anderson will be formally inducted to the Hall of Fame at a club event
in 2017.

"I just freeze
Every time you see through me
And it's all over you
Electric blue"

With apologies to the Aussie group "ICEHOUSE" it seems that
Electric-blue "clouds" have appeared over Antarctica

This just in from NASA's AIM spacecraft:
The sky above Antarctica is glowing electric blue.

A ring of bright noctilucent clouds has formed around the South Pole.

The annual apparition of these clouds is one of the earliest on record,
and may hint at the workings of --- wait for it ---climate change.

Visit for more information.


A new health food fad on the shelves is water 'infused with the frequency of
the moon' - and what a marketing spiel to attract consumers.

Seems that spring water from an aquifer in remote Northern VK4, is put
through a two-stage kinetic energy process, and infused at 210.42 Hertz,
the frequency of --- the Moon.

The result is that individual molecules in the water are enlivened to produce a
remarkable soft and ultra-hydrating taste, feel and effect. The product claims
to be outstanding value and offers "the most dynamic beverage in the universe."

However, health and dietitian experts disagree, describing the marketing hype
as fanciful in the extreme (but would attract high marks in a first year
marketing assignment).



After sourcing this precious water from the protected aquifer in remote
Northern QLD, its put through a 2 stage kinetic energy process and infused
at a NEW frequency --528Hz, the frequency of LOVE.

This trade secret process enlivens the individual molecules, producing a
remarkable, soft and ultra-hydrating taste feel and effect.

Truly, a "weird n Wonderful' story" worth bottling

I'm John VK4JJW.

( and VK3PC)

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with some early news about the
Spring VHF-UHF Field Day last weekend.

Already, 30 operators have uploaded their logs just three days after the
contest event concluded.

And, given the spectacular conditions on the bands above 30 MHz over the past
week, there are some spectacular scores being claimed from operators who were
in the right places at the right times to take advantage of enhanced
ionospheric and tropospheric propagation.

I also note that a number of new callsigns are appearing in the logs.
In particular, some Foundation licensees who have undoubtedly been attracted
by the challenges and the fun to be had during these Field Days on the higher
bands. Likewise, some new Standard licensees are appearing in the logs, which
is great to see.

And for something completely different - the special event callsign VI2SYD75,
commemorating the loss of the HMAS Sydney in 1941 - got a bit of a workout
during the contest.

As Murphy would have it, the weather wasn't kind to our brothers and sisters
in Tasmania, so there have been no logs from the VK7s . . . yet. Hope springs
eternal, however.

Some stations are adopting new strategies for their operations, I notice. This
keeps it interesting for all participants.

So far, the number of logs submitted for Division 1 - grid square scoring - and
Division 2 - distance-based scoring - are pretty much neck-and-neck, with a
slight advantage to Division 1.

May I remind you all that the deadline for submitting logs is midnight on
Monday 12 December - that's tomorrow week.

If you gave out some serial numbers during the contest and haven't really
considered entering a log, I urge you to do so - no matter if you had only
five or ten contest contacts, or one hundred. Every little helps ! You'll find
all the details on the WIA website. Under the For Members drop-down menu,
select Contests, then click on the VHF/UHF Field Days link in the left hand

I note from the December issue of Amateur Radio magazine that the Ross Hull
Memorial VHF-UHF Contest Manager, John Martin VK3KM, has announced that he's
taking a break from the task after 26 years. A truly sterling effort.

Well done, John !

Advocacy. Education. Support. That's what we do.

This has been WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.


All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.

Dec 1 - 31 Annual Youngsters on the Air (YOTA)


Jan 1 - Dec 31 The Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge

January it's the WIA's Ross Hull Memorial VHF/UHF Contest

Jan 1 AMSAT CW Activity Day 24 hours. All forms of CW are welcome.

Ham Radio On The Ferries 12th of March

WIA's John Moyle Memorial Field Day 18th-19th March 2017

WIA's Harry Angel Memorial 80 meter sprint Saturday May 6 10:00 -11:46 UTC

May 13-15 Mills On The Air

VK SHIRES June 10 and 11.

Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest 160/80/40 Saturday night July 15 and Start Time
is 08:00 UTC and finish time is 14:00 UTC


WIA's Flagship contest the Remembrance Day Contest 12th & 13th August

Aug 19-20 ILLW the 3rd full weekend in August since 1998

October CQ WW DX / SSB CONTEST (always Octobers Last full weekend)

Running ALL year 'til Dec 31 Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge

Alex RN 1 ANC on the Russian Vostok Station in Antarctica where he will be
working from 10th December until February 2018.
His callsign will be RI1ANC and during his spare time he will be active on
CW, SSB and Digital.
QSL Manager is RN 1 ON.


Special event station DR777RI is QRV until the end of 2016 to mark the
777th anniversary of the town of Rinteln.
QSL via DL 8 OBQ.


VK5CE, will be active as VK5CE/3 from Gabo Island between January 31st and
February 1st, NEXT year, that's 2017.
QSL via his home callsign of VK5CE.

For updates, watch:


Lions Clubs International Belgian Amateur Radio operators are QRV as OR 100 LCI
until March 2017 to mark its 100th anniversary.

Activity is on the HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY.

QSL via ON 8 ZL.

German Antarctic Research Base called 'Neumayer 3' is on air
until February. Callsign DP 1 POL mainly CW and digital modes.
This activity will count as AN-016 for the IOTA programme.
QSL Manager is DL 1Z BO and logs will be uploaded to Logbook of The World.



The Victorian Government Award 2017 Challenge

This operating award encourages on air activity by communicating with, and from,
the 79 Local Government Areas in Victoria.

The unique opportunity from Amateur Radio Victoria is the Victorian Local
Government Award Challenge held during the 2017 calendar year.

It opens on New Year's Day (0001UTC) to 'Activators' who go to local government
areas, or 'Hunters' who log such activity.

Each ultimate winner of the challenge will get at no cost, a professionally
designed, engraved and presented Wall Plaque, for display with pride in their
radio shack.

Minor awards will go to those submit eligible logs for either the Activator or
Hunter category.

It sounds like a lot of fun.

Are you up to the Victorian Government Award 2017 Challenge?

Rules and conditions are at:

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


News site "Cornwall Live in the UK" reports that radio amateur David Honess,
M6DNT, of Penzance, Cornwall, is the recipient of a Sir Arthur Clarke Award
in recognition of Astro Pi work with the recent Tim Peake, KG5BVI/GB1SS
"Principia" mission on the International Space Station.

Clarke, who died in 2008, was a science and science fiction writer and

The award was presented on behalf of the Arthur C. Clarke Foundation and the
British Interplanetary Society. The Astro Pi project installed two
Raspberry Pi computers ("Izzy" and "Ed") on the ISS as a platform for
students to run their own computer code in space and to speak with Peake.

M6DNT was described as "the driving force" behind procuring the two UK-designed
and manufactured Astro Pi computers.



United States Special Event

Members of the 'Battleship Iowa Amateur Radio Association' (BIARA) will be
active as NI6BB between 1600-2359z on Wednesday, December 7th, in memory
of the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

The ship's circa 1980's legacy gear will be manned by the "Gray Radio Gang" on
40 meters SSB from approximately 1800-2300z.

Operations are planned to be on 7241 kHz and as the transmitters are on deck 3
and the receivers are on the main deck, QSYing to tweek you in is nearly

Please ensure you are on frequency before you call as they cannot easily track
you. Understand that there will be a delay between transmit and receive due to
the receiver recovery time.

Suggested frequencies are:
CW - 14041, 18078, 21041, 24896, and /or 28041 kHz
SSB - 14341, 18141, 21441, 24941 and /or 28441 kHz

Watch the packet clusters for frequencies.
QSL via the info on
Also follow BIARA's activities at:

This item prompts a gentle reminder of the WIAs War History Book.

Pre-Sale time

The 'Wireless Men and Women at War' must-have publication has stories on
wireless communications before World War I, and in later years and conflicts.

The pre-sale discount price only applies until December 21.

Further details of it are on the WIA website


Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW reminding you that tomorrow is the
first Monday of the month, time for the December Radio Amateurs Old Timers
Club of Australia's bulletin to go to air.

This month, as well as the usual Club news, Ian VK3JS tells me that he and
Bruce VK3UV will be bringing you a potpourri of entertaining bits and pieces.

The principal HF transmission will be on 20 metres on 14.150 MHz upperside
band starting at 0100 UTC beamed north from Melbourne for the eastern states.
An hour later at 0200 UTC Chris VK6JI will repeat the program, transmitting
from Perth on 40 metres on 7088 kHz lower sideband, simultaneously with a
transmission via all linked NewsWest repeaters.

Numerous local relays also take place, details can be found at the RAOTC
website, From Tuesday you can download the audio file from
this website, where you can also find membership details.

Tomorrow's broadcast is the last one for this year but we'll be back again
in February.

On behalf of the RAOTC committee, may I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas
and a happy New Year, and thank all of you for your support and callbacks
during the past year.

Once again, the RAOTC December bulletin is on air tomorrow and we look forward
to hearing your call sign during the call backs.

73 from Clive VK6CSW.

A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.

Youngsters on the Air

From Thursday 1 December to Saturday 31 December 2016, the annual Youngsters
on the Air (YOTA) event takes place and YOTA stations will attempt to make
many contacts worldwide with each other.

This is an excellent opportunity to get young amateurs in their teens and
early 20s to talk with their counterparts on the air.

This is not a formal contest, but a way to get young people on the air and to
let them realise that there are hundreds of their peers around the world that
feel just the same as they do about the hobby. The main aim is to get our
youngsters on the air and for them to make contact with youngsters all over the

Primarily a IARU Region 1 event they do need we "down under" to "come on up"
and talk with these kids.

A special call sign ZS 9 YOTA will be activated during the month of December.


Not everything that was associated with Dick Smith Electronics is dead.

Many VK1WIA listeners will remember the Funway into Electronics books and kits
which gave many their first taste of electronics and radio.

Well, although they were discontinued when DSE became purely a consumer outlet,
they are now being revived.

The rights to the name and intellectual property were purchased from the
company's administrators and work started on building a website.

Some original data and tools were located in Taiwan.

While most components used in the kits, one challenge was to develop a
suitable Morse key for some of the projects.

This was completed just last month.

There's a way to go but the still-under-construction website is being
upgraded frequently

(Peter Parker)


Feb 26th Central Coast Field Day, WYONG enter at 8:30am (vk2dls)

March 26 VK3 EMDRC HamFest, Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont (VK3BQ)

Ap 28- May 1 VK4 Clairview Gathering between Rockhampton and Mackay (TARC)

May 19 VK WIA AGM Hahndorf some 25km from Adelaide (vk5kc)

Sep 9-10 ALARAMEET 2017 in Cairns (vk4swe)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)